Pengelolaan Hujan Rainwater Harvesting
Pengelolaan Hujan Rainwater Harvesting
Pengelolaan Hujan Rainwater Harvesting
Deskripsi Umum
Rainwater harvesting is a technology used for collecting and storing
rainwater from rooftops, the land surface or rock catchments using simple
techniques such as jars and pots as well as more complex techniques such as
underground check dams. The techniques usually found in Asia and Africa arise
from practices employed by ancient civilizations within these regions and still
serve as a major source of drinking water supply in rural areas. Commonly used
systems are constructed of three principal components; namely, the catchment
area, the collection device, and the conveyance system.
also is possible to fill the tank from a municipal drinking water source, so that
even during a prolonged drought the tank can be kept full. Care should be
taken, however, to ensure that rainwater does not enter the drinking water
distribution system.
should be avoided), and located away from over-hanging trees since birds and
animals in the trees may defecate on the roof.
Maintenance is generally limited to the annual cleaning of the tank and
regular inspection of the gutters and down-pipes. Maintenance typically
consists of the removal of dirt, leaves and other accumulated materials. Such
cleaning should take place annually before the start of the major rainfall season.
However, cracks in the storage tanks can create major problems and should be
repaired immediately. In the case of ground and rock catchments, additional
care is required to avoid damage and contamination by people and animals, and
proper fencing is required.
Rainwater harvesting technologies are simple to install and operate.
Local people can be easily trained to implement such technologies, and
construction materials are also readily available. Rainwater harvesting is
convenient in the sense that it provides water at the point of consumption, and
family members have full control of their own systems, which greatly reduces
operation and maintenance problems. Running costs, also, are almost
negligible. Water collected from roof catchments usually is of acceptable
quality for domestic purposes. As it is collected using existing structures not
specially constructed for the purpose, rainwater harvesting has few negative
environmental impacts compared to other water supply project technologies.
Although regional or other local factors can modify the local climatic
conditions, rainwater can be a continuous source of water supply for both the
rural and poor. Depending upon household capacity and needs, both the water
collection and storage capacity may be increased as needed within the available
catchment area.
Disadvantages of rainwater harvesting technologies are mainly due to
the limited supply and uncertainty of rainfall. Adoption of this technology
requires a *bottom up* approach rather than the more usual *top down*
approach employed in other water resources development projects. This may
make rainwater harvesting less attractive to some governmental agencies tasked
with providing water supplies in developing countries, but the mobilization of
local government and NGO resources can serve the same basic role in the
development of rainwater-based schemes as water resources development
agencies in the larger, more traditional public water supply schemes.
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outlet of the down-pipe as the coarser sieves situated higher in the system may
pass small particulates such as leaf fragments, etc. A simple and very
inexpensive method is to use a small, fabric sack, which may be secured over
the feed-pipe where it enters the storage tank.
If rainwater is used to supply household appliances such as the washing
machine, even the tiniest particles of dirt may cause damage to the machine and
the washing. To minimize the occurrence of such damage, it is advisable to
install a fine filter of a type which is used in drinking water systems in the
supply line upstream of the appliances. For use in wash basins or bath tubs, it is
advisable to sterilise the water using a chlorine dosage pump.
Perkembangan Teknologi Lanjut
Rainwater harvesting appears to be one of the most promising
alternatives for supplying freshwater in the face of increasing water scarcity and
escalating demand. The pressures on rural water supplies, greater
environmental impacts associated with new projects, and increased opposition
from NGOs to the development of new surface water sources, as well as
deteriorating water quality in surface reservoirs already constructed, constrain
the ability of communities to meet the demand for freshwater from traditional
sources, and present an opportunity for augmentation of water supplies using
this technology.
Farm ponds are the individual assets created at rainfed lands mainly to
harvest the rain water from the catchment. Hence the rainfed cultivation
involves lot risk and monsoon rainfall determine the production and
productivity, water harvesting structures like farm ponds are necessary
structure in safeguarding the crop. Most of the farm ponds are constructed at
the low line of particular rainfed land across the slope and/or adjacent to the
stream or the channel.
The harvested rainwater is being utilized to save life of the raised crop
when the crop needs water but no rain at all. Farm ponds were designed based
on the size of the landholdings and water requirements of the crop at the worst
conditions. The farmers are also using the farm ponds for fishculture as
additional activity to get supplementary source of income. Depending up on the
water holding or filling capacity, farmers select the crops such as paddy,
groundnut, floriculture, vegetables and horticulture plantations.
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Salah satu cara untuk menanggulangi kekurangan air di lahan sawah tadah
hujan adalah dengan membangun kolam penampung air atau embung. Embung
adalah kolam penampung kelebihan air hujan pada musim hujan dan digunakan
pada saat musim kemarau.
Beberapa syarat yang harus diperhatikan sebelum melaksanakan pembuatan
embung yaitu:
Tekstur tanah:
Agar fungsinya sebagai penampung air dapat terpenuhi, embung sebaiknya
dibuat pada lahan dengan tanah liat berlempung.
Pada tanah berpasir yang porous (mudah meresapkan air) tidak dianjurkan
pembuatan embung karena air cepat hilang. Kalau terpaksa, dianjurkan
memakai alas plastik atau ditembok sekeliling embung.
Embung sebaiknya dibuat pada areal pertanaman yang bergelombang dengan
kemiringan antara 8 30%. Agar limpahan air permukaan dapat dengan mudah
mengalir kedalam embung dan air embung mudah disalurkan ke petak-petak
tanaman, maka harus ada perbedaan ketinggian antara embung dan petak
Pada lahan yang datar akan sulit untuk mengisi air limpasan ke dalam embung.
Pada lahan yang terlalu miring (> 30%), embung akan cepat penuh dengan
endapan tanah karena erosi.
Penempatan embung sebaiknya dekat dengan saluran air yang ada disekitarnya,
supaya pada saat hujan, air di permukaan tanah mudah dialirkan kedalam
Lebih baik lagi kalau dibuat di dekat areal tanaman yang akan diairi.
Lokasinya memiliki daerah tangkapan hujan.
Embung bisa dibangun secara individu atau berkelompok, tergantung keperluan
dan luas areal tanaman yang akan diairi. Untuk keperluan individu dengan luas
tanaman (palawija) 0,5 hektar, misalnya, embung yang diperlukan adalah
panjang 10 m, lebar 5 m dan kedalaman 2,5 m 3 m.
Bentuk embung sebaiknya dibuat bujur sangkar atau mendekati bujur sangkar,
hal tersebut dimaksudkan agar diperoleh Wiling yang paling pendek, sehingga
resapan air melalui tanggul lebih sedikit.
Penggalian tanah
Setelah diketahui letak, ukuran dan bentuk embung yang diinginkan tahapan
selanjutnya adalah penggalian tanah yang dapat dikerjakan secara gotong
Cara penggaliannya adalah sebagai berikut :
Untuk memudahkan pemindahan tanah, maka tanah digali mulai dari batas
pinggir dari permukaan tanah.Untuk menghindari masuknya kotoran kedalam
embung terbawa air limpasan, maka keliling tanggul dibuat lebih tinggi dari
permukaan tanah.
Saluran pemasukan air limpasan dan pembuangan dibuat sedemikian rupa,
sehingga air embung tidak penuh/meluap. Jarak saluran pembuangan dari
permukaan tanggul berkisar 25 50 cm.
Campuran kapur tembok dan tanah liat untuk memperkeras dinding embung
dibuat dengan perbandingan 1 : 1 dengan cara kapur dibasahi dan dicampur
dengan tanah liat sampai berbentuk pasta. Pasta tersebut ditempelkan pada
dinding dan dasar embung hingga mencapai ketebalan 25 cm.
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