December 11 2015
December 11 2015
December 11 2015
Class News
As we head into the final weeks of AdDecember 11, 2015
vent the children were reminded that as we are
December 15th: Christmas
waiting for Jesus arrival on Christmas Eve.
Concert for Music Class
They should still be preparing by doing good for
others and realizing how blessed we all are. We
December 18th: Christmas
Centers in the classroom 9:30 have discussed how much we all have and how
we can show our kindness to others. Hanging in
- 11:30
our hallway the children have written how they
December 18th: Early Rewill share their gifts with other this season. If
lease 11:50 AM
you have a moment please stop by to see their
Passage Home: Thank you for all gifts.
of your contributions! The form
Both Karin and I wish you the happiest of holidays. Enjoy this time
for what your child signed up to
with your family. Perhaps you will begin a new tradition. We both feel so
bring was sent home in their Tues- fortunate to spend most of our days with your children. We are touched by
day Folder last week. Food can be each one of them and will miss them over break. Merry Christmas and
sent in between Thursday, Decem- Happy New Year!
ber 10th and Tuesday, December
*Please note this will be our last newsletter until January.*
Important Dates