Section Six
Section Six
Section Six
Briefly share a little about your background experiences that have led you to choose a
career in education?
My journey towards becoming a professional educator was far from direct. I have always
been the type of person that enjoys helping others and being a part of a team. After graduating
from university with a general Bachelors of Arts degree I worked for several companies in the
business sector and although the work was challenging and rewarding there was something
missing. The search for the missing component in my career lead me to the social services sector
where I began working for an agency that specialized in rehabilitating young adolescents in a
group home and treatment center type settings for the purpose of integrating back into society as
healthy functioning members. After acquiring vast amounts of knowledge and experiences in
that occupation, I branched out into the school board system. Remaining with the social services
theme was constant but the focus switched towards aiding children, parents, teachers and
administration with any and all social emotional needs and challenges faced within the
educational system. I spent nine very eventful years in that capacity with the school board,
eventually leaving to focus on the growth of my personal family. The demands of my personal
family are abundant and adventurous, while fulfilling those needs are very rewarding, the call to
contribute within the educational system remained. I envisioned a return back to the role of an
What have you learned in your teacher-training program that will make you an
excellent classroom teacher and colleague?
Collaboration is key! Collaboration is a must when establishing a professional career in
education. Collaboration should be extended towards students, parents, colleagues and
administration. Students feel empowered when they share in the development of how they learn
and this in turns creates a motivation to learn. Establishing a partnership with the parents and
guardians of the students allows for the channels of communication to flow and establishes a
genuine atmosphere of care and respect. Proficiencies in pedagogical practices contain
collaboration with other teachers and administration. The sharing of information between
colleagues and administration enhances the educational experiences for the teacher, student and
the school as a whole. As educators the best teaching practices are part of the competencies you
wish to possess and through collaborating with peers this can be achieved.
Provide us with an example of a lesson you taught. How did you integrate it with other
curriculum areas, address the CCLS, technology, student engagement and motivation? What
were the results of the lesson?
Microteaching is a great way to get a snapshot or a feel for the types of situations you
will be faced with when preparing and delivering a lesson in the classroom. Microteaching in a
collaborative lesson is also a great experience and the example that I have chosen to share with
you here. I partook in a collaborative microteaching science lesson and experiment that was
geared towards grade six level students. We addressed the use of technology through displays on
the white board and a You-tube video, we provided the students with a hands on group
experiment that required them to problem solve and collaborate in order to achieve the goal, we
incorporated the appropriate learning standards into the lesson plan that was collaboratively
designed and implemented and we were also able integrate English Language Arts more
specifically journal writing through the use of a scientific vocabulary definitions and a log book.
The experiment was a success; the students displayed a drive not only to succeed amongst
themselves but also to be successful over the other groups participating in the experiment.
How will your knowledge of the current trends in education inform you as an educator
in our district/board/school?
We live in a world where the fluidity of information has come down to a single phrase...
just Google it. As a professional educator being on top of current trends enables me to expose
not only myself but as well as my colleagues and students with the most up to date information.
It is also wise to remember and be aware of information overload and that a lot of information
can get lost in translation so it is wise to investigate and explore how the new trends tie back into
the foundations of education.
Why should we hire you instead of the other applicants we have interviewed?
Taking pride in the things that I do, dedicated and hard working are just a few things that
I would use to describe myself. My diverse experiences allow for me to offer different
perspectives by way of classroom management, planning, instruction and assessing. My
listening and leadership skills provide me with the confidence to promote a positive impactful
environment for all of those around me. I understand that all candidates should be capable of
taking on the role of a professional teacher, after all our individual institutions have provided us
with the tools to move forward. Overall, the best applicant for the job should not be the person
that appears to be great on paper but rather the person that appears to fit the needs of the
classroom and the school environment. If my attributes and persona fit the needs of the
classroom and the school climate then in my humble opinion I would be the person you wish to
hire in order to solidify the professional team and help cultivate our young learners.
The teacher candidate teacher interview video via screen cast was a refreshing way to
conclude the M.S. Ed. portfolio project. The teacher interview video showcases aspects of my
teacher candidate competencies in the areas of planning, instruction, technology, professional
collaboration, best teaching practices, and educational standards. Most importantly, section six
of the portfolio project provided me with an opportunity to explore types of questions that I may
encounter in an interview for the role of professional teacher. Those questions coupled with the
teacher candidate video via screen cast enable me to provide you the reader with a visual journey
while highlighting my Weebly website. The Weebly website will serve as an important
educational tool as it is continuously being developed as my pedagogical practices improve.