Students Survey
Students Survey
Students Survey
We the members of Active Practitioners 5 in collaboration with The University of the West
Indies, have been engaged to design and administer this survey to 5 schools. This
questionnaire seeks your view on the issue of bullying that plague of Nation Schools.We are
inviting you to participate in this research study by completing the attached survey, it will
take approximately 15 mins to complete. If you choose to participate in this project, please
answer all questions as honestly as possible as we will understand where our strengths lie
and where we can make improvements. In order to ensure that all information
will remain confidential, please do not include your name.
Yours sincerely,
Instruction: There are 12 questions on this questionnaire. Read each question and tick
one answer where necessary then respond appropriately.
1. Are you male or female?
3. Safe means feeling comfortable, relaxed, and not worried that someone could harm you. Do
you feel safe at school?
Other ______________________________________
7. Bullying meaning, a repeated act, or continuous act of one of the following. Have you been
bullied by other students?
Yes No
8. Have you ever been physically abused? Examples: hit, pushed, shoved, slapped, kicked, spit at, or
beaten up, had property stolen.
Not once
Once or twice
Every week
Many times
Dont Know
9. Have you ever experienced verbally abuse? Examples: called names, teased hurtfully, insulted,
humiliated, threatened.
Not once
Once or twice
Every week
Many times
Dont Know
10. Have you ever experienced social abuse? Examples: excluded from a group, made to look
dumb by someone, gossiped about; rumours spread.
Not once
Once or twice
Every week
Many times
Dont Know
11. Have you ever been abused via computer or any technological device? Examples: threatened,
embarrassed, singled out, had your feelings hurt, been gossiped about, or had secrets about you
revealed through e-mail or phone text messages or pictures.
Not once
Once or twice
Every week
Many times
Dont Know
12. Where and how often have you observed bullying? Tick the appropriate column.
Form of Bullying
School entrance & exit
Computer Rooms
Washroom/ restrooms
School Bus
Play grounds
On the way to and from school
Lunch room / eating area
Parking lot
Neighbouring properties around school
We the members of Active Practitioners 5 in collaboration with The University of the West
Indies, have been engaged to design and administer this survey to 5 schools. This questionnaire
seeks your view on the issue of bullying that plague of Nation Schools.We are inviting you to
participate in this research study by completing the attached survey, it will take approximately 15
mins to complete. If you choose to participate in this project, please answer all questions as
honestly as possible as we will understand where our strengths lie and where we can make
improvements. In order to ensure that all information will remain confidential, please do not
include your name.
Yours sincerely,
Instructions: read the following statements and tick the most appropriate response.
1. Is there an anti-bullying programme at your child's school?
Yes No
2. Do you feel that there is a bullying problem at your childs school?
Yes No
3. Where has your child mentioned that the majority of bullying incidences occur?
Physical Education
Once or twice
Every week
Many times
Dont Know
6. Have you notified school personnel about incidence of bullying? For example the
principal, deputy or teacher?
Yes No
7. Are you aware of the school policies regarding violence at your child's school?
Yes No
8. Do you feel that the school effectively liaises with parents and that incidents of bullying
are tackled in partnership with parents?
Yes No
Please share any additional comment you may have about your child and bullying