Illegal Migration
Illegal Migration
Illegal Migration
Illegal immigration is when people move from one country to another country without
the approval of the host country which means they violate the law that govern migration.
Illegal immigration is so extensive in many countries; this is caused by many factors such as
violence in their former country, drought and search for chances. It is therefore worthy to
note that these illegal immigrants have a high rate of criminality this is according to United
States data conducted which shows around 22% of criminal inmate are from foreign
countries. (international et al. 13)
Illegal immigrants believe that entering another country in an illegal manner will
solve their problems once and for all. Expectations such as secure living standards, good
salary and other basics things benefit will contribute to illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration is connected to crime in the sense that, those who enter another
country illegally will bring insecurity in the country because some of them are criminal from
their home country so they move their criminal activities to another state.
It goes without saying that illegal immigration is a crime, some people violate another
countrys law by crossing their borders without legal documents to do so. Some people who
cross border to another country are deported without being charged in court of law but when
they repeat the same mistake they are arrested and taken to court for committing crime.
There is immigration law for each and every state, illegal alien enters another country
without undergoing inspection therefore violating the law of immigration. Illegal immigrants
affect the economy of a country because the duty paid by them does not sufficiently cover the
services such as healthcare offered to them by the government.
Illegal immigrants brought about job competition because most of them come seeking
jobs with better wages and working conditions, those who dont make it they indulge
themselves in criminal activities such as robbery and selling of illegal drugs.
Additionally, job competition by waves of illegal immigrants desperate for any job
unfairly depresses the wages and working conditions offered to American workers, hitting
hardest at minority workers and those without high school degrees.
It is also worthy to note that most of the crimes are committed by the natives
compared to those committed by the illegal immigrants. Since illegal immigrants most of the
time come to pursue opportunities which are not available in their countries getting into crime
in normal circumstances is very rare. These illegal immigrants keep on running away from
authorities because they lack legal documents to stay in that country. (Rivera et al. 07)
In United States crime has gone down despite the presence of these illegal
immigrants. The government invented several crimes fighting tactics which enabled the
success of fighting and reducing it. Community policing has greatly contributed to crime
fighting because community members have been cooperative in sharing information about
criminal elements.
Arrival of criminal element from another country is not a surprise because they use all
means possible to run away from their homeland to seek freedom. Most of research
conducted to determine whether illegal immigrants are the most people who committed most
the crime, the data shows that illegal immigrants are more exposed to committing crime
compared to the legal immigrants.
In United States, immigrants are said to be people who are not citizens of United
States who are both illegal and legal persons. Some prisons have not given the exert data on
whether those detained are the illegal immigrants or United States citizens themselves. Most
of data provided is that of illegal immigrants but not those found committing criminal
It has been witnessed especially in United States where international terrorist
organizers such as al-Qaida are brought by illegal immigrants who are hired to bomb U.S
innocent citizens. Illegal drugs are being smuggled into the country by illegal foreigners in
the borders. The borders have opened doors for cheap labour in the country, the massive
number of illegal immigrants entering into united states make it clear that all forms of
criminal activities such as drug trafficking and terrorism are brought by them.
The illegal immigrants are most vulnerable groups for much higher arrest for crime
related issues. This will bring a lot of bias in criminal justice process due to race or
nationality in particular. These immigrants are minority groups who risk arrest and get unfair
justice since they dont have a voice to defend themselves in criminal court system.
Sometimes illegal immigrants contribute much in crime aspects there it is worth considering
the role that prejudices may play in the larger society. This could be a function of racism
rather than a problem with the immigrants themselves.
When thinking about immigrations potential impact on crime, the long term effect
should be considered as well as the current effects. A recent study by the Immigration Policy
Centre (IPC) found that detention rates for native born Hispanics are triple those of foreign
born Hispanics. And the incarceration rate of native born Hispanics is much higher than for
natives overall. As we will see, this study is based on data that are not reliable, but even if the
data are correct, the question remains: Is this good news? Or perhaps more relevant to the
iilegal immigration debate, does that means large scales of immigration has no claims for the
nations crime rate? If the issues of some immigrant groups currently arriving in. Very large
numbers are more likely to commit crimes than the rest of the population, then large scale of
immigration could be seen as causing an increase in crime in the long term even if the arrival
of the original immigrant does not. How immigrant groups fare over generations may be as
important to a discussion of crime and immigration as the crime rate of the original
immigrant. However, given all the problems with sample and other data, it may not be
possible to balance the US grounds with out holding the illegal immigration waves.
Gang activities are lead by the illegal immigrants who also create human trafficking
like prostitution in foreign states. Another study was conducted United States shows that
identity theft was so flourishing, many workers were arrested and they were illegally in the
country; they were found having stolen American IDs. Many number of prostitutes in United
States are from illegal immigrants, they are found in the street looking for men who are
interested in cash sex services. They have contributed to moral decrease in United States.
Mexicans are believed to running drug trade and human smuggling were women and
children are subjected in such activities. The unauthorized resident immigrant population is
defined as all foreign born non citizens who are not legal residents. Most unauthorized
residents either entered the United States without inspection or were admitted temporarily
and stayed past the date they were required to leave the country.
In a nutshell, it should be noted that not all illegal immigrants go to look for jobs in
foreign countries especially in United States. Some of the immigrants are forced to run away
from their home country due to criminal activities. They run away from law enforcement
officers to seek refuge in other countries.
Works Cited
International, Business P. I. Us Citizenship, Naturalization Regulation and Procedures
Handbook: Practical Information and. S.l.: Intl Business Pubns Usa, 2013. ,
Rivera, Robyn D. A. Illegal Immigrants and Crime: A Perception Study Through the Lenses
of Majority and Minority Criminology/criminal Justice Students. , 2007.