Task 11: Regulatory Body

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Task 11

Regulatory Body
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the independent body which
regulates all advertising in the UK across all media.

How is the ASA funded? The ASA are funded by advertisers

through an arms length arrangement. They receive no Government
funding which means that their work is free to the tax payer.

What exactly does the ASA do? They act on complaints and
proactively check the media to take action against misleading, harmful or
offensive advertisements.

How does self-regulation of non-broadcast advertising

work? There are many millions of non-broadcast ads published every
year in the UK so it is impossible to pre-clear every one of them. There is
lots of advice and guidance which is available through CAP Advice and

How does regulation work after an advertisement has

appeared and what sanctions can the ASA impose? There
are many steps that the ASA take to ensure that ads are in line with the
Codes. The ASA can act on just one complaint but only if the Codes have
been breached. Furthermore, if the ad has breached the Codes then it
must be withdrawn or amended. They have a range of effective sanctions
at their disposal to act against those who do not withdraw or amend the
ad and ensure that they comply with the rules.

Complaints on the ASA website which were made about

advertising for Barnardos and TESCO.
The TV campaign featured repeated scenes of violence and drug taking,
which many viewers found upsetting and not suitable for broadcast at
times when children were likely to be watching. Some viewers reported
being abused as children and challenged whether the ads were likely to
cause serious distress to those who saw them.

Some of the ads where misleading for the customers and saying that
TESCO is the cheapest place for your Christmas shop. Other people

complained because TESCO were using ads that were misleading as they
implied that there were meat issues across the whole food industry.

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