Career Planning Assignment Kristen Wilson Wilmington University
Career Planning Assignment Kristen Wilson Wilmington University
Career Planning Assignment Kristen Wilson Wilmington University
Kristen Wilson
Wilmington University
internship I held was with my current employer, The Center for Family Services Services
Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV) program. We are the New Jersey state-designated rape
crisis center for Camden, Gloucester, and Cumberland Counties and the state-designated
domestic violence service provider for Gloucester and Cumberland Counties. Much of my
internship was my certification training to be a Domestic Violence Response Team member and
Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate. I also observed workshops, individual sessions, and
hotlines. At the end of my internship, I was offered a job and I enthusiastically took it!
My first three months were as a Residential Advocate. I answered hotlines, scheduling
appointments, and providing crisis intervention over the phone. During this time, I was also still
serving and bartending while going to class. Needless to say, I was busy. After my first three
months, I was offered a position as a Sexual Violence Prevention Specialist. This allowed me to
go into the community and present on our services and implement a Media Literacy curriculum
designed to teach proactive media consumerism in an effort to prevent gender-based violence. I
loved it and knew this was where I was supposed to be. Upon graduation in 2014, I thought I
was going to graduate school to be a Psychologist. After establishing a connection in my
community and a place within my agency, I felt myself pulling away from clinical work and
towards administration and community partnership.
I took that fall semester off and during that time, a coworker mentioned Wilmington
University to me. I researched this program and knew it was the right one! I applied and was
accepted and have been loving every step of this graduate experience. My current internship is
with the government agency that oversees human services for the entire county. I am learning
about how legislation and policy affects county residents and am looking forward to moving my
career in this direction.
I have to admit that I was flattered with ranking as an Achiever. I have always had a
strong work ethic and determination to get the job done. I am strict with deadlines and
research and pride myself on doing the best job I can. This also comes off as being a
perfectionist and I can sometimes get in my own way. As the description states, I always like to
know what I am getting myself into and I take the time to gather information to quell my own
anxiety and fear of the unknown. Being well-informed also helps performance in getting the job
The last theme is Responsibility and is the one that stood out to me the most. Even in my
personal life, I have always been the mature friend or the mom. This is something that has
evolved in my professional life as well. When I am given a task or project, I do what it takes to
get the job done. My word is very valuable and I strive to be ethical in all situations not
because it is what I am supposed to do, but because I truly believe in ethics. Also stated in the
description, I am always taking on new tasks and projects at work. I find great satisfaction in
working hard.
MAPP Assessment
Under Interest in Job Content, it mentions is that my perception is holistic. This is a very
accurate statement I like to think about the big picture. Temperament for the Job describes me
as someone who voluntarily gives myself to help others, sometimes in spite of myself. I find this
to be true, as I often go above and beyond to take care of my family, friends, and work before
myself. I have to consciously think about and practice self-care.
Aptitude for the Job describes me as someone seeking a deeper understanding of ideas so
that I can effectively communicate them. I am always researching something, even when it is
only to ensure accuracy in a comment on social media! People goes on to discuss how I relate to
others. Importance in communication seems to be a theme in my assessments and it is
mentioned here too. Whatever things I have researched and learned, I take pride in sharing it.
Not because I am a narcissist, but because I genuinely like to share information to help people.
This trait is definitely a strength in my current job as much of my time is spent working with
clients providing referrals and resources that are beneficial. I was surprised with what Things
said about how I relate to them. It says that I am moderately interested in participating in manual
or basic labor activities, such as crafting or outdoor exposure. I have zero interest in these
I found the Data section quite accurate. It makes an anecdote about using a copy
machine, describing that it is much more than just laying a paper down and pressing a button.
The traits listed are: 1) awareness of spatial measure and layout: size, shape, dimension,
perspective; 2) artistic ability for factual image reproduction; 3) attention to detail; 4) awareness
of machine function and use; and 5) tolerance of or preference for routine. The Reasoning
section goes on to mention again my big picture thinking and suggests that I prefer being an
executive over a manager and a manager rather than a supervisor. I find this accurate.
Mathematical Capacity describes being motivated to apply math at management levels. I
suppose if it is regards to data and statistics, sure, but I typically avoid math at all costs. The
final section is Language Capacity. It fittingly ties in other parts of the assessment, detailing my
motivation to explain and inform other people.
$46.22, which did not surprise me. California has the most Health Educators while New Jersey
has the fewest in the country. This is disappointing to me, considering that I have no plans on
relocating out of state, but New Jersey is in the highest ranking for salaries.
United States Bureau of Labor (2014). Occupational Employment Statistics. Retrieved from