13 Cornerstone Cobra Articles (All in 1-One PDF)

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Posted by Cobra Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Galactic Codex
Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the
occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars
that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years.
As the Galaxy was being liberated form the grip of the Dark
Forces, the Forces of Light have been evolving from a
military force created in the urgent need to defend basic
liberties of sentient beings towards a harmonious galactic
and cosmic society. As beings within the Galactic
Confederation have evolved spiritually and made their
alignment and union with the Ascended Masters, they have
discovered an inner codex that regulates all interrelationships between beings of Light and their relation
towards the Dark Forces and occupied planets. This codex is
called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis for
all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies.
This Codex is not a rigid set of external laws but a
systematized code of inner ethics of all souls of Light that all
beings of Light accept with their free will because it reflects
their inner truth.
We will now state the Galactic Codex in a form that is
understandable to an average awakened being in a human
Section I: The Law of Divine Grace
Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional
right to positive life experience
To explain Section I we need to understand that suffering
and pain have no value in enlightened Galactic society
liberated from the influence of Dark Forces and other
aspects of cosmic anomaly. To value pain, suffering and
sacrifice as a part of the growth experience was a part of the
programming from the Dark Forces in order to enslave the
population of the occupied planets more easily.

Unconditional positive life experience of every sentient being

in the liberated universe is guaranteed from the inner
connection of every living being with the Source and
strengthened by the power of Ascended Masters over matter
which allows them to assist all living beings in their
aspirations towards the Source and provide them with
necessities of life. Life was never meant to be hard work and
struggle but rather a journey of joy and creativity. Different
subsections of Section I regulate all life in a liberated
universe and all relationships between beings of Light so that
conflicts never need to occur. Let us explain the
Section I/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and
unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance
This subsection guarantees a positive life experience for
every being in the liberated universe. The Ascended Masters
provide for all necessities of living and for physical and
spiritual richness and beauty using the power they have over
redeemed matter of the liberated universe.
Section I/2: Each sentient being has an unalienable and
unconditional right to Ascension
This subsection explains how the Ascended Masters use
their advanced understanding of spiritual technology of
Ascension and by utilizing the Electric Fire of redemption
assist all beings that free-willingly choose Ascension.
Section I/3: Each sentient being has an unalienable and
unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion
with his/her position in the Soul Family Mandala
This subsection is an instrument of regulation of all
relationships inside a Soul Family. It guarantees the merging
of beings of opposite polarity (twin souls, soulmates) and
alignment of all other beings regardless of their state of
development and outer conditions.
Section I/4: Each sentient being has an unalienable and
unconditional right to all information

This subsection is a guarantee that all beings receive all

pieces of information they need to understand their role in
the universe, greater perspective of evolution and all other
pieces they need for their decisions, growth and well being.
All this data is provided by Ascended Masters or other
beings that supervise the evolutions of various races and
Section I/5: Each sentient being has an inalienable and
unconditional right to freedom
This subsection provides that every being has an unlimited
potential of growth and life experience. Since all beings in
the liberated universe create only positivism, their freedom
never opposes the freedom of other beings.
Section II: The Law of Dividing the Conflicting Parties
Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional
right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of
other sentient beings
This section regulates the conditions in those sections of the
universe that have just been liberated from the influence of
the Dark Forces but that have not yet been accepted in the
Confederation. It requires that the Forces of Light always
divide the parties in conflict to protect them from producing
mutual harm to each other. Then the Light Forces mediate
the conflict until it is resolved. This section is often used to
end wars and other armed conflicts.
Section III: The Law of Balance
Each sentient being that has chosen to live and act against
the principles of Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able
to, accept them now and balance the consequences of the
past actions will be taken to the Central Sun, restructured
into the basic elemental essence and begin a new cycle of
evolution afresh
This section regulates the relations between the Forces of
Light and the Forces of Darkness. When defeated, beings
that belong to the Forces of Darkness are given the
opportunity to accept the Galactic Codex, do the best they

can to correct the mistakes they made and to live positively

afterwards. If they accept, they are forgiven and join the
Confederation. If they are unable or unwilling to accept, they
are taken to the Central Sun, their personalities and soul
essences are restructured with the Electric Fire and their
divine spark begin a new cycle of evolution.
Section IV: The Law of Intervention
The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and
unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where
the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws
This section describes the policy of the Light Forces
regarding occupied planets. The Confederation reserves the
right to intervene in all areas, civilizations, planets or solar
systems where the Galactic Codex is violated. It has the right
to do so regardless of the position of the local civilizations
about this intervention. It always has the right to use all
peaceful means of education and regulation. If the critical
mass of the Galactic Codex principles is violated, it has the
right to use military force. Special cases are planets under
direct occupation of the Dark Forces. The Dark Forces
usually take the local population hostage to hinder the
progress of the Forces of Light. On Earth they have
threatened with nuclear war if the Light Forces would
intervene. This is the main reason why the Light Forces
have not yet liberated this planet (and not the so called wewill-not-intervene-because-we-respect-free-will, we-will-justwatch-as-the-suffering-goes-on nonsense). As in any
hostage situation, this requires a lot of skillful negotiation and
tactical approach. This situation is now being resolved and
planet Earth will be liberated soon.
Section IV/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and
unconditional right of calling upon the Galactic Confederation
in need and the Galactic Confederation has the right to
assist, regardless of local laws
This subsection gives a legal basis for intervention and
assistance to all hostages of the Dark Forces. The Forces of
Light always do the best they can to assist and improve the
living conditions of all sentient beings, even on Earth. The

situation on planet Earth just indicates how much more

power darkness had over Light on this planet. Fortunately,
this is changing now.
Section IV/2: The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable
and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic
Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex
violation with military force if necessary
This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the
occupied planets with military force. The military forces of
the Confederation remove or give assistance in removal of
the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages
free. Then other Confederation forces guide the process of
acceptance of the planet into the Confederation by
instructing the local population.
Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no
right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its
problems by itself. This is simply not true. Many wars all over
the planet and constant abuse of basic human rights have
proven that humanity is not capable of handling its own
situation. So it is much better that it receives wise guardians
to guide it. The Confederation will give assistance in
replacing current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces) that
humanity has invited long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic
Codex will finally become the universal code of ethics
throughout the universe and darkness will be no more.
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Friday, April 6, 2012

Resistance movement
In 1975, a certain intelligence agent under codename Michael was
running for his life from Illuminati that were chasing him. He
gathered around him a group of 12 operatives in order to protect
himself. While on the run and in hiding, they discovered a maze of
tunnels below the New York underground subway system. They
entered the tunnels, disappeared from the surface and regrouped
down there. So the Organization was born, having its main
command center under the subway system of New York. Through
the vast spy network that Michael still had on the surface, they
have contacted many operatives that fought against the Illuminati
and many of them went underground and joined the Organization.
Their main objective was to overthrow the rule of the Illuminati and
give advanced technologies to humanity. Personal computers that
we know now were developed with assistance of Organization and
I have personally seen a room full with rows of computers as they
were being developed in their main underground command center
back in 1977. The Organization had contact with the positive
civilization of Agartha that existed in subterannean caverns for
millennia. They had contact with positive Andromedans already in
1977 if not before, as I have seen a sleek silver Andromedan cigar
shaped craft in their underground hangar as well.
In early 1990s, they had some influence in assuring that internet
expanded from military ARPANET into public domain.
The Illuminati and off-planet dark forces launched an offensive in
1996 to destroy the Organization and there were severe physical
battles in underground tunnels and caverns that almost destroyed
the Organization and also nearly wiped out Agartha.
In the hour of need, a plan was devised to counteract this. In early
December 1999, Pleiadians have contacted the Resistance
Movement on planet X and ignited a massive uprising against
Illuminati there. The Illuminati were overthrown in about three
weeks and they had to flee to their bases on Mars and the Moon.
At that time, many Resistance Movement freedom fighters have

entered the underground tunnel systems on Earth to join the

Organization in their fight. The two forces integrated and emerged
as one and are now called Resistance Movement.
Their increased joint force has turned the course of events and
now the dark forces were in retreat. In 2000 and 2001 the
Illuminati has lost their bases on Mars and the Moon and
elsewhere in the solar system. With the assistance of the
Pleiadians and other Galactic Confederation forces all remaining
Reptilian, Draconian and Reticulan forces were cleared out of the
solar system also in the same time frame. This set the dark ones
into panic mode and they have staged 9-11 to preserve their last
stronghold - planet Earth.
Planet X
Planet X is a planet in the outskirts of our solar system. Its surface
is not suitable for physical life, but underground there is a vast
system of tunnels and bases that was under Illuminati control until
1999 and is in the hands of the Light forces thereon.
In 2002, the Pleiadians have given me exact data about
characteristics and orbital elements of that planet. It has a rock
interior and surface covered with frozen methane ice, which gives
it a bluish hue. Its diameter is 9400 miles and its mass is 0.76
Earth masses. Semimajor axis of the orbit is 70 AU, and the
inclination is 40 degrees.

Imagine my delight and surprise when I found an article by

Japanese astronomer Patryk Lykawka, who stated in 2008 that
hypothetical planet X should be composed of rock and ice, its
diameter would be between 6200 and 9300 miles and its mass
between 0.3 and 0.7 Earth masses. Semimajor axis of the orbit
should be between 100 and 170 AU and inclination up to 40
degrees :
The main reason why the astronomers have officially not yet
discovered this planet is that they are told by the Cabal not to
report about it. Also, they are mainly looking for new planets near
the ecliptic, but because of its highly inclined orbit this is not where
planet X is to be found. Since it is a pretty big object, it would be
fairly easy to see it even in larger amateur telescopes if you knew
where to look. And oh by the way, it is NOT Nibiru and is NOT
going to crash on Earth.
The Event

9-11 had not turned out as the Cabal had planned. Instead it
served as an awakening trigger that helped many humans realize
what is really going on beyond the propaganda of the mass media.
This new awareness has made it easier for the Resistance
Movement to improve their plan of overthrow of the Illuminati on
planet Earth.
Until 2003, they have managed to clear all the deep underground
military bases and only the uppermost portions of those bases
Since then, the Resistance Movement has infiltrated around 300
of its operatives inside Illuminati network, mostly in top positions in
the military and intelligence agencies. Those operatives are
undetectable and Illuminati have no idea who or where they are.
In January and early February of this year of 2012, the Resistance
Movement has seized most of the gold that was in Illuminati
hands. So if you are asking yourself where the Yamashita gold is,
now you know the answer. It is not in Mariana trench, it is not in
Fort Knox, it is not in cellars of private Rothschild villas and
chateaux, it is not in vaults under Kloten airport, it is not in safes of
UBS in Zurich, it is not scattered in safes of small banks around
the world under Jesuit control. It is in underground chambers of the
Resistance Movement, and after the Event it will be returned to
humanity and it will serve as a reserve for a new currency which
will mean abundance for everyone.
The idea to devise a plan to overthrow the Illuminati network was
there ever since the formation of Organization in 1975. In 1977 I
spoke with the man who conceived that plan. The document that
Drake saw around 1979 was probably an early version of that plan.
The early idea was for the military to take over and overthrow the
Illuminati under the guidance of the Organization and later the
Resistance Movement.
Because of the awakening that happened after 9-11, the original
plan has been revised. Now, nobody is taking over the planet. The
Resistance Movement will back up the military mainly only with
intelligence data about Illuminati and some logistic advice, but will
mostly stay behind the scenes. The military will back up civilian
authority (federal marshals in the US and Interpol worldwide),

which will back up local law enforcement to arrest the members of

the Cabal.
The Resistance movement has experience with overthrowing the
Cabal and liberating planets, since they did this on planet X in
1999. They have constant physical (not telepathic) contact with
the Pleiadians and other positive ET races within the
Confederation, which give them daily intel about every Cabal
member, where they are, what they do, even what they think. The
Illuminati now have nowhere to hide.
No human authority will decide when this is about to happen. The
final word when the Event is to happen is coming directly from the
Source. This is an event of cosmic importance. The last planet
under the grip of the dark forces is about to be liberated and this is
going to send ripples of Light throughout the Galaxy.
Just before the Event, the Source will send a pulse of Light
through the Galactic Confederation and the Pleiadians will instruct
the Resistance Movement to use its 300 operatives on the surface
of the planet to contact the key people inside the military and law
enforcement and then the operation will start.
After the operation is successfully completed, there might be
people that would like to take advantage of the situation by setting
their own governments, confiscating funds... Because the Cabal
will be taken care of this does not mean that human greed and lust
for power will be exterminated. They are simply part of the
character for a certain percentage of unenlightened human
population. Rest assured that the Resistance Movement knows
who those people are, their actions are being monitored and they
will not be allowed to take advantage of the situation.
Until a certain degree of awareness on the planet is reached, the
Resistance Movement will be working behind the scenes for the
benefit of humanity. At a certain point, most likely not long before
the First Contact with the positive extraterrestrials, they will make
themselves public.
They have created a fund of 120 trillion dollars, which will be given
to humanity along with other prosperity packages. They are in
possession of very advanced technologies, mostly of
extraterrestrial origin. They will provide some background

assistance in putting forth 6000 inventions that were developed by

geniuses around the world and then suppressed by the Cabal.
After that, they will introduce some of their own technologies that
are even more advanced.
This blog was created under instructions from the Resistance
Movement with the purpose of instructing the surface population
about certain developments in 2012. Many surface operatives of
the Resistance Movement read this blog as it contains some
coded communications for them. Internet is the easiest way to give
them certain not very sensitive intel, at least that part which can be
safely transmitted through this public channel. In the future, the
Resistance Movement may decide to give some communications
to general public and then this blog will become an official
communication channel for the Resistance Movement on the
surface of this planet.

Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fall of the Archons
I had some doubts about posting this intel as it may be shocking to
some people, but I was nevertheless instructed to do so. Events of
the last few days have further convinced me that now is the time to
release this. I am not posting this to spread fear, but to inform. If
we are aware of the situation, our unified consciousness will be
able to transmute and dissolve it. This is a fairly complete picture
of the state of affairs between the light and dark forces and of the
ultimate victory of the Light.
25,000 years ago, dark forces created quarantine Earth and took
humanity hostage. They created a virtual reality control system so
nobody could escape. They have trapped Light beings who have a
connection with the Source, to fuel this virtual creation.
This virtual reality control system is still in place to an extent and is
usually referred to as the Matrix. On the physical plane, the control
is maintained through Orion-Babylonian type debt-based financial
system slavery and through mass media mind programming. On
the etheric, astral and mental planes, the control is maintained with
electromagnetic spacetime distortion chambers similar to those
used in Philadelphia experiment. Those chambers create an
illusion of a closed loop system that appears to be eternal and this
is the reason why so few beings have been able to be set free /
liberated / enlightened.
The Matrix is run by beings, called Archons (Greek for rulers).
They are beings that came from the Andromeda Galaxy and chose
to experience darkness. They refused to reconnect with the
source. Through millennia, they created Draconian and Reptilian
race through genetic engineering to use them as slave warriors to
expand their dark empire.
Planet Earth is the last planet of this dark empire to be liberated.
There are very few Archons on planet Earth left.
On the etheric and astral planes, they are known as Lords of
Karma. They are the ones that to a great extent decide the life
path of anybody that incarnates. They choose our parents and to
some extent determine our life conditions. This programming

system is known as karma. With advance wave-form generating

technology on the astral plane they manipulate astral currents of
planetary energies and use them for malevolent astrological
influences. They maintain the distorted spacetime structure with
implants that have created spacetime black hole anomaly, thus
confusing human mind and emotions. Implants are programmable
crystals that were put into mental, astral and etheric bodies of
every single human being on Earth with strong electronic devices.
On the etheric and lower astral planes, their Draconian
administrators maintain the artificial intelligence technology that
keeps the Matrix in place. It has an alert system so if an awakened
being creates a hole in this Matrix with his Light, Draconians send
a Reptilian slave warrior to exert pressure on the psychological
weak spots of that awakened being to lower his vibration and thus
close that hole. Also, those Reptilian slave warriors constantly
exert pressure upon the mind and emotions of incarnated human
beings on Earth in order to prevent their spiritual growth and to
suppress their fight for freedom. If that is not enough, they also
send amoeba-like elemental beings that put additional pressure.
All those negative beings usually hide in folds of distorted
spacetime structure on astral and etheric planes:

Their power is in fear and hidden agendas. They lose all power in
the face of light, truth and courage. If we are aware of all this
without fear, the light of our consciousness will straighten those

folds in spacetime structure and all those negative beings will be

removed from astral and etheric planes of planet Earth:
On the physical plane the Archons are incarnated within Jesuit
organization and they spiritually control their administrators
(Draconian Illuminati that run the financial system), their warriors
(Reptilian mercenaries that protect the Illuminati) and their slaves
(humanity that works for them in their 9-5 jobs). Through Jesuit
societies and 33rd degree Freemasons they hold the Illuminati
structure together. This structure is now finally falling apart.
Invasions of the Archons
There were three main invasions of the Archons and their
subjugated races such as Draconians and Reptilians from outer
space in known human history. All of them happened both on
physical and spiritual planes.
The first one is Kurgan invasion that happened around 3600 BCE.
Dark beings entered through Caucasus dimensional portal.

Their purpose was to destroy peaceful Goddess worshipping

neolithic cultures that thrived in neolithic Europe. They wanted to

destroy veneration of the Goddess since feminine energy is our

direct connection to the Source:
The second one is Khazar invasion that happened around 393 CE.
Dark beings used the same Caucasus dimensional portal:

The purpose of this invasion was to destroy mystery schools,

Christian gnostic groups and nature worshipping paganism and
replace those with Christian cult mind programming. This
programming was enhanced with creation of virtual reality hells on
the lower astral plane, which were then used by the Church to
strengthen its position.
The third one is Congo invasion that happened in 1996. Dark
beings entered through war-torn Congo, Rwanda and Uganda.
Main focus of this invasion was on the etheric and lower astral
plane. The purpose of this invasion was to destroy new age and
ascension movements and to reinforce the Matrix that was already
beginning to disintegrate in 1995 as a result of mass awakening on
Earth. Most beings are not aware of this invasion as their

memories about the Light that was present on Earth before 1996
were erased with intense implanting sessions between 1996 ad
Victory of the Light
After the 11:11:11 portal activation in November last year, the
Matrix is finally falling apart. Immediately after that, events were
set into motion (Keenan lawsuit) that will finally result in our
ultimate liberation. This time there can be no invasion of Archons
from outer space, since planet Earth is the last one to be liberated.
The decisive battle is expected to happen around the Venus transit
portal on June 5th. We are already within the timeframe of that
decisive turning point. Although the victory of Light is ensured and
all negative timelines have been erased, we need to be extremely
Archons on the astral plane will continue to exert pressure on the
psychological weak spots of the key players of the positive forces
on Earth to create divisions and conflicts between them. This
serves their purpose to diffuse our focus into petty quarrels and
away from our focused intent of taking down the Cabal. We need
to release those conflicts and refocus immediately. Liberation
consciousness stream is strong enough to override Archon
influence, but they are still powerful enough to create unnecessary
delays. Mass arrests of the Cabal are not physical operation only,
they need spiritual support so that when they happen, human
masses will not panic.
At a certain point, energies of the Galactic Central Sun will burn
through all obstacles of the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes
and all negative entities will be removed. They will be replaced
with angels and spiritual guides as one prophecy beautifully states:
The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters
The final step is simply taking down the net. This has to be done
and events will then quickly follow.
The One will put forth all that energy to destroy the net itself and
events will kick in almost immediately.

The programs will have no place to hide, no portals, no equipment,

nothing. They will be led off and the weather pattern of luminosity
will begin.
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Removing the Cabal
Phase 1: Arrests
The Cabal has done so much damage to the society that it has to
be stopped immediately. Arrests of the Cabal are the only course
of action left. There are some New Age people against that
procedure, saying violence only provokes more violence. They
need to understand that this action is not promoting violence, but
protection of innocent people from the sociopaths of the Cabal.
Each day this does not happen, 25,000 people die of hunger
because of the actions of that Cabal. Therefore action will be taken
as soon as everything is ready and it will remove the Cabal from
the society.
Phase 2: Adjudication
After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with
zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated
from each other.
Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity
as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing for
humanity to see those criminals finally being held accountable for
their actions. Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to
those individuals so that new balance is reached.
Amnesty will be granted to some of them. This pertains mostly to
those that were born into the Illuminati and basically had no choice
but to go along with the program or risk being killed. There are
many good souls in there that want to get out. A few of them have
already done that and are now fighting for the Light. Many will
defect just before the arrests get started. Many of the younger
generations Illuminati do not agree with the program and some
have been secretly helping the Light forces to take down the
Cabal. After the Event, psychological help will be offered to them
and they will be able to be integrated into the society.

For many members of the Cabal, amnesty will not be granted.

They will have to balance their past actions. Those who are unable
or unwilling to do that will be removed from the planet.

This must be a lawful process during which humanity as a whole

will adjudicate. No private witch hunts will be allowed as this
deprives others of the catharsis and balancing process. This will
not be done out of revenge but to restore balance. Revenge is a
trap and it does not solve anything. Just remember what happened
in French revolution. After the Event, private acts of violence
against members of the former Cabal will not be tolerated and will
be treated as crime under common law.
Phase 3: Integration into society or disintegration into the
Central Sun
Those who have balanced the consequences of their past actions
will begin their process of integration into the society. They will not
be allowed to hold any office in the new society. Anybody else who
would like to hold any office in the new society will need to take
sociopathy test. This test will determine if they are capable of
holding that office without doing harm to the people.

Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths - in short they are not
capable of positive emotions that make us human. You can read a
quite good summary of what sociopaths are and how they behave:
Those members of the Cabal that will be removed from the planet
will be then taken to the Galactic Court and will be judged
according to the Galactic Codex, section III:
Some of them will be able to accept the Light and balance the
consequences of their past actions. First they will be taken to
virtual reality simulation chambers to understand how their victims
felt and then they will do whatever they can to rectify the situation.
After that they will be integrated into the Galactic society.
Others will be unable or unwilling to accept the Light and will not
balance the consequences of their past actions. They are
unredeemable and will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun for
Their personalities and soul essences will be destroyed with the
Electric Fire into the basic elemental essence. Electric fire of the
Central Sun will disintegrate their Causal body (vehicle of the
soul). Individualized spark of the soul will be then dissolved, with
all memories and individual traits erased. It will return into the
Source and will have to start a new cycle of evolution from the
This process will be completed before the First Contact. After First
Contact with the Galactic Confederation on Earth, no dark
individual will exist anywhere in the universe.
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Monday, June 18, 2012

The Veil
Time has come for me to release more intel about the Archons as
we are entering the period when the destiny of this planet is being
decided and people need to be informed so better choices can be
About 26,000 years ago, Archons declared this planet to be their
property and all beings living on it their hostages and slaves. They
have declared this planet to be a quarantine and every space
vehicle entering or exiting this planet needed a special permit from
the Archons. This is the reason for non-interference we hear so
much about. The human race was being held hostage by the
Archons for all those millennia, and after being held in a closed
loop system of reincarnating to the same place over and over
again, amnesia and lethargy crept in. The time of amnesia is
almost over. After June 21st this year, the rescue operations
coordinated by positive ET races will increase in intensity.
In the past, the only way a human being could escape from the
quarantine was through the ascension process, during which he
had to release all attachments to all physical, etheric, astral and
mental realities where Archons can operate. An alternative option
of gaining freedom by being able to travel to other star systems will
open to humanity soon as the quarantine dissolves.

The Archons have been sustaining their control with a special

technology that is called The Veil. It is an electromagnetic
frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric
plane, extending maximally 8.6 miles upwards and downwards
from the surface ground level of our planet, that to a great extent
prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth. The Veil
is being operated by the non-physical Archons. This technology
could be best described as etheric HAARP. This technology
distorts the time / space structure on quantum level and thus
creates big difficulties for UFO propulsion systems of the positive
ET forces. In the past, this has hindered the progress of the
positive ET races towards this planet significantly.
Apart from keeping the good ETs at bay, the Veil has a function of
programming / reprogramming the human population and keeping
it in the reincarnation / recycling process. I will now state few of the
main astral / etheric programs for incarnated humans currently in
1) Lowering of consciousness and light body / merkaba
deactivation. This program is maintained with etheric standing
wave resonance technology.
2) Blocking of free will and of positive initiative. This program is
maintained with etheric infrasound technology. Part of that sound
precipitates towards the physical plane and some people can hear
it as a very low frequency hum. This was the source of mysterious
sounds that people heard in the beginning of 2012 and not the
destruction of deep underground military bases, as some sources
erroneously reported. Infrasound blocks certain centers in the
physical brain and this blocks positive initiative. This infrasound is
also the cause of unusual tiredness that many people experience
without any apparent reason.
3) Lowering the intelligence. This is done by inducing strong
magnetic fields to the etheric brain and to the membrane between
the physical and etheric brain and this disturbs the thinking
process. This program results in foggy mind, forgetfulness and
lack of focus.
4) Inducing disharmony in relationships. This is being done by
tampering with the chakras of the etheric body and creating

dissonant frequencies on the auric membrane with etheric

infrasound. This program results in artificial split between love and
sexuality, closing of the heart, overactivity of the mind and
disbalance between female and male principles.
5) Inducing poverty. This is being done by projecting poverty
holograms / images into the etheric brain.
6) Subculture division. This program operates by targeting different
subcultures with specific opposing etheric holographic images and
thus creating division among them.
7) Eating patterns / obesity. This program is induced by projecting
images of a certain food that creates obesity, into the etheric brain.
8) All-seeing eye. This spy program operates from the etheric
plane and monitors all activity of physical beings and then reports
this to the non-physical Archons.
9) Implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that were put into
the aura of every human being just before the incarnation, as that
person needs to descend from the mental / higher astral planes
through the lower astral / etheric towards the physical in order to
incarnate. Those implants remove the memory of the prior
incarnations and are the main reason why we mostly do not
remember past lives, nor the Archon entities ruling the planet.
Implants are somewhat poetically called the veil of forgetfulness.
There were also physical implants. The physical implants were
very popular in Atlantis but were discontinued after the fall of
Atlantis happened. There was an attempt to reintroduce physical
implants after the World War II with physical biochips that were put
into the vast majority of human beings through vaccination
programs. This is the main reason why WHO has made
vaccination mandatory. Physical biochips reinforced other
programming but were successfully completely erased from the
human population about two years ago with a special technology
that could be operated from a distance, developed by the
Resistance Movement. Therefore fears about NWO planning to
microchip human population are not based on reality since the
population has already been microchipped and those same
biochips have also been removed without anybody really noticing.

The Archons have reactivated and renewed The Veil in early 1996
after the mass awakening happened in early 90s that made
intervention of the positive ET races on this planet a real
possibility. This was done with about 200 nuclear explosions on
the lower astral and etheric planes. Those non-physical nuclear
explosions have created a rift in the fabric of space / time that has
opened dark wormholes through which many reptilian entities
invaded planet Earth from outer space and infested its astral and
etheric planes. The Veil was reactivated again in December 2004
after the mass awakening to the Goddess presence which
happened after the first Venus transit in June 2004 and after some
successful operations of the Pleiadian fleet towards liberating this
planet. Now, after the second Venus transit in June 2012 the
awakening is happening again. This time the Veil can not be
reinforced as there are no negative physical or non-physical ET
forces in the outer space left to invade our planet. We are thus
very close to the final victory.
The success of our mass meditations was such that about 70% of
the Veil on the astral plane and about 35% of the Veil on the
etheric plane has already been removed. Therefore it is very
important that we continue with mass meditations until the work is
done completely and the Veil is completely removed. This is
scheduled to happen in the 7 months period that started on May
20th/21st at the Reboot of the Grid and will be completed on
December 21st, 2012.
Physical Archons and the rest of the physical Cabal may and can
be removed long before the Veil is completely gone.
Physical and non-physical Archons have a plan with a codename
Doom33 to prevent the mass arrests from happening. According to
that plan, when the mass arrests would start, the non-physical
Archons would give a signal through occult rituals to top physical
Archons inside SMOM (Knights of Malta) and among 33rd degree
Freemasons. Those people would then give orders through their
links inside the military and alphabet agencies to create as much
destruction and havoc as possible. This goes along with the
Armageddon End times prophecies that are highly respected
among the physical Archons. They would do anything to see those
prophecies fulfilled. You do not need to be afraid of those plans as
Light forces have detailed plans to prevent most of this from ever

Jesuit physical Archons are still in control of the fuzzy logic artificial
intelligence financial system computer program that Benjamin
Fulford is speaking about. The Resistance Movement has put a
computer virus in that program at the Reboot of the Grid on May
20th/21st and can now reboot the financial system if / when this will
be necessary for the operations of the Light forces.
Jesuit physical Archons lost much power over general population
in the March revolution in 1848/1849. Most of them have then
moved to lower astral and etheric planes. Those that remained on
the physical plane still control humanity indirectly through the
Rothschilds. Rothschilds do not operate independently but obey
orders from their Jesuit Archon overlords.
Solstice of 2012 is the turning point when many things about the
Archons and the planetary situation will be decided. Sheliak
timewave novelty graph shows a drastic decrease in entropy until
June 21st, which indicates this turning point:

Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Friday, October 12, 2012

The Masterplan
Experience especially in the last few months shows that human
nature is very susceptible to Archons' physical and non-physical
Archons succeeded in fragmenting the liberation movement.
Surface positive groups were infiltrated and corrupted, those that
remained pure were ridiculed and attacked. Any ideas from you
about how to reduce the fragmentation of positive groups and
achieve more unity among them before the Event would be most
Also, there were many supposedly positive individuals and groups
fighting for their control over the collateral accounts. It appeared
that greed took over the motivation to bring that money back to
I have received intel from a very credible source that Keenan is not
the trustee for the collateral accounts. The real trustee's identity
must remain hidden for now so that he can work for the benefit of
humanity uninterrupted. There are a few positive groups working
for the same goal of returning the funds back to humanity but you
will not find intel about them anywhere on the net. They will not
announce anything. When they are successful, things will just start
All above mentioned factors were the cause of delays that
frustrated many. Therefore the original Plan was expanded and will
be presented here.
The first part of the Masterplan pertains to the breakthrough of
Light on the non-physical planes. The Light forces use advanced
vortex technology for clearing the non-physical planes. All those
vortexes create a network of Light that gets stronger and stronger
day by day. At a certain point a critical mass of Light will be
reached and it will result in a massive arrival of the Light forces on
the mental, astral and etheric non-physical planes inside the thin
layer that surrounds the surface of planet Earth and now still
contains a few Archons and their many reptilian minions with their

negative technologies. That breakthrough will remove all remaining

darkness from non-physical planes.
This is a crucial step and must happen before the Event.
Otherwise the Archons and their reptilian minions would exert
pressure on the psychological weak spots of humanity and this
could easily lead to widespread wars and violence. Human
masses are very open to regressing to violence under stress
combined with Archon physical and non-physical influence, as
experience with Nazi Germany and Rwanda genocide clearly
shows. Under Archon influence, humans are also quick to accuse
and attack and this could easily lead to witch hunts and mobs
lynching people that are not to their liking. Anybody could be
attacked and labeled as cabal collaborator or anything similar.
Such things need to be prevented and therefore the Event will
NOT happen before the non-physical planes are taken care of.

The second part of the Masterplan pertains to the physical part of

the Event itself. Since most surface positive groups are now
fragmented, they will not take part in the Event as groups. The
Pleiadians and the Resistance Movement as two main non-surface
positive groups will implement what is called Fluid Group

Masterplan Management. First, impulse will come from the Source

that the time is right for the Event to start. The Pleiadians and
other positive ET races have complete overview of every human
being, their thoughts and motivations and they will easily
determine who can be a part of the initial fluid physical group that
will trigger the Event. They will forward that intel to the Resistance
Resistance's surface operatives will then contact key people of
that fluid surface group. Some of those key people are in positions
inside Russian, Chinese and US military. Those key people will be
contacted in person or over the phone and will be offered a simple
choice. They will be invited to be part of the Event operations.
They will either accept or decline according to their free will
decision. They will be given a few minutes to make that choice. If
they accept, they will receive further instructions who to contact
and what to do. If they decline, they will not be contacted anymore.
Those people that will be then contacted directly from the key
group will make their own decisions and so the fluid group will
spring into action. This whole process will be very fast and it will be
a surprise for the Cabal. There will most likely be no advance
Green Light notifications over the internet because the surprise
element would then be lost.
As the Event operations will progress, the Pleiadians and other ET
races will have complete overview over strengths and weaknesses
of every human being that will be part of the operations. According
to this, they will give constant real time intel updates to the
Resistance about how to shift the roles and positions of people in
the fluid group. People making crucial mistakes will have to leave
the group and will lose access to operations intel and other people
will be accepted. Thus this fluid group will be protected from Cabal
infiltration and also from negative aspects of human nature.
Resistance operatives will not be directly involved in operations
themselves but will only assist with intel and instructions. This
whole operation needs to be coordinated by beings wiser than
surface humanity to be successful.
After the Event, human masses will receive psychological help and
spiritual healing to be disinfected from Archon virus. Archon virus
was maintained among human masses by passing the traumainduced mind control from generation to generation. When this will
be removed, human beings will discover that violence is ugly, does

NOT solve anything and is not inherently part of the human

One of the key factors that was maintaining control of the dark
forces was that people were taught not to support each other. One
of the first lessons humanity needs to learn is the lesson of
support. People will start utilizing their free will and will choose
love. They will receive massive assistance from the Light forces to
learn again how to love each other.
No revenge against the Cabal will be tolerated. Every member of
the former Cabal will have the right to fair trial and those willing to
confess and cooperate might be able to integrate into the society.
The Event is not about revenge, it is about stopping ALL violence
on this planet by removing the Cabal from power.
Because of all human factor induced delays, only the first part of
Plan 2012 (the Event) may happen in 2012. The rest of the plan
(Restructuring and First Contact) will happen later.
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Brotherhood of the Star
This blog post will be about the second positive group that has
been working secretly behind the scenes for the benefit of
humanity and liberation of the planet.
I have gained access to one of esoteric texts that was written by a
member of that group and I am publishing it now in its entirety with
full permission of that group.
Brotherhood of the Star is a planetary oupost of the Blue Lodge
of Sirius that is connected with Sirius via Jupiter and Jupiter
Command. The purpose of the Brotherhood of the Star is to guide
the evolution of the planet under the guidance of Sanat Kumara.
The inner circle of the Brotherhood of the Star are Masters and
Arhats that have reached their Ascension on this planet. The outer
circle of the Brotherhood of the Star is the Esoteric Brotherhood
comprised of disciples of the Ascended Masters that have reached
the seventh subdegree of the third Initiation. The physical anchor
of the Brotherhood of the Star is a vast subterranean kingdom of
Shamballa, where the Great mystery school of the Transhimalayan
Brotherhood is operating. The Esoteric Brotherhood represents its

Brotherhood of the Star was never public since the time of Atlantis.
It was working secretly through its discliples. Disciples of the
Brothehood of the Star comprise the Order of the Star. Order of
the Star is a community, a mandala of 144,000 star beings of the
first, second and third Initiation that have incarnated on this planet
with the purpose of occult triangulation of light and darkness.
Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world
situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the
They have caused the flowering of Graeco-Roman culture aided
with telepathic impressions from Brotherhood of the Star. They
were active as Druid priests in Celtic culture. As Essenes they
were collaborating in the project of Ascension of Jesus and
Magdalene/Grail family lineage as a counterbalance against the
thirteenth bloodline of the black nobility. They have founded Sufi
initiation orders. In the 12th century they have founded Cathar and
Albigensian movement which has revived Goddess mysteries
through Troubadour poetry and have also revived Gnostic
Christianity mysteries from the times before the Constantinian
Christian cult. In the 13th century they have founded the Templar
order which was based on discovery of Isisian esoteric texts in the
crypt below the Salomon temple. Information on those scrolls has
enabled the revival of the old Egyptian star mysteries and
formation of freemasonry. Based on an impulse from the
Brotherhood of the Star, hidden Cathar lodges have triggered the
Renaissance around 1450 in Florence and this has shaped our
western civilization as we know it now. This has fulfilled the
conditions for arrival of first representatives of the Esoteric
Brotherhood into Europe from subterranean Tibet.
Since then onwards a few dozen representatives of the Esoteric
Brotherhood are working secretly behind the scenes in Europe. In
the 16th century they were active mainly in Florence, Venice and
Verona, in the 17th century mainly in London and also elsewhere
in England and in the 18th centruy mainly in Paris. The Esoteric
Brotherhood has transmitted the spiritual impulse for the beginning
of the Enlightenment movement to the Order of the Star and this
has reshaped the 18th century and set the basis for the scientific
and technological revolution.

The Esoteric Brotherhood has triggered the creation of the mystery

school through Comte de Saint Germain in Paris in 1775. This
secret mystery school was active for about 100 years and then the
Esoteric Brotherhood has triggered the creation of the
Theosophical Society through H. P. Blavatsky in 1875. Through
telepathic impressions, the Esoteric Brothehood has guided the
progress of science, especially through Nikola Tesla.
Now Esoteric Brotherhood is not involved in the matrix of system
on planet Earth. We live in undisclosed locations on the surface of
the planet.
Esoteric symbol of the Brotherhood of the Star is the heavenly
stone of Sirius, fire jewel, cinta mani, lapis ex coelis, which
represents the jewel of our true Self (atma-buddhi-manas).
Esoteric symbol of the Order of the Star is a chalice of Moldavite,
the heavenly stone of Pleiades, the holy Grail, sangreal, which
represents our causal body and the star nobility, the mandala of
144,000 star beings of light.
Amor Vincit Omnia!
Brotherhood of the Star is the last pure remnant of the mystery
schools of Light from Atlantis. The Cabal tried to infiltrate it without
success as they have very strict rules of admission. Alas, the
Cabal was much more successful with infiltrating the more public
mystery schools such as Jesuits were able to do with freemasonry
in the early 1800s and as Theosophical Society was infiltrated after
Helena Blavatsky died and her teachings were misused later by
the Cabal. This is the cause of much confusion among the
Lightworkers, but true teachings will be restored soon as part of
Operation Dreamland.
For that reason, other members of the Brotherhood of the Star can
contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com
Victory of the Light!
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Thursday, January 3, 2013

Etheric Archon Grid
After the successful opening of the Portal on December 21st, the
etheric Archon grid is the main factor delaying the Event. If the
Event was triggered, the etheric Archons would influence everyone
involved: the surface Light forces carrying out the Event, the
general population as well as the Cabal and all this would turn the
Event into a disaster.
Etheric Archon grid must be removed to a great extent for the
Event to happen. For the Light forces to be more successful in
removing the etheric Archon grid, more awareness of its existence
is needed among the general population.
Etheric Archon grid is present in a thin layer that extends 8.6 miles
upwards into the sky from the surface profile of our planet and also
8.6 miles downwards from the surface profile into the Earth's crust.
The backbone of the etheric Archon grid is a network of etheric
hyperdimensional black hole wormholes which contain billions
upon billions of reptilian and amoeba-like entities. When the Light
from the Galactic central sun hits the wormholes, they cough up
those entities who in turn begin to attack any Light beings they can
find, those in incarnation and those on the non-physical planes.
This is the reason of energy attacks that many lightworkers and
light warriors are experiencing. The non-physical Light forces can
remove the released negative entities after some time and teleport
them into the Galactic central sun, but until then usually some
damage is done already. Again, if more awareness is present
about what is really going on, the Light forces will be more
effective in protecting us and removing those negative entities.

The etheric Archon grid is controlled by a very small group of

etheric Archons who give their orders to millions of etheric
Draconians (sector commanders), those to billions of reptilians
(warriors) and those to amoebas (semi-conscious elemental
beings that just obey orders without questioning).
The Archons control the grid with advanced etheric technology.
The whole etheric plane within the 17.2 mile layer controlled by the
Archons is permeated with strong electromagnetic field chambers
that can distort space-time structure according to the program of
the etheric mainframe computer program which directs the flow of
etheric energies worldwide in a way that controls humanity the
most. These chambers detect all positive thoughts and emotions
and if these are too powerful, the chambers send a signal to the
etheric mainframe computer which then tightens the grid of
distorted electromagnetic field around the person experiencing
positivity, effectively shutting it down. If this is not enough, it
activates additional ELF chambers with a low frequency infrasound
hum that suppresses the person, with additional electric pulses
sent into the solar plexus chakra to shortcircuit the kundalini
energy, shutting it down. This is sometimes combined with strong
electromagnetic fields around the third eye chakra, disorienting the

mind and making the person sleepy or almost drugged. Along with
that, strong negative thoughtforms are projected, constantly
bombarding the mind of the person.

Apart from all that, every person in incarnation has an energy

amoeba parasite attached to the solar plexus area, which tries to
control the emotional life of that person. It also connects with
amoeba parasites in other persons, orchestrating conflicts.
Etheric Archons transmit data from the etheric mainframe
computer into the physical Black Box which is in possession of one
of the main Italian black nobility families and is connected with the
physical mainframe computer of the Cabal (the Beast) and then
linked to mainframe computers inside NSA. Although the Light
forces have managed to put a computer virus into the Black Box,
this virus has not been as successful as we have hoped.
Etheric Archons are very allergic to a few things. First to the
energy of Love, especially to Love between a man and a woman.
When they see a happy couple, they want to destroy the Love
between them, because that Love gives the power to the nonphysical Light forces to remove the etheric Archons and their
Second, they are allergic to healthy sexual energy. They suppress
this energy in the human population, and when they are not

successful in suppressing it, they pervert it. Sexual energy is the

life force itself and when they succeed in suppressing it, they get a
sheeple population on the surface of the planet that can easily be
Third, they are allergic to energies of positive ET civilizations and
energies of the Ascended Masters. They try to suppress, distort
and manipulate these energies whenever possible.
Etheric Archon grid is present around this planet for the last
26,000 years and was greatly reinforced during Congo Archon
invasion in 1996 when it was strengthened by many reptilian
entities from our Galaxy and from the Andromeda galaxy as well.
In late 1995, Archons became afraid that the Galactic
Confederation will make real contact with the surface population of
this planet and they reinforced the grid to prevent that. Most of
those reinforcements have already been cleared away into the
Galactic central sun and there are special plans created by the
Light forces that I am not yet allowed to speak about, for those
reptilians remaining.
I am not describing all this to frighten you, but to bring awareness
into a situation that is happening to many people right now so that
we can transform it.
Goddes Vortex technology, combined with our awareness, will
dissolve the etheric Archon grid. I will dedicate a separate blog
post to the Goddess Vortex technology, describing it in detail.
I have recieved instructions to create something called the Etheric
Liberation. It will be a facebook group where members will report
Archons' influence and energy attacks upon them and other
members of the group will send them healing and support. This is
how we will maintain the awareness of the situation. Hereby I am
asking the right person to step forward to create and moderate the
Etheric Liberation facebook group and I will give him/her further
Apart from that, I am also asking people with advanced expertise
in healing of post-traumatic stress, in soul retrieval, in energy
protection and in exorcism (negative entity removal) to contact me
at cobraresistance@gmail.com, detailing their area and level of

expertise. We are creating a core group team to finaly start dealing

with the situation.
The Pleiadians have asked me not to release the Ascension plan
until the etheric Archon situation is properly adressed. I apologize
for the inconvenience.
Anyway, Victory of the Light!
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Monday, July 7, 2014

Fall of the Chimera
Time has come to release more intel about the Chimera group.
Parts of this intel may seem unbelievable for some people, but
truth is stranger than fiction.
This group includes the leaders of the dark forces from the
Andromeda galaxy. They came to Earth in humanoid physical
bodies 25,000 years ago and quarantined the planet. They have
built a scalar electromagnetic fence around the Earth (the Veil),
effectively preventing positive ET contact and thus isolating
humanity. Then they constructed a vast network of subterranean
cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as
slaves and controlled the human population on the surface of the
planet from there.

Their main strongholds at that time were under Africa, China and
Tibet. They had no direct contact with the surface civilization until
the early 20th century. That timeframe has seen interesting occult

First, in 1917 the Light forces have formed the Thule society in
Germany. Very soon it was infiltrated by the Archon-controlled
Rothschild agent named Adolf Schicklgruber (Hitler) and became
an instrument of the dark and it further morphed into the Vril
society which was developing secret German space program:
When the Chimera group saw this, they realized that the surface
human population has reached sufficient technological
development to reach for the stars and pierce the Veil. To
suppress that, they have made their first contact with the surface
population through Karl Haushofer on his travels to Tibet. After that
contact was made, Chimera-controlled Haushofer was the main
occult force behind the Nazi Germany:
After the Nazis have lost WW2, they have been imported into the
United States through Operation Paperclip, where they formed the
backbone of the military-industrial complex, continued to develop
their secret space program and started to build deep underground
military bases, financed with Yamashita gold. The Chimera group
was behind the scenes, carefully watching the moves of the US
military-industrial complex and making sure that the quarantine
status of the planet was maintained and kept intact. The growing
nuclear arsenal of the Negative Military was a great concern for
the Galactic Confederation forces and they made an experiment to
minimize the yield of the thermonuclear bomb at the Castle Koon
nuclear test in 1954:
After the Confederation has successfully decreased the yield of the
bomb by almost 90%, the military-industrial complex became
afraid and united their forces against the perceived threat from the
tall whites . This was exactly as Chimera wanted, because now
they had Negative Military united worldwide, working on the
common goal of maintaining the quarantine. Very strict secrecy
protocols were established and no leaks about deep events
which could disrupt the quarantine status were tolerated. This is
the reason why you can find no real proof about the existence of

ET civilizations anywhere and most evidence is fabricated by

CIA to further confuse the issue. This is also the reason why you
can not find any deep intel on internet but just endless recycling of
well-known facts instead. You might already have noticed that
almost all intel about UFOs and deep underground military bases
is decades old.
You can find the only mention of the Chimera group in a James
Casbolt's interview. He is one of the very few people with access
to deep intel who went public. Although not everything in here is
correct, it is worth reading:
The Chimera group worships the Black Sun, which is their symbol
for the Galactic Central Sun. Their leader is still in a possession of
a single piece of the Black Stone, which is a lump of heavy
top/antitop quark condensate. It was brought to Earth from Rigel in
1996. The Black Stone is the center of the primary cosmic
anomaly of darkness and is far more dangerous than the
strangelet bomb, as top quarks are much heavier than strange
Leaders of the Chimera group are the guardians of the
electromagnetic null zone.
The Chimera group had their own network of underground bases
until they were recently cleared out by the Resistance. These
bases were connected with a high speed train system. To clarify
the situation, until recently there were three underground train
systems: the one connecting deep underground military bases of
the Negative Military, the one connecting the Chimera bases and
the one connecting the Resistance bases. The Resistance train
system was the one I have seen back in 1977. The existence of
the underground train system of the Negative Military has been
leaked to the surface population through this RAND document:

Now only the underground train system of the Resistance is fully

operational. The Chimera group is mostly contained in the
uppermost underground sections of the surface military bases,
closer than 100 feet (30 meters) to the surface. Their main current
strongholds, through which they control the surface of the planet,
*Borgo Santo Spirito, Rome, Italy
*Aviano NATO base, Italy
*A certain classified location, Central Europe
*Another classified location, Central Europe
*Ramstein NATO base, Germany
*Fairford RAF base, UK
*Montauk, NY
*Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
*Sandia / Los Alamos, NM
*White Sands / Area 6413, UT
*Nellis AFB / Area 51, NV
*Edwards AFB, CA
Each of those locations has their own strangelet bomb on its
territory. Those strangelet bombs are quite dangerous and they
are the main reason why the Positive Military is not yet making
their move for the Event:
A location near Montauk entry/exit point is Cold Spring Harbor, a
genetics laboratory where the Chimera produces top Cabal
members clones, according to some unconfirmed sources:
Galactic Confederation forces are constantly monitoring the facility
and will terminate the cloning program when the situation will be
ready for that:

The Chimera group has hijacked the global financial system from
the hands of the central bankers in the last decade through the
PROMIS software and through high speed trading programs. The
Resistance and the Organization (its forerunner) were aware of
those programs for quite some time and were able to siphon off
about 70 trillion dollars away from the black funds of the Cabal.
That money will be given back to humanity after the Reset through
the collateral accounts.

The Chimera group must not be confused with the breakaway

civilization. The breakaway civilization originated in Nazi occult
space program and evolved into a military-industrial complex with
many black projects, whereas the Chimera group is the driving
force behind the breakaway civilization, manipulating it to help
maintaining the quarantine status of planet Earth. The demarcation
line between the Chimera group and the breakaway civilization is
called the phase boundary, of which nothing more can be said
publicly, and the Event / the Compression Breakthrough can also
be called the phase transition.
The Light forces have developed a protocol for the defeat of the
Chimera group and the protocol is being carried out.
The Victory of the Light is near.
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Plasma and the Planetary Situation Update
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Their Long Island
fortress can not be removed so easily because it is tied to the
plasma scalar network which forms the backbone of the Veil,
extending to the altitude of up to 8.6 miles above the surface. This
is precisely the point where the Chimera and the Archons are
joining forces to defend their quarantine Earth.
To really explain what is going on, we will have to deal with very
deep occult knowledge that might be beyond science fiction for
some people.
Physicists would describe plasma as ionized gas, whereas a
skilled occultist would describe plasma as a hidden plane /
dimension between the gaseous and the fourth etheric plane:

Plasmatic plane between the physical and etheric is the hidden

location where the Archons have concealed most of their darkness
and it was their utmost secret. Plasmatic plane was created as a
result of torsion forces between the physical and etheric as a direct
consequence of cosmic anomaly when the universe was created
and is also called the Abyss. It can be accessed (not
recommended!) through hidden portals that can be found inside
sephira daath on the kabalistic tree of life:
There are quantum singularity wormholes within the plasmatic
plane and in the occult terminology they are called the Tunnels of
Set. Those wormholes contain strangelet and toplet bombs and
they are tied to the physical Black Stone in the Long Island
location. This is the main reason why clearing of the plasma scalar
network and the Veil is taking so long.
The Light forces are dealing with this situation and there has been
significant progress regarding removal of the plasma strangelet
bombs, whereas plasma toplet bombs still remain a challenge.

There is another plane similar to plasma, but on a much higher

octave, between the higher mental (manasic) and the buddhic
plane. That plane is called the buddhi-manas membrane and
separates realms of Oneness from realms of duality. This
membrane was created as a result of torsion forces between the
mental and buddhic (intuitional) plane as a direct consequence of
cosmic anomaly when the universe was created. This membrane
is the first thing that separated us from the Source when we
descended into Creation as sparks of conscoiouness long time
ago in galactic history. The density of this membrane will be
greatly reduced after the Event when the cosmic anomaly of
darkness will be finally cleared.
As Chimera are slowly losing their power, interesting intel leaks
are occurring:
Promising new technologies are introduced:
The Eastern Alliance is making significant progress on the financial
front to break the dominance of the petrodollar system:
As you probably know, the Ebola scare does not have an impact
that the Cabal was hoping for and all their attempts to create a
global war are also falling apart.

The Islamic State, a Jesuit creation, is having a lot of attention in

the mass media. One purpose of the Archons and their Jesuit
puppets in their occult war against the people is to associate the
name of Goddess Isis with their dark creation in the minds of the
masses. Therefore I would suggest all alternative media stop using
the name ISIS for the Islamic State, but rater use ISIL or Islamic
State instead. You can also sign this petition:
I have been contacted by a group of writers that have had contact
with the Indonesian and other eastern Asian Agarthan networks
from 2009-2013. That group has suggested that people do not wait
passively for the Event and have given many grassroots ideas
what can be done:
Another beautiful idea that may make people rethink how to solve
their housing situations has appeared:
Victory of the Light is near!
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Monday, March 10, 2014

Quarantine Earth Endgame
It is safe now to release certain intel that will bring much
clarity to the whole situation concerning the Event and the
dynamic tension between the Light and the dark forces.
Although this intel may be shocking for some people, time
has come for people to know the truth because only when
the truth is known can situations be resolved.
To completely understand the situation on this planet we
need to go back to a specific period of the Galactic history
when the dark forces were created. They have chosen Rigel
star system in the Orion constellation as their main
stronghold from where they controlled their galactic empire.
They have soon discovered that taking hostages gave them
the most efficient leverage against the Light forces because
the Light forces cared about their people and have hindered
their actions many times so that the Light beings which were
taken hostage by the dark would not get hurt.
The dark forces have been developing their hostage
leverage mechanisms and at the same time developing
exotic weaponry technologies that were wreaking havoc
across the Galaxy, destroying entire planets, erasing entire
At a certain point they developed their most efficient hostage
leverage mechanism. They have demanded that the Source
stops giving intel to the Ascended Masters and to the
Galactic Confederation about the clandestine activities and
plans of the dark forces or they threatened to destroy large
sectors of the Galaxy.
Since then, the Light forces stopped receiving intel about a
certain part of activities of the dark forces. This has created a
cosmic energy split between Light and dark throughout all
dimensions and was the beginning of duality. On the fifth
dimension and above, darkness manifested simply as
absence of intel and lack of understanding how to resolve

the cosmic situation. From then on, certain races have begun
to believe that darkness and suffering are a necessary
ingredient of life experience, as night follows the day and day
follows the night.
This allowed the dark forces to turn their Rigel stronghold
into the first true quarantine where no Light could enter since
the Ascended Beings did not receive intel about the activities
going on Rigel and therefore could not send Light and Love
to heal situations there. In secret, the dark forces have
developed their most deadly weapon there, the strangelet
Strangelet bomb is a conglomerate of heavy quarks, called
strange quarks:
When this conglomerate is put under extreme pressure and
temperature it begins a chain reaction of changing ordinary
matter into strange matter:
If such a chain reaction would not be stopped, just one
stangelet bomb could annihilate the whole known universe.
Fortunately, the Light forces always had technology to
drastically limit the radius of a strangelet bomb. Still a
strangelet bomb is a much more deadly weapon than a
thermonuclear bomb.
Through millions of years, the dark forces have produced a
few physical and quite many more etheric strangelet bombs
and stored them on Rigel.

25,000 years ago they have created their second quarantine

stronghold on planet Earth and transported part of their
strangelet bombs and other exotic weaponry there. This
weaponry was the real reason why the Galactic
Confederation has not intervened during the Nazi holocaust,
Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear explosions, Stalinist purges
or the Rwanda genocide. At that time the Galactic
Confederation did not know exactly what weaponry the dark
have on their disposal, they only knew that if they intervened
it could lead to disastrous consequences.
Throughout the 20th century, the Confederation has been
removing obstacles to the First Contact one after the other
until in 1995 they were ready to make their move. This
triggered a red alert among the top Archons on Earth at that
time and they have decided to call in all remaining dark
forces of the Galaxy to defend quarantine Earth. This

resulted in the so-called Congo Archon invasion of 1996.

For a brief period of a few years, the dark forces have
managed to control most star systems in radius of 1000 light
years around planet Earth, except from Sirius star system.
They have even managed to invade the Pleiadian star
cluster in 1996 and this is how it looked like:
This was a great shock for the Pleiadian race as they have
spent hundreds of thousands of years in peace before the
Rigelians have even taken a a small number of Pleiadians
hostage, transported them to Earth into deep military
underground bases under Southwest and microchipped
them. This is how it could actually look like in Dulce base
somewhere in 1996 or 1997:
The Galactic Confederation has liberated Pleiades in 1999
and the Resistance has liberated Pleiadian captives from
Dulce and other bases in 2001, but the Pleiadian race
needed almost a decade to recover from shock completely
and to be able to fully participate in the Galactic
Confederation operations for the liberation of planet Earth.
In the time period between 1996 and 1999, all Rigelian
strangelet bombs and other exotic weaponry was transferred
to planet Earth. The vast majority of the physical exotic
weaponry was removed by the Resistance until 2004, but a
great portion on etheric exotic weaponry remained until very
Among other exotic weapons I would mention physical
antigravity scalar weapons. All of them were removed by
2004 and the Resistance does not allow any such weapons
to be developed by military industrial complex ever again.

The Resistance does however support the development of

antigravity technology for peaceful purposes:
Since 1999, the Ascended Masters, the Galactic
Confederation and the Resistance Movement are actively
removing layers upon layers of exotic etheric technologies
from quarantine Earth. Each time one layer is removed, the
Ascended Master receive intel about the next layer from the
Source. Then Confederation and Resistance personnel
removes that next etheric layer. This process was ongoing in
the same way until a few weeks ago when a drastic
breakthrough was made.
The Ascended Masters have then receive intel from the
Source about ALL remaining etheric dark forces and their
technologies. This has effectively dissolved the basic
foundation of the reality system of duality and removed the
foundation of power of the top Archons on this planet. The
insane reality of dark opposing the Light will soon collapse
and then only Light will remain and all suffering will be gone

As of March 8th, 2014, only one last layer of etheric Archons

and their exotic etheric weaponry remains. The vast majority
of etheric Reptilians are gone, most of their technologies are
gone, there is mainly a small group of crazy Archons with
their exotic etheric weapons. Whether they have strangelet
bombs or something else is unclear as that intel is still
withheld for security reasons. This is the only factor
remaining which prevents the Event right now. How long will
this layer last is also unclear for the same reasons.
On the physical plane, everything is ready for the Event.
There is also a vast fleet of Confederation ships surrounding
the Earth. There are about 5 billion cloaked physical ships
positioned in the LEO region:

In addition to that, there are about 120 million cloaked
physical Confederation ships in the region between the
Karman line
and the Armstrong limit:
The number and strategic position of cloaked Confederation
ships in the troposphere and on the surface of the planet
remains highly classified for now.
When the first cracks appear in the last etheric defense layer
of the Archons, events will then quickly follow. We can
expect the following developments popping up in rapid
succession, not necessarily in the same order:
-Disclosure of extremely advanced and efficient medicine
technologies through mainstream media
-Indisputable proof of existence of Atlantis released through
mainstream media
-Indisputable proof of existence of extraterrestrial civilizations
released through mass media, most likely from secret NSA
files, by Snowden or any other whistleblower
-Fully functional free energy home units for sale through a
public website
-Arrest or physical removal of the top members of the Cabal,
released through mainstream media
-Worldwide financial Reset
-The Event.
To speed up the process, the Light forces have asked me to
start pressuring disclosure acupuncture points. I will first

press two of them.

First, I am in contact with a very strong positive group with
substantial financial capability, production infrastructure and
strategic plan to start mass production and bring affordable
free energy devices to humanity. They are searching for
inventors with working overunity devices that can be put into
mass production fast. If there are inventors with personal
integrity that put liberation of the planet before profit, are not
afraid of the Cabal and have working overunity prototypes
that are scalable and easily replicated, they can contact me
at cobraresistance@gmail.com
Second, there is a certain project which involves the
Resistance and the surface population. If there are any
people who had physical contact with the Resistance or the
Agartha network since 1996, they can contact me at
On the physical plane, the situation on the surface of the
planet is slowly reaching its climax. The Cabal went too far
and ultimatums have been issued by the Light forces. The
Cabal needed a demonstration of a mild version of stardust
technology and it was freely given:
Here I need to add that stardust can not be used only to
block, disable or off Cabal members, it can also be used to
heal people. Stardust can heal most causes of chronic pain
in 15 minutes. It is time people DEMAND this technology to
be released to help bringing healing to humanity. There will
be many other advanced healing technologies released soon
and Positive Military in Egypt has made its first step in that
direction, despite attempts to discredit them:

The existence of these devices was confirmed to me directly

by Dragon sources and sources within White Nobility of
People are finally becoming aware of the actions of Jesuitbacked Blackwater/Academi mercenaries in Ukraine that
want to trick Ukraine and Russia into a military conflict:
One of the reasons is that Jesuits want to erase Russian
Orthodox Church in Ukraine and replace it with Jesuitfriendly Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church:
The other reason is that Jesuits want to add Ukraine to the
European Union, which is a Jesuit creation:
There are many groups with strong military capability that are
becoming very angry at the Cabal and the Light forces can
not and will not hold them back any longer, so these groups
will most likely start removing members of the Cabal from the
planet, if they haven't already, and they will not wait for the
mass arrest scenario and the Event. Here I need to add that
only about 10% of Jesuits belong to the dark forces and
many members of the Cabal are within the Illuminati network
against their will so I would ask the aforementioned groups to
use discernment in their Cabal removal operations.
One of those groups has communicated that if only one
more person dies as a result of Blackwater/Academi
mercenary actions in Ukraine, they will begin removing the
mercenaries, and if this is not enough, they will begin

removing top members of the Cabal one by one.

Another group has advised Putin that instead of resolving the
Ukraine conflict militarily, he should send Spetsnaz agents to
start removing members of the Cabal.
A mysterious unknown benefactor has approached certain
mafia groups and they have sworn allegiance to him and
turned their backs to their previous sponsors, the Illuminazi
and the Jesuits.
There are at least two more groups ready for action and I will
not name them specifically.
As Fulford has said last week: "In the meantime watch as
senior cabalists vanish one by one."
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Monday, February 9, 2015

Solar System Situation Update
The Breakthrough phase means that the Light forces are no longer
focused only on opposing the Chimera and the Cabal, but are
gathering momentum for the final breakthrough instead. During the
breakthrough phase, the Veil is slowly being dissolved and the
quarantine slowly being lifted. There are operations underway to
arrange Disclosure leaks through mainstream media by high levels
sources in India and Russia. Those leaks are expected to occur
when the Chimera group will lose enough power over the military
in the aforementioned countries.
Our Solar System has been under control of Orion/Andromedan
Chimera empire and their Draco/Reptilian minions for the last
26,000 years, effectively putting planet Earth under quarantine
status, isolating it from positive ET races.
The Light forces were forced to sign a non-interference treaty
which states that they will not interfere on the surface of planet
Earth directly and in turn the Chimera will also not interfere on the
surface directly. Although this treaty was quite harmful for the
development of humanity in the last 26,000 years, it has also
prevented humanity from being harvested by Chimera and their
Draco/Reptilian minions directly. This is the reason the Resistance
Movement agents are not contacting human beings on the surface
of their planet. This treaty is also the reason why the Reptilians
have not been massively eating humans for breakfast in the open
in surface human cities after 1996 when their presence under the
surface of the planet was huge, with 500 million entities present.
This treaty is also the reason strangelet bombs were not detonated
on many occasions. As soon as the Chimera threat is gone, the
Light forces will intervene on the surface of this planet directly.
The indirect attempts to pierce through the quarantine began in the
19th century when the Pleiadians inspired the NYMZA secret
society (Sonora Aero Club) to build airships:

Tesla had a connection with NYMZA and he attempted to build a

spaceship to travel to Mars. His attempt failed and after that JP
Morgan stopped financing Tesla.
Marconi was a student of Tesla and after he saw how the Cabal
mistreated Tesla, he and a few other people (including the famous
alchemist Fulcanelli) relocated to South America where they built a
secret underground city in the Andes in 1937:
Tesla, Marconi and Fulcanelli are all members of the Brotherhood
of the Star.
The second Pleiadian attempt to pierce the quarantine began in
the early 20th century with the Thule / Vril societies in Germany.
Soon, more hostile races took control over the German space
program, which culminated in building a secret German Nazi Moon
base during WW2. Like attracts like, and the Nazi Moon base was
taken over by the Reptilians shortly after the end of the war, all
personnel wiped out.
A more direct attempt to pierce the quarantine was made on
February 20th, 1954, when President Eisenhower met with
representatives of the Pleiadians and of the Ashtar Command at
Edwards air force base:
Pressured by the Negative Military, Eisenhower was forced to
reject an agreement with the positive ETs and later to sign a treaty
with negative Zeta and Draco races instead.
The Pleiadians, however, managed to negotiate a permission from
the Negative Military to build a secret base under Bora Bora island
in French Polynesia, under the condition that its existence remains
unknown to the surface population.
James Francis MacIntyre, the bishop of LA, was present at the
meeting in Edwards AFB and reported the proceedings to the
Jesuits. There are photos and films of Pleiadian ships, taken at
that meeting, in the Vatican library. Jesuits were also regularly
updated by the Negative Military about all technologies which the

military has received from the Zetas and Draconians. A secret

Jesuit space program was started in 1956 to build bases on Moon
and Mars. The program was not that successful and, ironically,
was codenamed Marconi.

The real secret space program started in the early 1960s, when
the Chimera group has given permission to the negative militaries
of the USA, NATO European countries, USSR and China to build
joint secret Moon and Mars bases in certain restricted areas. Also,
a secret treaty was signed between the Cabal and the
Draco/Reptilian/Zeta complex which gave the Cabal technical
support in construction of Lunar and Mars bases whereas those
negative alien races were given permission to build underground
bases on Earth together with the Negative Military.
Joint USA/USSR Mars base was thus built in 1964 and then
expanded over the next few decades, when more Moon and Mars
bases were added to the program. The main lunar base was built
on the far side of the Moon and was codenamed LOC (Lunar
Operations Command).
The whole secret space program was named Solar Warden and
top supersoldiers were accepted into the program and

brainwashed with the idea that they are defending Earth from the
negative aliens. Some UN diplomats knew about the existence of
the Solar Warden and they naively believed it to be a global
program for Earth defense against an alien threat. In reality, the
purpose of the secret space program was to build joint
human/Draco infrastructure throughout the Solar System for the
Archon invasion which happened in 1996:
From the human side, the program was directed by the unholy four
(Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney).
The unholy four are actually Draconians who took human
incarnations 26,000 years ago and are the four most visible
Draco/human hybrids.

Dick Cheney was the leader of the Mars Corporation and claimed
to be the owner of the planetary debt that Earth owes to the Mars
Corporation and to the breakaway civilization, which has milked
the Earth workforce through the Rothschild central banking

The Light forces have infiltrated the Solar Warden space program
in many ways. Eisenhower, cornered by the Cabal and forced to
team up with the negative aliens, formed some secret cells inside
the Solar Warden program which were working for the Light.
Also, the Organization (forerunner of the Resistance Movement)
had secret teams infiltrated into the Solar Warden program. The
Organization was also cooperating with positive Andromedans
who were well aware of the situation in this Solar System.
The Light forces built their own Lunar base inside the Tycho crater
and I visited that base in 1983. It was a huge domed structure with
a nice swimming pool inside, from where I could watch the Earth.
Many years later I had a surreal moment when I was in a similar
swimming pool on Earth, covered with a glassy dome and was
watching the Moon rising. It was then a shock and confusion to my
brain to see the Moon rising though the glassy domed structure
where I should be watching the orb of Earth instead!
After the Archon invasion in 1996 our Solar System was filled with
Draconian and Reptilian entities. Their main military base was on
Charon (Pluto's moon) with many strongholds in the main asteroid
belt. In that timeframe, many key people were taken to the
underground military bases and trauma-based mindprogrammed
against the Galactic Confederation and against the Ashtar
Command. This is the reason why many people are now so
strongly against the Ashtar Command.
During a massive liberation offensive between 1999 and 2004, the
Light forces of the Resistance Movement, Pleiaidan, Sirian and
Andromedan Fleet and the Ashtar Command cleared the vast
majority of the Draco/Reptilian presence from our Solar System.

After 2004, the remaining Draco/Reptilian forces were working

closely with the unholy four to defend planet Earth from the
liberating fleet of the Galactic Light forces and they have been
manipulating Solar Warden supersoldiers against the Light.
Between 2004 and 2012 the Light forces cleared this Solar System
from all Draco/Reptilian presence except for those working directly
with the Chimera group. In that time frame, Solar Warden was
operating primarily from two locations.
Sublunar operations and operations in Earth's orbit with X-22A,
SR-33A and TR3-B sublunar vehicles were directed from Peterson
AFB in Colorado which happens also to be the headquarters of the
NORAD (radar network for UFO detection) and Air Force Space
Solar System operations were directed from the Kings Peak
underground base in Utah, where most personnel and
infrastructure were moved to from Area 51 and S4 when these two
locations became too widely known.
In 2012, the Light forces closed down Solar Warden and since
then the Cabal is grounded on the surface of the planet and now

heavily relies on the Chimera's (empty) promises that they will

save them off planet from the mass arrests. They now feel
stranded and are starting to get worried:
Since early last year, the Light forces are dealing with the Chimera
directly. Since late January this year, as the physical strangelet
and toplet bombs have been cleared, they have started operations
to clear this Solar System from the last vestiges of darkness. This
operation is codenamed MOSS (Multidimensional Operations
Solar System). This operation is still ongoing. Important
breakthroughs have happened in the last few days. After the
successful completion of MOSS and around the time of the Event,
Disclosure and First Contact will happen and this will be the end of
the quarantine status for planet Earth.
Posted by Cobra

Posted by Cobra Monday, January 19, 2015

Although a large part of the scalar plasma grid has been removed
after the opening of the IS:IS portal, a large part still remains.
Breakthrough phase does not mean only rainbows and pretty
comets, we are in the middle of occult war between forces of Light
and forces of darkness.

Therefore it is of utmost importance for the people to be aware of

the existence and the influence of the scalar plasma grid and other
energy weapons that the Cabal under the guidance of Chimera
group uses to suppress human consciousness and to prevent the
arrival of Light. Here is a relatively good article about it:
The Event will NOT happen until the scalar plasma grid is taken
care of.

Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are primary targets of

directed energy weapons because they are the primary security
threat to the current slavery prison planet matrix and its handlers.
The first guideline for protection for targeted individuals is to try to
maintain the state of balance and harmony amidst all daily
activities. That means learning to master the skills of time and
priorities management and learning when to say yes and when to
say no, and to remove all toxic elements, situations and people out
of your lives. It is also good to find some quiet time each day to
spend in nature and/or in meditation to reconnect with your higher

Dragon sources have communicated an effective protection

meditation protocol. It is recommended to use this protocol once or
a few times daily and maintain this protection shield throughout the
Breakthrough phase to maintain the vibrational frequency of Light:
1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath
or in any other way that works for you
2. Visualize a brilliant white vortex of Light emanating from your
Soul star chakra downwards throughout your body in a clockwise
direction, purifying the energy fields of your physical, plasmatic,
etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Maintain this vortex by
connecting it to the source of universal Light and program it to
maintain all your energy bodies purified
3. Visualize an egg shaped semi-permeable mirror shield around
your auric field of your physical, plasmatic, etheric, astral and
mental bodies. This mirror shield lets all positive energies into your
energy field, but reflects and bounces all negative energies back to
their source (return-to-sender). Program this mirror shield to alert
you when any type of negative energy is directed your way and let
it reflect it back to its origin
4. Visualize Light rearranging all parts of yourself and all parts of
your energy fields back into state of balance and harmony. While
doing that you can hum mantra OM because OM is the primaeval
sound of Light and its resonance will restore harmony most

If you are under strong plasma/scalar attack, the so-called Violet

Ray device can help you. By applying the wand in your auric field
you can remove negative plasma generated there by the scalar
Violet Ray/Darsonval device is a Tesla coil device which generates
a positive plasma field and transmutes negative plasma which was
generated by scalar wave manipulation.
Another decisive element in this occult war is to bring as many
people as possible away from darkness and into the Light. There
are many members of the middle management of the Cabal that
are doing dark deeds only because they are forced into it or
because they see no other option, being under financial,

psychological and physical pressure or manipulation. They are the

bribed congressmen, misled high level freemasons, greedy CEOs
of companies, pilots operating killing drones, soldiers pulling the
trigger, personnel operating scalar directional weapons, religious
fanatics acting out their traumas on innocent civilians.
This coded message has been communicated to those middlemen
from a certain source that wishes to remain anonymous:
The capstone of the pyramid has been removed. The all seeing
eye has been forced shut and does not watch you anymore. You
are now safe to return to the Light of Love. Tubal Cain.
Dragon sources have suggested a meditation to bring Light into
the souls of those people and many of them will cross into the
Light, thus effectively weakening the power base of the Cabal:
1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath
or in any other way that works for you
2. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the
Soul star chakra of all those Cabal middlemen into their energy
field and their personality, awakening them to the reality of Light,
guiding them to step away from the Cabal, giving them power to
set themselves free from darkness
3. Visualize all those Cabal middlemen joining the planetary
network of Light, putting down their weapons of destruction and
deceit, learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a
constructive way.
One of the biggest psychological blocks of the Cabal is their
inferiority complex which they try to hide and mask with all that
bragging about bloodlines. The inconvenient truth is that Cabal
Khazar bloodlines originate from the primitive, crude, violent and
less intelligent Neanderthal man, whereas the human masses
evolved from more refined, balanced and more intelligent
Cromagnon man:

Please understand that although the article above might be

ideologically biased, most of hard science facts still stand. Just
insert Khazarians instead of Semites/Jews when you read the
The Resistance Movement has issued a few warnings to the hard
core of the Cabal to stop attacking Lightwarriors and Lightworkers
with scalar directional energy weapons. Since those warnings
were ignored, the Resistance has initialized release the dogs
protocols. This means that they no longer hold back surface
individuals and groups that would like to off members of the Cabal
by their own free will and initiative.
This means that the surface of the planet has suddenly become
quite unsafe for the core members of the Cabal. This is why
Donald Rumsfeld sold his house and escaped to New Mexico:
Joe Biden already had a taste of this new situation:

The Resistance Movement has communicated that if the
directional energy weapons attacks do not stop, they might trigger
protocols for the rapid arrest of the unholy four: Dick Cheney,
Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger.
If those protocols are triggered, they will have drastic and
destabilizing effect on the planetary geopolitical situation and
although they would speed up the Event, the whole transition
would be much more chaotic and violent. The Resistance is well
aware of the connections of the unholy four with the Chimera
group. The Resistance is hoping sanity will prevail and extreme
measures can still be avoided.
On a more positive note, RR6 will be activated the day after
tomorrow and during this activation, plasma tail of comet Lovejoy
will pass through Pleiades as seen from Earth. This cosmic event
will send a wave of positive energy towards the plasmatic Tunnels
of Set around the surface of this planet and will be a trigger for
their transformation. Summarily, we can expect a lot of activity of
the Light forces in the following week.
Posted by Cobra

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