2015-2016 Y3 Unit 1 Wwa Curriculum Overview

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Leading to a Bright Future

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Unit of Inquiry 1
WHO WE ARE: An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual
health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means
to be human
Central Idea
Relationships are enhanced by learning about other peoples perspectives and understanding our own.
Form, Perspective, Reflection

Related concepts
Communication, Open Mindedness, Empathy

Lines of Inquiry

Social interactions (form)

Understanding your own perspective (perspective)

Acknowledging other perspectives (perspective)

Managing and resolving conflict (reflection)


Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary

Use effective strategies to tackle blending unfamiliar words to read, including sounding out, separating into
syllables, using analogy, identifying known suffixes and prefixes, using context.

Grammar and Punctuation

Collect examples of nouns, verbs and adjectives, and use the terms appropriately.
Maintain accurate use of capital letters and full stops in showing sentences.
Continue to improve consistency in the use of tenses.
Ensure grammatical agreement of pronouns and verbs in using standard English.


Read aloud with expression to engage the listener.

Understand and use the terms fact, fiction and non-fiction.
Answer questions with some reference to single points in a text.
Locate books by classification.


Write first-person accounts and descriptions based on observation.

Ensure consistency in the size and proportion of letters and the spacing of words.

Speaking and Listening

Listen and respond appropriately to others views and opinions.

Develop sensitivity to ways that others express meaning in their talk and non-verbal communication


Numbers & The Number System

Recite numbers 100 to 200 and beyond
Read and write numbers to at least 1000
Count on and back in ones, tens and hundreds from two- and three-digit numbers
Count on and back in steps of 2, 3, 4 and 5 to at least 50
Know addition and subtraction facts for all numbers to 20
Know the following addition and subtraction facts:
- multiples of 100 with a total of 1000
- multiples of 5 with a total of 100
Add several small numbers

Handling data

Organising, categorising and representing data

Answer a real-life question by collecting, organising and interpreting data, e.g. investigating the population of
mini-beasts in different environments
Use tally charts, frequency tables, pictograms (symbol representing one or two units) and bar charts (intervals
labelled in ones or twos)
Use Venn or Carroll diagrams to sort data and objects using two criteria

Using understanding and strategies in solving problems

Use ordered lists and tables to help to solve problems systematically
Describe and continue patterns which count on or back in steps of 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 100
Identify simple relationships between numbers, e.g. each number is three more than the number before it

Vietnamese National Curriculum (VNC)

Topic: Students, Friends and School
In unit 1, year 3 VNC will be focused on the 3 topics:
Em l hc sinh- I am a student/ Bn b-friends/
Trng hc- school . Through these, students will
have chances to learn new vocabulary, new
grammatical points, how to write a paragraph, as well
as, review their phonics.

Vietnamese Language and Culture (VLC)

Year 3 VLC will collaborate with home room classes to
inquire into the central idea for this term. During VLC
lessons, the students will focus on two lines of inquiry
Social interaction and Acknowledging other perspective.
They will learn how to greet people probably according to
their age and gender ( anh,ch ,em, c, ch, ng, b, ba,

Physical Education
During the first unit of inquiry, students in Physical
Education will be involved in Adventure Based
Learning with a focus on the learner profile and
leadership. Students will be actively engaged in a
range of activities that will encourage them to get to
know each other, develop confidence and their ability
to work together, as well as improve gross motor skills
associated with a range of games.

Year 3 will also explore the cultural differences between

Vietnamese and Western in term of greeting and learn a
Vietnamese children song called Li cho bui sng
*Culture forcus: MOON FESTIVAL
-Moon Festival focus on common activities and lantern

Chinese (Mandarin)
School uniform

-Daily school wearing and colours.

-Describe what one wears
-Talk about ones likes/dislikes about colour and
-Read and write key words and sentences in
characters radicals

Tracey Smith
Deputy Principal Primary

Year 3 students will be introduced to tuned percussion

instruments (glockenspiels and xylophones) focusing on the
musical elements of pitch (high and low) and duration (long
and short). Students will also prepare songs and dances to
perform at the Moon Festival on 25 September.

Ben Mansell
Year 3 TD Campus

Kellie Packer
Year 3 TT Campus

Alex Andrews
Year 3 TD Campus

Naomi Stewart
Year 3 TT Campus

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