Proficiency Exams
Proficiency Exams
Proficiency Exams
Festival Rules
Students may be in a maximum of 3 events.
Each piece you perform must be at least 2 minutes long.
You must give the judge a score of your music.
You must number each measure in the score.
Put your name on all of your music.
You must be accompanied by a pianist if an accompaniment is written.
Plan to pay your accompanist for his/her time. ($20.00 - 35.00)
Inform your accompanist of your scheduled performance time and room number.
Arrive at least one-half hour before your scheduled performance time.
All performance time conflicts must be adjusted by the room chairperson.
When you arrive, go to your warm-up room first.
You may practice in the warm-up room 15 minutes before your performance.
The chairperson will take you to the performance room