Ashrae STD 170 Update

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ASHRAE Standard 170 Update

(from the ASHRAE 2013 Dallas Winter Meeting)

Abdel K. Darwich

Associate Principal
Guttmann and Blaevoet Consulting Engineers
Sacramento, CA
Disclaimer : The information in this presentation does not constitute ASHRAE or committee SSPC 170 official position.

Next Publication Date

Std 170 last issue was 2008.

The new edition will be issued in the summer
or fall of 2013 in order to make it to the 2014
FGI guidelines
The 2013 edition will incorporate all the
approved addenda till June 2013.

Standard Scope
Std 170 purpose as stated in it is to define
ventilation system design requirements that
provide environmental control for comfort,
asepsis, an odor control in health care
Should Std 170 cover thermal comfort?
Majority of the committer think it needs to
Note : for example, patient room mandated 6
total ACH is based on thermal comfort !

Endoscopy Room Pressure

Currently listed as Positive in the standard
Lots of queries about this requirement
No research to justify it being negative or
SGNA and ASGE (endoscopy nurses and
physicians) contacted. They do not have a
preference for either positive or negative
Committee voted to change the requirement
for endoscopy rooms from Positive to N.R.
No pressure switching. If room used for
bronchoscopy, must be Negative.

N.R Definition
N.R as a pressure regime No Requirement
Some jurisdictions is interpreting this as
N.R was specified for spaces to which the
committee could not find any research to
justify the space to be positive or negative.
N.R Neutral. The space can be either
positive or negative
FGI issued an interpretation in this regard

Flues on Gas Fired Packaged

An unofficial interpretation was received
whether the flues on roof top packaged units
need to meet the 25 clearance form OA
intake on the same unit.
A equipment vendor conducted and shared
unofficial research. Flue gases were
undetected at 4 from the flue on the units.
More research is needed but committee
voted to exempt packaged units from the 25
requirements if they meet NFPA 54
requirements (same as what 62.1 requires)

ACH is patient rooms

Current Total ACH in patient rooms is 6

Based on research conducted in the late 90s
by a committee member with NIH
Research concluded that 6 ACH is best but 4
is acceptable (thermal comfort was the
governing criterion).
Air distribution technology has improved
since the late 90s
Committee voted to reduce total ACH in
patient rooms to 4 to save energy.

Chilled Beams
ASHRAE is about to finalize the first US test
standard for chilled beams (ASHRAE 200).
NIH is conducting research on the use of
chilled beams in patient rooms.
Induction rates found to be slightly less than
what the vendor are claiming
The initial results are indicating that chilled
beams are accomplishing good mixing similar
and in some cases better than conventional

Individual Temperature Controls

Currently required for OR only in the standard

Committee votes to add them in patient
rooms and ER treatment/exam rooms

ACH definition

Still controversial
Majority believe it is air replaced from/to the
space. It does not need to be removed from
the space.
Recirculating units where allowed can have
their airflow count towards meeting the total

Other items

Interpretation that ORs need to be more positive

that central sterile storage. In the future maybe
issue a list of which spaces have priority when
spaces with the same pressure relationship
requirement are located adjacently
A presentation about natural ventilation in
healthcare facilities will be given to the
committee in the next meeting


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