Longevity Analysis Through Krishnamurti Paddhati
Longevity Analysis Through Krishnamurti Paddhati
Longevity Analysis Through Krishnamurti Paddhati
Here in this natal chart I will analyse his longevity and why his Guru Mahadasha
Rahu Bhukti and Mangal Antara posed danger to his life and longevity.
If the Sub Lord of the Ascendant be the significator of
A) 6 , 8 and 12 house a Short Life upto 33 years
B) 1,5,9 or 10 a Long Life beyond 66 years
C) Both A and B then Middle life upto 66 years is indicated.
Consider the houses 8 and 12 for accidents. Mars , Saturn , Rahu and Ketu cause
Besides , if the Sub Lord be the significator of Maraka ( 2,7 ) and Badhaka ( 11th for
Movable , 9th for stable and 7th for dual signs ) then also it is bad for longevity.
The houses 1st , 3rd and 8th are for longevity. The 12th to any particular house denotes
non existence of the matter signified by that particular house. So 12th house is also
harmful for longevity. Saturn is the chief governor of longevity.
1st Cusp ( Libra 28:35:14 – VE JU VE )
Lord of the Ascendant and also Sublord is Venus. It is placed in 12th house in the star
of Rahu which is also placed in 12th house. So Venus is strongly signifying 12th house
hence not good for the longevity . Also Jupiter is the Sublord of Venus
It is placed in the star of Mercury which is placed in 2nd house ( Maraka house )
So it denotes short life upto 33 years.
2nd Cusp ( Scorpio 27:55:28 – MA ME SA )
Saturn the sublord is placed in 9th house and is in own star , hence it strongly signifies
9th house. Saurns Sublord is Venus which as calculated above is bad for longevity.
Let us now look at the significators of 2nd cusp. Mercury is placed in 2nd house. Sun
Jupiter and Mercury are in the star of Mercury , So they are strong significator of 2nd
house i.e Maraka . Lord of 2nd house is Mars , Moon and Mars are in the star of Mars.
Looking at 7th cusp significators , we have Mars as the lord and as stated above Moon
and Mars signify 7th house.
Mars is also placed in 8th house which is in its own star ,also Moon is in Mars star , So
Mars and Moon signify 8th house strongly. 8th house is considered as house of
longevity , so its connection to 7th house indicates danger to life . Also when there is
Mars connection then accidents , injuries are indicated.