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Definition of PH Scales, Standard Reference Values, Measurement of PH and Related Terminology

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Pure & App!. Chem., Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 531—542, 1985.

Printed in Great Britain.

© 1985 IUPAC





(Recommendations 1984)

Prepared for publication by

University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
in collaboration with
R. G. BATES1 and R. A. DURST2
1University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
2National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, USA

*tMemberships of the Commissions during the preparation of these recommendations (1979—

83) are printed overleaf.

Republication of this report is permitted without the need for formal IUPAC permission on condition that an
acknowledgement, with full reference together with JUPAC copyright symbol (© 1985 IUPAC), is printed.
Publication of a translation into another language is subject to the additional condition of prior approval from the
relevant IUPAC National Adhering Organization.
Memberships of the Commissions for 1979—83 during which the recommendations were prepared
were as follows:
Chairman: 1979—81 J. F. Coetzee (USA); 1981—83 J. Jordan (USA); Secretary: 1979—81
J. Jordan (USA); 1981—83 K. Izutsu (Japan); Titular and Associate Members: J. F. Coetzee
(USA; Associate 1981—83); A. K. Covington (UK; Titular 1979—83); W. Davison (UK;
Associate 1981—83); R. A. Durst (USA; Associate 1979—83); M. Gross (France; Associate 1979—
83); K. Izutsu (Japan; Titular 1979—83); J. Juillard (France; Titular 1979—83); K. M. Kadish
(USA; Associate 1979—83); R. Kalvoda (Czechoslovakia; Associate 1979—83); H. Kao (China;
Associate 1981—83); R. C. Kapoor (India; Titular 1979—83); Y. Marcus (Israel; Associate 1979—
83); L. Meites (USA; Associate 1979—81); T. Mussini (Italy; Associate 1979—83); H. W. NUrn-
berg (FRG; Associate 1979—83); P. Papoff (Italy; Associate 1979—81); E. Pungor (Hungary;
Titular 1979—83); M. Senda (Japan; Associate 1979—83); D. E. Smith (USA; Associate 1979—
83); N. Tanaka (Japan; Associate 1979—83); National Representatives: D. D. Perrin (Australia;
1979—83); B. Gilbert (Belgium; 1981—83); W. C. Purdy (Canada; 1979—83); R. Neeb (FRG;
1979—83); K. Tóth (Hungary; 1979—83); H. V. K. Udupa (India; 1979—81); 5. K. Rangarajan
(India; 1981—83); W. F. Smyth (Ireland; 1981—83); E. Grushka (Israel; 1981—83); Z. Galus
(Poland; 1979—83); G. Johansson (Sweden; 1981—83); J. Buffle (Switzerland; 1981—83); B. Birch
(UK; 1979—83); J. Osteryoung (USA; 1981—83); M. Branica (Yugoslavia; 1979—83).

Chairman: 1979—81 R. Parsons (France); 1981—83 K. E. Heusler (FRG); Vice-Chairman: 1979—
81 A. Bard (USA); 1981—83 S. Trasatti (Italy); Secretary: 1979—83: J. C. Justice (France); Titular
andAssociate Members: J. N. Agar (UK; Associate 1979—83); A. Bard (USA; Titular 1981—83);
E. Budevski (Bulgaria; Associate 1979—83); G. Gritzner (Austria; Associate 1979—83);
K. E. Heusler (FRG; Titular 1979—81); H. Holtan (Norway; Associate 1979—83); N. Ibit
(Switzerland; Associate 1979—81);M. Keddam (France; Associate 1979—83); J. Kiltal (Czecho-
slovakia; Titular 1979—81); R. Memming (FRG; Associate 1979—83); B. Miller (USA; Associate
1979—83); K. Niki (Japan; Titular 1979—83); R. Parsons (France; Associate 1981—83);
J. A. Plambeck (Canada; Associate 1979—83); Y. Sato (Japan; Associate 1981—83); R. Tama-
mushi (Japan; Associate 1979—81); S. Trasatti (Italy; Titular 1979—81); NationaiRepresentatives:
A. J. ArvIa (Argentina; 1979—83); B. E. Conway (Canada; 1979—83); G. Horányi (Hungary;
1979—83); 5. K. Rangarajan (India; 1981—83); J. W. Tomlinson (New Zealand; 1979—83);
S. Mine (Poland; 1979—83); E. Mattsson (Sweden; 1981—83); A. K. Covington (UK; 1979—83);
M. Karsulin (Yugoslavia; 1979—81); D. DraiC (Yugoslavia; 1981—83).
Definition of pH scales, standard reference values, measurement of
pH and related terminology (Recommendations 1984)

This document deals with definitions, procedures and terminology for the
quantity pH which is of wide interest for chemists, biologists and
engineers. It is the result of discussions since 1977 within JUPAC and
related discussions in other international bodies. It constitutes in the
definition of pH scales a compromise which recognises the advantages of both
the previously endorsed multistandard approach and that based on the defin-
ition of a single standad with associated operational standards.


The concept (ref. 1) of pH is unique amongst physicochemical quantities accorded a Section

in the IUPAC Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units
(ref. 2) in that, in terms of its (notional) definition

pH = _lga
involving as it does a single ion activity, it is immeasurable. It is therefore defined
operationally in terms of the operation or method used to measure it, that is, by means
of the cell or variants of it:

reference electrode KC1 ( 3.S mol kg) Solution J Pt

H2 J

called the operational cell (see Section 1.2). The cell is standardized by solution(s)
of assigned pH value. Such standard reference solutions are buffer solutions whose pH
values are assigned from measurements on cells without liquid junction. With the use
of several standard reference solutions, this constitutes the multi-primary standard
approach pioneered by work (ref. 3) at the US National Bureau of Standards (NBS) during
1943-1969. Most national pH scale recommendations have been based on this multistandard
system. The situation has recently been reviewed (ref. 4) by IUPAC Commission I 4 and this
revealed differences in the number of primary reference standards recommended and pH
values assigned. The British Standard pH scale (ref. 5), in contrast, recommends only
one prinary standard (potassium hydrogen phthalate) determined by the cell without liquid
junction and a number of secondary standards determined by the operational cell. The basis
of this different approach is the argument that to define the pH scale (i.e. to define the
line of operational cell electromotive force vs. pH) only one point, or primary reference
standard, is required, the other parameter being the theoretical slope (59.159 mV at
298J5 K). It must be emphasized that the definition of pH scale is quite distinct from
the measurement of pH with glass-reference electrode-pH meter assemblies where several
standards are used in order to take into account possible deficiencies in the electrode
and meter performanceS

The present TUPAC recommendation (ref. 2) is 5 primary reference standards based on NBS
values. A joint meeting of IUPAC Commissions 1.3 and V.5 first discussed pH scale recom-
mendations in Warsaw in 1977. A sub-committee consisting of R. C. Bates (Florida),
A. K. Covington (Newcastle) and R. A. Durst (Washington) was charged with renorting back
to a second joint meeting of the two Commissions in Davos in 1979 and as a result a con-
ference of pH experts was convened to discuss the matter. This meeting took place (ref. 6)
as a IUPAC-sponsored conference on 'Harmonization of pH Scale Recommendations' in Lisbon
in June 1980.

The decision of the conference in support of the resolution that 'A single primary standard
pH scale should replace the existing IUPAC multiple primary scale' fell short of a consensus
of expert opinion and was reported to the joint commission meeting in Leuven in August 1981,
There a third joint meeting of Commissions 1,3 and V,5 voted to adopt a compromise proposal
which recognizes the validity of both NBS and British Standard approaches, It is the
of this report to describe this proposal which is intended to replace the existing IUPAC def-
inition of the quantity pH (ref, 2). Further details of the background to these discussions
and arguments can be found in two recent reviews (refs. 7,8).



1.1 Notionaldefinition. The concept of pH first introduced (ref. 1) as

pH = lgc (1)

where CH is the hydrogen ion concentration (in mol dm3), was subsequently modified to

pH = _lga (2)

where a11 is the (relative) hydrogen ion activity. This can only be a notional definition
for pH involves a single ion activity which is immeasurable. Equation (2) is often written
pH = -lg m11y11
or pH = -ig CHYH (3)

pH is a dimensionless quantity. It is not correct to write, in isolation, the logarithm

of a quantity other than a dimensionless number, and the full forms of equation (3) are

pH = -lg (mHYH/m9) (4)

or pH = -lg (cy/c9) (5)

e e
where m and c are arbitrary constants, representing the standard state condition,
numerically equal to either 1 mol kgl or 1 mol dm3 respectively, mH is the nolality of
hydrogen ions, cH is the amount-of-substance concentration of hydrogen ion and H, YH
are single ion activity coefficients of hydrogen ion on the two scales respectively.
For most purposes the difference between the two scales for dilute aqueous solutions
can be ignored; it depends on the density of water, and is about 0.001 at 298.15 K rising
to 0.02 at 393.15 K.

1.2 Operational definition. It is universally agreed that the definition of pH differ-

ence is an operational one. The electromotive force E(X) of the cell:

reference electrode I KC1(aq,concentrated) solution X I

H2 I Pt I

is measured and likewise the electromotive force (e.m.f.) E(S) of the cell:

reference electrode I KC1(aq,concentrated) solution S H2 Pt II

both cells being at the same temperature throughout and the hydrogen gas pressures and the
reference electrode being identical in the two cells, The two bridge solutions may be any
molality of potassium chloride not less than 3.5 mol kg-', provided they are the same (ref. 9),
The pH of solution X, denoted by pH(X), is then related to the pH of the standard reference
solution 5, denoted by pH(S), by the definition:
F(S) - E(X)
pH(X) = pH(S) + -
(RT/F) in 10

where R denotes the gas constant, T the thermodynamic temperature, and F the Faraday

To a good approximation, the hydrogen electrodes in both cells may be replaced by other
hydrogen-ion-responsive electrodes, e.g. quinhydrone; in particular, in most measurements
a single glass electrode, transferred between the cells, replaces the two hydrogen elec-


The difference between the pH of two solutions having been defined as above, the definition
of pH must be completed by assigning a value of pH at each temperature to one or more
chosen solutions designated as standard reference solutions.

2,1 Reference Value pH Standard. The qualities of potassium hydrogen phthalate as the most
studied (refs. 10-14) of all the pH reference materials are recognised and so it is desig-
nated as the reference value pH standard (RVS) at specified molality of 0.05 mol kg. The
reference value method is the cell without liquid junction (Cell III).
Definition of pH scales (Recommendations 1984) 535

Pt(Pd) 1112 (g, p = 1 atm = 101 325 Pa) I RVS, Cl I AgC1 Ag (III)*

Best values of pH(RVS) for temperatures 0 - 95 °C are given in Table 1. Values for CRM

TABLE 1. Values of pH(RVS) for the reference value standard of 0.05 mol kg
potassium hydrogen phthalate at various tenneratures

t/°C pH(RVS) t/°C uH(RVS) t/°C pH(RVS)

0 4.000 35 4.018 65 4.097

5 3.998 37 4.022 70 4.116
10 3.997 40 4.027 75 4.137
15 3.998 45 4.038 80 4.159
20 4.001 50 4.050 85 4.183
25 4.005 55 4.064 90 4.21
30 4,011 60 4.080 95 4.24

samples (Section 4) may differ slightly (+ 0.005 in pH). Values are determined as follows:-

The e.m.f. of cell (III) is given by

E = -k ig [m11 mClyHyCl/(m)] (7)

where m signifies molality and y activity coefficient of the subscripted species, Ee is

the standard e.m.f., me = 1 mol kg and k = RT(ln 10)/F.

Equation (7) can be rearranged to

-lg (mHYHYC1/me) = (F - Ee)/k + ig (mCl/me) (8)

The standard e.m.f. is derived from measurements on the cell

Pt f
H2 (g, p = 1 atm = 101 325 Pa) I HC1(0.01 mol kg) AgCl I Ag (IV)*

2 .
and calculated from equation (7) with 1H1C1 = y÷, where is the mean ionic activity
- —
coefficient of HC1 at 0.01 mol kg*

The quantity -lg (mHYHYC1/m9) is calculated from measured E values for each of several
molalities mci of chloride ion, plotted against mci and extrapolated to mci = 0. Then,
pH(RVS) is calculated from

pH(RVS) = [-lg (mHYHYC1/m9)]

+ lg 1C1 (9)
Cl -'- 0

where obtained from the Bates-Guggenheim convention

ig 1Cl = - A(I)/{l + l.S(I/(me)J ; (I 0.1 mol kg) (10)

and A is the Debye-Hickel (temperature dependent) limiting slope and I the ionic strength.
Values of A, y÷ at 0.01 mol kg, and Fe are available (refs. 15,16).

2.2 Primary pH Standards, certain substances which meet the criteria of: (i) preparation
in highly pure state reproducibly, and availability as certified reference material (CRM) -
see Section 4; (ii) stability of solution over a reasonable period of time; (iii) having
low value of the residual liquid junction potential - see Section 3; (iv) having pH value
between 3 and 11, shall be designated as primary reference standards (PS) in aqueous solution
of specified concentration. Their number shall be reviewed from time to time but for the
present shall be restricted to 7 including the reference value pH standard. The pH(PS)
values assigned to these primary standards are derived from measurements on cells without
liquid junction

Pt I H2 (g, p = 1 atm = 101 325 Pa) I ')5 Cl I AgCl I Ag (V)*

* See NOTE at end of this paper.


TABLE 2. Values of pH(PS) for Primary Standard Reference Solutions (ref. 15)

Primary Reference Standard 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 37 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 U)
Saturated (at 25 °C)
3.557 3,552 3.549 3.548 3.547 3,549 3.560 3.580 3.610 3.650 3.674
Potassium hydrogen tartrate
0,1 mol/kg Potassium C)
3.863 3.840 3,820 3.802 3.788 3,776 3.766 3.759 3.756 3.754 3.749 -1
dihydrogen citrate
0,025 mol/kg Disodium z
hydrogen phosphate >
6.984 6,951 6,923 6,900 6,881 6.865 6.853 6.844 6.841 6.838 6.833 6.836 6.845 6.859 6,876 6,886
÷0,025 mol/kg Potassium
dihydrogen phosphate
0,03043 mol/kg Disodium
hydrogen phosphate U)
7.380 7.367 — - —
7.534 7.500 7.472 7.448 7.429 7.413 7.400 7.389 7.386 -1
+0,008695 mol/kg Potassium
dihydrogen phosphate >
0.01 mol/kg Disodium tetraborate 9,464 9,395 9.332 9.276 9.225 9.180 9.139 9,102 9.088 9,068 9.011 8.962 8.921 8.884 8.850 8.833 m
0,025 mol/kg Sodium -1
hydrogen carbonate 0
10.317 10.245 10.179 10.118 10.062 10.012 9.966 9.926 9.910 9.889 9.828 I
+0,025 ntoi/kg Sodium m
carbonate U)

Note: Based on an uncertainty of + e

0.2 mV in determined (E-E ), the uncertainty is + 0.003 in pH in the range 0-50 °C (15).
Definition ofpH scales (Recommendations 1984) 537

Values of pH(PS) for temperatures 0 - 95 °C are given in Table 2 (ref 15) and have been
assigned by the same method as that used for the reference value so1ution These are best
values i.e mean of a large number of determinations: values for CRM (see Section 4) may
differ slightly (+ 0.005 in pH)
If the definition of pH given above is adhered to, then the p11(X) of a solution using cells
I and II (see Section L2)may be slightly dependent on which standard solution is used
These deviations are due to (i) the Bates-Guggenheim convention (see Section 3 and equa-
tion (10)) adopted for the single ion activity coefficient of the chloride ion (in order to
obtain, from the analy3is of measurements on the cell without liquid junction, pH(PS) values)
being applied to all seven standard reference solutions; and (ii) variations in the liquid
junctions resulting from the different ionic compositions and mobilities of the several
standards and from differences in the geometry of the liquid-liquid boundary. In fact such
variations in measured pH(X) are usually at the OO2 level and are too small to be of prac-
tical significance for most measurements

To avoid variation in pH(X) with choice of primary reference standard, essentially a problem
of overdefinition, operational standards are defined, traceable directly to pH(RVS), as des-
cribed in Section 2.3. Operational standards are in no way to be regarded as inferior to,
but on a par with, primary standards for the purpose of pH measurement with 'ell II.

2.3 Operational pH Standards (OS). Certain substances which meet the criteria of
(i) preparation in hihly pu state reproducibly; (ii) stability of solution over a reas-
onable period of time shall be designated as operational standards in aqueous solution of
specified concentration. Their number is in principle unlimited but values are available
now for 15 solutions. The values of pH(OS) are assigned by comparison with the pH(RVS) in
cells with liquid junction, the operational cells, where the liquid junctions are formed
within vertical 1 mm capillary tubes.

Pt OS I KC1 3.5 mol dm3 II RVS Pt(Pd) (VI)

H2 H2
Values of pH(OS) for 0 - 95 C are given in Table 3 (ref.8).


The difference pH(PS)-pH(OS) is a measure of the conventional residual liquid junction

potential for a given solution. This difference is called a conventional value because
the method of assigning pH(PS) values is based on the Bates-Guggenheim (ref. 9) convention
for the single ion activity coefficient of the chloride ion (equation 10). Values are
given in terms of lO pH in italics for free diffusion junctions formed in a capillary
tube (ref. 8) in Table 3.

pH(OS) values obtained using another of the Primary Standards in cell VI will be slightly
different from those obtained with the RVS because of slight inconsistencies between the
assigned pH(PS) values. Correction can be made to RVS based values with knowledge of con-
ventional residual liquid junction potential values between the PS or RVS and KC1. It is
not possible to make this correction unless the liquid junction has been formed within a
capillary tube (ref. 8). Only then is the geometry of the liquid junction sufficiently
defined and the value reproducible. Most commercial designs for formation of liquid junc-
tions are of ill-defined geometry and hence poor reproducibility.


National Standards Organisations and Metrological Laboratories shall be encouraged to

continue to make available certified reference materials. It is desirable that criteria
be established for the purity of these materials based on non-electrometric methods, but
until such time as these are developed, purity can be assessed by measurements on cells
III or V, or by comparison with known quality material in cell VI or in the simpler
cell VII (ref. 17)

Pt J
new material I RVS, PS or OS H2
Pt (VII)

where is a sintered glass disc of porosity grade 4.


5.1 Choice of standard reference solution. The following extreme cases can be identified:
(a) pH(X) is required to not better than ± 0.05. Choose any standard reference solution.
(b) pH(X) is required to ± 0.002 and interpretation in terms of hydrogen ion concentration
or activity is desired, Choose a primary standard to match X as closely as possible in pH,
composition and ionic strength. Even so, the uncertainty in hydrogen ion concentration
will correspond to ± 0.02 in pH(X). Alternatively, choose an operational standard on the
TABLE 3. pH(OS) values for Operational Standard Reference Solutions (ref. 8). (A,

t/°C 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 37 40 50 60 70 80 90 95
Operational Standard Reference Solution

- - - - 1.475 1.479 1.483 1.490 1.493 1.503 1.513 1.52 1.53 1.53 1.53
0.1 mol/kg Potassium tetraoxalate6

a - - 1.638 1.642 1.644 1.646 1.648 1.649 1.650 1.653 1.660 1.671 1.689 1.72 1.73
0.05 aol/kg Potassium tetraoxalate 32 30 31 33 35 42 44 .54 63 72 7? 72 76
— 3.466 3.470 3.476 3.484 3.492 3.502 3.519 3.527 3.558 3.595 - - - -
0.05 aol/kg Sodium hydrogen diglycolate' 13 15 1? 18
9 .21 18 21 22 24
- - - - - 3.556 3.549 3.544 3.542 3.544 3553 3.570 3.596 3.627 3.649
Saturated (at 25 °C) Potassium hydrogen 1 3 4 5 5 7 10 23 23 25
(RVS) 4.000 3.998 3.997 3.998 4.000 4.005 4.011 4.022 4.027 4.050 4.080 4.115 4.159 4.21 4.24
u.05 aol/kg Potassium hydrogen phthalate (fl

0.1 mol/dm3 Acetic acid + 0.1 mol/dm3 Sodium 4.664 4.657 4.652 4.647 4.645 4.644 4.643 4.647 4650 4.663 4.684 4.713 4.75 4.80 4.83
} 19 16 13 9 ii 10 11 11 11 12
acetate m
4.729 4.722 4.717 4.714 4.712 4.713 4.715 4.722 4.726 4.743 4.768 4.800 4.839 4.88 4.91 —4
0.01 mol/dm3 Acetic acid + 0.01 aol/dm3 Sodium} 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 5 4 2
0.02 aol/kg Piperazine phosphate - 6.477 6.419 6.364 6.310 6.259 6.209 6.143 6.116 6.030 5.952 - - - - z
38 34 30 28 25 25 24 24 28 >
0.025 aol/kg Disodium hydrogen phosphate 6.961 6.935 6.912 6.891 6.873 6.857 6.843 6.828 6.823 6.814 6.817 6.830 6.85 6.90 6.92
'nate }
+ 0.025 aol/kg Potassium dihydrogen phosp 23 16 11 9 8 8 10 13 15 19 19 15 0 —23 —34

0.03043 aol/kg Disodium hydrogen phosphate k 7.506 7.482 7.460 7.441 7.423 7.406 7.390 7.369 - - - -
+ 0.008695 aol/kg Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 23 18 12 7 6 7 10 16
0.04 aol/kg Disodium hydrogen phosphate 7.512 7.488 7.466 7.445 7.428 7.414 7.404 - - - -
+ 0.01 aol/kg Potassium dihydrogen phosphate }
0.05 aol/kg Tris Hydrochloride + 0.01667 aol/kg Tris 8.399 8.238 8.083 7.933 7.788 7.648 7.513 7.332 7.257 7.018 6.794 - - - -
72 65 58 55 52 52 50 50 52 52 >
0.05 aol/kg Disodium tetraborate (Na2Bi07) 9.475 9.409 9.347 9.288 9.233 9.182 9.134 9.074 9.051 8.983 8.932 8.898 8.88 8.84 8.89 m
35 23 17 15 12 12 15 19 20 25 24
0.01 aol/kg Disodium tetraborate (Na2B07) 9.451 9.388 9.329 9.275 9.225 9.179 9.138 9.086 9.066 9 009 8 965 8 932 8 91 8. 90 8.89
13 7 3 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 —3 —ii 0
0.025 aol/kg Sodium hydrogen carbonate 10.273 10.212 10.154 10.098 10.045 9.995 9.948 9.889 9.866 9.800 9.753 9.728 9.725 9.75 9.77 I
+ 0.025aol/kg Sodium carbonate 54 33 25 20 1? 1? 18 14 23 28
Saturated (at 20 °C) Calcium hydroxide 13.360 13.159 12.965 12.780 12.602 12.431 12.267 12.049 11.959 11.678 11.423 11. 192 10 984 10 80 10 71
38 39 43

Note: Uncertainty is + 0.003in pH between 0 and 60 °C rising to + 0.01above 70 °C.

b. c. d.
potassium trihydrogen dioxalate sodium hydrogen 2,2'pxydiscetate; C4H10N2.H3P04; 2-aaino-2-(hydroxyrnethyl)-l,3-propanediol
or tris(hydroxymethyl)aminoaethane
Definition ofpH scales (Recommendations 1984) 539

same criteria so that the residual liquid junction potential is small. The uncertainty in
hydrogen ion concentration will correspond to + 0.02 in pH(X) but will additionally include
the liquid junction contribution between RVS and KC1; the evidence is (ref. 8) that this is
small. (c) pH(X) is required for quality control purposes. Choose an operational standard
appropriately in the pH range 0 - 14 or devise a working standard using cell VI specially
for the purpose.
5.2 Bracketting Procedure. Alternatively, a bracketting procedure may be adopted as
follows: the electromotive force E(X) is measured, and likewise the electromotive forces
and E(S2) of two cells II with standard solutions S1 and S2 such that the E(S1) and
E(S,) values are on either side of, and as near as possible to, (X). The pH of solution X
is then obtained by assuming linearity between pH and E, that is to say:

pH(X) - pH(S1) E(X) -

= E(S1)
pH(S2) - pH(S1) E(S2) - E(S1)

Using this procedure it will not be possible to select both standard reference buffers to
match in pH, composition and ionic strength. The purpose of the bracketting procedure is
to compensate for deficiencies in the electrodes and measuring system.

5.3 Information to be given about the measurement of pH(X). Workers measuring pH(X) values
should provide the following information about the measuriiuients: (a) Manufacturer and type
of glass electrode and reference electrode. Method of forming the liquid junction of the
reference electrode. (b) Manufacturer and type and discrimination of pH meter. (c) Method
adopted to calibrate the pH meter system, for example:

System calibrated with phthalate buffer

pH(RVS) = .. at
.. K

System calibrated with two primary standards

pH(PS) = .. and pH(PS) = .. at .. K,
practical slope = .... mV
System calibrated with operational standard
pH(OS) = .. at
.. K

For general discussions of the problems of defining pH and making pH measurements see refs.


The quantity pH as defined in Section 1.2 has no easy interpretation. However, in the res-
tricted range of dilute aqueous solutions (of total ionic strength not exceeding 0.1 mol kg1)
in the pH range 2 - 12, that is for solutions closely matching the concentrations and compo-
sitions of the primary and operational standard buffers, the definition is such that

pH = + OO2
_lg(cy/c9) (12)

or pH = _lg(mY÷/m9) 1- OO2 (13)

where or denote the mean ionic activity coefficient of a typical 1:1 electrolyte in sol-
ution. The uncertainty of 0.02 in pH corresponds to an uncertainty of ± 3.9% in concentration,


At constant ionic strength, the mean activity coefficient y÷ may be assumed to be approxi-
mately constant and therefore the difference in using the ativity, pH =
the concentration, pH = _lg(o/ce), is constant. If the standardization of the cell VIII
and _lg(cy/c),
normally used in such cases:

reference electrode KC1, MY MY S or X, with MY H2 Pt (VIII)

has been done with solutions containing a known hydrogen ion concentration, e.g. dilute
HC1O4 in MY, where Y is the anion of a strong acid HY, then e.m.f. measurements with the
cell allow the determination of pH0 where

pH0(X) = pH0(S) + {E(S) - E(X)}F/(RT in 10) (13)

and hence of the concentration of the hydrogen ion in the test solution. All solutions

used should be identical in composition with respect to the inert salt MY, and the other
components of the solutions (S or X) should be present in negligible concentrations with
respect to that of MY (e.g. KC1, NaClO4, KNO3, NaNO3).

This procedure is mostly used in the investigations of protonation and complex formation
equilibria, where for practical reasons a glass electrode often replaces the hydrogen gas


It is not intended that the foregoing recommendations should apply to determination of pH

in blood plasma, blood serum, whole blood or urine, where the 0.025 mol kg-' equimolal
phosphate buffer is used as standard reference solution by the International Federation of
Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) Expert Panel on pH and Blood Gases and provisional (ref. 18)
and draft IFCC/IUPAC documents should be referred to for further details. The choice of
phosphate buffer is more appropriate for these measurements in view of the fact that its
ionic strength (0.1 mol kg1) is closer to the ionic strength of body fluids (0.16 mol kg)
and closer in pH than the RVS. These requirements justify the definition of a separate
pH scale for clinical measurements as is also needed for sea water measurements (ref. 19)
where the ionic strength is even higher (0.7 mol kg).


9.1 Operational pH cell. Electrochemical cell which is the basis of practical pH measure-
ments consisting of a hydrogen ion-responsive electrode (hydrogen gas, or glass) and a
reference electrode (9.11) immersed in the test solution.

9.2 Reference value pFl Standard. Aqueous solution of 0.05 mol potassium hydrogen phthalate
per kg water which is the reference value for the definition of pH(RVS) values in the tem-
perature range 0 - 95 °C.

9.3 Primary p11 Standards. Aqueous solutions of six selected reference buffer solutions to
which pH(PS) values haveTheen assigned over the temperature range 0 - 95 °C from measurements
on cells without liquid junction.

9.4 Operational pH Standards. Solutions with pH(OS) values assigned by the operational cell
method with reference to values of the reference value pH standard (9.2) at each temperature.

9.5 pH glass electrode. Hydrogen-ion responsive electrode usually consisting of a bulb, or

other suitable form, of special glass attached to a stem of high resistance glass complete
with internal reference electrode (9.6) and internal filling solution system (9.7). Other
geometrical forms may be appropriate for special applications e.g. capillary electrode for
measurement of blood pH.

9.6 Internal reference electrode (of a glass electrode). Electrode, e.g. silver-silver
chloride, electrically connected to the screened input cable to the pH meter, and in contact
with the internal filling solution.

9.7 Internal filling solution (of a glass electrode). Aqueous electrolyte solution, which
may be gelled, containing fixed concentration of hydrogen ions e.g. HC1 or a buffer solution,
and a fixed concentration of the ion to which the inner reference electrode is reversible,
e.g. chloride ion in the case of silver-silver chloride, or calomel electrodes.

9.8 Glass electrode error. Deviation of a glass electrode from the hydrogen-ion response
function. An example often encountered is the error due to sodium ions at alkaline pH
values, which by convention is regarded as positive.

9.9 Asymmetry potential of a glass electrode. Measured potential difference of a symmet-

rical cell with identical solutfons and reference electrodes on each side of the glass
membrane. There is rarely the need, nor the possibility, of measuring the asymmetry poten-
tial of commercial glass electrodes. Drifts in glass electrode potentials with time and
variations from day-to-day in the potential measured in a standard buffer may be attributed
to changes in asymmetry potential.

9.10 Hydrogen gas electrode. A thin foil of platinum electrolytically coated with finely
divided deposit of platinum or palladium metal, which catalyses the electrode reaction:-

H + e H2
in solutions saturated with hydrogen gas.
Definition ofpH scales (Recommendations 1984) 541

9.11 Reference electrode. External electrode system which comprises an inner element,
usually calomel, silver-silver chloride or thallium amalgam-thallous chloride, a chamber
containing the appropriate filling solution (9.14) and a device for forming a liquid
junction (9.12), e.g. capillary, ceramic plug, fritted disc or ground glass sleeve.

9.12 Liquid junction. Any junction between two electrolyte solutions of different compo-
sition. Across such a junction there arises a potential difference, called the liquid
junction potential. In the operational pH cell the junction is between the test, or pH
standard, solution and the filling solution or the bridge solution (9.15) of the reference

9J3 Residual liquid junction (potential) error Error arising from breakdown in the
assumption that the liquid junction potential remains constaiit when solution X is substi-
tuted for solution S in the operational cellO

9J4 Filling solution (of a reference electrode) Solution containing the anion to which
the reference electrode of the operational pH cell is reversible, eg chloride for silver-
silver chloride electrodeS In the absence of a bridge solution (9J5) a high concentration
of filling solution comprising cations and anions of almost equal mobility is employed as a
means of maintaining the liquid junction potential small and approximately constant on sub-
stitution of test solution for standard solution(s),

9,15 Bridge solution (of a double junction reference electrode). Solution of high concen-
tration of inert salt, preferably comprising cations and anions of equal mobility, optionally
interposed between the reference electrode filling (9l4) and both the test and standard
solution, when the test solution and filling solution are chemically incompatible, This
procedure introduces into the operational cell a second liquid junction formed usually in
a similar way to the first,

9,16 Zero point (of a glass electrode), Value of the pH of a solution, which in combination
with a stated outer reference electrode, gives zero e,m,f, from the operational cell,


The compromise recommendation described above recognises that pH experts are divided and
TUPAC is unable to recommend, unreservedly, on scientific grounds, one or other of the two
approaches to pH scale definition,

In permitting the validity of either approach, with the proviso that results are properly
reported, indicating which system and standards have been used, it is hoped that there will
be greater realisation of the problems of pH measurement by the scientific community.
Further research is needed to establish the respective merits of the two approaches and
only then can a thermodynamically significant and metrologically sound pH scale be recom-

Note: In 1981, TUPAC Commission 1,2 Thermodynamics recommended (ref. 20) a change from
1 atm to 1 bar (l0 Pa) for the standard state pressure. Since all standard electrode pot-
entials are related to the standard hydrogen electrode, this recommendation requires a change,
which amounts to -0,169 mY at 298,15 K, be made to all existing tabulated standard electrode
potentials. The existing tabulated data for the silver-silver chloride electrode (15,16)
refer to 1 atm = 101 325 Pa and so do published data on cells IV and V, Since the cell pairs
TV-Ill or (V)-(III) are involved in these calculations of the data in Tables 1 and 2, the
difference in standard electrode potential consequent upon the recommended change in standard
state pressure cancels out. Therefore, the standard state condition of 1 atm in cells III,
IV and V is retained here,


1, S, P, L, Sorensen, Biochem, Z, 21, 131, 201 (1909); C R Tray, Lab. Carlsberg,8, 1 (1909),
2, 'Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units',
2nd rev,, Pure Appi, Chein,, 51, 1 (1979),

3, R, A, Durst, Standard Reference Materials; Standardization of pH Measurements,

NBS Spec, Publ,, 260-53, Washington D,C, U.S, Gov, Printing Office (1975),

4, R, A, Durst and J, P. Cali, ?ure Appl, Chem,, 50, 1485 (1978),

5, British Standards Institution, Specification for pH Scale BS1647 (1961),

6, Chern. Internat. No. 6, 23 (1980).

7, R. G. Bates, Cr-et. Rev. Anal, Chem,, 10, 247 (1981),

8, A. K. Covington, Anal. Chim. Acta, 127, 1 (1981),

9, R, G, Bates and E. A. Guggenheim, P-ure Appl. Chem., ! 163 (1960),

10, W, J, Hamer and S, F, Acree, J, Res. Nat. Bur, Stand., 32, 215 (1944),

11, W, J, Ilamer, G, D, Pinching and S, F, Acree, ,,T Res. Nat. Bur, Stand. 36, 47 (1946),

12, H, B, Hetzer, R, A, Durst, R, A, Robinson and R, G, Bates, J. Res. Nat, Bur. Stand,,
81A, 21 (1977),
13, E, Etz, unpublished work (1973) quoted in ref, 14,

14, H, P, Bitikofer and A. K, Covington, Anal. Chim. Acta, 108, 179 (1979),

15, R, G, Bates, Determination of pH. Theory and Practice, 2nd edn,, Wiley, New York (1973),
16, R, G, Bates and R, A, Robinson, J, Soin. Chem,, 9, 455 (1980),

17, F, G, K, Baucke, Chem, Ing, Tech,, 41, 739 (1977); Further details to be published,

18, J. Clin, Chem. Clin, Biochem., 18, 829 (1980),

19, R, G, Bates, P-ure Appl. Chem., 54, 229 (1982),

20, PureAppi. Chem., 54, 1239 (1982); R. D. Freeman, Bull. Chem. Thermodyn. 25, 523 (1982).

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