Parapet Design

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YIELD LINE ANALYSIS OF AN AASHTO NEW JERSEY CONCRETE PARAPET WALL by Benita R Calloway Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering APPROVED: kU baather Dr R M Barker, Chairman Le eR IS M Holzer ir D A Garst June 1993 Blacksburg, Virginia CV C3 YIELD LINE ANALYSIS OF AN AASHTO NEW JERSEY CONCRETE PARAPET WALL by Benita R Calloway Committee Chairman: Dr Richard M Barker Civi) Engineering (ABSTRACT) Concrete bridge rails are rated according to three performance levels. For Classification at a given performance level, the rail must meet specific strength and geometric requirements. To meet the strength requirement, the rail must be able to satisfactorily withstand a transverse concentrated load applied at the top of the rail. This load is called Ft (kips) and is listed for each performance level in the Draft NCHRP Project 12-33 document entitled Development of a Comprehensive Bridge Specification and Commentary. Researchers at the Texas Transportation Institute have developed equations to determine Ry (kips), the total transverse resistance of a rail (which must be greater than or equal to Ft), and Le (f), the critical length of walll failure (Hirsch 1978). These equations (referred to as Hirsch equations is this study) were developed by yield line analysis for a constant thickness concrete parapet wall. The purpose of this study is to develop similar equations for Rw and Le based on yield line analysis of a variable thickness New Jersey concrete parapet wall instead of a constant thickness wall. The results from this study indicate that the Hirsch equations significantly over estimate Rw for variable thickness concrete walls where Mg, the flexural resistance of the wall about the horizontaf axis, varies substantially over the height of the wall. This study recommends that an average value for Mg, taken over the height of the wall, be used in the Hirsch equations when this situation arises. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS THE NEGRO MOTHER Children, | come back today To tell you a story of the long dark way That I had to climb, that | had to know In order that the race might live and grow. Look at my face—-dark as the night Yet shining like the sun with love's true light. | am the child they stole from the sand Three hundred years ago in Africa's land. 1am the dark girl who crossed the wide sea Carrying in my body the seed of the free. |am the woman who worked in the field Bringing the cotton and the corn to yield. lam the one who labored as a slave, Beaten and mistreated for the work that | gave— Children sold away from me, husband sold, too. No safety, no love, no respect was | due. Three hundred years in the deepest South: But God put a song and a prayer in my mouth. God put a dream like steel in my soul Now, through my children, young and free, | realize the blessings denied to me. I couldn't read then. | couldn't write. | had nothing, back there in the night. Sometimes, the valley was filled with tears, But | kept trudging on through the lonely years. Sometimes, the road was hot with sun, But I had to keep on till my work was done: | had to keep on! No stopping for me-- Iwas the seed of the coming Free. | nourished the dream that nothing could smother Deep in my breast-the Negro mother. I had only hope then, but now through you, Dark ones of today, my dreams must come true: All you dark children in the world out there, Remember my sweat, my pain, my despair. Remember my years, heavy with sorrow-- And make of those years a torch for tomorrow. Make of my past a road to the light Out of the darkness, the ignorance, the night. Lift high my banner out of the dust. Stand like free men supporting my trust. Believe in the right, let none push you back. Remember the whip and slaver's track. Remember how the strong in struggle and strife Still bar you the way, and deny you life— But march ever forward, breaking down bars. Look ever upward at the sun and the stars. Oh, my dark children, may my dreams and my prayers Impel you forever up the great stairs— For ! will be with you till no white brother Dares keep down the children of the Negro mother. ~Langston Hughes TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.......... Se ee let alelecheda 1.1 Concrete Parapet Wall Design....... etaalelecicdtadachcteaeelettee 1.1.1 Performance levels.........-.. 0.00 c eee eee eee 1.4.2 Strength Requirements.......... ele et alee etaela et 4.2 Purpose and Organization............ LITERATURE REVIEW .. . 2.1 Barrier Research . 2.1.1 Crash Testing... 2.60.06. eee e ec e eee e cece 2.1.2 Small-scale Tests.............. Sp eo 2.1.1 Mathematical Models ........... 2.2 Barrier Types........ PS ee alee eel att Leola 2.3 Barrier Function and Safety Requirements ..............5..- 2.4 Barrier Usage... 66. 2.5 Development of the New Jersey Barrier................ REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK... . 3.1 Presentation of Hirsch Equations . . . 3.2 Verification of Hirsch Equations ............. 0.0... e eee eee ANALYSIS OF VARIABLE THICKNESS CONCRETE PARAPET WALL . . 4.1 Yield Line Analysis.................6. 4.4.4 External Work 6.0.2... 4.1.2 Internal Work...............0000- Development of my _ Integration of mg... Table of Contents Aann = a vi 4.1.3 Equate External and Internal Work... ..........-.5+5 DISCUSSION.......... eee etapa 5.1 Examples...... 7 Tl elcteledclece dees 5.2 Comparison of Resuits........... Tletetatelelectot lela CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ..................- 6.1 Conclusions... 66.6... eee eee eter 6.2 Recommendations. LITERATURE CITED . BIBLIOGRAPHY. ...........-.....5- VITA. Table of Contents vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 2.1 Louisiana Concrete Barrier. . Figure 2.2 California Concrete Barrier. Figure 2.3 New Jersey Barrier... .. cece cece eee eee e neces Figure 2.4 General Motors Proving Ground New Jersey Parapet. Figure 3.1 Constant Thickness Parapet Wall. .... . . Pe ele Figure 3.2 Hirsch Yield Line Pattern. ...... 2.0.0... 020 e cece eee eee Figure 3.3 Deformed Area......... Rica ee SoCo Figure 3.4 Beam Internal Work. ...... 0.00.0. 0 cece cee ee eee Figure 4.1 Standard AASHTO New Jersey Parapet Wall.......... Figure 4.2 Yield Line Pattern. Figure 4.3 Deformed Area and Loading. .. . Figure 4.4 Calculated Moment Capacity in Negative Bending, my’, Provided by Y-Direction (Vertical) Reinforcement vs the Approximated Moment Capacity......... Sele Figure 4.5 Parapet Wall Cross Section. ....... Pd ele bbl ale et Figure 4.6 Principal Centroidal Axes of Parapet Wall Cross Section. . . . . Figure 4.7 Parapet Wall Sections Used to Calculate Variable Moment Capacity Provided by the X-Direction Reinforcing. . Figure 4.8 Calculated Moment Capacity in Positive, my, and Negative, m,’', Bending Provided by the X-Direction (horizontal) Reinforcing vs Approximated Moment Capacity. . . Figure 4.9 Derivation of mg.... 0.6.20. 6 0. eee ee Figure 4.10 Yield Line Pattern... 0.2... eee eee eee eee List of Illustrations. 14 15 16 19 20 23 24 26 29 30 31 38 39 4 43 vill Figure 5.1 AASHTO New Jersey Concrete Parapet Wall. Figure 5.2 Comparison of Ry....... Pele fale tet List of Illustrations LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 5.1 List of Tables Design Forces for Traffic Railings...................085 3 Calculated Moment Capacity vs Approximated Moment Capacity (y-direction reinforcing)............ eel ect tes Calculated Moment Capacity vs Approximated Moment Capacity (x-direction reinforcing) - 40 Comparison of Lg and Ry... 00.02 602 ccc 0s eeeeeeee sees 58 x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 CONCRETE PARAPET WALL DESIGN There are two ways bridge rail designs can meet AASHTO specifications. For the first approach, bridge rails are acceptable if they have been designed according to a standard process. This design process is known as "prescriptive design” and consists of designing rails to meet specific geometric and strength requirements. The alternative is crash testing. if the bridge rail performs satisfactorily during the tests, then, it is also acceptable even though it may not meet the geometric or strength requirements of the previous approach. (Bronstad, et al., 1987) 1.1.1 Performance Levels Concrete bridge rails are rated according to three performance levels. PL1 - Performance Leve/ One - Used for short, low level structures on rural highway systems, secondary expressways, and areas where a mail number of heavy vehicles are expected and speeds are either posted or reduced. PL2 - Performance Level Two - Used for high-speed main line structures on freeways, expressways, highways, and areas with a mixture of heavy Introduction 1 vehicles and maximum tolerable speeds. PL3 - Performance Level Three - Used for freeways with variable cross slopes, reduced radius of curvature, higher volume of mixed heavy vehicles and maximum tolerable speeds. (NCHRP Project 12 - 33, 1993) 1.1.2 Strength Requirements In order for a concrete bridge rail to be classified at a given performance level, it has to meet geometric criteria and strength requirements. For the strength requirement, a concrete bridge rail must be able to satisfactorily resist a transverse load applied at the top of the rail. This transverse force is called Fr (kips) and is listed in Table 1.1 for each performance level. 41.2 PURPOSE AND ORGANIZATION Researchers at the Texas Transportation Institute have developed equations for calculating Ry, the total transverse resistance of a railing, and L¢, the critical length of wall failure, for 2 given parapet wall by using yield line analysis of a constant thickness wall (Hirsch, 1978). Ry must be greater than or equal to Ft to meet the strength requirement of a given performance level. Introduction 2 TABLE 1.1 DESIGN FORCES FOR TRAFFIC RAILINGS (NCHRP Project 12 -33, 1993) Railing Performance Levels Design Forces and Designations [PL Pa] eo] Ea Fant [ oo [a5 | eo | [Ken | 80 | 120 | 400 Paine [mo Teo [a | Minimum H Height of Rail (IN) Introduction This study develops similar equations for determining Ry, the total transverse resistance of a railing, and Lg, the critical length of wall failure, based on yield line analysis of a variable thickness AASHTO New Jersey concrete parapet wall instead of a constant thickness wall. Chapter 2 presents a literature review of traffic barrier design and development. A review of the derivation of equations for Rw and L¢ is given in Chapter 3. A variable thickness AASHTO New Jersey concrete parapet wall is analyzed in Chapter 4 and equations for Ry and L_ are developed. Examples are worked in Chapter 5 and conclusions and recommendations are in Chapter 6. Introduction 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 BARRIER RESEARCH Early barriers were modified versions of livestock fences. They were 3 to 4 ft high and made of wood. However, as the means of transportation progressed from horse and buggies to motorized vehicles and heavy trucks, improved barrier systems were needed to accommodated the changing vehicular traffic. In order to improve barrier design, the vehicle-barrier interaction during impact must be understood. To improve this understanding, full-scale crash tests, ‘small-scale model tests, and analytical studies have been conducted. 2.1.1 Crash Testing Full-scale crash tests were conducted as early as 1924 in Pennsylvania. “Report of Committee on Highway Guards" summarizes full-scale crash tests conducted on guard rails up until 1942 (Rahn, 1942). Early crash tests were fairly simple. Wooden tracks were built along inclines. The test barriers were constructed at a given test angle at the end of the tracks. The driverless, free- running test vehicle was accelerated by gravity and guided into the barrier by the tracks. (Rahn, 1942) Later full-scale crash tests were more sophisticated and technicatly involved. Beaton and Field (1960) conducted crash tests of median barriers. Medium Literature Review 5 weight four passenger sedans were driven into barriers at speeds of 60 mph and at 30 degree angles. The impacts were recorded by normal and high speed cameras. Beaton and Field added the following instrumentation to the 1951 - 1955 automobiles. . For brake control, attached a Bendix hydrovac booster to the master brake cylinder. . Wired the ignition system to a remote control panel. . Drained the gas tank and connected the gas line to a 1 gallon tank with a relief and cut-off valve. . Mounted the steering motor to the front seat floor. . Bolted storage batteries and steering pulsor to rear seat fioor. . Bolted remote control equipment to trunk bottom. + Ciamped adjustable pulley to steering wheel. The following functions were required to control the car. . Ignition on . Ignition off * Steer right . Steer left . Brakes on Literature Review 6 The accelerator was wired to a full throttle position allowing a maximum speed of 58-62 mph. A controlled relay energized the ignition system. Radio control failure would result in opening of "ignition relay allowing car to stop under compression..." The steering motor pulsor actuated the steering motor in increments of 1/8" to 1" in each direction per pulse. The pulse rate ranged from 2-20 seconds per second. Standard photographic coverage was used and included seven cameras in the following locations: + Front data camera + Rear data camera + Two overhead data cameras + Two documentary cameras panning vehicle through collision to terminal point * Sequence camera operating at 20 frames per second Michie (1981) gives more recent procedures for crash testing. He lists standard vehicles that should be used along with year limits. He states that dummies or sand can be used to "simulate occupant loading." As far as the actual tests are concerned, the vehicles “may be pushed, towed or self-powered" to the test speed. The use of brakes should be avoided for as long as possible to determine the "unbraked runout trajectory." He states that any type of guidance system may be used as fong as the system does not effect the dynamics of the vehicle, Literature Review 7 2.1.2 Small-scale Tests Small-scale model tests have also been used to further understand the Phenomena of vehicle-barrier impacts. Small-scale modeling has several advantages over full-scale crash tests. * More controf over experiments + Parameters can be easily varied * Faster testing rate * Lower cost The disadvantage is some parameters are distorted when the size is scaled down. For this reason and others, small-scale modeling has only been done on a limited basis. (Michie, Calcote and Bronstad, 1971) 2.1.3 Mathematical Models Mathematical models have also been used to analyze vehicle-barrier collisions. Graham, Burnett and Gibson (1967) used the following steps to conduct a mathematical analysis: 1. Developed equations for vehicle motion in terms of applied moments and forces Determined forces and moments as a function of barrier characteristics Solved equations and compared to full-scale test results Literature Review 8 Barrier characteristics used were post strength, post spacing, rail bending strength, and rail strength in tension. The vehicle motion had six degrees of freedom. These were lateral, longitudinal and vertical tinear motions and roll, pitch, and yaw angular motions. Several simplifying assumptions were made. + Regarded vehicle as single body + Used only horizontal motion; neglected vertical roll and pitch + Forces on vehicle acted in horizontat plane 2.2 BARRIER TYPES Traffic barriers are classified according to two systems. These are longitudinal systems and crash cushion systems. Longitudinal systems consist of guardrails, median barriers and bridge rails. Crash cushion systems included steel barrels, entrapment nets and containers filled with sand or water. (Michie and Bronstad, 1974) Guardrail and median systems are further categorized according to their lateral stiffness. 1. _ Rigid barriers - allow no lateral deflections example ~ New Jersey barrier 2. Semi-rigid barriers - allow small to moderate lateral deflections Literature Review 9 a. strong post/strong beam example - W-section beam on wood posts b. weak post/strong beam ‘example - box beam 3. Flexible barriers - allow large lateral deflections a. strong postweak beam example - cables with wood posts b. weak post/weak beam example - cables on weak steel posts (Michie, Calcote and Bronstad, 1971) 2.3 BARRIER FUNCTION AND SAFETY PERFORMANCE The purpose of traffic barriers is to protect vehicle occupants from dangerous roadside “features” and errant vehicles. Crash cushions provide this protection by reducing the severity of head-on collisions with fixed objects by decelerating the vehicle to a stop. Longitudinal barriers provide protection by meeting the following safety performance requirements (Bronstad, et al., 1987) « Retain vehicle (no vaulting, penetration or rollover) » — Rail should remain intact during the collision + Vehicle shall remain upright Literature Review 10 « — Rail should smoothly redirect vehicle (Smoothness is defined as no rotating or yawing of the vehicle's rear end while the vehicle is in contact with the barrier.) + Rail should decelerate vehicle within acceptable limits + Vehicle exit angle should be less than 10 degrees and within 100 ft of barrier after losing contact with the barrier 2.4 BARRIER USAGE As previously stated, barrier systems are used to protect vehicle occupants from Toadside hazards and out-of-control vehicles. However, barrier systems are intrinsically hazardous. Barriers systems minimize accident severity, but they also increase accident frequency because they are usually a larger target than the roadside obstacle and are closer to the roadway. For these reasons, it is recommended that hazardous site features be eliminated before considering barrier installation. The decision to install barrier systems depends upon whether it is more dangerous to hit roadside obstacles or the barrier system (Michie and Calcote, 1971). Barrier systems are required for the following hazardous highway features. 1. Laterai obstacles a. bridge structures b. abrupt embankments ¢, sloped embankments Literature Review "1 2. Roadside features aos. . fough rock cuts large boulders . permanent bodies of water deeper than 2 ft |. large trees (6" diameter or greater) within 30 ft of roadway . elevated gores . gap between twin bridges 3. Fixed objects mao aos > © bridge parapet and rails depending upon bridge width traffic direction . sign supports . light poles . bridge piers . abutments . retaining walls |. culvert headwalls |. wood poles and posts For barriers in narrow medians one must consider the median width and traffic voiume. (Michie and Bronstad, 1971) Literature Review 12 2.5 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW JERSEY BARRIER The New Jersey safety shape was based on concrete median barriers developed in Louisiana from 1942 - 1943 and California in 1946. The Louisiana barrier was 22.5 inches high with a curved face while the California barrier had a parabolic curved base. Both are shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. The New Jersey barrier has been used in New Jersey since 1955. By 1966 most states were using the modified design shown in Figure 2.3 (Lokken, 1974). The height of the New Jersey barrier was chosen by trial and error. Initially, the height was 18 inches and was later raised to 20 inches. However, at this height vehicles were still able to vault the rail. The height was then raised to 32 inches. The width and thicknesses were determined to provide protection against vehicle damage and prevent overturning. (Lokken, 1974) The resulting barrier is 32 inches high, has a 24 inch wide base and is 6 inches wide at the top. A 10 inch radius curve intersects the slopes of the two curves. The lower face has a 55 degree slope and a 2 to 3 inch vertical curb. The New Jersey barrier works in the following manner: 1. The first tire hits the 3 inch curb which slows the vehicle while redirecting it, Literature Review 13 Literature Review FIGURE 2.1 LOUISIANA CONCRETE BARRIER (Concrete Paving, 1969) Literature Review FIGURE 2.2 CALIFORNIA CONCRETE BARRIER (California Highways and Public Works, 1947) FIGURE 2.3 NEW JERSEY CONCRETE BARRIER (Lokken, 1974) Literature Review 2. The front wheel climbs the 55 degree slape which results in one or both wheels and the side of the car being lifted 13 to 15 inches. The energy component perpendicular to the barrier is absorbed during lifting and the overturning moment is “overcome” by compression of the vehicle's suspension system. 3. At impact angles less than 10 degrees, redirection is by the vehicles’ wheels. Compression of the suspension system absorbs energy and not the body of the vehicle 4. For high speed and large angle impacts, the barrier functions differently. As the wheel reaches the almost vertical upper part of the wall, it is redirected, decelerated and returned to the roadway parallel to the barrier. The barrier imposes minimum damage to the vehicle and tolerable deceleration rates the vehicle's occupants (Lokken, 1974). The New Jersey barrier has been crash tested by various groups. Lundstrom (1965) conducted twenty-one tests on New Jersey barriers at the General Motors Proving Ground. Lundstrom took measurements on vehicles to help determine at what elevation the two sloped faces should intersect to "eliminate sheet metal contact with the upper portion when the wheel contacts the base." The elevation of the slopes’ intersection was raised to 15 inches. He also determined that the wheel friction force resulting from contact with the parapet did not affect the action of the vehicle. Lundstrom concluded that 32 inches was Literature Review 17 not high enough for larger trucks so a rail was added to increase the height, bringing it closer to the center of gravity of the vehicle (see Figure 2.4). The California Division of Highways (Nordlin and Field, 1968) also conducted tests on the New Jersey barrier in 1966 and 1967. They concluded that the New Jersey barrier effectively redirects medium weight sedans at angles less than 10 degrees with little or no damage to the vehicle or barrier. However, for medium weight sedans at speeds of 65 mph and 25 degree angles, the barrier redirects the vehicle but with damage to the vehicle and high deceleration rates. Buth, et al., (1984) conducted full-scale crash tests on the New Jersey safety shape. They found that the safety shape did not meet the performance standards for a 4500 Ib vehicle impacting at a speed of 60 mph and an angle of 25 degrees. The vehicle was not smoothly redirected and exhibited "excessive roll displacement." However, it did meet the given performance standards for impacts at lower speeds and angles. Buth (1990) reported on additional crash tests on New Jersey barriers in 1990. The impact conditions were a 5390 Ib vehicle at 57.7 mph and 20.6 degrees and a 18000 Ib vehicle at 51.6 mph and 15.5 degrees. The rail performed satisfactorily meeting performance level 2 requirements. Literature Review 18 Concrete Parapet Roadwoy — 7 mn riage Deck Brigge Stee! ———— FIGURE 2.4 GENERAL MOTORS PROVING GROUND NEW JERSEY PARAPET (Lundstrom, 1965) Literature Review CHAPTER THREE REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK 3.1 PRESENTATION OF HIRSCH EQUATIONS. T J Hirsch at the Texas Transportation Institute developed equations to determine Ry (kips), the total transverse resistance of a rail and L¢ (ft), the critical wall length, given in NCHRP Project 12-33 "Development of a Comprehensive Bridge Specification and Commentary" (1993). It is noted that these equations were originally presented with different notation in “Analytical Evaluation of Texas Bridge Rails to Contain Buses and Trucks" (Hirsch, 1978). The equations with current notation are given below. Ry = oe, BMH, Mee? _ Wo Le- Li 2” Le- Lt 12 H(Le-Li/ 2) Mp = moment capacity of beam at top of wall, k ft Mc = flexural resistance of wall about horizontal axis, k fi/ft My = flexural resistance of wall about vertical axis, k ft/ft Lt = length of distribution of impact force, ft H = =wall height, ft Review of Previous Work 20 Hirsch developed these equations by yield line analysis of the constant thickness parapet wall with a top beam shown in Figure 3.1. The parapet was analyzed using the yield line pattern shown in Figure 3.2. 3.2 VERIFICATION OF HIRSCH EQUATIONS The first step in the development of equations for Rw and L¢ is to calculate the external work. External work = deformed area times load. The deformed area is shown in Figure 3.3. 1. Caiculate external work a. Calculate x by proportion x _ A(le= Li) Le b. Calculate deformed area under line load deformed area = AL(Le=Ls/2) c. Calculate work done by external forces Fid(Le- Le/ 2) Le External work = The second step is to calculate the internal work. Review of Previous Work 2 FIGURE 3.1 CONSTANT THICKNESS PARAPET WALL (Hirsch, 1978) Review of Previous Work Review of Previous Work FIGURE 3.2 HIRSCH YIELD LINE PATTERN 23 DEFORMED AREA DEFLECTED POSITION PLAN VIEW INITIAL POSITION A FIGURE 3.3 DEFORMED AREA Review of Previous Work 24 2. Calculate Internal Work a. Calculate internal work done by beam, see Figure 3.4. Beam internal work = 4Mb0= (for small angles = ) % b. Calculate internal work done by horizontal wall reinforcement 8BMwHA Internal work = c. Calculate internal work done by vertical wall reinforcement Internal work = ieee BMA 7 BMwHA 7 McLcA Le H d. Total internal work = 3. Solve For Fy and Rw a. Equate external and internal work Fid(Le-Lt/2) _ 8MoA iW BMwHA | MclcA + ee Le Le Le H b. Solve for Fy f= 8Mo_,_8Mubt Mele? Le-L12” l= Le12 Ale 2) Review of Previous Work 25 DEFLECTED POSITION INITIAL POSTION FIGURE 3.4 BEAM INTERNAL WORK Review of Previous Work 26 Fis Rw 2 1/2) 8M» 7 BM. -L/2 Le-Le/2 Rw= The next step is to determine the length, Le, that gives a minimum Ry. It is derived from Rw by taking dRw/dL¢ and setting it equal to zero. 4. Solve For L¢ a. Take derivative o(Rw) Le Review of Previous Work 27 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS OF VARIABLE THICKNESS CONCRETE PARAPET WALL 4.1 YIELD LINE ANALYSIS Equations for Rw (kips), total transverse resistance of a rail, and L¢ (ft), the critical length of wall failure, are developed based on yield line analysis of the variable thickness AASHTO New Jersey concrete parapet wall shown in Figure 4.1. The parapet is reinforced with 60 ksi bars with a 2" clear cover and the concrete has a compression strength of 4500 psi. The yield line pattern analyzed is the same one that Hirsch (1978) used in his work and is shown in Figure 4.2. The first step in the analysis is to calculate the external work. 4.1.1 External Work The external work is simply the deformed area times the load, Ft, per unit length, Lt. The deformed area and loading are shown in Figure 4.3. Fid(Le~ L/2) Le Ladies External Work = The next step in yield line analysis is to calculate the internal work done by the barrier as it deforms into the yield line pattern. Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 28 en" 4 19" 32" 10” ao _ at 15” FIGURE 4.1 STANDARD AASHTO NEW JERSEY PARAPET WALL Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 29 FIGURE 4.2 YIELD LINE PATTERN Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall x 30 DEFORMED AREA, DEFLECTED POSITION “7 mm — INITIAL POSITION A Pavey + ,| FIGURE 4.3 DEFORMED AREA AND LOADING Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 34 4.1.2 Internal Work To calculate the interna) work, it is necessary to determine the moment resistance provided by the reinforcing in each direction. The moment capacity in negative bending (contoured face is in tension) provided by the y-direction (vertical) reinforcing is approximated by the equation my'(h). (The moment capacity in positive bending in the vertical direction is not needed to analyze the given yield line pattern.) This equation is developed by calculating the moment capacity at various distances along the height of the wall, starting at a distance of 17.25 inches from the top of the wall (which is the development length for an epoxy coated #5 bar under the given conditions using AASHTO specifications). Using polynomial regression analysis, a parabolic curve is fitted to the data points (height, moment capacity) resulting in the equation my‘(h) which approximates the moment resistance provided by the y-direction (vertical) reinforcing at a given height. Equation my‘(h) is given below. The data points are given in Table 4.1 iny'(h) = 0.004h? + 0.888h — 1.02 , in k/in (4-2) Shown in Figure 4.4 is a graph comparing the calculated moment capacity (vertical direction) vs height and the approximated moment capacity vs height. The moment resistance for positive and negative bending provided by the x- direction (horizontal) reinforcing is calculated two ways. First, it is calculated as Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 32 TABLE 4.1 CALCULATED MOMENT CAPACITY VS APPROXIMATED MOMENT CAPACITY (Y-DIRECTION REINFORCING) HEIGHT, | CALCULATED MOMENT| MOMENT CAPACITY CAPACITY, APPROXIMATED BY EQ 4-2, in ink/in in k/in 0 0 1.02 _ 17.25 41.72 15.488 19 12.03 17.296 23 25.95, 21.52 26 30.00 24.77 29 34.10 28.096 32 23.87 31.49 Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 33 CALCULATED MOMENT CAPACITY IN NEGATIVE BENDING ‘APPROXIMATED MOMENT CAPACITY IN NEGATIVE BENDING, EQ 4-2 /(h) = 0.0107h?+ 0:34h - 0.096 1725 1” 26 32 FIGURE 4.4 CALCULATED MOMENT CAPACITY IN NEGATIVE BENDING PROVIDED BY Y-DIRECTION (VERTICAL) REINFORCEMENT VS THE APPROXIMATED MOMENT CAPACITY Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 34 a constant value per parapet cross section (my, m,') and secondly, as a function of the parapet height (m,(h), m,’(h)). In order to calculate the moment resistance, my, my’, provided by the x-direction (horizontal) reinforcing in positive and negative bending, the neutral axis for the parapet cross section must be located. Gere and Timoshenko (1984) state that the neutral axis of a cross section is the same as the principal centroidal axis if the moment vector is directed along one of the principal centroidal axes. Characteristics of principal centroidal axes are: 1. Moments of inertia are maximum and minimum for the axes 2. The product of inertia is zero 3. Axes of symmetry are principal axes The origin of the principal centraidal axes is at the centroid of the cross section and the axes are oriented at the angle 8p determined by Equation 4-3. The centroid, lx, ly. and by of the parapet wall cross section are determined. The parapet wall cross-section, shown in Figure 4.5, is divided into 5 sections consisting of 3 rectangles and 2 triangles. The moments of inertia are calculated for each section and are then determined for the uncracked parapet wall cross section using parallel axis theorems. Equation 4-3 is used to calculate the orientation of the principal centroidal axes, angle @p. Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 35 FIGURE 4.5 PARAPET WALL CROSS SECTION Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 36 -2by k=l Tan2& = (43) For purposes of calculating the moment capacity, the moment vector is assumed to be applied along the x’-principal centroidal axis and it is assumed that the neutral axis is parallel to the x’-principal centroidal axes. Using algebraic expressions, the moment of the concrete compression area that balances the moment of the tensile steel forces is determined. The moment capacity of the section is calculated by summing moments about the compression area centroid for each tensile steel force. The moment arm, jd, for the tensile forces is measured along the y’-principal centroidal axes. (See Figure 4.6.) The constant moment capacities provided by x-direction steel are given below. my = 11.18 in k/in, my’ = 10.94 in kin The moment resistance in positive and negative bending provided by the x- direction (horizontal) reinforcing is also approximated as a function of the height. The parapet is divided into 3 sections shown in Figure 4.7. The sections are 10 inches, 9 inches and 13 inches long. The moment capacity provided by the x- direction bars is calculated for each section using the same methodology that was used to calculate the moment capacity of the entire parapet cross section. Data points consisting of the height at the middle of each section and the moment capacity of that section are fitted to parabolic curves, m,(h) (positive bending) and m,(h) (negative bending). The data points are given in Table 4.2 and the equations are given below. Graphs of the moment equations are shown in Figure 4.8. Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 37 COMPRESSION CENTROID FIGURE 4.6 PRINCIPAL CENTROIDAL AXES OF PARAPET WALL CROSS SECTION Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 38 —_>< a FIGURE 4.7 PARAPET WALL SECTIONS USED TO CALCULATE m,(h), my'(h) Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Walll 39 TABLE 4.2 CALCULATED MOMENT CAPACITY VS APPROXIMATED MOMENT CAPACITY (X-DIRECTION REINFORCING) HEIGHT, CALCULATED MOMENT MOMENT CAPACITY CAPACITY, APPROXIMATED BY EQS 4-4a AND 4-4b, in ink/in in w/in my im’ mx im,’ 5 3.40 4.20 3.41 4.20 14.5 6.22 3.53 6.23 3.52 25.5 20.55 24.42 20.54 24.37 Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall ‘APPROXIMATED MOMENT CAPACITY (NEGATIVE BENDING), £0 440 mh) = 0.0860?- 1,9430n + 11.518 \ [APPROXIMATED MOMENT CAPACITY (POSITIVE BENDING) EO 44a my) = 1.04942 -0.6586n + 5.479 cAPAcTTy, inktn "20 CALCULATED MOMENT CAPACITY , ‘(POSITIVE BENDING) \ CALCULATED MOMENT CAPACITY, m,(NEGATIVE BENDING) er re HEIGHT, bn FIGURE 4.8 CALCULATED MOMENT CAPACITY IN POSITIVE, my, AND NEGATIVE, m,’, BENDING PROVIDED BY X-DIRECTION (HORIZONTAL) REINFORCING VS APPROXIMATED MOMENT CAPACITY Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wail a imx(h) = 0.0491h? — 0.6586h +5,749 , in kin (4-4a) mx'(h) = 0.096h? - 1.9439h +11.518 , in k/in (4-4b) The next step after approximating the moment resistance provided by the horizontal and vertical reinforcing is to calculate the internal work done by yield lines. The yield line pattern and its corresponding moment resistances are shown in Figure 4.2. The internal work is given by Equation 4-5. Internal work = mp8, (4-5) Mp = normal moment/unit length along a yield line 8p = normal rotation of the yield fine 1 = length of the yield line (Jones and Wood, 1967) 4 The internal work for the vertical yield line is _6{msch. However, the moment 3 capacity, Mg, per unit length along the diagonal line yield line is a combination of the moment resistance provided by both the vertical and horizontal reinforcing. Development of mg, Nilson and Winter (1991) derive an expression for mg, In Figure 4.9a is an orthogonal grid of reinforcement with a diagonal yield line at angle a. The X direction bars are spaced at v unit length and provide moment resistance, my, per unit length about the Y axis. The Y direction bars are at unit spacing, u, and provide moment resistance, my, per unit length about the X axis. Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 42 Yield line FIGURE 4.9 DERIVATION OF mg (Nilson and Winter, 1991) Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 43 The resisting moment per Y direction bar about the X axis is mu. The component of mu along the diagonal yield line is myucosa. See Figure 4.9b. The moment capacity provided by the Y direction bars along the diagonal yield line is _ Mu cosa ee ros = macos? a (46) Similarly, the resisting moment per unit length along the a axis provided by the X direction bar is calculated. See Figure 4.9c. Itis (47) The resisting moment, mg, per unit length along the a axis is the sum of mgy and Max. Ma = Mxcos? a+ mysin? a (4-8) For this study, due to the differences in notation, Ma = My'(h)cos? a+ ms'{h}sin? a (4-9) Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 44 Integration of mg, Since mg is a function of the variable h it is necessary to integrate along the diagonal yield line to calculate the internal work. The internal work for the diagonal yield line is 4t 2 4-10 almas (4-10) 2 is the normal angle of rotation. See Figure 4.10 of yield line pattern defining e ands. The equation my is paramaterized to integrate over the distance s. The parametric representation of mg (using parameter -t) is x=Etag(t) (4-11a) 2 y=Ht=h(t) (4-11b) (y = variable 'h’ in moment equations) & Le , 7 S-F-90 (4-122) Hint) (4-12b) dt Equation mg is smooth since it's parametric representation is such that x=g(t) y=nit) Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 45 Where a = 14.55 in kf. = 0.4546? +1445.04 Rw u~u 2 , kips (4-19) Where L¢ and Lt are in inches. Lage () +3178.70, inches (4-20) Equations 4-21 and 4-22 were developed using my’ calculated at the base of the parapet wall and not as an average value used in the previous two equations (which corresponds to Hirsch's Mc.) 7 0.7459L:? +1445,04 Le faa 2 Ft = Rw, kips (4-21) Where L¢ and Lt are in inches. Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 49 7 uaHy ( ) +199 31, inches (4-22) Analysis of Variable Thickness Concrete Parapet Wall 50 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 EXAMPLES In the following examples, the total transverse resistance of a rail, Rw, and the critical length of wall failure, Lc, are calculated for the standard AASHTO New Jersey parapet wall analyzed in this study and shown again in Figure 5.1. Rw and L¢ will be determined using equations developed in this report as well as by those developed by T J Hirsch. Example 4 Le and Ry calculated by Equations 4-17 and 4-18 based on varying moment capacities. 1. Determine Le Le, i(leY be=Ze (4) +6997.40 Lt = 3.5'= 42" (impact length for performance level 2) 2 + (2) +6997.40 Le = 214+ -V7438.4 = 107.246"(8.937') Discussion 51 wei" 19” 32" 10" pyaneeen > Lytt 15” FIGURE 5.1 AASHTO NEW JERSEY CONCRETE PARAPET WALL Discussion 52 2. Determine Rw _ 0.4538L¢? + 3175.42 Le L-= 2 Rw 7 0.4538(107.246)? + 3175.42 Re 107.246 - 2 _ 8394.91 * "86.246 = 97.33 kips Example 2 Lg and Rw calculated with Equations 4-19 and 4-20 based on constant moment capacities where my’ is averaged. 1. Calculate Le 3 Les oe (¢) +3178.70 2 u-2. (2) +3178.70 2 Le = 21+ 3619.7 = 81.16"(6.76') Discussion 53 2. Calculate Rw Ru= 0.4546L.? + 1445.04 L- 2 R 0.4546(81.16)? +1445.04 = 8116 -— 2 4439.465 . ww = ——__— = 73.7! Ry 60.16 ‘9 kips Example 3 L¢ and Rw determined using my’ calculated at the base of the parapet wall (which corresponds to Hirsch's Mg) and not an averaged value (Equations 4-21 and 4-22.) 1. Calculate Le z bene (=) +1937.31 = ee (2) +1997.31 2 2 Le = 21+ 2378.31 = 69.767"(5.81') Discussion 54 2. Calculate Rw _0.7459L2? +1445.04 ke Ltt 2 Rw 07459(69.767)? +1445.04 AY Te caslyen Zee 69.767 -—— 2 _ 5075.66 Re 18.767 = 104.00 kips Example 4 Le and Ry calculated using Hirsch equations with an average value for Mg. 1. Calculate Le 2 Ln 354 38) 4 (2.670 +14 06(2.67)) 2 2 14.55 Le =8.56' Discussion 55 2. Calculate Rw R 8M> 8MuH Mele? wy = Of 5 be-Lt12 Le-Lt/2 H(Le-Lr/ 2) Ry = 8(0)__, 8(11.06)2.67 | 14.55(8.56)* 8.56-3.5/2 8,56-3.5/2 2.67(8.56-3.5/2) Rw = 93.3 kips Example 5 L¢ and Ry calculated using Hirsch equations with Mc calculated at the base of the parapet wall and not averaged. (Note: This is the standard way to calculate Me:) 1. Calculate Le Le (ey 8H(Mo+ MuH) +, =| + basa Me Le=7.18' 2. Calculate Rw 8Mo_ | _8MuH Mele? Le-L112° LeU: 12 H(Le- Le 2) Discussion 58 23.87(7.18)? 572) Rw = 128.37 kips 5.2 COMPARISON OF RESULTS The values for Ry and L¢ calculated by the equations developed within and by Hirsch equations are given in Table 5.1. The equations based on variable moment capacities (Example 1) give a value for Rw that is 24% less than that calculated by Hirsch (Example 5.) However, Ry calculated in Example 1 is only 4% more than Hirsch values when an average value is used for Mc (Example 4.) The results from equations based on constant moment capacities (using an average value for my’, Example 2) give results 21% and 40% less than Hirsch equations in Examples 4 and 5, respectively, Equations (Example 3) based on constant moment capacities (Mc = my’) give Rw values 19% less than Hirsch (Example 5) and 10% more than Hirsch equations with an average Mg (Example 4.) A graphical representation of these results is shown in Figure 5.2. Discussion 57 TABLE 5.1 COMPARISON OF Lc AND Ry Discussion EXAMPLE | EQUATION EQUATION L,, ft Ry kips NUMBER DESCRIPTION NUMBER {__ Based on variable | 4-17, 4-18 8.973 97.33 1 moment capacities Based on constant | 4-19, 4-20 6.76 73.79 2 moment capacities (average m') 3 | Based onconstant | 4-21, 4-22 5.81 104.00 moment capacities Hirsch equations 8.56 93.30 4 (averaged M,) 5 Hirsch equations 7.18 128.37 58 12837 10400 e733 100 93.30 80 73.39 Ry % kips 20 ° 1 2 2 ‘ 5 EXAMPLE NUMBER FIGURE 5.2 COMPARISON OF Rw Discussion 59 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Conclusions and Recommendations By comparing values for Rw, the total transverse resistance of a barrier rail, it is obvious that the Hirsch equations, used as intended (without an averaged Mc,) over estimate Ry. This is because intrinsically the Hirsch equations assume that Mc, the flexural resistance of the wall about horizontal axis, (my’ in this study) is constant. However, for the New Jersey parapet wall analyzed this value is much greater at the base (where Mc is calculated) than it is for the rest of the wall. This results in an inflated vaiue for Ry which is nonconservative. 6.2 RECOMMENDATIONS When an average value for Mg is used in Hirsch equations the results are very close (4% less) to those determined by the equations based on variable moment capacities which are the most accurate of the equatians developed. Based on this fact, if Me varies significantly along the height of a parapet wall, it is recommended that an average value for Mc be used in the Hirsch equations instead of Mc calculated at the base of the parapet wall. Conclusions and Recommendations 60 10. tt. 12. LITERATURE CITED Beaton, J L, and Field, R N, "Dynamic Full-Scale Tests of Median Barriers," HRB Bulletin 266, 1960, pp 78-125. Bronstad, M E, et al, "Bridge Rail Designs and Performance Standards, Vol |: Research Report." 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She graduated Valedictorian of Altavista High School in 1986. Benita received her Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Civil Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1991 and 1993. Berk £ ee

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