Bavita 25.12.14 (0) (Part-1) (Merged) PDF
Bavita 25.12.14 (0) (Part-1) (Merged) PDF
Bavita 25.12.14 (0) (Part-1) (Merged) PDF
yl l 25 l 2014
General Essay
]l$, ]l ]l$]l$ 20-1-1Z As H
{$l ZMS--Z {l st. M> A l. Gl-ylH {$l Ml $]l$ {l
st ]l_a. Al {sZ-$ El ]l$
l ]ls $ --l A>-O >$
iGs C#s sM
iGs A]l#s#s sM
A-l ]lMS ^l>. ^]l ^l*]l MS{l > ^la-_. {sZ--$]l$ $]l---^-
~--_. AVS Ml ]l$ -]lZ {l
]l$]l$ ^la-yl >$ AX-MS--^.
>$, MS{l ]l$l -M>--MSV> E]l MSMS A>$
-P ]l$*. ]l$ ]l-O ]l$]l$ ]l$-{VSV>
A]l$$ ^l MS{l, > {$- l]l* >yl
$-VS$-l$. f, ]l]l-$, -{>-$MS
V>$, - -*-VS--$$ MS*y iG-s
]l l-VS-$.
iG-s B]l--MSl:
$]l B-l ]l$ >-Z MS{l, > Z
AlMS Z-$-. MS{l {$l ^l cen
VAT (MS{l $]l B-l ]l$) -Z M
MS{l ]l$-O]l Al-]l# MStl$ $MS, -b-j-]l$
^la-l$. {$l MS{l $]l B-l ]l$ l-MSZ
]lyl $MS$$
iG--sO G]l--]l$--s
Added Chain]l$
iG-s ]l]l:
A]l$$ ll$?
{sZ-$ El-l$$, {l--]l$ iG-s ]l]l-Z VSV>
Eyl-s >$ BS--$-. > -l-$,
t yl*s-]l$ iG-s ]l$_ $]l---^- > {$$ Ml M>V> yl]l*yl ^l$-. D l-lZ
M>l MS$s A-{-*-]l$ BMS ]l${ Ml ]l-
$ -VS--]l-ZMS $-M-MS--]lyl Ml --MS$ ^la
BP E. M >$ >Z$ l]l* ]lt r ]lMS-$-$]l B-]l l-lZ H{ 1, 20-16 ]l$_ l--st]l
iG-s A]l$$ Gl-]l-MS$ M>--]l$-]l#-l$-l-l l.
VS$$ l
yl l 25 l 2014
Telangana History
Groups Guidance
OylMSt, {yll$ Ctr*s,
B ]l*]l-]l#yl il -$..
*yll >$$..
yl> ]l*l$$..
Eyl l yl->$. l-#- ^l-, ^lr$t]l$
Mst-, l]l$ l-.. C A ]l$-MS*
B ">-$' B.
l-V> ^l-{l-&
]l*]l-]l#yl$ *$O -VSyl ll-$-st
# Il$ S ]l-l->-O. AsZ
B ]l*]l-]l#yl$ ^lr-O]l, >-VS$--Z]l* ]l-^l-yl$. {MS-Z -_]l M>*-MS-*..
l*-l$ l-yl$. ls fl$-]l#-]l$
lsyl s ]l* l-yl$. l--^l$-MS$l-l$MS$ C$, MSr$t-MS$-l-l$MS$ rt$ ]l#.
]l]l-$ As H$sZ ll$.
l-V>--&-]l*-]l-]l#yl B]l-$
B ]l*]l-]l#yl B]l-$ MS-W]l A {`]l {l
l-V> >. CMSPyl B ]l*]l-]l#yl B]l-$ Ayl$-VSyl$-VS$ MS--. JMS-s ]l*]l-]l#-ylMS B--Ol$ l-V> {l. lMSPl u-*-$-Z lV>-Z ]l*]l-]l#yl$ $-V>-yl]l, ls-yl-s-MS
-_ X]l _{$ G MS--. s
VS$_ --^l$-M-]lyl As ]l$]l VS l]l#-M-]lyll$! ]l$]l N-MS$-]l$ ]l$]l ll$-MP-]l-yll$.
ll l-V> > VS]l$- ]l*]l-]l#yl MSl-MS$ ]lyl$ l-$V> MS--$-.
l >--VSZ ]l--_]l ]l*]l-]l#-yl l$V>-l
(Megaliths) ]l*]l-]l#-yl As$. D ]l*]l-]l#yl$
>l-N--MSV> ]l$]lMS$ $W-a]l B]l--$ ]l#.
M> B M># B-$, G]l-MS$, B--$,
]l$$, _{$ (VS$-Z X_-]l-) ]l*{l As
B ]l*]l-]l#yl i]l--MS S-*--$V> lsMS _
E. r--s l-MS- ]l$]lMS$ A-_]l
BVS-yl$, ^l{l N-VS -]l$-$yl$
(Father of Pre Historical Period in India)
r ]lQ-Ol$-]l. D {Z AsZ E-*-W_]l > -]lr$, ]l$rZ M>a]l ]l$st--{l-$-&-sO l]l ylOg-]l-]l$ ^l*y^l$a. ]l, $]l-]l-W--l$rtZ ]l]l --VS# _l$ (G-l-]l, ]l l$$) $-r--yz. {]l*- ]l$-$Z B ]l*]l]l#yl$ s-OMS GMSP l--^l$-MS$-l-yl$. Cs _l$
CM> VPyl Mr, --l MrZ MS*y MS-. Q]l$ hZ Il$ ^r, $]l-]l-W-Z yl$
^r ]l]l --VS# ]l$-]l#$ -^. $]l-]lW {lZ HMSV> ]l]l --VS# {V>]l$l$
l]l-M>Z $-r--yl.
l >--VS# {l->$
#r$t-MSMS$ S
l ll-$l ]l$ MS]l$-V]l B]l-$ lrt-ll-rV> >t {*-Ns l-V> {l-Zl MS]l$V-$. ]lQV> ]l$-*--]l-VS h-Z Er*$Z ]l$ ]l$yl-_]l l>l $W-]l *yll
]l]l -VS
l-V> {lZ ]l]l --V>-MS ^l]l
^ {l->$ MS--. sZ ]l, -g-
l -VS
l >--VS# ]l*]l-]l#yl$ l-l >]l$ E-*W_, i]l]l W-^l--yl-]l l-l. ]l]l VS _]l l --V> l-V>
{lZ ]l$]l ^l*y^l$a. A-l ]l-*-M>-#
yl->-]l$ ^l--]l ]l*-l$-O E^l$.
^l--]l ]l$- >-st yl ]l$l E^l-$.
D > stZ ]l$ E-*-W-_]l G$-#-&-]l-$#
_{$, ^MS$$, $, B--$ E_ O]l ]l$
> -MS ]l-$. MSP]l a]l > -MSZ
JMS MS {l ^l>$. C E^l-y-MS M>..
$> Al Bl ^leV> $r W, ]l$ Z-MS
]l_a -Z {l--$-ll ]l]l$MS M>]l^l$a. D st
]ls $VS$ -MS > yl]l$ t (Sist)
As$. D > s-MSO JMS l ]l-*-M>-# yl>- yl-$. sl >SVS$$ yl]l VS$$
A As$. M > ]l*-l$-O ]lyl$ r]l$
$-Ol]l >]l$ MS*y rtyl Ba MS-W-$.
Cs ]l$$ ^l-l$MS$ A]l---Ol$]l l $l
As ]l$]l$-$ l!
l --VS# B]l-$
lS -l-l ll-$l l --VS# ]l*-M>-# yl->$ JMSP l-V> {l-Zl
GMS$P-]lV> MS--. C ]lQV> Myl$, VS$rtZ
{l-MSV> MS--.
l$y Os Al >-ll ]lYyl h Ps
]ll l$ QZ >S--VS$-]l$ MS]l$-V-yl$. g]l*-l l*$ M]l ]l$_ l-V> Als D
l >SVS$$ MS--.
]l$, _l-V>, y-MS, ]l*]l$-Mr, >$-W,
]l, -]l-VS, VS-r, -g-r, Os-MSs, MS-]l-VS--Z l*-MS-rtZ ]l-*-M>-# ll yl->$ {l-MSV> MS--. s >S-VS$-$V> ^l^l$a. s-MSl ]l*]l-]l#yl$ yl]l
]l$-]l#- r$, A--f MS_a-lV> S-Ol$
VS$$ l
yl l 25 l 2014
Competitive Guidance
Associate Professor,
English, Hyderabad.
perilous: Dangerous
peripatetic: Wandering
perish: Be destroyed; decay
perjury: Willful false statement, unlawful
permeate: Spread into every part of
pernicious: Harmful, injurious
perpetrate: Be guilty; commit
persevere: Keep on steadily, continue
personable: Pleasing in appearance, attractive
perspicacity: Quick judging and understanding
pertain: Belong as a part, have reference
pest: Destructive thing or a person who is
petrify: To make hard, rocklike
petulant: Unreasonably impatient
philistine: a smug ignorant person; one who
lacks knowledge
phlegmatic: Calm, sluggish temperament;
picaresque: Involving clever rogues or
pied: Of mixed colors
pious: Dutiful to parents; devoted to religion
piquant: Agreeably pungent, stimulating
pique: Hurt the pride or self-respect, stir
pitfall: Covered hole as a trap, unsuspected
pith: Essential part, force, soft liquid substance
pivotal: Of great importance
placate: Soothe, pacify, calm
plaintive: Mournful, melancholy, sorrowful
plaque: Flat metal on a wall as a memorial
platitude: a trite or banal statement; unoriginality
plea: Request
plead: Address a court of law as an advocate
plethora: Glut, excess
pliant: Pliable,easily bent,shaped or twisted
plod: Continue doing something without
Directions (Q. 1-05): Choose the word which
is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the
word printed in capital.
1) Prophet 2) Convert 3) Explorer
4) Champion 5) Antagonist
1) pacify
2) please
3) pleasure
4) pressure 5) spices
1) dangerous 2) dodging 3) hearty
4) prevent
5) detesting
1) pious
2) blasphemous
3) sacred
4) respect
5) beneficial
1) average 2) ordinary 3) normal
4) regular
5) impressive
Directions (Q. 06-15): Choose the word
which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to
Banks English
4) Persian
5) posit
12. Zakir died five years later in penury and
1) indigence
2) intelligence
3) indigenous
4) industrious
5) indolent
13. Despite a paucity of evidence, it could be
a generational thing.
1) sparse
2) scarcity 3) spare
4) standby 5) stampede
14. He held a precarious tenure under an
arbitrary administration.
1) stab
2) snub
3) shaky
4) stub
5) stump
15. She had prim views on religion.
1) prune
2) prudish
3) prime
4) prick
5) pristine
Directions (Q. 16-20): Choose the word
which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning
to the word printed in capital.
1) miserable 2) mystery 3) lavish
the truth
prim: Neat; formal
pristine: Primitive, unspoiled, pure, as in
earlier times, unadulterated
probity: Uprightness, incorruptibility, principle
procrastination-keeping on putting off
prodigal: Wasteful, reckless with money
prodigious: Enormous, wonderful
profane: Worldly, having contempt for God
profligate: Wasteful, prodigal, licentious,
profundity: Depth
proliferate: Grow, reproduce by rapid multiplication
prolix: Tiring because too long
prone: inclined to
propagation: Increasing the number,
spreading, extending
propinquity: Nearness in time or place,
affinity of nature
propitiate: Do something to take away the
anger of
propitiatory: Conciliatory, appeasing, mitigating
propitious: Auspicious, presenting favorable circumstances
prosaic: Everyday, mundane, commonplace, trite
proscribe: Denounce as dangerous
protracted: Prolonged
provident: Frugal; looking to the future
provisional: Of the present time only
provoke: Make angry
prudence: Careful forethought
prudish: Easily shocked, excessively modest
prune: Dried plum, silly person
pry: inquire too curiously
pugnacious: Fond of, in the habit of fighting
punctilious: Precise, paying attention to
pungency: Sharpness; stinging quality
purvey: Provide, supply
pusillanimous: Cowardly, craven
4) grand
5) grandeur
1) remorseful
2) regretful
3) repentant
4) rueful
5) unashamed
1) affected
2) immaculate
3) sterilized
4) taintless
5) pure
19. PRY
1) ignore
2) inquire
3) investigate
4) intrude
5) stare
1) combative
2) contentious
3) contrary
4) compliant
5) contrastive
1) 4
6) 1
11) 3
16) 1
2) 1
7) 1
12) 1
17) 5
3) 4
4) 2
8) 2
9) 5
13) 2
14) 3
18) 1
19) 1
5) 5
10) 1
15) 2
20) 4
VS$$ l
yl l 25 l 2014
}$$ ylz
MSs AO #$$
Current Affairs
Competitive Guidance
Ol Ayl sM>-i
iG--G- ]l*P-&3
{*VS f-$-]ll
MS{l l AM>-yl$ #-P
* G]l$ VS$-_]l
MS $l
ZMS--Z iG-s $
MSZ E{VS--l$ ylZ
148 ]l$ ]l$
MS--l-Z -]l-Z
OMS u->-O yl-
16]l B-$ l ]l$ f-]l ylZ 148
]l$ ]l$--^$.
Z 132 ]l$ -$$-$. MS O]l f-]l Gl$-$--ylZ
]lVS$Y$ -]l$ ]l$--^lV>, ]l$-VS$$
l]l$]l$ ]l $a-MS$-$. El ]li---lZ
MS O]l yl$-MS$ {-M>-V> OMS u->O yl ^l-]lr$ l{MS C -l E{VS-l
{-^l-MS {^--MS-V> _l
MS -lO Hy l
B* {MSylZ lMS MS--^l-l$MS$ >-MS-_]l l ]l$ MS O{l$ --l-O
Al->j-$ MSVS $ (H-I--H) yl 17]l Hy--r$ l -_. r$ l {MS f-]l* l.
l 20-15, AMt
- 1 ]lMS$ A]l$Z
yl- 18]l l-l$ MS--^$. > f]l l-lZ VSl-Zl l-V> >-MS
Ml MS$--l]l$ {$l H>r$
^l. MS$-l O^ll, $$ B--r$ l]l#Z M]l--VS$-$.
^-$l ^ll-VS
yl-rl fl ]lW# sZ-l$s "]l-z
* O]l--'Z ^ll VS (O^l-),
$ k VS (O^l- Ol) ]l$-V> #$-$,
]l$- W -V>Z g-l-$V> -^$.
yl- 21]l f-W]l O]l-Z ^ll VS.. sl-VS (yl--P-)O VS$--lV>, $ k
VS.. $VS i $l (M--*-)]l$ Kyl-_.
g-lV> -_]l ^ll VS, $ k VS-MS$
80 l y (*. 50 S 68 l$) ^]l
{g-]l$ -_.