Procedural Text Unit

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Teaching and learning sequence:

Procedural Text:
Lesson 1:
Introduction of procedural text: Immerse students into procedural writing. Show
them below 2 (document print out) examples of procedural writing and discuss that
the purpose of procedural writing is to tell the reader how to do or make
something and that the information is broken up into a specific and logical
sequence of steps to follow. Have a class discussion about examples of procedural
writing and similarities between examples.

Lesson 2:
Structure unpacking:
Watch You-tube video on procedural writing.
Use a procedural example and place it on butchers paper on the whiteboard. Unpack
the structure of the procedural text using markers on either side of the worksheet:
title, beginning, middle, end, encouraging language, step-by-step etc. Display in the
classroom for them to revert back to throughout future learning.
Lesson 3:

Text Reconstruction: Read out hopscotch (or other) procedural text and then cut
apart along with matching pictures and ask class to help reconstruct the text so it
makes sense again sequentially. Students then break up into groups and each group
gets another jumbled question to remake again.
Lesson 4:
Modelled Writing: Ask someone to pick a sport example they pick soccer. Narrow
the idea down to something like "how to kick a goal? so that the procedural
instruction is easy. Model writing a procedural piece including: title, materials,
instructions, illustrations and comments. Work on this together to make it a resource
for the room.

Lesson 1:
Shared writing: Recap on our resources so far and reflect on our resources and give
students the topic How to brush your teeth? Go over our resource and discuss things
needed to be included in a step-by-step manner. Students go off to write steps
discussed and draw illustrations. Students show work for marking and feedback
Lesson 2:
Text Reconstruction 2nd time: Read out a procedural text and then cut apart along
with matching pictures and ask class to help reconstruct the text so it makes sense
again sequentially. Students then break up into groups and each group gets another
jumbled question to remake again. Discuss findings. Are we better at reconstructing
the procedural task this time? Why? Why not? if not, were instructions to vague, how
could we improve them?
Lesson 3:

Following instructions: Look at PM big book for procedural texts discuss features.
Complete Uppy umbrella worksheet and discuss were instructions clear etc.

Lesson 4:
Making our own instructions as a class: Show class the colouring sheet of penny
the penguin. Explain to students that we need to be able to write instructions for our
class to all have the same colouring pictures of penny. As a class we need to establish
the materials aim and instructions necessary in step by step on a piece of butchers
paper future resource. IF agreed quickly students may colour in penny. If not it rolls
over into next lesson.

Lesson 1: Students are to continue colouring in penny and then complete the writing
of our procedural task next to the picture - copy if necessary.
Title: How to colour in Penny the Penguin

Aim: To colour in Penny the classes way

Materials: A Colouring page of penny, pencils
Instructions: Step 1) Colour the toes orange
Step 2) Colour the eyes blue
Step 3) etc.

Lesson 2:
Independent writing: What to do before bed Brainstorm steps as a class and
have students complete ideas in literacy books
Lesson 3:
Have a class discussion on the success criteria. Revisit procedural features. Introduce
and brainstorm ideas for how to wash your hands students create drafts. Feedback
Lesson 4:
Continued lesson final copies for editing chances grade one only perhaps. Touch up
Lesson 1:
Follow procedural text:
Aboriginal flag have a look at task analyse it. Follow the instructions to create an
Aboriginal flag.

Lesson 2:
Teach your partner something that you know how to do OR how to make
something WRITING/ DRAWING steps
Lesson 3:
Teach your partner something that you know how to do OR how to make
something PRACTICING in your partners
Lesson 4:
Teach your partner something that you know how to do OR how to make
something PRESENTING to the class
Ideas for students:

Make Paper hats

Make Paper planes
How to Swim
How to Wash a dog
Make a boat / pirate ship

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