Ge Ijcv Relay Manual

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INSTRUCTIONS GEH-2029 TIME-OVERCURRENT RELAYS ‘WITH VOLTAGE RESTRAINT Types UCVS5SIA WCV51B HSCV52A 1JCV52B CONTENTS POWER SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL @@ ELECTRIC PHILADELPHIA, PA. TIME-OVERCURRENT RELAYS WITH VOLTAGE RESTRAINT TYPE WCV DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION ‘The Type LCV relays are drawout, induction disk time-overcurrent relays having voltage re- straint and inverse time characteristics. Table 1 is a tabulation of the various forms covered by these instructions, TABLE I Contact | Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay | cireuit(s) Unit Wevs1a | one No WCVsIB | one Yes Lcveza | two No even | two Yes Fig. 1 shows front and back views of an JCVS1A, relay with its components identified by nomenclature ‘used throughout the text. APPLICATION System fault back-up protection should be pro vided at the source of fault current, the generator. Such protection should provide against the generator continuing to supply short-circuit current to a fault in an adjacent system element because the fault may not have been removed by other protective equipment, The Type LICV relay was designed for the purpose of providing external-fault back-up protection for the generator. Phase-fault protection should be provided for the generator by either 3 single-phase Type LCV relays or by 3 single-phase distance relays anda timer. The choice between the two types of pro- tective equipment should be governed by the type of system protective relaying with which the external- fault back-up relays are to be selective, In general, ‘Type LICV relays should be used when the generator connects to a bus at generator voltage, because such relaying equipment is most selective with inverse- time overcurrent relaying that is generally used for Uines connected to such a bus. The distance relays should generally be used with unit generator- transformer arrangements because the distance relays will be most selective with distance or pilot relaying that is generally used for high-tension lines, ‘An inverse-time overcurrent relay should be used for ground-fault protection, ‘The current source for Type LICV relays should be current transformers at the neutral end of the generator windings when such CT's are available, With these connections, in addition to external- fault back-up protection the relays will provide generator fault back-up protection even if the generator breaker is open or there are no other sources of generation on the system. If the neutral CT's are not available, then line-side CT's should be used. With these connections Type LICV relays. will be operative as fault back-up protection for the generator only when the generator breaker is closed, and there is another source of generation on the system, Phase-to-phase voltage should be obtained from the generator potential transformers, Loss of potential to the Type IJCV relay will cause the relay to trip if the generator load current, expressed in relay secondary amperes, is greater than the zero voltage pickup current of’ the relay. An additional relay, the Type CFVB, is available for protection against falsé tripping due to this accidental loss of the relay's restraint voltage, ‘The voltage-restrained overcurrent phase re- lays and the inverse-time overcurrent ground relay should be arranged to trip a hand reset auxiliary relay that will trip the main and field breakers and operate an alarm. When the Type LICV relay is used to provide both’ primary generator short-circuit protection as well as external-fault back-up pro~ tection, as in the case when there are no neutral CT's available for phase differential relaying, this equipment should also operate to shut down the prime mover. CALCULATION OF SETTINGS Pick up with full voltage restraint of the Type MCV relay should generally be set between 200 percent and 250 percent of full load current on regulated generators, and between 150 percent and 200 percent full load current on unregulated gener~ ators. the purchaser’ To the extont roquired the products described herein meet applicable ANSZ, but ap such assurance is given with respect to local codes and ordinances because they vary greatly. ‘These instructions do not purport to cover ali details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency 10 be met in connection with installation, further inforsation be desired or should particular problons arise which are not covered sufficiently for orposes; the miter should be refested to the General Plectric Company. ‘operation or mintenance. should EEE and NoMa standards, Figs 5 (459228) Sht. 1-0 ‘TIME IN SECONDS Fig § Time-Overcurrent Relays with Voltage Restraint Type ICV GEH-2029 6 47 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CURRENT IN MULTIPLES OF TAP VALUE Typical Time-Current Characteristics of Type IJCV Relays Of of Rated Restraint Voltage and Current Pickup Equal to 25% Tap Setting Time-Overcurrent Relays with Voltage Restraint Type ICV GEH-2029 ‘TIME IN SECONDS (CURRENT IN MULTIPLES OF TAP VALUE Fig. 7 Typical Tine-Current Characteristic of Tyoe IOV Relays with 78% of Rated Restraint Voltage, Unity Power Factor and Current Pickup Equal to 78 Tap setting Time-Overcurrent Relays with Voltage Restraint Type SCV GEH-2029 RATIN' INDUCTION UNIT The current cofl is rated at 5 amperes con- tinuously or 265 amperes for one second. The current coil has a range of operation of 4 to 16 amperes at rated restraint voltage and rated fre- quency. At zero restraint voltage the range is 1 to 4 amperes. ‘The voltage restraint coil is rated continuously for the nameplate voltage at rated frequency. CONTACTS ‘The current closing rating of all contacts is 30 amperes for voltages not exceeding 250 volts, The current carrying capacity is affected by the tap selection on the target and seal-in unit. TARGET AND SEAL-IN UNIT TABLE 0 TARGET AND SEAL-IN UNIT RATINGS Amperes, AC or DC Funetion 2-Amp Tap | 0.2-Amp Tap Operating Range 2-80 0.2-2 ‘Tripping Daty 30 5 Carry Continuously 3 0.3 Resistance (DC) 0.13 7 Impedance @ 60 cycles} 0.53 52 INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT UNIT TABLE U1 POTENTIAL CIRCUIT BURDENS FREQ. | WATTS | VARS | VOLT-AMPS 60 10.12 16.34 19.2 50 8.9 12:57 15.4 25 15 9135 12:0 ‘The current circuit burdens with 5 amperes flowing in the 4 ampere tap are listed in Table IV. The burden on any other tap with 5 amperes flowing 1s approximately 16/(TAP)* times the burden for the d ampere tap. TABLE IV CURRENT CIRCUIT BURDENS FREQ. | WATTS | VARS | VOLT-AMPS 60 13.0 29.65 32.4 50 11:55 25.00 205 25 8:90 13.5 16.2 INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT UNIT ‘The current burden of this unit at 5 amperes 1s listed in Table V, TABLE V INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT UNIT BURDEN ‘The instantaneous overcurrent unitisadjustable |RATING | FREQ. | WATTS VOLT-AMPS over a4 to 1 range, The continuous and 1 second rating of this unit are limited by those of the indue= eatcltnas eA pee ae 10-40 | 50 | 0:76 0.80 BURDENS 25 | 0.64 0.65 INDUCTION UNIT 0 | 0.20 0.2 | 20-80 | 50 | o.19 0.20 The potential circuit burdens at 115 volts are 25 | o.47 0.15 listed in Table TI, INSTALLATION RECEIVING These relays, when not included as a part of a control panel, will be shipped in cartons designed to protect them against damage. Immediately upon receipt of the relay, an examination should be made for any damage sustained during shipment, If injury or damage resulting from rough handling is evident, a claim should be filed at once with the transporta~ tion company and the nearest Sales Office of the General Electric Company notified promptly. Reasonable care should be exercised inunpack- ing the relay in order that none of the parts are injured or the adjustments disturbed, If the relays are not tobe installed immediately, they should be stored in their original cartons in & place that is free from moisture, dust, and metallte chips. Foreign matter collected on the outside of the case may find its way inside when the cover is removed and cause trouble in the operation of the relay. ‘Time-Overcurrent Relays with Voltage Restraint Type LICV GEH-2020 woa. RATIO™ So SE LoL V. RATION20 FOR CURRENT AND POTENTIAL COILS, USE EVTWER CURRENT CORN. WITH EITHER POT. CONN. Figs 11 Typical extern ALTERNATIVE COmua. SHOW AUK. PTS. 60 SEC. a0 AT. DEVICE FUNCTION KUNBERS VERCURRERT RELAY TYPE 1JCWBLA WER CIRCUIT BREAKER e-AUX. CONTACT, CLOSED WHEN BREAKER 1$ CLOSED OC=OPERATING COIL RO-RESTRAINT COIL SI-SEAL=IM, WITH TARGET Te-TRIP COIL 86-LOCKOUT RELAY, HAND RESET SI-FIELD BREAKER Connections of IUCVBIA Relays for Protection Against Faults on High-Side of nye-Delta Transformer Bank n ‘Time-Overcurrent Relays with Voltage Restraint Type ICV GEH-2029 INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT UNIT Select the current above which is desired to have the instantaneous overcurrent unit operate and set the adjustable pole-piece so that the top of the hexagon head is even with the desired calibration on the scale, To raise or lower the pole-piece loosen the locknut and turn the adjustable pole-piece to the desired value and then tighten the locknut. MAINTENANCE PERIODIC TESTS It_is recommended that 2 mechanical inspec- tion and an operational test be performed at least annually and if possible at the same time as- sociated equipment is tested. ‘The interval of time may vary depending on the relative importance of individual protective equipment, their exposure to unfavorable condi- tlons, such as extreme heat, moisture or fumes. Dust’ and dirt may contaminate the relay when the protective cover is removed. Periodic inspection consists of checking: the contacts for corrosion and pitting; the bearings for cracks or dust and dirt; the air gapsfor any foreign materlal; the relay calibration, SERVICING MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS Disk and Bearings The lower jewel may be tested for cracks by exploring its’ surface with the point of a fine needle. The jewel should be turned up until the disk is centered in the air gaps, after which it should be locked in this position by the set screw provided for this purpose, All air gaps must be clean and free from foreign material, Contact Cleaning For cleaning fine stlver contacts on each unit, fa flexible burntshing tool should be used, This Consists of flexible strip of metal with an’ etched roughened surface, resembling in effect a super~ fine file. The polishing action ts so delicate that no scratches are left, yet corroded material will be removed rapidly and thoroughly. The flexibility of fhe tool insures the cleaning ct the actual polats Fine silver contacts should not be cleaned with knives, files, or abrasive paper or cloth, Knives or files may leave scratches which increase arcing and deterioration of the contacts, Abrasive Paper or cloth may leave minute particles of in- sulating abrasive material in the contacts and thus prevent closing. The burnishing tool described above is included in the standard XRTI1A tool kit obtainable from the factory. eee tes oe RECALIBRATION INDUCTION UNIT Pickup Setting ‘The relay is first set for pick up current at zero restraint volts. The correct procedure is: a, Screw the tap screw into the 4 ampere tap, b, Connect relay terminals 5 and 6 (current operated circuit) through a pure resistance load box to a source of good wave form at rated voltage and frequency. c. Adjust the control spring by inserting a tool in the notches of the spring adjusting rin ‘Turning to the right increases pickup while turning to the left decreases pickup, The spring should be adjusted so that the con- tacts ‘will just close at approximately 1.0 amper Now the relay may be set to pick up at the particular value of restraint voltage. ‘The pro- cet 4, In addition to the connections already made in (b) above, connect relay terminals 7 and 8 (potential restraint circutt) to the same source. Terminal 7 must be connected to the same side of power as terminal 5. ©. Adjust the pure resistance load box 0 that 4 amperes are flowing in thecurrenteircult, {. Adjust the slide-band resistor at the back ‘of the relay until the contacts just close for the restraint voltage required. The closing time of the Type LCV relay may be adjusted according to the following procedure, a, Place the tap plug in the 4 ampere tap. b. Connect the relay as in (b) of the Pickup Section and adjust the load box for 5 am- eres in the current coll. ¢. With zero restraint voltage and the time dial set at No. 10, adjust the drag magnet for a closing time of approximately |5.7 seconds, » Moving the alnico drag magnet on {ts shelf toward the main shaft decreases the closing time. Moving the drag magnet away from the shaft increases the closing 13 Time-Overcurrent Relays with Voltage Restraint Type ICV GEH-2029 PANEL LOCATION EM“FLUSH SURFAGE G MTG: 16 aahno- xe seew se (GR STUD) x dona Mctes| t L Wi ‘| [ae | fa fee stun PANEL DRILLING FOR SEMI-FLUSH | E MOUNTING (FRONT VIEW) 3 if PANEL DRILLING FOR SURFACE U eSB Raa Wey CUTOUT MAY REPLACE DRILLED HOLES VIEW SHOWING ASSEMBLY OF ‘SURFACE MTG. ‘ON STEEL PANELS Fig. 16 Outline and Panel Drilling of Type 1JGV Relays 15

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