Birthtime-Rectification Sanjay Rath

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C Birthtime Calculation,rectification and lagna fixing C

Time of Birth


Is the following statement correct?

"Birth represents independent existence of the baby's body from mothers body.
Many have wondered what is the point of birth, maybe when baby's head comes
out, or when the whole baby is out... there are so many different theories. The
answer is when umbilical cord which is connecting mother and baby is cut. Only
at that point baby starts to exist separately from the mother and that is called
point of birth. This is very fundamental principle. On the basis of this principle the
horoscope is made."


Yes, there was a very big debate in one of the classes in Delhi on this and this is the
final answer. Nadi Sodhana..cutting of the umbilicus is the correct time.


In this regard, I checked with my sister, who is a gynecologist. She said,

the moment the baby starts crying, the blood circulation from the mother
through umbilical card stops and the baby starts its own breathing. So,
even if we are not cutting the card, the connection ceases. So, she said
normally they consider for their purpose, the time the baby cries or the
baby starts breath is the time of birth.


As regards blood circulation, let me tell you that even after the cutting of the limb
of a person, his astral limb exists. Thus the cutting of the umbilical chord is the
actual time of birth..signifying independence from mother. Circulation is no
criteria as the milk that the mother continues to feed to the child is also a part of
her blood. This is the reason as to why MARS is also a STHIRA KARAKA for
mother along with the Moon. The father contributes his semen and the Venus is
sthira Karaka for father along with the Sun.

Measuring birthtime from sun, why?


GMT is local mean time for Greenwich, i.e. 12.00 GMT is local noon at
Greenwich. The Ascendant covers the whole zodiac in 24 hours, thus making a
360 degree circle. 24 hours is 1440 minutes, and this divided by 360 is 4 minutes
per degree. So the midheaven (the point of the Suns crossing the meridian of
the place) moves with the same angular speed > (1 degree per 4 minutes) and
therefore this is the equation for calculating the local mean time for any longitude
on the earth. So we might say that GMT is arbitrary, but if we take any other
point, the equation will be the same and give the same result. Therefore the point
of beginning (0 deg longitude) may be any point and LMT may be calculated from
it, be it Greenwich or Ujjain or whatever other place.
And the Suns crossing the midheaven is not an arbitrary point in time but
coincides a natural phenomenon occurring in all longitudes of the earth.
Why Hora? Hora means a half of a sign (15 degrees)
and there are 24 of them in the whole zodiac. So if we
take that the Lagna or Midheaven of whatever fixed
point of the place takes exactly 24 Horas to go around
the zodiac, then it is more clear why we link the Horas
not to the SUN, but to the MIDHEAVEN. A Hora is the
definition based on the Rasi. And Rasis (especially in
the sidereal zodiac) are not based on the Sun, but on
the Nakshatras. So the only way to arrive to a circle
divided into 12 equal Rasis and 24 equal Horas is
based on the movement of the Midheaven around the
The movement of the Sun differs a bit, thats why if the Rasis are determined on
the basis of the Suns position, we arrive to the Tropical Zodiac, which shifts
compared to the sidereal.
I have only one question after this: Why is the birth time calculated in Ghatikas
from the Sunrise? This measurement is clearly based on the Sun, and 60 ghatis
(especially as they are equal to 24 Horas) would almost never match a Solar day
(lasting from sunrise to sunrise), only on the days of equinox. Even then in the
spring it may differ a bit from the autumn one.
So what is the significance in measuring the birth time from sunrise? How do
they do that in the poles?


Your understanding is correct, but for a few technical points. What you say as ascendant
is actually the BHAVA LAGNA which moves @ 1 degree in 4 minutes.
The Sun is the Naisargika Atmakaraka and the visiblity of the Sun's upper limb has been
used for Poojas and Yagna since time immemorial. The most important point is that the
SUN is the Creator or the cause of the Lagna. If there was no Sun (figureatively, Atma or
Vishnu) then there would be no need for a body. This is the explanation for the
traditional use of the measurement of the time in Ghatika's from Sunrise. Thus if a baby
is to be born, then it is the Atma that comes first and then it enters food, from food to
sperm, from sperm to egg and from egg to baby. Thus the Atma causes the Lagna to
come into existence.
Hence all measurement of Astrological time for the sake of explanation of individual
births is from the Sun. However, the Yuga and others are explained on the basis of time.
These affect individuals, but are not dependent on the individuals. Thus when Jaimini
asks us to measure the Birth time from Sunrise or Sunset to determine the sex of the
child, he is teaching an important lesson in giving the primacy to the Atma. He is also
teaching a second very important lesson that the Sunrise (symbolising first house) or the
sunset (symbolising seventh house) are the two houses of the Satya Peetha as these
symbolise the Sun or the house aspected by the Sun (7th). This is the basis for choosing
the stronger between the first and seventh house for the starting of all the various types
of Rasi Dasa. These two houses become Satya Peetha and the Maya Pada (Arudha
Pada) cannot fall in these houses. Thus this also teaches that the Arudha Pada of any
house cannot fall in the same house or the seventh from it.

Birthtime rectification technique


About the rectification table mentioned by Bhushan ji: I met Sri P.V.R.Rayudu (he
said Bhushan ji contacted him before), a retired scientist. He was a neighbour
and a sishya of Sri D.V. Subba Rao. Sri Subba Rao's books are out of print, but
Sri Rayudu gave me the gist of the rectification technique mentioned in a book. It
is essentially what Prof. P.S. Sastri described in his book on rectification (tattwa
and antartattwa). There is a minor (but important) difference between what Prof.
P.S. Sastri and others do and what Sri Subba Rao does. They take only
aarohana, but Sri Subba Rao takes aarohana and then avarohana.


Sri Subba Rao is correct. The Full cycle consists of Aaroha and then avaroha gati. To
ignore the latter is like ignoring the night and saying that i know the meaning of the full
day, just because I know "day"...
HORA..Day& Night..similarly, the gati of the tatwa
and the antartattwa will also fall into Aaroha (Day) and Avaroha (Night) gati. This is the
basis of the Sama & Vimsa rasi as well as the Samapada & Vimsapada rasi. Sri
Subbarao has understood correctly. There is yet another confirmation based on the
Vighatika of birth, besides some points on Navamsa-Dwadasamsa...

Following is the diagrammatic representation of the sunrise by Mr.Narasimha Rao.


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