Insect Lesson Plan

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Teacher Candidate:

Morgan Murray

Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size:


Subject or Topic:

Date: 9/21/15
Coop. Initials

Allotted Time

45 minutes

Grade Level



S3.B.1.1.1 Identify and describe the functions of basic structure of animals and plants
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
The 2nd grade students will be able to identify the structure of an insect by observing
insects in the environment right outside of their classroom.
II. Instructional Materials
Pictures of Insects and Arachnids
Handouts (labeling body of insect, insect notes, inquiry sheet)
Magnifying glass
Blank pieces of paper
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
1) Fine motor skills
2) Knowledge of insects ? (the fact that there are insects even if they
know there are bugs)
B. Key Vocabulary
1) Insects vs. Arachnids:
a. Insect- a small animal that has six legs and a body formed of 3
parts and that have wings
b. Arachnid- a small animal that has eight legs
2) Insect body parts:
a. Thorax- middle section of the insect
b. Abdomen- third part of the insect

c. Antenna- a pair of long, thin sensory appendages on the heads

of insects
d. Exoskeleton- hard skeleton on the outside of the insects body
C. Big Idea
1) What is an insect and what are the characteristics we use to identify
an insect
D. Content
1) Classifying insect:
a. Is this an insect or something else?
b. How do we know if this is an insect or not?
c. Can you label this insect?
d. What are the characteristics of an insect?
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1) To introduce this lesson the teacher will show students a nature scene
picture that the teacher has drawn their selves (although it may not
be the most visually appealing)
2) The picture has many different aspects to it and the students are
asked to list all the things that they see in this picture
3) The teacher will write down what the students say they see
4) The teacher will reveal todays topic which is insects by circling all
of the insects/non insects (other bugs) that they students have listed
B. Development
1) The teacher will introduce the definition of an insect to the students.
2) The teacher will then hand out all the guided notes to the students
which the teacher will then go over all the notes with the class (see
3) While going over the guided notes with the students the teacher will
explain the body parts of an insect that classifies it as an insect.
These would be the head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, 6 legs or 3
pairs of legs. As she explains the parts she will also draw an insect
on the board and label it for students.
4) The teacher will also discuss other facts about insects that are on the
guided notes such as the fact that insects have exoskeletons, they
hatch from eggs.
5) The teacher will then ask students if they can now think of
something they may have thought was an insect but maybe now
knowing the definition more closely and characteristics they think is
not an insect anymore.
6) The students will discuss some bugs they may have thought were
insects but now know arent.

7) The teacher will mention things like spiders arent insects (if a
student has not already pointed this out) but they are arachnids
because they have six legs.
8) The teacher will pass out pictures of insects and non-insects to
9) Based on the definition they were just given they will have to
separate the pictures into those two categories while working in
10) The teacher walk around while students are discussing whether
something is an insect or not and record what the students are saying.
The teacher will also record the number each group got correct. (see
11) The teacher will then have their own set of the pictures passed out to
the students and will separate them on the board for students to see
the correct answer.
12) The students will then be given a handout of the same insect and we
will label it as a class. (handout attached)
13) The students will then be instructed that we are going outside around
the playground.
14) When students get outside they will use magnifying glasses to find
insects in their environment.
15) Students should draw the insects they find, guess what insect it is,
and label is so we at least know what insect it is.
16) The students will orally present one insect they found outside and
explain what characteristics it saw that confirmed for them that this
was indeed an insect (this will be collected as a formative
assessment) (see attached)
C. Closure
1) Students will be instructed that since now they know what an insect
is they can draw their very own insect on a piece of paper.
2) Students should make sure that all parts of an insect are present in
their illustration.
3) The teacher will collect this as students leave class as an exit slip.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1) To accommodate Meredith, a 2nd grade girl with ADHA, I will have
the class work in small cooperative learning groups to support issues
such as attention, note taking, and clarification
2) Guided notes and detailed instructions will be provided to all
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative

1) The teacher will float during group activities taking notes on what
students are saying throughout each step of the lesson. Before
students know what an insect is, after they get the definition of an
insect, and when they have been given all of the information on
insects and what isnt an insect.
2) All handouts, drawings students made during this lesson will be
placed in the students science notebook
2. Summative-

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)
Remediation Plan
B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective
answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)
1) Were Students able to classify insects and non-insects?
2) Were students able to successfully label an insect?
VI. Resources (in APA format)
Google images

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