1 08
1 08
1 08
Setting: Scotland
Main characters: Macbeth, Lady
Macbeth, Duncan, the witches
-witches prophecies
-Lady Macbeth wanting to kill
-Lady Macbeth getting Macbeth to
kill Duncan
Rising Action:
Falling Action:
Plot Analysis
As you read the scenes in this lesson, take notes on important events in the story. Provide the line
or lines from the play that relate to the event. Stop and think for a moment about why that event
is important for the story and add your thoughts in the space provided.
Choose a minimum of three events.
Text Support
recorded time.
And all our
yesterdays have
lighted fools
The way to dusty
death. Out, out, brief
Choose one of the events you added to your graphic organizer and think about why it is an
important piece of the plot. Focus on the purpose it serves in the story. Consider how the story
would change if that event was altered. Form your ideas into a reflection paragraph of at least
five sentences. Make sure to include supporting evidence from the play in your reflection.
I think that the witches prophecy All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All
hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter!
is such an important event because it was a turning point in Macbeths outlook. He began
thinking he did have a chance at becoming king since the witches said he did. If the witches
didnt say this then maybe Lady Macbeth wouldnt have been so determined to make Macbeth
king and kill Duncan in the process. Macbeth may have stayed a noble and humble hero instead
of a man hungry for power.