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Product Data


High temperatures: 45881: BASE 45889 with CURING AGENT 95881
Low to medium temperatures: 45880: BASE 45889 with CURING AGENT 95880

HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880/45881 is a two-component polyamide adduct cured, high

solids, high build epoxy paint. It forms a hard and tough coating, has good wetting
properties and low temperature curing.

Recommended use:

As a selfprimed, surface tolerant paint system or as an intermediate or finishing coat in

heavy duty paint systems where low VOC and high film build are required.
Multipurpose coating as per specification for maintenance and minor repairs in
immersed areas including ballast tanks and underwater hull specifically in those cases
where a need for few products outweighs more specialised coatings.
Can be specified where extended recoating properties for polyurethane topcoats are
requested (typically travel coating). May be used directly on cured zinc silicate
(GALVOSIL products) or spray-metallized surfaces to minimize popping.
As a topcoat where the usual outdoor cosmetic appearance of epoxy paints is
Maximum, dry exposure only: 120C/248F

Service temperatures:

Tested for non-contamination of grain cargo at the Newcastle Occupational Health,

Great Britain. Complies with Section 175.300 of the Code of Federal Regulations in
respect of carriage of dry foodstuffs (FDA) in spaces with an internal surface area larger
than 1000 m/10,750 sq.ft.
HEMPADUR MASTIC 45881 is in accordance with Aramcos specification APCS 1, APCS
12, APCS 26 and 26T.
Classified as class 1 material according to BS 476: Part 7: 1997 (fire testing).
HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880 is approved as a low flame spread material by Danish,
French, Spanish, Singaporean, Malaysian and Indonesian authorities according to IMO
resolution MSC 61 (67).
Has a French, Spanish, Danish, Singaporean, Malaysian and Indonesian EC-type
Examination Certificate.
Complies with EU Directive 2004/42/EC, subcategory j.
Please see REMARKS overleaf.

Version, mixed product:
Colours/Shade nos:
Volume solids, %:
Theoretical spreading rate:

Part of Group Assortment. Local availability subject to confirmation.

Flash point:
Specific gravity:
Dry to touch:
Fully cured:

4 m/litre - 200 micron
4 m/litre - 200 micron
160 sq.ft./US gallon - 8 mils
160 sq.ft./US gallon - 8 mils
1.5 kg/litre - 12.5 lbs/US gallon
1.5 kg/litre - 12.5 lbs/US gallon
4 (approx) hours at 20C/68F
3 (approx) hours at 30C/86F
7 days at 20C/68F
5 days at 30C/86F
220 g/litre - 1.8 lbs/US gallon
220 g/litre - 1.8 lbs/US gallon
*Wide range of colours available via Hempel's MULTI-TINT system.
The physical constants stated are nominal data according to the HEMPEL Group's approved formulas. They are
subject to normal manufacturing tolerances and where stated, being standard deviation according to ISO 3534-1.

Mixing ratio:
Application method:
Thinner (max. vol.):
Pot life:
Nozzle orifice:
Nozzle pressure:
Cleaning of tools:
Indicated film thickness, dry:
Indicated film thickness, wet:
Recoat interval, min/max:

Issued: March 2011

Base 45889 : Curing agent 95880
Base 45889 : Curing agent 95881
3 : 1 by volume
3 : 1 by volume
Airless spray
Brush (touch up)
Airless spray
Brush (touch up)
Depending on purpose usually less than 5% THINNER 08450 (See REMARKS overleaf)
1 hour (20C/68F) (Airless spray)
1 hour (30C/86F) (Airless spray)
2 hours (20C/68F) (Brush)
2 hours (30C/86F) (Brush)
.017"-.023" (See separate APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS)
250 bar/3600 psi (Airless spray data are indicative and subject to adjustment)
200 micron/8 mils (see REMARKS overleaf)
250 micron/10 mils
Handle with care. Before and during use, observe all safety labels on packaging and paint
containers, consult HEMPEL Material Safety Data Sheets and follow all local or national safety
regulations. Avoid inhalation, avoid contact with skin and eyes, and do not swallow. Take
precautions against possible risks of fire or explosions as well as protection of the environment.
Apply only in well ventilated areas

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Product Data Sheet



New steel: When used as an intermediate or finishing coat please refer to the data sheet for the
preceding GALVOSIL or HEMPADUR primer. When used as a primer please refer to the
Zinc silicate painted or spray-metallized surfaces: Remove oil and grease, etc. with suitable
detergent. Remove salt and other contaminants by (high pressure) fresh water cleaning. Zinc salts
(white rust) must be removed by high pressure hosing combined with rubbing with a stiff nylon
brush if necessary. It is recommended to recoat spray-metallized surfaces as soon as possible to
avoid possible contamination.
Concrete: Remove slip agent and other possible contaminants by emulsion washing followed by
high pressure hosing with fresh water. Remove scum layer and loose matter to a hard, rough and
uniform surface, preferably by abrasive blasting, possibly by other mechanical treatment or acid
etching. Seal surface with suitable sealer, as per relevant painting specification.
Repair and maintenance: Remove oil and grease, etc. with suitable detergent. Remove salt and
other contaminants by (high pressure) fresh water cleaning. Clean damaged areas thoroughly by
power tool cleaning to minimum St 2 (spot-repairs) or by abrasive blasting to min. Sa 2, preferably
to Sa 2. Improved surface preparation will improve the performance of HEMPADUR MASTIC
45880/45881. As an alternative to dry cleaning, water jetting to min. Wa 2 (ISO 85014:2006)(or according to specification), may be used. A flash-rust degree of maximum M (ISO 85014:2006) is acceptable before application. Feather edges to sound and intact paint. Dust off
On pit-corroded surfaces, excessive amounts of salt residues may call for water jetting, wet
abrasive blasting, alternatively dry abrasive blasting, high pressure fresh water hosing, drying, and
finally, dry abrasive blasting again.


Apply only on a dry and clean surface with a temperature above the dew point to avoid
condensation. Use only when application and curing can proceed at temperatures above -5C/23F
(recommended lowest temperature is 0C/32F) for HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880 and above approx
15C/59F for HEMPADUR MASTIC 45881. The temperature of the paint itself should be
15C/59F or above, but advantageously below approximately 30C/86F to secure proper
application properties. Optimal spraying properties are obtained at a paint temperature of 1822C/64-72F. In warmer climates, the paint should be stored in a cool place and the paint
temperature should preferably be kept below 30C/86F. In confined spaces provide adequate
ventilation during application and drying. In cases where faster drying at very low temperatures is
required, HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880 may advantageously be replaced by HEMPADUR 45143.
Please also see separate APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS.

SUBSEQUENT COAT: None or according to specification.
VOC - EU directive

5 vol. % thinning
Limit phase II, 2010
VOC in g/l
As supplied
5 vol. % thinning
Limit phase II, 2010
VOC in g/l
For VOC of other shades, please refer to Safety Data Sheet.
Certificates have been issued under the former quality number 4588.
Colours/ColourCertain lead-free red and yellow colours may discolour when exposed to chlorine- containing
Leaded colours may become discoloured when exposed to sulphide-containing atmosphere.
Like other epoxy coatings in white/whitish colour a yellowing may take place in cases of
application under unfavourable weather conditions, especially sudden drops in temperature during
drying and initial cure and/or lack of ventilation.
Weathering/service The natural tendency of epoxy coatings to chalk in outdoor exposure and to become more
sensitive to mechanical damage and chemical exposure at elevated temperatures is also
reflected in this product.
Film thicknesses/
May be specified in another film thickness than indicated depending on purpose and area of use.
This will alter spreading rate and may influence drying time and recoating interval. Normal range
dry is 125-200 micron/5-8 mils. May be specified in lower film thickness for which purpose
additional thinning is required, please see separate APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS.
Avoid application of excessive film thicknesses.

Issued: March 2011

As supplied

The product is also available in a Micaceous Iron Oxide (MIO) pigmented shade (Shade no. 12430
reddish grey ) and in aluminium pigmented shades (Shade nos. 19870 - dark alu and 19000 light alu).

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Product Data Sheet


Application onto zinc
silicate or spraymetallized surfaces
Curing agents:

It is recommended to apply HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880/45881 by using a "mist-coat" procedure

Provided the paint temperature is approximately above 20C/68F: A thin, diluted coat is
applied (the mist coat) and after a few minutes, a second coat is applied in the full specified film
thickness. If the paint temperature is below 20C/68F, thinning (max 15%) may be required.
Curing agents 95880 and 95881 are hazy. This is intended and has no negative influence on the


HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880/45881 is for professional use only.


HEMPEL A/S - 4588012170CO015/4588112170CO013

This Product Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued.

For explanations, definitions and scope, see Explanatory Notes in the HEMPEL Book.
Data, specifications, directions and recommendations given in this data sheet represent only test results or
experience obtained under controlled or specially defined circumstances. Their accuracy, completeness or
appropriateness under the actual conditions of any intended use of the Products herein must be determined
exclusively by the Buyer and/or User.
The Products are supplied and all technical assistance is given subject to HEMPEL's GENERAL CONDITIONS
OF SALES, DELIVERY AND SERVICE, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. The Manufacturer and
Seller disclaim, and Buyer and/or User waive all claims involving, any liability, including but not limited to
negligence, except as expressed in said GENERAL CONDITIONS for all results, injury or direct or
consequential losses or damages arising from the use of the Products as recommended above, on the overleaf
or otherwise.
Product data are subject to change without notice and become void five years from the date of issue.

Issued: March 2011

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Product Data Sheet

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