Arial shot
Arial shot of a female and a partner
falling asleep together. Shot will be
recorded free hand with the help of
stabilisers. The shot will be part of the
flashback and will last for approx. 2.5
seconds. The effect used will be a
transition which fades to white at the
end of the shot to create a contrast
between shots making it clear it is a
flashback. Furthermore it will continue
to go alongside the heartbeat.
Mid/Long shot
Mid/Long shot will be of a couple enjoying
themselves. They will be positioned on the
right hand side on the frame whereas the
rest of the frame will show the background
which will be London abstract. The frame
will last around 2 Seconds and will pan to
the left. The shot will be recorded with a
tripod for a very subtle and smooth look
without any unnecessary movement in
order to gain the frame to look
Mid/Close up shot
Mid close up shot of a female who is the
artist sitting on a couch. Mid shot is used
to show her emotions as in the frae she
should be crying. The shot will be fast
and should go out of focus and then
focus on the female. This will be
recorded freehand.