A Note From The Principal: Michael Wood:: Contact Info

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Contact info.

Main Office
Michael Wood
Jennifer Whitney
Vice Principal
Albert Strong

A Note from the Principal:

Michael Wood:
Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope that
everyone had a restful break and enjoyed the
time spent with family and friends. I anticipate
continued growth from our students this
semester as we move past the mid-point of our
school year. I wanted to take a moment to alert
you to some new things starting this semester.

Vice Principal

Traffic Relief

Quick Links
Our Website
See AMS website
Math help schedule

In an effort to increase student safety and relieve some of the

traffic before and after school which occurs at the stop sign by
the Heritage High School upper parking lot, we are proposing a
new walking route for our students who use the walking path
between the Deer Ridge development and American Avenue.
Starting Monday, January 11, we will ask those students to use the
crosswalk at the very end of American Avenue to cross over to
the campus. Using this crosswalk will not impede traffic flow and,
therefore, will both increase student safety and provide some
much needed traffic relief at the top of the hill before and after

District Website
Report Water Waste

Working Lunch Program

Non Profit Flyers

Freedom Cheer Clinic

Brentwood Pony Baseball

League Registration Flyer 2016

We all want our students to experience academic success each and

every reporting period. In an effort to add an additional layer of
academic support for students who struggle to regularly complete
classwork and homework, our Student Study Team will be
assigning a "working lunch" for select students. Starting Monday,
January 11, we will hold a daily working lunch for assigned
students, where they can eat their lunch and finish class
assignments at the same time. When the students demonstrate
they no longer need this additional layer of support, we will exit
them from the program.

AMS Yearbook
BUSD Food Service website.
Link it to:

Attendance Information
See our website under
information tab for the following

Attendance Education Code

Every School Day Counts

Attendance Poster

Adams Yearbook Staff is proud to announce Online Yearbook

Sales! Please visit the Adams Website www.ams-brentwoodca.schoolloop.com and click the Yearbook button on the main page
to order and pay for your yearbook online!

Weekly Tardy Sweeps

We know that being on-time is an important life skill in today's
world and we want to impress that upon our students. In addition
to the recognition we give students for positive attendance and
timeliness, we will be holding weekly tardy sweeps this semester.
We will be alerting students each week via morning announcements
about the tardy sweep. Students caught up in a tardy sweep will
be assigned a detention. We believe that the positive recognition
and the weekly accountability will help our students embrace the
importance of getting to class on-time.


Student Lunch Drop-Off

Important Dates!
January 8
*7/8 Boy's Basketball Jamboree
at EHS
*6th Boy's Basketball Jamboree
at Excelsior

It is critical that we minimize the disruptions to the learning

environment when class is in session. Therefore, we will no longer
be "delivering" lunches to classrooms,as it poses a regular
disruption to the learning environment. Parents may still drop
lunches off at the Student Center and students may come to
retrieve that delivery on their way to the lunch area, but we will
no longer be interrupting classes to make those deliveries. Please
make sure your child knows ahead of time to check the Student
Center on a day you have arranged to bring them a lunch delivery.

Attention Parents!
January 11
*7/8 grade Boy's Basketball at
Delta Vista
6th grade Boy's Basketball at

January 13
Walk From School Wednesday

January 14
*7/8 Boy's Basketball at AMS
*6th Grade Boy's Basketball at

AMS has an electronic marquee located by the bus loop. You now
have the opportunity to purchase a birthday message to be
displayed on the school's marquee on the day of your child's
birthday! For more details, please see the full document under
Parents and Resources tab on our AMS webpage.

Student release during school day

If anyone besides the parent picks a student up during school, the
office needs prior authorization. Even if an aunt, uncle or friend is
on the emergency list, we cannot release a student to them. The
emergency form is for us to call if there is an emergency at
school. It is not setup to be used for pickup during the school day.
So if you are sending someone to pick up your child, call the office
and let them know who is picking up and that it is approved by you.

January 19
*AMS Spelling Bee
*AMS Music Booster Meeting

Liberty High School Parent Night

January 20

Liberty High School is having Parent night on January 25th

*7/8 Boy's Basketball at


at 6:00 pm. Please click here to see flyer.

*6th grade Boy's Basketball at


January 21
*School Site Council Meeting
3:00 pm at AMS
*7/8 Boy's Basketball at AMS
*6th grade Boy's Basketball at

Parent Connect
Did you know that you can check your child's attendance and
grades online? It's a great way to monitor progress and keep your
child on the right track. If you don't know the pin or password,
call the office. "At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key
to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents." Jane
D. Hull

AMS Band Fundraiser

January 22
*Honor Society Honor Roll
Breakfast at 7:15 am in the
AMS gym

January 25

Eat at Yogurt Pizazz January 8th - January 31st.

During the month of January, eat at Yogurt Pizazz and Help the
Adams Band! Every time you spend $10.00 or more, you will receive
a gold coin. All you have to do is put the coin in the Adams Booster

*LUHS Parent night at 6:00 pm

*7/8 Boy's Basketball at AMS

January 28
*7/8 Boy's Basketball at O'Hara
*6th grade Boy's Basketball at

jar program, it's that easy, Adams will be one of the three jars
located in the front of the store at both the Streets of
Brentwood and the Balfour location. At the end of the month, the
coins will be tallied. The jar with the most tokens receives
$250.00, the Second most receives $100.00 and the Third most
receives $50.00. Please help support the band, jazz band and choir
raise funds for equipment and materials to help make their musical
educational experience an awesome one.

AMS Band Fundraiser

In accordance with California
Vehicle Code 21212 (A) All

AMS Band is having a family dine out fundraiser at Five Guys

Burger on January 20th. Click here to see flyer.


students under the age of 18

riding scooters, long boards,
bicycles, roller blades to school
must wear a certified helmet
with chin strap. Please help keep

Follow @brentwood_pal on Instagram to find about new and

exciting after school activities. PAL is starting boxing lessons
soon as well as hosting a Super Smash Bros. Tournament in
November. If you're not on Instagram, email Officer Ruckermrucker@brentwoodca.gov

our students safe by insisting

your child wear a helmet and

Reminder Text

obey traffic laws as they come

to and from school. Violators
may be cited.
Also,students are not allowed to
ride skateboards/scooters/bikes
on campus. Any student caught

Sign up to receive text or email reminders about school events and

deadlines! Even if you signed up last year, you need to sign up again
to be a part of the 2015-2016 group. To sign up go to this link on
your phone or computer: remind.com/join
Enter this class code to join: @amsupdate

riding on campus may have their

equipment taken away and

8th Grade Yearbook Dedication Ads

release to parents. Students may

store their skateboard/scooter
in their 1st period class. Bikes
should be locked in the bike rack.

AMS Sports on Twitter!

Do you want to make a yearbook Dedication Ad in the yearbook?

Go to the AMS website, click the Yearbook button, and select 8th
Grade Ads to design and order.

Adams Middle School Quarter 3

Extracurricular Enrichment

Want to know what is going on

with AMS Sports after school?
Check the scores, see pictures of
the action during the games. Just
follow us on

Please remember to send your

child to school ready for
the learning environment and
dressed appropriately. Slippers,
pajamas, blankets, loose fitting
shirts exposing midsection, back-side or
undergarments, are not
appropriate school clothing and
must be left at home. The AMS
administration reserves the right
to determine the appropriateness
of the student attire.
Students wearing inappropriate
clothing will be required to
change. Please refer to the
student handbook or AMS
website for picture samples and
do not represent all dress code

Safety First
Please help make student dropoff and pick-up safe! We realize
traffic is a concern, please help
us by not leaving your car
unattended, never park in a red
zone, and never allow your
student to walk thru moving
traffic. Please be courteous. We
understand traffic jams occur,
your patience is very much
appreciated. Please drive safely
and be aware of where students
are walking at all times.

Open Enrollment Period

There is no charge for enrichment opportunities, though

additional supply donations may be requested.
Classes begin the second week of the quarter.
Enrichment classes are not "drop-in" classes. Students are
expected to attend every week.

Melodrama Madness with Ms. Clapp

Melodrama Madness is a class that will aid in all aspects of
theater (analysis, character development, plot structure, script
writing, peer editing, and performance). Students will be expected
to collaborate with their peers to select, prepare, and share their
creative and original ideas. Students will sharpen their
understanding of melodrama and its many avenues in a safe and
fun environment.
Mondays Lunch A and B in room 53 (drama room)

Running with Coach Daldorf and Coach Brown

Do you need to get into shape for your Spring sport or would like
to work on your running form to get ready for track season?
Coach Brown and Coach Dalldorf will work with runners. We'll
meet at the lunch tables and run down to Heritage Track to work
on form and cardio! Tuesdays after school from 2:50 - 4:00 pm
until Track starts up

Police Activities League (PAL) Robotics

Strengthen your collaborative skills as you create robots. You may
attend one section only. Space in this enrichment class is limited,
weekly attendance and a PAL registration form is required.
Please see the session teacher of your choice for a PAL Robotics
registration form.
Space in these classes will be filled in the order received.
Tuesdays before school from 7:00-7:50 am in Room 25 with
Mrs. Foreman
Tuesdays after school from 2:45-3:45 pm in Room 30 with
Mrs. Pool

3D with Mr. Bullington

Thursdays after school from 2:45- 3:30 pm in Room 30

Creative Writing with Mrs. Sund

We will play around with language, try our hand at fun poetry and
narrative writing activities, and think outside the box to expand

January 11, 2016

Through March 1, 2016
Students who reside within
district boundaries may apply for
enrollment in any school in the
district. Applications for
Intradistrict Transfer will be
accepted during the period of
January 11, 2015 through March
1, 2016 for the next school year,
or for students entering the
district after March 1st, with 5
days of enrollment. If you wish to
return to the school from which
you were displaced, or if you wish
to attend another school for any
reason, your must submit an
Intradistrict Transfer request.

Applicants who submit an

Transfer request no later than
4:00 p.m., March 1, 2016 will
be notified on April 1, 2016.
Forms are available at all school
sites, and at the District Office
beginning on January 11, 2016.
Intradistrict Transfer Forms
MUST be returned to any school
office, or the District Office, no
later than 4:00 p.m. , March
1, 2016 to be considered by
the April 1st notification date.

Intradistrict Transfer requests

on behalf of students who have
been displaced from the closed
schools will be considered.

If space becomes available,

Intradistrict Transfers for
siblings of students enrolled at
these schools for the 20162017 school year will be

our writing skills.

Thursdays after school from 2:45-3:45 in Room 20

Gardening with Mrs. Bartling & Mr. Thornhill

Thursdays after school from 2:45 - 3:45 pm in Room 24

6th Grade Leadership Enrichment Class with Mrs.

Coplan & Mrs. Ambuehl
6th graders are you interested in being in
about running for student




If so, this ENRICHMENT

class is for you! ANY 6th GRADE STUDENT INTERESTED

of this class is to: Introduce any interested students to ASB;
Involve 6th graders in ASB; Allow 6th graders to be a part of
student government meetings; To provide 6th grade teachers with
representatives for ASB activities (to do spirit count, make
announcements, etc). Those 6th graders who were elected at the
end of Quarter 1 as 6th grade representatives will be required to
attend as well.
Thursdays after school from 2:45-3:45 in room 11

Junior Achievement - It's My Future

Key Topics will include, developing a personal brand; skills,
interests, working environment, and job outlook considerations;
exploring careers and industries, career mapping; job hunting
tools; and soft skills, work ethics and professionalism. Following
participation in the program, students will be able to: explore
potential careers; discover how to plan for a job...and how to keep
it; and develop personal branding and hob-hunting tools for earning
a job.
Fridays after school from 2:45 - 3:45 pm in Room 47.

Liberty Union High School District Open

The Open Enrollment period for requesting INTRAdistrict
transfers within the Liberty Union High School District is in the
month of February.


Snack Hut Thursdays:

The snack hut is open this every
Thursday! We have new items!
Everything is $2.00 except
lollipops, which are .50 cents.
Come by after school to room 3
and check it out!


E.C. 234.1 No student or group

of students shall,
through physical, written, verbal,
or other means,
harass, sexually harass, threaten,
intimidate, cyberbully,
cause bodily injury to, or commit
hate violence against any other
student or school personnel.
Cyberbullying includes the
transmission of harassing
communications, direct threats,
or other harmful texts, sounds,
or images on the Internet, social
media, or other technologies
using a telephone, computer, or
any wireless communication
device. Cyberbullying also
includes breaking into another
person's electronic account and
assuming that person's identity in
order to damage that person's

Students currently enrolled in your school through an

INTERdistrict transfer from Oakley,Byron, and Knightsen will
need to request an INTRAdistrict transfer to attend a high
school outside their high school attendance area.

This information is being provided to you so that students will

have the opportunity to register for the appropriate high school in
the spring. Students will be enrolled in their home high school
based on their attendance area util the INTRAdistrict process
has been completed in May.

The appropriate transfer form can be obtained beginning

February 1st from the District office located at 20 Oak Street in
Brentwood or online at http://luhs.net or by calling Valerie Noble
at 634-2166, extension 2021. If you have any question or would
like copies of the INTRAdistrict Transfer Policy, please feel free
to contact me or Valerie.


Do you love working with kids?
Do you have a bachelor's degree and passed CBEST?
Apply to be a substitute teacher in our district!
For more information, ask for the substitute teacher application
packet at the
BUSD District Service Center
255 Guthrie Lane
or call Cheryl Cados at 513-6313

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