Uplift Music

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Uplift: Music


Ages 11-19
Hayden Pehrson

Table of Contents
Music.......................................................................................................................... 1
How Music Benefits Our Health..................................................................................1
Keeps an Aging Brain Healthy.................................................................................... 1
Music Makes You Happier........................................................................................... 1
Heartbeat, Pulse Rate & Blood Pressure.....................................................................1
Improves Sleep Quality............................................................................................... 1
Boosts Your Immune System & Reduces Pain.............................................................2
Reduces Depression & Anxiety...................................................................................2
The Power of Music..................................................................................................... 2
How Music Has Influenced Me................................................................................... 2

Music has always been really important to me in my life. It has helped me get through stress, and
depression. There is nothing better than music to help get your mind off of something, and to
change your mood. I believe that music is therapeutic, and that its healthy for the soul to listen
to music. I think that music is very important while going through your teenage years, where you
experience the most drama, stress and depression. Music has been around for thousands of years
and it will continue to live on until the extinction of humans. There are many health benefits that
come from listening to music.

Music is a huge part of the human lifestyle, whether we use it to workout, during school or work,
or while watching a film. It can either up our moods or bring us down depending on how the
music influences us. There are many health benefits that music is capable of such as, developing
the brain, meditation, changing moods, accessing different states of mind, and lowering stress
levels. There is no such thing as a human who has lived without ever hearing music in their life.
Throughout history, different cultures have used music for their own well-being.
How Music Benefits Our Health
Music education at an early age stimulates the brain to help verbal skills, communication skills,
and visual skills. Children who were subjected to musical training that included melody, rhythm,
pitch, voice, and basic musical concepts resulted in the ability to understand words and their
meaning better.
Keeps an Aging Brain Healthy
By listening to music its like exercising our brain which keeps our brain healthy and can lead to
better memory and mental sharpness. Individuals who have some sort of brain damage can
regain partial of full memory access while listening to music. By listening to music it can draw
back old memories and neurological patterns because rhythm and music sounds stay in the core
of the mind for a very long time.

Music Makes You Happier

Music has the ability to make you feel happy, sad, excited, or even motivated. Listening to music
releases a feel good chemical in your brain known as dopamine. Music provides happiness that
you could get from eating sweets, sexual intercourse, and even certain drugs. According to Joe
Martino, author of 7 Ways Music Benefits Your Heart, Brain & Health states, Music with a
quick tempo made people happier, while music with a slower tempo was easier for people to led
to a feeling of sadness. Music has the ability to change your attitude.
Heartbeat, Pulse Rate & Blood Pressure
Music has been shown to strengthen the heart as well as improve the recovery time of patients
who were suffering from heart disease. It doesnt matter what kind of music genre you listen to,
music releases endorphins into your brain that improve vascular health. It has been proven that
both men and women who have listened to music right after their cardiac surgery were less
anxious rather than those who rested quietly. It has been proven that heart patients who listened
to 30 minutes of music had slower heart rates, lower blood pressure, and less distress.
Improves Sleep Quality
Since stress and anxiety are the common things to interfere with sleep, music has been proven to
affect both in a positive way, which results in better sleeping patterns and more restful sleeps.
For individuals who deal with insomnia, music is one of the best therapies to treat people who
struggle with insomnia.
Boosts Your Immune System & Reduces Pain
Music is capable of lowering your stress levels which is responsible for weakening the immune
system, increasing risk of heart disease, interfering with learning and memory, and lowering
bone density. By listening to just 50 minutes of uplifting music the levels of antibodies in the
human body increases. Its important that one listens to music they enjoy as a personal
preference that has an effect on overall physical effects.
Reduces Depression & Anxiety
Researchers found that cancer patients who listened to music experienced a reduction in anxiety,
and improved moods. Music has positive effects on the psyche, mood, pain, and quality of live.
The Power of Music
Music has the ability to connect people together from different backgrounds and cultural
heritage. Music is an important factor for all races and religions. It can develop love and peace
between people. Music is an instrument that can separate chaos with peace. It has the ability to
subside about an earlier issue, and change your attitude to a peaceful mood. The best way to
express your feelings, whether it be anger, passion, love, joy, sad, or other feelings is through
music. Youre able to express your feelings from your heart into music that you were never able
to do in words or letters. It has been said from doctors and therapists to recommend soft music

1 Image: http://www.truthinsideofyou.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/quotess.jpg

for their patients because the effect of the music in their heart, will give them a sense of hope of
living, joy of existence, and happiness in the mind of the sick person which will result in making
it easy for them to respond positively to the treatment. Music is a way you can promote love
towards another individual and reignite with
that individual to create a healthy relationship.
Music is love, passion, peace, and creativity.
How Music Has Influenced Me
While growing up music has always been a
key factor for my stress, depression, and
anxiety. . It has been a huge influence in my
life and has changed poor attitudes to positive
ones. In my opinion there isnt any better mood changer/stress reliever to get your mind off of
things. There isnt better therapy than music. Music will always be a part of my life, it helps me
motivate, reminisce from memories, and to be happy and confident. I have also experienced
listening to music and then going to be bed right after, and I had a well-rested sleep. I have a
hard time sleeping usually, so I feel like music is very beneficial to listen to before you go to
sleep. I listen to all sorts of genres, and they all have their special vibe that they give off. Each
genre expresses a different emotion, and I like to experience that. Music artists have inspired me
to love one another and to be blessed that were alive. It also makes me want to make a
difference to the world and for the environment. Music has inspired me to bring peace, love, and
positivity others around me. Live would be a lot harder for me if there wasnt such thing as
music. Music has influenced me to work harder every day, and to strive for your goals. It builds
me up during annoyed moods, and to forgive and forget about any current issues or self-esteem
problems2. Overall music has helped me get through tough times and has made me a better
person. There is nothing more pain relieving than music.

http://www.truthinsideofyou.org/importance-of-music-daily-lives /

2 I believe that music can benefit the youth in many positive ways. The teenage
years is a crucial time period for individuals to listen to music.

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