CBT 0064 Ecdis
CBT 0064 Ecdis
CBT 0064 Ecdis
The primary function of ECDIS is to contribute to safe navigation. Electronic Chart Display Information Systems
(ECDIS) and Electronic Chart Systems (ENC) are now being installed in an ever increasing number of ships. Used
by qualified navigators these systems increase the safety of navigation. However in the hands of unqualified
operators these systems may contribute to misunderstandings and in the worst case groundings and accidents. A
proper understanding of the systems philosophy, limitations and features is therefore a must. This CBT covers
what is believed to be a minimum comprehension level in order to understand and use ECDIS and ENC systems in
a safe and efficient way.
Course topics
Target group
Management and Operational - Deck
Basic navigation comprehension
Three hours
Kongsberg Norcontrol
Olav Harefallet, Seagull
Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres
And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.