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Cylinder seal

Mesopotamian limestone cylinder seal and impressionworship

of Shamash, (Louvre)

south-western Iran and Uruk in southern Mesopotamia.

They are linked to the invention of the latters cuneiform
writing on clay tablets.[2][3][4] They were used as an administrative tool, a form of signature, as well as jewelry
and as magical amulets; later versions would employ notations with Mesopotamian cuneiform. In later periods,
they were used to notarize or attest to multiple impressions of clay documents. Graves and other sites housing precious items such as gold, silver, beads, and gemstones often included one or two cylinder seals, as honoric grave goods.
The seals themselves are typically made from hardstones
and some are a form of engraved gem, but they may use
glass or ceramics such as Egyptian faience. Many varieties of material such as hematite, obsidian, steatite,
amethyst, lapis lazuli and carnelian were used to make
cylinder seals. As the alluvial country of Mesopotamia
lacks good stone for carving, the large stones of early
cylinders were imported probably from Iran.[5] Most seals
have a hole running through the centre of the body, and
they are thought to have typically been worn on a necklace so that they were always available when needed.

Old Babylonian cylinder seal, c.1800 BCE, hematite. The robed

king makes an animal oering to Shamash. This seal was probably made in a workshop at Sippar.[1]

While most Mesopotamian cylinder seals form an image

through the use of depressions in the cylinder surface (see
lead photo above), some cylinder seals print images using
raised areas on the cylinder (see San Andrs image, beOld Babylonian cylinder seal, c.1800 BCE, hematite. Linescan low, which is not related to Mesopotamian cylinder seals).
camera image of seal above (reversed to resemble an impression). The former are used primarily on wet clays; the latter,
sometimes referred to as roller stamps, are used to print
A cylinder seal is a small round cylinder, typically about images on cloth and other similar two dimensional surone inch in length, engraved with written characters or faces.
gurative scenes or both, used in ancient times to roll Cylinder seals are a form of impression seal, a category
an impression onto a two-dimensional surface, generally which includes the stamp seal and nger ring seal. They
wet clay. Cylinder seals were invented around 3500 BC survive in fairly large numbers and are often important as
in the Near East, at the contemporary sites of Susa in art, especially in the Babylonian and earlier Assyrian peri1


Size comparison of seals, with their impression strips

(modern/current impressions)

ods. Impressions into a soft material can be taken without

risk of damage to the seal, and they are often displayed in
museums together with a modern impression on a small


Cylinder seal impressions were made on a variety of surfaces:

bales of commodities
clay tablets
components of fabricated objects*doors
storage jars

Theme-driven, memorial, and

commemorative nature

The images depicted on cylinder seals were mostly themedriven, often sociological or religious. Instead of addressing the authority of the seal, a better study may be of
the thematic nature of the seals, since they presented the
ideas of the society in pictographic and text form. In a
famous cylinder depicting Darius I of Persia: he is aiming his drawn bow at an upright enraged lion impaled
by two arrows, while his chariot horse is trampling a deceased lion. The scene is framed between two slim palm
trees, a block of cuneiform text, and above the scene, the
Faravahar symbol of Ahura Mazda, the god representation of Zoroastrianism.

This cylinder seal from Cyprus shows two nude female gures.
Each holds a ower, a symbol of fertility.[6] The Walters Art

3 Cylinder seals
The reference below, Garbini, covers many of the following categories of cylinder seal. Dominique Collons book
First Impressions, which is dedicated to the topic, has over
1000 illustrations.
A categorization of cylinder seals:
Akkadian cylinder seals.
Akkadian seal, ca. 2300 BC, stone seal w/
modern impression. See National Geographic
Ref. The glyptic (the Scenes) shows God in
barge", people, and oerings.
Assyrian cylinder seals.
Cypriote Cylinder Seals.
Egyptian cylinder seals.
Egyptian Naqada period (tombs, graves), (imported).
Egyptian Faience; see Pepi I ext link.
Hittite cylinder seals.

Enki as portrayed in various cylinder seals, British Museum

This Neo-Assyrian cylinder seal shows a ritual with winged protective deities. Walters Art Museum.

Clay envelope usage, etc.; see Kultepe.

Kassite (the Kassites), cylinder seals.
Mittanian cylinder seals.
Old Babylonian cylinder seals.

Assyria. Seals showing method of mounting; Brooklyn Museum

Brooklyn Museum Archives, Goodyear Archival Collection

Neo-Sumerian cylinder seals.

see Ref (Garbini), Seated God, and Worshippers, Cylinder seal, and a modern Impressin,
p. 40, (British Museum, London).
Syrian cylinder seals.

Persian cylinder seals; see Darius I, Robinson ref.

Proto-Elamite cylinder seals.
Sumerian cylinder seals.
Seals of the Moon-God"; see Sin.
see Ref. (Robinson), Seal of Ur-Nammu,
2112-2095 BC. Close-up picture of Seal, and
adjacent 'modern impression', high resolution,
2X-3X natural size.
"Shamash pictographic seals"; see Mari, Syria.

4 See also
Seal (device)
Impression seal
Stamp seal
LMLK seal
Mudbrick stamp


also includes stamp seals . Part of the BMs Interpreting the Past series
Frankfort, H. Cylinder Seals, 1939, London. A classic, though obviously doesn't reect later research.

A roll-out of the San Andres ceramic cylinder seal containing

what has been proposed as evidence of the earliest writing system
in Mesoamerica. This cylinder seal is dated to approximately 650
BC, but is unrelated to the Mesopotamian cylinder seals.

Scaraboid seal


[1] Al-Gailani Werr, L., 1988. Studies in the chronology and

regional style of Old Babylonian Cylinder Seals. Bibliotheca Mesopotamica, Volume 23.
[2] Mesopotamian cylinder seals, British Museum
[3] Why Cylinder Seals? Engraved Cylindrical Seal Stones of
the Ancient Near East, Fourth to First Millennium B.C.,
by Edith Porada 1993 College Art Association., The
Art Bulletin, Vol. 75, No. 4 (Dec., 1993), pp. 563-582,
[4] Ancient cylinder seal found in Iran, 2 March 2009, Press
[5] Why Cylinder Seals? Engraved Cylindrical Seal Stones of
the Ancient Near East, Fourth to First Millennium B.C.,
by Edith Porada 1993 College Art Association., The
Art Bulletin, Vol. 75, No. 4 (Dec., 1993), pp. 563-582,
[6] Cylinder Seal with a Nude Goddess. The Walters Art

Further reading
Bahn, Paul. Lost Treasures, Great Discoveries in
World Archaeology, Ed. by Paul G. Bahn, (Barnes
and Noble Books, New York), c 1999. Examples
of, or discussions of Stamp seals, cylinder seals and
a metal stamp seal.
Collon, Dominique. First Impressions, Cylinder
Seals in the Ancient Near East, (British Museum
Press, London), 1987, 2005. Very comprehensive
and up to date account, with many illustrations. The
author has compiled several of the volumes cataloging the collection of cylinder seals in the British
Collon, Dominique. Near Eastern Seals, (British
Museum, London), 1990. Shorter account which

Garbini, Giovanni. Landmarks of the Worlds Art,

The Ancient World, by Giovanni Garbini, (McGrawHill Book Company, New York, Toronto), General Eds, Bernard S. Myers, New York, Trewin
Copplestone, London, c 1966. Discussion, or
pictures of about 25 cylinder seals"; also lists the
Scaraboid seal, an impression seal (needs to be a
mirror/reverse to be an impression seal).
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cuneiform Texts in
the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Tablets, Cones, and
Bricks of the Third and Second Millennia B.C., vol.
1 (New York, 1988). The nal section (Bricks) of
the book concerns cylinder Seals, with a foreword
describing the purpose of the section as to instigate
Research into cylinder Seals. The 'cylinder sealing'
on the bricks, was done multiple times per brick.
Some are of high quality, and some are not. (Also
contains the only 2 el Amarna letters, in the USA,
with Analysis.)
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ancient Near Eastern
Art, (Reprint), Metr. Mus. of Art Photograph Studio, Designed, Alvin Grossman, Photography, Lynton Gardiner, (Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (Spring 1984)), c 1984. 56pgs.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Beyond Babylon, Art,
Trade and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium BC,
ed. Joan Aruz. 2008. Many cylinder seals of the
period illustrated in color with impressions and descriptions.
National Geogr. Soc. Wonders of the Ancient World; National Geographic Atlas of Archeology, Norman Hammond, Consultant, Nat'l Geogr. Soc., (Multiple Sta authors), (Nat'l Geogr.,
R.H.Donnelley & Sons, Willard, OH), 1994, 1999,
Reg. or Deluxe Ed. Origins of Writing, section,
pp 6875. Akkadian Cylinder seal, with its modern
seal impression. p. 71.
Robinson, Andrew. The Story of Writing, Andrew
Robinson, (Thames and Hudson), c 1995, paperback ed., c 1999. (Page 70, Chapter 4: Cuneiform)
Ur-Nammu cylinder seal (and impression), with
2095 BCE hieroglyphs, 2X-3X; Darius I, impression only, of chariot hunting scene, 2X, ca 500 BCE.

7 External links
a collection of seals and scarabs from international
collectors and galleries, accompanied by an archeologist

Seals on the Persepolis Fortication Tablets - by Mark
B. Garrison and Margaret C. Root, at the Oriental
Institute webpage
Cylinder seal of Pepi I Meryre. Serpentinite, click
on pictures; (possibly not meant to be an 'Impression
Kassite, Seal Impression, Department of the History
of Art, University of Pennsylvania
Seal impressions-(High
God/Symbols explanations.




3D development simulation of the Cylinder Seal of

Ibni Sharrum on YouTube.


Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



Cylinder seal Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylinder%20seal?oldid=634351295 Contributors: William Avery, Rich Farmbrough,

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Grafen, Igin, Mmcannis, Betacommand, Chris the speller, Madman2001, Gothmog.es, J-b, Euchiasmus, Onlim, A. Parrot, Dl2000,
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Shamash_Louvre_AO9132.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Jastrow (2005) Original artist: Unknown
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