En 12680-3 - 2003

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Founding Ultrasonic
Part 3: Spheroidal graphite cast iron

The European Standard EN 12680-3:2003 has the status of a

British Standard

ICS 77.040.20



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BS EN 12680-3:2003

National foreword
This British Standard is the official English language version of
EN 12680-3:2003.

The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee

ISE/NFE/9, Foundry technology, which has the responsibility to:

aid enquirers to understand the text;

present to the responsible international/European committee any

enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the
UK interests informed;

monitor related international and European developments and

promulgate them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on

request to its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European
publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue
under the section entitled International Standards Correspondence Index, or
by using the Search facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British
Standards Online.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
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Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

This British Standard was

published under the authority
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee on
5 February 2003

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright date displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No.



BSI 5 February 2003

ISBN 0 580 41200 8

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EN 12680-3


January 2003

ICS 77.040.20

English version

Fonderie - Contrle par ultrasons - Partie 3: Pices

moules en fonte graphite sphrodal


Founding - Ultrasonic examination - Part 3: Spheroidal graphite

cast iron castings
Gieereiwesen - Ultraschallprfung - Teil 3: Gussstcke
aus Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 21 November 2002.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United



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Ref. No. EN 12680-3:2003 E

EN 12680-3:2003 (E)


Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................4

Normative references ....................................................................................................................................4

Terms and definitions....................................................................................................................................4


Requirements .................................................................................................................................................5
Order information ..........................................................................................................................................5
Extent of examination....................................................................................................................................5
Maximum permissible size of discontinuities.............................................................................................5
Personnel qualification .................................................................................................................................5
Wall section zones.........................................................................................................................................5


Test method....................................................................................................................................................5
Principles ........................................................................................................................................................5
Equipment, coupling medium, calibration and sensitivity ........................................................................6
Preparation of casting surfaces for examination .......................................................................................8
Examination procedure .................................................................................................................................8
Examination report ......................................................................................................................................10

Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................................16

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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)

This document (EN 12680-3:2003) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN /TC 190 "Foundry Technology", the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by July 2003, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by
July 2003.
Within its programme of work, Technical Committee CEN/TC 190 requested CEN/TC 190/WG 4.10 "Inner defects"
to prepare the following standard:
EN 12680-3, Founding Ultrasonic examination Part 3: Spheroidal graphite cast iron castings.
This is one of three European Standards for ultrasonic examination. The other standards are:
EN 12680-1, Founding Ultrasonic examination Part 1: Steel castings for general purposes.
EN 12680-2, Founding Ultrasonic examination Part 2: Steel castings for highly stressed components.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)


This European Standard specifies the requirements for the ultrasonic examination of spheroidal graphite cast iron
castings and the methods for determining internal discontinuities by the pulse-echo technique.
This European Standard does not deal with the ultrasonic examination of the nodularity of spheroidal graphite cast
This European Standard does not cover the transmission technique.
The transmission technique has insufficient sensitivity to detect the discontinuities found in spheroidal graphite cast
iron castings and is used in exceptional cases only.

Normative references

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 583-1, Non-destructive testing Ultrasonic examination Part 1: General principles.

EN 583-3, Non-destructive testing Ultrasonic examination Part 3: Transmission technique.


EN 583-2, Non-destructive testing Ultrasonic examination Part 2: Sensitivity and range setting.

EN 583-5, Non-destructive testing Ultrasonic examination Part 5: Characterization and sizing of discontinuities.
EN 1330-4, Non-destructive testing Terminology Part 4: Terms used in ultrasonic testing.
EN 12223, Non-destructive testing Ultrasonic examination Specification for calibration block No. 1.

EN 12668-1, Non-destructive testing Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment

Part 1: Instruments.
EN 12668-2, Non-destructive testing Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment
Part 2: Probes.
EN 12668-3, Non-destructive testing Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment
Part 3: Combined equipment.
EN 27963, Welds in steel Calibration block No. 2 for ultrasonic examination of welds (ISO 7963:1985).
Informative references to documents used in the preparation of this standard, and cited at the appropriate places in
the text, are listed in the bibliography.

Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 1330-4 apply.

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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)



Order information

The following information shall be available at the time of enquiry and order (see also EN 583-1):
the areas of the casting and the number or percentage of castings to which the ultrasonic examination requirements apply;

the severity levels in accordance with Tables 1 and 2 to be applied to the various areas of the casting;

requirements for a written examination procedure.


Extent of examination


The areas of the casting to be examined shall be agreed. This agreement shall state how these areas are to be
examined, i.e. point testing or scanning, and in which directions.

These areas should be preferably indicated on the casting drawing.

For wall thicknesses outside of the range 10 mm to 500 mm, agreement shall be made between the parties concerned on the examination procedure and also on the recording and acceptance levels.


Maximum permissible size of discontinuities

Unless otherwise agreed between the parties concerned, the maximum permissible sizes of discontinuities shall
not exceed those of the severity level given in either Table 1 (shrinkage) and/or Table 2 (dross).


Personnel qualification

It is assumed that ultrasonic examination is performed by qualified and capable personnel. In order to prove this
qualification, it is recommended to certify personnel in accordance with EN 473.


Wall section zones

The wall section shall be divided into zones as shown in Figure 1.



These wall sections relate to the dimensions of the casting ready for assembly (finish machined).

Test method

The principles given in EN 583-1, EN 583-2 and EN 583-3 shall apply.



The suitability of a material for ultrasonic examination is assessed by comparison with the echo height of a reference reflector (usually the first back wall echo) and the noise signal. This assessment shall be carried out on selected casting areas which are representative of the surface finish and of the total thickness range. The assessment areas shall have parallel surfaces.
The reference echo height shall be at least 6 dB above the noise signal.

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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)

If the echo height of this smallest detectable flat-bottomed or equivalent side-drilled hole diameter at the end of the
test range to be assessed is less than 6 dB above the grass level, then the ultrasonic testability is reduced. In this
case, the flat-bottomed or side-drilled hole diameter which can be detected with a signal-noise ratio of at least 6 dB
shall be noted in the examination report and the additional procedure shall be agreed between the manufacturer
and the purchaser.
If a distance gain size diagram (DGS) is available, the suitability of castings for ultrasonic examination with normal
probes can be determined for example as follows: with the suppression switched off, the backwall echo is brought to any reference level desired. The amplification according to the DGS diagram is then increased so that the echo signal height from the
substitute reflector according to reaches the reference level. If the amplification is further increased by 6 dB the background noise level should not exceed the reference height. If necessary, a reference reflector can be used to determine the
testing suitability in areas without the backwall echo.


Equipment, coupling medium, calibration and sensitivity


Ultrasonic instrument

The ultrasonic instrument shall meet the requirements given in EN 12668-1 and shall have the following characteristics:

range setting, from at least 10 mm to 2 m continuously selectable, for longitudinal and transverse waves
transmitted in steel;

gain, adjustable in 2 dB maximum steps over a range of at least 80 dB with a measuring accuracy of 1 dB;

time-base and vertical linearities less than 5 % of the adjustment range of the screen;

suitability at least for nominal frequencies from 0,5 MHz up to and including 5 MHz in pulse-echo technique
with single-crystal and twin-crystal probes.


Probes and transducer frequencies

The probes and transducer frequencies shall be as given in EN 12668-2 and EN 12668-3 with the following exceptions:

to cover the range of discontinuity types to be detected, the casting can be examined using compression-wave
single-crystal or twin-crystal probes.


Twin-crystal probes should be used for the examination of areas close to the test surface.

for special geometrical conditions, angle probes can be used up to a sound-beam path length of about
100 mm, preferably with nominal angles between 45 and 70. The frequency value shall be selected to suit
the examination and shall be within the range 0,5 MHz to 5 MHz. Higher frequencies can be used for examining wall thicknesses of less than 20 mm or areas close to the surface.


For the detection of near-surface discontinuities, the use of twin-crystal and/or angle probes is recommended.

Since sound travels at different velocities in steel and spheroidal graphite cast iron, the actual angle of refraction
deviates from the nominal angle of the probe for steel.

If the sound velocity of spheroidal graphite cast iron is known, the angle of refraction of the probe can be determined from the sound velocity according to Figure 2.
Figure 3 shows how the angle of refraction can be determined to an accuracy sufficient for practical purposes using
two probes of the same type. The sound velocity of spheroidal graphite cast iron can also be determined from the
angle of refraction as follows:
C c =3 255

sin c
sin s



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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)


the sound velocity in the casting in metres per second;

is the angle of refraction in the casting in degrees;

is the angle of refraction in steel in degrees.


To simplify examination, special probes can be used, e.g. angle probes for longitudinal waves.


Checking the ultrasonic examination equipment

The ultrasonic examination equipment shall be checked regularly by the operator according to EN 12668-3.

Coupling medium

A coupling medium in accordance with EN 583-1 shall be used. The coupling medium shall wet the examination
area to ensure satisfactory sound transmission. The same coupling medium shall be used for calibration and all
subsequent examination operations.


The sound transmission can be checked by ensuring one or more stable backwall echoes in areas with parallel

Calibration of the ultrasonic equipment


A spheroidal graphite cast iron reference block shall be used for calibration. The thickness of the reference block
shall be comparable to the wall thickness range of the casting to be examined and shall be agreed at the time of
enquiry and order. The reference block shall have the same ultrasonic properties as the casting to be examined
and shall have the same surface finish. The reference block shall contain flat-bottomed holes according to Table 3
or equivalent side-drilled holes as substitute reflectors.

DQ =

The following formula is used for converting the flat-bottomed hole diameter into the side-drilled hole diameter:
4,935 D FBH


2 s


is the side-drilled hole diameter in millimeter;


is the flat-bottomed hole diameter in millimeter;

is the wave length in millimeter;

is the path length in millimeter.

The formula is applicable for DQ 2 and s 5 nearfield length and is only defined for single element probes.



Other substitute reflector sizes or reflector types may be agreed at the time of enquiry and order. All sound of the
reference block shall be flat and parallel. If standard steel calibration blocks are used, differences in sound velocity,
sound attenuation and surface quality between the casting and the calibration blocks shall be taken into consideration.
The equipment can also be set using a DGS diagram [1] (see bibliography) calculated for spheroidal graphite cast
iron. In this case, the reference block is not necessary and calibration can be done on the casting itself.
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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)

Range setting

Sensitivity setting

The sensitivity shall be set by reflecting sound from a suitable reflector, e.g. the opposite surface of a casting, a flatbottomed or side-drilled hole of the reference block or the circular segments of the calibration blocks K1 according
to EN 12223 or K2 according to EN 27963. Account shall be taken of the sound attenuation, surface quality and
velocity of sound through the casting. The transfer correction shall be determined. When determining the transfer
correction, not only the quality of the coupling areas but also the surface quality of the opposite surface shall be
taken into consideration. The signal level in the thickness range to be assessed is given by the diameter in millimetres of any suitable reflector (see
A reference curve can be taken on the substitute reflectors of the reference block and transferred to the instrument
screen. In order to prevent incorrect evaluation of the signals for different path lengths, the reference curve should be corrected
to take into account different sound attenuations between the reference block and the casting.


Detection sensitivity

The detection sensitivity of the equipment shall ensure at least the setting of the sensitivity in accordance with the
requirements of 5.5.3.


Preparation of casting surfaces for examination

For the preparation of casting surfaces for examination see EN 583-1.

The casting surfaces to be examined shall be such that satisfactory coupling with the probe can be achieved.
It is recommended that surface condition requirements according to EN 1370 are agreed at the time of enquiry and
order (e.g. as-cast, shot-blasted, fettled or machined surfaces).


Examination procedure



The selection of the incidence direction and of the most suitable probes depends largely on the casting shape and
the nature and position of the casting discontinuities. Therefore, the applicable examination procedure shall be
specified by the manufacture of the casting and the operator as applicable. The method most widely used is vertical
incidence with compression wave probes having frequencies within the range 0,5 MHz up to and including 5 MHz.
Single-crystal or twin-crystal probes can be used. Oblique incidence (angle probes) can be used for special geometrical conditions, where compression wave probes are not satisfactory. If the intended application of the casting
needs special requirements regarding the examination procedure, the purchaser shall inform the manufacturer accordingly.

Higher frequencies are normally used to examine castings with small wall thicknesses and high-quality require-

Complete coverage of all areas specified for scanning shall be conducted by carrying out systematically
over-lapping scans.
If scanning is agreed (see 4.2), the scanning rate shall not exceed 150 mm/s.

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Range setting shall be carried out. It can be done either on the reference block or calibration block and checked on
the casting itself or carried out directly on the casting, if its thickness is known and if it has parallel surfaces.

EN 12680-3:2003 (E)


Sensitivity setting
Minimum sensitivity (detection sensitivity)

The sensitivity of the system shall be set in such a way that the echo heights of the flat-bottomed holes given in
Table 3 or of the equivalent side-drilled holes shall be at least 40 % of the screen height at the end of the thickness
range to be examined. If it is not possible to set this minimum sensitivity, the smallest flat-bottomed hole which can
be detected shall be recorded in the examination report. In this case, the purchaser and the manufacturer shall
agree on further action.

Search sensitivity

When searching for discontinuities, the amplification shall be set in such a way that the noise level is visible on the
screen (search sensitivity).
If there are local variations in surface quality, the sensitivity can fluctuate widely. In such cases, the search sensitivity shall not fall below the minimum sensitivity.
For discontinuity searching with simultaneous observation of the backwall echo (see Table 4), the use of devices
with adjustable backwall echo reduction is advantageous.


Consideration of various types of indications

The following types of indications, which are proven not to be due to the casting shape or the coupling, shall be
taken into consideration and evaluated in the examination of castings:

reduction of the backwall echo;

intermediate echoes.

All types of indications can occur alone or together. Backwall echo reduction is expressed as a decrease in back
echo in decibels; the height of an echo indication is given as a flat-bottomed hole or side-drilled hole diameter (see EN 583-2).


Evaluation and recording of indications

Unless otherwise agreed, all backwall echo reductions or echo heights reaching or exceeding the limits given in
Table 4 shall be evaluated and shall be recorded if their values exceed 75 % of the limits given in Tables 1 and 2.
Whenever such indications are found, their location shall be indicated and included in the examination report (see
5.6). The location of the indications to be recorded can be described using grids, sketches or photographs.
In case of simultaneous indications according to Tables 1 and 2, the procedure shall be agreed between the contracting parties.

Investigation of indications to be recorded

The locations where indications to be recorded have been found (see 5.5.4) shall be investigated more closely with
respect to their type, shape, size and position. This can be achieved by altering the transducer frequency or by altering the examination procedure or by using other examination methods such as radiography.

Sizing of discontinuities

The methods of sizing of the dimensions of discontinuities given in and shall be used according to
EN 583-5.
The dimensions of a discontinuity determined by ultrasonic examination can only be measured to an accuracy sufficient for technical applications under certain preconditions (e.g. knowledge of the type of the discontinuity, simple geometry of


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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)

the discontinuity, optimum impact of the sound beam on the discontinuity). These preconditions are often not present in spheroidal graphite cast iron.

Determination of the dimensions of discontinuities mainly parallel to the examination surface

In order to determine the dimensions of discontinuities mainly parallel to the examination surface, it is recommended that probes with the smallest possible sound-beam diameter at the discontinuity location are used.
For the determination of the dimensions of discontinuities which shall be recorded according to Table 1 on account
of their echo height (see Table 4), the probe shall be moved over the examination area to identify those points
where the signal amplitude falls to 6 dB below the last maximum.
For backwall echo reduction, the probe shall be moved over the examination surface to identify those points where
the backwall echo is reduced by 12 dB or 20 dB according to Table 4.
In both cases, the points shall be marked as accurately as possible (e.g. probe centre for normal probes, probe
index point for angle probes).
The measurable dimensions of the discontinuity are given by a connecting line between the marked points. With
angle probes, the edge points of the discontinuities shall be projected onto the examination surface so far as the
casting geometry allows.

Determination of the dimensions of discontinuities in through-wall direction

As far as possible, dimensions of discontinuities in through-wall direction to the examination area are measured
using normal probes from opposite sides (see Figure 4).


Examination report

reference to this European Standard (EN 12680-3);

characteristic data of the examined casting;

extent of examination;

type of examination equipment used;

probes used

examination technique with reference to the examined area;

all data necessary for the sensitivity setting;

details of ultrasonic examination suitability;

information on all characteristic features of discontinuities to be recorded (e.g. backwall echo reduction, position and dimension in through-wall direction, length, area and flat-bottomed hole diameter) and the description
of their position (sketch or photograph);

date of the examination and name of the responsible person.

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The examination report shall contain at least the following information:

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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)

Table 1 Maximum permissible indicated dimensions of discontinuities volumetric reflectors


Severity level


Wall thickness,
in the examined area
Percentage of wall


< 50

50 to 200

> 200

< 50


50 to 200

> 200

< 50


50 to 200

> 200


< 50



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Largest discontinuity in
the rim zonea, b



1 000

1 000

1 000

2 000

2 000

Largest discontinuity in
the core zone


10 000

15 000

15 000

15 000

20 000

30 000

20 000

Total area of discontinuities as percentage of

examined surface












a For dross see Table 2.

b Rim zone, see Figure 1.
c No indications exceeding the limits given in Table 4.



EN 12680-3:2003 (E)

Table 2 Maximum permissible indicated dimensions of discontinuities dross

Severity level



Percentage of wall
thickness in %





a No indications exceeding the limits given in Table 4.

Table 3 Requirements for ultrasonic examination suitability

Dimensions in millimetres

Wall thickness of the casting

in the examined area

Smallest flat-bottom hole diameter

detectable according to 5.2

> 10 to 20

> 20 to 100

> 100 to 250

> 250 to 500


Table 4 Ultrasonic indications to be evaluated

Evaluation limits
Wall thickness
of the casting
in the examined area

reduction of backwall

smallest flat-bottom
hole diameter detectable
according to 5.2






> 10 to 20


> 20 to 100
> 100 to 250
> 250 to 500




a Only for areas where no backwall echo is obtained to the casting geometry.

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echo height
above noise levela

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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)

1 Rim zone
2 Core zone

Wall thickness
t/3 (max. 30 mm)

Figure 1 Division of wall section into zones


Angle of refraction c in spheroidal graphite cast iron

Sound velocity of transverse wave ctrans in metres per second
Nominal angle of refraction in steel
Longitudinal and transverse wave simultaneously

Figure 2 Determination of the nominal angle of refraction in spheroidal graphite cast iron
for an angle probe with known angle of refraction in steel

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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)

c = arc tan



is the angle of refraction in the casting;

is the distance between the probe indexes of the angle probes at maximum signal;

is the wall thickness.

1 Angle beam probes of same type
2 Test piece or reference block

Figure 3 Determination of the angle of refraction in spheroidal graphite

cast iron using angle probes


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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)


Scanning position A
Scanning position B
A scan from scanning position A
A scan from scanning position B

Dimension in through-wall direction d = t - (s1 + s2)

s1, s2

are the lengths of the sound-beam paths;

is the wall thickness.

Figure 4 Determination of the dimensions of discontinuities in through-wall direction

using normal probes


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EN 12680-3:2003 (E)


Krautkrmer, J. und Krautkrmer, H., Werkstoffprfung mit Ultraschall, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, 1986.


EN 473, Non destructive testing Qualification and certification of NDT personnel General principles.


EN 1370, Founding Surface roughness inspection by visualtactile comparators.



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