Value Analysis
Value Analysis
Value Analysis
of recognized techniques which identify the
function of a
product or service, establish a monetary value for
function and provide the necessary function
reliability at
the lowest cost
Value Engineering is the application of
exactly the same set of techniques to a new
product at the design stage
DFM: An Example
(a) The original design
Assembly using
common fasteners
Simplify the product
Use (new) cheaper and better
Modify and improve product design
Use efficient process
Reduce the product cost
Increase the utility of the product by
economical means
Save money or increase the profits
its competitors
Raw materials cost has gone up suddenly
New designs are being introduced
The cost of manufacturing is rising
disproportionate to the volume of
Rate of return on investment has a falling
The firm is unable to meet its delivery
= --------------------COST
The designer equates the value with Reliability;
Purchase person with price paid for the item;
Production person with what it costs to
manufacture and
Sales personnel with what the customer is willing
to pay.
Types of Value:
Cost Value
Exchange Value
Use Value
Esteem Value
Cost Value
It is the summation of labour, material, overhead
and all other elements of cost required to
produce an item or provide service.
Exchange Value
Exchange value refers to the price that a
purchaser will offer for the product, the price
being dependent upon satisfaction (value) which
he derives from the product.
Use Value
It is also known as the function value. The use
value is equal to the value of the functions
Esteem Value
It involves the qualities and appearance of a
product which attract persons and create in them
a desire to posses the product.