Edse443 Assignmenth

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Kristin Foster

Assignment H . Modification of a Lesson
Content Area
I have written a modified math lesson. This lesson matches the material seen in
a 7th grade math class in their unit on data and measurement. While the general
education students will be creating graphs and analyzing them for the mean median and
mode, finding patterns and interpreting the graphs, my students will being determining if
a variable has more or less on a graph. The whole class will be interpreting graphs
however my students will be working on the extended evidence outcome. The students
will be using some of the same graph along with some different graphs. What they are
expected to know will be vastly different.
Content Standard for General Education Class
Standard: 3. Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
1. Visual displays and summary statistics of one-variable data condense the information
data sets into usable knowledge
d. Summarize and describe distributions. (CCSS: 6.SP)
3. Give quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean)
and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute
deviation), as well as describing any overall pattern and any
striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to
the context in which the data were gathered. (CCSS: 6.SP.5c)
Extended Evidence Outcome
Standard: 3. Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
1. Statistics can be used to gain information about populations by examining samples
II. Draw a conclusion from a graphical representation of survey results (e.g. most
students prefer chocolate ice cream, the cafeteria buys more chocolate ice cream than
other flavors).

Case Study
Chris is a very outgoing and friendly young man. He has good social skills and
understands others social cues. He does well when the direction are explicitly taught to
him and when there are clear visuals. Chris needs accommodations to assist his long

term memory recall. Currently Chris is working on functional math along with addition
and subtraction. He enjoys being in the general education class but can sometimes
become overwhelmed with the vocabulary and assignments. He does well when he is
told of his individual expectations along with priming the vocabulary that he needs to
focus on. He does well with receiving modified assignments as long as he is primed for
Chris will be able to subtract numbers 0-20 from 5/20 times to 16/20 times when given a
subtraction worksheet as measured by teacher created curriculum based

Chris and the other students on the Multi Intensive Case load will receive the
vocabulary before the lesson.When the teacher engages them in the lesson he will use
the vocabulary in which they have been taught. When doing the independent work, their
graphs will be larger. They will have more and less stickers in which they will place on
the variable that is more and on the variable that is less. They will also have subtraction
and addition sheets they have been taught how to plug numbers in and then to the
subtraction. The students will use subtraction to find the difference or the range from the
data. The subtraction piece would not be expected during the same academic block.
Chris and the other students are doing a great job recognizing which group has more or
less. They are also enjoying using the stickers. The priming is the best way to help
support my kids in the general education math class. I have begun to not only do
priming but to teach full lessons modified from the general education class. Then when
we are in the general education class the students feel more confident and do not get
as frustrated with the large amount of general education content. It is still difficult to
have my lessons match the general education lessons, as their content gets deeper
(especially in middle school) the content grows further apart.

I started to prepare for this lesson by stopping in once a week to simply get to
know the students in the MI classroom. The students are all sweet attention loving
students with a great sense of humor. In math I observed the MI classroom was working
on the single and double digit addition and subtraction. When I looked at EEOs for 6th
through 8th grade I didnt find any specific standards that matched addition. So I choose
a standard that I enjoyed and thought the students would enjoy. I wanted the lesson to
be interactive and applicable to real life. So I decided to chose a standard based on

reading graphs to determine which variable had more or less. I wanted them to vote and
then for us to look at the demographics of the class. So I created topics about favorites
that applied to their classroom and upcoming holidays. I created a large interactive
graph and printed pictures of the 3 options I would give students. I also wanted the
students to be able to communicate answers at the same time so that I could check for
understanding. Some students have expressive communication needs so I created
visual signs for them to hold up for answers.
The students were silent and attentive from the moment I walked in. They
needed zero directions to stay in their seat, or stay on task. Few students needed
redirections to remember to raise their hand, talk only when asked to, or sit properly.
With one redirections students stayed calm and changed their behavior. The students
participated in the lesson successfully. They were able to answer questions about how
many votes each variable received. About 85% of students were able to answer all
questions regarding more and less correctly.
The topics that I choose were relevant and engaging for the students. I stated the
objective Next time, I would like to use a visual to display which variables we were
comparing. I would like to go over vocabulary and math symbols at the beginning of the
lesson more thoroughly. I would also like to have the students have more independent
practice in which I could use this time to use differentiated groups and apply concepts,
math language and skills accordingly.
I can break students into smaller differentiated groups to have a highly focused
activities for their ability level. I would like to have the smaller groups then independently
practice the skill. I would also like to have more interactive items to display their
answers to my questions. Along with visual representations of vocabulary and concepts.
In the future I will also use more appropriate language when explaining standards. I will
make sure to maintain an even pace that students can keep up with but is not to slow.
After realizing that they can follow behavior expectations and are easily redirected, I can
add more movement into my next lesson.

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