Rwscontract 3
Rwscontract 3
Rwscontract 3
Group Expectations:
1. Work hard to receive an A
2. Attend meetings, if not possible, let the group know beforehand so
we are able to let you know what needs to be done on your own
3. Be on time to group meetings
4. Be flexible about meeting times
5. Participate
6. Be open minded with others on their ideas
Delegation of Work:
1. Everyone will participate in research and notes
2. All group members will have to do a part of the video so it is FAIR
3. All group members will have a voice when editing
4. One person will not do all the work
Consequences for NOT following:
1. If you fail to participate you will lose a letter grade
2. Well discuss with Josh further consequences if needed
Obed Lopez
Eric D. Lopez
Alexis Najera
David Torres
Jorge Portillo