Assignment Cover Sheet: Student Information (For Group Assignment, Please State Names of Grade/Marks

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Assignment Cover Sheet

Student Information (For group assignment, please state names of


all members)



Module/Subject Information



Module/Subject Code

Module/Subject Name


Due Date

Assignment Title/Topic

Intake (where applicable)

Word Count



. I/We have read and understood the Programme Handbook that explains on plagiarism,
and I/we testify that, unless otherwise acknowledged, the work submitted herein is entirely
my/our own.

. I/We declare that no part of this assignment has been written for me/us by any other
person(s) except where such collaboration has been authorized by the lecturer concerned.

. I/We authorize the University to test any work submitted by me/us, using text comparison
software, for instances of plagiarism. I/We understand this will involve the University or its
contractors copying my/our work and storing it on a database to be used in future to test
work submitted by others.

Note:1) The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will
be deemed to have the same authority as a signed statement.

2) The Group Leader signs the declaration on behalf of all members.



Main Strengths

Main Weaknesses

Suggestions for improvement

Student acknowledge feedback/comments

Graders signature
Students signature:



1)A soft and hard copy of the assignment shall be submitted.

2)The signed copy of the assignment cover sheet shall be retained by the marker.

3)If the Turnitin report is required, students have to submit it with the assignment. However, departments may allow
students up to THREE (3) working days after submission of the assignment to submit the Turnitin report. The
assignment shall only be marked upon the submission of the Turnitin report.

*Use additional sheets if required.

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