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A Walk Through William Shakespeares Hamlet Act by Act!

For each Act:

a) It is your responsibility to be in class, follow along, help by reading a part out loud from time
YOU. By the time weve finished reading the act, you should know what happened.
b) When we are done reading the act, you will, in a small group, prepare one of the activities
below, depending on what youve been assigned. There are five activities and five acts. You
will remain in the same group for the duration of our study of the play. You will do all activities
c) You will present what youve prepared. The class will ask you questions about anything that
they are not sure about.


A Dramatic Rendition of the Act in Five Minutes.

Your task is to perform the act for us in five minutes! This means that you will decide what must
be left in or condensed and what can be left out. You may use modern English but each
performer must incorporate one original line from the play in their dialogue.
You should use simple costumes and props, especially if you need to play more than one part.
You may have a script in your hand in case you forget your lines, but it should seem rehearsed
enough that the Act flows!


The Characters

Your task is to analyse the main characters as they present themselves in that Act. Focus on
what character traits are revealed by what the character said or did, or by what others said
about them. Explain the significance of the main characters to the class. Also, create a google
spreadsheet with the following headlines and share your completed work with on google


Character Trait


brave leader

How we know it


Soldier said he was

a fierce leader and

the victory fell


us (1,2, 23)


A minimum of 10 entries are expected.

Create and post a visual board on Pinterest for one of the main characters in this act. Present
your board to the class explaining why you chose these images for this character. (at least 10


There are major themes that are introduced or developed in each act. Examples would be
appearance versus reality, introspection versus action insanity good versus evil
honour etc. Your task is to explore the various topics that Shakespeare presents to us
through the action of the play. What is he showing us is true about these themes? What are
the moments in this act that touch on these themes?
Present these themes in a well-developed Prezi or Google Presentation including links to
meaningful media.
Share the link with our classroom.


Imagery and other Rhetorical Devices

a) Shakespeare uses imagery to extend meaning in his play. Find references to the following
imagery in your Act. Provide an explanation of its effectiveness and a quotation for each.





b) Explore the metaphors, hyperbole, symbols, analogies, allusions etc. that Shakespeare uses
to bring his story alive through words. What is significant to notice about the use of these
rhetorical devices? How do they reinforce themes or character traits? Show us 5 of the most
beautifully crafted lines in this act and explain why they are so well-crafted.
Create a google doc. In chart form, list the imagery, quotation and explanation and share it with
our community.


Analyzing Soliloquies and comparing two film Versions

You will analyze the soliloquy from your Act and explain the meaning and imagery in it to the
class. Have the words on the screen for the class to view as you explain them.
In class we watched the Branagh version of the play. Find 2 other versions of the soliloquy
online and show them to the class. Compare the two versions in terms of:

the interpretation of the role of Hamlet.

the film setting of this important scene.
special effects or sound effects used by the filmmaker to enhance the moment.

Other Guidelines / Requirements:

Your groups presentation of information should be approximately 10-15 minutes.

Everyone in the group is expected to contribute equally but all do not have to speak equally.

Visuals make it easier for your audience to focus on specific lines from the play that you refer to
or specific details you want to point out. Create an electronic note detailing the significant
discoveries of your group. You may refer to it during your presentation and post it on the google
classroom for everyone to study from.

For each activity, except the acting and soliloquy analysis

Make sure your audience is actively learning through discussion questions,
games or any other creative way that engages them in your presentation.

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