Kenetta Cannon
Instructor: S. Taylor
Child Development 258
4 April 2015
Social Beginnings
Children are all very different and each has their own unique way of learning. I believe that
each child needs a safe, secure, nurturing, and caring environment to thrive in. As an educator, it
is my intention to teach with skills that promote intellect in all the academic domains, provide
physical growth that influences safety, health, and nutrition, foster social/emotional growth while
introducing cultural diversity, and influence communication skills. I plan to help children reach
their fullest potential in each of these areas, by being an attuned adult, constantly educating
myself, researching and advocating for education, collaborating with those in the child's family
and community, while incorporating the philosophies of many theorists, including Mary
Ainsworth, Reggio Emilia, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Bandura, and Howard Gardner.
Children are naturally curious and filled with wonder. I believe that each child brings
something unique to the classroom. When provided with an environment richly filled with the
space and materials needed to explore, play and investigate, most children at any age will utilize
this opportunity to learn and develop new concepts. Play will be supported and encouraged, it
will also be the time of day that is not regimented, but freely chosen. I can observe children at
one their most creative times, as they build towers with blocks, or pretend to cook and shop in
the dramatic play area.
All of the theorists above stand by the idea that when children develop well socially,
they thrive in other developmental domains. I am a supporter of social/emotional development
because I believe that in order to properly provide the guidance needed to work with children,
they must learn to trust and communicate. I do not believe in corporal punishment of children,
and I do not support time out. However, childrens differences will be appreciated and used to
teach inner self-control, self-discipline, and a positive sense of self. Furthermore, I plan to model
positive and caring interactions, through my responses and actions towards my students. While it
is strongly agreed that children use innate capabilities to grow and learn, it is personally felt and
understood from observations that children learn more from a social environment. Vygotsky and
Bandura believe children are active participants in their environment, and that cognitive skills are
a result of interacting with people and the world they are exploring. When I teach I will design an
indoor/outdoor space that is comfortable, spacious, and filled with much to explore. This
environment will reflect home, and will be very naturalistic.
It is important to me to provide an environment in which children are constantly exposed to
naturalistic experiences. I want my students to feel as though they have the right to observe,
question, investigate and become knowledgeable. Moreover, Observing, assessing, and
documentation is a vital part of my being a teacher, because this is how I will know who is
learning, who is struggling, and how can I improve myself. Families will always be welcome to
share and participate in all experiences, and families will always be informed about their childs
development and growth. Portfolios containing work samples, checklists, and assessment results
will always be available for each child. Creative work will displayed around the classroom and
sometimes home visits will be completed. The need for my students to see a well communicable
relationship between their parents and myself is important for their own cognitive skills.
When I become a teacher I intend to provide warm, nurturing environments, filled with
kindness, respect and safety. I will provide materials and settings that allow children to
constantly communicate and build new concepts. As a professional I will collaborate with
families and communities to promote positive modeling for children. Language is of up most
importance to me, and I value self expression and creativity, so my teaching setting will be one
that is filled with representation, creativity, movement and space, music, thematic units and
literacy. I will encourage my students to communicate and express themselves in ways that are
understandable to them and in ways that helps them understand the world around them better. I
believe each child is unique, therefore I will not limit myself to one technique, instead I will
model ideas from many different social theorists, observe my students and use my creativity to
help my students reach their fullest potential.