Edtpa Pfa Assessment Commentary
Edtpa Pfa Assessment Commentary
Edtpa Pfa Assessment Commentary
No. of Students
Percentage of Class
Needs Improvement
To show more detail regarding the actual scoring, below is a sample of the table I used to
summarize learning and performance of each student. Rather than showing all 55, this table
shows the scores of the ten 8th graders who play violin. This chart includes the score they gave
themselves, my evaluation score, the score translated into a grade percentage, and the grade
they will receive in their gradebook. As you can see, of the ten students, only one student
received an N. Six received a score that placed them in the Meets category, and three received
an E for Exceeds.
E, M, or N
8th grade
N: 1
M: 6
E: 3
To break it down further, I also tracked student progress on the six specific categories of the
rubric and averaged out the score (out of a four-point scale) to see which areas of playing were
the weakest across the class, in order to inform my future teaching.
Steady Tempo
Tone/Overall Sound
c. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to
analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or
individual learners relative to applying the following within music/dance/theater:
Finally, since this assessment was focused on the knowledge/skill outcome of the difficult
bowing, I recognize that the students who struggled with this may succeed in other areas
(contextual understanding and artistic expression) so I make sure to allow opportunities to
informally assess these areas in other lessons. For example, at the end of Lesson #2 I asked
all the students to fill out a post-it note describing in words what they had learned about
Ukrainian culture and also to define an ostinato. Students who may not play as well have a
chance to demonstrate their understanding in these assessments. Although they did not get a
grade for that activity, it allows me to see what the students who perform at a lower level are
thinking and gaining from the other contextual and artistic outcomes of the lessons.
d. If a video or audio work sample occurs in a group context (e.g., discussion), provide the
name of the clip and clearly describe how the scorer can identify the focus student(s)
(e.g., position, physical description) whose work is portrayed.
[ The students featured in the video work sample are clearly seen playing their instrument so
that the scorer can identify the students. In Student #3's video you cannot see the student (she
is out of the focus of the camera) but you can see her bow moving while the rest of the students
are sitting still and listening.]
2. Feedback to Guide Further Learning
Refer to specific evidence of submitted feedback to support your explanations.
a. Identify the format in which you submitted your evidence of feedback for the
3 focus students. (Delete choices that do not apply.)
Written directly on work samples or in separate documents that were provided to the
focus students
[ After each student evaluated their own playing on the rubric, I collected them and went back to
review what they thought of their playing. I watched the videos of each student again to remind
myself of each student's specific performance, and then I circled the specific rubric sections for
each student. If I had specific feedback on certain categories or if my grade differed from theirs,
I tried to give an appropriate explanation or direction for future growth. ]
b. Explain how feedback provided to the 3 focus students addresses their individual
strengths and needs relative to the learning objectives measured.
[ Student #1 really excelled in his preparation and performance of the playing test passage.
While I gave him a score of 100% or 24 out of 24 because he satisfied each portion of the rubric
accordingly, I was also sure to include some advice to get a better tone or use even more
advanced bowing techniques. For example, while I complimented his tone in general, I noticed
that some of the longer half notes did not sound fully connected and supported by the bow.
Therefore I wrote near that category, Nice job, ___! Can you try to connect the half notes more
from measure 53-53? No stopping the sound! In this comment, specific measure numbers
were mentioned so that he could have a particular goal in mind and know exactly what I was
referring to.
Also, in the section where students are asked to set a goal to improve as they work on this
further, I acknowledged his answer and also gave him another task. He can play all the notes
and rhythms well, so now I think a good goal for him is to speed it up so it is closer to
performance tempo. Therefore, I wrote how quickly can you play this excerpt so that he can
start working up to a faster tempo. Since he does not need much help in the way of notes and
rhythms, these comments are intended to challenge this high-achieving student to a more
advanced level of playing and leadership. Even though I gave him a perfect score, he knows
that there are still things he can learn from this playing test.
Student #2 is at a very different level where he is still working out the notes and trying to
understand the bow directions and lifts. While his playing was adequate (he received a Meets
for his score of 16 out of 24), I certainly want to encourage him in certain areas to practice more
intentionally in order to be more comfortable with this song. Recognizing that he may not know
exactly what is causing the bow trouble, I wrote for him to carefully consider beat 3 when the
notes change in measures 57, 58, and 59. As with Student #1, I think it is very helpful for this
student to know exactly which measures need the most work. And how can he work on it? I
write for him to Practice slowly at first! I have a feeling that this student only played this a few
times through, and played it too fast without considering how to figure out the rhythms. By
practicing more slowly, he will be more successful at playing correct bowings and then he can
play it faster.
Finally for Student #3, there are many many things I want her to work on! She is having a lot of
trouble reading the notes (she has trouble reading in English class too) so I am sensitive to the
fact that she has some obstacles to her learning besides just physically being able to play her
cello. Therefore, I try to compliment her on what she is doing well I try to spell out for her the
areas that need the most help. Another red flag to me is the fact that she thinks she falls into
the Meets category. On page 2 of her feedback form, she says she would give herself a grade
between 15-21. Right next to this, I circle the number 14 from the rubric to highlight to her that
she is not doing as well as she thinks. This is a big reason for having the students fill out a selfevaluation first, because it helps me see how the students evaluate themselves before I give my
advice. After learning what she thinks, I spell out for her what she needs to work on, by writing
specific notes to work on the intonation (C# to Cnatural and final note (B)), and on the second
page I write According to the rubric, I'd like you to work mostly on tempo (playing it faster) and
tone (getting a better, bigger sound). If you'd like some practice help, let me know!)
By explaining my evaluation in this way, I am letting her know the priorities for her to work on as
well as offering individual help as she may need. I do not want to compel her to get extra help
but I am offering it so that she can make the choice to improve with my help. ]
c. Describe how you will support each focus student to understand and use this feedback
to further their learning related to learning objectives, either within the learning segment
or at a later time.
[ With Student #1, I will capitalize on his strengths by asking him to lead more with his sound in
class. He is setting a great example and by recognizing it in class he will be a mentor and
leader for the other students in the cello section. As we start to speed up the piece, I will
continue to assess how he plays at the faster tempo.
After evaluating Student #2, I realize how he needs quite a bit more support as he applies the
new bowing technique to this passage. Therefore I will watch him more carefully in warm-ups to
see how he adapts the bowing to our warm-up scale. First I will give general advice to the
entire class and then more specifically to the cello section that will help him and others who
have some of the same difficulties.
My goal with Student #3 is for her to become more comfortable with this song and play it more
correctly (and more often!) My biggest concern in addition to her below-level literacy is the fact
that she attends choir every other morning, meaning she is present at orchestra only half the
time. This means that she is playing her cello half as often as everyone else, practicing the
difficult bowing and lifts half as much, and hearing my directions and reinforcements less often.
Therefore I will make a special effort with her to recognize the days when the choir students are
in class and to work more concretely on the bowing skills when she is present. Also, if her
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playing does not improve, I am strongly considering asking another student to help be her
mentor to tell her specifically about what we rehearsed when she was in choir. Finally, I will
follow up with her in person about the feedback form, asking her at an opportune time such as
when all the students are busy packing up at the end of class if she is able to stay after school
or come early to orchestra one day to get some extra individual attention. ]
3. Evidence of Language Understanding and Use
When responding to the prompt below, use concrete examples from the clip(s) and/or
student work samples as evidence. Evidence from the clip(s) may focus on one or more
You may provide evidence of students language use from ONE, TWO, OR ALL THREE
of the following sources:
1. Use video clips from Instruction Task 2 and provide time-stamp references for
evidence of language use.
2. Submit an additional video file named Language Use of no more than 5
minutes in length and cite language use (this can be footage of one or more
students language use). Submit the clip in Assessment Task 3, Part B.
3. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and cite
language use.
a. Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which your students were able
to use the
To add the artistic element, students were given the chance to explore writing their own ostinati
and then sharing them with the class. This takes place primarily in Video #2, from 0:50 until the
end of the video. Since I was not formally assessing the students on this outcome, I did not
require everyone to share their idea. In future lessons, however, this would be a great way to
assess student comprehension and creativity of this concept.]
4. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompts 1bc, describe next
steps for instruction:
appropriate piece and assessment tool to evaluate their learning and that now they simply need
more help in acquiring the skills to perform the song correctly or as well as they can. As
Vygotsky explains in his theory of the zone of proximal development, it is extremely important to
challenge students appropriately and find areas where they can improve in a manageable and
valuable way. I believe these two focus students and the others who were in the Needs
Improvement category must be willing to put in more personal practice time and also receive a
few extra reminders from me in order to achieve their best, not only for their in-class
assessments and language function of the bowing skill and performance, but also for their
public performance of the Ukrainian Bell Carol where they will demonstrate a holistic
understanding to the audience of what they have learned about how to play this song and the
cultural and artistic elements that give it so much meaning.
Assessment is included on the following pages AND in Part D (Evaluation Criteria).
Difficult to play
Playing is inhibited
due to most or
by two or more:
all of these
Right Hand
incorrect bow
Right Hand
incorrect bow
thumb not bent
pinky not curved
thumb not bent
Left Hand
pinky not
pancake wrist
Left Hand
pancake wrist
Playing is inhibited
by one of these:
this student:
Right Hand
incorrect bow handshape
Sitting up straight
Right Hand
correct bow
hold bent
Left Hand
curved pinky
pancake wrist
elbow too far or close
Left Hand
tall wrist
elbow under
Student played
at an
tempo, the
teacher could
not find any
sense of pulse,
or it was too
Some measures
were in tempo, but
after the lifts, got
Most measures
stuck to a solid,
quick tempo
Passage was
played at a
consistent and
steady tempo,
1 inaccurate
rhythms most
of the time (in
3-5 measures)
rhythms SOME of
the time (1-2
n & Lifts
Bow direction
was wrong
most of the
time (in 3-5
measures), no
One instance of
inaccurate bow
direction, nearly
all bow lifts were
Bow direction
and lifts were
Low 2s!
Poor intonation
(5 or more
notes were out
of tune)
Scratchy, too
quiet tone
Scratchy tone at
most parts (some
was clean and
Entire passage
played with a
clean, strong
After evaluating your performance using the rubric, what grade would you give yourself, out
of 24?
22-24 = Exceeds
15-21 = Meets
12-14 = Needs Improvement
When you played this passage, what was your best strength?
Set a goal: What is the area you want to work to improve in order to give a more successful
performance of this passage?