Art Lesson

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Samantha Burford

Art Lesson
Objective: Children will create a collage of images, text, and/or symbols that tells about
themselves as a person.
Grade Level: 2nd grade or higher
Time: 1-1.5 hours allotted

Art Making Materials:

o Variety of magazines (childrens magazines better)
o Toy catalogs/ads
o Scissors
o Paper (8.5 x 11 or bigger to give kids space, but can be cut down if they do not
want to use all the space)
o Glue sticks
o Markers
o Pencils
o Crayons
o Stickers
Teacher Materials:
o Slideshow of collage examples
o Teacher-made exemplar


National Core Art Standards:

o VA:Cr2.1.2a: Experiment with various materials and tools to explore personal
interests in a work of art or design.
o VA:Cr2.2.2a: Demonstrate safe procedures for using and cleaning art tools,
equipment, and studio spaces.
o VA:Cr3.1.2a: Discuss and reflect with peers about choices made in creating
o VA:Cn10.1.2a: Create works of art about events in home, school, or community
Common Core:
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.8: Recall information from experiences or gather
information from provided sources to answer a question.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.4 Tell a story or recount an experience with
appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions
when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Samantha Burford

Essential Questions: What do you love? What do you enjoy doing? What makes you happy?
What is important to you? What makes you unique? What makes you special? What makes you,

Collage: a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs
and pieces of paper or fabric onto a backing

Prior Knowledge: Children will know about themselves and things that they love. They will
have had practice cutting and gluing, but it would probably be beneficial to go over cutting and
pasting technique with students on a previous day.
1. Students will gather on the carpet for an introduction
2. The teacher will introduce the idea of collage by talking about what collages are and what
they can be made of, and how they are made.
3. The teacher will show some examples of how other artists have used collage.
a. This can include pointing out how some are put together with solid color pieces,
some use images and other materials (like stamps, stickers, etc.), some use
photographs, some overlap pieces, some do not overlap, some tell a story, some
create an image (as a whole), and some tell about a person and what they love.
4. The teacher will talk about how we can tell about ourselves through collage by choosing
images, colors, patterns, and other things that tell about ourselves and what we like.
5. The teacher will introduce the activity by explaining how students will get to use pictures
and words from magazines and other materials to make a collage that shows what they
love and what makes them, them.
6. The teacher will then show his/her exemplar and explain what several of the images mean
in order to give students a better idea of the activity.
7. The teacher will offer students the essential questions as a way to help them think about
what they might want to include.
8. Students will be given a couple minutes to sit and think about the things they love or
things that are important to them. They will have a minute to talk with a partner near
them and share some ideas.
9. The teacher will give some further instructions such as reminding children how to hold
scissors, suggestions of how to use glue sticks without wrinkling cut out images, or any
other techniques regarding materials.
10. Students will be dismissed from the carpet to their table/desk
11. Each table or pod of desks will have enough of all the materials for each child to use.
12. Students will be given all of writing workshop time on this day to work on their collages
13. The teacher will move around and talk with children about their work as they work and
be available for help.

Samantha Burford
14. If there is time after students finish, a few students will have the opportunity to share
about their collages and why they chose some of the items. Students will also have time
to share the next day.
15. The teacher will keep the students collages to laminate and give back to them the next
day. Students will get to keep their collages in their writing folder to use as inspiration
for future writing prompts
Accommodations/Adaptations: For children with physical disabilities that cause them to
severely struggle with fine motor skills such as cutting or gluing, a digital platform for the
project could be provided. Children in this situation might be able to use an app on an iPad and
with help use images from the internet to create their collage.
Assessment: The teacher will observe students level of engagement while working. Are they
focused on the assignment and working on it the entire time? When they talk about their collage,
do they have a reason for the pictures they chose?
Follow-Up: The next day the teacher will give back students laminated collages and talk about
how they can use them in the future. If students struggle to come up with writing topics in the
future, the teacher can refer them to their personal collage for ideas. Also on the next day, they
can spend some time talking about their collages and why they all chose some of their items.
The class can celebrate the works of art, learn about each other, and grow as a community.

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