Krantzberg Lianna Ped3141 A Lessonplanversion2 0-2
Krantzberg Lianna Ped3141 A Lessonplanversion2 0-2
Krantzberg Lianna Ped3141 A Lessonplanversion2 0-2
Visual Arts: Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to produce a variety of two-and
three- dimensional art works, using elements, principles. and techniques of visual arts to
communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings
Essential Questions:
How can I use the context from the story to create my own character?
Why am I writing and for whom?
How can we express our feelings about the characters in our written work?
How can we express our imagination about our own created character in our visual art?
How, as writers, can we plan our writing?
How can we evaluate and reflect to improve writing?
What are different strategies we can use when revising our texts?
Section 5: Plan
Sequence of Learning and Instructional Activities [including assessments for learning]
Use the table below to list the ordered sequence of learning, teaching and assessment activities
that will take place [adjust/edit the table as necessary by adding/deleting rows]. The sequence
of activities should align with the stated objectives, and align with what you know about how
learning happens.
Teacher Will
Students Will
Observe students working habits (i.e. are they Sit at desk and answer response question on
sitting quietly and working? are they using
the hand out.
their personal dictionaries as resources?)
Begin reviewing and assessing the written
response work.
and school, written by Bransford, Brown & Cocking, discusses problem solving and explains
that an expert can flexibly retrieve important aspects of their knowledge with little cognitive
effort, and in doing this, there is is more cognitive space for higher problem solving (p. 31).
This relates to the large amount of discussion I have added to the beginning of and
throughout my read aloud. As students constantly practice active reading and predicting what
will happen by using their previous knowledge, the skill of active reading will start to become
much more natural and happen automatically as the student is reading.
As previously mentioned, I have added in accommodations in order to align with the UDL
principles and all students learning needs. There is room for differentiation by using sentence
starters, prompts, scribes, and typing help with use of laptop. I have added these aspects into
my lesson as I have come to understand the learning needs of ELL and special needs students
first hand in my CSL placement. Extension can be done by creating a poster online of the
character the student has created, and/or creating readers theatre scripts adapted from the
I have emphasized that the creativity process and ideas of the students will not be
marked/corrected. Only the writing conventions such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, use of
full sentences, etc. will be marked from the written portion of this lesson.
I have added in the technology piece to my lesson, an online writers blog, which will link to
other written lessons as the students will be adding their work to the online writers blog all year