Generative Topic. Topics that are interesting to both students and teacher and have the capacity to generate
further learning by stimulating questions, thinking, discussion, activity, curiosity, and creativity and that enable
students to make connections with what is important within a topic or field of study (e.g. music).
Generative Topic: 'Learning Guitar and Music Appreciation'
-Learning an instrument and listening to a variety of music are perhaps two of the best ways to further our
understanding and appreciation of music.
Unit Title (Based on a Generative Topic): Rock and Pop
Synopsis: The Rock and Pop unit will focus on a wide variety of Rock and pop tunes ranging from the 60's up to
modern day hits. The students will have an opportunity to learn about a variety of different vocal based bands and
artists whilst developing their own technical abilities.
Details will include the following:
a) This unit will focus on introductory techniques and strategies in helping students to develop insight into the
rock and pop genres as they have developing over the past half century. Students will work on their own technical
abilities as well their sight reading abilities and aural recognition of melody, harmony, and interval relationships.
Students will learn basic rock and pop form, ex: ABA, Students will have the opportunity to use different
technologies to enhance their own craft, as well as research and reflect on their own artist of choice.
b) Grades 9-12
c) 4 weeks/classes are 115min each- 5 classes per week.
d)The Ontario Program of Studies focuses on Creating, Reflecting, and foundational skills for the general
outcomes. For this unit I will be giving students many different opportunities to study their own learning, critical
thinking and creative processes through class discussion and reflections. Students will be reflecting through their
own active listening journals as well as documenting their own progress through digital recordings and the use of
backing tracks to help develop their craft. Students will be building foundational skills through both the study of
basic techniques and scales, as well as their own independent study of the genre.
Attitudes in Art:
The attitudes of everyone involved with students have a significant effect on how students approach the arts.
Parents can demonstrate a positive attitude towards the arts at home and in the community, and teachers should
project a positive attitude towards the arts in their instruction. Teachers should encourage students to use their
imagination and their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in planning, producing, and assessing works of
art. They should also help students understand that even the most accomplished artists continue to put a great deal
of time and effort into their work
The Culminating activity will be based on a performance of a selection of songs we have learned throughout this
unit chosen by the students. The students will also participate in a 'WebQuest' based on the song/artist that they
choose to perform. This is considered an authentic performance task/culminating activity because it, in one way
or another, uses all of my learner outcomes that I have set out for this unit, and students will have an opportunity
to play in front of their peers which will provide a great opportunity for self assessment for students, as well as a
summative assessment for myself.
-Differentiation considerations: Depending on the level of the class, I will scaffold accordingly by providing
different levels of difficulty for each of the songs. Considering much of the focus will be around improvisation,
students will be able to choose their own level of 'difficulty' based on how advanced
their abilities are in regards to improvisation.
Aim/big idea. A concept, theme or issue that gives meaning and connection to facts and skills and leads to deeper
understandings and appreciations. Based on a generative topic.
Aim/big idea: By the end of the unit, students will use both the critical thinking and creative processes to develop
their own vocal techniques through the study and performance of different styles and genres of Rock and Pop
Essential questions. (Two to five per unit) Important, overarching, thought-provoking questions that guide the
inquiry throughout the unit.
Essential questions:
1.Why do you think music is important?
2.Why do you think learning vocal technique helps us better understand music?
3.What goes into making 'great' music?
Desired Results/Learning Outcomes (Scope & Sequence)
General & Specific Musical Learner
By the end of the course students will . . .
Unit Learner
Expectations (Goals)
Assessment/Evaluation (i.e.
assessment of learning)
*Pre assessments will be
By the end of the unit,
done in the first days of
students will be able to . . . classes
-Performance Assessments
that are teacher/self/peer
-Formative Assessments and
-Weekly playing assignments
-Performance Assessments
that are teacher/self/peer
-Formative Assessments and
-Weekly playing assignments
-Performance Assessments
that are teacher/self/peer
-Formative Assessments and
-Weekly playing assignments
-Performance Assessments
that are teacher/self/peer
-Formative Assessments and
-Weekly playing assignments
-Performance Assessments
that are teacher/self/peer
-Formative Assessments and
-Weekly playing assignments
-Performance Assessments
that are teacher/self/peer
-Formative Assessments and
-Weekly playing assignments
-Performance Assessments
that are teacher/self/peer
-Formative Assessments and
-Weekly playing assignments
-Performance Assessments
that are teacher/self/peer
-Formative Assessments and
-Weekly playing assignments
C: Foundations:
C1.Theory and Terminology: Demonstrate an understanding of music theory with respect to concepts of notation
and the elements and other components of music, and use appropriate terminology relating to them.
C2.Characteristics and Development of Music: Demonstrate an understanding of the history of some musical
forms and of characteristics of types of music from around the world.
C3.Conventions and Responsible Practices:demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices and
performance conventions relating to music.
C1.1 extend and deepen their understanding of the
elements and other components of music,
particularly through practical application and aural
recognition, and use appropriate terminology related
to them
-Summative Assessments
-Formative Observations
-Summative Assessments
-Formative Observations
-Summative Assessments
-Formative observations
-Summative Assessments
-Formative Observations
-Class Discussions
-Summative Assessments
-Formative Observations
-Class Discussions
-Class discussions
-Active listening
-Reflective Journal
-Class discussions
-Reflective Journal
-Informal Observations
1. Practicing/rehearsing/performing music
2. Participate in scale and interval studies
3. Participate in ear training and aural recognition
4. Guided Listening (live and recorded)
6. Researching and presenting music
7. Actively participate in the Creative process.
Special Considerations
Modifications and accommodations for learners with
special needs/Adaptive strategies.