(CV) Adel Adel Abd El-Maged Mergawy (CV)
(CV) Adel Adel Abd El-Maged Mergawy (CV)
(CV) Adel Adel Abd El-Maged Mergawy (CV)
Personal Information
Address: Albehwashy st, Osiem, Giza,12961
Email: adeladelmergawy2@gmail.com
Mobile no: 01000-4715-22
Date Of Birth: 12/6/1992
Nationality: Egyptian .
Marital state: Single .
Military status: completed.
Gender: Male .
University Degree
Graduation Year
Graduation Project
Good +
Intelligent and security car using GPS and GSM
Project Grade
Spoken Languages
Mother Language : Arabic
Other Language : English(very good spoken, Excellent writing and reading )
(Dec 2013)
(March 2014)
(March 2014)
(April 2014)
(April 2015)
(Self Study)
(Till Now)
Training Experience
Personal Skills
Very good writing skills, both in Arabic & English, clear speaker.
Friendly, polite person, with positive attitude, works well with others & I've
proven mine to deal with difficult situations.
high capacity for learning, pick up new skills & ideas quickly, generally thrive on
challenges, Enthusiasm & creativity give me an edge on difficult projects.
My analytical skills help me troubleshooting problems & uncover root causes, I
am creative & tenacious.
Excellent team management & team work, hard worker, ambitious, accept risks
& great ability to acquire more & different skills.