In The Light of Surah Al-Maida Rusher Animals and Sacred Dress

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Rusher Animals and Sacred Dress

O you who believe! Fulfill (your)
obligations. Lawful to you (for food) are all the beasts of
cattle except that which will be announced to you
(herein), game (also) being unlawful when you assume
Ihrâm for Hajj or 'Umrah (pilgrimage). Verily, Allâh
commands that which He wills{1}. O you who believe!
Violate not the sanctity of the Symbols of Allâh, nor of
the Sacred Month, nor of the animals brought for
sacrifice, nor the garlanded people or animals,
etc. [Marked by the garlands on their necks made from
the outer part of the treestems (of Makkah) for their
security], nor the people coming to the Sacred House
(Makkah), seeking the bounty and good pleasure of
their Lord. But when you finish the Ihrâm (of Hajj or
'Umrah), you may hunt, and let not the hatred of some
people in (once) stopping you from AlMasjidalHarâm (at
Makkah) lead you to transgression (and hostility on
your part). Help you one another in AlBirr and AtTaqwa
(virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one
another in sin and transgression. And fear
Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment{2}.
O you who believe! Allâh will certainly make a
trial of you with something in (the matter of) the game
that is well within reach of your hands and your lances,
that Allâh may test who fears Him unseen. Then
whoever transgresses thereafter, for him there is a
painful torment{94}.
Gaming While Dressed in Sacred Robes
O you who believe! Kill not game while you are
in a state of Ihrâm for Hajj or 'Umrah (pilgrimage), and
whosoever of you kills it intentionally, the penalty is an
offering, brought to the Ka'bah, of an eatable animal
(i.e. sheep, goat, cow, etc.) equivalent to the one he
killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or, for
expiation, he should feed Masâkin (poor persons), or its
equivalent in Saum (fasting), that he may taste the
heaviness (punishment) of his deed. Allâh has forgiven
what is past, but whosoever commits it again, Allâh will
take retribution from him. And Allâh is AllMighty, All-
Able of Retribution{95}.

Prohibited Animals and Items

Forbidden to you (for food) are: Al-Maytatah
(the dead animals - cattle-beast not slaughtered), blood,
the flesh of swine, and the meat of that which has been
slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allâh, or has
been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allâh's
Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering, and
that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent
blow, or by a headlong fall, or by the goring of horns -
and that which has been (partly) eaten by a wild animal
- unless you are able to slaughter it (before its death)
and that which is sacrificed (slaughtered) on AnNusub[]
(stone altars). (Forbidden) also is to use arrows seeking
luck or decision, (all) that is Fisqun (disobedience of
Allâh and sin). This day, those who disbelieved have
given up all hope of your religion, so fear them not, but
fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religion for
you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen
for you Islâm as your religion. But as for him who is
forced by severe hunger, with no inclination to sin (such
can eat these above-mentioned meats), then surely,
Allâh is OftForgiving, Most Merciful{3}.
Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Not equal are Al-
Khabîth (all that is evil and bad as regards things,
deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.) and AtTaiyib (all that
is good as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods,
etc.), even though the abundance of Al-Khabîth (evil)
may please you." So fear Allâh much [(abstain from all
kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden)
and love Allâh much (perform all kinds of good deeds
which He has ordained)], O men of understanding in
order that you may be successful{100}.

Kosher Animals
They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) what is
lawful for them (as food ). Say: "Lawful unto you are
AtTayyibât [all kind of Halâl (lawfulgood) foods which
Allâh has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable
animals, milk products, fats, vegetables and fruits,
etc.)]. And those beasts and birds of prey which you
have trained as hounds, training and teaching them (to
catch) in the manner as directed to you by Allâh; so eat
of what they catch for you, but pronounce the Name of
Allâh over it, and fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Swift in
Lawful to you is (the pursuit of) watergame and
its use for food - for the benefit of yourselves and those
who travel, but forbidden is (the pursuit of) landgame
as long as you are in a state of Ihrâm (for Hajj or
'Umrah). And fear Allâh to Whom you shall be
gathered back{96}.

People of book (Christian and Jewish) Kosher

food and Women Made Lawful for Muslims
Made lawful to you this day are AtTayyibât [all
kinds of Halâl (lawful) foods, which Allâh has made
lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, etc., milk
products, fats, vegetables and fruits, etc.). The food
(slaughtered cattle, eatable animals, etc.) of the people
of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) is lawful to you
and yours is lawful to them. (Lawful to you in marriage)
are chaste women from the believers and chaste women
from those who were given the Scripture (Jews and
Christians) before your time, when you have given their
due Mahr (bridal money given by the husband to his
wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity
(i.e. taking them in legal wedlock) not committing illegal
sexual intercourse, nor taking them as girl-friends. And
whosoever disbelieves in the Oneness of Allâh and in all
the other Articles of Faith [i.e. His (Allâh's), Angels, His
Holy Books, His Messengers, the Day of Resurrection
and AlQadar (Divine Preordainments)], then fruitless is
his work, and in the Hereafter he will be among the

Ablution and Bathe

O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-
Salât (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands
(forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands
over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles[]. If
you are in a state of Janâba (i.e. had a sexual discharge),
purify yourself (bathe your whole body). But if you are
ill or on a journey or any of you comes from answering
the call of nature, or you have been in contact with
women (i.e. sexual intercourse) and you find no water,
then perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub
therewith your faces and hands.[] Allâh does not want
to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you,
and to complete His Favour on you that you may be

Recitation and Oath with Allah

And remember Allâh's Favour upon you and
His Covenant with which He bound you when you said:
"We hear and we obey." And fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh
is AllKnower of the secrets of (your) breasts{7}.

Practicising Justice in Every Your Life

O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allâh
and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred
of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer
to piety, and fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is WellAcquainted
with what you do{8}.

Murder of Humanity
Because of that We ordained for the Children of
Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of
murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it
would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone
saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all
mankind. And indeed, there came to them Our
Messengers with clear proofs, evidences, and signs, even
then after that many of them continued to exceed the
limits (e.g. by doing oppression unjustly and exceeding
beyond the limits set by Allâh by committing the major
sins) in the land!.[]{32}.

The Concept of Punishment in Islam

The recompense of those who wage war against
Allâh and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is
only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands
and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be
exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this
world, and a great torment is theirs in the
Hereafter{33}. Except for those who (having fled away
and then) came back (as Muslims) with repentance
before they fall into your power; in that case, know that
Allâh is OftForgiving, Most Merciful{34}.

Punishment for A Thief: Severing of a Hand

Cut off (from the wrist joint) the (right) hand of
the thief, male or female, as a recompense for that
which they committed, a punishment by way of example
from Allâh. And Allâh is AllPowerful, AllWise{38}. But
whosoever repents after his crime and does righteous
good deeds (by obeying Allâh), then verily, Allâh will
pardon him (accept his repentance). Verily, Allâh is
OftForgiving, Most Merciful{39}. Know you not that to
Allâh (Alone) belongs the dominion of the heavens and
the earth! He punishes whom He wills and He forgives
whom He wills. And Allâh is Able to do all things{40}.

Blood for Blood Eye for an Eye

And We ordained therein for them: "Life for
life[], eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for
tooth, and wounds equal for equal." But if anyone
remits the retaliation by way of charity, it shall be for
him an expiation. And whosoever does not judge by that
which Allâh has revealed, such are the Zâlimûn
(polytheists and wrongdoers - of a lesser degree). {45}.

Holy Scriptures
And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad
SAW) the Book (this Qur'ân) in truth, confirming the
Scripture that came before it and Mohayminan
(trustworthy in highness and a witness) over it (old
Scriptures)[]. So judge between them by what Allâh has
revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging
away from the truth that has come to you. To each
among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear
way. If Allâh willed, He would have made you one
nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given
you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of
you (all) is to Allâh; then He will inform you about that
in which you used to differ{48}.

Don’t Make Friends with Jews an Christian

O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the
Christians as Auliyâ' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.),
they are but Auliyâ' to one another. And if any amongst
you takes them as Auliyâ', then surely he is one of
them. Verily, Allâh guides not those people who are the
Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust){51}.
And you see those in whose hearts there is a
disease (of hypocrisy), they hurry to their friendship,
saying: "We fear lest some misfortune of a disaster may
befall us." Perhaps Allâh may bring a victory or a
decision according to His Will. Then they will become
regretful for what they have been keeping as a secret in
O you who believe! Take not for Auliyâ'
(protectors and helpers) those who take your religion
for a mockery and fun from among those who received
the Scripture (Jews and Christians) before you, nor
from among the disbelievers; and fear Allâh if you
indeed are true believers{57}.

Friendship with Muslims

Verily, your Walî (Protector or Helper) is Allâh,
His Messenger, and the believers, - those who perform
As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât, and they bow
down (submit themselves with obedience to Allâh in
And whosoever takes Allâh, His Messenger, and
those who have believed, as Protectors, then the party of
Allâh will be the victorious.[]{56}.

Don’t Convert Kosher Items into Prohibited

And eat of the things which Allâh has provided
for you, lawful and good, and fear Allâh in Whom you
Expiation of Oaths
Allâh will not punish you for what is
uninentional in your oaths, but He will punish you for
your deliberate oaths; for its expiation (a deliberate
oath) feed ten Masâkin (poor persons), on a scale of the
average of that with which you feed your own families;
or clothe them; or manumit a slave. But whosoever
cannot afford (that), then he should fast for three
days. That is the expiation for the oaths when you have
sworn[]. And protect your oaths (i.e. do not swear
much)[]. Thus Allâh make clear to you His Ayât (proofs,
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) that
you may be grateful. {89}.

Alcohol and Gambling

O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of
alcoholic drinks), gambling, AlAnsâb[], and AlAzlâm
(arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an
abomination of Shaitân's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid
(strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may
be successful[]. {90}.
Shaitân (Satan) wants only to excite enmity and
hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks)
and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance
of Allâh and from As-Salât (the prayer). So, will you not
then abstain?{91}.
And obey Allâh and the Messenger (Muhammad
SAW), and beware (of even coming near to drinking or
gambling or AlAnsâb, or AlAzlâm, etc.) and fear
Allâh. Then if you turn away, you should know that it is
Our Messenger's duty to convey (the Message) in the
clearest way{92}.

Belief in Superstitions
Allâh has not instituted things like Bahîrah (a
shecamel whose milk was spared for the idols and
nobody was allowed to milk it) or a Sâ'ibah (a shecamel
let loose for free pasture for their false gods, e.g. idols,
etc., and nothing was allowed to be carried on it), or a
Wasîlah (a shecamel set free for idols because it has
given birth to a shecamel at its first delivery and then
again gives birth to a shecamel at its second delivery) or
a Hâm (a stallioncamel freed from work for their idols,
after it had finished a number of copulations assigned
for it, all these animals were liberated in honour of idols
as practised by pagan Arabs in the preIslâmic
period). But those who disbelieve invent lies against
Allâh, and most of them have no understanding{103}.
And when it is said to them: "Come to what
Allâh has revealed and unto the Messenger
(Muhammad SAW for the verdict of that which you
have made unlawful)." They say: "Enough for us is that
which we found our fathers following," even though
their fathers had no knowledge whatsoever and no
guidance. {104}.

Don’t Indulge Yourselves into Ignorance

O you who believe! Take care of your ownselves,
[do righteous deeds, fear Allâh much (abstain from all
kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden)
and love Allâh much (perform all kinds of good deeds
which He has ordained)]. If you follow the right
guidance and enjoin what is right (Islâmic Monotheism
and all that Islâm orders one to do) and forbid what is
wrong (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islâm has
forbidden) no hurt can come to you from those who are
in error. The return of you all is to Allâh, then He will
inform you about (all) that which you used to do. {105}.

Method of Writing a Will

O you who believe! When death approaches any
of you, and you make a bequest, then take the testimony
of two just men of your own folk or two others from
outside, if you are travelling through the land and the
calamity of death befalls you. Detain them both after
As-Salât (the prayer), (then) if you are in doubt (about
their truthfulness), let them both swear by Allâh
(saying): "We wish not for any worldly gain in this,
even though he (the beneficiary) be our near
relative. We shall not hide Testimony of Allâh, for then
indeed we should be of the sinful."{106}.
That should make it closer (to the fact) that their
testimony would be in its true nature and shape (and
thus accepted), or else they would fear that (other) oaths
would be admitted after their oaths. And fear Allâh and
listen ( with obedience to Him). And Allâh guides not
the people who are Al-Fâsiqûn (the rebellious and

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