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Werewolf The Apocalypse 2015 Addenda

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This is the addenda of rules and settings information compiled for use in the Werewolf the Apocalypse setting, as run
by the Minds Eye Society Live-Action Roleplaying club. For more information about the MES club and our various
LARPs, please go to our portal site: http://portal.mindseyesociety.org/



When there is a query relating to the rules, and the interpretation and application thereof, the presiding ST's
decision is always considered to be correct. If a player disagrees with that STs decision, the player should
not argue during the scene. The player should wait until the game session has finished, and then raise their
concerns to the ST. Alternatively, that player may lodge an after-game appeal with the appropriate ST chain.

The World of Darkness setting deals with adult topics. These topics include (but are not limited to) death,
abduction, abuse and insanity. While characters can and do commit awful acts, this is never an excuse to
place a player in a situation where they are uncomfortable out-of-character. It is the responsibility of the
player to notify the presiding ST if they become uncomfortable, and it is the responsibility of the Storyteller to
be on watch for players who have reached their emotional tolerance. Players should alert a Storyteller, and
step out of any potentially triggering scenes. Storytellers should be sure to ask if players in traumatic scenes
(e.g., sexual violence, human sacrifice, etc.) are comfortable participating, and offer options such as fade to
black for those who choose not to participate in such roleplay.

If you know that an action or mechanics interpretation is not the intent of a written rule; departs drastically
from common sense; or is possible only due to a technicality, vague wording, or other loophole, don't do it.
Don't be the player that spoils the game for everyone.

An ST with jurisdiction over a specific game may deny the entry of any character they deem inappropriate.
Further, any ST in the direct chain of a character may prohibit the play of that character at a specific game,
for the same reasoning.


All Garou games must create and adhere to an approved Venue Settings Sheet. Septs and Territories made entirely
of NPCs are not limited in this fashion. Venue Settings Sheets are approved by the Regional Storyteller by submitting
a High Approval Application for your VSS to the database.


The MES utilizes a system of applications for the purpose of recordkeeping and to ensure demographics. These
applications come in two forms: Approval applications, and Notification applications.
If an item is listed as Approval, then it may not enter play until the highest level Storyteller for that application has
officially agreed that the item is appropriate for the game. If the item is listed as Notification, then the item may enter
play when the Low Approval (VSS) Storyteller agrees, but all Storytellers in the characters ST Chain must still be
notified of the item (by application).
Notification applications reflect the clubs need to track certain items. If an item is listed as High Notification, it must
be put into the database as if it were a High Approval application. However, once the item is approved in the
database by the characters immediate (VSS) storyteller, that item may enter play. The application itself continues to


be passed up the chain to the regional level. Storytellers in the chain beyond the VSS Storyteller are notified by
seeing the application as it crosses their desk. Those Storytellers can work with the local Storyteller to create
guidelines or expectations; however, they are not expected to question the applicant or approve the item. The final
Storyteller in the items approval chain (in this case, the RST) will register the item with a final confirmation.
All items which require approval or notification beyond that of the Venue Storyteller (Low Approval) must be entered
into the MES Database. The database is the system by which such items are put into play; no item is considered
approved in any fashion until it has been properly registered in the database, and the appropriate Storytellers have
been alerted to its existence.
The MES Database can be found at the MES Portal: http://legacy.mindseyesociety.org/approvals_new/


It has long been thought that any item or application is possible with highest level of approval, even if it falls outside of
the boundaries of or goes against the approved materials or rules in the addendum. That the National Venue STs
can permit things to occur because theirs is the final say-so as to what can or cannot happen. In this chronicle we
have seen and generated a few applications like this, and usually for items to add extra incentive for charity auctions.
While we see the merit in keeping this door open, we also see that it allows for a perception of and a potential for
favoritism and unfairness and creates a lack of transparency to all levels of Storytellers - that the National STs may
allow others to play by different, unstated rules at their own discretion. Having reviewed the applications that currently
fall outside of the parameters of the addendum, we are Grandfathering these approved items, however, moving
forward we will no longer accept or create applications for items that fall outside of the approved items of the
addendum for PCs. Anything that is outside of the addendum for non PCs a Storyteller can apply for Top Approval to
use. As the chronicle develops the addendum may change to reflect the growing story and things that may have not
been available before can become available or vice versa.


Local Storytellers may rewrite continuity for scenes, so long as the rewrite happens within the same game session.
Regional STs may rewrite scenes within one month. National STs may rewrite scenes that occurred longer than one
month ago, and may also alter continuity that occurs on email lists and other online avenues.

The Minds Eye Society Apocalypse chronicle uses the published Laws of the Wild, Revised and revised edition
books and materials, within a custom setting.
Rules: Optional Rules are not used, unless otherwise specified in this document. Taking an item of any kind from a
supplement or sourcebook other than the books listed below in Sanctioned Books is not allowed.


Setting: The MES Apocalypse Chronicle makes use of the original White Wolf printed source material as its roleplay
setting, defaulting to Revised when the various versions (W20, Revised, Non-Revised, and MET: WtA) conflict.
Addendum: The addendum is to be used in addition to the Sanctioned books. If there is no rules clarification in the
addendum for an item it is unaltered and considered Low Approval. If there are only Table Top mechanics for an
item from a Sanctioned book (not everything in the sanctioned materials has been converted) it is not used.
Further information on the MES setting, as well as the in-play history of the MES chronicle, can be found on the MES
Portal site:

The following books are Sanctioned for use of mechanics in this Chronicle:
Laws of the Wild, Revised
Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20 Anniversary Edition (Source Material and Converted Mechanics only)
Changing Breeds: 20 Anniversary Edition (Source Material and Converted Mechanics only)
Book of Auspices (Source Material and Converted Mechanics only)
Umbra, Revised (Source Material and Converted Mechanics only)
MET Book of the Wyrm
Book of the Wyld (NPCs and STs Only)
Book of the Weaver (NPCS and STs Only)
Tribebooks (Revised, All)
MET Hengeyokai (pgs. 96-99, the portions relative to Stargazers)
Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 1-4 (MET, Revised)
Laws of the Night, Revised.
Laws of the Night: Camarilla Guide
Laws of the Night: Sabbat Guide
Laws of the Night: Anarch Guide
Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide
Clanbooks (Revised, All)
Laws of Ascension, Revised.
Laws of Ascension, Revised Companion
Tradition Books (Revised, All)
Dark Epics

Abilities pgs. 48-53

Backgrounds pgs. 53-56

Influences pgs. 5670

Retests pg. 70

Movement in Combat pg. 71

Two-Weapon Combat pg. 71

Combat in darkness pg. 71

Noticing Powers in Effect pg. 72

Harano pg. 76

Weapons and Armor pg. 81-90

Crossover Rules:Werewolves pg. 94-95

Power Interactions Table pg. 94





Each player is allowed two characters with full MC and XP benefits at any one time.
a. A players characters must be created in such a way that they will never interact with each other, even
indirectly. It is the responsibility of the member to prevent their characters from becoming aware of
each other. Players are required to ensure that their character never benefits from the actions of
another of their characters.
In the event of a character death, a player is required to create the new character in such a way that it is
instantly and easily recognizable that the new character is not the same as the old.
Characters may be updated within the first three months they are in play to account for new players or
encountering a new system. The approval level for this update is the maximum approval level of the
character. Tribe, Auspice and Rank may not be changed in this update. This update may only be
performed once per character.
Any historical figure or character taken from White Wolf materials or from any work of fiction, without
direct, written consent from the author, may not be recognizably used as the basis for a character.
For a character to have a positive interaction with a Wyrm Creature in their background is High Approval. No
character may have been a member of the Black Spiral Dancers in their background.
Background interactions with other Supernatural types are High Approval.
Membership for a PC in the Beast Courts (background or current) Not Sanctioned
Ties to members of the Ahadi or Emerald Courts Top Approval


Characters gain 5 freebie traits, plus up to a maximum of 7 freebie traits gained from flaws, plus an additional max of
5 freebie traits gained from negative traits (+1 trait per) or a single derangement (+2 traits for one derangement) .
Use this chart for purchasing items with Freebie Traits:
Attribute: 1
Ability: 1
Ability Specialization: 1
Background/Influence: 1
Rage: 2
Gnosis: 2
Willpower: 2
Basic Gift: 3
Merit: Variable


Freebie Traits may not be used to purchase Out of Breed/Auspice/Tribe Gifts.

Freebie Traits may not be used to buy Rage/Gnosis/Willpower above 5 (or 6 for Black Furies (Willpower)
and Red Talons (Rage)).



PCs begin play with experience points equal to their Member Class x 5XP. These experience points and
starting freebie points may not be spent on any Gifts or Rites that are outside their Tribe, Breed or
a. When a player gains a Membership Class, all of his characters may apply an additional Five Experience
Traits per MC gained. If a player loses one or more MC, the Experience Traits granted to the character
for the players lost MC(s) must be reaccounted for. These Traits are not removed from the character
sheet. Instead, an Experience Trait debt is applied which must be paid off before the character can
spend Experience Traits on anything else.
Completion and acceptance of the Character Creation Document by the presiding ST is worth 8
Experience Points. These traits do not count towards the characters monthly total.



The maximum number of Experience Traits that a player can earn in a month is six (6). Experience Traits
gained for MC are an exception, as are the Experience Traits granted from the Character Creation Document.
VSTs may claim up to one games attendance experience award per month for their own PC provided
that they spend at least one game a month Storytelling for their VSS.
Archetype Achievements

Archetype Achievements are now custom created and approved at Low Approval. VSTs
can work with players to design Archetypes consisting of ten Ability levels spread between
no less than four different Abilities. Existing Archetype Awards are Grandfathered.

A PC may never benefit from the XP reward of more than two Archetypes. The max XP
refund for archetypes is 6 XP (3xp per Archetype).

Prerequisites for archetypes may stack.

The system of Overcap XP is replaced with Event XP.

Event Experience Points are awarded for special events that occur within the year. XP
awarded for these events follow the standard game limits, but have an additional award
above and beyond the monthly cap.

The yearly cap on Event XP is 15 per calendar year. Each Event XP award should be
tracked separately from monthly totals in the characters XP Log.

With RST approval, each Region may host a Featured Game of the Month with an
Apocalypse game once per month. These events are typically hosted by a single Domain,
and are worth 2 Event XP.

Regionally hosted conventions are worth 4 Event XP, Nationally hosted conventions run
are worth 6 Event XP.

At Top Approval other events can be worth Event XP awards separate from those
mentioned above, such as First Night games, mini-regionals, special proxies, surveys, etc.

Special Event XP Awards apply to all PCs portrayed at the event, even multiple PCs by the
same player.

Storytellers for the Event may claim Event XP on any characters that were approved for
play at the time of the Event.

For Overcap awards previous to the 02/20/14 the above rules are backdated. For every


special Event attended, the characters receive the Event XP in addition to the XP awarded
for that game. This may result in an increase of earned XP, as players may not have
reached full Overcap for these events at the time.


With the Experience Floor in place Good Death Experience is no longer used. Previous awards are

At the beginning of each month, if a PC did not earn at least 3 XP the previous month from attending
games and submitting downtimes, their earned XP for the previous month is set to 3. If XP is backdated for
that month, this is recalculated. New PCs start with 3XP per month of chronicle, starting with June, 2013.
These starting XP traits are treated like all other Experience Points used at creation.




All characters must be approved by the players Low Approval Storyteller. A copy should be kept up to date
and on file with that Storyteller. Low Approval Storytellers register their characters with their Mid Approval
A complete character record should include a character sheet, the characters Experience Trait Log, and
records/verification of any special approvals made on the character.
An Experience Trait Log will detail how starting Traits (including Free Traits) were spent at character creation
and how Experience Traits earned after were spent. It will also list games attended and the Experience
Traits gained for each game. Dates should be noted for each entry in the log. If there is uncertainty over a
discrepancy between what is on the players character sheet and the copy kept in the Storytellers records,
the copy in the Storytellers records will be considered accurate.


Low Approval: Black Furies (Female Only), Bone Gnawers, Children of Gaia, Fianna, Get of Fenris,
Glass Walkers, Kinfolk (Human), Red Talons (Lupus or Metis Only), Shadow Lords, Silent Striders,
Silver Fangs, Uktena, Wendigo; Homid, Lupus, Metis; Ragabash, Theurge, Philodox, Galliard, Ahroun
High Approval: Bastet (Pumonca, Qualmi), Corax, Lupus Glass Walkers, Metis Black Fury (Male), Nuwisha,

All other character types are not currently available for play, though existing PC approvals are
A player may only have one Fera PC at a time.



MC 1 - 5: Rank 1 or lower
MC 6 - 11: Rank 2 or lower
MC 12+: Rank 3 (with High Notification) or lower: If a player brings in a character at Rank 3, they must wait
one year from when that character entered play before they can bring in another character at Rank 3.
At character creation all characters start with the minimum amount of Renown necessary to attain that Rank.

Should you elect to create a Cub (Rank 0), you are not required to select a Tribe, but do not have the option then of
buying Tribe Gifts until your Tribe is discovered after your Rite of Passage. Cubs start character creation with three
Willpower Traits, no Tribal Advantage or Disadvantage, and no starting free Gifts. Gifts can be purchased with XP.
Once their Rite of Passage is complete they receive the three starting Gifts (one Breed, Auspice, and Tribe) as well
as gaining their Tribal Advantage and Disadvantage.


Nature and Demeanor Archetypes may be chosen from those listed in any sanctioned materials.


Attribute Traits can be taken out of any sanctioned materials.


Chitinous Skin: This Disfigurement does not give the character an additional health level.

Weak Immune System: Rather than having no Bruised health levels, a character with this Disfigurement
has one less Healthy health level.

Birthmarks (Stargazers): This deformity gives the metis a one trait penalty to all Social challenges.

Third Eye (Stargazers): This deformity gives the metis a one trait penalty to all Social challenges when
visible. If hidden, the irritation gives the metis a one trait penalty to all Mental challenges.


Lupus PCs are restricted from using Character Creation Points to purchase the following Abilities and Backgrounds:
Academics, Computer, Drive, Etiquette, Finance, Firearms, Influences, Law, Linguistics, Occult, Politics, Resources,
Science, Security, Streetwise, and Subterfuge to demonstrate the Lupus unfamiliarity with Homid Society.
Experience Points may be spent after Creation Points are used to purchase these Abilities/Backgrounds.


Advantage: Black Furies begin play with an extra Willpower Trait and may purchase their Willpower one
higher than normal Rank Caps.


Advantage: Changes to a level of Contacts per rank, useable once per session, and this is a
secondary Contacts pool from any they may already possess..

Page 41 of LotWR is used to determine Bone Gnawers starting Gifts.


Advantage: At character creation, members of the Fianna Tribe are given three free Ability Traits that
can be used to buy any combination of the Abilities Brawl, Craft, Expression, Melee, or Performance.
Abilities purchased with this Tribal Advantage have their Ability Trait Maximum for that Ability increased
from 5 to 6.
Disadvantage: Any time a Fianna would spend a Willpower Trait to control a Frenzy or take reprieve
from Harano they must spend an additional Willpower Trait to do so. Fianna are also at a 2 Traits in
comparison of ties on all Willpower challenges regarding Frenzy or Harano.


Page 47 of LotWR is used to determine Get of Fenris starting Gifts.



Advantage Replace With: Once per scene, a Shadow Lord may spend a Mental Trait in order to gain
Social traits equal to their Rank for the comparison on Ties and Overbids for a single Social challenge.


Advantage Once per session, a Silent Strider may perform one of the following: 1) Reverse the scene by
one Action (not a full Round) 2) Have or locate a necessary mundane item necessary for the scene or 3)
May call for a single challenge they did not initiate to be redone. No traits or retests are expended on the
original test and the Strider may change their victory condition if they desire. If the Strider initiated the
challenge, use of this may only back up the scene to the point right AFTER he initiated the challenge. This
advantage may be invoked at any time before the results of the challenge are applied

Ancestors: Silent Striders can buy the first level of the Ancestors background before or
after creation at Low Approval. Silent Striders who do this or who have done this need
to send an email to the Silent Strider Tribe Lead (tribelead.silentstrider@gmail.com) with
the player name, character name, the VSS the character is on, the VSTs name of that
VSS and that VSTs email address within 30 days of this addendum release.
Umbral Maps Background (CB1, page 83) for Silent Striders:
Level 1 - 3: Low Approval
Level 4 - 5: High Approval


Disadvantage Choose a derangement from any of the sanctioned material so long as it is appropriate to
the venue.


Advantage: The Stargazer gains the free Mental trait of "Calm" that can exceed trait maximums, as well
as a free level of the Enigmas ability, in addition, their Ability cap for Enigmas is increased to 6.
Disadvantage: If the Stargazer fails an Enigmas Challenge or a riddle contest (not just failing to answer a
random overheard riddle, but a riddle placed directly to him) he becomes distracted with his failure for the
remainder of the scene. The Stargazer is 1 Trait down on all Perception or Awareness challenges and is 5
traits for purposes of determining Initiative (order of challenges) in the first action of any combat scene.
Starting Gifts: Balance, Sense Wyrm and Falling Touch


Crafts Ability
Items created with Crafts Level 6 are High Notification, and may only be created once every 6 months. Items
created with Crafts Level 7 are Top Notification, and may only be created once a year.

Linguistics Ability
Linguistics is a single Ability, which allows a character to know languages other than her native tongue. One Trait
gives the character one (1) additional language, two Traits gives two (2), three Traits gives four (4), four Traits gives
eight (8), and five Traits gives the character sixteen (16) additional languages. These levels are not cumulative.

Characters receive the first level of Garou Lore, the first level of their Tribe Lore (if any) for free upon character
creation. Characters also receive a number of free traits in Lores equal to the max Rank allowed by their Member
Class. These free Lores cannot be spent for Lores specific to a non-Garou genre or for Lores above 3. (So even if
you play a cub but are allowed to be adren you get 3 freebies). For more information on Lores, see the Lores

Specialty Fighting Styles

Specialty Fighting Styles and Maneuvers are outlined in the Apocalypse Combat Primer.
Klaviscar: Requires Garou Lore x3, High Approval. Klaviscar as an ability, costs 1xp per ability, and each
maneuver costs 1 xp to learn. Klaviscar is the only ability retest allowable when using Klaviscar maneuvers.
Iskakku: Requires Child of Gaia Lore x 3, High Approval. Iskakku is an ability, costs 1xp per ability, and each
maneuver costs 1 xp to learn. Iskakku is the only ability retest allowable when using Iskakku maneuvers.
Kailindo: Requires Stargazer Lore x 3, High Approval. Kailindo is an ability, costs 1 xp per ability, and each
maneuver costs 1 xp to learn. Kailindo is the only ability retest allowable when using Kailindo maneuvers.
No character may ever have more than one "Fighting Style" Learning Times for the ability are at VST discretion
after the initial approval for the ability.

If a character gains a Background during play (keeping it more than a month), Experience Traits must be spent to
pay for it. If a character loses a Background (or levels of) during play, those lost levels are held in reserve in case
the character should later re-acquire or develop more levels of that Background during play. Influences do not
follow this restriction.
The Ancestors, Pure Breed and Rites Backgrounds may only be purchased with Freebie traits during character
creation (not Experience Points). It is Top Approval to purchase these Backgrounds after creation with Experience




This Background is not sanctioned for play.

Fame maximum range for modifying other backgrounds is changed as follows:
Fame 1: Bordering Domains (within same state)
Fame 2: State/Territory/Province
Fame 3: Multi-State/Region/Multi-Province: High Approval
Fame 4: Nation: Top Approval
Fame 5: International: Top Approval

If you are physically present at a game that is within your level of Fame's reach, you may use your influences
freely without expending Fame.

Characters without permanent Rage and Glass Walkers pay 1 XP per level of Influence Background, up to
five. Garou (including unshifted Garou) pay 3 XP per level of Influence Background, up to five, unless otherwise
noted. After level 5, rules in Dark Epics regarding meta-actions must be used to progress any further. No single
influence may exceed ten levels.

Garou suffer significant penalties from their rage when interacting with influences. All Garou are limited to a
total number of levels equal to their permanent Social and Mental Traits plus their total kinfolk dedicated to

Glass Walkers and Kinfolk use the normal limits (Physical + Social + Mental + Total Kinfolk dedicated to

Influence rules and level descriptions are as written in Dark Epics (levels 15 and actions allowed) and
the Laws of the Night: Camarilla Guide (levels 610).

Influence Levels above 5 Mid Approval

Influence Levels above 7 High Approval

Each Influence category within a Region should not have more than one character with level 10, two
characters with level 9, and three characters with level 8.

Influence rules from the previously listed sources are used as written with the following changes.

Characters receive double their level in actions for each category of influence they possess.


Growth to a new level of influence requires a number of banked growth actions equal to your next level
squared. (e.g. to go from 4 to 5 would cost 25 banked growth.)

You may not bank more growth total than what you need for your next level.

You may neither grow nor lose more than 1 level per month per category. Levels bought with experience
do not count to this limit.

All Table Actions cost their listed level in actions to perform.

Table actions represent a guideline for what is possible with a given level of influence and should be used
as flexible examples as to what can be accomplished.

When making contact with another person's influence for the purpose of a trace the contact lasts for a
number of months equal to the number of successful actions. (Eg. If you put out a 4 point watch looking
for people using finance influence to acquire funds you would be able to complete a trace on that
influence up to 4 months later.) (Eg.2. If you encountered a block of 5 actions on an endeavor you were
performing you would be able to trace the block for up to 5 months afterwards.)

Similar limits are imposed for use of the Follow and Attack actions. (Eg. If you successfully traced an
influence with 3 actions you could attempt an attack or follow any time during the next three months,
after which you would need to attempt a new trace.

The follow action allows you to refresh the duration of your contact. (e.g. I have already successfully
watched and traced my opponent. My trace had 3 actions. At the end of the third month I use 3 more
actions to Follow. If they are successful then I may attack him any time in the next three months.)

Transfer of actions between influence categories owned by the same character is allowed without other
restriction. Local storytellers are encouraged to customize the cost of transfers from one influence to
another but the cost cannot be lower than 2 to 1. (e.g. In Portland the city has a very close connection
between Occult and university forces allowing for a 2 to 1 trade between those two areas, but there are
few if any Underworld sources so all transfers to or from Underworld influence are at a 6 to 1 cost.)

The results of a trace provide enough information for the character to successfully identify the owner of
the influence.

Contacts, Allies and Mentor may not perform Meta actions. Allies and Mentor may perform Table actions
up to their Level.

Muleing: Actions must be submitted by the player themselves and cannot be submitted by a designated

Mentors will not teach Gifts, however they will teach you Rites of the same level as the Gifts listed.

Pure Breed Lvl 4 High Approval (Low Approval for NPCs)


Pure Breed Lvl 5 Top Approval (High Notification for NPCs)

Pure Breed loses its mechanical effects if you are not a member of the Tribe you have Pure Breed with.

Whenever a character with Pure Breed loses temporary Renown Traits, he will lose additional traits equal to half
his Pure Breed total, rounded up (e.g., Pure Breed 1-2, lose an additional 1 Renown, Pure Breed 3-4, lose an
additional 2 Renown, and Pure Breed 5, lose an additional 3 Renown).

In order to make the game more immersive and in order to empower Theurges to keep a close watch over their
Sept and packmates, we are reintroducing the Spirit Network Background from The Book of Auspices. You can
find more information about this Background on pages 57 and 58 of the Book of Auspices. The background is
altered as follows:
* Prerequisites: Theurge only, must possess Spirit Speech.

Level One: Low Approval: You have a few spirits on the lookout for useful or interesting information
within your Sept.
Level Two: Low Approval: Several spirits are willing to share what they have seen with you within your
Level Three: High Approval: You have unseen eyes in countless different locations in the area at any
time within your region.
Level Four: Top Approval: Spirits far and wide seek you out with strange information to give you
about the Garou Nations offenders (Notoriety 3 or more) and saints (Affinity 4 or more).
Level Five: Top Approval: Unless the Gauntlet is very high, very little escapes the notice of your
watcher spirits. You know the greatest offenders and the greatest allies of the broods.

Garou characters have their maximum Totem Background increased to 8 instead of 5.


Possessing over 7 points in Merits No longer sanctioned for play. Current PCs are Grandfathered.

As an individual characters story progresses, certain Merits and Flaws may become less appropriate. At High
Notification Merits or Flaws may be traded with an equal value of other Merits or Flaws as a result of story.

The below Merits and Flaws are general to all character types in this venue.

Acute Sense (1pt Merit): You have a particularly sharp sense (specify which one). In all tests with that sense,
you are +2 Traits on challenge resolution. You may have multiple Acute Senses, but you may only take this


Merit once for each sense.

Ability Aptitude (1pt Merit): You have a natural affinity for a particular (but not combat related) Ability. You are
two Traits up for comparison of Ties and Overbids on all tests directly related to that Ability only (not with powers
that would use the Ability for a retest). This bonus only applies to a single Ability (for those that require a specific
focus such as Performance or Science).
Ambidextrous (1pt Merit): You are equally skilled at using either hand. You do not suffer the normal two Trait
penalty for performing actions with your off hand. In addition, you do not need to have the prerequisite number of
Ability levels appropriate to a weapon in order to get the advantage of using two weapons (or a shield) in combat.
Catlike Balance (1pt Merit): You almost never slip, stumble, fall or even get dizzy. Your sense of balance
is so well developed that you can walk with ease even on a narrow ledge or wire. You are +2 Traits on resolution of
challenges where your balance is a deciding factor.
Common Sense (1pt Merit): You still have a lot of gut insight and everyday practicality. Whenever youre about
to do something that runs counter to common sense, the Storyteller or Narrator can make suggestions about the
action. This Merit is excellent for new players who are not familiar with the intricacies of the game.
Daredevil (3pt Merit): Not only do you take outrageous risks, you survive them. Whenever you take a risky (some
would say foolhardy) course of action one with a Static difficulty of at least eight Traits or a potentially harmful
outcome you get one free retest on the attempt. This bonus applies only to combats where you are
outnumbered or sorely outclassed (Narrators discretion).
Eidetic Memory (2pt Merit): Your memory is nearly perfect, and you recall almost everything you experience
with incredible clarity. A single turn of attention is sufficient to commit a page, picture or short conversation to
memory. If you are involved in combat or otherwise distracted, you must make a Static Mental Challenge,
difficulty of six Traits, to successfully memorize the contents of your subject of scrutiny. You should keep a cheat
sheet of your memories to aid you and the Storyteller in recollections.
Enchanting Voice (2pt Merit): Your voice is naturally resonant and commanding. You are two Traits up in
comparison of ties and Overbids in Challenges retested by Performance. Those who purchased this Merit are
given the option to lose this Merit and receive a refund of their points for the Merit within 90 days of addendum
Favor (1 or 3pt Merit): Approval level is the same as the NPC.

Hard of Hearing (1pt Flaw): You have some difficulty hearing. You suffer a twoTrait penalty on all tests of hearing.
Obviously, you cannot have this Flaw and the Merit: Acute Sense: Hearing.
Iron Will (3pt Merit): This Merit gives the character a free retest when attempting to resist mindinfluencing powers.
This Merit does not work against powers that influence emotions.

Natural Leader (1pt Merit): Natural magnetism and leadership capabilities spring from your actions and words.
Others want to follow you, and you easily take charge. You are two Traits up for comparison of ties and Overbids
in Challenges retested by Leadership. You must have at least six Social Traits to take this Merit. Those who
purchased this Merit are given the option to lose this Merit and receive a refund of their points for the Merit within


90 days of addendum release.

Natural Linguist (2pt Merit): You have a remarkable grasp of any languages that you speak or write (as per your
Linguistics Ability). You are three Traits up on all challenges using Linguistics as retest. You also know twice the
number of languages that your level of the Linguistics Ability would normally allow.
Oracular Ability (3pt Merit): The signs and portents of everyday life are clear to you, offering up the course of the
future. Once per session, you may attempt to read a particular omen by making a Static Mental Challenge with a
difficulty of eight or more Traits (Narrators discretion). If you succeed, you receive some insight into the current
situation, allowing you to claim one retest at some point during the night as you draw on the visions that you
Pack Mentality (2pt Flaw): This Flaw gives no bonus for working with your pack.
Quiet Heart (4pt Merit): This Merit gives the character a free retest when attempting to resist emotion-influencing
powers or frenzy.
Short (1pt Flaw): You have trouble seeing over things, interacting with tall people and escaping notice due to
your proportions. You can only take two steps in an action instead of three, due to your small size. You also have
trouble reaching countertops and manipulating objects designed for normal people (like cars). You should wear a
tag to note your condition if your starture is greater than the character you portray.

Speech Impediment (1pt Flaw): A stammer, Tourettes Syndrome or other speech deficiency makes
communication difficult for you. Roleplay your deficiency, and suffer a two-Trait penalty on all verbal
communication. You cannot have this Flaw with the Merit: Enchanting Voice.
Supernatural Companion: Not Sanctioned.
True Faith: Not Sanctioned.
Vengeful (2pt Flaw): You want to even a score with some group from your past. You plan ways to get your
revenge constantly, and if presented with an opportunity for vengeance, you must spend a Willpower Trait to take
some other action for the scene.
Wolf Years (1pt Flaw): This is a 1 point Flaw.


Caern Child (Black Fury) (5pt Merit): High Approval, cannot travel more than 1,000 miles from home caern.
Gift of Wepauwet (Silent Striders): Top Approval
Homid Ancestor (Red Talon) (2pt Merit): High Approval
Kinfolk: Gnosis (Kinfolk) (3-5pt Merit): This is changed to the following (3-5) Merit: 3 points allows for 1 Gnosis,


4 for 2, and 5 for 3 Gnosis.

Nave (Child of Gaia) (1pt Flaw): You suffer a 2 trait penalty on any challenge to sense or detect malicious
intent, whether it be the Gift: Sense Wyrm, use of the Empathy Ability, or defending against deception from the
Subterfuge Ability.
Notable Heritage (Silver Fangs): Top Approval.
Supporter (Child of Gaia) (2pt Merit): Once per session, you may inspire fellows with your speech, writing or
leadership, giving any ally that is working towards your same goals, and present for the performance one Trait up
on one challenge of their choice that they have to make during the same scene or following scene. The effects of
this Merit do not stack with other uses of this Merit.
Winter Garou (Red Talon) (4pt Merit): Top Approval

All items and materials (Gifts, Rites, Merits, Flaws, Abilities, Camps, Backgrounds, etc.) from Tribebooks are only
available to members of their respective Tribe unless otherwise specified.
A Tribal Leadership position requires an approval level equal to the area over which they have authority.

Each Camp is different in its methods of membership and durations, and as such the following rules are in effect
in regard to Leaving/Switching Camp membership:

Joining a Camp Low Approval unless otherwise listed

Leaving a Camp Low Approval

Joining a New Camp, having learned none of the Gifts or Rites from the previous Camp Low Approval

Joining a New Camp, having learned any of the Gifts or Rites from the previous Camp Top Approval

Note: While some Camps are more transitional, not all are. This is a broad spectrum to allow for all those
facets. If your particular tribe is more transitional the justification for changes in camps will be far less strenuous
than if your tribe frowns on such activities. To learn more on different camps feelings on such, it would be wise
to contact your Tribe Lead.


Temple of Artemis: High Approval if Crone, Top otherwise



Maneaters: Reserved for use by National Staff

Rat Finks: High Approval

Circle of Shadows: Top Approval Also requires Elder Rank

The Swarm: High Approval


The Children of Gaia do not formally have camps anymore, but there are still some who secretly hold membership.
Those who maintain membership in a camp do so in strictest secrecy for any being found out shall have disobeyed
the orders of their Tribal Leadership. Imminent Strike defies this edict and still meets as a Camp.


Mothers Fundamentalists (current or past membership) Not Sanctioned

Children of Dire High Approval for Homids, Not Sanctioned for Metis.

Songkeepers Low Approval for Fianna, Mid Approval for other Tribes.


The Swords of Heimdall Reserved for use by National Staff

The Valkyria of Freya Not Sanctioned for Males or Metis.

Ymirs Sweat Top Approval

Lokis Smile High Approval, Top Notification

The Glorious Fist of Wotan Top Approval for Metis, not available for Homids


Mechanical Awakening: Reserved for use by National Staff

Wise Guys: High Approval

Cyber Dogs: High Approval



Winter Packs Top Approval

Dying Cubs High Approval

Lodge of the Predator Kings Not Sanctioned for Metis


The Masks (Secret Society) Reserved for use by National Staff

Society of Nidhogg (Secret Society) Reserved for use by National Staff

Bringers of the Light Top Approval

Judges of Doom High Approval for non-Philodox


Bitter Hex Reserved for use by National Staff

Eaters of the Dead Reserved for use by National Staff


Only 7 of the Original 13 Silver Fang Houses Remain: Wyrmfoe, Crescent Moon, The Gleaming Eye, Wise
Heart, Blood Red Crest, Unbreakable Hearth, and Austere Howl. To play a House not listed is Not Sanctioned
at this time.

Blood Red Crest: High Approval, Top Notification

Wise Heart: High Approval, Top Notification


The Gray Raptors (High Approval, Adren Rank or Higher)

Masters of the Seal (High Approval, Adren Rank or Higher)


The Ivory Priesthood (High Approval, Adren Rank or Higher, Theurge only)


Bane Tenders Reserved for use by National Staff

Society of the Bitter Frost Reserved for use by National Staff
Path Dancers Reserved for Use by the National Staff Existing Path Dancer PC/NPCs receive Camp
benefits as determined by the National Storyteller.


Secret Hoop: Top Approval

The Ghost Dance
The Ghost Dance does not gain any additional Gifts beyond what is already in the Tribebook,
however, they may purchase Influences at 2 per level instead of 3 per level. Any Wendigo that
had purchased Gifts from the Uktena Camp: The Ghost Dance, lose those Gifts and are
immediately refunded the points used to purchase them.

Garou and Changing Breed Kinfolk are the same Approval Level as the Garou Tribe or Changing Breed they
descend from. Homid Red Talon Kinfolk are not approved for play.

Kinfolk PCs are made similarly to Garou PCs, with the following changes:

Kinfolk Attributes start at 6/4/3, and their attributes can go no higher than 9.
Garou, Bastet, and Gurahl Kinfolk must choose a Tribe to be related to.
Kinfolk Willpower starts at 3, and is capped at 10.
Kinfolk start with 10 Freebie Traits, rather than 5.
Kinfolk have access to the Backgrounds: Allies, Contacts, Fetish, Mentor, Pure Breed, and Resources,
subject to any Tribal Restrictions.
Kinfolk may not purchase Gifts with Freebie points, but can purchase Basic Gifts from their Tribe and Breed
with Experience Points. Basic Gifts cost four experience points for Kinfolk. Kinfolk cannot use Gifts that
require Gnosis without the Gnosis Merit, and cannot use Gifts that require Rage.
Kinfolk can use materials from the Tribebook of the Tribe to which they are related.


Kinfolk cannot take Flaws related to The Umbra, Rage, Frenzy, Pack, Spirits or Shapeshifting.

Merit: Gnosis (3-5 points): Level 3 of this Merit starts the Kinfolk with one permanent Gnosis, Level 4 of this Merit
starts the Kinfolk with two permanent Gnosis, and Level 5 of this Merit starts the Kinfolk with three permanent Gnosis.
These permanent Gnosis are spent and replenished as any other. The Kinfolk can never gain more permanent
Gnosis than purchased with this Merit. This Merit allows the Kinfolk to attune and use Fetishes as Garou do.
Merit: Life Giver (5 points): Whenever you suffer non-aggravated damage, you heal it in half the required time.
Anyone under your care gains this benefit as well, provided that you are uninjured, You automatically gain the Flaw
Potent Blood, but gain no additional Free Traits for it.
Flaw: Potent Blood (3 points): The characters blood is so powerful that nearby vampires can smell it when they
come within ten feet of him. (Double this distance if the character is bleeding, or if the vampire has a heightened
sense of smell.) Hungry vampires may have to check their Self-Control to avoid attempting to feed on a character
with this Merit, and characters with this Merit are the first target of a frenzied Vampire.

Eves Touch (Basic Kinfolk LotWR): As per the Theurge Gift: Mothers Touch, except it requires Willpower instead of
Gnosis and only heals Lethal or Bashing damage.
Mothers Touch (Basic Kinfolk LotWR): As per the Theurge Gift.
Dona Nobis Pacem (Basic Kinfolk W20): Once per scene the Kinfolk can spend a Willpower Trait to activate this
Gift. Humans in her immediate vicinity must make a Static Willpower Test (difficulty 8) to begin or continue any sort
of argument or violence for the remainder of the scene. Garou are two Traits up for comparison of Ties and Overbids
to resist Frenzy.
Echoes (Basic Kinfolk W20): At least five minutes must have passed for this Gift to be able to activate. Afterward,
the Kinfolk can engage in a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 8 Traits, retest Awareness) If successful she spends
up to five Mental Traits. Each Mental Trait spent counts as a success as per W20 page 384.

Numina has been removed from the game, and is no longer used. PCs who had Numina are working with the
National Staff to pursue alternate courses for their characters, but have lost their Numina when the addendum goes


All items and material (Gifts, Rites, Merits, Flaws, Abilities, Backgrounds, Fetishes, Talens, etc.) from Changing
Breed books and W20 Changing Breeds are only available to members of their respective Changing Breeds
unless otherwise specified by the addendum. (Existing items are not Grandfathered, but are fully refunded.)
Unless Swiping Gifts (see below), Fera cannot learn Garou Gifts (of course not including those that Fera also
have listed in their Gift sets.

The Rara Avis form of Corax invokes the Delirium, though onlookers are considered at two higher Willpower
Traits for effect.
Unless otherwise listed in the corresponding Changing Breed book to the Fera, the Crinos form of a Fera invokes
the Delirium.
The Sendeh (Hispo-equivalent) form of Nuwisha does not invoke the Delirium.


Gifts and powers that list the benefit for a specific Garou form also bestow their benefit on the equivalent form for
Fera using the Gift (IE: Lupus equivalents are Corvid, Latrani, Feline, Rodens and Ursus.)

SWIPING GIFTS (Bastet and Corax only)

Swiping a Gift requires the expenditure of a Gnosis, a simple action, and a successful Static Mental
Challenge (difficulty 12 + 3 Basic, 6 for Intermediate retest Occult) within three rounds of witnessing the
Gift used. Only one Static challenge is allowed, and failure prevents attempting to Swipe that same Gift
for 30 days.

Swiping another Changing Breeds Gifts requires an approval equal to the approval level of that Changing
Breed for PCs. In addition it is High Approval to Swipe a Basic Gift, and the Top Approval to Swipe an
Intermediate Gift. The Gift must be purchased with XP at the time of approval.

Characters cannot swipe Gifts of higher level than characters of their Rank can use. Advanced Gifts
cannot be swiped.

Characters cannot teach Swiped Gifts.

Swiped Gifts must have been observed in use in person by the Bastet or Corax, and must have had some
visible effect (Faerie Fire, Create Element, Lambent Flame, etc.) Gifts that produce no visible effect


cannot be swiped (Seizing the Edge, Fatal Flaw, Resist Pain, Tagalong etc.)

Fera have the same access to Rites as Garou do (Mentor, Rites Background, etc). Fera have equal access as
Garou to the following rites out of the Laws of the Wild:

Rites of Accord:
Rite of Cleansing
Rite of Contrition

Caern Rites:
Moot Rite (Definitely different in style but same in substance)

Rite of the Opened Caern

The Badger's Burrow
Rite of Caern Building

Mystic Rites:
Baptism of Fire Rite of Binding
Rite of the Questing Stone
Rite of Talisman Dedication
Rite of Spirit Awakening
Rite of Summoning
Rite of the Fetish


All (different flavor same effects)

A Bastet can never be forced to reveal their Yava. Torture, magic, gifts may not be used to force the Bastet to
unwillingly reveal their Yava. A Bastet can only ever willingly reveal this secret, and a Top Notification when the
Bastet DOES willingly reveal this.

Merits / Flaws:
Gift of Seline : Top Approval

Bastet and Sorcery: Not Sanctioned for play. Bastet are refunded their XP cost for the loss of Numina.


Jamak: Gifts learned from Jamak require an approval equal to learning that Gift as an Out of Tribe, Breed, or
Auspice Gift. In addition, learning other Bastet Gifts from a Jamak requires an approval that is the same level as the
Tribe of Bastet the Gift belongs to (current Gifts learned are not backdated and will require a new approval if the
current approval level is lower than what the new approval level will be, or the player can opt to receive a refund of
any XP spent on those Gifts). Bastet cannot be given or taught Gifts that are higher level than her Rank allows.
Given Gifts work in the same way.
Trinkets: Trinkets are Fetishes and Talens, and do not include other magical items.

The Morrigan Reserved for use by the National Staff.
The Sun Lost High Approval for NPCs, Not Sanctioned for PCs


Forest Walker Tribal Advantage changed to: They may purchase Influence in Media and University at the
rate of 1for1xp, to a limit of 5 all other influences are still held to the 1per3xp restriction.

Ice Stalker The additional ability traits in Performance, Expression, and Crafts can be used to exceed
5, with the 6th dot costing 2xp. The free retest granted when crafting an object may be used once per
session, or once in downtime between sessions.

Mountain Guardians The additional Physical trait granted by the tribe goes above rank caps. The Free
retest associated with strength does not apply to combat, only to feats of strength and athleticism.

River Keepers The extra ability trait in Survival can be used to exceed 5, with the 6th dot costing 2xp.

Totem: Not available for Gurahl.

Gurahl characters have a vastly different system for rank than their Garou counterparts. For this reason, they do
not have need to challenge for rank in the course of play. If they reach the requisite renown, they can with
completion of a rite claim their next rank until such time as they are able to meet with their peers. Which as you
might guess does not happen often. Due to this, this addendum will provide a strictly OOC oversight to the rank


gains of the Gurahl. It is as follows:

Rank 1 to 2: Low approval.

Rank 2 to 3: Low approval.
Rank 3 to 4: High approval.
Rank 4 to 5: Top approval.
Please note, that there is NO in character mechanic associated unless a plot kit, or storyline provides for a
gathering of Gurahl, done for the purpose of sharing stories, or a grand council meeting.
Once a Gurahl has achieved rank 2 they are eligible to undergo Rite of the Changing Moon and change their
auspice. The auspice change always goes in order presented in the book. There must be at least six months,
increased by one month each time the Gurahl has undergone the rite, between castings of Rite of the Changing
Moon and a life event that has made the Gurahl rethink his place in the cycle. Once the Gurahl has gone through all
the Auspices they may go back to one they have already completed to experience it again or to settle into it for
good, and are not required to progress through the cycle when they change auspices.
Using Rage: The benefits of using Rage for Extra Physical Traits, Extra Damage, and Extra Health Levels reset
at the beginning and end of combat (meaning you cannot go into combat pre-pumped). No more than 5 Rage
Traits can be spent toward each of these effects.

Marks of the Bear:

Adamant Will

The free retest in any challenge involving their need to defend and protect may only be used once per

The boost that is detailed within the Contest of wills section cannot exceed a bonus of +5 for
comparison of Ties and overbids, and can be as little as +2, the details left up to the Venue
Storytellers discretion.

The Automatic Success on a Simple Test or Static Challenge with the expenditure of a Willpower trait is
usable only once per scene.

Influences Bureaucracy, Finance, High Society, Industry, Media, Street and Underworld require High Approval
to purchase for Gurahl characters (except for Media if you are a member of the Forest Walker Tribe).

Umbral Glade Available to Gurahl characters only.


High Approval for Gurahl Ambidextrous, Daredevil, Early Maturation


Top Approval for Gurahl Umbral Affinity

Not Approved for Gurahl Strict Carnivore, Pack Mentality, Banned Transformation, Forced
Transformation, Moon Bound, Natural Channel, Sign of the Wolf, Taint of Corruption.

Not Sanctioned for this Chronicle - Garou Companion, Rip Van Winkle

Gurahl Out-of-Auspice Gifts:

Gifts that were from an Auspice the character previously belonged to in play are Low Approval to learn and cost
Out of Auspice experience cost. Gifts that were from an Auspice the character previously belonged to in their
background are Top Approval to learn and Out of Auspice experience cost.

Starting Willpower: 4


Umbral Dansers Top Approval Characters who wish to join the Umbral Dansers must be at least Rank 3
(Aunt/Uncle) in addition to the other requirements listed in the Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 1.

Favored by Coyote High Approval

Umbral Maps Background (CB1, page 83) is Low Approval for Nuwisha.

Nuwisha are not restricted to the amount of Totem Background that can be purchased by the character. Nuwisha
can switch from one Nuwisha Totem to another once per session, losing the Ban and Benefits of the previous Totem
and adopting the Ban and Benefits of the new Totem as well as re-allocating the Totem points spent toward
Tempers, Charms, etc. A Nuwisha can only switch their Totem more than once per session at Storyteller discretion
based on the reasoning of the Nuwisha as to why Coyote should switch faces for him again.

Ptah: High Approval

Oghma: Top Approval



o Blade Slaves: Pain Daggers enhanced in this method are considered Fetish x3. The available
charms and mechanics for these Charms are the same as listed under Custom Fetish Creation:
Charmed Mechanic. Activating these charms costs one Gnosis Trait. Current Pain Daggers
using Blade Slaves are not grandfathered and will have to re-choose from the available Charms
if equipped with a different Charm.


Colony 1: Low Approval

Colony 2 -3: High Approval
Colony 4 - 5: Top Approval

Freak Factor No more than the first two levels of Freak Factor may be purchased at this time. This is
not Grandfathered.

Plague Players may choose The Rat Race at Low Approval, Ratkin Ronin at High Approval. No others
are sanctioned at this time in the United States.

Out of Tribe/Breed/Auspice Gifts:

Basic Gifts: High Approval

Intermediate Gifts: Top Approval
Advanced Gifts: Not currently sanctioned.

Any Gift that allows for spending additional traits to extend duration, or grant additional effects, is capped at 5
traits maximum expendable.
Some Gifts require a challenge, but are unclear as to who is being challenged. Unless specifically stated otherwise,
the challenge is against the target of the Gift. If there is not a target, then it is a Static Challenge against six Traits
for a Basic Gift, seven traits for an Intermediate, and 10 traits for an Advanced Gift.



Any Gift listed as a Camp, House, or Lodge Gift may not be purchased by any Garou not of that Camp, House,
Lodge, unless it is also available to the character as a Tribe/Auspice/Breed. Camp Gifts listed here are in
addition to any Gifts listed in the Revised Tribebook for that Tribe.

Rat Finks
Open Seal (Basic): As the Ragabash Gift.
Heightened Senses (Basic): As the Lupus Gift.
Mindblock (Intermediate): As the Silver Fangs Gift.

Glib Tongue (Basic): As the Fianna Gift.
Perfect Recall (Basic): As the Galliard Gift.
Shadows by the Firelight (Intermediate): As the Galliard Gift.

The Hood
Truth of Gaia (Basic): As the Philodox Gift.
Blending (Basic): As the Uktena Gift.
Taking the Forgotten (Basic Ragabash)

Airt Perception: (Basic) As the Theurge Gift.
Umbral Tether (Basic): As the Theurge Gift.
Scent of Beyond (Intermediate): As the Philodox Gift.

Road Warders
Sense Wyrm (Basic): As the Metis Gift.
Beast Life (Intermediate): As the Lupus Gift.
Pathfinder (Intermediate): As the Ragabash Gift.


Camouflage (Basic): As the Wendigo Gift.

Wolf at the Door (Basic): As the Red Talons Gift.
Attunement - Wilderness (Intermediate): As the Silent Striders Gift.

The Swarm
Razor Claws (Basic): As the Ahroun Gift.
Silence the Weaver (Intermediate): As the Lupus Gift.
Open Wounds (Intermediate Shadowlord)


Imminent Strike


Strength of Purpose (Basic): As Philodox Gift.

Spirit of the Fray (Basic): As Ahroun Gift.

Wrath of Gaia (Intermediate): As the Silver Fangs Gift.


Brotherhood of Herne:

Sense of the Prey (Basic): As the Ragabash Gift.

Open Moon Bridge (Intermediate): As the Ragabash Gift.

Totem Gift (Advanced): As the Metis Gift.

Children of Dire:

Breath of the Wyld (Basic): As the Black Furies Gift.

Wyld Resurgence (Basic): As the Black Furies Gift.

Trackless Waste (Intermediate): As the Red Talon Gift.

Grandchildren of Fionn:

Sense Wyrm (Basic): As the Metis Gift.

Razor Claws (Basic): As the Ahroun Gift.

Wrath of Gaia (Intermediate): As the Silver Fangs Gift.

o Speech of the World (Basic): As the Homid Gift.

Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Intermediate): As the Philodox Gift.

Fabric of the Mind (Advanced): As the Galliard Gift.

The Whispering Rovers:


Heightened Senses (Basic): As the Lupus Gift.

Scent of Beyond (Intermediate): As the Philodox Gift.

Pathfinder (Intermediate): As the Ragabash Gift.

Tuatha De Fionn:

Sense the Unnatural (Basic): As the Lupus Gift.

Name the Fae (Intermediate): As the Lupus Gift: Name the Spirit, but it only functions on
determining the type and power level of Fae creatures and Changelings.
Geas (Advanced): As the Philodox Gift.



Valkyria of Freya
o Strength of Purpose (Basic): As the Philodox Gift.
o Stoking the Soul's Fire (Basic): As the Black Fury Gift, but not restricted to Maiden Furys.

The Hand of Tyr

o Interrogator (Basic): As the Shadow Lords Gift.
o Howls in the Night (Basic): As the Galliard Gift. The Hand of Tyr can use this Gift to also
affect those he deems as corrupt with this Gift.

Mjolnir's Thunder
o Primal Anger (Basic): As the Metis Gift.
o Wrath of Gaia (Intermediate): As the Silver Fangs Gift.

Fangs of Garm
o Glib Tongue (Basic): As the Fianna Gift.
o Command the Gathering (Basic): As the Philodox Gift.

The Glorious Fist of Wotan

o Offering of the Slain (Basic): As the Red Talons Gift.
o True Fear (Basic): As the Ahroun Gift.

Loki's Smile
o Liars Face (Basic): As the Ragabash Gift.
o Two Tongues (Basic): As the Fianna Gift
o Seeds of Doubt (Intermediate): As the Shadow Lords Gift.

Ymirs Sweat
o Attunement - Wilds (Intermediate): As the Silent Strider Gift.
o Blood of the North (Intermediate): As the Wendigo Gift.


All Gifts from prior incarnations of the Glass Walker Tribe (Warders, Tetrasomians, Iron Riders) are Top Approval.



The Dispossessed
Persuasion (Basic): As the Homid Gift.
Pathfinder (Intermediate): As the Ragabash Gift.

Sight from Beyond (Basic): As the Theurge Gift.

Open Seal (Basic): As the Ragabash Gift.
Grasp the Beyond (Intermediate): As the Theurge Gift.

Swords of Night
Master of Fire (Basic): As the Homid Gift.
Song of the Earth Mother (Basic): As the Shadow Lords Gift.

Persuasion (Basic): As the Homid Gift.

Truth of Gaia (Basic): As the Philodox Gift.


Gleaming Eye House gains access to the following Gifts as House Gifts::
Glib Tongue (Basic Silver Fangs House Gleaming Eye LotWR): As the Fianna Gift.
Watchful Eyes (Basic Silver Fangs House Gleaming Eye TBR:BF): As the Black Furies Gift.

Ivory Priesthood gains access to the following Gifts as Camp Gifts:

Ghost Speech (Basic): See below.
Ghost Paths (Basic): See below.
Walking Between Worlds (Intermediate): See below.

Grey Raptors gain access to the following Gifts as Camp Gifts:

Raptor Wings (Intermediate): See below.
Monitor the Transgressor (Intermediate): As the Intermediate Ragabash Gift: Usual
Kiss of Helios (Advanced): As the Ahroun Gift.

Masters of the Seal gain access to the following Gifts as Camp Gifts:


Open Seal (Basic): As the Ragabash Gift.

Intrusion (Intermediate): As the Glass Walkers Gift.
Invisibility (Intermediate): As the Uktena Gift.


Sense Weaver (Basic): As the Metis Gift: Sense Wyrm, but only works on Weaver Taint.
Wyrm Taint (Intermediate): As the Shadow Lords: Bringer of Light Gift.

The Heavenly Successors of the Demon-Eater

Eyes of the Cat (Intermediate): As the Metis Gift.

The Zephyr
Fatal Flaw (Basic): As the Shadow Lords Gift.
Resist Pain (Basic): As the Philodox Gift.
Sense Silver (Basic): As the Ahroun Gift.

Trance Runners
Messengers Fortitude (Basic): As the Silent Striders Gift.


Children of Wyld:
Create Element (Basic) As the Metis Gift.
Wyld Resurgence (Basic): As the Black Furies Gift.
Beast Life (Intermediate): As the Lupus Gift.

Earth Guides:
Speech of the World (Basic): As the Homid Gift.
Attunement - Urban (Intermediate): As the Bone Gnawers Gift.
Assimilation (Advanced): As the Homid Gift.

Ghost Dancers:
Strength of Purpose (Basic): As the Philodox Gift.
Shadows by the Firelight (Intermediate): As the Galliard Gift.
Totem Gift (Advanced): As the Metis Gift, Ghost Dancers can call on Turtle as the Totem of this Totem Gift)

Taking the Forgotten (Basic): As the Ragabash Gift.


Grasp the Beyond (Intermediate): As the Theurge Gift.

Thieving Talons of the Magpie (Advanced): As the Ragabash Gift.

Camoflauge (Basic): As the Wendigo Gift.
Heightened Senses (Basic): As the Lupus Gift.
Pathfinder (Intermediate) As the Ragabash Gift.

Call to Duty (Basic): As the Philodox Gift.
Inner Light (Basic): As the Stargazers Gift.
Grasp the Beyond (Intermediate): As the Theurge Gift.

Web Walkers:
Control Simple Machine (Basic) As the Glass Walkers Gift.
Signal Rider (Intermediate): As the Glass Walkers Gift.
Attunement - Urban (Intermediate): As the Bone Gnawers Gift.


The Warpath
Razor Claws (Basic): As the Ahroun Gift.
Fury of the Bitter Wind (Basic): As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Cornered Rats Ferocity.
Lash of Rage (Intermediate): As the Metis Gift.

The Sacred Hoop

Glib Tongue (Basic): As the Fianna Gift.
Cold Voice of Reason (Basic) As the Shadow Lords Gift.
Resist Temptation (Basic): As the Stargazers Gift.




Apecrafts Blessings (Basic Homid W20): Succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (retest Crafts, difficulty 6)
and spend up to three Mental Traits. Each Mental Trait spent is a bonus Trait for comparison of Ties and
Overbids on your next challenge using a tool made by human hands (so not Fetishes or Talens).


City Running (Basic Homid W20): In addition to the climbing movement speed listed, the character is given
a free retest on challenges to navigate and traverse through cities as listed, and all Athletics challenges are
reduced in difficulty by two. Thematically, characters with this Gift hopping roof-top to roof-top or making
astonishing feats of Athletics while this Gift is active are appropriate.

Jam Technology (Basic Homid LotWR): This Gift cannot affect Fetishes or Talens.

Mark of the Wolf (Basic Homid W20): Target a non-Garou, non-Fera character you have interacted with
during the scene, and then best them in a Social Challenge (retest Primal-Urge) to use this Gift. This Gift
lasts for one day, plus an additional day for every Social Trait spent.

Speech of the World (Basic Homid W20): Succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (retest Linguistics, difficulty
determined by the Storyteller according to the obscurity of the language) to use this Gift.


Body Shift (Intermediate Homid W20): This Gift is removed from play. All characters who had purchased
this Gift are immediately refunded points spent on this Gift.

Bury the Wolf (Intermediate Homid W20): As listed, but the Gift lasts as long as the character chooses.

Calm the Savage Beast (Intermediate Homid W20): Spend a Willpower Trait and defeat the target in a
Social Challenge (retest Primal-Urge). If successful, the target is removed from frenzy. Spend a second
Willpower Trait to affect non-Garou. This does not function on Thrall of the Wyrm.

Cowing the Bullet (Intermediate Homid W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait. For the remainder of the scene all
incoming damage from non-silver, crafted weapons is reduced by one.

Reshape Object (Intermediate Homid LotWR): This Gift can also be retested with an appropriate Craft
Ability. Crafted items must use the same statistics as the items in Dark Epics.


Beyond Human (Advanced Homid W20: As listed, but each Rage or Gnosis spent increases Social Traits
by three for the remainder of the scene.




Form Mastery (Basic Metis W20): As the Merit: Metamorph. Those characters who have this Gift as part of
their in-Tribe/Auspice/Breed Gifts who have the Merit: Metamorph receive a refund of the points used for the
Merit when purchasing this Gift.

Primal Anger (Basic Metis LotWR): The Health levels used to fuel this Gift cannot be Health levels gained
from wearing armor or using a supernatural power.

Rat Head (Basic Metis W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and succeed in a Static Physical Challenge (retest
Athletics, difficulty 6). This Gift lasts for the scene.

Sense Silver (Basic Metis LotWR): As the Ahroun Gift.

Shed (Basic Metis W20): To use this Gift succeed in a Static Physical Challenge (retest Primal-Urge,
difficulty 6), and the grapple or binding is lost.


Chameleon (Intermediate Metis W20): This Gift allows the user a free retest on all Stealth challenges where
sight is used to detect her, however, once an individual has detected her the Gift user loses the benefits of
this Gift against that individual.

Gift of the Porcupine (Intermediate Metis LotWR): Anyone who strikes you with a Brawl or Grapple
attack suffers two Aggravated levels of damage.

Lash of Rage (Intermediate Metis W20): Spend a Rage Trait to activate this Gift, and then up to five
additional Rage Traits. Then engage the target in a Physical Challenge (retest Primal-Urge). If successful,
the target suffers an aggravated level of damage for each additional Rage Trait spent. This Gift can only be
used on any given target once per scene, but can be used on other targets in the same scene. However,
every target after the first inflicts the damage to the Gift-user and the target if successful. The rest of this
Gift works as listed.

Rattlers Bite (Intermediate Metis W20): Spend a Rage Trait before making a challenge to bite an
opponent. If the bite is successful, the target takes an additional two aggravated levels of damage.

Shell (Intermediate Metis W20): As listed, however, the Gift-user cannot initiate any Empathy, Primal-Urge,
or Rage tests, nor can they spend Rage Traits.


Madness (Advanced Metis LotWR): The user of the Gift can also freely choose and alternate between
up to three Derangements to afflict the target during the duration of this Gift.


Protean Form (Advanced Metis W20): To use this Gift the Gift user must succeeding a standard challenge
to shift forms (difficulty 8 Traits). In place of shifting forms, the Gift user must logically bestow one of the
following benefits: +4 Physical Traits, +1 Damage on a certain category of attacks, or 5 additional paces of
ground-based as she twists and mutates her body. These Traits are maintained through the scene and
even while shifting into other forms.



Axis Mundi (Basic Lupus W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page 159.

Eye of the Eagle (Basic Lupus W20): The character must succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (retest
Awareness, difficulty 6), and spend up to five Mental Traits. Each Mental Trait spent increases the clear
visual range of the character by a mile.

Hares Leap (Basic Lupus LotWR): Make a Static Physical Challenge (difficulty 6 Traits, retest Athletics).
Success allows you to jump vertically up to a number of steps equal to half your current physical traits., or
up to a number of steps equal to your current physical traits horizontally for your next jump. Using Hares
Leap requires an action.

Predators Arsenal (Basic Lupus W20): There is no ability to discern something amiss with Garou taking

Prey Mind (Basic Lupus W20): Make a Static Mental Challenge (retest Primal-Urge, difficulty 7 in
wilderness, 9 in urban environments) and spend up to three Mental Traits. Each Mental Trait spent is a
bonus Trait for comparison of Ties and Overbids to the challenges listed.


Gnaw (Intermediate Lupus LotWR): The additional damage from this Gift is Aggravated damage, not
Lethal damage.

Monkey Tail (Intermediate Lupus W20): This Gift is always active. The presiding Storyteller decides the
difficulty and retest of any challenges using the tail.

Scream of Gaia (Intermediate Lupus LotWR): As the Get of Fenris Gift.

Silence the Weaver (Intermediate Lupus W20): Spend one Rage Trait and up to five Physical Traits, and
engage in a Static Social Challenge (retest Primal-Urge, difficulty 8). Non-Fetish electronics are destroyed
within a radius of (20 x Physical Traits spent) yards or meters in a flash of sparks.


Strength of Gaia (Intermediate Lupus W20): Spend one Rage Trait. For the rest of the scene the Lupus
form of the character receives the additional Physical Traits Brawny x2, and Ferocious x2.

Terror of the Dire Wolf (Intermediate Lupus W20): Spend a Rage Trait (only one, event to affect multiple
targets) and succeed in a Social Challenge (retest Primal-Urge) against each target to be affected. If
successful, any non-Garou, non-Fera, creature witnessing the Werewolf succumbs to the Delirium, and are
treated as three Willpower Traits lower for the purposes of the effects of Delirium. This Gift can be used in
any form, but in Homid and Glabro form the targets of this Gift are considered two-Traits up to resist and at
their normal Willpower for the Delirium effects. Creatures with special powers or effects that resist Delirium
still benefit from those powers normally.


Song of the Great Beast (Advanced Lupus LotWR): Use of this Gift requires a Static Gnosis Challenge
(difficulty equals the current Gauntlet Rating, retest Primal Urge), not a Social Challenge.



Hush (Basic Ragabash BoA): Mechanics: The character using this Gift must defeat the target in a Mental
Challenge (retest Subterfuge) and spend up to five Mental Traits. Pack mates of the character using this
Gift have a two Trait penalty to resist this Gift If successful the target is prevented from communicating
verbally (although other forms of communication, such as sign language and writing, are still possible) for a
number of minutes equal to the Mental Traits spent.

Infectious Laughter (Basic Ragabash W20): The mechanics required to use this Gift are an opposed
Social Challenge (retest Expression) against each person to be affected by this Gift.

Liars Face (Basic Ragabash W20): Spend a Willpower Trait and succeed in a Static Social Challenge
(retest Subterfuge, difficulty 6). If successful, human listeners will believe everything the Ragabash says is a
lie. Supernatural creatures who have permanent Willpower Traits equal to or lower than the Ragabash are
also affected.

Pulse of the Prey (Basic Ragabash LotWR): As Basic Ragabash Gift: Sense of the Prey.

Scent of Running Water (Basic Ragabash LotWR): You produce no scent while this Gift is active.

Sense of the Prey (Basic Ragabash LotWR): This Gift only works on targets that are currently within the
boundaries of the VSS your character is in at the time of using this Gift. You must have been in a scene
with the target at some point previously, been aware of its presence in that scene, and have a general
idea of what the target looks like to use this Gift. This Gift conveys no additional speed benefits in getting
to the target, nor does the awareness bestowed by this Gift give the user any information beyond an idea
of the general direction of the target which becomes more accurate the closer the user gets to the target.


Slip of the Tongue (Basic Ragabash BoA): Mechanics: The Gift user must engage the target in a
conversation related to the suspected crime or action. The Gift user must then defeat the target in a Social
Challenge (retest Empathy/Subterfuge), and spend up to five Social Traits. One Social Trait allows a subtle
slip only noticeable to the already suspicious, while five results in the spilling of damning information no
judge could discount.

Spiders Song (Basic Ragabash W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page 161.

Trickster Beacon (Basic Ragabash BoA): Mechanics: The character using this Gift spends a Gnosis Trait
and touches the target, and then must defeat the target in a Mental Challenge (retest Enigmas). The target
is then marked by the Gift for a day, and is spiritually afflicted as described in the Book of Auspices (pg.
33). The Gift user can spend additional Gnosis at a rate of one for one to increase the affliction another
day. If the Gift user tries to use this Gift on the same target more than once a season or uses it more than
once in the same month, they must engage in a Simple Test after the use. Failing the Simple Test afflicts
the Gift user instead of the target.


Gremlins (Intermediate Ragabash LotWR): This Gift only requires the target item of this power be within
line of sight, not to be touched by the user. This Gift can affect Fetishes, however, it cannot permanently
destroy them. Affecting a Fetish with this Gift requires a Social Challenge (difficulty is twice the Fetishs
Gnosis Rating), and makes the Fetish inert for the scene.

Impunity (Intermediate Ragabash BoA): Mechanics: By succeeding in a Static Social Challenge (difficulty 8
Traits, retest Subterfuge) any characters that wish to punish or attack the speaker for the rest of scene must
defeat the Gift-user in a Willpower Challenge. Each use of this Gift within the same session makes the Gift
user suffer a one Trait penalty on resolution of the Willpower challenges of those challenging the Gift-user
using this Gift.

Liars Craft (Intermediate Ragabash W20): Tell the lie and then engage in a Mental Challenge (retest
Subterfuge, only one Subterfuge need be spent by the user to negate or retest the group of individuals being
targeted) against each individual youre trying to convince. If successful, the listeners will believe the lie told
for the remainder of the scene. After the scene ends, those affected will only disbelieve what is evidently
false, making plausible lies particularly insidious.

Madness Season (Intermediate Ragabash BoA): Mechanics: Spend a Gnosis Trait and defeat the target in
a Social Challenge (retest Empathy). Success renders the target to a gibbering and helpless state for a
number of turns equal to the Gift users permanent Gnosis Traits. If the target is attacked while afflicted they
are able to defend themselves normally or attempt to flee. This Gift can only be used on a particular target
once per scene.

Monkey Tail (Intermediate Ragabash W20): As the Lupus Gift.

Open Moon Bridge (Intermediate Ragabash LotWR): This Gift can be activated without a pathstone, but
the destination must be a Caern pathstone the character has visited before.


Pathfinder (Intermediate Ragabash W20): Succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (retest Survival for
Wilderness or Outdoors, retest Streetwise for Urban environments, difficulty 8), and spend up to five Mental
Traits. Each Mental Trait spent reduces travel time by approximately 10 percent. For a number of days
equal to the Mental Traits spent, each Mental Trait spent also increases the difficulty of any challenges to
track the werewolf or her pack by one.

The Usual Suspects (Intermediate Ragabash BoA): Mechanics: To add a new target to the individuals
being tracked requires that the Gift user is able to see the target or have a strong scent trail of the target and
make a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 8 Traits, retest Awareness). To learn the whereabouts of a
person being tracked with this Gift requires the Gift user to focus for up to five turns, spend a Gnosis Trait,
and win a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 8 Traits, retest Awareness). Each turn spent focusing on the
target, the more accurate the understanding of where the target is as detailed by successes in the Book of
Auspices. The presiding Storyteller of the character targeted by this Gift must be notified of the Gifts use
when it is used or when the character is removed from the list of Garou being tracked.

Umbral Dodge (Intermediate Ragabash W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait reflexively when attacked. The
attacker is considered two Traits up for the purposes of their attack, however, if they fail they are placed into
the Penumbra (or the real world if the combat takes place in the Umbra already), and are restricted as if they
had just Stepped Sideways.

Whelp Body (Intermediate Ragabash LotWR): These lost Traits are not refunded in XP. Those afflicated
with this Gift know who used it on them.


Turn the Moon (Advanced Ragabash BoA): The Gift user spends a Willpower point and defeats the target
in a Social Challenge (retest Primal-Urge). Success causes the Gift to last for a day and works as described
in the Book of Auspices (page 34). If the Gift user fails to use this Gift successfully, the Gift user cannot
attempt to use this Gift again on that target for 30 days. The base minimum Rage is equal to the starting
Rage at character creation for that Auspice.

Weakest Link (Advanced Ragabash BoA): Using this Gift requires the expenditure of a Willpower Trait and
defeating one of the pack members in a Mental Challenge (retest Awareness), and spending up to five
mental Traits. Each Mental Trait spent allows the Gift user to reveal information on two pack
members. Each Mental Trait spent also reveals more detailed information about the pack members and the
pack itself, as described in Book of Auspices, page 34.



Airt Perception (Basic Theurge BoA): As written on page 56 of the Book of Auspices.


Battle Mandala (Basic Theurge W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait and up to five Mental Traits and succeed in
a Static Mental Challenge (retest Occult, difficulty 6). The battle mandala encompasses a radius of (50 x
number of Mental Traits spent) feet, (or 15 meters per Mental Trait spent). For every three Essence drained
by this Gift, the Theurge can give a temporary Rage, Gnosis, Willpower Trait or a single healed level of
damage to any character standing in the area of the Battle Mandala. This temper Trait cannot exceed cap.
The Gift-user cannot receive this Essence drain benefit more times per turn than their Rank. Ally Spirits will
not willingly allow themselves to be drained by this Gift. Forcing or summoning ally Spirits into will earn their
animosity and Notoriety. Spirits affected by a Battle Mandala know whose Battle Mandala it is, and make
them a priority to attack. This works otherwise as listed.

Call to Duty (Basic Theurge LotWR): As the Philodox Gift.

Command Spirit (Basic Theurge LotWR): This challenge is of the Gift-users Willpower versus the Spirits
Willpower (retest Intimidation).

Mothers Touch (Basic Theurge LotWR): Replace With: Spend a Gnosis Trait to activate this Gift.
Thereafter during the scene the character can touch a character and spend Mental Traits to heal levels of
damage (one damage healed per Mental Trait spent). No more than four Mental Traits can be spent per
activation of this Gift. This Gift can be activated multiple times per scene by spending another Gnosis Trait.

Name the Spirit (Basic Theurge LotWR): For Theurges with this Gift only: When naming the Spirit this
Gift also tells you the Spirits Rank, Name (if it has one), current Essence, Brood, and Triatic affiliations
(Wyrm, Weaver, Wyld or any combination of the three). At Storyteller discretion some Charms or powers
may prevent knowing the Spirits true Triatic Affiliation or name.

Sense Chiminage (Basic Theurge BoA): Mechanics: By succeeding in a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty
7 Traits, retest Occult), the Gift user learns the targets state of debt among the spirits as well as his Spirit
Affinity and Spirit Notoriety ratings to all broods. The Gift user can spend a Gnosis Trait and learn the name
of one spirit that target most recently wronged.

Spirit Knife (Basic Theurge BoA): As written on page 57 of the Book of Auspices. Weapons enhanced with
this Gift also drain additional Essence from the Spirit in relation to the Rank of the Gift-user for each hit. (1
additional Essence for Rank 1 and 2, 2 additional Essence for Rank 3 and 4, 3 additional Essence for Rank
5). Every three Essence drained gives the Gift-user gains one temporary Rage, Gnosis, or Willpower (not to
exceed cap) or a single healed level of damage. This Essence drain (not the weapon damage) is not
stopped, mitigated, or nullified by Charms. This Gift does not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone
other than the Gift-user.

Spirit Snare (Basic Theurge W20): The player spend a Gnosis Trait and must best the targeted spirit within
30 feet in a Mental Challenge (retest Occult). Success lowers the Spirits Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower by 2
Traits for the scene. A spirit cannot be affected by more than one Spirit Snare at a time or more than once
per scene.

The Spirits Displeasure (Basic Theurge BoA): Mechanics: The Gift user must defeat the victim in a Social
Challenge (retest Occult). If successful, at some point during an important but not life-threatening challenge
during the current session (Storytellers discretion as to which challenge, so the Spirit-Keeper may want to
make sure STs are aware when a character has been victim to this Gift) the victim of this Gift will fail the
challenge. No retests applicable.


Umbral Tether (Basic Theurge W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page 164.


Blurring the Mirror (Intermediate Theurge W20): As Werewolf: 20th Anniversary Edition, page 165. This
Gift also prevents those affected from spending a Gnosis Trait to automatically Step Sideways.

Castigate (Intermediate Theurge BoA): Mechanics: The Gift user must spend a Gnosis Trait to activate the
Gift and then up to five additional Gnosis Traits to power it. The Gift user then spends entire round verbally
stating the targets offenses against the spirit worlds to the target, and then must defeat the target in a Social
Challenge (retest Intimidation). Each additional Gnosis Trait spent removes one temporary Renown of the
Gift users choice to a minimum of zero temporary Renown (it cannot result in a reduction of permanent
Renown). This Gift also blocks use of one Gift of the Gift users choice from the target for the remainder of
the session. This Gift can only be used once per session per target, but the removal of Renown can only
occur once per month per target.

Evocation of Ceremony (Intermediate Theurge BoA): Mechanics: The user of this Gift is consider up four
Traits on all challenges to inspire, unify, or cow an audience through ritualism.

Exorcism (Intermediate Theurge LotWR):

In order to Disable a Fetish not in your possession Contested Social Challenge, Success
disables Fetish for the remainder of the scene.

In order to permanently Exorcise a Fetish Must be in your possession, Static Social Difficulty 3
times the level of the Fetish.

In order to Exorcise the Bane from a Fomori Contested Social Challenge. Success causes the
victim to fall unconscious. Any damage done to the victim will allow the bane to reassert its
possession and the Fomori to awaken. If the victim is unconscious and a second exorcism
attempt is successful, the bane is permanently exorcised from the fomori and the host body dies
unless the Theurge succeeds on a Static Mental challenge difficulty 12, and has a way to
immediately heal the host within the following round. Failure on the challenge, or failure to heal at
least 2 health levels worth of aggravated damage, causes the host to die immediately.

Placation (Intermediate Theurge BoA): Mechanics: This user of this Gift learns what she must offer to
placate offended spirits. A Garou with this Gift may spend two Gnosis Traits and a sincere apology to
negate minor or moderate offenses (as determined by the presiding Storyteller), mechanically erasing a
level of earned Spirit Notoriety for every two Gnosis Traits spent. Major and severe spiritual offenses may
only be resolved in methods determined appropriate by the presiding Storyteller, and may include Geas or
even greater sacrifices.

Prophecy (Intermediate Theurge BoA): Mechanics: As per the Book of Auspices, page 58.

Spirit Ward (Intermediate Theurge LotWR): As the Intermediate Homid Gift.


Umbral Camouflage (Intermediate Theurge W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition,
page 165.

Web Walker (Intermediate Theurge W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait and succeed in a Static Social Challenge
(retest Science, difficulty determined by the presiding Storyteller). Success works as listed.


Feral Lobotomy (Advanced Theurge LotWR): The Challenge to use this Gift is an opposed Mental
Challenge. The number of Mental Traits permanently destroyed with successful use is one plus an
additional Mental Trait per two additional Gnosis Traits spent. For each Mental Trait destroyed, the target
also receives a permanent Bestial and Feral negative Social Trait. No more than five Mental Traits can be
destroyed from a target ever (not including if the character was affected by this Gift in their background).
These lost Traits are not refunded in XP.

Healing the Soul (Advanced Theurge BoA): Mechanics: As per the Book of Auspices, page 58. In regards
to Harano, this Gift can be used to grant the character a month-long reprieve from the effects of the
Harano. With presiding Storyteller approval and several months of successive use, a character may
rehabilitate from Harano.

Poisoned Legacy (Advanced Theurge BoA): Mechanics: The Gift user spends a point of Gnosis and a point
of Willpower, and then must beat the target in a Social Challenge (retest Occult). If successful the Gift user
may then spend up to five additional Gnosis Traits. Each additional Gnosis Trait spent gives the target a
level of the Cursed Flaw. Alternatively, the Gift user may spend three permanent Gnosis Traits and the
target instead gains the Dark Fate Flaw. These Flaws can be bought off as normal, with presiding
Storyteller approval and adequate roleplay.

The Malleable Spirit (Advanced Theurge LotWR): This Gift cannot affect level 5 or 6 Spirits. At
Storyteller discretion, level 4 Spirits may not be affected by this Gift. To change a Spirits Tempers
requires the Theurge to spend a Mental Trait per level of Temper raised or lowered. Disregard the text
about successes.

Ultimate Argument of Logic (Advanced Theurge W20): This Gift requires a successful Social Challenge
(retest Expression) against the target to implement.



Call to Duty (Basic Philodox LotWR): This Gift can only summon nonWyrm spirits to aid you.

Command the Gathering (Basic Philodox W20): Spend one Willpower Trait and succeed in a Static Social
Challenge (retest Leadership, difficulty 6). Those who spend the Willpower to interrupt or leave are free to
do so for the scene. The rest of the effects work as listed.


Fangs of Judgement (Basic Philodox W20): This Gift deals one extra level of damage corresponding to the
damage of the attack to creatures of the listed type.

Moon Lore (Basic Philodox BoA): Mechanics: By succeeding in a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 6
Traits, retest Occult) the Gift user learns the moon phase at the time of the victims birth. By spending a
Mental Trait the Gift user can also learn if it was a waxing or waning moon.

Omen of Truth (Basic Philodox BoA): Mechanics: By spending a Gnosis Trait and succeeding in a Static
Mental Challenge (difficulty determined by the presiding Storyteller for what the character is trying to discern,
retest Enigmas) the Gift user gains an omen of understanding over the situation being reviewed. The longer
the Gift user meditates the more clear the image may be (length of mediation and clarity of the vision as
determined by the presiding Storyteller).

Persuasion (Basic Philodox LotWR): As the Homid Gift.

Resist Pain (Basic Philodox LotWR): This Gift allows you to ignore the wound penalties for the Bruised,
Wounded, and Incapacitated wound levels.

Strength of Purpose (Basic Philodox LotWR): May only be used once per scene/hour.


Dividing Heart (Intermediate Philodox BoA): Mechanics: By spending a Willpower Trait and up to five
Mental Traits the Gift user can grant another Garou a buffer of Willpower Traits equal to the number of
Mental Traits spent. These Willpower Traits are used exclusively in comparison of Ties and Overbids in
frenzy challenges. These bonus Traits last for a scene, and can only be gifted to a Garou once per scene.

Mental Speech (Intermediate Philodox LotWR): As the Metis Gift.

Realitys Path (Intermediate Philodox BoA): Mechanics: The Gift user must defeat the target in a Mental
Challenge (retest Investigation), and spends up to three Mental Traits. One Mental Trait reveals if what the
subject is saying is true or untrue. Two Traits will reveal if what the subject is saying is an unintentional
untruth. Three Mental Traits will show if the subject was deliberately misled in the information he has.

Roll Over (Intermediate Philodox LotWR): This power is an opposed Social Challenge against the target.

Scent of the Oathbreaker (Intermediate Philodox W20): The difficulty to track the Oathbreaker by scent is
reduced to Static Mental Challenge (retest Survival, difficulty 4).

Sense Balance (Intermediate Philodox W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and succeeding in a Static Mental
Challenge (retest Awareness, difficulty 8) to activate this Gift.


Take the True Form (Intermediate Philodox W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and up to five Social
Traits. Defeat the target in a Social Challenge (retest Primal-Urge) and the target must revert to its Breed
form and remain in it for a number of turns equal to the Social Traits spent.

Wither Limb (Intermediate Metis LotWR): This Gift is a Willpower Challenge (not a Static Willpower
Challenge against the targets Physical Traits).


Geas (Advanced Philodox LotWR): To target an individual with this power is an opposed Social Challenge
versus the target. To target multiple individuals with Geas, spend a Gnosis Trait per target and engage in
an opposed Social Challenge versus the individual with the highest Social Traits in the group. The
defender against this power is at a one Trait bonus per person the user targeted for comparison of Ties
and Overbids.

Souls Guilt (Advanced Philodox BoA): Mechanics: This Gift is primarily presiding Storytellers discretion. It
requires a Gnosis Trait and up to five Mental Traits spent, as well as besting the target in a Mental
Challenge (retest Empathy). Each Mental Trait spent indicates the clarity of the Garous impression.

Wall of Granite (Advanced Philodox LotWR): While Wall of Granite is active, the user of this Gift
ignores all incoming Bashing damage, and negates the first two health levels of damage from any other
attack (not below one damage). Any damage not automatically negated first damages the health levels
of the Wall of Granite, not the user. A Wall of Granite has a number of health levels equal to the current
Gnosis Rating of the Gift user. Once all of the health levels of Wall of Granite are destroyed, the Gift
ends and cannot be used again during that scene.



Call of the Wyrm (Basic Galliard LotWR): This is an opposed Social Challenge.

Command the Gathering (Basic Galliard W20): As the Philodox Gift.

Distractions (Basic Galliard LotWR): This is an opposed Social Challenge.

Heightened Senses (Basic Galliard LotWR): As the Lupus Gift.

Howls in the Night (Basic Galliard W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and up to five Social Traits, and succeed in
a Static Social Challenge (retest Intimidation, difficulty 7 Traits). Success denies sleep for a number of
hours equal to the number of Social Traits spent, and imposes a one Trait penalty to all challenges the
following day. Successive nights of use of this Gift are cumulative.


Perfect Recall (Basic Galliard W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page 169.

Persuasion (Basic Galliard LotWR): As the Homid Gift.

Unified Force (Basic Galliard BoA): Mechanics: The Gift user spends a Gnosis Trait to activate this Gift for
the scene. While this Gift is active the entirety of the pack of the Gift user act on the same initiative as the
highest initiative of the pack members. At least three pack members must be present for the Gift to be
activated, and if any of the pack members frenzy the Gift ends.


Book of Years (Intermediate Galliard BoA): Mechanics: As per the Philodox Gift: Wisdom of the Ancient
Ways. The flavor of this Gift follows the Book of Auspices, page 101.

Gift of Dreams (Intermediate Galliard W20): To craft the dream requires a Static Mental Challenge (retest
Expression, difficulty 8). The inception of the dream requires a Gnosis Trait to be spent and breathing it into
the targets mouth while they sleep.

Shadows by the Firelight (Intermediate Galliard LotWR): The user of this Gift can target no more than his
permanent Gnosis Traits in targets per use of this Gift. To affect an unwilling group, the user must engage
in a Social Challenge against the individual in the group with the highest Social Traits, who is given an
additional Trait for comparison of ties for each other unwilling target of this power.
Targets of this Gift who suffer damage while under the effects of this Gift make a Social Challenge against
the user to break free of the Gift's control during the same action that they took damage, and are given an
additional Trait for comparison of ties for each level of damage they suffered. The targets of this Gift are
allowed to spend a Willpower Trait to retest any challenge to break free. Should a target break free of
control of this Gift they are able to act freely again on the following turn.
Actors given roles that involve dying will instead fall down and asleep at the time of their "death" for the
remainder of the Gift, waking up immediately when the Gift expires. This includes given commands to take
suicidal actions. The actor will instead collapse immediately and fall asleep. No unwilling person or persons
can be affected by this Gift more than once per scene.

Song of Heroes (Intermediate Galliard W20): At the end of the tale the player spends two Gnosis Traits and
engages in a Static Social Challenge (difficulty 8, retest Performance). Success gives three additional
Abilities of the characters choice to those Garou and Kinfolk who listened to the performance. These
Abilities last until the end of the session, and once they are spent they are gone.

Song of the Siren (Intermediate Galliard W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait and up to five Social Traits, and
succeed in a Static Social Challenge (retest Performance, difficulty 8). Packmates automatically resist this
Gift. This Gift lasts for a number of turns equal to the Social Traits spent. During that time, up to as many
targets as you have Performance Ability in the scene who can hear you sing or howl, must defeat you in a
Social Challenge (retest Performance) to take any action other than listening to your song or howl. If the
targets of this Gift fail the Social Challenge, they must spend a Willpower Trait per turn to act normally. If


those affected by this Gift win the Social Challenge to resist the Gift, they are immune to its effects for the
remainder of the evening. This Gift can be used once per scene.

View of the Battlefield (Intermediate Galliard BoA): Mechanics: The Gift user spends a Gnosis Trait and
must succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty of the challenge equal to the size of the battle, a room
is only 5 Traits, a building being 8, while an entire forest may be 10, retest Awareness). If successful, the
character views the entire battlefield as if from above (and can look through ceilings and the like to view the
combatants below). This Gift lasts for the entire scene, and while it is active the Gift user is unable to be
flanked or surprised and gives the Gift user a sixth-sense in regard to her pack mates wellbeing. Immediately the Gift user is aware if any of his allies are in immediate danger. Even if the vision of
the Gift user would be obscured he is still instinctively aware of the location and condition of his packmates.


Fabric of the Mind (Advanced Galliard LotWR): To use this Gift, spend any number of Gnosis Traits and
make a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 10 Traits, retest with Performance), and risk up to five Mental
Traits. With success, for each Mental Trait risked a dream creature, being, or item is brought into reality.
The conjured dreams exist outside of combat for five minutes per Gnosis Trait spent, or inside combat for
one round per Gnosis Trait spent.
Sentient imaginations cannot know information or specifics that you do not know, and are unable to act
independently without your direction. Imaginations use your permanent Mental Traits for all challenges, and
have corresponding Ability levels to what you have. Each Imagination can attack foes and act once per
round. They deal damage according to what they are dreamt into existence with.

Each conjured dream can deal up to three aggravated damage, four lethal damage, or five bashing damage
per round. Damage from these imaginations is real in every way, and persists even after the Gift ends.
Imagined items can be fantastical in their capabilities, and are limited only by the Storyteller's discretion,
however, the onus of the capabilities of the Imaginations is on the player's ability to completely describe the
dreams, where they come from, and all of their intricacies.
During the duration of this Gift, these Imaginations are considered real. Intermediate Stargazer Gift: Clarity
does not negate the damage or existence of Imaginations. Sense the Unnatural and Sense Magic detect a
magic type the same of that of the Gift user.

Legends Insight (Advanced Galliard BoA): Only characters with the Ancestors Background may learn this
Gift. The Gift user must engage in a Static Social Challenge (difficulty 12 level of Ancestors Background,
retest Occult). If successful the Gift user can pick a number of Abilities per level of the Ancestors
Background the character has. Each Ability picked receives three level of that Ability to use during the
scene. Modern Abilities (Computer, Drive, Firearms, Security, Science, etc.) are not able to be picked.




Empathy of Hatred (Basic Ahroun BoA): Mechanics: As per Book of Auspices, page 122.

Falling Touch (Basic Ahroun LotWR): The effects of this Gift end if the target is attacked. Successive uses
of this Gift on the same target are less effective. Each time within the same scene that a character was
affected by an opponents use of this Gift (you cannot have friendlies use it on you at the beginning of a
scene to make you immune) lowers the duration of the Gift by one action (down to zero actions lost).

Inspiration (Basic Ahroun LotWR): Each person affected by this Gift gains either an temporary Willpower
Trait to spend or a free retest on their next Willpower Challenge for use in the same scene Inspiration was
used. A character cannot benefit from Inspiration more than once in a scene.

Pack Tactics (Basic Ahroun W20): Once per scene the Gift user can spend a Willpower Trait and during the
same scene the Gift users pack gains a pool of Traits used for comparison of Ties and Overbids equal to
the Gift users Leadership Ability. These Traits can be drawn from the pool by any of the pack members at
any time during the scene, during any endeavor that all of the present pack members are engaged on. An
individual character cannot pull more Traits from the pool than their Rank per scene. A character cannot
benefit from more than one use of this Gift per scene. Once the Trait pool is depleted the Traits remain on
the Garou that have them until the end of the scene. This Gift may only be used when at least three of the
pack members are present, and all of the Traits are lost automatically if any of the pack members frenzy.

Renewed Vigor (Basic Ahroun BoA): Mechanics: To use this Gift, the Gift user must have spent at least
three Rage Traits in that turn, and killed an enemy. The Gift user then spends a Willpower Trait and all of
her pack mates and a number of allies equal to the Garous Leadership Ability regain a number of temporary
Rage equal to the Gift users Leadership Ability. This Gift can only be used once per scene.

Shield of Rage (Basic Ahroun W20): Spend one Willpower Trait to activate this Gift. For the remainder of
the scene all spirits attacking the Gift user treat their Rage as two less for determining their Physical Traits
and damage.

Spirit of the Fray (Basic Ahroun LotWR): The Traits gained from this Gift are only applicable in
determining Initiative and only for Physical actions.

Spiritual Wrath (Basic Ahroun BoA): Mechanics: Targets of this Gift are limited as per Book of Auspices,
page 122. This Gift is activated with the expenditure of a Gnosis Trait and is made as part of a claw or bite
attack. While active, the Gift user deals an additional level of aggravated damage of those vulnerable to this
Gift, and ignores supernatural powers of armor or damage resistance (Fortitude, Charm: Armor, etc.)

Spur Claws (Basic Ahroun W20): Victims of this Gift suffer a Two Trait penalty on all challenges until taking
the time to remove the claws.


True Fear (Basic Ahroun LotWR): This is an opposed Social Challenge (retest with Intimidation).


Body Shift (Intermediate Ahroun W20): This Gift is removed from play. All characters who had purchased
this Gift are immediately refunded points spent on this Gift.

Clenched Jaw (Intermediate Ahroun LotWR): Spend a Rage trait after a successful bite attack. All biting
attacks deal an additional level of Aggravated damage. While clenched, the victim is considered grappled,
you are three Traits up to maintain the grapple. You may attempt a normal physical challenge at +2 traits
to attempt to deal bite damage on each of your actions. If the victim manages to defeat your grapple, the
strength of your clench deals the victim a level of lethal damage on the way out.

Combat Healing (Intermediate Ahroun W20): Instead of following the standard Regenerative Healing rules
this Gift instead permanently bestows the following benefits in all forms: At the beginning of the Everyman
round the Gift-user now automatically heals two Bashing damage or two Lethal damage. Instead of healing
Bashing or Lethal damage, the character can instead Win or Tie a Simple Test to heal an aggravated level
of damage. This is reflexive, does not require an Action, and persists until the character dies.

Full Moons Light (Intermediate Ahroun W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and succeed in a Static Mental
Challenge (difficulty equal to the highest Mental Traits of those who wish to harm you, retest Awareness.)
The range of this Gift is the scene youre in.

Heart of Fury (Intermediate Ahroun LotWR): After succeeding in a Static Willpower Challenge, you gain a
one trait for comparison of Ties and Overbids in challenges to resist Frenzy, plus an additional Trait per
Mental Trait you spend.

Purity of Spirit (Intermediate Ahroun BoA): Mechanics: As per Book of Auspices, page 122. This Gift can
be activated reflexively while being attacked. In place of automatic successes, the Gift user can treat a
number of health levels of damage equal to the Gnosis spent of Silver damage as if they were not silver.
The activation of this Gift lasts a number of rounds equal to the Gnosis Traits spent. This Gift is
incompatible with Lunas Armor as described in the Book of Auspices. This Gift can only be activated once
per scene.

Touch of Rage (Intermediate Ahroun BoA): Mechanics: As per Book of Auspices, page 123.

Wind Claws (Intermediate Ahroun W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page 172.


Aegis (Advanced Ahroun BoA): Mechanics: The player spends a Willpower Trait and for the duration of the
round the player halves all incoming damage (except Silver).


Strength of Will (Advanced Ahroun LotWR): Successful activation of this Gift also makes the Garou
completely immune to fear, Fox Frenzy, and effects utilizing the Intimidation Ability as a retest. You also
receive a free retest against any powers that attempt to control or sway you emotionally (Presence, Head
Games, etc.).



Form Mastery (Basic Black Furies W20): As the Metis Gift.

Kneel (Basic Black Furies W20): Defeat the target in a Social Challenge (retest Intimidation) and spend up
to five Social Traits. Success causes the target to fall to their knees for a number of rounds equal to the
number of Social Traits spent unless they spend a Gnosis Trait to end this Gifts effects. Kneeling
characters may defend themselves normally, but are otherwise unable to initiate hostile actions.

Mans Skin (Basic Black Furies W20): Succeed in a Static Social Challenge (retest Subterfuge, difficulty 6
Traits). The Gift lasts until the user desires otherwise.

Pulse of the Prey (Basic Black Furies LotWR): As Basic Ragabash Gift: Sense of the Prey.

Wyld Resurgence (Basic Black Furies W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page


Blizzard of Arrows (Intermediate Black Fury Amazons of Diana TBR:BF): Maximum number of targets is 5+
users levels in Archery. Arrows fired must be mundane arrows.

Coupe de Grace (Intermediate Black Fury LotWR): This Gift will not add more than three levels of damage
to an attack, and is single target only.

Heart Claw (Intermediate Black Furies W20): After making a successful claw attack, spend a Willpower
Trait. The claw burrows into the enemy inflicting two Lethal wounds at the beginning of every Everyman
round. Any healing that would heal two Lethal wounds or more stops the claw, as does taking a full round
action to remove the claw. Removing the claw is a Static Mental Challenge (retest Medicine, difficulty 4 plus
the number of rounds the claw has burrowed), and deals a Lethal damage upon extraction. Otherwise, the
claw does not stop until the target is dead. No more than one claw can affect a target at a time.

Visceral Agony (Intermediate Black Fury LotWR): Ignore the wound penalty examples given. Refer to
MET wound penalties instead.


Wings of Pegasus (Intermediate Black Furies W20): Flight maneuvering difficulties and challenges are set
by the presiding Storyteller.


Gorgons Gaze (Advanced Black Furies W20): This Gift requires a successful Social Challenge (retest
Occult), against the victim, and up to five Social Traits spent. Humans (not kinfolk, Kinain, Mages, ghouls,
etc.) can be permanently frozen in stone if five Social Traits are spent.



Between the Cracks (Basic Bone Gnawers W20): Spend a Willpower Trait to activate this Gift, and up to
five Mental Traits to increase the secludedness of the destination.

Cornered Rats Ferocity (Basic Bone Gnawers W20): Spend one Rage Trait to activate this Gift. The Gift
user immediately goes into a Berserk frenzy (the Gift prevents the possibility of Thrall of the Wyrm) and is
considered three Traits up on all Brawl-based Physical Challenges.

Guise of the Hound (Basic Bone Gnawers W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait to enact this Gift. It lasts for a

Kitchen Chemistry (Basic Bone Gnawers TBR:BG): The Traits spent as listed in the Gift are Mental
Traits spent when the Gift is activated.

Odious Aroma (Basic Bone Gnawers LotWR): Packmates of the Gift-user can still smell the awful aroma,
but are not mechanically affected unless the Gift-user desires them to be.

Resist Toxin (Basic Bone Gnawers LotWR): This Gift lasts for a scene.

Scent of Sweet Honey (Basic Bone Gnawers W20): The Garou can lay down a scent upon an object or
creature that insects and all manner of vermin find irresistible. This gift costs one Gnosis to use. An
object affected by this is swarmed during the scene. A character target suffers a two Trait penalty to all
actions for an hour or a scene, during which time the scent will not wash off, and temporarily picks up the
negative traits: Clumsy, Repugnant, and Witless as the swarming insects bite, crawl on and generally
distract him.

Tagalong (Basic Bone Gnawers LotWR): You may only Tagalong to one Totem at a time. You cannot use
this Gift to Tagalong to a Totem that is of a Brood you have Spirit Notoriety with.

Trash is Treasure (Basic Bone Gnawers W20): Spend a Gnosis to activate this Gift. The item is repaired
for the scene, or permanently if a Willpower Trait is also spent.



Blink (Intermediate Bone Gnawers W20): The character spends a Gnosis Trait and succeeds in a Static
Social Challenge (retest Stealth, difficulty 6). The character can reappear in any shaded area he can see
within 20 paces.

Call the Rust (Intermediate Bone Gnawers W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and engage in a Static Social
Challenge (retest Crafts, difficulty 8) to use this Gift. All metal objects within a number of paces of the Bone
Gnawer equal to his permanent Gnosis rating begin to corrode. Metal weapons lose a Trait per round, and
metal armors lose a Health level per round until falling apart into uselessness. After five rounds vehicles
and most other objects fall apart into piles of rusted scrap metal. Other equipment deteriorates at a rate as
determined by the presiding Storyteller. This Gift does not work on Silver.

Friend in Need (Intermediate Bone Gnawers LotWR): You cannot transfer the Gift: Friend in Need through
the use of this Gift.

Gift of the Skunk (Intermediate Bone Gnawers W20): To spray a target, during the Everyman round, defeat
them in a Physical Challenge (retest Athletics) at a maximum range of 10 feet. The target and anyone within
10 paces other than the Gift-user must spend a Willpower Trait to avoid retching during the first round the
Gift is used. The target is at a 4 Social Trait penalty until bathed in methods that remove skunk spray.
These penalties are not cumulative on successive use. Players of "skunked" characters must notify players
of characters entering the scene of their aroma.

Gift of the Termite (Intermediate Bone Gnawers W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait and up to five Mental
Traits, and then succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (retest Crafts, difficulty equal to the size of material
being rotted). Each Mental Trait spent rots larger quantities of paper or wood as listed under successes.

Laugh of the Hyena (Intermediate Bone Gnawers TBR:BG): In addition to the bonus Traits, this Gift
provides a free retest on any Challenge to command, cajole, force or demand the character to do
something they do not want to do. It requires the Gift user to obvious cackle like a hyena whenever
calling upon this Gift.

Shadow of the Rat (Intermediate Bone Gnawers TBR:BG): Replace With: At any time the character
with this Gift can spend a Gnosis Trait to refresh all Physical Traits.



Brothers Scent (Basic Children of Gaia W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and succeed in a Static Social
Challenge (retest Empathy, difficulty 6), to enact this Gift. Those on the look-out for out of place individuals
must defeat the Gift user in a Social challenge to take note of him. So long as the character using this Gift
does not take actions that would bring attention to himself, he does not stand out as out of place. As the


book describes, the character is not invisible, simply unremarkable and commonplace. Supernaturals on the
look-out for unwelcomed guests who would otherwise be subject to this power can spend a Willpower Trait
to take note of the character being present and interact with them as normal.

Calm (Children of Gaia): Rage Traits removed by this Gift are instantly restored to the target of this Gift if
they are attacked within the scene of having succumbed to this Gift.

Calm the Savage Beast (Basic Children of Gaia W20): As the Homid Gift. Any Children of Gaia who bought
this Gift as an Intermediate are immediately refunded their points and can then choose to repurchase this
Gift as a Basic Gift.

Grandmothers Touch (Basic Children of Gaia TBR:CoG): Replace With: As per Mothers Touch, only the
character can spend up to five Mental Traits per activation of the Gift. If the character has Mothers Touch
and Grandmothers Touch, the character can spend up to seven Mental Traits per activation of the Gift.

Jam Weapon (Basic Children of Gaia TBR:CoG): This Gift effects a chosen target, not necessarily the
nearest, though they must still be within line of sight. This gift lasts for one turn, plus an additional turn per
Social Trait spent at activation.

Lunas Armor (Basic Children of Gaia LotWR): This Gift can only be used once per scene.

Para Bellum (Basic Children of Gaia W20): Spending one Rage Trait activates this Gift, and causes the Gift
user to gain two Physical Traits against the initiating opponent (as described in the Gift) for the remainder of
the scene.

Unicorns Arsenal (Basic Children of Gaia W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait to activate this Gift. Those
wounded by one using this Gift have a two Trait penalty on all Physical Challenges until the wound has
healed. This Gift does not stack, its effects are not cumulative.


Serenity (Intermediate Children of Gaia W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and up to five Social Traits, and defeat
the opponent in a Social Challenge (retest Empathy). Success prevents the target from frenzying, initiating
Rage challenges, or spending Rage for a number of turns equal to the Social Traits spent.




Fire in the Belly (Basic Fianna TBR:Fianna): The difficulty for the Willpower challenge is the Gift user's
current Rage.

Flame Dance (Basic Fianna W20): This Gift is considered always active. The Gift-user is considered to be
three Traits up on all attempts to Dodge in any round in which she has spent Rage.

Form Mastery (Basic Fianna W20): As the Metis Gift.

Glib Tongue (Basic Fianna LotWR): Replace With: This Gift causes listeners to hear your words as
presented artfully and persuasively. Spend one Gnosis and make a Static Social Challenge (difficulty 8
Traits, retest Expression) to activate this Gift for a number of turns equal to your permanent Social Traits.
You are considered two Traits up on all nonharmful Social Challenges, and as a result are able to more
easily convince people of your perspective or cause. You also gain a free retest in any Empathy,
Expression, Leadership, or Subterfuge challenge while this Gift is active, as you are able to easily
navigate modes of conversation and speech.

Howl of the Banshee (Basic Fianna LotWR): The Gift-user's packmates are immune to his or her's
uses of this power.

Howl of the Unseen (Basic Fianna TBR:Fianna): Successful use of this Gift lasts for a scene.

Reverie (Basic Fianna TBR:Fianna): Not Auspice specific. The challenge to use this Gift is an Opposed
Social vs. Mental Challenge.

Two Tongues (Basic Fianna W20): Spend a Willpower Trait to activate this Gift for the scene. Disregard
the rule regarding detecting the alternate conversation.


Balor's Gaze (Intermediate Fianna LotWR): The difficulty of the Willpower challenge for the victim is equal
to the Rage of the Garou employing this Gift. Tormented victims of this Gift suffer a 5 Trait penalty on all
challenges while afflicted. Targets who are already at the Wounded health level are treated as
Incapacitated while under the effects of this Gift. Victims with the Gift: Resist Pain, are instead at a 3 Trait
penalty on all challenges while afflicted, and are not treated as Incapacitated if already at the Wounded
health level while afflicted by this Gift. Spending a Willpower Trait to resist the effects of Wound Penalties
grants the same protection as Resist Pain during the turn it is spent.

Faerie Kin (Intermediate Fianna LotWR): Requires Fae Lore 3 and Fianna Lore 3 to learn or a spirit quest
to the Arcadia Gateway to obtain. Changelings summoned with this Gift use the Faerie Kin template for
statistics. See the Faerie Kin Guide for use of this Gift.

Fog of War (Intermediate Fianna TBR:Fianna): Not Auspice Specific. Replace With: To employ this Gift
the user spends one Gnosis Trait and chooses a number of targets not exceeding her permanent Gnosis
Rating. She then engages in a Social Challenge against the targets (the user of the Gift need only bid one
Trait for all of the targets, and


Throws against them all simultaneously Performance is the retest, but the user of the Gift need only
spend one Performance ability to retest all targets). Each target successfully afflicted by this Gift ihas a
Two Trait penalty on all challenges and must retest any successful challenge for the remainder of the
scene (or until the Fianna is killed or knocked to Incapacitated) as a result of the illusory distractions
summoned by the user of the Gift. Victims of this Gift with the Intermediate Stargazer Gift: Clarity can use
that power as normal to try and not be affected by Fog of War. Faeries and Changelings are immune to
the effects of this power.
Successful use of the Gifts: Sense the Unnatural or Sense Magic automatically permit a contested Mental
Challenge (retest Subterfuge) to recognize the effects of this Gift as an illusion, but do not end the effects of
the Gift. Illusions detected by these Gifts read as both Gaian and Fae.

Ley Lines (Intermediate Fianna W20): After spending a Gnosis Trait to activate this Gift and succeeding in a
Static Gnosis Challenge (difficulty 5), the Gift user clears his trail and ability to be tracked from any trail left
before the activation of the Gift.

Phantasm (Intermediate Fianna LotWR): Replace With: To use Phantasm, spend a point of Gnosis and
the illusion springs into life for the remainder of the scene, and is perceivable by anyone. To affect an
area with a Phantasm you must also spend an additional point of Gnosis for each 10foot area to be
covered by the illusion. While active, you may make a Social Challenge to cause the illusion to attack a
single target as your Everyman action. If the challenge is successful the target takes a maximum of 3
points of aggravated damage, 4 points of lethal damage, or 5 points of bashing damage. The type of
damage inflicted by Phantasm depends on your illusions mode of attack. An illusory pistol would cause
lethal damage while balefire summoned by an illusory Wyrm-tainted Elemental would cause aggravated
If a character has a valid reason to disbelieve the illusion (ST discretion, and as Phantasm is meant to be a
subtle and devious power STs are encouraged to allow disbelief in overtly wild or blunt uses of
Phantasm, with disbelievers gaining bonus Traits the more outlandish the illusion is), they may attempt a
Mental Challenge against the illusionists Social Traits (retest Awareness for the disbeliever, Expression for
the Gift user). Success on this challenge allows the disbeliever to see through the illusion (or hear through
it, smell through it, etc.). However, even a character who consciously realizes that your creation is illusory
will be unable to disbelieve it completely enough to avoid taking damage. Damage and effects caused by
Phantasm fades at the end of the scene, however, characters killed by or with Phantasm damage remain
Wounds and wound penalties caused by illusory damage are subject to Gifts and powers, and may be
healed or regenerated normally. This power cannot be used to create non-damaging combat effects
like staking or grappling, however it can create sensory deprivation or sensory altering effects like
blindness, deafness, etc.
Characters with the Intermediate Stargazer Gift: Clarity can use that Gift as per normal to attempt to
negate all effects of this Gift. Faeries and Changelings are immune to the effects of this power.
Successful use of the Gifts: Sense the Unnatural or Sense Magic automatically permit a test to recognize
the effect as an illusion. Illusions detected by these Gifts read as both Gaian and Fae.


Song of the Siren (Intermediate Fianna W20): As the Galliard Gift.


Fog on the Moor (Advanced Fianna W20): Spend a Willpower Trait and succeed in a Static Gnosis
Challenge (difficulty 7) to activate this Gift for a scene. If the gift-user takes a number of attack actions
greater than their permanent Gnosis, the Gift ends.

Gift of the Spriggan (Advanced Fianna LotWR): Each increment of size increase or decrease beyond
the first costs a Gnosis Trait. No more than three additional Gnosis Traits can be spent to increase or
decrease. Each size increase grants three Strength-related Physical Traits. Each size decrease grants a
one Trait bonus for comparison of Ties and Overbids in all stealth challenges.



Fangs of the North (Basic Get of Fenris W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and succeed in a Static Mental
Challenge (retest Survival, difficulty 6 Traits). After activation for the remainder of the scene your bite and
claws attack result in the target having a Two Trait penalty on all Physical Challenges until the wounds are
healed. These penalties are not cumulative with successive use. Supernatural healing requires twice any
expenditures to heal these wounds. Natural healing takes four times as long to heal these wounds. These
are considered cold-effects.

Lightning Reflexes (Basic Get of Fenris W20): This Gift allows the user to spend a Willpower Trait
reflexively to negate a Surprise retest against them.

Master of Fire (Basic Get of Fenris LotWR): As the Homid Gift.

Troll Skin (Basic Get of Fenris TBR:GoF): This Gift cannot be activated more than once per scene.


Body Shift (Intermediate Get of Fenris W20): This Gift is removed from play. All characters who had
purchased this Gift are immediately refunded points spent on this Gift.

Glory-Scars (Intermediate Get of Fenris TBR:GoF): This Gift lasts for one scene, and does not refresh


any Abilities.

Heart of the Mountain (Intermediate Get of Fenris W20): In place of soaking one level of damage, this Gift
removes one level of damage from all non-silver attacks.

Might of Thor (Intermediate Get of Fenris LotWR): Replace With: Upon learning this Gift, once per
scene the Gift user can perform a feat of incredible strength (flipping a city bus, hefting a large
automobile, pulling prison bars down, punching through a few feet concrete or steel etc.) that does not
cause direct damage to another character. By spending a Rage Trait and a Gnosis Trait, for the
remainder of the scene the Gift user can perform these feats of incredible strength at will, and gains
Brawny x2 and Ferocious x2 and an additional level of damage in all Brawl, Melee, and Throwing

Redirect Pain (Intermediate Get of Fenris W20): To inflict this Gift, the character spends on Rage Trait and
makes a Physical Challenge against the target (retest Primal-Urge). While affected, the target of this Gift
suffers any Wound Penalties (up to Incapacitated) the Gift-user would suffer (regardless of whether or not
the Gift-user actually suffers them). Those with the Gift Resist Pain are not affected by this Gift unless the
Gift user is Wounded or lower in Health Levels.

Scream of Gaia (Intermediate Get of Fenris LotWR): Replace With: Spend one Gnosis Trait to enact
this Gift. Those within 10 paces of the Gift user must succeed in a Static Physical Challenge (retest
Athletics, difficulty equal to the Gift users Physical Traits) or be knocked down for one action and suffer
three levels of Lethal damage. Packmates of the Gift user are unaffected by this Gift.

Venom Blood (Intermediate Get of Fenris LotWR): Venom Blood can be placed on weapons by taking
an action to coat them. The weapon then deals one additional level of damage that is aggravated when
it hits the target. The coat of Venom Blood must be reapplied after each hit. Blood powering this Gift
must immediately come from the Gift user, and cannot be stored or accumulated for extended
use. Arrows, bolts, and bullets are too small and travel too fast to be successfully coated.


Endurance of Heimdall (Advanced Get of Fenris W20): Spend two Gnosis Traits to activate this Gift and
gain three Healthy Health Levels, and a free retest on all Survival challenges for the remainder of the
scene. This Gift can only be used once per scene.

Fenris' Bite (Advanced Get of Fenris LotWR): Replace With: Whenever the Gift-user bites a foe, the Gift
user may spend one (and only one) Rage Trait to deal an additional level of aggravated damage. The Giftuser then engages in two Simple Tests. If successful, the Gift-user may choose a limb of the victim to sever
(right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg are common, decapitation is not possible). The victim of this bite loses
the ability to use that limb permanently unless able to regenerate the damage (it takes one week for a Garou
or Vampire to regenerate a limb). Each leg lost reduces the victim's movement speed by half.

Strength of the Ancestors (Advanced Get of Fenris TBR:GoF): Replace Mechanics With: Spend a
Rage Trait and up to 5 Levels of Ancestors Background, followed by a Static Social Challenge (difficulty


10 minus the number of Ancestors Background spent). If successful, each Ancestors Background spent
gives the Fenrir an additional Physical Trait (chosen by the player) for the remainder of the scene. If the
Social Challenge fails the Ancestors Background and Rage Trait are still lost.



Hands Full of Thunder (Basic Glass Walkers W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait. For the remainder of the
scene no guns used by the Gift holder will run out of ammunition. Nor can they be jammed or made unable
to function by supernatural means or otherwise. This Gift will not work with Silver or Fetish/Talen
ammunition. Once a gun using Silver or Fetish/Talen ammunition runs out of that ammunition in the
clip/magazine all further ammunition fired is regular ammunition.

Image of the Saints (Basic Glass Walkers Wise Guys TBR:GW): This is a Static Mental Challenge
difficulty equal to the targets Mental Traits. This Gift will show you the target's Nature, if applicable.
Against Garou, it shows their Pack totem (or other significant allegiance), while other supernaturals are
detected by an associated saint in addition to their Nature.

Pennies From Heaven (Basic Glass Walkers TBR:GW): Spend 1 Trait for each increase in value
($0.01>$0.05>$0.10>$0.25>$1>$5> $10>$20>$50>$100: foreign currencies use equivalents).
Difficulty for the Challenge is 7 Traits. This Gift is not limited by the standard number of Traits that can
be spent into powering the effects of any Gift.

Persuasion (Basic Glass Walkers LotWR): As the Homid Gift.

Plug and Play (Basic Glass Walkers W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page

Power Surge (Basic Glass Walkers LotWR): Replace "successes" with Social Traits spent.

Skyscraper Vision (Basic Glass Walkers TBR:GW): Instead of a Gnosis Challenge, spend a Gnosis Trait
and make a Mental Challenge (difficulty 8 Traits, retest Awareness) to activate this power.

Tommy's New Trick (Basic Glass Walkers Wise Guys TBR:GW): Replace With: Spend a Gnosis Trait.
For the remainder of the scene you can spend a Willpower Trait to retest any failed Firearms challenge
utilizing the Spray capability. No bullets will be left at the scene, and no one will be hit except your
targeted opponents.



Electroshock (Intermediate Glass Walkers TBR:GW): Spend a number of Rage Traits. Each Trait inflicts
two levels of electrical aggravated damage on a chosen opponent. You may divide this among three
opponents, provided they are either being touched by you (make a Physical Challenge against unwilling
targets) or they are touching something conductive (water, metal or each other). This power has no effect
on nonconductive materials, and cannot target an opponent protected by them. You cannot spend more
Rage than half your permanent rating on this gift. No single target may take more than 5 Aggravated
wounds from the use of this Gift.

Signal Rider (Intermediate Glass Walkers W20): Riding online conferencing software requires a Static
Mental Challenge (retest Computers, difficulty 8).


Family Debt (Advanced Glass Walkers Wise Guys TBR:GW): Top Approval.



Howls in the Night (Basic Red Talons W20): As the Galliard Gift.

Pulse of the Prey (Basic Ragabash LotWR): As Basic Ragabash Gift: Sense of the Prey.

Shadows of the Impergium (Basic Red Talons W20): This Gift allows the Delirium to occur in Hispo form
as well as Crinos form. Those affected by the Delirium of the Gift users Crinos or Hispo form resolves the
Delirium as if they had a Willpower Rating four lower than it actually is. This Gift is always active but can be
temporarily suppressed at will.


Render Down (Intermediate Red Talons W20): Spend a Rage Trait and up to five Physical Traits. Each
Physical Trait spent breaks down twenty pounds of target material to base components.

Stoking Furys Furnace (Intermediate Red Talons LotWR): As the Ahroun Gift.


Scabwalker Curse (Advanced Red Talons W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait and up to five Social Traits, and
then engage in a Social Challenge (retest Survival) against the target. This Gift lasts for a number of days
equal to the Social Traits spent. The Gift works otherwise as listed.




Aura of Confidence (Basic Shadow Lords LotWR): This Gift grants win on ties when defending against
supernatural challenges to find flaws in your thoughts, read your aura, or otherwise intrude on your mind,
as well.

Clap of Thunder (Basic Shadow Lords LotWR): The difficulty of the Willpower challenge is the Gift
users permanent Willpower.

Cold Voice of Reason (Basic Shadow Lords TBR:SL): This is an opposed Social Challenge.

Hidden Secrets (Basic Shadow Lords Children of Crow TBR:SL): This is an opposed Mental Challenge.

Howls in the Night (Basic Shadow Lords W20): As the Galliard Gift.

Interrogator (Basic Shadow Lords TBR:SL): This Gift is an opposed Social Challenge against the
target. The once per month per target limit applies only if the Gift is successful.

Paranoia (Basic Shadow Lords Lords of the Summit TBR:SL): Static Difficulty of this Gift is 7. Each
Mental Trait spent can give one of the following:

exact location of enemies (which will blow any infiltrator or traitor's cover as well)

creature type of enemies

primary weapons of enemies (whichever ones they intend on using)

details of any plans targeting Gift user

Seizing the Edge (Basic Shadow Lords LotWR): The traits gained by activation may only be changed
categories at the top of each everyman action.

Shadow Weaving (Basic Shadow Lords W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait and succeed in a Static Physical
Challenge (retest Occult, difficulty 6). The Gift works thematically as written, mechanically giving the
Shadow Lord a two Traits for comparison of Ties and Overbids to all Stealth and Intimidation challenges.

Song of the Earth Mother (Basic Shadow Lords TBR:SL): As the Shadow Lords: Children of Bat Camp
Gift: This Gift gives the precise location of Wyrm-tainted presences in the area.

Whisper Catching (Basic Shadow Lords TBR:SL): Conversation need only be private, not necessarily
whispered. "Private" is at ST discretion but should also include any conversation from which the user has
been purposefully excluded. This Gift may not catch words communicated telepathically via mind links or
Totem links.



Direct the Storm (Intermediate Shadow Lords LotWR): This Gift is an opposed Willpower Challenge.

Durance (Intermediate Shadow Lords W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, pages
190 191.

Icy Chill of Despair (Intermediate Shadow Lords TBR:SL): No initial challenge is required. Anyone trying
to act against the user as described must make a succeed in an opposed Social Challenge (retest
Intimidation) or spend one Willpower per round of malicious action. The person attempting to breach the
power to act normally is considered the defender.

Seeds of Doubt (Intermediate Shadow Lords TBR:SL): This Gift is a contested Social Challenge, retest
Subterfuge. Lie *cannot* be disbelieved for at least one scene. Ex: Passport taker would assume user had
been pick-pocketed or had dropped it of user could not produce passport again.

Shadow Cutting (Intermediate Shadow Lords TBR:SL): The Gift-user attacks the targets shadow, the
target may not choose to counterattack and if they attempt to dodge they suffer a two trait penalty to the
challenge. This Gift requires line of sight.

Strength of the Dominator (Intermediate Shadow Lords LotWR): This is an opposed Social challenge
against the target.

Under the Gun (Intermediate Shadow Lords W20): Spend a Gnosis Trait and up to five Social Traits, and
defeat the target in a Social Challenge (retest Firearms). For one round per Social Trait spent all missile
attacks against the target are three traits up for comparison of Ties and Overbids.

Wyrm Taint (Intermediate Shadow Lords Bringers of the Light TBR:SL): Static Difficulty is 10 Traits.


Obedience (Advanced Shadow Lords LotWR): You may test against up to 5+ your level of intimidation
ability number of targets. After tests, you may choose a total of 5 targets to be under your sway. Gift
lasts 1 scene/hour, and if the Shadow Lord gives a command that is virtually suicida, the victims may
make a Static willpower challenge vs. 8 to break free from Obedience.

Wounding Lies (Advanced Shadow Lords TBR:SL): This is an opposed Social Challenge, retest with




Axis Mundi (Basic Silent Striders W20): As the Lupus Gift.

Flame Dance (Basic Silent Striders W20): As the Fianna Gift.

Sense the Unnatural (Basic Silent Striders LotWR): As the Lupus Gift.

Silence (Basic Silent Striders LotWR): Replace With: Spend a Gnosis Trait and for the remainder of the
scene or until the Gift-user wills it to stop, the character (as well as any weapons or items on her person)
emits no sound.

Speech of the World (Basic Silent Striders W20): As the Homid Gift.

Speed of Thought (Basic Silent Striders LotWR): The following benefits are only gained by Silent
Striders with this Gift: In addition to the benefits in the book, while this Gift is active you do not suffer a
one-Trait penalty for moving more than one step and taking an action, and can stand up from prone at no
cost in movement.
In addition, while in combat for every two steps taken during the round the character gains a Quick Physical
Trait (not to exceed the characters Rank in Quick Traits) that lasts until the character fails to take at least
two steps during a round or until combat ends.

Spirit of the Fray (Basic Silent Striders LotWR): As the Ahroun Gift.

Visions of Duat (Basic Silent Striders W20): The player spends one Gnosis Trait and engages in a Static
Mental Challenge (retest Occult, difficulty 6). Success allows the character to see into the Dark Umbra to
see, hear, and speak to ghosts as well as to detect haunted areas. In addition, once learned, Gifts and
Rites that target Spirits can now also affect Wraiths. If the Garou fails the Static Mental Test, her eyes shine
as a beacon as listed. This Gift functions otherwise as listed. Characters with the Merits: Medium and/or
Ghost Sight can have their points for those Merits refunded on learning this Gift.


Black Mark (Intermediate Silent Striders W20): This effect lasts for one hour per level of damage inflicted,
and as a result of being constantly haunted the character at a Two Trait penalty to all challenges

Mark of the Death-Wolf (Intermediate Silent Striders W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait and up to five Mental
Traits on making the Mark, and the succeed in a Mental Challenge (retest Occult, difficulty 8). Success
turns the area badly haunted for a week per Mental Trait spent, or until the Mark is destroyed.


Pathfinder (Intermediate Silent Striders W20): As the Ragabash Gift.

Speed Beyond Thought (Intermediate Silent Striders LotWR): The following benefits are only gained by
Silent Striders with this Gift: Replace With: Spend one Gnosis to activate this Gift. For one hour or
scene, the Gift user is considered to have the highest Initiative in any round for any action, regardless of
Traits. If multiple characters in a scene have this Gift active, they determine Initiative between them as per
The characters combat and non-attacking movement are both doubled while this Gift is active, and the
character can declare Fair Escape at the beginning of any round as long as there is a path with little to no
physical impediments (glass windows and standard doors can be busted down, mundane humans can be
blown past, but reinforced doors and the like or other Garou/shifters and supernatural creatures prevent
Outside of combat while this Gift is active and the character is running the he or she may elect to be
invisible, simply moving too fast for the mundane eye or electronics based on sight to detect. Those with
supernaturally enhanced sight (Gifts, Disciplines, Spheres that enhance seeing, but not Merit: Acute
Senses) can test to see the Strider, but the Strider has three bonus Traits for this challenge.
Inside of combat in while this Gift is active and the character moves at least three paces in a turn the Strider
with this Gift is treated as if an invisible attacker for the remainder of the turn. The above test to see the
character is the same in combat.
Finally, while active, once per round whenever the character spends a Rage Trait to counterattack, instead
of attacking, the Gift-user can take their full combat movement. If this movement puts them out of range of
attack (more than two paces away for Melee or Brawl attacks) then the attack fails as the character is
considered to have Dodged. This can also negate ranged attacks if the character is able to perceive the
point of origin of the attack, and get out of Line of Sight with this movement.



Ghost Paths (Basic Silver Fangs Ivory Priesthood W20): As the Ragabash Gift: The Usual Suspects, but
applies only to ghosts instead.

Ghost Speech (Basic Silver Fangs Ivory Priesthood W20): As the Silent Striders Gift: Visions of Duat.

Hand Blade (Basic Silver Fangs TBR:SF): As the Silver Fangs House Wyrmfoe Gift: This Gift grants 3 traits
for the comparison of Ties and Overbids and deals 3 aggravated damage. You may not use this gift in
conjunction with Klaiviskar maneuvers. Gifts that specifically increase claw damage do not increase the
damage done with this gift (for example, Razor Claws). However, if the Silver Fang has Silver Claws


activated, the hand blade deals silver damage, likewise with Lunas Avenger. Gifts that increase damage
done by natural attacks (such as Kiss of Helios) stack with this Gift.

Inspiration (Basic Silver Fangs LotWR): As the Ahroun Gift.

Sense Silver (Basic Silver Fangs LotWR): As the Ahroun Gift.

Unity of the Pack (Basic Silver Fangs W20): Whenever the Silver Fang is present, all members of her pack
(including herself) gain two extra Traits in all challenges in which all present pack members are
participating. The Silver Fang cannot benefit from this Gift when alone.


Burning Blade (Intermediate Silver Fangs W20): As the Silver Fangs House Blood Red Crest Gift. This
Gifts duration is a number of rounds equal to the Gift users permanent Gnosis Rating. Throwing the
weapon immediately ends the effect.

Monitor the Transgressor (Intermediate Silver Fangs Grey Raptors W20): As the Intermediate Ragabash
Gift: The Usual Suspects.

Raptor Wings (Intermediate Silver Fangs Grey Raptors CB1): This Gift allows the Raptor to spend a
Gnosis Trait to shift into a form that is mechanically the same as Coraxs Rara Avis form, save that the
coloring is always a uniform grey and it cannot fly.

Sidestep Death (Intermediate Silver Fangs W20): After tests are resolved and damaged is declared, the
Gift-user may spend three Willpower Traits to evade the attack, so long as it would inflict enough damage to
place the Gift-users Health Levels to Wounded or below. There is no times per scene limit to this Gift.

Walking Between Worlds (Intermediate Silver Fangs Ivory Priesthood): This Gift requires the user to
spend three Gnosis Traits and make a Stepping Sideways challenge while in a tomb, graveyard, or
mausoleum. The Gift user cannot spend a Gnosis Trait to automatically step over. Success allows the
user to step into the Shadow Lands (Storytellers reference pages 31 and 32 of Umbra for guidance). To
exit the Shadow Lands requires the Gift to be activated again at the same spot it was activated before. For
30 days following return from the Dark Umbra, the character suffers the effects of the Flaws Smell of the
Grave and Eerie Presence from Laws of the Night, Revised.

Wrath of Gaia (Intermediate Silver Fangs LotWR): This Gift may only affect a maximum number of targets
equal to the gift users permanent Willpower. This Gift targets the closest enemies first.




Iron Resolve (Basic Stargazers W20): When the Stargazer spends a Willpower Trait to retest a Mental or
Social Challenge, the Stargazer gains three additional Traits for comparison of ties in that retest.

Inner Light (Basic Stargazers W20): The difficulty of Stepping Sideways for the Gift user is lowered by two,
and the user is always treated as if staring into a reflective surface while Stepping Sideways.

Resist Temptation (Basic Stargazers W20): Spend one Gnosis Trait and succeed in a Static Social
Challenge (retest Rituals, difficulty 6). If successful, the Gift user has a free retest in all challenges to
supernaturally coerce, manipulate, intimidate, or control her for the remainder of the scene. Mundane
attempts to do the same fail entirely.


Mindblock (Intermediate Stargazers LotWR): As the Silver Fangs Gift.

Preternatural Awareness (Intermediate Stargazers Hengeyokai): Replace With: The Stargazer becomes
so attuned to her surroundings that she can anticipate the actions of her opponents. Once this Gift is
learned the character can no longer be surprised, suffers no penalties for fighting while unable to see her
opponent, and can now spend Mental Traits instead of Rage Traits to counter-attack any Brawl or Melee
attacks as per the Combat Primer.
In addition, if the character spends a Gnosis Trait, and up to five Mental Traits and makes a Static Mental
Challenge (difficulty 7) to invoke this Gift she gains some idea as to what any opponents are planning as
per the Basic Shadow Lord Gift: Paranoia.

Sense Balance (Intermediate Stargazers W20): As the Philodox Gift.


Harmonious Unity of the Emerald Mother (Advanced Stargazers W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse:
20th Anniversary Edition, page 196.



Coils of the Serpent (Basic Uktena TBR:Uktena): Tentacles summoned with this Gift use the Gift users
Physical Traits (no Traits from forms, Gifts, Totems, etc.) plus the Gift users level of Occult to test to



Fetish Fetch (Basic Uktena W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page 197 - 198.

Sense Wyrm (Basic Uktena LotWR): As the Metis Gift.

Shadows at Dawn (Basic Uktena TBR:Uktena): As the Basic Uktena Gift: Indian Giver.

Spirit of the Lizard (Basic Uktena W20): Staying attached while engaging in strenuous activity (including
combat) requires a Static Physical Challenge (retest Athletics, difficulty 6).


Chains of Mist (Intermediate Uktena W20): The Uktena may target a number of spirits equal to his
permanent Gnosis Traits within 200 feet of him, and must defeat them each in a Physical Challenge (retest
Enigmas) to chain them. Once chained the Uktena can spend two Gnosis Traits per turn to lower each of
their Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower ratings by one. Spirits can become unchained by besting the Uktena in a
Physical Challenge, or by moving out of the 200 feet range of the chains. These chains do not prohibit the
Spirits movement or ability to take actions.

Durance (Intermediate Uktena W20): As the Shadow Lords Gift.

Rending the Craft (Intermediate Uktena W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition,
page 198.

Scrying (Intermediate Uktena LotWR): As the Intermediate Philodox Gift: Scent of Beyond.


Fetish Doll (Advanced Uktena LotWR): The Garou can only have one Fetish Doll created at a time. The
challenge to injure the target is a Static Mental Challenge at a difficulty equal to the targets Mental Traits.



Beat of the Heart-Drum (Basic Wendigo W20): Tracking a target requires a Gnosis expenditure and an
opposed Mental Challenge (retest Awareness).

Camouflage (Basic Wendigo LotWR): This Gift works no matter what environment the user is in.


Claws of Frozen Death (Basic Wendigo W20): As the Get of Fenris Gift: Fangs of the North.

Cutting Wind (Basic Wendigo LotWR): Those caught in the wind suffer a two-Trait penalty for the
duration of the Gift, rather than 2 Traits in the first turn and one Trait in the second. To use this Gift to
knock down opponents, the Gift-user must defeat the target in a Physical Challenge (retest
Athletics). Success knocks the target away fifteen feet, and requires an action for the target to stand
back up. Multiple targets can be knocked down at once, but the user must bid a Trait and test against
each character individually. Targets that would be knocked off of a height may attempt to make a Static
Physical Challenge (difficulty set by presiding Storyteller, retest Athletics) to hang on to the edge. This
Gift can only be activated during the Everyman action.

Devouring Rime (Basic Wendigo TBR:Wendigo): Replace With: When activating this Gift the user touches
the target (which may require a Physical Challenge), and spends a Gnosis and up to 5 Mental Traits. This
Gift lasts for one round and an additional round for each Mental Trait spent. While this Gift is in effect the
movement of the target is halved (round down, minimum one step), and each turn for a number of turns
equal to the Mental Traits the Gift-user spent, the victim gains a cumulative one-Trait penalty for the
comparison of Ties and Overbids to all Physical actions. A victim can spend a Rage Trait (or activate a
similar action-giving power) to negate gaining a one-Trait penalty in that round. Once the duration of the Gift
ends, the accumulated Trait penalties fade at a rate of one per round as the victim thaws. The Gift-user can
only use this Gift on an individual victim once per scene.

True Fear (Basic Wendigo LotWR): As the Ahroun Gift.


Blood of the North (Intermediate Wendigo W20): The character ignores all penalties due to cold or chilling
effects, and reduces the first five levels of damage from any cold-based attack. All Survival tests while done
in cold environments gain a free retest.

Bloody Feast (Intermediate Wendigo LotWR): This Gift is a Static Gnosis Challenge. Gain one Ferocious
or Tough Trait per level of damage inflicted, instead of one per two levels.

Heros Stand (Intermediate Wendigo LotWR): As the Get of Fenris Gift.

Icicle-Hide (Intermediate Wendigo TBR:Wendigo): In addition to making the character immune to all coldbased damage, this Gift ignores the first level of damage from any non-fire based attack - not just
Bashing. Fire-based attacks do regular damage.

Invoke the Spirits of the Storm (Intermediate Wendigo LotWR): Lightning bolts cause five levels of
aggravated damage, not 10.

Scream of Gaia (Intermediate Wendigo LotWR): As the Get of Fenris Gift.


Sky Running (Intermediate Wendigo W20): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, page


Shelter of Needles (Advanced Wendigo TBR:Wendigo): This is an Advanced Gift.

Any Rite listed as a Camp Rite may not be purchased by any Garou not of that camp. If the Camp Rite is also
available through another Tribe/Auspice/Breed, they may attempt its access that way, but they may not learn the
Camp Rite.


Rank 0 Characters may learn and perform Minor Rites

Rank 1 and Rank 2 Characters may learn and perform Minor and Basic Rites
Rank 3 and Rank 4 Characters may learn and perform Minor, Basic, and
Intermediate Rites
Rank 5 Characters may learn and perform Minor, Basic, Intermediate and
Advanced Rites

A character may learn a Rite at no experience cost, with an appropriate teacher and by spending the following
amount of time. Seasonal Rites may also be learned in this way, and at no experience cost.

Minor Rites 2 per week

Basic Rites 1 per week
Intermediate Rites 1 per 2 weeks
Advanced Rites 1 per month

Additional Rites may be learned without waiting the time above, but must still have the appropriate teachers, and
cost the following experience rates. Previously purchased Rites are refunded, and the characters XP log must
reflect the time learned of the free Rites for auditing purposes.

Minor 1xp
Basic 2xp
Intermediate 4xp
Advanced 6xp


In order to perform Rites, characters must have the Rituals ability at the following levels.

Minor No need of Rituals Ability

Basic at least 1 level of Rituals Ability
Intermediate at least 3 levels of Rituals Ability
Advanced at least 5 levels of Rituals Ability

Challenges must be issued in person and with a Master of Challenge present to mediate to be considered
honorable and valid. Dishonorable Challenges result in a loss of 4 Temporary Honor Renown, and may have
their results overturned or nullified by any Philodox of Rank equal to the lowest Rank Garou involved in the
Challenge - in addition to whatever other punishments may result.

Black Furies: The rites in the Black Furies Tribebook do not use the listed test, but instead use the standard
test and difficulty for Rites of their type.


Rite of Renunciation Laws of the Wild Revised Basic (High Notification)
In addition to functioning as per Laws of the Wild, Revised this Rite can abandon a Garous Tribe instead of
Auspice when successfully used to that end. This process functions the same as for changing Auspice, however, the
Garou affected by this Gift immediately gains Spirit Notoriety equal to the Rank she was when the Rite was perfomed
of the Totem Spirits Brood of the Tribe that was left. In addition, the one affected by this Gift is reduced to the Rank
of Cub, instead of Cliath and must undergo their Rite of Passage again to find a new Totem Spirit. As the Garou is
now known to have abandoned her previous Tribe, the new Rite of Passage will be much more intense and difficult
and may result in serious harm or damage as the Tribe Spirit that is being appealed to demands the supplicant to
prove their worth to the Tribe.
As an additional clarification on the use of this Rite when used for changing Tribe or changing Auspice when the
Rite is complete the character loses whatever Tribal Advantage he/she had from her previous Tribe but retains the
previous Tribes Tribal Disadvantage. Whether leaving a Tribe or an Auspice, the character retains all of the previous
Gifts and Rites she once had. However, to use any of these Gifts or Rites is a grave insult to the Rite and the
Spirits. Using previous Tribal Gifts or Rites yields an immediate additional Spirit Notoriety to the previous Tribe
Spirits Brood for each activation. In addition, whether it is an Auspice Gift, Tribal Gift or Tribal Rite from the previous
Tribe or Auspice, the Gift user immediately loses four temporary Honor and four temporary Wisdom for each
use. The Spirits of the previous Tribe or Auspice also report this to the Garous home Sept Theurges and
Ragabash. Double this effect (2 Notoriety gained, 7 temporary Honor and 7 temporary Wisdom lost) if the Gift or Rite
is one that is now higher than what the new Rank of the character can use. Gifts from the previous Auspice or Tribe
that are always active go dormant and inactive after this Rite is performed. They can be reactivated at any time by
the character simply willing them on.


The starting Tempers of the previous Tribe (Willpower) or previous Auspice (Rage) are not lost by this
transition. While you may keep your Pure Breed, it loses any mechanical benefit as soon as you are no longer a
member of that Tribe.
When changing Tribes, you will not be able to join your new Tribe if any of your Backgrounds are not permitted by
that Tribes Background Restriction or Tribal Disadvantage (as listed in Laws of the Wild, Revised) or Abilities (in the
case of Red Talons as per the addendum). The Tribal Totems simply will not accept you among them.
Fetishes and Talens that are Tribe-specific (i.e. any Tribebook Fetish, or Fetish restricted to specific Tribes) or
Auspice-specific refuse to activate for the character once she is no longer of that Tribe or Auspice. The points spent
on these Fetishes and/or Talens is immediately refunded.
This Rite can only be used once on any character (once total, not once per Auspice or Tribe).

Rite of Klaviskar: Intermediate

High Approval. The ritemaster marks out a circle called a klaivaskeriste on the ground of any dimension he
desires. Fifteen meters is traditional, and anything less than ten paces is often considered a killing ground. Any
available ahroun are stationed around the edge of the circle to subdue either of the participants if they should
frenzy. The ritemaster then takes the two challengers to the center of the field. Ranks, titles and the lineage of
both the combatants and their klaives is recounted for the assembled. By ancient compact the challenged will
determine the nature of the duel (Submission, First Strike, First Blood, Incapacity or Death). The Challenger
determines the stakes they are fighting for (which in some cases may be the same as the nature). Both are stated
publicly and the ritemaster must deem it a fair and honorable challenge.
The ritemaster will determine if taunting or gift usage is allowed during the duel.

The combatants and their klaives are then anointed with clear water, and the circle is cleared for the duel to begin.
Only the two combatants may participate in the fight. Should anything attempt to interfere with the events in the circle,
the ritemaster is immediately alerted by the spirits, with details of both the source and nature of the interference.
Should either combatant dishonor the rite the duel is immediately decided in the opponents favor, with the offender
losing a permanent renown from each category. Should it be discovered that the ritemaster dishonored the rite, they
would suffer a similar fate.

Rite of the Cup Basic
This rite allows two or more entities to exchange or otherwise transfer gnosis. The rite requires at least one Garou.
Other participants can be garou or spirits. Each Garou participant spends a mental trait. A ritual cup is prepared,
which can be any kind of container, from a styrofoam coffee cup to a crystal goblet to a beer stein. The container is
filled with water. At this point the ritemaster decides who the gnosis will go to.
Once the rite begins the gnosis cannot be removed or redirected. The gnosis travels through the water to the
appropriate individual and the rite ends. Gnosis may be stored by performing this rite with the assistance of an
invested, bound spirit who agrees to hold the gnosis, which is accessed again by another use of the rite. There is
no limit to the amount of gnosis that can be transferred, but a garou or an invested spirit cannot hold more than his
gnosis pool allows.


In order to use a punishment rite, the target of the rite must be present. Punishment Rites no longer require a
contested Social Challenge between the accused and the individual performing the Rite. During the Challenge to
succeed in the Punishment Rite, the Rite will fail as a result of the innocence of the accused at Storyteller

Honor's Sanction: Basic

Garou sometimes break the Litany, or perform acts that are beyond the guidelines of good sense and decency. But
being partly human they are capable of recognizing that fact. Garou society honors those who accept
responsibility for their actions but knows that without punishment there can be no forgiveness. Depending on the
severity of the crime some offenders are offered the chance to atone for their mistakes publicly. Fighting a
judgement will often lead to a Stone of Scorn or even worse punishments. The offender stands in front of the Sept
or pack, generally at a well attended gathering and speaks his crimes before the assembled. Being especially
sincere and remorseful is a mark of true understanding. When he is finished each of the listeners will be given the
option to slap the offender across the face. The type of slap is generally an indicator of how the listener feels about
forgiving the subject. Damaging the offender seriously is frowned upon but exceptions are sometimes made for
those personally wronged by the offender. When all listeners have finished the subject bows his head and lets out
a mournful howl. The offender is stripped of all temporary renown and is not able to request a rite of
accomplishment during that cycle of the moon.

Rite of Silver Death: Book of Auspices - Intermediate

Only the Rite of Gaia's Vengeful teeth is a worse punishment than the rite of silver death. The werewolves
reserve it for those who kill their own kind without provocation or lawful challenge but rather through cold,
calculated murder in order to achieve some aim or goal. A lesser crime might warrant a Hunt, where the
offender may at least redeem herself by dying well but in Silver Death there is no redemption, only further
shame and humiliation.
Before the assembled werewolves (at least 2 others) and spirits, the ritemaster recites the crimes of the offender.
As he does so, all strength drains from the offender's body, so that she may do nothing but cower as one of the
garou raises the klaive for the deathblow.
The normal Rituals test is all that is necessary to rob the offender of all strength. The Doomed one cannot step
sideways or move from her spot. A willpower test versus the ritemaster is necessary to stand bravely at the end
a failure costs 2 temporary Glory and 4 Temporary Honor (as the doomed one broke at the end and grovelled
most pathetically.)

Stolen Wolf: - Intermediate

This rite is usually enacted for crimes against other garou or kinfolk. The ritual strips a garou of all her rage. She
thus loses the wolf and can no longer shapeshift, frenzy, gain rage, or spend it. Typically, this punishment lasts
for a set amount of time depending on the crime's severity. When the rite expires, the garou is once again able to


tap her rage. The ritemaster cuts off a piece of the victim's fur and seals it in a box or shell. This item is buried
and cannot be reopened for a period determined by the caster. Preparing the receptacle takes many days and
the target may not be willing to surrender the wolf.

Tears of Luna: Players Guide to Garou - Intermediate

The tears of luna are said to be a foolproof way of determining the guilt of a suspected criminal. If there is ever
any doubt about the guilt of the author of a serious crime such as a deliberate violation of the Litany or rape or
murder, this rite is invoked.
The suspected offender is first subject to markings on his body made by the ritemaster. Generally this mark can
be the shape of the offenders auspice glyph carved with silver and painted a silvery color. The offender is then
splashed with icecold water, and exiled for one phase of the moon, staring with his own auspice. From that day
to the next moon the offender believes that all rain that falls on him is liquid silver. The rain actually causes him
harm, and he is unable to heal these wounds. The wounds themselves are illusory. If the offender is innocent,
the does not take any real damage. If guilty he suffers aggravated damage. Assuming he survives, the violator
nonetheless suffers terribly.
After this rite is invoked the criminal cannot replenish his Gnosis. The drops of rain hitting him feels like shards
of silver driving into his skin. The "Silver" does one point of aggravated damage per rainfall. The suspected
offender can spend willpower to ignore the illusion for the duration of one scene, but he cannot heal any of the
wounds caused by the silver rain until the trial is over.
It always seems to rain more when this rite is invoked.

Wisdom's Lament: Intermediate

The spirits themselves often handle the loss of temporary renown but some actions are particularly hateful to a
tribe, pack or Sept. When a Garou has violated the edicts of his elders or trampled the ban of his totem
so severely that normal punishment is not enough they may call for the Rite of Wisdom's Lament. The
ritemaster and at least 2 other garou begin a dirgelike howl at the edge of the bawn and walk slowly in homid
form, eyes downcast until they reach the offender. Those who run from the ritemaster quickly find themselves
the subject of The Hunt. When they arrive the participants spit upon the offender's shadow and then drag him
back to the rest of the sept over rough ground. Attempting to shift to a form that regenerates is seen as an
admission of guilt. The offender arrives bloody and battered where his crime is recounted for the assembled.
Garou subject to this rite are often branded, tattooed or otherwise marked in a semi permanent way to show
their guilt. Offenders also generally lose 1 permanent renown of the type selected by the ritemaster and any
temp renown they held in that category.

Lone Wolf: - Advanced

No greater punishment can be meted out that to ostracize a garou from the Sept. This rite strips the garou of all
her privileges and all her ties to sept, tribe and lineage. The Lone Wolf or Ronin must leave Garou society
permanently. No Longer welcome at any gathering, she walks her road alone. These single Garou, separated
from the protection of the pack and tribe, often meet a violent end. Many Garou choose death over banishment.
A Ronin may even remain with her pack, if the pack allows it.


Ronin Garou do not benefit from pack totems, personal totems, Tribal advantages or pure breed. They may
learn gifts but no Gaian spirit will teach them so they must learn them from other Garou or willing nongaian
Only the vilest crimes ever warrant the enactment of this rite. A council of elders must decide whether the
severity of the crimes require this form of punishment. Once this rite is chosen, the ritemaster ceremoniously
removes all the Garou's belongings, revokes her name, leads her to the edge of the Caern and turns his back on
her. No howl of mourning sounds, no tears are shed the Garou simply no longer exists in the minds of the Sept.
Ronin Garou lose all temporary renown. The ritemaster gains 2 wisdom but loses 2 honor for performing this
task. Ronin may not gain renown, but are still counted as their previous rank for purposes of trait caps.

Rite of Silver Cleansing: Advanced (Top Approval to know and per use.)
This powerful rite causes its target to step sideways directly to Erebus the next time he enters the Umbra. Once
there, Brood members automatically treat him as one of the Unfortunates. The Rite of Silver Cleansing is an
ancient rite given to the Garou by Charyss herself. This rite grants the subject a final opportunity to purify himself
before Gaia. All participants in the rite must know the target. To complete the rite, the ritemaster must make a
Static Gnosis Test against a difficulty of the target's Gnosis. The rite works only against Garou. If the rite
master performs this rite out of malice, then she may find herself in Erebus instead.

Leaving Erebus as one of the Unfortunates requires High Approval. Unless rescued from their fate it is not
possible to leave while the subject still possesses any Wyrm, Weaver, or Wyld taint. Corruption generally drops
off at a rate of 1 point per month. All derangements, negative traits, and flaws that can be bought off must be
bought off before the subject can leave.


Ancestor Veneration (Stargazers): The caster of this ritual is considered to have one phantom trait of the
Ancestors background that lasts for the session.

Banishment of the Self (Stargazers): This is an Intermediate Ritual, not Advanced.

Bearing the Caern (Black Furies): Top Approval to use.

Birth the Fire Warrior (Black Furies): Fire Warriors have the normal human+armor health levels rather
than spirit essence damage levels.

Bonding Rite (Glass Walkers, Dies Ultimae): The effects of the rite last for the rest of the session.


Curse of the Household (Black Furies): The Flaws granted cannot be higher than Low Approval.

Descent Into the Underworld (Silent Striders): High Approval per use.

End Time Rite (Children of Gaia): High Approval to Learn, Top Approval to use.

Rite of Accomplishment (LotWR): This Rite is also used to convert 10 temporary Renown into one
permanent Renown. Any excess temporary Renown in the converted category is lost when the Rite is

Rite of the Black Ball (Bone Gnawers): Advanced Rite, requires Top Approval to cast the rite.

Rite of Conquest (Get of Fenris): The player still must spend Experience Points for the Gift learned,
but doesnt require to have anyone teach it to him, subject to normal approval requirements.

Rite of Defiance (Red Talons): In addition to being High Approval to learn for other Tribes, the Tribe
does not frown down upon it being taught to others.

Rite of the Dormant Wisdom (Silent Striders, Eaters of the Dead): Reserved for use by National Staff.

Rite of Feeding the Land (Red Talons, Dying Cubs): Corruption of the Heart points are obtained when
using this Rite as Spirit Guardians ignore all subsequent Wyrmcreature attacks.

Rite of Gaias Rebirth (Red Talons): Top Approval to learn. Each usage of the Rite requires notification
from the ST to the Highest level of authority over the scene (i.e., if with home Region, then Regional
outside of Region, National).

Rite of the Heros Sleep (Fianna): Top approval to learn, Top Approval to use.

Rite of the Hurricane (Shadow Lords): Requires Top Approval to cast.

Rite of the Jackdaw (Silent Striders): Basic Rite.

Rite of the Loyal Pack (Silver Fangs): Social Challenge is vs. 9 traits.

Rite of Rebalancing (Stargazers): Top Approval for the PC undergoing the ritual to become a Stargazer.
A character must have Spirit Affinity: Chimaera 3+ for this Rite to succeed converting them to the Tribe.
The Tribal Advantage and Disadvantage change to those of the Stargazers, as well as Background
restrictions. The character is not refunded the XP for their Gifts or Rites of their previous Tribe, but loses 3
temporary Honor and Wisdom for using Basic Gifts/Rites of the previous Tribe and 6 temporary Honor and
Wisdom for using Intermediate Gifts/Rites of the previous Tribe for each use.

Rite of the Winter Pack (Red Talons): Not Sanctioned for PCs.

Ritual of Acceptance (Black Furies): Treat the same as Rite of Rebalancing (Stargazers) save that it
requires Spirit Affinity: Pegasus 3+ instead of Chimaera.

Ritual of Life (Silent Striders, Seekers): Top Approval to learn and use.

Tea Ceremony (Stargazers): The benefit of this Rite is a +1 bonus to Empathy challenges for
comparison of Ties and Overbids.

Walking with the Dead (Silver Fangs): Ivory Priesthood Only

Vigor of the Departed (Stargazers): Basic Rite: Social Challenge difficulty 8 traits, retest with Rituals.


The user gains one free retest on all frenzy challenges till the beginning of their next lunar phase.



Caper (Intermediate General Bastet W20): As the Galliard Gift: Song of the Siren, only involving dancing
instead of singing or howling.

Invisibility (Intermediate General Bastet LotWR): As the Uktena Gift.

Walking Between Worlds (Intermediate General Bastet CB1): This is now an Intermediate General Bastet


Urban Hunter (Basic Homid Bastet W20): As the Homid Gift: City Running.

Cowing the Bullet (Intermediate Homid Bastet W20): As the Homid Gift.

Tech Speak (Intermediate Homid Bastet W20): As the Glass Walkers Gift.

Madness (Advanced Homid Bastet Gift LotWR): As the Metis Gift.


Shed (Basic Metis Bastet W20): As the Metis Gift.

Visceral Agony (Intermediate Metis Bastet LotWR): As the Black Furies Gift.


Catfeet (Basic Feline Bastet LotWR): As the Lupus Gift.

Heightened Senses (Basic Feline Bastet LotWR): As the Lupus Gift.


Pounce (Basic Feline Bastet LotWR): As the Lupus Gift: Hares Leap.

Prehensile Tail (Basic Feline Bastet W20): As the Lupus Gift: Monkey Tail.

Beast Life (Intermediate Feline Bastet LotWR): As the Lupus Gift.

Chains of Mist (Intermediate Feline Bastet W20): As the Uktena Gift.


Weak Arm (Intermediate Bagheera LotWR): As the Philodox Gift.


Pathfinder (Basic Balam W20): As the Ragabash Gift.

Terrors (Basic Balam LotWR): As the Ahroun Gift: True Fear.

Wandering Forest (Intermediate Balam LotWR): As the Red Talons Gift: Trackless Waste.


Dreamspeak (Basic Bubasti LotWR): As the Galliard Gift.

Arms of Darkness (Intermediate Bubasti TBR:Uk): As the Uktena Gift: Coils of the Serpent.


Faerie Light (Basic Ceilican LotWR): As the Fianna Gift.

Faerie Kin (Intermediate Ceilican LotWR): As the Fianna Gift.

Gift of Dreams (Intermediate Ceilican W20): As the Galliard Gift.


Heaven Thunder Hammer (Advanced Khan W20CB): Spend three Rage Traits and make a Physical
Challenge (retest Primal-Urge) against all characters or objects within 10 feet directly in front of the Giftuser. Those who fail suffer the Khans Ferocity Renown in Lethal Damage.


Speak With Wind Spirits (Basic Pumonca LotWR): As the Wendigo Gift.


Spirit of the Fish (Basic Pumonca LotWR): As the Uktena Gift.

Bayous Embrace (Intermediate Pumonca LotWR): As the Red Talons Gift: Quicksand.


Chill of the Early Frost (Intermediate Qualmi LotWR): As the Wendigo Gift.

Song of the Earth Mother (Intermediate Qualmi TBR:SL): As the Shadow Lord Gift.

Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Intermediate Qualmi LotWR): As the Philodox Gift.


Heart of Storms (Basic Simba LotWR): As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.

Sun Claws (Basic Simba W20CB): Spend a turn and one Rage Trait to cause the Simbas claw and fang
attacks to deal an extra level of Aggravated damage. Against vampires claw and fang attacks deal an extra
three levels of Aggravated damage, and must test for Rotschreck (5 Trait difficulty). Challenges to
regenerate Lethal damage in combat are at a one Trait penalty while active.

Coup de Grace (Intermediate Simba LotWR): As the Black Furies gift.

Wrath of Kings (Intermediate Simba LotWR): As the Silver Fangs Gift: Wrath of Gaia.


Blissful Ignorance (Basic Swara LotWR): As the Ragabash Gift.

Sense the Unnatural (Basic Swara LotWR): As the Lupus Gift.

Messengers Fortitude (Basic Swara LotWR): As the Silent Striders Gift.

River of Blood (Advanced Swara W20CB): Spend a Rage Trait and succeed in a Static Social Challenge
(retest Primal-Urge, difficulty 7, or 5 for notable sites of bloodshed). After three turns the blood coalesces as
the Swara decides. Any form summoned has Physical Traits equal to the Swaras permanent Rage x3, and
health levels equal to the Swaras permanent Rage x2.

Rite of Nine Lives (Advanced Moon CB1): Not Sanctioned.




Messengers Fortitude (Basic Corax LotWR): As the Silent Striders Gift.

Name the Spirit (Basic Corax LotWR): As the Theurge Gift.

Persuasion (Basic Corax LotWR): As the Homid Gift.

Sense the Unnatural (Basic Corax LotWR): As the Lupus Gift.

Speech of the World (Basic Corax W20): As the Homid Gift (replaces Tongues).

Spirit Speech (Basic Corax LotWR) As the Theurge Gift.

Whisper Catching (Basic Corax TBR:SL): As the Shadow Lords Gift.

Wire Sitter (Basic Corax W20): As the Ragabash Gift: Spiders Song.


Attunement (Intermediate Corax LotWR): As the Silent Striders Gift. The Corax can use this Gift in both
environments by only purchasing the Gift once.

Bloody Feather Storm (Intermediate Corax W20CB): This Gift requires all within the area to succeed in a
Static Physical Challenge (retest Dodge, against the Gift-users Physical Traits) or suffer four levels of Lethal
Damage. If Razor Feathers is active when the Corax uses this Gift, the damage is Aggravated
instead. Unless those in the area of effect of this Gift see the Corax approach and are aware he is capable
of using this Gift, they must retest any successful challenge to dodge or evade damage from this Gift.

Dark Truths (Intermediate Corax CB1): The user may unearth one of the targets secrets, ranging from
relatively mundane knowledge to deep dark secrets. To use this Gift, spend a Gnosis Trait and succeed in
an opposed Mental Challenge against your target (retest Investigation). Additional Gnosis Traits may be
spent to learn additional information as listed: One Trait: Creature type, minor treachery, or wrong doing;
Two Traits: Real Name, embarrassing fact, parents/Sire; Three Traits: Alliances, affairs, true name; Four
Traits: Earth-shattering revelations. The information does not need to be known to the target for this Gift to

Flight of Separation (Intermediate Corax W20CB): Spending two Gnosis Traits activates this Gift. Anyone
attempting to spot the true Corax must Win (not tie) two successive Simple Challenges to do so. The Corax
is able to declare Fair Escape from the scene so long as none of her spotters engages her in a ranged


attack challenge.

Kiss of Helios (Intermediate Corax LotWR): As the Ahroun Gift.

Scrying (Intermediate Corax W20): As the Uktena Gift.


Deceptive Demise (Advanced Corax W20CB): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition
Changing Breeds, page 101.


Rite of the Battle Blessing (Advanced Corax Mystical CB1): High Approval to use.


Desperate Strength (Basic General Gurahl TBR: BG): As the Bone Gnawers Gift.

Roused to Fury (Basic General Gurahl W20): As the Children of Gaia Gift: Para Bellum.

Wyld Resurgence (Basic General Gurahl W20): As the Black Furies Gift.

Calm the Savage Beast (Intermediate General Gurahl W20): As the Homid Gift.

Heart of the Mountain (Intermediate General Gurahl W20): As the Get of Fenris Gift.

Hide the Bear (Intermediate General Gurahl W20): As the Homid Gift: Bury the Wolf.

Gentle Soul (Advanced General Gurahl W20CB): The character is no longer subject to the Curse of
Rage. Humans and animals are not inherently afraid of him, and he is able to purchase Influences at 1 XP
per level instead of 3 XP per level. Influences already purchased are recalculated by this Gift and any
excess XP is immediately refunded to the Gurahl.

Gaia's Breath (Advanced General Gurahl CB2): Reserved for Use by the National Storyteller.



Master of Fire (Basic Homid Gurahl LotWR): As the Homid Gift.


Heightened Senses (Basic Ursine Gurahl LotWR): As the Lupus Gift.


Threaten (Basic Uzmati Gift CB2): This is an opposed Social Challenge against the target.

Engulf the Prey (Advanced Uzmati Gift CB2): To avoid falling into the pit is a Static Physical
Challenge (difficulty 12, retest Athletics/Dodge).



Aversion Therapy (Advanced Kojubat CB2): This is an opposed Mental Challenge against the target.

Bestow Ursa's Blessing (Intermediate Rishi Gift CB2): This Gift cannot be used to bestow permanent
benefits on another character. Benefits gifted remain for the remainder of the session. Blessings
already in play are not grandfathered and are removed.
Quell Mob Rage (Intermediate Rishi Gift CB2): This is an opposed Social challenge against the
individual in the effected group with the highest Social Traits.


Rite of Finding the Ancient Cache (Intermediate Mystical Gurahl CB2) Top Notification to be utilized.

Rite of Fighting the Death Bear (Advanced Mystical Gurahl CB2) Top Approval to possess and use.



Command Spirit (Basic Nuwisha, Umbral Danse W20CB): As the Theurge Gift.


Curse of Tiresias (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): The Gift-user spends a Gnosis Trait and touches their target,
(requiring a Physical Challenge against the unwilling. Retest with Brawl for touching or Melee for using a
weapon; this inflicts no damage) to use this Gift.

Coyotes Intuition (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): After studying the target of the Gift for three turns and then
winning a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty equals the targets Mental Traits, retest Subterfuge) to use this

Distractions (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): As the Galliard Gift.

Earworm (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): This challenge is a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty equals the targets
Mental Traits, retest Expression), and requires up to five Mental Traits spent. For a number of days equal to
the number of Mental Traits spent the target suffers a two-Trait penalty on all challenges involving extended
effort or focus, or requiring concentration. This does not include combat unless the presiding Storyteller
decides it does.

Emperors Clothes (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): To use this Gift defeat the target in an opposed Physical
Challenges (retest Athletics).

Finders Keepers (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): Spirits that wish to communicate or approach those affected
with this Gift must win a Static Gnosis Challenge (difficulty of the Gift-users Willpower) to do so.

Gift of the Termite (Basic Nuwisha W20): As the Bone Gnawer Gift.

Laugh of the Vagabond (Basic Nuwisha TBR: BG): As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Laugh of the Hyena.

Salaryman (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): To spot the Nuwisha in the crowd requires besting the Nuwisha in a
Mental Challenge (retest Investigation against the Nuwishas retest Stealth), where the Nuwisha is threeTraits up for the purpose of comparison of ties and overbids in this challenge.

Scent of Sweet Honey (Basic Nuwisha W20): As the Bone Gnawer Gift.

Secret Question (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): The Gift-user spends a Gnosis Trait and succeeds in a Static
Social Challenge (difficulty 7, retest Subterfuge) to use the Gift.

Sleep of Ages (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): The challenge to activate this Gift is an opposed Gnosis Challenge
against the subjects Willpower, and spending up to five Mental Traits. For each Mental Trait spent the
target remains unable to be awoken short of physical contact for an hour.

Suspicious Glance (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): After naming a single target the Gift-user must succeed in a
Static Social Challenge (difficulty equal to the targets Social Traits, retest Subterfuge). The player may
spend a Gnosis Trait and name two victims of this Gift when activating this Gift, and must do a separate
Static Social Challenge against each target.


Tiny Coyote (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition Changing
Breeds, page 173.

Tongues (Basic Nuwisha W20): Replaced by Speech of the World (Basic Homid).

Twin-Faced Trickster (Basic Nuwisha W20): As the Black Furies Gift: Mans Skin.

Two Tongues (Basic Nuwisha W20): As the Fianna Gift.

Voice Bank (Basic Nuwisha W20CB): When listening to record a voice, the Nuwisha must succeed in a
Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 7, minus one for each minute listening to the target speak - retest
Expression). The Nuwisha can retain a number of voices to mimic equal to his levels in Expression.


Bridge Walker (Intermediate Nuwisha LotWR): As the Galliard Gift.

Cartoon Physics (Intermediate Nuwisha W20CB): Spend one Gnosis Trait and up to five Mental Traits and
succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 7, retest Science). This Gift lasts for one minute per Mental
Trait spent so long as the Nuwisha meets the Gift requirements.

False Spoor (Intermediate Nuwisha W20CB): Spend one Gnosis Trait and win in a Static Mental Challenge
(retest Primal-Urge, difficulty 7). For a number of days equal to the Nuwishas Humor Renown the Nuwisha
is up a number of Traits against any attempt to discern his nature (supernatural or otherwise) by scent.

Fools Fortune (Intermediate Nuwisha W20CB): To use the Gift the Nuwisha spends a Gnosis Trait when
present when the target succeeds in a Challenge. The target must then Win (not Tie) a Simple Test or the
Challenge actually fails. This Gift can be used once per scene.

Forbidden Words (Intermediate Nuwisha W20CB): The Gift-user spends a Gnosis Trait and succeeds in a
Static Social Challenge (difficulty of the targets Social Traits, retest Subterfuge). The Gift lasts for a number
of days equal to the Nuwishas Humor Renown.

Grasp the Beyond (Intermediate Nuwisha, Umbral Danse, LotWR): As the Theurge Gift.

Locked Door (Intermediate Nuwisha, Umbral Danse): As the Theurge Gift: Blurring the Mirror.

Now You Dont (Intermediate Nuwisha W20CB): Spend one Gnosis Trait and defeat the target in a Static
Mental Challenge (difficulty equal to the targets Mental Traits, retest Stealth). Success hides the chosen
object for a number of hours equal to the Nuwishas Humor Renown.

Pain Remains (Intermediate Nuwisha W20CB): Spend one Gnosis Trait and succeed in a Static Mental
Challenge (difficulty equal to the targets Mental Traits, retest Medicine). The target suffers whatever Wound


Penalties they have at the time of use of this Gift until the next sunset, even if the wounds are
healed. Resist Pain must be constantly reactivated each scene to resist this Gift.

Phantasm (Intermediate Nuwisha LotWR): As the Fianna Gift.

Playing the Heart-Strings (Intermediate Nuwisha W20CB): Spend a Gnosis Trait and a Willpower Trait and
succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty equal to the targets Mental Traits, retest Subterfuge). Those
meeting do so over the next (12 - Humor Renown) months.

Ravens Feather (Intermediate Nuwisha LotWR): As the Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Bird.

Umbral Camouflage (Intermediate Nuwisha, Umbral Danse, LotWR): As the Theurge Gift.

Umbral Sight (Intermediate Nuwisha, Umbral Danse, LotWR): As the Theurge Gift: Pulse of the Invisible.


Assimilation (Advanced Nuwisha LotWR): As the Homid Gift.

Fetish Doll (Advanced Nuwisha LotWR): As the Uktena Gift.

Friend and Foe (Advanced Nuwisha W20CB): Spend one Gnosis Trait and one Willpower Trait and up to
five Social Traits, and then succeed in a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty equal to the highest Mental Traits
of those chosen to be effected, retest Subterfuge) to enact this Gift. Each Social Trait spent convinces five
individuals of the Nuwishas legitimacy. By spending a permanent Gnosis and a permanent Willpower on
activation instead of temporary, the effect is permanent rather than lasting the Nuwishas Humor Renown in

Stop Hitting Yourself (Advanced Nuwisha W20CB): When activating this Gift the Nuwisha spends a
Willpower Trait and must succeed in an opposed Gnosis Challenge against the targets Rage (difficulty 4 for
those without Rage). Success means the attacker suffers the damage instead of the Nuwisha, and the
damage ignores armor (supernatural or otherwise).

Ultimate Argument of Logic (Advanced Nuwisha W20): As the Theurge Gift.


Rite of Dansing (Basic Mystical Nuwisha CB1): Low Approval for Umbral Dansers, Top Approval
for others.

Sing Back the Dead (Advanced Mystical Nuwisha CB1): This Rite is held in exclusive use by the
National Storytelling Staff.




City Running (Basic General Ratkin W20): As the Homid Gift.

Backbite (Intermediate General Ratkin CB3): Each use of this Gift beyond the first in a scene requires the
Ratkin to win a Mental Challenge against her opponent upon exiting the Umbra in order to actually surprise
her opponent. If the opponent is not surprised, no automatic surprise attack is given.

Bolt! (Intermediate General Ratkin CB3): As per W20: Changing Breeds page 188.

Perfect Poison (Advanced General Ratkin CB3): The Ratkin must win a Physical Challenge and damage
their opponent to introduce it into their bloodstream. Use of Resist Toxin will allow the user to engage in a
static Physical Challenge with the Ratkin's Physical Traits. Upon a successful test, characters are
considered to have passed five turns of damage, leaving five to be tested down. Mother's Touch cannot
remove the poison. Characters with poison in their bloodstream make a Simple Test for each wound level
inflicted, up to ten. On a win, they do not suffer that level of damage. After ten turns, the poison is
considered to be cycled out of the bloodstream. Perfect Poison can only affect a character once per day.


Filch (Basic Homid Ratkin W20CB): The character permanently adds three Traits to any Challenges to steal
something in plain sight without being detected.

Sticky Fingers (Basic Homid Ratkin CB3): Items dedicated with the Rite of Talisman Dedication or with
the Tethered Custom Fetish mechanic cannot be stolen with this Gift.

Blink (Intermediate Homid Ratkin W20): As the Bone Gnawer Gift.


Form Mastery (Basic Metis Ratkin W20): As the Metis Gift.

Rattlers Bite (Intermediate Metis Ratkin W20): As the Metis Gift.


Rat Thing (Intermediate Rodens W20CB): As the Ratkin Metis Gift.

Rat Emperors Wisdom (Intermediate Rodens LotWR): As the Lupus Gift: Beast Life.

Feral Lobotomy (Advanced Rodens LotWR): As the Theurge Gift.



Bolt! (Intermediate Tunnel Runner CB3): As the General Ratkin Gift.


Spirit Snare (Basic Shadow Seer W20): As the Theurge Gift.


Rats Judgment (Basic Knife Skulker W20CB): As Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition
Changing Breeds, page 188.


Fatal Flaw (Basic Warrior/Blade Slave LotWR): As the Shadow Lord Gift..

Blessed Frenzy (Advanced Warrior/Blade Slave Hengeyokai): As the Stargazer Gift: Circular Attack.


Rite of the Bolthole (Basic Ratkin CB3): Finding an Anchorhead that leads to the Deep Umbra is Top
Approval. Traveling to a specified Near Umbral Realm still requires the prerequisite approval to travel

Rite of the Pain Dagger (Basic Ratkin CB3) Warriors Only.

Rite of Investiture (Intermediate Ratkin CB 3) - High Approval.




Caern Level 1- 3: These Caerns are High Approval, however each VSS is granted one Caern Level 1 - 3 with the
High Approval of the VSS. If a VSS is approved there is no need to put up a second Approval for the Caern that
comes in it. However, it is important that all relevant details of the Caern are included in the submitted VSS.
Caern Level 4 - 5: These places of power are becoming more and more rare with time, and require a Top Approval
to have one on the VSS.
More than one Caern on a VSS: Caerns are rare gems, but in some rare instances there may be more than one
within the boundaries of a single VSS at Top Approval.
Fallen/Corrupted Caerns: Tainted or fallen places of power that are not yet bound to a Wyrm Totem (becoming
Pits;see Black Spiral Dancer NPCs), use the same Approvals as listed above.

Visiting or having visited the Abyss, Erebus, Malfeas or Summer Country requires Top Approval. All other
Umbral Realms are facilitated by the Regional or National STs with Top being notified via email
Visiting a Tribal Homeland requires being an Athro of the Tribe associated with the Tribal Homeland or bringing
one with you, otherwise you are not permitted to enter.


Rank 5 and 6 Spirits Reserved for Use by National Staff.

Spirits are manifestations of Gaia who have been stripped of their bodies, or who have never had bodies to begin
with. When the Gauntlet arose, it divided matter and spirit, and many beings retreated into the Spirit World to be
forgotten by humans. These beings come in many forms, for they are as varied as imagination itself. Spirits can
represent ideas, concepts, even the elements themselves. Spirits are all around us, inhabiting objects, elements,


animals, to some extent, people. The Umbra, Revised book has a lot of details that are very useful for portraying and
understanding Spirits.

At the basic level, Spirits trade in favors, acts, deeds and pacts. A water spirit may wish for a polluted lake to be
cleaned. A fire spirit may wish for more fuel. A spirit of pain may wish for more suffering. The more complicated the
spirit, the more complicated the chiminage it will require for a task. The spiritual mind is not a human mind, so
therefore, their needs and wants are not necessarily those that we would recognize. Spirits are also organized by
rankings, much like Garou, and sometimes desire more power or authority.

Spirits reside everywhere, in everything. From the deepest forest to the most crowded city, spirits swarm and reside
wherever they can manifest. Spirits primarily reside in the Umbra, on the other side of the Gauntlet where they can do
whatever it is that they are compelled to do.

When portraying the role of a spirit, there are two important factors to keep in mind. What type of spirit are you, and
what power level are you. As previously stated, the intellect of a spirit is relative to its purpose, and power level. A
gaffling tree spirit may know little of its surrounding, while a jaggling hawk spirit may be able to detail you the
countryside for miles. Spirits are a complicated, alien creature. Their awareness is limited strictly to their purpose.

Think of it as a sliding scale, with one slide being the spirits power level (engling-celestine), and the other being its
type. An engling earth spirit may be portrayed as a simple rock, only able to tell you of the place it lies. While an
incarna earth spirit could embody a great mountain, and possess vast knowledge of everything its foothills touch.
It is important before you assume the role of a spirit, to familiarize yourself with these two driving forces. Doing so will
allow you to appropriately, and confidently portray the role of your NPC, and enhance the role-playing experience for
your players.


Also, it is important for Storytellers and Narrators to consider the character doing the interacting with the Spirits.
Spirits will often talk with and engage non-Theurge Garou, but among the Garou the Theurges are best at working
with Spirits. This manifests in the following ways:

Spirit-Speakers: Theurge Characters; Fera Characters (non-Garou) who learn Spirit Speech as an in-Tribe,
Breed, Changing Breed, or Auspice Gift.
Everyone is considered a Spirit Speaker for dealing with their own Ancestor spirits and Pack totem.
In general, Spirits are able to communicate in basic terms with most Garou easily without the need of a Gift
on the part of the Garou. Understanding subtle nuances and specific details, as well as making fruitful
deals/negotiations with said entities, however, requires the use of the basic Gift Spirit Speech. Spirits may
ask for minor chiminage to facilitate this - especially neutral or unfriendly Spirits.
Storytellers should be more open and detailed with information provided from Spirits to Spirit Speakers than
non-Spirit Speakers.
Spirits should regularly ask for chiminage for tasks and favors to be performed for non-Spirit Speakers.
Chiminage can be anything from a tithing of Gnosis Traits (minor chiminage) to adopting a Ban for a certain
period of time or undertake a quest or deed on behalf of the Spirit (which can be of any difficulty or resource
commitment). Spirits will haggle and negotiate to get the most in chiminage as they can from non-Theurges,
and often see how much they can con out of a non-Spirit Speaker and push the envelope.


Spirits may still ask for chiminage from Spirit Speakers but usually it will only be for larger favors and will be
muted and more reasonable in difficulty and commitment. Spirits are less likely to try and con Theurges to
get more from them.
In the case of getting a Spirit to willfully agree to be permanently or temporarily bound into a Fetish, without
Spirit Affinity 3 to the Spirits Brood or a Spirit-Speaker to negotiate the deal, it simply wont happen.
Before you can begin customizing your spirit for its specified task, it is a good idea to understand what you are
working with. Spirits come in a variety of shapes, sizes and power levels. While limited only by your creativity, we
have established the following guidelines for creating spirits for your game.

Englings: Englings are spirits sent to Gaias brood to renew their spiritual energy. When an engling dies, it gives its
gnosis to its slayers. This is an englings entire purpose; they die happily. Its proper to give thanks to the engling or to
Gaia for this sacrifice.

Gafflings: Gafflings are single-purposed, somewhat simple minded servants of greater spirits. They are given the
most simple of tasks, and seldom possess knowledge outside of that scope.

Jagglings: Jagglings are a step up from Gafflings, and enjoy a modicum more intelligence and freedom to perform
their tasks. They can be assigned to a certain places, represent ideas and concepts, or even exist as monsters. Pack
totem avatars resemble jagglings in form and powers. Pattern spiders, nexus crawlers, and vortices are a few
examples of jagglings.

Incarna: The Incarna are minions, consorts, advisors and warriors who serve the Celestines and derive power from
their patrons. These powerful spirits seek both Gnosis and a purpose. Many of them seek to become Celestines.
Totem spirits are the Incarna most familiar to Garou. These beings, most often servants of Gaia, can create many
avatars to communicate and interact with the Garou. While Incarna are less powerful than Celestines, they are still
immensely potent and vast, existing on many levels. In most instances, Incarna use avatars as their medium of

Celestines: The greatest of the Celestines are Luna, the spirit of the Moon; and Helios, the spirit of the Sun. Gaias
most direct manifestation is a Celestine form. They are sentient and highly intelligent. Most Celestines abide in
Realms of their own design; here they are omnipotent and omniscient. They are usually visited only by Incarna.
Celestines sometimes send avatars to communicate with Garou. These avatars are aspects of themselves that are
approachable and understandable by Garou. The true form of a Celestine is unimaginable; it is only through an
avatar that communication between them and lesser beings can take place. To create an avatar, the Celestine wills
itself to appear in a finite, limited form. Because of its near-infinite nature, a Celestine may have many avatars active
at one time. Celestine avatars cannot be destroyed or adversely affected in any way by beings of lesser potency than

In addition to the varying power levels of spirits, they also culminate in a variety of forms. The list provided
below outlines some of those types.

Servants of the Wyrm:

Elemental Banes- these Wyrmish elementals mirror the traditional four elements in corrupted form: toxin
(water), smog (air), sludge (earth), and balefire (fire). Balefire banes are the most feared as they can


produce horrible mutations in creatures that come in contact with them, and their toxic fire can damage even
the most hearty Garou.
Scrags- These are warrior banes covered in chitinous armor. They frequently run in packs and will actively
hunt creatures of Gaia.
Psychomachiae- Psychomachiae are powerful banes that feed on carnage and death. They often possess
weak-willed humans and send them on killing sprees. They may also subtly whisper into the ear of their
targets, encouraging them to engage in even more brutal acts.
Nexus Crawlers- These powerful creatures warp reality around them, which also serves as its most powerful
weapon. They are one of the most powerful Wyrm-spirits Garou are ever likely to encounter and many
Garou never live to tell of such encounters.
The Maeljin Incarna- The thirteen demon lords of Malfeas, the Maeljin Incarna each serve one of the heads
of the Hydra. Each is more hideous than the last. Fortunately they are generally found only in Malfeas, so
Garou are unlikely to ever encounter them directly. The Maeljin Incarna are easily capable of destroying
entire septs of Garou by themselves.

Servants of The Weaver:

Pattern Spiders Pattern spiders represent the foot soldiers of The Weaver. Pattern spiders are divided
into several categories: Watchers, Navigators and Enforcers. All serve their purposes in maintaining the
Pattern Web.
Geomids (Icons within the Web itself) Inorganic nodules and receptacles for information, these spirits
often coordinate information and distribution amongst Weaver spirits.
Attack Geomids Front line defensive fractals and spirits used to defend other Geomids and other
Weaver Assets.
Informational Geomids Knowledge specialists who specialize in certain subjects, used for
interrogations and other functions.
Structural Geomids Construction supervisors designed to build the Pattern Web and guide
Pattern Spiders.
Drones Human/Weaver spirit hybrids who serve the Weaver.
Elementals Some elementals are more inclined to serve the Weaver than others. Such elementals would
include Plastic, Electricity, Glass, Alloys & Metals, Radiation, and Atomic spirits.
The Incarna: The Machine (the manifestation of the gift of Technology), The Patriarch (manifestation of
Dogma), Science (the manifestation of Science).

Servants of the Wyld:

Nemesis Animals crossed with Wyld spirits who act against humans due to maltreatment or abuse at the
hands of humans.
Undergrowth Plants infused with Wyld spirits.
The Spark Sparks of inspiration for those who help the Wyld.
Vectors Fast-moving beams of light that specialize in travel.
The Echoes Echoes are idealized versions of extinct animals.
Sands of Time The oldest of the Wyld spirits.
Unravelers Spirits designed to breakdown manufactured items into their base components.
Origami Spirits Spirits that fold and shape into various forms
Serpentine Snakes Spirits designed to heal.
Howlers Spirits that howl, thought to be former allies to the White Howlers, but unconfirmed.
Gyre A perfect circle representing rebirth and new life.
Chatterer A spirit that represents the Wylds rage at the Weaver, very nasty to be affected by.


Twister A spirit of dynamism and dynamic change.

The Nameless Powerful spirits, secreted away by The Wyld.
Children of the Muse Muses sought out by Galliards across the Wyld.
Gorgons The Wylds servitors in the real world, usually wild animals.


It is recommended that 10-15 experience points be applied per rank of the spirit, although storyteller discretion
applies. Spirit creation follows the rules presented in pages 235-252 of Laws of the Wild, with the following
exceptions, as well as those of the current addenda. Spirits and their templates from sanctioned materials can also
be used.

Spirits do not have Ability Traits. Spirits can risk an Essence trait for a free retest in any challenge.
Only if the free retest is lost is the Essence lost. Spirits are limited to a single Essence Retest per
challenge. This is considered an Ability retest and can be cancelled by the targets Abilities. If the
retest is cancelled, the Spirit does not lose the Essence risked.

A Spirit does not actually bid named Traits, but is simply Spirit enough to perform its actions.

The first damage in each round that the Spirit takes is reduced (down to zero) by the Spirits Rank.

Building Spirits:
Experience Cost:


Per two traits to divide among , Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower.

Per additional point of Essence.

Per Charm known.

Spirit has one Renown trait against other spirits, which functions as Spirit Affinity (see
chapter 5). Cannot be purchased more times than the Spirits Rank.

Spirits possess Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower just as other creatures in this venue. The way they are used, however,
is fundamentally different. Below are the applications for use of Rage, Gnosis, Willpower, as well as Essence (a trait
unique to spirits). A Spirits Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower cannot exceed 10. While there is nothing preventing a
Storyteller from creating a 10/10/10 Spirit, this isnt a very common occurrence and does not represent a reasonable
build for most Spirits. Spirits have strengths and weaknesses too, and their builds are best done representing various
levels of each of these tempers.

Rage: Spirits use their Rage Trait in Physical Challenges, and may also be used for additional actions in combat
the way Garou are able to. The amount of Physical Traits Spirits bid for comparison of ties and overbids is
equal to their permanent Rage x Rank. Spirits do not have to use Charms to attack. A spirit can attack by
lashing out at their target, and the damage of successful attacks is equal to the Spirits Rank. The ST decides if
the damage is Bashing, Lethal, or Aggravated based on the Spirits method of attack.


Gnosis: Spirits uses their Gnosis in Social Challenges, and to fuel certain charms. The amount of Social Traits
Spirits bid for comparison of ties and overbids is equal to their permanent Gnosis x Rank.

Willpower: Spirits use Willpower in Mental Challenges. It also has the standard applicable uses for Willpower,
such as: retesting in defense of mental/social challenges, ignoring effects of certain gifts, or resisting frenzy (if
applicable). The amount of Mental Traits Spirits bid for comparison of ties and overbids is equal to their
permanent Willpower x Rank. Spirits can spend a Willpower Trait to retest any Mental or Social challenge
where It is the defender.

Essence: Spirits spend Essence to fuel special powers called Charms. Essence also serves as a spirits Health
Levels: each wound taken reduces Essence by one point. When a Spirit runs out of Essence, it dies
disappearing into a slumber from which it may take years to awaken, without help. A Spirits starting Essence is
equal to the total of its Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower tempers. Additional Essence can be purchased as detailed

The Storyteller decides the Rank of the Spirit, whether building the Spirit here or using a Spirit listed in one of the
sanctioned books. Storytellers should be mindful and deliberate in selecting the Rank of their Spirits, even
antagonistic ones. A Rank 4 Spirit is quite the challenge even for seasoned PCs. If you need the power of a Rank 4
Spirit, just recall that you are not obligated for them to bid the full Traits if the Spirit appears to be more power than

Spirits of Rank 5 or higher are Reserved for use by the National ST. Spirits of Rank 5 or higher are near Godlike in
power, and do not adhere to the mechanic boundaries listed here. In essence, if the Storyteller says they win, they

Spirit Rankings are as follows:


Rank One Englings, low-powered Gafflings.

Rank Two Gafflings.
Rank Three- Jaggling (including Pack and Personal Totems)
Rank Four Greater Jagglings.
Rank Five Incarna.
Rank Six Celestines.

Like the spirits that wield them, there are a great variety of charms. Although virtually any charm can be purchased
for any spirit, we do encourage you to make responsible and relative choices when selecting powers for your spirit. A
rock spirit, for example, would be unlikely to possess the create fire charm. There are 4 categories of charm General
(common and uncommon), Wyld, Weaver, and Wyrm. General charms are available for any spirit type, while the
others should be reserved for spirits of their type, or the rare story application. They are as follows:



Airt Sense: Paths left by fellow spirits, called airts, are visible to this spirit. Making a Gnosis challenge allows
the spirit to navigate by them, finding a specific person or place in the Umbra. (If this test fails, make two simple
tests; failing both means that the airts lead the spirit into great danger.)

Armor: By spending one Essence, for the entire scene, the spirit reduces the damage of all successful
incoming attacks by its Rank but not lower than one level of damage.

Blast: The spirit spends one Essence to engage in a contested Physical Challenge against a number of targets
equal to twice its Rank. If successful, the spirit inflicts its Rank in levels of Aggravated Damage. This blast takes
whatever form is most appropriate to the spirit a tongue of flame, a bolt of lightning, a barrage of shuriken,

Call for Aid: By expending an essence spirits can call for the aid of like spirits (brood or other affinity) by making
a WP challenge with variable difficulty depending on likelihood of such spirits being present nearby. This gift
reaches 1 mile per rank.

Hide: For five essence traits, the spirit can conceal itself using the Umbral or natural landscape; an opponent
wishing to find the spirit must make a Mental Challenge vs. twice the spirits Willpower. Concealment breaks if
the spirit attacks or otherwise makes its presence known.

Influence: For two essence, the spirit can change a targets mood from anywhere, even across the Gauntlet.
The spirit makes a contested challenge of its Gnosis vs. the targets Willpower. If successful, the targets mood
changes to one more to the spirits liking. The player may make a Mental Challenge vs. the Spirit to recognize
and attempt to wrest control of their emotions from the spirit. If successful, the PC has control of their emotions
and may not be targeted for the duration of the scene.

Insight: The Spirit can gain insight into any one hidden aspect of the targets self. The cost is 3 essence to learn
a general tidbit or 5 essence if spirit searches for a specific piece of knowledge about the character.

Intangibility: By spending 2 essence, the spirit can become intangible for the duration of the scene. This can
only be used in the Umbra and spirit can still communicate but it otherwise is unable to affect or be affected by
any physical attacks. If the spirit activates a charm the effect will end immediately.

Invisibility: To activate, this charm costs 2 essence. The spirit can make itself invisible in the Umbra or physical
world (if materialized). The Gifts Umbra Sight and Pulse of the Invisible will not detect the spirit. Refer to
Investigation vs. Stealth rules in the addendum. The spirit receives a +1 bonus per rank, for the purpose of
resolving ties. If the spirit attacks or uses charms, the power fades.

Materialize: If the spirits Gnosis is higher than the local Gauntlet rating, it can assume physical form in the
Earth realm. Its appearance on Earth matches what it looks like in the Umbra. Refer to the above combat
section for traits and damage. It has seven Health Levels, but may be adjusted by the Storyteller for its size. If it
dies, it returns to the Umbra and enters Slumber.


Mind Speak: For two essence per scene, spirits with this Charm can speak directly into a targets mind; if the
target is someone pacted to the spirit, there is no challenge required. For other targets, the spirit must make a
contested Mental Challenge.

Realm Sense: The spirit is generally attuned to all goings-on in its native domain, on both sides of the Gauntlet.
By making a Gnosis Challenge against the Gauntlet rating, the spirit can gain more information about a specific
intuition it feels. Nature spirits and Realm-specific spirits almost all have this charm, while spirits focused on
broader tasks or concepts would not.

Reform: The spirit can escape trouble by dissolving its form, then re-forming elsewhere in the spirit world. The
spirit must take a full turn to focus, then make a Gnosis Challenge against six Traits modified for how friendly
or unfriendly their destination is to them.


Access Caern: Spirits may not usually access caerns from the Umbra. Allows spirit to access the fundamental
nature of a caern (wisdom, enigmas, etc.,) to facilitate other Charms or other events. It costs six essence to use
this power.

Acquisition: This power allows spirits to borrow a small object from the physical world. Object disappears
from the material world and appears in the Umbra. At the end of the scene, the object disappears from the
Umbra and reappears in the physical world. If object is moved or hidden while in the Penumbra, it reappears in
the appropriate place corresponding to its new location. Item cannot be removed from the Penumbra into a near
realm however, any attempt to do so immediately shifts the item back into physical world. Make a gnosis
challenge vs. the local Gauntlet; cost is 1 essence for a set of keys/lighter; 2 essence for an item smaller than a
normal 16 oz drinking glass; 4 essence a wine bottle or phone book. An item as large as a laundry basket or
suitcase costs 6 essence and is the maximum size that can be acquired using this Charm. If a spirit attempts to
take an item being used or on someones person, there is an additional cost of two essence. If the object is not
being actively held, the player may make a mental challenge against the spirit, retest with awareness, to notice
that the object is shifting. If it is being held, the spirit must engage in a contested physical challenge to move the

Agony: For 3 essence, the spirit magnifies a targets pain during combat doubling the targets wound penalties
for the scene. Spending a Willpower to negate Wound penalties nullifies this power for a round, but the target
still suffers regular wound penalties. If the target is in possession of a gift that ignores pain (i.e. Resist Pain) it
removes the current application of the gift for the scene but the target still suffers regular wound penalties.

Animate (Banes & Ghosts): An expenditure of 5 essence allows a ghost or bane to take over a dead body and
send it against the living. Make a static challenge of Gnosis vs. local Shroud/Gauntlet. A zombie thus animated
has 10 Physical Attributes per rank, 10 no-penalty Health levels and a Brawl of 5 but no other attributes, and is
immune to the effects of non-damaging mental or social effects. Wound levels inflicted by fire are doubled.

Appear Spirit may manifest in front of a mortal (or other) without assuming a material form. They cannot,
however, affect the material world in any way. Each use costs 5 essence.


Assess Character: By spending 2 essence, and making a gnosis challenge against 7 traits, the spirit can
assess the general characteristics of its target (Attributes, Rage, Gnosis, Willpower). They may determine one
category, plus 2 additional categories per gnosis spent.

Babelmind: For 3 Essence, the spirit can intrude in on the victims thoughts and jumbles what the victim says or
hears. Simple words are misheard and complex conversations turn into gibberish. The spirit engages in a
supernatural challenge with the target pitting its maximum Gnosis vs. the targets maximum Willpower. If
successful, the effect lasts the scene.

Bloodsucking: By spending 3 essence, and engaging your opponent in a contested physical challenge, the
spirit may leech blood from its target, replenishing the Spirits essence. This charm inflicts a number of Lethal
damage equal to the Spirits Rank, restoring 2 essence per point of damage inflicted. If the target has a blood
pool, it loses 1 blood per damage dealt. Blood leached must be taken by an unwilling target. This power will
function on animals and lesser beings, but essence is not gained on any creature that is not human or

Choke: By spending an initial 3 essence, the spirit is able to generate a cloud of suffocating ash, smoke or
noxious gas by spending 3 essence. Anyone inhaling the cloud must make a Physical Test, difficulty 8 or begin
choking, unable to do more than roll around on the ground or crawl from the area (see the combat primer for
being prone). Holding ones breath is insufficient to prevent the invasive, noxious gas. If the player fails their
initial challenge, they are at a 3 trait penalty for the next challenge, and any subsequent challenge after, until
they are out of the cloud. When the penalty would cause a character to be unable to bid a physical challenge (at
0 traits), the character will start taking 3 Bashing Damage each turn until unconscious. The cloud effects 3 steps,
plus an additional step per essence spent, up to 6 steps.

Cleanse the Blight: The spirit removes spiritual corruption as per the Rite of Cleansing. Most spirits have
limited access to this Charm, being able to use it under certain conditions, such as beneath a full moon or within
a fairy ring. Cleansing requires a static Gnosis Challenge versus a variable difficulty: three Traits for minor
corruption, six Traits for well-established taint, and nine Traits or more for old, pervasive evils.

Clone: For 5 Essence, the spirit can split into multiple versions of itself. The first clone is -1 Gnosis, -1 Rage, -1
Willpower and -5 current essence to itself (post charm activation). The second clone is -2 Gnosis; -2 Rage, -2
Willpower and costs 5 more essence from the original. (-3, -4, etc.) The spirit can only create as many
clones/children as can be achieved without a clones Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower falling to 0. Each clone is a
carbon copy and shares the same goals, drives and motivations as the original copy. The clones will last until
the spirits goals, drives, and motivations are completed, or the scene ends, whichever comes first. Clones may
not make clones.

Consumption: With an expenditure of 2 essence, this charm allows the spirit to consume emotional energies
and convert it into power. For each point of rage that is spent or each Frenzy that is tested to resist within 100 ft.
of it, for the duration of the scene, it gains 1 essence. If other characters have emotional outbursts without
challenges but seem applicable, the spirit may gain 1 additional essence per character having an outburst of
intense anger, grief, passion, fear, etc.

Control Electrical System: The spirit takes control of an electrical device by making a static Gnosis Challenge
versus a number of Traits representing the devices complexity, ranging from three (a light switch) to nine (a
supercomputer). The spirit may then perform any task with the machine a normal operator could. If the device is


being used, the spirit makes a contested mental challenge against the user. Success means that the user loses
control of the device.

Craving: By spending 4 essence and making a contested mental challenge, the spirit can cause victim to suffer
hunger and thirst that cannot be assuaged by normal food or drink. The effect will last until the end of the scene,
or until the craving is sated. The target is at a penalty for comparison of ties and overbids equal to the Spirits
Rank to complete tasks or engage in challenges until their Craving is resolved. The source of the craving must
be stated at the time of the use of the charm.

Create Fire: The spirit summons a gout of flame. Make a static Gnosis Challenge: against three Traits for a
candles flame, six for a fireplace, nine for a conflagration. Unless ignited on a combustible fuel source, this fire
will quickly die out.

Create Wind: To control the local winds, the spirit makes a static Gnosis Challenge vs. a variable number of
traits, depending on the strength of the wind. A challenge against one Trait is enough for a brief gust; against ten
Traits, the spirit summons a tornado. Tornados use the following rules
Tornado The tornado takes one round to form, and starts at three feet in diameter. The tornado moves
with a speed of 20 steps and will grow bigger as the scene progresses. There is little to do against a tornado
except run away from it and seek shelter. Characters within three steps of the tornado must make a Static
Physical Challenge vs. 6 traits, and are at a -3 penalty due to the pull of the storm. Success allows the
character to act normally for the round. A failure means that the character is caught within the twister, and
may not move or take other physical actions until they are out of the twisters grasp. To escape the twister is
a Static Physical Challenge and the penalty is increased to -6.

Create Shadows: The spirit can create, shape and manipulate shadows in the physical world. Apart from their
unusual animation, these shadows are perfectly mundane, unable to attack or manipulate physical objectsalthough they can speak in shadowy whispers. Spirits with this charm often use it to unnerve or frighten humans,
often to scare them away from the spirits territory. Cost is 1 essence.

Cut: Allows spirit to cut a person or object in the physical world in the real world or across the Gauntlet. For 1
Essence, the spirit initiates a contested Physical Challenge against the target. If successful, the spirit can
scratch the target leaving a physical mark. For this charm to inflict damage, the spirit may spend 2 points of
essence per for each level of lethal damage, or 3 points per level of aggravated damage, damage not to exceed
the Spirits Rank.

Dark Omen (Ancestor Spirits & Ghosts): By expending 1 essence, the spirit can deliver a terrifying portent of
her targets future. Engage in a contested Mental Challenge. If successful, the character will be distracted and
receive a 1 trait penalty for the purposes of determined ties and Overbids for the remainder of the scene.

Disable: By expending an essence and engaging in a contested Physical challenge, the spirit can paralyze its
target for 1 round.

Drain: By spending 7 essence, and engaging in an opposed mental challenge, the spirit is able to drain virtually
any source of power from its opponent (gnosis, blood, mana, etc.) at the rate of 2 per round. If no such pool is
applicable, it begins draining the targets life force in the form of 2 aggravated wounds per round. The power
drained is channeled to the user in the form of 1 essence per unit drained. While no further expenditure is
required after initial activation, the power requires the users concentration, and his action is limited to simple


movement or speaking (although some passive and defensive powers may be used at storyteller discretion.
Once the pool has been depleted, the power ends.

Dream Journey: The spirit can intrude into the dreams of the sleeping target and interact there. There is no
physical carryover and though the dream is exceptionally vivid, the sleeper may not remember it upon
awakening. Cost is 10 essence to use.

Ease Pain: For 1 essence per hour, the spirit may ease a creatures pain, removing all wound penalties. This
does not actually heal wounds, and when the effect ends, the penalties return as normal.

Flee: The spirit spends 5 Essence and makes a simple test. If successful, the spirit Fair Escapes from the scene
immediately. On a tie, the spirit will take an extra turn and will Fair Escape at the beginning of the following

Flood: The spirit overflows a container of water, creating 10 cubic feet of water per rank, per essence spent.
This charm does not create water, but merely expands on an existing body.

Freeze: By spending Rage Traits, the spirit turns drops the air temperature to Antarctic levels. Creatures within
the area of effect take 1 aggravated wound per round, until they remove themselves from it. This damage may
be resisted with a static physical challenge. This effect last 3 rounds, and the area effected is 3 steps, +3 steps
per additional Rage spent.

Freezing Breath: The spirit attacks by exhaling a cone of bitter cold air. The spirit spends 2 Rage to activate the
breath, affecting all opponents within a 3 step semi-circle. The spirit can spend an additional Rage to make this
damage aggravated. The spirit makes a contested physical challenge against the opponent with the highest
traits. If he succeeds, all opponents in the area of effect suffer 2 wounds.

Healing: For 2 Essence, the spirit can heal wounds by making a static Gnosis Challenge. The difficulty is eight
Traits to heal Aggravated wounds, or six otherwise. The Spirits can heal as many health boxes as it has Gnosis.
This charm may only effect the same target once per scene.

Hold: For five essence, the spirit can immobilize a person in the physical world. Upon successful activation, the
victim will feel like they are being enveloped by invisible blanket and unable to move. The spirit engages in a
contested Mental Challenge. Willpower may be used as a retest to resist the effect. Once immobilized, the test
is made again at the beginning of each turn (or each minute outside of combat) before any other actions take
place, until the victim succeeds, or the scene ends. If targeted by hostile effects, the victim may defend itself

Human Guise: The spirit can assume a human guise; it may change its shape, sex, age at will. Costs 1
essence to perform in Umbra; 2 essence to perform simultaneously with Materialize or Appear charms.

Inner Pain: The spirit may cause a living being intense pain. Spending two Essence, the spirit engages in a
Mental Challenge with the target. If successful, for every additional point of essence spent, the target loses a
Physical Trait. If the victim is reduced to 0 Physical Traits, it falls unconscious.

Kindle: The spirit has the ability to kindle lifes fragile spark wherever that potential exists. Seeds can be
germinated, eggs fertilized, fruit grown on trees. The spirit can also kindle powerful emotions in other beings,
possibly making them so powerful to blot out other emotions being felt for the duration of the charm (the scene


or until the spirit leaves). To do so, the spirit makes a contested social challenge. The spirit is at a +2 bonus if
the targets emotional state is predisposed to the spirits desire. This power costs 5 essence per use.

Liquefy: The spirit, even when Materialized, may merge its form with water, blood, oil or any liquid substance.
This is often used if spirit wishes to disengage from a losing battle and does not have power to Reform. The
spirits form is integrated with the substance, giving attackers a -3 penalty to further strike against the spirit. If the
liquid is damaged (evaporated, set on fire etc.) the damage is applied to the spirits Essence. If the spirit is
drained of all of its Essence, on the Material Plane, it dies, dispersing until it can gain strength enough to cross
into the Umbra. Most spirits will attempt to cross into the Umbra to avoid final death. The power cost is 5

Meld: Some spirits can shift into their native elements and disappear. This effect requires the expenditure of 2
Gnosis and occurs at the end of the turn, making the elemental completely unreachable. This element may be
disturbed after the spirits departure, but only after the entity has fled. The power only works with elements of the
spirits affinity. For example, a fire spirit cannot Meld into earth or water.

Mirage: The spirit can use this charm to create a wide variety of insubstantial images. This charm can only
produce static images incapable of independent movement, but these images can be extremely complex and
detailed. All images created by the charm are completely insubstantial, a mirage of a wall may seem solid, but
anyone can walk through it without resistance. Images of a single object smaller than a microwave costs 1
essence to create for one scene; spirit can alter the appearance of a room for 10 essence for one scene; an
entire house or bigger area (up to small park) would cost 20 essence for one scene.

Neutral Scent: The Spirit can conceal its triadic affiliation by spending 3 essence for the duration of the scene.
It does not register to any Gifts such as Sense Wyrm, Sense Weaver, Sense Wyld.

Open Moon Bridge: The spirit opens a Moon Bridge up to a thousand miles in length. Its endpoint can be
anywhere, not just a Caern. Activating this Charm costs 10 Essence.

Peek: The spirit has the innate power to peek through the Gauntlet, from the Umbra into Earth. Once
purchased, this power becomes innate, and requires no expenditure or challenge.

Poltergeist: The spirit can move physical objects without materializing itself. To use this power, the spirit
engages in a Physical challenge vs. the local Gauntlet Rating. If the object is being held, the spirit must also
engage in an additional contested Physical Challenge against the restraining opponent. One point of essence
allows the spirit to move a few small objects like keys or pencils for a scene. Three points of Essence allows the
spirit to move or operate a single moderate sized object like a toaster or large handgun. Five points of Essence
allows the spirit to operate or move a large object like a car, motorcycle or entire contents of a room. This charm
cannot be used to throw objects hard enough to do more than 1 point of bashing damage; however, it can be
used to drop large objects on people, hit them with cars or shoot at them with guns. Damage should be
assigned appropriately at storyteller discretion.

Prophecy: With a static Mental Challenge vs. the local gauntlet, the spirit can peer into the future. This allows
the spirit to answer 1 question to any who ask. The clarity of the answer is determined by the essence spent: 1
hazy and cryptic, 2 relative and discernable, 3 perfect clarity.


Purify: By spending 1 Gnosis, the spirit is able to purge toxins from the body of a living creature. This power
does not heal wounds already taken, but will prevent future damage.

Quake: By expending 3 Rage, a spirit can make the area within a 1 mile radius of it rumble and shake. Victims
caught in the area of effect must make a static Physical Challenge (retest Athletics) vs. 8 traits, or be knocked
off its feet and take the Spirits Rank in lethal damage. They may make another attempt the following action
increasing the difficulty by 2 traits, and a further 2 each subsequent action. The spirit may increase the area
affected by 1 mile per additional Rage spent.

Sap Will: The spirit is capable of undermining a targets resolve and determination. Usable across the Gauntlet,
the spirit spends 1 essence and makes a contested Mental Challenge against their opponent. Success drains 1
Willpower, +1 Willpower per essence spent.

Scale: This rare charm allows a spirit not directly in the Weavers service to climb on the Pattern Web without
becoming stuck or calcified; similarly, its presence on the Pattern Web wont draw the attention of Net or Pattern
Spiders. The cost is 5 essence and lasts the scene.

See the Secret: This is a rare charm. With a limited form of mind-reading, the spirit uncovers one secret that a
living person wishes to hide. Minor secrets (Im dressing as a man, I just stole someones wallet) do not
require a challenge to uncover typically. Using this charm requires a challenge of Gnosis vs. the targets
Willpower. Cost is 3 essence for minor secrets. 6 Essence for major secrets.

Shapeshift: The spirit can alter its shape, size, and appearance, but doesnt gain any special powers a new
form would have. If the spirit is attempting a disguise, anyone who knows the person theyre imitating my
attempt an opposed Mental Challenge to see through the disguise. A successful use of Name the Spirit will
reveal that there is an incongruity.

Shatter Glass: A static Rage Challenge versus six Traits results in the spirits power shattering all glass nearby.
The area affected is equal to 10x the spirits permanent Rage in steps. Secondary damage from the glass is
determined by the Storyteller.

Short Out: By spending a gnosis and making a Static Gnosis Challenge against 6 traits, the spirit can short
circuit the power to one targeted electronic device for the remainder of the scene.

Spirited Away: The spirit can snatch a single living target from the Material world and take it with them to
Umbra. By expending 10 essence, and making a Gnosis Challenge against the local gauntlet, the spirit can take
a willing target across the veil into the penumbra. Increasing the expenditure to 25 essence allows the spirit to
take them to their home realm. This lasts until the spirit releases the effect, or is rendered dormant (killed).
Unwilling targets require a Contested Physical Challenge.

Swift Flight: The spirit flies at triple speed, up to a maximum of 60 + (Willpower x3) yards per turn (normal
movement is 20+ willpower).

Terror: By expending 5 essence the spirit can use this charm to create an overpowering aura of raw,
overwhelming terror. Non-Garou must make Static Willpower challenge against 8 traits or collapse in fear or run
away. Garou must make a frenzy check or fox frenzy. The terror radiates outward from the spirit in roughly five


feet in all directions and lasts a number of turns equal to their permanent Willpower; a test to resist the fear is
required each turn.

Tracking: The spirit may spend one Essence to track its prey for the remainder of the scene. If the target is
hiding, a static mental challenge may be required. Once the target is found, the spirit may engage in a Mental
Challenge with the target, using the Investigation vs. Stealth rules in the addendum. The spirit receives a bonus
on this challenge equal to his rank. If the target is not hiding, there is no challenge required.

Umbral Storm: The spirit can cause great downpour in the surrounding Umbra. Due to the strange nature of the
Umbra, it is not always just water that falls from the sky. Visually, the storm forms instantaneously and without
warning. The power cost is 5 essence for a storm one mile in diameter with 40 mph winds. The size of storm
increases by 10% or the mph by 10 for every 2 essence the spirit spends. The spirits may also spend an extra
essence to change what kind of liquid rains down. Storms created by this charm generally last until they die
down naturally or the scene ends.

Umbraquake: For five essence, the spirit shakes the very fabric of the Umbra, dealing bashing damage equal to
one third of its Rage (rounded down) to everything within a mile radius. The spirit can increase the area of effect
for the cost of two essence per mile.

Updraft By spending a point of Willpower and an essence, the spirit engages in a contested Physical
Challenge with the target. If successful, the spirit summons a column of wind to render a target suspended in the
air for one round. The spirit may spend a Gnosis each turn to keep the subject trapped. The target can make
ranged attacks, or engage in mental or social challenges as normal, with a 2 trait penalty due to being jostled by
the wind. They may likewise dodge, or resist incoming damage, also receiving a 2 trait penalty.


Blighted Touch: The bane amplifies a targets negative characteristics. They must touch their target and make
an opposed Mental Challenge; if successful, their targets Negative Traits are multiplied by the Spirits Rank for
the rest of the session.

Corruption: By making a Gnosis challenge against the targets Willpower, the bane implants a single evil
suggestion that their target must act on before the session is through. The bane may use this Gift across the

Incite Frenzy: By making a Rage challenge against the targets Willpower, the bane forces that Garou into a
Rage Frenzy. They must test for thrall of the wyrm as normal.

Poison: Most commonly possessed by banes, snake and spider spirits and some ghosts, this charm poisons its
target, draining health every turn. By expending 5 essence, and beating his opponent in a contested Mental
Challenge, the spirit poisons its target, dealing one level of lethal damage per turn, for a number of turns equal
to the users permanent Gnosis. Effects that negate poison, also negate this effect.


Possession: The spirit expends 10 essence, and engages its target in a contested Mental Challenge. If
successful, the spirit possesses the target, gaining full control of its body. This power has no effect on
supernatural creatures.


Calcify: The spirit spends 3 essence to activate this charm. Engaging his opponent in a contested Mental
Challenge. If successful, the target loses 3 Physical Traits for the remainder of the night. Once activated, this gift
may be used against the same target every round, with no additional expenditure. By winning a Contested
Challenge against their own Maximum Physical Traits, the affected creature may tear off an application of
calcification. Should this reduce the target to 0 Physical Traits, it is completely immobilized, and can no longer
attempt to remove the calcification itself.

Craft Merchandise: At the cost of 2 essence, the spirit can reshape an item from one type to another. Like the
homid gift: Reshape Object, but specifically consumer goods. Bigger items like furniture and microwaves cost 5

Craft Technology: Functions like gift Reshape Object but only functions on complicated/intricate technological
items. Cost is 3 essence per object.

Crystallize: Unique among Crystal Elementals and spirits, this charm allows for the spirit to expend 3 essence
to transform part of targets substance into crystal. The spirit makes a contested Physical Challenge. Success
inflicts 1 level of aggravated damage per rank of the spirit (For example, a Rank Three spirit will inflict 3
Aggravated wounds) as part of the targets body becomes brittle and crystalline. Only Mothers Touch or some
other form of magical healing will restore creature to its original form.

Information Flow Tap: Spend 3 essence. The spirit can tap into the flow of electronic data flowing between two
computers and read the data without disturbing the process. Make a Gnosis challenge (difficulty 10 minus the
local Shroud/Gauntlet); success gives general information about the data but cannot distinguish messages
contents if it was encrypted or protected against magical intrusion. The spirit may make a second test to pierce
mundane encryption without detection. Magically encrypted information requires the expenditure of an additional
essence prior to the additional challenge.

Information Leak: Spend 10 essence. This charm allows the spirit access to all the knowledge incorporated
into the Patten Web (which is just about everything). The spirit must make a gnosis challenge vs. 9 traits to
receive the answer to any specific question.

Snatch Wireless Data: The Weaver spirit can grab data packets coming from or going to phones, pagers, or
laptops. Catching as many packets as possible and in the process somewhat disrupting communications in a
small area (dropped calls, low signals, etc.) requires a Willpower challenge vs. local Shroud/Gauntlet rating.
Finding a particular stream of packets such as specific conversation requires first a Gnosis challenge against
same local Shroud/Gauntlet rating in addition to the willpower challenge. After having consumed these packets,
the spirit can recount the information to others at any later date if it so chooses or is compelled to.


Solidify Reality: The weaver-spirit reinforces the Pattern in the target, making it difficult to damage. For three
Essence, the spirit can reinforce the Pattern by making a static Gnosis Challenge vs. six traits. The spirit can
grant one Health Level or Essence for every Gnosis the spirit possesses. (For example, if the spirit has 6
Gnosis, it can grant up to 6 Health Boxes or Essence to the target.) The effects last one day, multiple uses of
this charm are not cumulative. Using this Charm on a piece of armor does not give the granted health levels to
the armor wearer.

Spirit Static: With an act of will, the spirit raises the local Gauntlet rating by one, fortifying the defenses between
worlds. Multiple spirits with this charm can work in concert, raising the Gauntlet by a maximum of three. The
Gauntlet cannot be raised past 10. A spirit using this charm must stay nearby and concentrate, suffering a twoTrait penalty to all challenges.


Break Reality: Totem Spirits cannot take this charm. The wyld-spirit wreaks havoc with the local reality of its
target, transforming it by degrees. Spend one Essence and make a static Gnosis Challenge against six Traits. If
the challenge fails, the spirit loses the essence spent; it must then attempt two Simple Tests. If both of those fail,
the spirit loses one Gnosis. If the initial challenge succeeded, the spirit can make a minor change, such as
turning liquids into gases, changing the electrical resistance of a metal, or making a strong substance brittle. If
the spirit spends a Gnosis Trait it can make major changes: giving life to an inanimate object, sealing off all the
doors to a room, or shrinking a Garou to the size of a mouse, for example. If this charm is used against a
sentient being, the spirit must engage its opponent in a Contested Mental Challenge. If the spirit succeeds, the
victim is altered per the spirits desire. If the spirit fails, it may not target the victim for the rest of the scene.
Effects of this charm used against sentient targets last until rescinded, or the end of the scene.

Disorient: The wyld-spirit harmlessly rearranges the local geography, making it difficult to know where youre
going or where youve been. To do so, the spirit must make a static Gnosis Challenge against six Traits or the
local Gauntlet rating, whichever is higher. Effects of this charm last until the end of the scene.

Control Forest: This power can be used on both sides of the Umbra. The spirit spends 10 essence and makes
a Gnosis challenge vs. the local Gauntlet; success animates one tree or bush to attack the target of the spirits
choice. The spirit may test each turn to animate another tree, but only needs to pay the essence cost once. The
typical animated tree will have 30 physical traits, 6 Brawl and 10 unpenalized health levels, with no other
attributes. Damage is normally 2 lethal, but can be adjusted based on the size of the tree. The effect generally
lasts one scene; the trees will become normal almost immediately if the spirit departs.

Quit Reality: This bizarre and rare charm allows the spirit to step sideways from both physical reality and the
umbra into a mysterious other place, presumably a pocket Realm. The spirit may take one passenger along; for
some reason, mages are the most frequent targets of this attack. The cost is 10 essence.

Tear the Gauntlet: Some Wyld spirits can break the Pattern Web. Power cost is 15 essence. When Activated,
the local Gauntlet can be reduced by the Spirits Rank for days equal to spirits Gnosis.

Tech Sense: The spirit can become aware of all technological events transpiring near the spirit in the physical
world. They will be able to sense and identify cars, cell phones, power lines, ipods, etc but must make a gnosis


challenge vs. the local Shroud/Gauntlet in order to focus upon a single item and notice details about it or person
using it. power cost is 1 essence. Most typically possessed by Weaver and City spirits.

Wood Warping: The spirit twists all wood within a 10-foot radius into new and interesting shapes. Unless the
wood has been magically protected, or is part of a Fetish of other mystical item, the Warp is automatic.
Malicious uses of this power against fetishes, or magical items require a contested Mental Challenge vs. the
wielder/owner of the item. Aesthetic changes may be relented at the opponents discretion.


Spirit Notoriety / Spirit Affinity is assigned by Spirit Brood. The following are the Broods of the Spirit spectrum used
in our game. There is no cap to how many Broods a character can have Affinity or Notoriety with.
Theurges are treated as having one higher Spirit Affinity than they do, and one less Spirit Notoriety than they do for
Low Approval Broods.
Totem Broods: Each Tribal Incarna Totem has its own Brood, and Broodlings beneath it. Any Totems or
Spirits detailed in the Tribebooks immediately fall into the Brood of the Tribes Incarna Totem. For Spirits in
multiple Tribe books (such as Crow), the ST should use their discretion to determine which brood the Spirit
falls under.
Grandfather Thunder
Naturae: All Plant and Animal Spirits not specifically claimed by another Brood.
Elemental (Gaian): Earth/Wood, Air, Fire, Water
Elemental (Urban): Metal, Glass, Electricity, Atomic
City [Specified]: City Fathers, City Father Servants. [For instance, Brood: City (Greenville, SC) is different
than Brood: City (NYC)]
Epiphling: Concept Spirits: (Love, Hate, War, Color, Joy, Guilt, Death, Peace, Pain, Envy, Nostalgia, etc...)
Celestine (Helios) Top Approval: Sun Spirits, Ra, Hyperion
Celestine (Luna) Top Approval: Lunes, Sohkta
Celestine (Other) Top Approval: This covers the other Celestines.
Wyrm (Wyrm NPC Only): Servants of the Wyrm have variations of their own Naturae, Elementals, Totems,
Epiphilings, and the like.


Spirit Affinity Levels:

Spirit Affinity 1: Low Approval +1 trait on all social interactions with spirits of that brood . Your name is
known amongst the spirits brood in your area.

Spirit Affinity 2: Low Approval +2 traits on all social interactions with spirits of that brood. Spirits outside
your own home caern and area are beginning to hear about you.

Spirit Affinity 3: High Approval +3 traits on all social interactions with spirits of that brood. When creating
a talen with the aid of a spirit of that brood, an extra talen is created without need for increased chiminage or
the expenditure of additional traits. Spirits throughout the region know your name, and what youve done.

Spirit Affinity 4: Top Approval - +4 traits on all social interactions with the spirits of that brood. You are +1
trait all social challenges when dealing with Garou of the Tribe whose Totem you have at this level of
Affinity. Throughout the Nation, word of your deeds on behalf of the spirits of this brood is known and

Spirit Affinity 5: Top Approval - +5 traits on all social interactions with the spirits of that brood. When
creating a fetish with the aid of a spirit of this brood, you are able to create the fetish with no chiminage due
to your global acclaim amongst this spirit brood.

Spirit Notoriety Levels:

Spirit Notoriety 1: Low Approval - Grudging disdain from Spirits of the brood. Spirits from this Brood will
require stronger chiminage than usual to negotiate with and barter favors from. They will require exceptional
chiminage to agree teaching Gifts.

Spirit Notoriety 2: Low Approval - {-1 Wisdom per month}. Direct disdain from Spirits of the Brood. They
spread your actions and misdeeds to other Spirits and Garou who mention you. They refuse to help you
without exceptional chiminage for even the most minor of tasks. At this level, these Spirits will not teach

Spirit Notoriety 3: High Notification - {-1 Wisdom, -1 Honor per month}. Strong, direct, disdain from Spirits
of the Brood. They will actively spread the word about your misdeeds, and will make life difficult for you
using other Spirits and characters. Rites you perform gain a +3 difficulty due to the displeasure of these
Spirits. At this level, these Spirits will not teach gifts, and they will go out of their way to make it difficult for
you to learn gifts from other Spirits.

Spirit Notoriety 4: Top Notification - {-3 Wisdom, -1 Honor per month}. You are viewed as an enemy of
Spirits of the brood. They will direct others to cause you trouble in your life, and do non-lethal harm to you in addition to personally interfering with even the most benign actions when you least expect it. They will
also seek to direct your enemies to you and those close to you. Characters allied with the Brood (part of
the tribe, or with Affinity 4 or Higher) will find themselves at odds with you, being tasked and rewarded with
foiling your plans, whatever they may be. At this level, these Spirits will not teach Gifts to you or any Garou
in your pack so long as you remain a member, and they will go out of their way to make it difficult to learn
Gifts from other Spirits.


Spirit Notoriety 5: High Approval, Top Notification {-3 Wisdom, -3 Honor per month}. You are viewed as
anathema to the Spirits of the brood. They will attack you on sight, and direct others to do the same.
Characters allied with the Brood (part of the Tribe, or with Affinity 4 or Higher) will find themselves pitted
directly against you, tasked with eliminating you. At this level, these Spirits will not teach Gifts to you or any
Garou in your pack or Sept so long as you remain a member, and they will go out of their way to make it
nearly impossible for you to learn any Gifts from any source without a lot of work dedicated to avoiding their

The Notifications and Approvals for Spirit Notoriety are submitted by the Storyteller. Any presiding Storyteller can
award Notoriety. The losses of Renown are at the beginning of each month and for each Brood Notoriety had.

There are several ways in which Spirit Affinity and Notoriety can be earned in game. These are possible
examples, but by no means an all inclusive list of ways to gain Affinity or Notoriety. Some ways you can do so are as

Teaching a Gift to another Garou directly. (Notoriety)

Learning a Gift to another Garou instead of finding a spirit to teach you. (Notoriety)
Vouching for someone to learn a Tribal Gift outside of their Tribe. (Notoriety)
Vouching for someone to learn a gift outside their Breed or Auspice. (Notoriety among the Celestial
Destroying a Talen, Fetish, Klaive inhabited by a member of the targeted Brood without releasing the
spirit. (Notoriety)
Freeing an abused or mistreated spirit from a Talen, Fetish, Klaive. (Affinity)
Failure to grant chiminage after promising to do so. (Notoriety)
Granting more chiminage than the initial agreement called for. (Affinity)
Bad-mouthing, talking smack, insulting or being dismissive of a spirit or Tribe. (Notoriety)
Making amends for a past indiscretion against a Brood. (Affinity)
Making amends for past indiscretions by your ancestors against a Brood. (Affinity)
Performing successful spirit quests. (Affinity)
Assisting in the righting of wrongs against a spirit brood by a packmate or complete stranger. (Affinity)
Being a pack-mate in a pack that disgraces or dishonors a spirit brood. (Notoriety)
Failing to perform an Act of Contrition against a Garou. (Notoriety by the offended Garous brood)
Performing deeds for a spirit brood outside of your Tribal Brood, putting yourself at great risk, expecting
nothing in return. (Affinity)
Breaking a pledge, promise, or your word to a spirit brood. (Notoriety)
Killing a member of a Spirit Brood for any reason. (Notoriety)
Accepting, unconditionally, the punishment, quest, or price of a spirit brood for killing a member of its
brood and completing what happens next. (Affinity)
Binding spirits into inappropriate items. (Notoriety)
Binding spirits unwillingly. (Notoriety)
Binding spirits into servitude without chiminage. (Notoriety)
Altering a spirits nature or brood. (Notoriety)
Allowing a spirit to become tainted or corrupted as a result of doing a favor for you. (Notoriety)
Needlessly awakening spirits from slumber. (Notoriety)
Using the gift Command Spirit to avoid paying chiminage. (Notoriety)
Forcing a spirit to converse without spirit speech. (Notoriety)
Ignoring a pack totem ban. (Notoriety)
Opening a moonbridge into a bawn without permission of the caern spirit. Includes bridge walker, and
totem bridges. (Notoriety)
Hunting Englings for sport or out of malice. (Notoriety)


Failure to perform proper rites for prey spirits. (Notoriety)

Failing to honor the spirits of your ancestors. (Notoriety)
Ignoring prophetic warnings. (Notoriety)
Cheating in a contest of riddles or game craft. (Notoriety)
Summoning an incarna avatar or above without a good damn reason. (Notoriety)
Improving/expanding the influence of the spirits material-world counterparts (i.e. expanding the borders
of a protected forest, successfully promoting awareness of a species importance to the environment,
etc) (Affinity)
Protecting the spirits material counterpart (preventing a major catastrophe, helping keep a species or
its environment in good health, etc) (Affinity)
Creating works of art to honor the spirit/brood, especially if presented to the general public (Affinity)
Retrieving a Talen that has been taken by minions of the Wyrm (Affinity)
Retrieving a Fetish that has been taken by minions of the Wyrm (Affinity)
Publicly adopting and upholding a Ban (Affinity)
Freeing a Spirit that has been trapped in the Pattern Web/Calcified (Affinity)

Totems are constructed using LotWR (pages 90/91) detailing starting benefits of all Totems and a chart for buying
benefits as well as the small chart on page 249 of LotWR under Creating and Modifying Totems. Use the cost on
page 249 for the Totem nearly always being with the Pack.

In order to be a member of a pack, at least 1 point of experience must be devoted to the Totem
background within 1 month of joining the pack to represent your acceptance by the packs Totem. When
a character dies or leaves the pack, their Totem points are no longer added to the Totem, and the totem
benefits must be recalculated. Totems do not receive the Totem Background Traits for inactive characters
(characters not having participated in any games (online or otherwise) for at least three months.) NPCs in
PC packs do not contribute Totem Background to the Totem Spirit.

In order for a pack to follow a totem found within a Tribebook, at least one member of that pack must
belong to that tribe, or hold at least Spirit Affinity x3 with that Totems spirit brood, which qualifies the pack
to follow that totem at Low Approval. Otherwise, following a totem found within a Tribebook requires High

Attribute Traits and Abilities (not Tempers, Health Levels, or anything else) granted by Totems as
described in Laws of the Wild, Revised page 243 under Background Cost and Traits refresh once per
scene not once per turn.

Unless the Totem write up specifically notes otherwise, Garou may not use Gifts granted by Totems that
are above their rank.

All PC Pack and Personal Totems are Rank 3 Spirits.


Top Approval
Requires: Athro rank or higher.

After achieving the Rank of Athro a Garou may seek a personal Totem in addition to their Pack totem. Adren Rank
Garou without a Pack may also seek a personal Totem. The bond with a Personal Totem is an intimate one and
generally takes years, if not decades, to develop. The benefits of a personal Totem are in addition to any benefits
from a Pack Totem. The Garou with the personal totem must spend XP in order to pay for twice the Totems cost
by themselves and are alone responsible for fulfilling the spirit's Ban. In order to obtain a Personal Totem the
Garou must have at least Spirit Affinity 4 with the Brood that the spirit is a member of. Because of the intimate
nature of this bond it can only ever be attempted once by any Garou. Should they end the relationship of their own
accord, or should the spirit leave for any reason, the bond ends and no other bond with a personal Totem can ever
be attempted.

Note: The Totem Background is not restricted to a maximum of 8 traits for purposes of purchasing a Personal


The following Garou Totems have been sanctioned for play, in addition to the Totems already listed in Laws of
the Wild, Revised, and The Revised Tribebooks. Some of these Totems come from Players Guide to Garou,
Revised and are not restricted to a specific Tribe (though some Totems only make sense working with specific
Tribes). We have converted Totems from many other books, however, we are leaving them available to release
based off of character action and Regional and National plot rather than simply putting them all in play. We would
then like to encourage players and Storytellers with an eye on a previously written Totem to pursue that interest in
game. For example, the Totems from Rage Across the Amazon can be brought into play if characters reclaim
the recently lost Amazon. This helps us encourage that this is a game world that changes as the players act.

In order to encourage players to choose the main Tribal Incarnae Totems, and support that the main Tribal
Incarnae Totems are more venerated than their Broodlings we have increased the potency of the Tribal Incarnae
Totems by tweaking their mechanics. In the Totem list you will see the mechanics modifications, but the
following are also applied to all Tribal Incarnae Totems.

All Tribal Incarnae Totems are 7 point Totems.

Every pack member of a pack dedicated to a Tribal Incarnae Totem gains the full benefits of the Totem
without having to purchase that option in Totem creation.

Because we are encouraging the use of Tribal Incarnae Totems over Broodlings, we would also ask that
Storytellers be lax and lenient on those Garou characters that decide to convert to these Totems by not
having previous Totems punish them as long as they change with proper respect to the previous Totem.


American Dream (Bone Gnawers): (Cost 3): Traits: The pack gains 2 social traits for comparison of Ties
and Overbids in challenges with American authorities. The Pack also gets Empathy x2 and Athletics x 2.
As an additional effect, any follower of this totem cannot be made to get lost in the US. Followers of
American Dream cannot get lost by mundane means while in the US.

Ban: Followers must accept that their totem cannot always be with them they cannot buy the Totem
Power: Totem is nearly always with the pack members. When outside the country, followers suffer a
1Trait penalty in all Social interactions when dealing with nonamericans, as the worst of the traveling
American stereotypes comes out. Finally, any American born member of a tribe can join this totem and
gain 5 Temporary Honor. If they are European born, regardless of tribe, they lose 5 Temporary Honor.

Badger (Red Talons): The pack may draw on five Rage Traits every month.

Bear: As a result of character actions in the recovering of Lion, Garou following Bear no longer lose the
initial five temporary Honor for following Bear, and also do not lose Honor per Honor gain.

Black Unicorn (Child of Gaia): Black Unicorns followers gain one level of the Brawl Ability, and one
temporary Glory Renown. Once per month, each pack member may elect to gain five temporary
Willpower Traits for the remainder of the session that can be spent as normal. Once per scene when
defending an innocent, one member of the pack can gain three Healthy health levels.

Brigid (Fianna): Instead of the Ritemaster gaining a bonusTrait for comparison of Ties and Overbids in
fetish creation challenges, the Ritemaster using any item crafted by a follower of Brigid for the Rite of Spirit
Awakening or the Rite of the Fetish wins on ties on the Social Challenges for the rite, and are always
considered to have thoroughly tried to please the spirit in the case of failure. In addition, Garou following
Brigid can treat items crafted or performances given (read as any display using Crafts, Expression, or
Performance) as one quality level higher than their permanent Ability rating.

Bull: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 138. The pack gains Brawny x1, Brawl x3, and one Rage
per session. On joining the pack, each pack member gains one temporary Glory.

Butterfly: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 142. The pack gains Gift: Tagalong, Athletics x1,
Subterfuge x2, and a free retest once per session when trying to impress someone.

Caribou (Wendigo):
Traits: Replace With: Each pack member gains Survival x2.

Chameleon: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 139. The pack gains Blur of the Milky Eye, and
Awareness x2.

Chimera: In addition to LotWR, each pack member gains Reflective x1.


Cockroach: In addition to the Traits in LotWR, each pack member gains Intuitive x1 and Resilient x1.

Digital Eye: Players Guide to Garou, Revised Page 135. The pack gains Blur of the Milky Eye,
Computers x2, Security x2. Glass Walkers who follow the Totem gain 1 temporary Honor on joining. Any
other Tribe member joining the pack loses 1 temporary honor on joining.

Eagle (Child of Gaia): Once per session, a member of a pack dedicated to Eagle can get a free retest on
any challenge. In order to call on this free retest, at least two other members of the pack must be within 10
paces of the Garou, and actively working toward the same goal whether it be bringing down a foe,
infiltrating a building, etc. When fighting a foe under the same circumstances, pack members are immune to
Fox Frenzy, and are a number of Traits up equal to the number of pack members present in challenges
resisting any fear-based effect. Ban: This Ban requires that each pack member possesses two levels of
either Influence: Politics or Influence: Bureaucracy, and uses these Influences in monthly downtimes to
better their community for the good of all.

Earthquake: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 138. The pack gains Brawl x1, Brawny x1. Each
pack member gains one temporary Glory when joining the pack.

Epona (Fianna): Instead of getting three Tireless Traits, followers of Epona gain two levels of Ability:
Athletics and the Physical Trait: Tireless.

Falcon: Followers of Falcon are two Traits up for comparison of ties and overbids in all Leadership
challenges and challenges to avoid being deceived (by mundane or supernatural methods), gain Leadership
x3, Dignified x1, Vigilant x1, and three Willpower Traits per session. Upon joining the pack each pack
member gains 3 temporary Honor Traits.

Traits: Replace With: While following Fenris each follower gains 3 temporary Glory Renown (awarded
once upon following the Totem), the Physical Traits Ferocious and Tenacious, as well as a combination
of two levels of either Brawl, Melee, or Throwing Ability (player's choice upon following Fenris).

Flea: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 138. The pack gains Hares Leap and loses one temporary
Glory on joining and loses a temporary Glory from every Glory gain.

Fog: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 140. The pack gains Subterfuge x1, Stealth x1, and two
Traits for the purposes of comparing ties and overbids on Occult and Enigmas tests. The pack also gains
Curse of Aeolus.

Frog: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 135. The pack gains the Gift Elemental Favor, and Empathy
x2. Each pack member gains two temporary Honor Renown upon joining the pack.

General Lee (Bone Gnawers): (Cost 5) All members of the pack gain Drive x2 and Crafts x2. They


automatically gain the Repair Ability if that brings their Crafts over 3. All pack members are up 2 traits on
driving related challenges. Cannot buy Totem Power: Totem is nearly always with the pack members. The
spirit resides in the car, and it is up to the pack to keep close to it. The pack must assign one member to
the maintenance of their automobile. As the pack mates rank advances so too does the quality of the
automobile. Cliath junk car. Fostern working car. Adren The car gives 1 trait on all driving tests and is
whisper quiet. Athro The car never runs out of gas. Elder the car now can cross into the Umbra. If the
car is destroyed it regenerates in the Umbra for one month, then returns. As part of the Ban, the packmate
of the pack must include downtime activity for repairs, maintenance, or other work on the car. Failure to do
so means the vehicle gains a "fault" (see Spirit Notoriety)

Gila Monster (Uktena): Replace the Venom Gift with the following Power (Only accessible while the
pack follows the totem). With the expenditure of a Gnosis Trait the users teeth become coated in a toxic
sludge. For the rest of the scene or hour the Garous bite attacks deal an additional level of aggravated
poison damage. The use of Resist Toxin gift will reduce this damage from aggravated to lethal.

Grandfather Thunder: Replace With:

Traits: 3 Willpower Traits per session, Intimidation x2, Subterfuge x1, two Traits up for comparison of ties
and overbids in challenges involving Intimidation and Subterfuge, Intimidating x1, Wily x1, +3 temporary
Honor on joining.
Ban: Thunders children must not accord their peers and their rivals more respect than those werewolves
have earned through their actions. Sycophancy goes against Thunders nature.

Griffin: Replace Traits With: Each pack member gains Alert x1, Quick x1, Primal-Urge x2, Survival x3, and
can communicate with birds of prey. Ban Clarification: Associating with Humans does not include Homid
Garou, though Human Kinfolk do. In order to violate the Ban of Griffin, players must either have ties to
Human Society or interact with humans outside of the brief task placed before them. Going to the store and
buying something does not violate the ban, while talking with your human neighbors and inviting them over
for a game of cards does.

Harrier (Silver Fangs): Grants an additional 2 steps in combat, instead of the listed doubling of movement in
all forms.

Hummingbird (Uktena): Add to end of the last sentence: May only use its Dexterity trait bonus for
comparison of Ties and Overbids in defensive actions.

Lion (Totem of Respect)

Backound Cost: 5
Proud and strong, Lion is the master of all he surveys, remaining ever vigilant of the Wyrm. To the Fianna,
he is the beast of Lugh, slayer of Balor. Lion seeks vengeance on those who slew his children, and saves a
special anger for the Dancers who turned from him. Children of the Lion are especially hated by Black Spiral
Dancers, but they are liked by the Bastet, most Fianna, Red Talons and Silver Fangs. Lion is still very


traditional and has become paranoid about "new ways of doing things". Lion was recently saved and
returned to the Nation by a number of packs of Garou and a few Gurahl.
Traits: Lion gifts each of his children with an undying font of Rage when fighting Black Spiral Dancers: in
any Everyman round that you declare an attack against a Black Spiral Dancer/s you gain a Temporary
Rage. Each follower can also call upon three extra Temporary Willpower per month. These Temporary
Willpower do not count for the purpose of comparing for overbids and ties. In addition Lion can teach his
followers (read as: Low Approval to buy at Out of Tribe/Breed/Auspice Cost) the Gift: Sense Wyrm. When
first following Lion, followers gain three temporary Honor Renown.
Ban: Children of the Lion must protect the helpless from danger, and must actively hunt and destroy Black
Spiral Dancers and their Pits/Hives.

Medusa (Black Furies): Reserved for use by the National Staff.

Old Wolf of the Woods (Red Talons): Only available to Lupus Garou packs. Each pack member may
call on Ancestors x5 once every month, drawing on Old Wolfs knowledge.

Owl: Replace Traits with: Wings in the Umbra (Speed of Thought flight speed), Wise x1, Quick x1, sees
through all darkness, +2 traits for comparison of ties and overbids in Occult and Stealth challenges,
Occult x2, Stealth x1, three temporary Wisdom on joining.

Pegasus: Replace Traits With: Awareness x2, Wyld Lore x2, 3 Willpower Traits per session, Attentive
x1, Commanding x1, 1 Gnosis Trait that exceeds Rank Cap (this is an exception to the rule that
Tempers granted by Totems do not count for the purpose of determining ties and overbids). Each pack
member gains 3 temporary Honor when joining.

Peregrine Falcon (Silver Fangs): This totems XP is per month and may be spent to learn Lores, Rites
and knowledge based skills. This XP cannot take you over the limit of 6 per month. Learning is subject
to normal approval levels.

Rat: Replace Traits With: 3 Willpower Traits per session, +2 Traits on bite and Stealth challenges;
Cunning x1, Tenacious x1. Stealth x2, Survival x1

Seadrake (Get of Fenris): Traits: Followers of Sea Drake do not need to be immersed in the ocean to
gain the Physical Traits: Robust x2, as long as the Ban is maintained. Ban: Foes must be conscious
at the time that they are sacrificed and be incapable of surviving in the water (no underwater breathing
abilities/devices). All members of the pack must participate in the sacrifice. Sacrifices must be done
every four months.

Sea Otter (Child of Gaia): Followers of Sea Otter can swim or float in any liquid without tiring, suffer
no penalties for acting in aquatic environments, and swim at twice their normal speed. They also gain
the Physical Trait: Lithe, and one temporary Wisdom Renown Trait.

Shark: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 139. Traits: The pack gains an additional level of
damage on all bite attacks, Brutal x1, Stealth x2.


Sphinx (Red Talons): Sphinxs children may draw on Enigmas x2 and five Willpower Traits every

Sphinx-of-Wisdom (Red Talons): Silent Striders can pick this Totem and treat it as if it was a Silent
Striders Totem for purposes of Tribe specifics or Spirit Affinity.

Stag: The Physical Trait: Tireless is applicable in all Physical Challenges. Each pack member also
gains Charismatic x1.

Stourbridge Lion (Glass Walkers): High Approval

Suzaku the Red Bird (Stargazers): Those following this totem do not need to get the Top approval for the
increase in Pure Breed. In addition, those tribes who do not get access to Pure Breed still gain the 1 trait.

The Spirit Without Name: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 141. Each pack member gains,
Primal Urge x2, one Trait for comparison of Ties and Overbids on challenges to Dodge, and the ability to
spend a Gnosis Trait to be able to sense all events going on within 20 feet.

Twister: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 141. The pack gains Enigmas x1, Quick x1, Primal
Urge x2. Each pack member gains 1 temporary Wisdom upon following Twister.

Volcano: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 136. The pack gains Expression x1, Brawny x1,
Clever x1, Primal Urge x2.

Uktena: Replace Traits With: While in the Umbra members of a pack following Uktena take one less
damage from all sources. Each pack member also gains Enigmas x2, Occult x1, and has two
additional Traits for comparison of ties and overbids in all challenges involving Enigmas, Occult, and
Rites. Garou following Uktena treat Rites learned as one lower level for determining the amount of
time required to learn the Rite. Each pack member also gains Knowledgeable x1 and Observant x1.

Unicorn: Replace Traits with: Empathetic x1, Patient x1, +2 traits to Empathy and challenges
involving mediation and negotiation, Leadership x1, Medicine x2; when using mundane medicine
those treated heal twice as fast; when using healing Gifts followers can heal at a range of the Gift
users Gnosis in paces without the need to touch.

Wendigo: Traits: Replace With: Each pack member gains a free retest in Survival challenges, Brutal
x1, Rugged x1, and once per session each pack member may call upon the Totem to give them three
additional temporary Rage Traits. Each time one of the free Rage Traits is spent the character spending
them gains the Negative Social Trait: Callous for the remainder of the session. These Negative Social
Traits stack.
Ban: In addition to helping Native peoples, followers of Wendigo must keep themselves cleansed and
pure of Wyrm-taint. Followers of Wendigo who remain Wyrm-tainted for more than 24 hours violate this


Weasel: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 131. The pack gains Dodge x2, Quick x1, and an
additional level of damage on all bite attacks.

Wolverine: Players Guide to Garou, Revised page 139. The pack gains Rugged x1, and one Rage
Trait per session.



Fetish Level 4: High Approval

Fetish Level 5+: Top Approval

Simple Klaives High Approval

Grand Klaives Top Approval (also require at least the Rank of Adren, and 5 permanent honor renown to bear.)


The maximum number of Fetishes (not including Talens) a character can own is equal to their permanent
Gnosis Rating.

The maximum number of Fetishes (not including Talens) a character can have active at one time is one half
of their permanent Gnosis rounded down (minimum 1).

The maximum number of Talens a character can have is equal to their permanent Gnosis Rating plus their

Attributes of the same category, health levels, damage, and same Abilities do not stack with multiple active
Fetishes (including Talens). You take the best of these bonuses from each of the active Fetishes and/or

Characters cannot enter play with more Fetishes (not including Talens) than their starting Rank.

The Fetishes and Talens chosen at entering play may only come from the Laws of the Wild, Revised or the
appropriate Revised Tribebook or Changing Breed section of the appropriate Changing Breed Book.

When activating Fetishes, if the challenge is a tie and both the Garou and the Fetish are equal in Gnosis
Traits, the Garou wins the challenge.

Nonstandard/custom fetishes may be created using the Custom Fetish Creation Guide.



What follows is a listing of Fetishes and Talens and any errata pulled from Laws of the Wild, Revised, Book of
Auspices, Hammer and Klaive, W20, W20: Changing Breeds, Players Guide to the Garou, and the Tribebooks
Revised. These Fetishes are in addition to those found in the Laws of the Wild, Revised, the Tribebooks Revised,
and the Changing Breeds Books. In parentheses are listed the group or groups the Fetish or Talen is available for
and the book in which it can be found. General Fetishes and Fetishes from Laws of the Wild, Revised can be
purchased and made by any Garou or Fera (with the exceptions of Klaives which are Garou only). Otherwise,
whatever Tribe, Breed, Auspice, or Changing Breed is listed in the parentheticals are the only characters these
Fetishes are available to. Kinfolk can only purchase Fetishes listed as Kinfolk.
The Fetishes and Talens from these books are the only Sanctioned Fetishes and Talens. Any and all other Fetishes
must be made using the Custom Fetish rules. If you have Fetishes that were listed in a source book that is not
sanctioned you and your Storytellers need to review the item.

If the Fetish can be recreated at its current Approval level or lower using the Custom Fetish rules, no
changes need be made.

If the Fetish cannot be recreated using the Custom Fetish rules at its current Approval level it can either be
remade using the Custom Fetish rules or the character can get a refund of the XP spent for the Fetish.

For the purpose of this addendum, if a player wishes to be refunded for a Fetish, and its mechanics have
changed - they may elect to do so and receive their points back.


Atums Arrows (Silent Striders H&K): +2 aggravated damage to vampires.

Beacon Burr (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 73.

Bloody Bandages (Ahroun H&K): Only one Bloody Bandage can affect a person at a time. When making a
Bloody Bandage, the Ahroun wounds himself down to the Incapacitated health level. Each health level lost
in this way (not including Health levels gained through armor, Gifts, or other supernatural means) is stored
in the Bloody Bandages. When applied and activated, the Bloody Bandages heal a number of health levels
equal to those lost when making them at a rate of one health level per round.

Childrens Poultices and Potions (Black Furies H&K): Gnosis 7. The Talen tests its Gnosis against the
illness, 4 Traits for non-life threatening, 6 Traits terminal illnesses, 9 Traits for otherwise incurable afflictions.

Chiropteran Spies (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page. 148.

Dead Rock (Red Talons H&K): Every day after being planted the Talen does a Static Gnosis check
(difficulty 7).

Dead Stuff (Nuwisha H&K): While under the effects of this Talen, the victim suffers a two Trait penalty onall
challenges. This Talen lasts until the first sunlight of the next day.


Death Sword (Fianna H&K): The sword uses the stats of the Broadsword (Dark Epics, page 84), and does
aggravated damage.

Dire Call (Kinfolk W20): As per W20 page 385.

Face Paint (Ragabash BoA): This Talen when activated allows the user to alter her facial appearance and
to change the attributes that comprise her Social Traits.

Faerie Gold (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 148.

Fire Tooth (Red Talons H&K): The damage of the explosion is 4 aggravated damage.

Gaias Breath (General H&K): When sprinkled over a wound the Talen heals the amount of damage taken
from the last single attack the character suffered (not to exceed 4 damage healed). A new Talen and
activation has to be used per wound healed.

Ghost Charm (Nuwisha H&K): While under the effects of this Talen, the user is up two Traits for
comparison of ties and overbids on all Stealth challenges.

Golden Apples (Black Furies H&K): It requires a Static Willpower Test (difficulty 6) to resist the temptation
to fling all else aside and focus solely upon eating the apple. On eating the apple there is a series of
extended Static Gnosis Tests (difficulty equal to the Talen eaters Rage). You continue to make Static Tests
until one of them fails. For each Static Test that succeeded a level of damage is healed.

Grass Darts (Metis H&K): These darts do one level of lethal damage, or one level of aggravated damage if
used with Create Element.

Heros Mead (Kinfolk W20): When consumed this Talen doubles the Kinfolks Strength-related Traits (no
more than 5 additional Traits) for the scene.

Ice Arrow (Uktena/Wendigo H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 95.

Long Whispers (Kinfolk W20): As per W20 page 385.

Maize Paste (Uktena/Wendigo H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 95.

Pectoral of Terror (Silent Striders): High Approval. Only one of these Talens can be owned by a Garou at
any time.

Same Rock (Gurahl H&K): To avoid being taken in by the deception is a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty
10 Traits, retest Survival.)

Sneeze (Corax H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 102.

Spinal Vines (Black Spiral Dancers NPC Only H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 95.

Spirit Pill (Glass Walkers H&K): When taken and activated this Talen reduces the effective level of the
Gauntlet for the user by 3.

Storm Feather (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 148.

Test Vial (Kinfolk W20): As per W20 - page 384.


The Slug (Glass Walkers H&K): Only usable in Sniper Rifles (Dark Epics page 87). The shot used to fire
this Talen has two additional Traits for purpose of comparison of ties and Overbids, double range, and deals
an additional three levels of damage. Mundane mortals hit by the Talen are immediately killed.

Trapdoor Boon (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 151.

Vision Pool (General H&K): To interpret the visions correctly requires a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 6
Traits, retest Enigmas).

Warpaint (Tribal H&K): Tribe members can share this paint with a number of people up to her permanent
Gnosis Rating. A character can only benefit from one War Paint at a time. Unless otherwise listed, the
Warpaint only lasts for a scene before needing to be reapplied.

Bone Paint (Black Furies): The Willpower check to avoid fleeing is a Static Willpower Challenge,
difficulty 4 Traits.

Body Graffiti (Bone Gnawers): While activated, anyone fighting the wearer must make a Simple
Attack before each attack. If this Simple Test fails, the attacker suffers a two Trait penalty on the

Sun Paint (Children of Gaia)a: As per Hammer and Klaive page 74.

Green Dye (Fianna): When first trying to attack the one wearing this War Paint, the attacker must
succeed in a Static Willpower Challenge (difficulty 4) or be unable to attack them for the scene. he
challenge succeeds the attacker need not test again.

Tyrs Blood (Get of Fenris): It is a Static Willpower Challenge (difficulty 4) to avoid fleeing as

Ghost Camo (Glass Walkers): While worn and active this war paint gives the user three Traits up
for comparison of ties and overbids to remain unseen when in shadows or cover, but not while in
plain sight, attacking, or physically interacting with her environment.

Stench Mark (Red Talons): Each round the Talon using the paint remains hidden from sight of
humans nearby (within 10 paces), the human is suffers a one Trait penalty to all actions. This
penalty is cumulative. If the penalty would cause the human to bid 0 Mental Traits or 0 Physical
Traits - they faint in terror for the scene or until attacked.

Training Paint (Shadow Lords): Shadow Lords can only share this with other Shadow Lords or
pack members. For each Shadow Lord or pack member in line of sight wearing the paint, the
wearer is up one Trait for determining Initiative. Shadow Lords who are also members of the pack
do not count twice.

Fire Shadows (Silent Striders): When activated and worn, attacks against the wearer suffer a two
Trait penalty.

Royal Marking (Silver Fangs): As per Hammer and klaive page 75.

Elemental Camouflage (Uktena): While active the wearer does an additional level of damage to
Spirits, and takes one less level of damage from Spirits.

Dead Paint (Wendigo): This War Paint gives one additional damage against the murderer.



Air Foot Anklets (General H&K): While activated this Fetish gives the user two Traits in comparison of Ties
and Overbids to Stealth challenges, puts those trying to track trails made by the user while the Fetish is
active two Traits down for comparison of Ties and Overbids, and while active gives the Fetish user a free
retest in challenges to resist fatigue and exhaustion.

Air Hightops (Glass Walkers) While active grants the wearer Athletics x2, and immunity from fall damage
from any height.

Alviss Stone Hammer (Get of Fenris H&K): This Fetish works as listed save that it uses the stats, damage,
and range of an Ironhammer.

Alyoshas Headband (General PGtG): When activated this Fetish allows the wearer to retest a Subterfuge

Amulet of Kinship (General/Kinfolk H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 98.

Ancestor Fetishes (Stargazers): Reserved for use by the National Staff.

Australian Switchblade (Bone Gnawers H&K): When activated this weapon uses the stats as a
Broadsword (Dark Epics, page 84), and does aggravated damage.

Automatic Map (Ratkin H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive pages 106/107.

Bad Medicine Bag (Nuwisha W20:CB): This Fetish puts the character two Traits down for comparison of
Ties and Overbids for a number of days equal to the Nuwishas Humor Renown or until it is destroyed.

Ball of Ice (General H&K): As Hammer and Klaive page 62. To resist shivering is a Static Willpower
Challenge (difficulty 8 Traits).

Bane Seal (Uktena): Not Sanctioned for PCs, Top Approval for use by NPCs.

Bane Water Bag (Uktena/Wendigo H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 95.

Beast Masks (General PGtG): There is no currently existing version of this Fetish that turns the user into a

Belt of the Ettins (General PGtG): This is a level 4 Fetish. This Fetish can be activated once per session.
For one action, the wearer can perform an amazing feat of strength like those listed in Might of Thor. The
user does not get any of the Traits or damage from that power.

Blanket of Peaceful Rest (General H&K): Any Spirit attempting to supernaturally cause nightmares must
first succeed in a Static Gnosis challenge (difficulty 7).

Blaze Pistol (Glass Walkers H&K): The Fetish user is up three Traits for purpose of comparison of ties and
Overbids to shoot those illuminated by the tracer shot of this gun.

Blood Jewel (Fianna H&K): When activated the distraction of the jewel puts the wearer two Traits up for


purposes of comparison of ties and Overbids while Dodging. In addition, each round the person fighting the
Fetish wearer must make a Static Rage Challenge (starting at difficulty 7 and lowering by one each round)
or enter Berserk Frenzy.

Bindrune Amulet (General H&K): Each of these is made using the Custom Fetish rules.

Bird Stone (Uktena/Wendigo): Those in combat with the Fetish user, suffer a two Trait penalty for the
purpose of comparison of ties and overbids to challenges against the user.

Bone Spear (Bastet H&K): This spear uses the stats for the Spear from Dark Epics (pages 83/84), and does
aggravated damage while activated

Book of the Spirits Secrets (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 66, however, instead of
successes each successful activation of the Fetish answers a question. To ask a favor requires a Gnosis be
spent and defeat the Spirit in a Willpower Challenge.

Bow of Artemis (Black Furies TBR:BF): This Fetish can only be used by Maiden Black Furies.

Bowl of Blood (Black Furies H&K): To deceive the bowl requires a Static Mental Challenge against 12
Traits (retest Subterfuge).

Brews/Meads Talen (Fianna): Fianna or Fianna Kinfolk only to create. Requires the brewer to have chosen
Crafts: Brewing as one of their three Tribal Advantage Abilities. The approvals to have traveled the Umbral
realms and made the brew are required even if having been done in character background.

Brooch of Fathers (Silver Fangs H&K): While activated the Fetish user may add his Pure Breed
Background with his Ancestors Background, not to exceed 5.

Chameleon Skin (General PGtG): This is a level 4 Fetish.

Charm of One Mind (Gurahl H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 103.

Circular Saw Launcher (Ratkin CB2): As listed for Fetish Cost, Bonus Traits, and Fetish Gnosis. This
weapon functions like a regular firearm (including using Firearms to retest), and deals two aggravated
levels of damage as its ammunition is formed of and propelled by writhing shadows. It has a Rate of Fire
of 3, and does not need to be reloaded. It possesses no other mechanics.

Claw Carvings (General H&K): A character can only have one Claw Carving Fetish at a time, and Claw
Fetishes do not function with Silver Claws active.

Dueling Claws: This should read after a successful Physical challenge the claws deal one level
of aggravated damage (and cannot do more by any means), as well as leaving bright red wounds
that last for a number of hours equal to the attackers permanent Honor Renown.

Fire Claws: Each activation lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Fetish users permanent
Glory Renown.

Thorn Claws: As per Hammer and Klaive page 69, however, the target is considered grappled,
has a two Trait penalty on all challenges, and cannot flee, until she can take an action and Win
or Tie two Simple Tests to remove the claws.


Umbra Claws: After activation, the Fetish remains active for the remainder of the scene. The
user then makes a claw attack with a Physical Challenge (difficulty equal to the Gauntlet rating,
retest Brawl), and for a number of turns equal to the Fetish-users permanent Wisdom Renown,
the Gauntlet is lowered by the amount of damage dealt.

Cloud String (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive pages 67/68.

Corvids Favor (Corax H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive pages 101/102.

Counterfeit (Corax H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 102.

Crystal Javelin (Silver Fangs H&K): This weapon uses the stats for a Spear on pages 83/84 of Dark
Epics. When activated the Spear is treated as Silver, and anyone within 5 paces must make a Static
Mental Challenge (difficulty 8, retest Awareness) or be blinded for one turn. Those attempting to strike the
wielder of this activated Fetish are suffer a two Trait penalty on the attack. The version of this spear with
a second Spirit is a Custom Fetish.

Curse Bracelets (Shadow Lords H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive pages 91 and 92.

Cyber-Fetishes (Glass Walkers): May only be created and installed by Glass Walkers. In addition to
fetishes specified as CyberFetishes, any Fetish can be turned into a Cyber-Fetish with the same powers
as the original Fetish, however, a Fetish whose primary form is a weapon may not be converted in this
The approval level for a Cyber-Fetish is the one higher than the approval level for the equivalent fetish
being mimicked. A Glass Walker can have a number of Cyber-Fetishes equal to half of his permanent
Gnosis Rating (round up), but may not start the Chronicle with any Cyber-Fetishes.
Implanting and removing CyberFetishes is a difficult process, requiring Medicine x4, a lab to do it at, and
a Mental Challenge with a difficulty of two times the Gnosis Rating of the Fetish being implanted or
removed. Surgery and recovery period is 1 week per rank of the fetish, during which the owner/patient is
down 2 traits on all challenges (representing getting use to the new item). If the surgeon implanting or
removing the Fetishes fails the challenge, he must then engage in two Simple Tests. If he fails both of
these Simple Tests, in addition to the CyberFetish not being installed or removed, the Garou being
operated on gets a Battle Scar (For which they cannot seek renown) as chosen by the Storyteller, and
suffers a loss of 3 Wisdom and 3 Honor renown.
After a CyberFetish is successfully implanted, the Garou with the new implant must attune the Fetish. If
this challenge fails, the Garou must either reach an accord with the spirit of the Fetish, or suffer from
rejection. If an accord is reached, the Fetish stays, but is dormant, and cannot be activated until the
accord if fulfilled and the spirit is happy. Additionally, the CyberFetish drains a Gnosis from the Garou to
sustain itself (Taken at the beginning of each session). If the Fetish is rejected the owner/patient loses 1
Permanent Gnosis, and still suffer from the penalties as though it is unattuned (Unusuable, loses 1
temporary Gnosis at the beginning of each game session). Failing to reach an accord also costs the
patient 3 Wisdom and 3 Honor.
Creating a CyberFetish requires knowledge of the Rite of the Fetish, Medicine x4, Science x4 and Occult
x4 (or Weaver Lore x3), and maybe any other applicable skill, depending on the Fetish (Computers x4 if it's
supposed to work with communication networks/Cyberrealm, for example).


Dagger of Retribution (General W20): As listed on page 223 of W20, this weapon uses the Dagger Stats
found on page 83 of Dark Epics. While activated and used against the thief, the wielder can choose
whether to deal aggravated or lethal damage. The thief takes two additional levels of damage from this
weapon while activated.

Dark Mask (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 63.

Dream Catcher (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 63.

Dream Stealer (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou page 144.

Dream Weaver (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 145.

DSiah (Silent Striders): +2 traits, reduced from 8 Gnosis to 6. Ignore the 'strength damage' text. Damage:
1 level Aggravated. All supernatural creatures that use Blood traits or are snake-like, suffer 3 levels of
Aggravated damage. The Gnosis challenge is a Static vs 8 traits. The wielder can choose damage or drain
per successful strike, but not both. 'Breakable' applies to opponents in armor or armor provided by
supernatural Gifts, the difficulty to break upon failing is 2 Simple Tests with no retests.

Emotion Gem (Ragabash H&K): While activated the wearer is two Traits up on Subterfuge challenges
and any challenges relating to seduction or deceiving those who can see the gem.

Emperors Tea (Stargazers): Consumption and activation of the talen gives the user a 1 trait bonus on
any perception based challenges for the scene or an hour.

Empty Water (Red Talons H&K): When activated after washing the scent away, any attempt to see the
character by scent fails. Tracking the character by other methods is at a three Trait penalty. While
active the PC is one Trait down on all Mental Challenges.

Eternal Waterskin (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 62.

Ever Meal (Bone Gnawers H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 82.

Eye of the Night (General H&K): To resist being stunned at night requires a Static Mental Challenge
(difficutly 6, retest Awareness). During the day this Fetish prevents the user from suffering exhaustion
due to travel.

Fang Dagger: Fang Dagger uses the stats for a dagger while not activated. When activated it stays so
for the scene. When activated, the damage is aggravated and is doubled (to not exceed 4 aggravated

Favor of Fenris (Get of Fenris H&K): While activated:

War gives two additional Physical Traits of the Fetish owners choice, as well as an additional


two levels of Athletics, Brawl, Melee, and Throwing.

Dance gives two additional Social Traits of the Fetish owners choice, as well as an additional
two levels of Expression, Intimidation, Leadership, and Performance.

Build gives two additional Mental Traits of the Fetish owners choice, as well as an additional
two levels of Academics, Crafts, Law, and Linguistics.

Feathered Cloak (General H&K): Every ten minutes of use requires a Static Physical challenge
(difficulty 8 Traits, retest Athletics). Failure means the user has to land for at least three rounds before
the Fetish can be used again.

Feather of Maat (Philodox BoA): As per Book of Auspices page 81.

Fetish Drums (Garou/Bastet/Gurahl): Each Fetish drum requires a Static Social Challenge (difficulty 9
Traits, retest Performance).

Pounders: As listed, and all attempts to spot hidden Wyrm forces are two Traits up for
comparison of ties and overbids.

Haunting Drums: To blind someone with this Fetish requires an opposed Fetish users Gnosis
vs. the targets Willpower test (retest with Performance). The blindness lasts for one day.

Silent Drums: As per Hammer and Klaive pages 69/70.

Reaching Manguare (Bastet H&K): This Fetish when activated allows the Bastet to step
sideways as Garou do, however, it takes three full turns to emerge on the other side.

Thunder Drums (Galliard BoA): If activated all foes in earshot suffer a one Trait penalty to all
challenges for the rest of the scene.

Fifty-Yard Rattler Rope (General H&K): When activated the Fetish allows the user to Grapple at a
range of up to 50 yards, but retests with Throwing.

Flint Arrow Shirt (Uktena): Upon activation, the wearer gains an additional health level of armor good
against all damages including silver. In addition they gain a second health level of armor that can be
used only against damage from fire or intense heat.

Fogg's 9mm (Glass Walkers): Not sanctioned.

Goblin Eyes (Skin Dancers NPCs Only W20): As per W20 page 514.

Golden Pockets (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 143.

Goibhniu's Hammer (Fianna): In addition to the book benefit, any Garou conducting a Rite of Spirit
Awakening or Rite of the Fetish using a metalworking (weapons or armor) item created with this hammer
wins on ties on Social Challenges for the rite, and are always considered to have thoroughly tried to
please the spirit in the case of failure. Any use of this hammer to work iron (not iron alloys), shatters the
hammer violently and earns one Spirit Notoriety from the angered spirit within the Fetish.


Harmony Flute General: Creatures without Rage may attempt an opposed Willpower challenge to
resist the effects of a Harmony Flute.

Hakarr (Bastet CB1): Hakarr are treated like Klaives in regard to mechanics, approval, and creation.

Hawks Eye (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 143.

Helm of Svyatogor (Silver Fangs H&K): When activated any person looking upon the wearer for the
first time since activated must test for Delirium as per LotWR, page 188.

Horn of Distress (Kinfolk H&K): This Fetish is activated with a Willpower Test, not a Gnosis Test.

Hunters Necklace (Ahroun H&K): Treat the luck bonus as once per scene the user can bid a Lucky
Trait in one challenge based on luck.

Ironhammer (Get of Fenris): The Ironhammer uses the same Traits as a Large Axe (Dark Epics, page
87). All damage while activated is aggravated. The throwing distance of an Ironhammer is 3 paces per
Strength-related Trait the user has, and is retested with Throwing. The Ironhammer can only be thrown
in this fashion once per round, and returns at the beginning of the Ironhammer wielder's next action.

Itungunqaaq and Nogunqaaq, The Mask and Spear of Destiny (Wendigo): (Reserved by the
National Staff to be used during National Plots)

Jallarhorn (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 146.

Jambiya (Silent Striders):High approval, +2 traits, 2 levels of Aggravated damage. Special: speed.
Silver weapon wielder's Gnosis cap is reduced by 1 when carrying.

Jarlhammer (Get of Fenris): (Reserved by the National Staff to be used during National Plots) The
Jarlhammer uses the same Traits as a Greatsword (Dark Epics, page 87), but also possesses the
Destroy Shield ability and is Silver. While activated this Fetish deals four levels of aggravated
damage. The throwing distance of a Jarlhammer is 5 paces per Strength-related Trait the user has, and
is retested with Throwing. The Jarlhammer can only be thrown in this fashion once per round, and
returns at the beginning of the Jarlhammer wielder's next action. The additional Special Abilities of the
Jarlhammer are left at the discretion of the National Staff when the item is approved.

Kaukas Keychain (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 143.

Kinship Doll (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 64.

Klaive Hammer (Kinfolk H&K): As per page 99 of Hamer and Klaive.


Lagamorphs Boon - Luck (General H&K): This Fetish is active for a scene. For every three RPS
throws against a foe that are flat out won (not ties that compare Traits, and not during retests), the
character gets one free retest on a challenge during the scene that is flat out lost (not tied and
compared Traits).

Lagamorphs Boon - Rage (General H&K): Once per scene, this Fetish can be activated and
immediately restores all spent Rage, but forces the user to make a Frenzy check against 5 Traits.

Land Amulet (Homid H&K): While worn and activated, the wearer receives two Primal-Urge.

Lantern Riddle (Stargazers): The riddle can be solved with a Static Mental challenge (difficulty 10,
retest Enigmas).

Law Skull (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 65.

Life Dish (Gurahl H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 103.

Lion Skin (Black Furies H&K): While activated the character receives a free retest on all soak

Lokis Fire (Ragabash BoA): When activated the Fetish user is considered two Traits up for purpose of
comparison of ties and overbids for the scene in Subterfuge Challenges.

Lots oWhatever Bag (Ratkin H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 107.

Magpies Swag (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 144.

Mask Fetishes (General H&K):

Firemasks: While active the wearer takes one less fire damage from all sources, and is two
Traits up for comparison of ties and overbids in all Social interactions with Fire-spirits.

Predator Masks: It is an opposed Mental Challenge to notice a character is not the Breed the
mask is portraying. Garou, Bastet, Gurahl, Kitsune, Nuwisha, Ratkin, and Rokea the user gets
+2 Traits for comparison of ties and Overbids to avoid being discovered. Ananasi and Mokol
the user gets no bonus Traits when imitating. Corax and Nagah the user is two Traits down
while impersonating. To imitate a Breed you must have a sufficient Lore to know it exists.

Wyrm Masks: Those of the Wyrm who witness the Mask wearer while its active are suffer a
three trait penalty. Those not of the Wyrm suffer a four Trait penalty instead.

Mask of Justice (Bone Gnawers H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 83.

Meatsuit (Skin Dancers NPCs Only W20):As per W20 page 514.

Medicine Bags (Uktena/Wendigo H&K): All of these are made using the Custom Fetish rules.


Memory Cup (Galliard H&K): The test to recall something is a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 8
Traits, retest Awareness.)

Midnight Lightning (Shadow Lords H&K): These weapons use the stats of Grand Klaives, in addition
to the benefits listed on page 90 of Hammer and Klaive.

Mind Snare Drill (Black Spiral Dancers NPC Only H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 98.

Mirror Blade (Silent Striders H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 92.

Mirror Maze (Shadow Lords H&K): The difficulty to resist being trapped in the Mirror Maze is a Static
Willpower Test (difficulty 7).

Mirror Shades (General W20): As per W20 page 222.

Mirror of Ti Malice (Nuwisha CB1): Top Approval.

MonkeysTongue (Galliard BoA): As per Book of Auspices page 103.

Moongleam (General H&K): To resist being stunned at night requires a Static Mental Challenge
(difficutly 6, retest Awareness).

Moon Trap (Skin Dancers NPCs Only W20): As per W20, page 514.

Mouthpiece (Nuwisha H&K): To detect the general point of origin for the voice is an opposed Mental
Challenge that the Nuwisha is three Traits up for purpose of comparison of ties and overbids.

Noise Generator (Children of Gaia H&K): After activated all Garou in hearing range must make a Static
Rage Challenge (difficulty 6 Traits, retest Primal-Urge) or shift into Homid or Glabro form. This Fetish
has no impact on Garou in frenzy, and does not prevent Garou from going into frenzy.

Nyxs Bangle (General PGtG): When activated at night the character gains a free retest to all Stealth
challenges for the scene.

Owl Talon DSiah (Silent Striders): Due to rarity of only two of these weapons existing, they are
reserved for use by the National Staff for plotline events. This weapon functions the same as regular
Dsiah except the wielder can keep the drained gnosis on a successful attack, and it does not suffer
from the Breakable disadvantage. Blood traits converted to Dark Gnosis add a 1 trait penalty to any
tests to resist Frenzy as long as the Dark Gnosis is in the characters system, and if the Dark Gnosis
traits rise above the Garous Willpower, they automatically Rage frenzy. As their are only 2 of these,
they are not available for PCs at this time. They will remain in the hands of the National Staff to be
released via plotkits at a later date.


Paracelsus Pommel (General PGtG): When activated the Fetish gives a free retest to one Static Mental
Challenge that does not target another character.

Peace Pipe (Children of Gaia H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 83.

Phoebes Veil (General LotWR): Interacting with your environment while using a Phoebes Veil allows those
in the area to make an opposed Mental Challenge to notice you.

Phurba Dagger (Stargazers): This dagger uses the same stats as a normal dagger. When activated, the
dagger deals Aggravated damage to all hit with it. To demons this weapon deals 4 aggravated. In
addition, if a demon is hit a simple test is thrown, on a win or a tie the demon loses a trait of Willpower.

Pinchbug (Ragabash BoA): To avoid screaming requires a Static Willpower Challenge (difficutly 8 Traits).

Personal Umbral Digital Assistant (PUDA) (Glass Walkers H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 88.

Plate of Ages (Galliards H&K): As per page 80 of Hammer and Klaive.

Portable Door (Nuwisha W20:CB): As per Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: Changing Breeds, page 176.

Pure Vessel (Children of Gaia H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive pages 83 and 84. The more powerful
version of the Fetish is Top Approval.

Puzzle Board (General PGtG): The Static Mental Challenge to resolve the puzzle is a difficulty determined
by the Storyteller, based on the difficulty of the difficulty of the situation. Additional challenges to
comprehend the insight are at the Storytellers discretion.

Qallunaat, Tearer of the Veil (Wendigo): (Reserved by the National Staff to be used during National

Questing Collar (Philodox H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive pages 79/80.

Quiver of Silvered Arrows (Black Furies): Grants the High-Caliber special ability.

Rager (General PGtG): The Rager is a Temper Battery that allows the user to restore up to 10 Rage
Traits per session.

Rattle-Trap (Gurahl W20:CB): Intruders must succeed in a Static Willpower Challenge (difficulty 7) to
avoid falling asleep.

Resounding Sword (Children of Gaia H&K): To resist fleeing or surrendering requires a Static Willpower
Challenge against 7 Traits.

Rolled-Up EC Horror (Bone Gnawers H&K): After activating the Fetish, defeat the target in a Static
Willpower challenge. If successful the target is suffers a two Trait penalty for all actions for the scene.


Runestones (General PGtG): Allows the character to induce a vision or portent as per Sight From
Beyond. This is a Level 3 Fetish.

Sadism Stick (Black Spiral Dancers NPC Only H&K): Character who have been affected by the Fetish
must make a Static Willpower Challenge (difficulty 5 + targets Primal-Urge) to resist the urge to violently
inflict pain on whoever is nearest to them for the remainder of the scene.

Scar Fetishes: Scar Fetishes can be made by any Tribe. Scar Fetishes made by Red Talons start with
a Fetish Rating of 0 or Gnosis Rating of 0, players choice when making the Fetish. To be eligible for a
fetish the scar in question by have had a rite of wounding performed on it within 2 days of its creation.
You must have the appropriate Rites to make Fetishes to make scar Fetishes. A Scar Fetish must
mechanically be identical to an already sanctioned Fetish, or be made using the Fetish creation guide.
The approval level of a Scar Fetish is the same as the Fetish it copies mechanically, or the approval level
as determined by the Fetish creation guide for custom Scar Fetishes. A Fetish whose primary form is a
weapon may not be created as a Scar Fetish. The number of Scar Fetishes a character can have at one
time may not exceed half his permanent Gnosis Rating (round down, minimum of 1). A character may
not have a Scar Fetish of any Fetish with a higher Gnosis Rating than the character's permanent Gnosis.
If a Garou with a Scar Fetish fails the Gnosis Challenge to attune the Scar Fetish they must immediately
engage in two Simple Tests.

Failure on both tests means the Scar Fetish flares in bright silver light as the spirit is released. Scars that
have failed attunement are not eligible for further use as Scar Fetishes. Characters must use scars
gained during play, not from background.

Wyrm Scars: As per Hammer and Klaive page 72.

Soul of Lightning: While activated, claw strikes do one additional level of aggravated damage.
If a single claw strike does more than four levels of damage the target loses his next action,
including movement - but can defend himself normally. A character can only lose his action once
per combat scene.

Body of Scars: While activated the user takes one less level of damage from all attacks.

Shadow Shield (Bastet H&K): Any successful challenge to spot a Bastet with this Fetish activated has to
test and win again (including retests) to be successful.

Shining Band (Fianna H&K): When activated the Storyteller does a challenge of the Fetishs Gnosis versus
the Gauntlet Rating. Success yields an answer to the question. Three failures render the Fetish unable to
function for that person any more.

Snake Skin (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou page 146.

Soldiers Bag (Silver Fangs H&K): Garou and Shifters, and any other creature that is partially spirit resisting
the urge to get into the bag requires a Static Willpower Challenge (difficulty 6 Traits). Those without Gnosis
must resist with a Static Willpower Challenge (difficulty 9).


Speakers Stick (General PGtG): To lie while holding the Speakers Stick requires the holder to Win (not
Tie) two Simple Challenges.

Spear of Len (Fianna): Top Approval due to rarity.

Spiderweb Stone (Lupus H&K): To resist the effects of the Fetish requires a Static Willpower Challenge
(difficulty 8).

Spirit Axes (Uktena/Wendigo): As per Hammer and Klaive page 95.

Spirit Phone (Glass Walkers/Theurges): As per Hammer and Klaive pages 78/79.

Spirit Sextant (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 62.

Spirit Skin (Get of Fenris/Uktena H&K): While activated this Fetish takes two damage off of all attacks
made by Spirits.

Soul Brush (Gurahl CB2): Top Approval.

Standard Issue Sunglasses (Ratkin W20:CB): While active, the user is unable to be seen my normal
humans unless she attacks them or otherwise disturbs her environment.

Stinger Blade (Philodox H&K): This weapon uses the stats of the Great Sword (Dark Epics, page 84), but
only gives a one Trait bonus, instead of a four Trait bonus. The weapon inflicts one Bashing damage on a
successful hit, but gives the target the Wound Penalties as if hit for four levels of damage. These
penalties last until the ned of the scene.

Stormcloak (Silent Striders H&K): While worn and activated, the wearer halves all damage and other
penalties from Dark Umbral Spirits (including Wraiths, Specters, etc.), and all other Dark Umbral

Storm Gauntlet (Shadow Lords H&K): Upon activation, all enemies and allies who can see the user make
a Static Willpower test against 7 traits, retest by spending a Willpower. Upon failure, enemies will enter
Fox Frenzy (if able) or flee for the scene. Upon failure, allies cannot initiate offensive challenges against
the wielder for the scene. At all times while the gauntlet is worn, the wielder has the additional Social
Traits: Intimidating and Intense. Any attempt to disarm the gauntlet must Win (not Tie) a Simple Test after
winning an opposed Physical Challenge. On top of form bonuses, the activated Gauntlet gives the
following bonuses:

Homid/Glabro/Lupus: Adds +2 traits in combat, 1 aggravated damage, +1 additional agg from


Crinos/Hispo: Adds +4 traits in combat, 2 aggravated damage, +1 additional agg from electricity

Gifts (or other fetishes) that physically change your claws do not function while using this fetish.

When NOT activated, there is no electricity damage; other traits remain.

Storyglass (Philodox BoA): As per Book of Auspices page 81.

Sun Whip (General H&K): While activated this whip does 3 aggravated damage to vampires (that cannot
be soaked), has a range of 5 paces, and is retested with Melee. Vampires must also check for Rtschreck
after first seeing the whip, and after the first time being struck by it, in addition to any other Frenzy checks.


Tangling Whip (General H&K): Using the whip is a Physical Challenge with a range of 5 paces, deals 2
Bashing, and retested with Melee. Once per round, and after a successful strike with the weapon, the
user must engage in a Simple Test. On a win, the target is wrapped in the whip (a new one is regrown
immediately from the handle), and loses one Physical Trait for the purposes of comparing ties and
Overbids. If the target is successfully wrapped more times than she has Dexterity-based Traits, she is
considered immobilized and Grappled. She remains so until she can successfully remove the Grapple of
each wrapped whip, each whip is destroyed by sustaining three or more levels of damage each, or she
gains more Dexterity-based Traits than wrapped whips (such as by shifting into a form that gives her more
Dexterity-based Traits).

Tattoo Fetishes: Tattoo Fetishes can be made by any Tribe. Fianna that have used one of their Tribal
Advantage Abilities on Crafts: Tattooing start with a Fetish Rating 0 or a Gnosis Rating 0, players choice
when making the Fetish. Must have the appropriate Rites to make Fetishes to make Tattoo Fetishes. A
Tattoo Fetish must mechanically be identical to an already sanctioned Fetish, or be made using the Fetish
creation guide. The approval level of a Tattoo Fetish is the same as the Fetish it copies mechanically, or
the approval level as determined by the Fetish creation guide for created Tattoo Fetishes. A Fetish whose
primary form is a weapon may not be created as a Tattoo Fetish. The number of Tattoo Fetishes a
character can have at one time may not exceed half his permanent Gnosis Rating (round down, minimum
of 1). A character may not have a Tattoo Fetish of any Fetish with a higher Gnosis Rating than the
character's permanent Gnosis. If a Garou with a Tattoo Fetish fails the Gnosis Challenge to activate the
Tattoo Fetish they must immediately engage in two Simple Tests. Failure on both tests means the Tattoo
Fetish flares in bright silver light as the spirit is released, leaving a mark that will gradually fade over a
month. The character must wait for the mark to fade before another Tattoo Fetish can be applied.

The Ball of Death (Nuwisha CB1): Top Approval.

The McGuffin (Corax/Nuwisha/Ragabash H&K): To resist trying to acquire The McGuffin is a Static
Willpower Challenge (difficulty 7).

The Slug (Glass Walkers H&K): Level 4 Fetish, Gnosis 8. This weapon uses the Heavy Pistol stats
(Dark Epics, page 86). When activated this Fetish Gun deals aggravated damage and has its base
damage doubled (not to exceed four base damage, so High Caliber does not add damage). This
Fetish has to be reactivated between each new target.

Thornbow (Metis H&K): This weapon uses the stats of a Compound Longbow (Dark Epics pages

Threefold Axe (Fianna): Damage from this Fetish is aggravated to vampires, shapeshifters with a
vulnerability to gold or silver, or Fae of any sort while activated. All other mechanics remain unchanged.

Thunders Bracers (Shadow Lords): Reserved for Use by the National Staff.

Thunderstick (Uktena/Wendigo H&K): Instead of rolling Gnosis, the user makes a Static Gnosis Challenge
(difficulty 9), at 10 minute intervals. Each successful Static Challenge counts as one success for using the

Tiger Bells (Stargazers): Gnosis 7 The spirits may make a single Gnosis challenge difficulty of the Fetishs
Gnosis to break free of the effects. If any of the spirits are attacked the effect breaks for all of those


Torch of Truth (Get of Fenris H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 86.


Childbearers Talisman (General PGtG): For Banes to attack the wearer the must succeed in a
Static Willpower challenge (difficulty 9 Traits).

Rhinos Resilience (General PGtG): While activated the wearer is two Traits up on all challenges
to soak for purpose of comparing ties and Overbids.

Medicine Mans Blessing (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou page 148.

Talisman of Endurance (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou page 148.

Messenger Torcs (Fianna H&K): While activated to attack the wearer who is not in combat or
posing an obvious and direct threat requires a Static Willpower Challenge (difficulty 7 Traits).

Battle Torcs (Fianna H&K): While activated the wearer is two Traits up for comparison of Ties and
Overbids in Brawl, Melee, and Throwing challenges.

Heritage Torcs (Fianna H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 86.

Totem Mask (Theurge H&K): As page 79 of Hammer and Klaive.

Travelers Charm (Lupus H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 77.

Truth Earring (General H&K): This Fetish gives two Traits for comparison of Ties and Overbids to the use
of the Empathy to see if someone is being deceitful.

Turtle Necklace (Uktena/Wendigo; Top Approval): While activated this Fetish reduces one damage from all
attacks, even silver, during the scene.

Uktena Scale (Uktena): The Gifted by Uktena version of this fetish may only be obtained through National
level plotkits. If a PC acquires the fetish after the original owner dies, it has the following effects: Upon
Activation grants +2 traits on all hunting and tracking challenges for the scene/hour. The listed affects of
keeping the fetish in your home are the same.

Ultimate Shiny (Corax H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 102.

Umbral Navigator (General PGtG): As per Players Guide to Garou, page 145.

Umbral Pocket Tattoo: (Fetish 2, Gnosis 5) Umbral Pocket tattoos can store an already existing item
within them and summon items stored within from the Umbral Pocket into the user's hand or adorning the
user at the user's discretion. While an item is stored in the Tattoo, it appears on the user's body as a
stylized tattoo of that item. Umbral Pockets cannot store silver items of any kind, and cannot store any
item bigger than Trenchcoat concealability.

Unbroken Cord (Children of Gaia): The Child of Gaia with this Fetish can let her Alpha use it. Only
Basic Gifts can be shared with this Fetish.

Universal Message Tube (Silent Striders H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 92.


uPhone (Corax/Glass Walkers W20:CB): As per W20: Changing Breeds page 102.

Ulu of Arnaguatsaaq Chill-That-Waits (Wendigo): (Reserved by the National Staff to be used

during National Plots)

Voodoo Blade (Ratkin H&K): This weapon uses the stats for a Broadsword in Dark Epics (page 84),
and does aggravated damage while active.

Watching Bones (Red Talons H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 89.

Whistle Call (General H&K): As per Hammer and Klaive page 65.


What follows is the Custom Fetish Guide to be used by Players and Storytellers to create Custom Fetishes
to enhance personal story and gameplay with their own creativity. The Custom Fetish Guide is designed
to be simple and easy to understand and use, while also being flexible enough to accommodate the endless
possibilities of Fetishes that lie in the minds of our players and Storytellers. The Custom Fetish Guide is
also designed to be balanced for gameplay, and while the Guide is meant to encourage creative freedom
Storytellers and Players should be mindful that if they find a design that is abusive to the story or other
players then that Fetish is not right for the game.
It should be noted that the Custom Fetish Guide rules dont necessarily fit with the way every existing
Fetish is currently built, and comparing Fetishes generated with this Guide to existing Fetishes wont come
out the same.
Custom Fetishes follow the same approval guidelines as other Fetishes.

To sum up how to make a Custom Fetish using the Custom Fetish Guide is easy. Fetishes are limited by
two factors, their Fetish Rating and their Gnosis Rating.


All Fetishes start at Fetish Rating: 1, and Gnosis Rating: 1, before adding mechanics to them.
This is the base Fetish template.

If the item to be bound into is made with at least Crafts x5, the initial Fetish Rating of
the base Fetish template is zero.

For Bone Gnawers, if the item to be bound into by the Bone Gnawer Fetishmaker is
made with at least Repair x5, the initial Fetish Rating of the base Fetish template is zero.

For Red Talons, if the Spirit being bound into the item is a Naturae or Elemental and the
Fetish maker is a Red Talon, the initial Fetish Rating of the base Fetish template is zero. In
addition, any Scar Fetish made by a Red Talon can have the initial Fetish Rating or the initial
Gnosis Rating start at 0, players choice.

For Fianna who chose Craft: Tattooing as their starting Tribal Advantage, the initial Fetish Rating
or the initial Gnosis Rating of any Tattoo Fetish can start at 0, players choice.

If the Fetishmaker has at least Spirit Lore x4, the initial Gnosis Rating of the base
Fetish template is zero.

If the Fetishmaker has at least Spirit Lore x5, the initial Fetish Rating of the Fetish
template is also zero.

If the Fetishmaker has at least Spirit Affinity x3 with the Brood of the Spirit being bound
into the Fetish, the initial Gnosis Rating of the base Fetish template is zero.

Non-Theurge Garou must have at least Spirit Affinity 3 with the brood of the Spirit being used to
bind a willing spirit into a Fetish or Talen. Otherwise they must force a Spirit to be bound.

If the Fetishmaker has at least Spirit Affinity x5 with the Brood of the Spirit being bound into the
Fetish, the initial Fetish Rating of the base Fetish template is zero.

If the Fetishmaker has Spirit Enmity x2 with the Brood of the Spirit being bound into the
Fetish, the initial Gnosis Rating of the base Fetish template is two, and is not able to be lowered.

If the Fetishmaker has Spirit Enmity x3 with the Brood of the Spirit being bound into the
Fetish, the initial Fetish Rating of the base Fetish template is also two, and is not able to
be lowered.

Using a Weaver Spirit to bind into a Fetish increases the Gnosis Rating and the Fetish
Rating to two, for all except Bone Gnawers and Glass Walkers Fetish makers.

Using a Wyrm Spirit to bind into a Fetish increases the Gnosis Rating and the Fetish
Rating of the base Fetish template to two for any Gaian shifter, and it cannot be lowered.


For Wyrm servants, binding a Wyrm Spirit into a Fetish lowers the initial Gnosis Rating
and Fetish Rating of the base Fetish template to zero.

The above modifiers alter the base Fetish template for your Custom Fetish. If a modifier states it
cannot be lowered, this means that no other modifier can make the Fetish Rating or Gnosis
Rating any lower. If a modifier does not state that it cannot be lowered, then other modifiers can
still impact the base Fetish template for your Custom Fetish.

After you determine the base Fetish template for your Fetish, you then pick out a number of the
mechanics listed below for your Fetish until you have the mechanics you want to match the flavor that
both Player and Storyteller agree fit for the Fetish. Each mechanic you add has a Fetish Rating value,
and each added mechanic also adds an amount to the Gnosis Rating, representing that each added
mechanic is either another Spirit being bound into the Fetish, or represents another facet of a more
powerful single Spirit being bound into the Fetish. No more than two spirits can be bound into a Fetish.
Grand Klaives may have up to three Spirits bound into them. This also means the more you put into your
Fetish, the harder it can be to activate. The Fetish Rating of a Fetish can never exceed 5, and the
Gnosis Rating can never exceed 10. This creates a balance on the Fetishes being created.
Once you and your Storyteller have agreed on the story and flavor of the Fetish and its mechanics, it is
subject to approval like all of the Fetishes as per the addendum. Your Fetish Rating still determines the
Background: Fetish cost of the item, and your Gnosis Rating still serves as the difficulty to activate the

While the Fetishes are restricted mechanically by their Fetish Rating and Gnosis Rating, the actual
flavor of the Fetish is entirely in the hands of the Storyteller and the Player. The mechanics serve as the
framework for you to drape the story and flavor of your Fetish over to have something that is entirely
unique to your character. It should be cautioned that even in flavor some things can result in additional
mechanical benefits, so Storytellers should pay attention to flavor specifics when working out the details of
the Fetish.
We would encourage players to use this Custom Fetish Guide to actually make unique Fetishes, and not
simply replicas of existing Fetishes or items found in popular culture (Sonic Screwdriver, Lightsabers, etc.)
We also ask that Players and Storytellers be mindful that Fetishes are intimate and personal items, and are
meant to contribute to the game. Items that are clearly inappropriate for the theme and venue (as those
two listed above), should be denied and players encouraged to find more venue appropriate ways to make
their Fetishes.
When choosing Spirits to bind into your Fetish, keep in mind that the type of Spirit adds a flavor to how the
Fetish looks while activated. A Fire-spirit bound into boots that give you a boost of movement, may leave
small flaming footprints in your wake. A trenchcoat bound with a Spirit of Shadow to make you more
Stealthy may literally pull the shadows in from around you while activated. A small Spider spirit bound
into a laptop that adds to your Computer and Security skills, may manifest as a digital spider that speaks to
you as you navigate the Web. The type of spirit by its nature does not add any additional mechanical
benefit (IE: choosing to bind a Silver-spirit may give something a silvery glow, but it will not make it silver
damage), but makes all of the difference in the world for the flavor of your Fetish. This is the nature of


how two Fetishes that are mechanically identical can still be nothing alike.

The process of a character creating a Custom Fetish is the same as listed in Laws of the Wild, Revised,
page 158. Keep in mind with the Custom Fetish Guide you may be binding more than one Spirit into the
item, so the process can be significantly more extensive. The process of making a Fetish may even
involve multiple characters, because the person conducting the Rite of the Fetish may not also be the
person negotiating with the Spirits.
The actual Rite is thematically the smallest part of the process of creating a Custom Fetish. The quest to
find the appropriate Spirit to suit what youre looking for the Fetish to do is entirely determined by the
storyteller. Small spirits that may only represent one mechanic may be easy to find, but convincing them
to be bound and accepting their Bans can prove to be very challenging. Large or elusive Spirits that
represent multiple mechanics can complicate the process many fold. This part of the process is entirely
story, and entirely at the mercy of the interaction with the player and the storyteller. It should be expected
that Fetishes that are High Approval or greater will require extensive time, story, and effort to be displayed
in order to gain approval.Abuse of Fetishes by giving to those unqualified to have them, using them in frivolous or
irresponsible ways, or creating them frivolously or dispensing them casually can be cause for disdain from
other Garou,
particularly Theurges who view such actions as disrespectful to the Spirits, and may result in the loss of
temporary Wisdom Renown at the discretion of the Storyteller.


Both PCs and NPCs can have Custom Fetishes, however, PCs can only own and use Custom
Fetishes made by PCs.

The character casting the Rite of the Fetish is used to determine who made the Fetish in regards
to any of the situational modifiers listed above, or the Gifted mechanic.

A custom Fetish can be made once every 30 days.

PCs cannot enter play with Custom Fetishes. The sole exception to this rule being that Glass Walkers in
the Cyber Dogs camp may begin play with one custom Cyber Fetish at the normal approval for the item.

Custom Fetishes adhere to any and all other addendum rules and guidelines regular Fetishes do.

Klaives and Grand Klaives follow the rules listed after the mechanics section.



The mechanics that follow are, again, a structure for you to put your flavor on top of your Custom Fetish. Two
Custom Fetishes can be built with the exact same mechanics, and be very different from each other in form. Some
of the following mechanics are limited to the number of times they can be purchased and stack with themselves in
one Fetish. All mechanics require the Fetish to be active to function, unless otherwise listed.

Ability Aptitude (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): 2 Traits up for comparison of ties and overbids in noncombat challenges using one specific Ability. Can be purchased multiple times but each purchase
applies to a different Ability.

Ability Retest (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): One Retest in non-combat challenges using one specific
Ability, once per scene. Can be purchased multiple times, but each additional time is for a
different Ability, or adds an additional non-combat Retest to the existing Ability. This mechanic
can also be used to Retest noncombat Gift activation.

Attribute Aptitude (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): 2 Traits up in non-combat challenges using one specific
Attribute Category (IE: Strength, Perception, or Charisma) for the purpose of resolution of ties or
overbids. Can be purchased twice, but the second Attribute Category must be in a different
Attribute (Physical, Social, Mental) than the first.

Attribute Focus (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): This mechanic bestows one additional Physical, Mental, or
Social Trait to the Fetish user while activated. Can be purchased twice, either to add an additional
Trait of the same Attribute, or to add a Trait to a different Attribute.

Charmed (3 Fetish, 3 Gnosis): This mechanic duplicates the effect of one of the listed Charms.
Activation of the Fetish accounts for any Essence expenditure required by the Charm, but any
additional expenditures and tests must be made by the Fetish user when activated as per The
Spirit Guide listing for the Charm, using the Fetish users Attributes or tempers.

Armor: Negates the first level of damage taken per round while activated.

Blast: Deals two aggravated level of damage per activation and successful challenge.

Create Fire

Create Shadows

Create Wind (not Tornados)

Control Electrical System

Ease Pain

Healing: Heals two levels of damage per activation, and can be activated twice per scene.


Information Flow Tap


Short Out

Snatch Wireless Data

Tech Sense

Deep Wounds (1 Fetish, 3 Gnosis): Weapon Fetishes with this mechanic deal an extra level of
damage while the Fetish is active. Ranged weapons give this bonus to their ammunition. Putting
this on an item that stores smaller thrown weapons could also give this benefit to those items. This
mechanic replaces the benefit of Mass Trauma and/or High Caliber on Firearms when
activated. Can only be purchased once. The damage from this mechanic cannot be Silver.

Far Shot (1 Fetish, 3 Gnosis; Ranged or Thrown Weapon): This mechanic doubles the range of a
thrown Fetish weapon or the ammunition of a fired Fetish weapon. Putting this mechanic on an
item that stores smaller thrown weapons or ammunition could also give this benefit to those items.
Can only be purchased twice.

Form Shift (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): This mechanic allows a Fetish to retain its qualities and shift into
another form when activated, determined when crafted. IE: A laptop could turn into a cell phone,
or a coat into a blanket. The form shifted into has to have the same overall functionality as the
base form. A computer could not turn into a boot. Can be purchased multiple times. Each time
allows the Fetish to shift into another form. Weapons can only turn into other weapons of the
same category (Firearms to Firearms, Melee to Melee or Thrown, Ranged Weapons to Ranged
Weapons), and within one step of concealability rating (Pocket > Jacket > Trenchcoat > Not
Available). Thrown or Melee weapons cannot turn into molotov cocktails or grenades.

Gifted (3 Fetish, 3 Gnosis; HIGH APPROVAL): This mechanic duplicates the effect of any one
Basic Gift. The Gift must be inTribe, inBreed, or inAuspice to the Fetish maker. Activation of
the Fetish accounts for up to two Gnosis expenditures required by the Gift. Any other Trait or
Temper expenditures and tests must be made by the Fetishuser when activated. Any Gift
mechanics that are dependent on Rank are treated as if activated by a Gift user of a rank equal to
onethird (round down) the Fetishs Gnosis Rating. Gifts activated through this mechanic are
subject to the same rules and restrictions as the Gift itself (IE: Gifts that have instantaneous
durations require the Fetish to be activated between each use, Gifts that require touch still require
the target to be touched, Gifts that can only be activated once per scene can only be activated
through the Fetish once per scene, etc.).

Indestructible (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): The Fetishs physical form cannot be destroyed. When
applied to armor, the health levels of the armor are still lost normally, however the armor itself is


not destroyed, and all armor levels return at the end of the scene, requiring another activation of
the Fetish.

Kinfolk (2 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): When made this Fetishes Gnosis Rating changes from Gnosis to
Willpower. Only Kinfolk can activate it and do so with a Static Willpower Challenge instead of a Static
Gnosis Challenge.

Location Sense (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): The one to whom it is bound to always has an innate sense
of where the Fetish is and can locate the Fetish.

Proprietary (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): The Fetish refuses to activate, even by spending a Gnosis to
force the Spirits within, for anyone other than the one to whom the Fetish has been bound, even
while the Fetish is not active. Alternatively, Proprietary can also dictate a specific singular feature
it will only activate for. Tribe, Breed, Auspice, gender, age, etc.

Quickened (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): The Fetish doubles your movement (or adds two steps in combat
rounds) for a number of turns equal to the Gnosis Rating of the Fetish. This mechanic can be
purchased twice, doubling the duration of the activation. This mechanic can be benefited from
multiple times in a scene by activating the Fetish again.

Ravager (1 Fetish, 3 Gnosis; Weapon): This mechanic converts the damage a weapon does into
aggravated damage against all targets when activated. Ranged weapons give this to their
ammunition. This mechanic replaces the benefit of Fully Automatic on Firearms when activated.
Putting this on an item that stores smaller thrown weapons could also give this benefit to those
items. This mechanic cannot represent Silver damage.

Resilient (1 Fetish, 3 Gnosis): This mechanic adds one Healthy Health level to the Fetish user
while activated. This mechanic can only be benefited from once per scene. Can be purchased
three times.

Resize (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): When added to a Fetish the Fetish crafter decides whether the item
grows in size or shrinks in size. Shrinking in size reduces the items concealability rating by one,
growing in size increases the items concealability rating by one (Not Applicable > Trenchcoat >
Jacket > Pocket). The item will hold its form until activated to return to regular size again. This
mechanic can be purchased more than once, and either allow the item to shrink or grow another
concealability rating, or allow the Fetish to resize the other way (IE: can grow and shrink).

Sentient (1 Fetish, 3 Gnosis): The Spirits of the Fetish have merged to form one sentience. The
sentience can communicate mentally with whomever it is bound to at a range of the Fetishs
Gnosis in miles. The Fetish has Mental and Social Traits equal to its Gnosis Rating. This
mechanic works even when the Fetish is not activated.

Summon (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): Any Fetish with this mechanic who is bound to the user can be
summoned to the users hand from any spot within the same scene and will arrive in their hand


before their next action. This requires sacrificing the characters movement for that action. This
mechanic works even when the Fetish is not activated.

Superior (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): This mechanic removes one negative Trait from the Negative
Traits of an item. This mechanic can be purchased multiple times.

Temper Battery (1 Fetish, 3 Gnosis): When this mechanic is picked, choose either Rage, Gnosis,
or Willpower. The Fetish will then store up to three Traits of that Temper. The Tempers are then
drawn from the Fetish by the Fetish-user at activation, and used in the next action. These
Tempers refill the Fetish-users Tempers up to their Rank maximums. Can be purchased multiple
times. Each additional purchase either stores three additional traits of the same temper or three
traits of one of the other two tempers. The Fetish-user can refill these Tempers from her own
Tempers at game or during downtime.

Temper Shield (1 Fetish, 3 Gnosis): The Fetish gives a 2 Trait bonus to in all challenges
defending against either Rage, Gnosis, or Willpower challenges. This mechanic can be purchased once.

Tethered (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): This mechanic is always active, even when the Fetish isnt, and
prevents the Fetish from being disarmed, dropped, or removed from the Fetish-user against their

Thrower (1 Fetish, 3 Gnosis; NonThrown Weapon): Any Fetish weapon that does not have a
Range, is given a thrown range of the Gnosis Rating of the Fetish in paces on activation. Each
additional time that this mechanic is purchased increases the range of throwing this weapon by the
Gnosis Rating of the Fetish in paces.

Undiscovered Mechanic (Variable Fetish, Variable Gnosis; TOP APPROVAL): The ultimate
expression of player creativity, this mechanic is for all the mechanics not yet represented in this
guide, but conceived of by a player. A player is able to write their own mechanic and submit it for
Top Approval through the database. Approved Undiscovered Mechanics may then later be added
to the Custom Fetish Guide for all players to use in the crafting of their Custom Fetishes. Be
aware, a very discerning eye will be reviewing all Undiscovered Mechanics, and submitting your
Undiscovered Mechanic discussing the possible ways of being abused and the checks and
balances to keep that from happening will help the approval process.

Unyielding Spirit (1 Fetish, 2 Gnosis): This mechanic represents Spirits who have been fortified
against attempts to exorcise them from their binding. If being held or wielded, the Fetish-user
wins ties in the Contested Social Challenge to exorcise the spirit/s. Any and all other attempts to
exorcise the spirit/s of the Fetish test require the person using Exorcism to Win (not Tie) two Simple Tests
before being able to make the test to exorcise the Fetish as per Exorcism.


More than just a standard Fetish weapon, the Klaive is an artifact of great sentiment and importance to the Garou.
Klaives are dagger weapons and are primarily used in Klaiviskar, Garou ritual combat. White the Garou of the
different Tribes and cultures have a myriad of Fetish weapons, Klaives are distinctly dagger weapons.


Some Tribes have variations of Klaives with different names and different abilities. Klaives typically have a
warspirit bound into them that allows them inflict aggravated damage while activated. Klaives without a War-spirit
use the same statistics as a Non-Activated Klaive. More infomration on Klaives can be found in Laws of the Wild,
Revised, page 255.

Klaives use the following statistics:

Fetish: 4

Gnosis: 6

Not Activated
Bonus Traits: 2
Negative Traits: Short
Concealability: Jacket
Damage: 2 health levels
Special Ability: Silver

Bonus Traits: 3
Negative Traits: Short
Concealability: Jacket
Damage: 3 aggravated health levels
Special Ability: Silver


Grand Klaives ares larger Klaives, typically the size of a sword, and usually bound with many Spirits beyond the
standard War-Spirit. A Grand Klaive that does not have a Spirit bound into it follows the same statistics as a NonActivated Grand Klaive. The Black Spiral Dancers have their own form of Klaives, called Baneklaives that follow
the same statistics as Grand Klaives..

Grand Klaives use the following statistics:

Fetish: 5

Gnosis: 7

Not Activated


Bonus Traits: 3
Negative Traits: Heavy
Concealability: Trenchcoat
Damage: 2 health levels
Special Ability: Silver

Bonus Traits: 5
Negative Traits: Heavy
Concealability: Trenchcoat
Damage: 4 aggravated health levels
Special Ability: Silver, Additional Spirit

The Additional Spirit of a Grand Klaive can comprise up to two of the mechanics listed to make Custom
Fetishes, excluding Deep Wounds.

Characters receive the first level of Garou Lore, the first level of their Tribe Lore (if any) for free upon character
creation. Characters also receive a number of free traits in Lores equal to the max Rank allowed by their Member
Class. These free Lores cannot be spent for Lores specific to a non-Garou genre or for Lores above 3. (So even
if you play a cub but are allowed to be adren you get 3 freebies).
Lores that are High Approval for PCs are Low Approval for NPCs. Lores that are Top Approval for PCs are High
Approval for NPCs.

With a teacher, once per month Galliards can learn a level of Garou Lore or a level of Tribal Lore no
higher than level 4 at no cost. Galliards can learn Garou Lore and Tribal Lore 4 at Low Approval, and 5
at High Approval. Tribal Lore must come from a Low Approval PC character-type Tribe. This is not

Any Lore x4 High Approval (unless listed below)

Any Lore x5 Top Approval


Any Out of Tribe x3 High Approval (Low Approval for NPCs)

Any Out of Tribe x4+ Top Approval

Wyrm Lore x3 High Approval

Wyrm Lore x4+ - Top Approval

BSD Lore x2 High Approval

BSD Lore x3+ Top Approval

Unique or Lost Lores Top Approval:

White Howler

Outsider Supernatural Lores 1-3 (High Approval), 4-5 (Top Approval):


Learning a Lore that is specific to a special approval character type, not already listed, that the character does not
belong to requires approval equal to the approval level for that type.

Silent Striders and Members of the Ivory Priesthood are permitted to buy Wraith Lore 1 - 3 at Low Approval
and 4 5 at High Approval.

Silent Striders may also purchase Vampire Lore 1 3 at Low Approval and 4 5 at High Approval.

Fianna of the Tuatha De Danaan Camp can buy Fae Lore 1 - 3 at Low Approval, and 4 5 at High

What are Lores?

Lores contain a variety of different kinds of information. Partly they are history but they also include elements of
biology, mythology, rumor, and practical experience.
Lores are Additive. If you have Uktena lore then you know something about the spirits that serve Uktenas
brood. But without spirit lore your knowledge of that that means is limited. If you have BSD lore then you might know
a good deal about the workings of that tribe, but without wyrm lore your knowledge of the wyrm princes they serve
and their ultimate goals may not make sense.


If you really wanted to know the details of a political alliance between the Silver Fangs and the Get in England to fight
against the Bastet you would have a much clearer picture if you had levels in All three lores than the single sided
story you would get with only Get lore.
Some Lores, specifically Weaver, Wyld, Wyrm, and Black Spiral Dancer Lore can be very dangerous to learn at
moderate to higher levels, and simply knowing them can result in negative effects.

Things common to most lores:

x1 - ability to recognize general members
x2 - familiarity with history and general practice
x3 - Working knowledge of operations, members and customs
x4 - total knowledge of public systems, customs, and history
x5 - knowledge of hidden elements, secrets and mechanical operations

This lore covers not only the history of the breed but also the physical mechanics of shape shifting, the strengths of
the various forms, the garous mission, the auspice roles, Rites, ceremony, and the common breed and auspice gift
Garou Lore 1

Basic knowledge of Garou forms, tempers, and that their powers increase for each rank

Can Recite the Litany by heart, and knows the basics of Garou customs.

Able to recognize Elders by name alone, including Tribe, Breed, Auspice, Sept, and most famous deeds

May spend 1 level of Garou Lore to identify an Elder as above, but without knowing their name

Is familiar with the events in the settings document

Can give short descriptions for each of the tribes and knows (and possibly believes) the stereotypes for

Garou Lore 2

Able to recognize Athro by name alone, including tribe, breed, auspice, sept, and most famous deeds

May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify an Athro as above, but without knowing their name


May know a few of the more famous stories of the Silver Record by heart

May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify the sept alpha at any Sept.

Has a basic understanding of the War of Rage, but not why it occurred.

Aware of the existence of the Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin, but no major details.

Has knowledge of tribal weaknesses except for Uktena.

Knows all Basic Gifts listed in Laws of the Wyld.

Garou Lore 3

Able to recognize Adren by name alone, including tribe, breed, auspice, sept, and most famous deeds

May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify an Adren as above, but without knowing their name

May spend 1 level of Garou lore to know everything listed on the Wiki for a given sept, and other details at
VST discretion

Has most of the Silver Record memorized to heart.

Knows all Intermediate Gifts listed in Laws of the Wyld, and any Basic Gift from a source other than a Tribe

Able to recognize by name alone long-dead heroes of the nation, whose names may not be inscribed in the
silver record.

Knows some details of the common fera (Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin). Must make a Mental
Challenge (retest Garou Lore) for any details.

May challenge to recall Garou Lore at VST discretion.

Garou Lore 4

Able to recognize Fostern by name alone, including tribe, breed, auspice, sept, and most famous deeds

May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify a Fostern as above, but without knowing their name

Has a basic non-mechanics understanding of all Elder Gifts listed in Laws of the Wyld (i.e. you know that
Silver Fang elders can learn to transform themselves into pure silver, but not what effects that has), and any
intermediate gift from a source other than a Tribebook.

May identify the names of any long-dead Athro of the nation or above with a successful mental challenge
(retest garou lore)


May challenge to identify that a site was once a caern, and on a success may spend a Garou lore to identify
which spirit guided it and what type of caern it was.

Has insight into why the War of Rage occurred, as well as other fine-point details of Garou history.

Knows the names of the three fallen tribes and a vague idea of why they fell.

Aware of the existence of the Ananasi, Gurahl, Mokole, and Rokea, but no major details. (ex. You are
certain that were-sharks exist, but dont know them as Rokea or what theyre capable of).

Garou Lore 5

Able to recognize Cliath and even Cubs by name alone, including tribe, breed, auspice, sept, and most
famous deeds

May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify a Cliath (but not a Cub) as above, but without knowing their

Knows details of the three fallen tribes and why they fell.

Knows some details of the less common fera (Ananasi, Gurahl, Mokole, and Rokea). Must make a Mental
Challenge (retest Garou Lore) for any details.

May make a Mental Challenge (retest Garou Lore) to recall particularly rare or esoteric facts about ancient
Garou history.


Black Fury Lore 1

You may have heard of the Sisterhood and perhaps another kuklos (camp)

You know that the tribe originated from the Greek Goddess Artemis

You know Black Furies consider themselves the defenders of women and children

You know Black Furies typically have a distrust of men

You know Black Furies consider themselves the protectors of the wyld

You may know a little tribal history

Black Fury Lore 2

You have heard of the Outer Calyx and knows how it is chosen


You have heard of the more several of the prominent kuklos and might be mentored by a member of one

You know of the Homeland of the Black Furies, has a rough idea of how to get there

You have heard that the tribe distrusts and fights with the Get of Fenris

You have heard of a Kuklorchoros, a Black Fury informal moot, and may have attended one

You have heard stories of some Black Fury in your area

You know The Furies see the Triat as the Fates(Clotho = The Wyld, Lachesis = The Weaver, Atropos = The

You have heard of the existence of Black Fury specific rites and fetishes.

You know the names of a few members of the Outer Calyx

You know a little of the history of the tribe

You know of the component spirits of Pegasus' brood

Black Fury Lore 3

You know that in the past the Namer was considered a greater foe than the Wyrm

You know the Black Furies part in beginning the Impergium and why

You know of all the kuklos (camps), has general knowledge of each

You can name your tribemates in the area, as well as the Tribal Elders

You have heard of and possibly attended a Ulaka Megaleis, a Black Fury only grand howl

You have heard of, and possibly attended, a Kunergeseon, a Black Fury hunt of a male offender

You understand the significance of the colors white, red, and black in the Fury cosmology

You know the names of most or all of the Outer Calyx members

You know the names of the First Daughters, The Gorgons, and what they stood for

You know the correct methods for approaching/summoning spirits of broods related to or allied to Pegasus'

Black Fury Lore 4

You have heard rumors that the Fury warred with the Uktena and Wendigo over the "new world" settlement

You can name many of your fellow tribemates, and have heard many stories of the Elders

You understand that there is another body that governs the Furies but are unsure what it is

You know most of the furies history as presented in the Revised Tribebook


Black Fury Lore 5

You know that there are tensions between the New World and Old World Furies, though the tribe shows a united

You know that there was a brief alliance with the Fianna and Get of Fenris in Rome that ended shortly after the
fall of Rome

You know the Tribal History and Mythology as presented in the Black Fury Rev. Tribebook

You know some of the tales of the tribe which are not commonly known in the present day


Bone Gnawer Lore 1

You know about the Ban of Man, and the High Ban, and what each means.

You know the difference between Loot, Shit, Junk, and Stuff

You can name some of the more popular games and tribal gatherings among Gnawers, such as Subway Surfing
and the Feast of Fools.

You know the names, advantages, and bans of the tribal-specific totems.

You know most of the popular tribal fetishes (levels 1-3), such as the Evermeal and Gym Bag.

You know what a Grandmother/Grandfather and a Father/Mother are.

You know about the rabble and may spend a level of Bone Gnawer lore to make contact with one.

You can spend a level of Bone Gnawer Lore to find your way to the local Stomping Grounds.

Youve heard about the tribe being afflicted with Jackals Blood, which is used to explain the misery that seems
to affect all members of the tribe.

You seem to think that many, if not most, folk heroes were actually members of the tribe.

You know the names and basic idea of all of the camps except for the Swarm, the Rat-Finks, and the ManEaters.

You are familiar with Basic Tribal Gifts and Rites from all sources, and have heard of the Intermediate ones.

Bone Gnawer Lore 2


You have a good grasp of the General history of the tribe going back as far as the Roman Era, including specific
events such as the Great Piping in Barcelona. You are only vaguely familiar of earlier scavenger days in Africa.

You can spend a point of Bone Gnawer Lore to identify historical Bone Gnawer heroes.

You know about the Swarm and the Rat-Finks, as well as the reviled Man-eaters (and why theyre hunted).

You are only vaguely aware of the Schism between Mama Rat and the Rat God, and may believe the distinction
is a political, not spiritual one.

You know of the Intermediate Gifts and Rites specific to the tribe, and have heard of the Advanced ones.

Bone Gnawer Lore 3

You know Ratkin sometimes like to adopt worthy Bone Gnawers (See merit: Ratkin Buddies)

You have a general knowledge of the tribal history going as far back as the Africa-Egypt times, including why
Owl and Rat are rivals.

You can distinguish what parts of folk-tales have a grain of truth to them as far as the tribe is concerned and
which are mere fabrications.

You are very familiar with the split between Mama Rat and the Rat God, and may have a proclaimed allegiance.

You know the level 4-5 Bone gnawer specific fetishes.

You may spend a point of Bone Gnawer Lore to get in contact with the Rat Finks or agents of the Swarm.

You can recognize any Bone Gnawer of Adren or higher rank by sight alone.

You know about the Advanced Gifts and Rites specific to the tribe at least those that have not been lost.

You know about the uprising in the Sept of the Peoples Will, and know of those in the tribe who feel the rest of
the tribe should follow suit.

You can recognize a fallen Bone Gnawer who fell at Athro or higher with a successful Mental Challenge (retest
Bone Gnawer Lore).

Bone Gnawer Lore 4

You have an expansive knowledge of the tribal history, and know many of the little-known details that either dont
make it into the normal stories are are often inflated/embellished. Assume to know all of the details and
questions mentioned in the history section of the revised tribebook.

You know there are vampires that have been shunned by their own kind, and have worked with the tribe in the
past. You also know not to trust them.

You know that Rat Finks can and will go outside the tribe and changing breeds to other supernatural enclaves, if
they need to.

You have heard of the Ring of Shadows, and know vaguely what they do.


You can spend a level of Bone Gnawer lore to identify if another Bone Gnawer is a member of the Hood, Rat
Finks, or Swarm. You do not need to spend a level if you are a member of that camp.

Bone Gnawer Lore 5

You may make a Mental Challenge (retest Bone Gnawer Lore) to identify little-known facts that only ancestor
spirits would know.

You may spend a level of Bone Gnawer Lore to contact a member of the Ring of Shadows.

You may make a mental challenge (retest Bone Gnawer Lore) to find your way to the Bone Gnawer tribal
homelands in the umbra.

When summoning a Rat spirit, you can determine if you will be summoning Mama Rat or the Rat God.

You can determine without a challenge if any rat spirit is of the Rat God or Mama Rat.


Children of Gaia Lore 1

The Children of Gaia have no Camps.

For some reason Children of Gaia do not cause Delirium.

Has heard Children of Gaia Fight with sticks.

Children of Gaia Lore 2

Understands that all Garou are Children of Gaia, that all living creatures are Children of Gaia.

Knows of the First Death, where Wolf perished saving Gaia from the Eater-of-Souls and was reborn as the
Children of Gaia.

Knows there at one time were camps, but were disbanded.

Has heard of Iskakku.

Knows the Children of Gaias role in ending the Impergium, understands why Children do not cause Delirium.

Knows of the Homeland of the Children of Gaia, has a rough idea of how to get there.

Children of Gaia Lore 3


Knows the general history of the Children; that the tribe was formed by the reborn souls of those Garou pups
killed by the Garou of other tribes

Has heard of the long-ago state known as the Golden Age, when there were no divisions, and we all were one

Understands that all tribes are descended from the Wolf which saved Gaia from the Eater-of-Souls, not just the
Silver Fangs

Knows of all the Children of Gaia Camps that were disbanded

Has a very good idea of how to get to the Homeland

Knows how to find a teacher for Iskakku

Knows most of unicorns brood and how to deal with them

Children of Gaia Lore 4

Knows the Defiler Wyrm is the true enemy.

Knows there are some rumors and speculation about a few members of camps still meeting.

Knows that a Child of Gaia who helped the Croatan defeat the Eater-of-Souls sacrificed himself with them.

Knows the tribes history with Metis and why they are welcome.

Children of Gaia Lore 5

Has heard of the End-Time Rite.

Knows of the prophecy that the offspring of metis are supposed to triumph in the Apocalypse.


Fianna Lore 1

Knows the Fianna are of Celtic descent

You have heard of the Fae, and that the Fianna have ties with them

Knows about the existence of Camps, and may even be able to name a couple

Knows that the Fianna hate the Black Spiral Dancers with blinding fervor, but not why

Knows the basics of Fianna history


If Fianna, can recite your own Lineage with little difficulty

Knows what a Righ, Council of Song, and Tanaist are, and who they are in your domain

Fianna Lore 2

Know the tales of Fionn MacCumhail as a Kinfolk of the Tribe.

Know the tales of Cuchulainn as an Ahroun of the Tribe.

You know the names of those who hold the current Chairs of Song, Poetry, and Stories.

You know the Fae arent to be courted frivolously.

You know of the major members of Stags Brood, and most of the minors.

Knows the names of all of the Camps.

Know the history and purpose of your Camp.

You can recite your own Lineage by rote.

You know how Righs are chosen and the mechanics behind becoming a Righ, Council of Song member, or

You know the names, rank, and titles of the Righ and his Council and Tnaiste within the region

Can name some of the well-known artifacts of the Tribe.

Knows the names and purposes of all modern Fianna Rites, but not necessarily how to perform them.

You know the name of the Ard Righ and the Righ of your Nation.

Knowledge of the current political climate of the Tribe including current distaste for the Shadow Lords and why.

Fianna Lore 3

You know of the Fianna Homeland, and that one must have or be an Athro to travel there freely

Knows tales of the old alliances and pacts between the Fianna and the Fae

Knows the tales of the famous battles of Fianna history

Knows the history of all of the Camps of the Fianna

Knows how to get in contact with a member (not a specific member, just a common and well-known member) of
any of the Fianna Camps

You know the names, rank, and titles of the Righ and his Council and Tnaiste within your nation

You know all of the ancient songs of the Fianna, and can recite them


Can name some of the more obscure artifacts of the Tribe

Can recite the line of Ard Righs back to the formation of the Fianna

General knowledge of the Clans and lineages of the Fianna.

Fianna Lore 4

Knows how to get to the Fianna Umbral Homeland.

All of Stags brood and their chiminages are known to you.

Youve heard sinister rumors about the true reasons behind the departure of Brendan ORourke and the attacks
on Tara.

You know how to get in contact with the Ard Righ, his Council, and his Tnaiste.

Detailed knowledge of the history of the Clans and lineages of the Fianna.

Knows the tales of well-known and obscure artifacts of the Tribe.

Fianna Lore 5

Complete knowledge of the layout of the Fianna Umbral Homeland.

Complete knowledge of the Fiannas politics and goals, their royalty, lineages and the like.

Know the truth of Brendan ORourkes Metis offspring and his true reason for going on his quest.

You know the tales of artifacts great and small of the Tribe, and even rumors of their whereabouts.


Get of Fenris Lore 1

You know enough about Fenrir to stop from being slapped around too much by Elders.

You have heard of some of the Camps

You know that not all Fenrir were on the side of the Nazis during WWII.

You know some of Fenris brood

You can identify fenrir specific terms but not all of their meaning

You know all the basic Camp: The Fangs, The Valkyries, The Thunder, The Hand.


You know all the terms the Fenrir use for Auspice, Breed, and Rank, instead of what the poor Fianna have

Get of Fenris Lore 2

You know that you must use the proper Fenrir terms for Auspice, Breed, and Rank in front of Elders.

You have heard of the other Camps.

You have an inkling of the Norse Runes.

You know some stories of the local Fenrir in your area.

You know how to behave at Formal and Informal Moots.

You have heard of the past Legends of the Tribe.

You know what Fenris holds his Get to and their goals.

Get of Fenris Lore 3

You know the powers that Fenrir can bestow upon you, if you live long enough.

You know of The Fists and The Swords.

You have heard rumors that there may be secret Camps of the Fenrir.

You know some of the past Legends of the Tribe.

You know the history of the Vikings was broken from the Delirium, and know the truth of who is blessed by Fenris
and Gaia.

You know quite a bit about the Norse Runes, and may even draw upon them to see how your day will fare.

You have heard who is on the Council of War and who is the World Jarl.

You know local Jarls in the protectorate/continent

You know a little bit about the Swedes, Finns, Teutons, Germanics, and Rus, who followed the Fenrir a long time

You know most of the spirits that Fenris allows his Get to follow.

You know your lineage quite well.

Get of Fenris Lore 4

You know all the Fenrir in your protectorate.


You have quite a bit of knowledge of your fellow Jarls in the protectorate.

You have heard of some of the Jarls throughout the world.

Casting Runes is a daily practice. You could possibly do so for others.

Of the Norse Gods and Heroes, you know who were Fenrir or their Kin, and who was made up by the Norse.

Of those who followed the Norse, you know what was caused by the Delirium, and what the Fenrir hold true.

You know why the Fenrir bare such strong grudges against the other Tribes, from stories of long, long ago.

Get of Fenris Lore 5

You know much about the Fenrir in your protectorate, and quite a bit about a lot of those outside of it.

You know quite a bit about all the Jarls of the world.

You can trace back many generations to some of the first children of Fenris in your line, and many other Fenrir.

You know all grudges of the Tribe, and Fenris himself.

You know much about the Legends of the Fenrir before the Viking Era.


Glass Walker Lore 1

You know the basic history of the tribe, back to 1945

You know of the camps Corporate Wolves, Wise Guys, Random Interrupts, and Dies Ultimae (you've heard of
the Cyber Dogs, but know little about them)

You know of the most prominent members of the Tribe, such as Genereader, Kleon Winston, Julia "Firewall" and
the (deceased) "Mister" Petkov

You know the tribal totems, such as Clashing Boom Boom, the Monkey King, and O'Mighty Dollar and Easy

Glass Walker Lore 2

You know about the other camps (City Farmers, Cyber Dogs), and have heard of the Umbral Pilots and the
Mechanical Awakening, and can name their founders


You know about some of the minor spirits the tribe interacts with, such as the non-standard elementals and the
spider spirits (Net-Spiders, Wolf-Spiders)

Youve heard of the house system and how it operated

You know about the tribes interaction with the pattern web

Youve seen and examined cyberfetishes but couldnt begin to design one

You know the difference between serving the Weaver and favoring the Weaver.

Glass Walker Lore 3

You know some inside information about the major camps, and can reasonably explain the ideology about all of

You are likely to recognize the names of some of the more prominent members in your area.

You are familiar with the ways that Glass Walker septs are set up and function.

You know the history of the tribe back to it's Iron Rider days (though not necessarily the Gifts, Rites, and Spirits
they had pacts with).

You know what spirits teach what gifts (at least up to the Intermediate level), and which ones are useful for
making tribal Talens and Fetishes (such as cellular sparrows and wireless bats).

You know what "the Corporate Ladder" means and can find your way there.

Glass Walker Lore 4

You know inside information about all the camps, as well as the history of the tribe back to the days where it was
referred to as the Tetrasomians.

You are aware of some of the basic "secrets" of the various camps, though only in an general, academic way
(can't use this knowledge to bypass any camp limitations).

You can identify most members of Cockroach's brood on sight.

You can being to identify most weaver spirits or city spirits by function.

Glass Walker Lore 5

You have knowledge of the tribe's history going all the way back to the Warder days.

You are familiar with even obscure members of Cockroach's brood, as well as former members.

You have an academic knowledge of Rites and Tribal (not camp-specific) all the way up to Advanced.


If you are a member of a camp, you know a similar level of camp-specific Rites and Gifts, though only in an
academic sense.

You are familiar with the tribes shames such as Gabriel Van der Linden, Teeth of Titanium etc.


Red Talon Lore 1

You know the tribe is primarily lupus with only a few Metis

You have heard of a few of the Red Talon camps and know very basic information about them.

You understand that Griffin is the totem of the tribe and he forbids having contact with humans.

You understand that the Talons have trouble in the city.

Red Talon Lore 2

You can identify the philosophies of the three largest camps well enough to recognize them when encountered.

You know enough history to understand that the Red Talons were drawn into the Wars of Rage by the Silver
Fangs and Get of Fenris, something of which most Talons are not proud.

You are aware of the totem spirits that patronize the tribe, including Old Wolf of the Woods, and recognize
that the spirits of extinct animals represent Griffins brood.

You understand the Talon connection to the Wyld and the limits of their city aversion.

Red Talon Lore 3

You know of the existence of Howl Gifts and what spirits can teach them.

You are familiar enough with Red Talon history to know much of the background presented in the published
tribebook, including the tribes issues with the Litany, how the tribe got its name, the unanswered question, and
the tribes role in the War of Tears.

You have likely heard of Wolfhome and/or the Red Talon Tribal Homeland in the Umbra, and may even have
traveled there.

You have heard stories of Rorg, the Many-Taloned Hunter, and his vigil in the Umbral sky.

You can identify all totems favored by the Red Talons and many of the spirit brood of Griffon.


Red Talon Lore 4

You are familiar with Red Talon history as presented in the tribebook and know the truth of the Kucha Ekundu.

You can likely find your way to Rorgs realm and the Red Talon Tribal Homeland without error, and may also
know how to get to Wolfhome and Pangaea, provided you have been there before and/or know which spirits to

You are aware of the Dying Cubs and know enough regarding the nature of their rites that such things are best
not spoken of in mixed company.

You are well-versed in the prophecies of Songs of Shadows.

Red Talon Lore 5

You probably know about Winter Packs, even if you are not directly involved with them.

You have heard rumors of a powerful rite that can return damaged parts of Gaia to a pure, primordial state and
may also have some clues as to where such potent knowledge may be hidden.

You can quote the prophecies of Songs of Shadows and see the signs manifest throughout history.


Shadow Lord Lore 1

Knows that Shadow Lords occasionally hold private moots

Knows who Eve Constantine and Yuri Konietzkov are and that Yuri disappeared sometime after the Dousing

Knows of the Lords of the Summit and the Children of Crow and the ascendancy of the former and the decline of
the latter after the disappearance of the Margave

Knows most of the brood of Grandfather Thunder and His totems.

Knows basic hierarchy of tribe and tribal leaders

Knows which tribes the Shadow Lords hold formal and informal alliances with

Knows that Storm Crows are used both as messengers and intermediaries with Grandfather Thunder

Knows that the Shadow Lords take pride in doing whatever it takes to do their duty to Gaia, and knows that this
is why they're often mistrusted

Knows many Lords feel they are the best leaders for the Garou nation.


Knows there is long standing animosity between the Silver Fangs and the Lords

Has heard tales of the changing winds that may allow the Shadow Lords to become the leaders of all

Knows to respect and fear Grandfather Thunder

Has heard of the major public camps (Lords of the Summit, Children of Crow, rumors of the Judges of Doom)

Shadow Lord Lore 2

Knows the Shadow Lord Litany.

Knows the party line regarding other Tribes.

Knows that the Lords originally began as the advisors to the leaders of the Garou.

Believes that Lords have always followed Thunder and his brood.

Has heard rumors of a camp that infiltrates the Black Spiral Dancers.

Knows what the Shadow Moot is and may have attended one.

Shadow Lord Lore 3

Knows of rumors about the Children of Bat

Knows that the Bringers of Light exist

Knows of the Hakken and that they eschew Western politics

Knows that Eve Constantine has a plan to unite the tribes under the Shadow Lords and that she has her eye on
upcoming Lords of the Summit to assist her

Knows about the Impergium and the common version of the Lords' place in it

Has heard tales of The Masks

Knows of the existence of many Tribal Fetishes, and Rites

Shadow Lord Lore 4

Has heard of several dark fetishes of the tribe including the Blood Chalice

Has heard of the Margrave leading a contingent of Shadow Lords against an unknown evil

Knows of the Bringers of the Light and their recent expansion to include handlers and researchers as well as
their deep cover agents.


Knows the true history between the Shadow Lords and the Silver Fangs

Knows the truth about the destruction of the changing breeds in Europe

Knows the Shadow Moot is more than just the Moot itself

Has heard tales of Lords following Typhon as a totem and trying to depose Thunder with him.

Knows that there is a split forming between two factions of Judges of Doom, the 'real' ones who act in secret and
darkness and the 'killer' ones who are using the name for its fear factor

Has heard rumors of the Society of Nidhogg

Shadow Lord Lore 5

Knows several places in the world in which a Shadow Lord may commune directly with Grandfather Thunder

Believes there are inconsistencies between the Silver Record and The Shadow Lord versions of history.

Knows the truth of the secret societies and their stated goals

Knows that changes may be coming in the secret societies

Knows that the Hakken are not actually Shadow Lords at all.

Has heard tales of Lords searching for unusual totem spirits in the New World

Knows the Blood Chalice may still exist

Know tales of what the true nature and use of Blood Chalice is.


Silent Strider Lore 1

You have been taught the meaning of the traditional taking of an ancient Egyptian name to honor the ancestors
and the taboos involved.

You have been taught the basic history that survives of the tribe, and also have been told the days before the
curse and the forced diaspora are not well recorded.

You know the basics of the tribal curse in egypt.

The Dark Umbra is neither a place to visit lightly, nor a place to be ignored.


If you are Metis, you experience ceaseless attention from ghosts and their ilk, and if you are not Metis you know
the hard burden the mules of the tribe face.

A lot of the tribe takes jobs as messengers, couriers and travel all over the world to do so, and it can be

At times, you will find yourself instinctively warned of danger or to be cautious, and all Striders learn to heed
these warnings.

The tribe has ties to the Romani, mostly as kin, but do not make it well known.

The existence of various Camps isnt a secret, yet they are not discussed freely outside of tribal gatherings or
meetings. (Low approval camps are known to you.)

The Dousing of the Red Star cost the tribe a Legend- who is now the vessel of Meros, the Celestine, known
among humans as Pluto. The tribe has very few Elders left.

A significant event took place of great importance to the tribe in 2011- but they prefer not to discuss it casually,
especially not with outsiders.

The main Camps of the Striders are the Dispossessed, the Seekers, and the Harbingers; and the Wayfarers and
the Swords of Night are the combat Camps. The rumors of others persist, but no one will as yet explain them to
you. (High Approval Camps are now known to you.)

Silent Strider Lore 2

Knows the mechanics of the Strider Curse.

But you have been taught the prophecy of the Theurge Nephthys.

The tribe has made itself strong with ties to the Fera in Africa, and elsewhere.

The tribe attempted to retake the homeland of Khem and break the Curse in 2011- and failed. Why it failed is
often argued upon- the survivors disagree and many who may know the truth did not survive.

You are generally aware of the Wheel of Ptah- and that in recent years, the tribe has increased the protection of
it and guards its location more closely than ever.

You know the roles of the Auspices as viewed by the tribe, can name and identify most of the basic Gifts, Rites
and Fetishes of the tribe.

Silent Strider Lore 3

You know the specific duties the tribe has that are unique on their few caerns, such as the Memory Keeper.

You have a general knowledge of the Dark umbra and how it relates to the tribe.


You may have now met, or heard of, members of the tribe who deal directly with ghosts and the Underworld, and
a Camp that is known to quietly recruit. You can never find them if you look directly- it is said if you are suitable,
they will find you.

The location of the Wheel of Ptah- in Morocco, has been shared with you- as well as a firm warning not to risk its
safety by spreading information about it or visiting carelessly.

Silent Strider Lore 4

You have heard firm stories and rumors of the Bitter Hex.

You have learned of the Camp of Shiva.

Tales of the Australian pack known as the Strider Circus have reached your ears- you may have even met a
well-traveled Strider or two who has been there and met them.

You have the beginnings of rumors of the Eaters of the Dead.

You are aware of some of the more concrete reasons for the failure to retake Khem.

You know many of the tribal tales and songs, the names of its greatest warriors and explorers, along with likely
having met a few of the surviving Elders.

Silent Strider Lore 5

You have heard of the Prophecy of Fire Walker. You also know Road Walker is dead- killed by NiMah Sandhair
when Road Walker tried to convince the tribe to leave the Nation not long after the Stargazers did.

You know of the search for the lost Caern of Long Voyages.

You know the legends and tales of Black Shuck.

You know some of the details of the Eaters of the Dead including their recent activities in Khem .

The Prophecy of Phoenix was first brought to the Silent Striders by Bennu; the tribe then carried to the Silver
Fangs- and there may be a portion of it that even the Silver Fangs have not been told.

You have heard of the Eighth Sign of the Prophecy- the Harbingers seek, but have yet to share what they are

There is an Umbral Homeland; you know a few signs of how to look for the roads to it in the Duat. If you are an
Athro or and Elder you may have been tasked to find it in order to gain your Rank



Silver Fang Lore 1

You know or can identify from markings 1 or 2 of the Houses and their totem spirits.

You understand the basics of tribal structure; each House has a King or Queen and a royal court.

You know the name, rank, auspice & notable deeds about the King or Queen of 1 or 2 Houses.

You have heard about the Sun Lodge and the Moon Lodge and knows that all Silver Fangs are expected to
chose a Lodge.

You know the story of the First Wolf's rescue of Gaia from death and its reward in addition to why Silver Fangs

You are aware of the Sept of the Crescent Moon in Russia; and that that is the oldest Sept of the tribe.

You know the tribe places a high value on breeding and purity.

You know that breeding with high status and well breed kinfolk is critical to the survival of the tribe.

You know that silver fangs are a little off compared to other Garou.

Silver Fang Lore 2

You can name all seven houses and the spirits connected under ancient pacts to these houses.

You know the positions in a traditional court beyond the King or Queen.

You can name most of the Kings and Queens in power.

You know some of the common spirits in Falcons brood and which are totems.

Knows of and may belong to the Royalist or Renewalist Camps; can also identify political beliefs with one group
or the other.

Knows why hostility and distrust exists between the Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords.

Knows the tribes role and responsibilities in starting and ending the Impergium and War of Rage.

Knows the tribe reluctantly offered to aid the Pure Tribes in protecting their caerns from the Wyrm when they
arrived in North America

Knows Silver Fang courtly customs.

Silver Fang Lore 3


Knows which lands belong to which houses historically.

Knows how the current courts are set up and how positions vary.

Knows why the Kings, Queens and their Seneschals do not hold membership in Celestial Lodges.

Knows the spirits in falcon's brood and their bans and general chiminage.

Knows Luna's ban to the Silver Fang tribe, the story of how Helios's patronage was brokered and the Silver
Fang's pledge to Helios.

Knows the Bastet and Corax were the worst enemies of the tribe during the War of Rage.

Knows that because of the time it took for a Garou to breed true, the tribe was forced to breed with the upper
middle class.

Knows when the Silver Fangs arrived in the New World they reluctantly took caerns from the Pure Tribes who
could not safeguard them from the Wyrm and that the first Silver Fang caern in North America was given to the
tribe by the Uktena and the Wendigo who understood that they could not keep all of their caerns well defended.

Knows many of the Silver Fang customs outside of court.

Has heard of the Ivory Priesthood

The Silver fangs suffer under the burdens of leadership, this makes them act strangely.

Silver Fang Lore 4

Knows how human dreams caused the Impergium.

Can name the lost Houses (Golden Sky, Conquering Claw, Winter Snow, and Icepack).

Knows House Conquering Claw fell to Harano after losing their land to the Get of Fenris and the Fianna and the
role of the silver crown.

Knows that when the Silver Fangs came to the New World, some conquered Pure Lander caerns that were well
defended, for the land and power

Knows that sometimes the ancestor spirits who come to aid the tribe suffer from madness.

Has heard rumors of Grey Raptors, Masters of the Seal, and Ivory Priesthood suspects several people of

The curse of luna drives many to madness, even those who are not kings.

Silver Fang Lore 5

Knows what role madness took in the Silver Fangs decisions during the War of Rage and that the Stargazers
also know this secret.


Knows which of the Lost Houses were destroyed by madness.

Knows that the Silver Fangs arriving to the New World did make some mistakes but overall they did not want to
conquer caerns. However, after ancient Wyrm creatures, long buried in the earth, began to reappear, they knew
the caerns would fall if they did not step in.

Has heard the stories that Winter Snow's Garou did not return to the cycle after death but still wander the Deep

Knows it's impossible to know all of the Silver Fang customs.

Knows why the Curse of Madness exists amongst the tribe and knows why it is an hugely important secret to
keep (Moon Lodge Only).

Knows that Silver Fang metis do exist, and why they are never seen.


Stargazer Lore 1

You know of the Fall of Shigalu, and that this lead to the Tribe leaving the Nation.

You know the treaty between the Beast Courts and the Stargazers is called The Heavenly Accord of Tonghai.

You know the stories of the Heavenly Accord.

The Heavenly Accord of the Ignorant Man

The Heavenly Accord of the Gift of the Celestial Mysteries

The Heavenly Accord of the Emerging Guardian Kings.

You have heard of the Sept of the Stars that resides in the Aetherial Realm.

You know the story of how Klaital stopped the Impergium.

You know of the two precepts. That all life is suffering and that the only way out of suffering is the Middle Way.

You have heard of the 3 main philosophical beliefs that all Stargazers follow.

You know of the non-camp basic gifts and rites of the Tribebook, unless otherwise listed. You also know the
spirits that will teach them. If you are a member of the camp, you know them as well.

Stargazer Lore 2

You know the names of the survivors of Shigalu.

You know the names of the seven Stargazer elders who traveled to Tonghai.


You have heard the story of Kiru and Muso. This brings to question, did the Stargazers make the correct choice
in inactivity.

You have heard rumor of a Stargazer who is telling a different story of Klaitals involvement in the
Impergium. Some say that the Stargazers who hear this tale tend to react badly.

You have heard the tales of the War of Great Imbalance and that this lead to the founding of the three

You know the Five Truths and the Five Obstructions.

You know the ideas and philosophies behind the Sacred Thread, Zephyr, Trance Runners, and The Heavenly
Successor of the Demon-Eater

You know the non-camp Intermediate Gifts and Rites in the Tribebook unless otherwise listed here.

You know the spirits that make up Chimeras brood.

Stargazer Lore 3

You have heard the contradictory tale of Klaitals actions at the Impergium. You may or may not have frenzied
on the teller if you are a Stargazer, though if you are a Stargazer you did react violently.

You have heard the stories of the Na-Dene Stargazers.

You know the Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords were responsible for the fall of Hong Kong and the death of many
of the Stargazers in Hong Kong

You know that one of the seven elders who went to Tonghai tried to talk the others out of their decision. When
they made up their mind he left and leads the group that either stayed behind or returned. His name is Ulu

You know a few relatively safe paths to the Sept of the Stars.

You have heard of two more camps.

Ana-Gaimin the Non Returners


You know the non-camp Advanced Gifts and Rites in the Tribebook unless otherwise listed here. You also know
the spirits that will teach them.

You have an idea of who the Kailindo Masters are within the Tribe.

Stargazer Lore 4

You know the name of the Stargazer spreading the tale of Klaital. His name is Peter Cleartongue, a young
Stargazer Philodox.


You know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki released a powerful enemy upon the world. The more nations that
turned to this new power the more powerful that this new spirit of the Atom has become.

You know the ideas and philosophies behind the the Ana-Gaimin, and the Ouroborans.

You have heard rumors of some method that the Stargazers have of eating a caern.

Stargazer Lore 5

You have heard rumors that the Na-Dene were the precursors to the Ana-Gamin.

With the knowledge you have of the Shigalu Monastery, you are almost positive that they were
betrayed. Though by who is unknown to you.

You know that the true name of the Incarna of the Atom. Her name is Madame White.

You know about the Rite of the Beating Heart and have heard rumors of who may know the Rite.

You know the other Stargazer Elders and you know the methods to contact them, though this may take some


Uktena Lore 1

You are aware of the Tribes history, as one of three brothers who arrived over from Russia circa 10,000 BCE

Your tribe is not just consisting of Native American Tribes, but any people have been dispossessed peoples such
as Black, Asian, African people.

You are aware of the Basic Gifts and Rites of the Tribe.

Uktena Lore 2

You are aware of the Tribes history up until most recent times.

Wendigo was known as the hot headed younger sibling Croatan was known as the middle brother who
maintained balance between the two tribes.

Uktena are the Spiritual master and older brother who spent most of his days in the Umbra.

You are aware of the tribes Intermediate Gifts and Intermediate Rites.

Uktena Lore 3


The Uktena are experts on housing and containing dangerous Banes that should not be set free.

The Wendigo keep the balance by attacking the problem head on and then disappearing into the foliage

The Croatans were masters of cleansing the earth by erecting large Burial Mounds.

You know the story of Cahokia, the rise of the Wyrmbringers, and the sacrifice of the Croatan to defeat the Eater
of Souls at Roanoke

The Wendigo ever since have been unruly and angry at the coming of the Wyrmbringers.

There was a particularly nasty falling out when the Uktena decided to allow foreign tribes into their fold.

You are aware (If you're not already in one) of the history of the various histories of the Camps

You are aware of the Uktena clan flaw that they are supernaturally curious creatures and cannot resist a

You are aware of the tribes Advance Gifts and Advanced Rites.

Uktena Lore 4

The Uktena made first contact with Cortez, Columbus, and many of the other explorers, most of them ended

The Uktena have watched the Shadow Lords personally butcher the Camazotz (bat-people).

The Uktena have watched as the Wyrmbringers kill the Bunyips.

You know of most of the Uktena Elders within your Tribe.

The Eater-of-Souls was drawn to the Aztec Kinfolk tricked into believed that they were worshipping a Gaian
Spirit. When it was discovered beneath Teotihuacan it was almost too late.

You are aware of most of the tribes sacred Fetishes up to level 5

Uktena Lore 5

The Uktenas greatest hero Is a Stargazer who accompanied the three brothers across the landbridge.

You are intimately aware of Uktena and his brood.

You are knowledgeable of the Level 6 Gifts of the Tribe

You are aware of the Level 6 Rites of the tribe.

The rites and traditions of the Bane Tenders are not 100% solid and the rites have been disturbed or the
caretakers have been killed throughout the years leading to things escaping.

You are aware of the most powerful Fetishes known to the Tribe.



Wendigo Lore 1

You know about the tribal gatherings

You know the Tribe-specific terms for the Auspices

You know the names of the tribal-specific totems.

You know most of the popular tribal fetishes (levels 1-3) though what it takes to create them is beyond you at
this moment

You have a superficial understanding of most of the Camps.

You are familiar with the Basic Tribal Gifts and Rites specific to the Tribe.

Wendigo Lore 2

You have a good grasp of the General history of the tribe, including specific events.

You know the Pure Landers did not participate heavily in the Impergium or the War of Rage.

Knows general details about the Croatan but not the details of their great sacrifice.

You can name some of the less-commonly mentioned heroes of the tribe

You know the usual spirits that the tribe deals with, and what they often seek in chiminage

You have a general knowledge of the tribal-specific totems, including what they generally ask of their followers
and how they aid them.

You know of the Intermediate Gifts and Rites specific to the Tribe.

Wendigo Lore 3

You have a general knowledge of the tribal history in its entirety, and detailed knowledge within the past few
(homid) generations

The Uktena are experts on housing and containing dangerous Banes that should not be set free.

The Wendigo keep the balance by attacking the problem head on and then disappearing into the foliage

The Croatans were masters of cleansing the earth by erecting large Burial Mounds.


You know that Sasquatch was the original Totem of the Wendigo and many of the theories and stories about
what happened to him.

You know about the Advanced Gifts and Rites specific to the tribe at least those that have not been lost.

You know the story of Cahokia, the rise of the Wyrmbringers, and the sacrifice of the Croatan to defeat the Eater
of Souls at Roanoke

Wendigo Lore 4

You have an expansive knowledge of the tribal history, and know many of the little-known details that either dont
make it into the normal stories are are often inflated/embellished.

Wendigo Lore 5

You have an all-encompassing, detailed knowledge of the history of the tribe, including little-known facts that
only ancestor spirits would know.

You have heard of Gifts taught only to the Legends of the tribe


Spirit Lore 1

You know the difference between spirits and ghosts.

You can generally divide spirits into tangible representations (Naturae & Inanimae) and intangible abstractions

You can name most common spirits of all classifications.

You know that spirits are made of essence.

You know the ranking of spirits by power: Epiphlings, Gafflings, Jagglings, Greater Jagglings, Incarna,
Celestines, the Triat.

Essence also serves as currency in the Umbra.

Spirit Lore 2

You know the appropriate chiminage to offer spirits whom you have Affinity with.

You know that spirits can be physically harmed, banished or even destroyed if they are fought in the Umbra.


You know that spirits have some sort of complex ranking or hierarchy among themselves, although you're at a
loss as to how to understand it.

You know that spirits universally must follow their taboos, lest they fall into involuntary slumber.

Spirit Lore 3

You know that the more abstract spirits tend to remain in the plane of "thought", the Astral Plane, whereas
representations of living things remain in The Middle Umbra and that they differ much in behavior.

You can name most uncommon spirits of all classifications.

You know that new spirits come into existence each time a new thought, idea, or thing is birthed, shaped from
the endless substance of their umbra. You know that there are an infinite number of spirits.

You have a decent understanding of possession and how it can affect the host.

You know that a possessed being after several years has little remnant of the host left, and that many possessed
creatures have been known to die once the spirit wears through the body.

You know that the mightiest of spirits are referred to as the Incarna, and that these roughly equate to Gods or
Goddesses and tend to represent far reaching universal concepts such as the Sun, the Sky, Love, War etc....

You know most of the common charms that spirits possess.

Spirit Lore 4

You have heard rumors that mortal and occasionally immortal wanderers within the realms of the spirits can lose
their way and become spirits themselves.

You know that the Wyrm possesses more powerful allies and creations. You know of Psychomachinae, Nexus
Crawlers and other powerful minions and banes of the Wyrm such..

You know all of the common charms and know most of the uncommon charms that spirits possess.

You can recognize and name rare brood spirits and uncommon universal spirits.

You know how to properly craft a contract with a spirit without screwing yourself or getting others screwed.

You know the chain of command for the spirits around you. Gafflings serve Jagglings, Jagglings serve greater
Jagglings, greater Jagglings vary in shapes and power who work for Incarna spirits.

Spirit Lore 5

You know that a spirit can grow more powerful by devouring another spirit, and that this is how gafflings become
jagglings, lesser jagglings become greater jagglings, etc...


You can name some unique universal spirits and uncommonly rare brood spirits.

You know that the Universal (meaning Helios, Luna, Jupiter, etc.) Celestines have existed before all other spirits,
and that they have never been usurped in their station. You get the impression that they existed before all things.

You know all of the charms that spirits possess.

You know the secret legends surrounding the bound banes and bound spirits in the real world and the umbra.

You know the truth behind the Epiphlings.

You think you know the secrets about Anthelios, the Red Star.

You know the bans of just about every Totem Spirit out there. Only the rarest of the rare elude you.

There are secrets in your possession that the Wyrm and Weaver desire. You know that when you enter the
Umbra, more than Wyld spirits are alerted to your presence.


Umbra Lore 1

You are familiar with the concepts of Moon Paths, Moon Bridges, Spirit Tracks, and Spirit Gates.

You can identify the thickness of the Gauntlet

You know that Shape Changers do not need to eat or drink within the Umbra as long as they have sufficient

You are aware of spirits and where to start looking for them in the Umbra.

You can travel in the penumbra without getting too lost.

Umbra Lore 2

You know a few secrets when it comes to Reaching, such as using the reflection of another's eyes.

You are aware of the concept of realms and that the umbra is much deeper than it appears

You are able to glean simple truths from others by looking at their Umbral appearance.

You can navigate the pattern web around a city without difficulty and can travel long distances in the penumbra
in safety


You can find territory marks for local spirits

Umbra Lore 3

You know some secret uses for a few Gifts, and how they might interact within various aspects of the Umbra.

You know that the Physical Realm can be altered by making changes within the Umbra.

You can name most of the realms and know they operate on different rules

You know of the Tribal Homelands and how they might be found.

You know the dangers of an Umbraquake and how they might occur.

You are familiar of the safest times to travel Moon Paths, and what dangers might be found during other times.

You know of the Rite of Becoming, and you have heard tales of the Rite of Silver Cleansing

You can navigate the near umbra safely or quickly

You know how caerns and shallowings impact the landscape

You know how to craft Moon Bridges

You know the differences between Domains, Mini-Realms, Zones and Sub-Realms.

Umbra Lore 4

You know many Laws to most of the Realms and what kind of denizens to expect

You know how to enter the Periphery, and why a Garou might desire to do so.

You know that Moon Bridges are the most reliable form of Umbral travel, and why.

You are aware of what might occur should one step off a Moon Path.

You know that nothing is static within the Umbra, and that it can be affected by the physical Realm.

You know that realms can be lost and found according to the beliefs held by humanity and Garou.

You can recognize a gauntlet or barrier

You can navigate anywhere up to the deep umbra without getting lost under normal circumstances

You can avoid most spiritual hazards where possible

You know most of the anchorheads within a weeks travel of your area


Umbra Lore 5

You know the Laws to each of the 13 Near Realms.

You know what it takes to enter Summer Country.

You can navigate the Web without the use of Gifts, with difficulty.

You know what a Vista is, and might recognize it should you find one.

You know what the Membrane is, specifically.

You know the difference between the Deep Umbra and the Dark Umbra, and what might be within each.

You can recognize other umbral travelers (astral, spectral etc.)

You can use features of the umbra defensively

You know about any large umbral features within a few weeks travel of your home (caerns, pits, shallowings etc.)


Fera Lore 1

Know of the existence and some details of Bastet (Pumonca and Qualmi), Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin.

If Fera, can recognize a Rank 5 of your own Changing Breed by name alone, including Tribe, Breed, Auspice,
Sept, and most famous deeds.

May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify a Rank 5 as above, but without knowing their name.

You know some of the old stories and treat them with suspicion or wonder as your nature dictates.

Know and can recognize the Basic Gifts and Rites of your own Changing Breed.

You know that countless breeds were killed off during the War of Rage.

Fera Lore 2

Know of the existence of the Gurahl and some details.

Know and can recognize the Intermediate Gifts and Rites of your own Changing Breed.

If Fera, can recognize a Rank 4 of your own Changing Breed by name alone.

May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify a Rank 4 as above, but without knowing their name.

Can recognize a Rank 5 of other Changing Breeds by name alone.


You can form opinions about which of the Shifter types is to blame for the War of Rage.

You know which shifters are Of the Wyrm and not to be trusted.

You know the common Breeds (Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin) purpose under Gaia.

Fera Lore 3

You can recognize and understand some of the breed languages (Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin) but not
speak them.

Know the Gurahls purpose under Gaia.

You know of the Ananasi, Kitsune, Mokole and Rokea, and some general details.

You know the old stories of the breeds from before the war and where they are now.

You have heard of the Ahadi and the Emerald Court.

Know of the remaining Bastet Tribes (except the Ceilican) and the different cat breeds they come from.

If Fera, can recognize a Rank 3 of your own Changing Breed by name alone.

May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify a Rank 3 as above, but without knowing their name.

Know and can recognize the Basic Gifts and Rites of your own Changing Breeds.

Can recognize a Rank 4 of other Changing Breeds by name alone.

Fera Lore 4

If Fera, can recognize a Rank 2 of your own Changing Breed by name alone.

May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify a Rank 2 as above, but without knowing their name.

Can recognize a Rank 3 of other Changing Breeds by name alone.

You know the Ananasi, Kitsune, Mokole, and Rokeas purpose under Gaia.

You can recognize the more Basic effects of other Fera Changing Breeds Gifts and magics.

You understand some of the limitations of the various other shifters (lack of spirits, inability to step sideways) but
not their cause.

Fera Lore 5

You could spot a Rokea betweener in a crowded fish market.


You can speak to other Changing Breeds in their native tongue.

If Fera, can recognize any Kinfolk or member of your own Changing Breed by name alone.

May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify any member of your but without knowing their name.

Can recognize a Rank 2 of other Changing Breeds by name alone.

You know what happened to the Ajaba, the Okuma and the lost breeds.

Know of the existence of the Ceilican, and the Nagah, but couldnt tell a lot about them.

You could recognize some of the lost breed gifts if anyone still knew them.

You have a working cultural understanding of the breed differences.

The Ahadi and Emerald court are known you to directly even if their inner workings and politics are still a bit


Weaver Lore 1

The weaver is a spirit of names and order, it operates to make reality make sense.

Can generally work with weaver spirits when given a clue about chiminage.

Can recognize weaver technology and cyber-fetishes.

Can recognize a weaver spirit as Not gaian or Wyrm.

Weaver Lore 2

Can tell the difference between a weaver heavy gauntlet and a naturally thick one.

Know that some weaver spirits are a blend of weaver and wyrm or wyld and weaver.

Has heard about weaver specific umbral realms but not their details.

Can work with weaver spirits without misunderstanding.

Weaver Lore 3

Can start to hear the strains of the Onesong

Familiar with technofetishes.


You know the various geomids and some of the rules of places like the Cyber-realm or the Scar.

Weaver Lore 4

You can hear the One Song and always carry Weaver Taint.

You can identify most weaver spirits by sight, or sound if you can hear them talking.

You have designed multitudes of new Cyber Fetishes or new kinds of Weavertech.

You can sense weaver-taint if given a good way to detect it.

Weaver Lore 5

You know the Weavers ultimate plans and why it is or isnt insane.

You can speak with weaver spirits as easily as breathing.

You can spot a drone, know what they are, and some of the types.

You can identify even some of the rarer weaver charms.

You know how to avoid security and get in and out of even the most secure weaver realms.


Wyld Lore 1

You can identify some of the tamer more common Wyld Spirits.

You know how to bargain with some avatars of the Wyld.

You understand the ideals of some of the more Wyld aligned Shifters and Tribes

You can guess when something is a Wyld Spirit.

Wyld Lore 2

You begin to understand the futility of trying to organize chaos.

Names and general locations of Wyld Realms

Generally bargain with and identify Wyld spirits


Wyld Lore 3

You can name most of the types of wyld spirit.

You have heard rumors of gorgons.

You know the names and general locations of some wyld aligned realms.

You can generally bargain with and identify wyld spirits.

You understand some of the wyld/wyrm and wyld/weaver hybrids.

Wyld Lore 4

You start to see the glimmer that at the center of chaos is .... more chaos.

You have heard of an abscess and might know how to deal with one.

You know about and can diagnose wyld taint.

You can describe the different kinds of gorgons and their powers.

Wyld Lore 5

You can pass in an out of most wyld realms without harm.

You know details of many wyld spirits and their charms.

You can identify wyld taint on sight and know of several gorgons around the world.


Wyrm Lore 1

You know that before the Weaver tried to bind the Wyrm, the Wyrm was a natural, necessary force to maintain

You know that there are three heads to the hydra that is the Wyrm the Eater of Souls, the Beast of War, and
the Defiler Wyrm.

You understand the difference between being tainted and of the Wyrm, though not necessarily how to tell the two


You have heard of the realm of Malfeas though not how to get there, and not the full intricacies.

Wyrm Lore 2

Can identify many of the powers of Fomori and the different types of Fomori

You have a greater grasp of the types of creatures to be considered of the Wyrm.

You know how to spot a blight when you see one, and are able to pick out other areas that have high probability
of corruption.

Wyrm Lore 3

At this point you have delved deeper into the study of the Wyrm than most others would be comfortable with, and
your comrades may not be the only ones who notice.

You know that Nexus Crawlers were once of the Wyld, but were corrupted.

You are well aware of most any Wyrm creature and know general locations within your local area where they

You know a handful of Wyrm spirits that serve as totems for Black Spiral Dancers and can rattle off a dozen
flavors of fomori.

You know about the Wyrm realms, Wyrm anchorheads, and what a Wyrm pit is capable of.

Minions of the Wyrm hunt you down constantly because you know too much.

Wyrm Lore 4

The minions of the Wyrm know who you are.

Banes will more readily talk to you, though this does not mean that what they say is necessarily true.

You are familiar with some general locations of powerful places of the Wyrm.

Your knowledge of the Wyrm may cause some suspicion amongst the Gaian populous, and minions of the Wyrm
actively seek you out because of your knowledge.

You are aware of the Wyrm's strength, and know that it can never be destroyed - only healed.

Wyrm Lore 5

You know the secrets of the black labyrinth.


The Heresy of the wyrms escape.

The purpose of the Spiral.

At this level of Lore the character gains Flaw: Taint of Corruption and Flaw: Dark Fate without any points.

Bastet Lore 1:

Uses of the different forms (Homid, Sokto, Crinos, Chatro, Feline)

Basic understanding of the conflict between the Nyota Jamaa: Cahlash, Rahjah, and Nala

Knows the Bastet's role in the conflict between the Nyota Jamaa

Understands that Bastet keep secrets

Understands the importance of secrets and the use of Tahla

Understands the nature of the relationship of a Kuasha and their Tekhmet

Learns of their Priyo: Daylight, Twilight, Night

Social standing is based on a rank system

Awareness of the rank titles of the Bastet

Knows that the rank system is based on Ferocity, Cleverness, and Honor

Knows of the Bastet Tribes

Knows that Jamaa can Gift a Bastet with individual powers

Knows the code of laws among the Bastet, the Karoush

The Bastet do not form packs and tend to be loners

Knows the enemies of the Bastet - the Children of Cahlash: The Asura and Dakat

Outsiders would know one or two of the Bastet forms, but not necessarily all of them

Bastet Lore 2: The beginning of Knowledge

Has a basic knowledge of major events in Bastet history


Taught the Yava of their tribe (Unless Bubasti - see Changing Breeds 1)

Knows of the "Common Language" of the Bastet: Kheuar

Knows Kheuar

The Bastet are cut off from the Umbra

Taught that though they are cut off from Ahu and Chaya, a Bastet can still make friends among the Jamak
and gain partial access to the Umbra

Know about Den-Realms

Knows how to find a Taghairm

Knows of the formal challenge tradition of Hanshii

Understands the simplified history of the Bastet as per Changing Breeds 1

Has heard of other and may have met other Twilight Folk

Has heard of other Killi species called Garou

The Bastet are the "Eyes of Gaia"

Understands that the Bastet in their role as the "Eyes of Gaia" watch not only the Dakat and other Servants
of Asura, but also the Killi, the Shining Children, and other Shadow Folk.

Learns of the basic Rites of the Bastet: Kuasha, Moon, Need and Taghairm

Knows some of the Gifts available to them that they don't already have

Bastet Lore 3:

Lying about Renown: Know that they can "embellish"

Has basic understanding of the Legends of the War of Rage and the atrocities committed by the Garou

Knows of the gifts available to all Bastet

Has heard of other Killi (High Approval Fera)

Knows they can swipe the gifts of the Killi

Has heard of the lost tribes: the Ajaba and the Ceilican


Knows of the Ahu and the Chaya

Knows that the Shadow Folk are real

Knows of the "Burning Times"

Has basic knowledge of the most notable Bastet (Ilani and Bon Bhat) of one tribe (for Bastet, their own tribe)
in history and around the world.

Bastet Lore 4:

More indepth understanding of the War of Rage and the "Burning Times"

Has been part of, or at least heard of, one Taklah

Has heard rumors of the Hengeyokai

Privy to some of the secrets of your tribe

Has heard rumors about the rarest/most obscure Killi, (Ananasi, Gurahl, Mokole, Rokea)

Bastet Lore 5:

Privy to Major Secrets of your Tribe

You know enough Secrets, People, Chaya, Jamak, Killi, and Shadow Folk to make an informed decision
about Nationwide and Worldwide matters

Knows of the Hengeyokai

Perhaps the Ceilican aren't really dead

You are sure the Bubasti aren't everything they seem

Corax Lore 1:

Understand the basic duties of the corax

Social standing and reputation is based on a rank system

Rank system is based on Honor, Glory and Wisdom


The corax value Wisdom above the others

Titles of Ranks (Fledgling, Oviculum, Neocornix, etc.)

The Corax are one of the most common changers after Garou

Corax do not form packs and tend to be loners

The Corax have always had close ties to the Garou

Corax Lore 2:

Has a basic understanding of the major events in Corax history

Understands that the Corax honor Helios, as well as Raven

Understand that the Corax spy on the Garou as well and know of some of their powers

The Corax are very adept at Umbral Travel

Knows of Rara Avis form.

Know some of the Basic Gifts and Rites and minor Fetishes and Talens.

Aware of Raven's Laws

Knows the Corax are unaffected by Silver, and are injured by Gold

Understands the history of the Corax as per the Changing Breeds book

Knows the various umbral markings that the Corax use to warn other corax.

Knows of the Parliament.

Knows the basic camps of the Corax and rumors of other camps

Corax Lore 3:

Understand the role the Corax play in the conflict between the Triat.

Knows the politics of the Parliament.

Has basic knowledge of the most notable Corax (Volucris and Corvis) in history


Understands the History of the War of Rage and how the Corax assisted the Garou in order to

Understand why the Corax drink the Eyes of the Dead

Knows how the Rite of the Fetish Egg works and the role of a Guardian

Corax Lore 4:

Detailed knowledge of Corax history

Understands exactly how the Corax operated on both sides during the War of Rag

Aware of the Sun Lost

Has heard of the Rite of Memory Theft.

Corax Lore 5:

Knowledge of details surrounding the Rite of Memory Theft

Gurahl Lore 1:

Understanding on a basic level the responsibility a Gurahl carries

Rank system is based on Honor, Succor and Wisdom

Has a basic understanding of the major events in Gurahl history

Gurahl are incredibly rare and are a dying breed of the Bete

Gurahl Lore 2:

Gurahl change auspice as they mature

Knows Code of Ursa

Understands the simplified history of the Gurahl as per the Changing Breeds book


Gurahl Lore 3:

Understands the War of Rage and how heavily the Gurahl suffered

Has basic knowledge of the most notable Gurahl (Rank 4 and 5) in history

Aware of the Ice Stalkers, the Polar Gurahl, the fiercest Gurahl

Knows every aspect of Gurahl life is is controlled at some level by ritual

Has heard the legend of the more rare Gurahl rituals and Gifts

Knows that Gurahl are not able to leave the realm without a ritual to break the Guantlet and that
they are special amongst the Changing Breeds in this.

Nuwisha Lore 1:

Coyote is our Father, our Guide, our Scape Goat and our Punisher.

Uses of the differnet forms (Homid, Tsitsu, Manabozho, Sendeh, Latrani) along with the
understanding and ease on of changing, as second skins become second nature to the young

A Nuwisha could breed with his own mother and still not produce a Metis. They just always make
kinfolk, never Metis. They will also mate with anything that's warm and anatomically mostly

The Great Trick was called for by the Earth Mother, which lost our relationship with Luna. And
now how we serenade her every night to regain her favour.

Understands their Role as the Trickster, to make the mistakes and learn from them, in order to
better teach others of their own. That Tricks and Pranks are our Life Blood, and how we best

Understands the importance of the Secret of the One. All our stories are Coyotes Stories. In
return all of his stories become our own. In that we believe live forever, coming back no matter
how many times we are killed.


There are no more than 100 Nuwisha alive and that we died because of the Garou, and with our
death so went all the great Kibas.

There are other Shapeshifters, and in time, what sorts of animals also change, and why it is
important to Trick them. The most important being their Cousins, the Garou.

Taught our Sacred Duty to be Earth Mother's Laughter, and why we are different from Brother

Awareness of the rank titles of the Nuwisha (Son/Daughter, Brother/Sister, Uncle/Aunt,

Father/Mother, Grandfather/Grandmother, Legend).

Social standing and reputation are represented by a Rank system based on Ferocity, Humour
and Cunning.

Knows the Trickster's Laws.

Knows the Enemies of the Nuwisha - The Children of Worm and Spider, who still have not
forgiven Coyote nor his Children for the Tricks they played on them.

Nuwisha Lore 2:

Has a basic knowledge of major events in Nuwisha History, such as the War of the Pure Lands
and the coming of the Wyrmcomers.

Knows that there are no more than 100 Nuwisha in the Tellurian at a time.

The Nuwisha do not form packs, and tend to be loners, but like to hide among their Cousins, the

Is taught about guarding the Realms within the Umbra, the Stars and the Heavens from those
who would seek to exploit or harm them.

Knows about the other "Faces" of Coyote (Ti Malice, Loki, Kishijoten, Ptah, Kokopelli and Pan,
Chung Kuel, Puck, Xochipilli, Oghma, and Raven).

Learns about the "Legends" of the Umbral Dansers, and that they are not the last of their Race.

Knows the various Rituals available to them, but sometimes it is just easier to Trick the Garou
into doing them.

Has seen of or heard of the Special Toys (Fetishes) of the Nuwisha.

Knows about the Festival as well as the "Lost" Kibas, and is taught to keep their Secrets Sacred.


Knows the all important difference between a Trick and Prank

Has heard of Coyotes tunnel

When to Trick and when to Prank and that sometimes others may not understand. Thus Coyote
has given them the Trickster's Blessing to get themselves out of jams.

Nuwisha Lore 3:

Knows of the Gifts and Rituals available to the Nuwisha with few exceptions.

Knows the purpose of the Umbral Dansers.

Has heard heard of those Nuwisha who have fallen to the Wyrm: the Bitter Grins.

Has basic knowledge of the most notable Nuwisha in history and around the World, and
understands the Role of the Elder in Nuwisha Society.

Has a basic understanding of the Legends of the War of Rage and the atrocities committed by
the Garou against the Nuwisha.

Nuwisha Lore 4:

Deeper understanding of both Wars of Rage and the Storm Eater.

Familiar with a few members of the Umbral Dansers, and where they watch.

Knows the locations of a few Kiba that still are active.

Nuwisha Lore 5:

Aware of the "Big Picture"

Privy to the Major Secrets of the People, including where the Kiba are all located

You know enough Secrets, People, Spirits, Umbroods, and other Denizens of the Night to make
a wise decision about Nationwide and Worldwide matters.Solid Overall level of knowledge of the
other Denizens of the World of Darkness.


Ratkin Lore 1

Mother Rat helped the Ratkin survive when Gaia abandoned them.

Knows the uses of the three main forms: Homid, Crinos, Rodens.

Knowledge of main aspects: Tunnel Runner, Shadow Seers, Knife Skulker, and Warriors.

Knows of the Rite of the Birthing Plague

Understand the basic duties of the Ratkin - Defenders of the Wyld.

Understand their social stand and reputation are based on: Infamy, Cunning and Obligation.

Awareness of the rank titles: Pup, Rakka, Voto, Tava, Tepppen, and Rrrr't.

Basic knowledge of the Litany of Survival.

Ratkin Lore 2

Knowledge of the Freaks Aspects: Plague Lords, Ratkin Engineer, Munchmausen, and Twitcher.

Learned that the werewolves terrorized the other Changing Breeds a long time ago.

Heard the werewolves claimed themselves lords of the Earth while slaughtering entire races.

Understands the importance of the runt/straggler.

Basic knowledge of Rapture - Be it Madness or Enlightenment.

Heard whispers of other Ratkin forms: Rat Thing, Of Rat and Man, Itchy.

Learn that Ratkin packs are temporary.

Know some of the major Ratkin tribes and their 'marks'.

Bone Gnawers are the adopted children of mother rat (But they are still Garou).

Ratkin Lore 3

Breeding is a sacred duty - Females will choose a Ratkin with the most social standing.


More knowledge about the War of Rage: Corax's role, mass Ratkin exodus into the umbra, and etc.

Heard pieces of information about the lost aspect (Bards).

Knows the difference between Ramblers and Courtiers and starts to head in one direction.

Knows the positions in a large nest (Rat Mother, Scout, Warlord, Mystic, Rat King).

Bonegnawers of the adopted children of mother rat (But they are still Garou).

Understands the policy and politics of a large nest.

In-dept knowledge about the Nine Plagues (How they came about / where each one is located,

Ratkin Lore 4

Knows the epic tale of the Field of Nettles - The curse to the werewolves. Heard of Ratkin helping the
Ring of Shadows.

Knows reinforcements will come from the Umbra during the end days.

Knows about the Itchy Zone within the Television Zone where Ratkin train to fight.

Ratkin Lore 5

Whispers about Ratkin working with rare supernatural creatures: Shadow Court, Shadow Lord cults,
Sabbat Packs, and Renegade wraiths.


Black Spiral Dancer Lore 1

You are aware of common Basic Black Spiral Dancer Gifts, Charms used by Gaggling and Jaffling Banes,

You are aware of what Black Spiral Dancers look like in crinos form and are aware of some of the telltale signs
many display such as hints of balefire within their eyes and darkened black fur.

You know the Black Spiral Dancers were once a Tribe of Garou, and are comprised of all Tribes of fallen Garou.


Black Spiral Dancer Lore 2

You are aware of a variety of Black Spiral Dancer Gifts and Totems.

You are aware of the Black Spiral Rite of Transmogrification.

You know that the Black Spiral Dancers tribal totem is Whippoorwill.

The Black Spiral Dancers were a European Tribe called the White Howlers

You know that the Black Spiral Dancers are far less restrictive when it comes to gifts and can venture a ways
outside their auspicial or breed restrictions without issue.

You are aware of a few stories of some Black Spiral Dancers accomplishments.

Black Spiral Dancer Lore 3

You know the story of the White Howlers fall.

You know that the Black Spiral dancers follow a dark litany.

You know the mechanics of most of the tribal gifts and rites.

You are aware of the most prominent tribal totems.

You can name or identify Elder living spirals.

Black Spiral Dancer Lore 4

You know all of the totems the spirals serve.

You know the veiled history of the white howlers and how the tribe fell

You can identify members of Whippoorwills brood and know their common chiminage

You know the BSDs role in the creation of the skin dancers

You can name most of the Athros of the tribe.

Black Spiral Dancer Lore 5

You know any Spiral worthy of note from pack alphas to pit leaders.

You can find pits and hellholes anywhere you go.

You know how to navigate the wyrmholes between locations and how to use corrupted moon bridges.

You know prominent members of the nations who are considered targets for conversion.



Fae Lore 1

Stories of faeries and faerie magic are based on something real and mysterious in the world that might not exist

Dreams really do have magical qualities and power.

Faeries of some kind really do exist, but theyre invisible!

Information from alternative culture texts and folklore about accounts with Faerie, especially including major
Norse and Celtic mythological references.

Knowledge of a few traditional remedies for or wards against faeries and their magic from superstitious folklore.

Fae Lore 2

Information from alternative culture texts and folklore about accounts with Faerie, including major Native
American and Slavic mythological references.

Faeries are especially fond of children and untamed wilderness settings.

There are fewer faeries around today because most people no longer believe in them, and that weakens their

Faeries and human dreams go hand-in hand they affect one another. Faeries know our dreams, and often try
to make them come true, though sometimes they choose our nightmares as well.

Faeries tend to gather at magical faerie places, and they really do have kings and queens.

Faeries can be warded against with holy symbols.

May have knowledge of one or two fae (i.e., kithain, nunnehi, inanimate, etc.) Arts, Bunks, or Birthrights, or any
obvious effects of some Treasures. This information will not be detailed. He called the ball sily names to make it
mad, and it jumped down out of the tree without him even moving to get it.

Faeries claim to be directly connected to the Tuatha de Danaan, elves, dwarves, giants, goblins, Fomorians, etc.
of ancient faerie myths.

Fae Lore 3

Faeries hide themselves from mortal ken, and their dream-magic helps them make mortals forget.


Information from alternative culture texts and folklore about accounts with Faerie, including many obscure
aboriginal Asian, African, or South American mythological references.

Like some faerie folklore says, one actually can resist faerie magic by convincing themselves that it has no real
power against them. Its not as simple as not clapping your hands, but it does seem to drive off faerie creatures.
Cold Iron, but not wrought or cast iron, seems to be the most effective ward there is against the fae.

Can make a Mental Challenge to discern how folklore may intersect with a particular scenario involving the Fae.

May have knowledge of one or two faerie-specific terms, but does not understand what they mean aside from
their literal meanings or definitions.

Faerie magics can be horribly wrathful, and are very unpredictable to mortals, being so alien to human thought
that they might even seem whimsical. Faeries are definitely very passionate creatures, for good or for ill.

Can attempt to locate local gathering places for Fae or attempt to make contact with one.

Faeries can sap a mortals will and enchant them into doing their bidding, and most mortals are helpless against

Fae Lore 4

The majority of those who believe themselves to be faeries of some kind refer to themselves as kithain. There
are other terms that apply to certain groups, but its unlikely a character knows those terms at this level.

Faeries come in many kinds, each known as a kith. (Knows the names of the common major kiths, and that
different kiths have different weaknesses and powers, but with a lot of inaccurate details).

Faeries like fun places, artistic and natural settings, creative people, and places where there are usually children,
such as playgrounds.

Some faeries like modern free-thinking better and rebel against their nobles.

Has an understanding of the standard Arts (those featured in The Shining Host plus Metamorphosis) and what
they can do think general overview with very little actual detail. Also knows that certain objects can hold magic.

Knows that there is much more faerie magic going on all the time than is known, but that it is almost all invisible
to mortals.

Fae Lore 5

Can name the kiths and give detailed descriptions (Equal to the descriptions in the Shining Host or The Shining
Host: Players Guide).

May know some kithain-specific terms (as words with very rough understanding of their true definitions and

Understands the basics of the Changeling Way reincarnation cycle without knowing what its called.


Knows about kithain culture (i.e., ideas behind the power of Oaths, justice by Fior, etc.).

May have heard rumors of the kith-specific or rarer Arts (Skycraft, Aphrodesia, Infusion, Kryos, Spirit Link,
Inanimae Slivers, Shadow Court - highly unlikely! - etc.).

Knows that many faeries fear the end of humanitys hopes and dreams is coming in some kind of cosmic
change, and that nobody will believe in them at all anymore.


Vampire Lore 1

Knows without a doubt that vampires are real, and are minions of the Wyrm.

Knows that the historical weakness to fire and sunlight works well, and other famous weaknesses may or
may not.

Knows that vampires must drink the blood of the living to stay active.

Knows that not all vampires are allies, and some may work against one another.

Can make a Static Mental challenge (difficulty 10 Traits, retest Vampire lore) to identify a vampire with
particularly obvious features (not casting a reflection in a nearby mirror, has the unearthly aura of a vampire
of a path of enlightenment, unmasked Nosferatu). This identifies that this is clearly a vampire and not some
other supernatural entity.

Vampire Lore 2

Familiar with the basic physical disciplines (Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude) and generally how they work
(up to Advanced).

Aware that what a vampire can do often depends on its type (clan), though you couldnt characterize these
types beyond the most general (Physical leeches vs Social leeches.)

Aware that even though minions of the Wyrm, not all vampires bear the taint, and some may smell clean.
You are not sure why this is.

Knows that some vampires are capable of turning into wolves and other animals and sometimes live in the


With Bone Gnawer/Shadowlord/Silent Strider Lore 2, has some vague familiarity with the clan that tribe
has the most dealings with (Nosferatu for Bone Gnawers, Tzimice for Shadowlords, Followers of Set for
Silent Striders) including their 3 in-clan disciplines and generally how they work (up to Advanced)

Vampire Lore 3

Familiar with the other common disciplines and generally how they work.

Aware that some ancient vampires have more terrifyingly advanced powers than those most vampires
possess, though you are not sure of specifics (Elder powers)

Aware of the existence of two sects, one that hides in the shadows and corrupts slowly and often through
manipulation of humans, and another which corrupts rapidly, often through massive creation rituals and
wanton destruction. These sects appear to be at war with one another

Knows that vampires have their own form of the Veil which they take as seriously as Garou do.

May make a mental challenge (retest vampire lore) after a round of combat with a common clan vampire to
identify, vaguely what disciplines it should have and what its weakness is. If testing against an uncommon
clan, you only learn that you havent seen this type before.

May know a couple of common clan names.

Knows that a vampire without wyrm taint is trying to live a more humane life than its peers. This seems to
only happen with younger vampires, and vampires who survive usually end up corrupted and degenerate.

Vampire Lore 4

Can name the warring sects (The Camarilla and the Sabbat) and has a novice understanding of their goals
and intentions

Can identify the major clans of both sects, and vaguely what theyre capable of (though not specifics).

Aware of independent vampires, which often have other peculiar powers, though may not know the names
of these clans.

Can make a mental challenge (retest vampire lore) to identify prime locations where vampires would be
likely to hunt or gather. This doesnt mean vampires will gather or hunt here, only that you can better predict
common patterns of behavior.

Knows that some vampires have various forms of blood magic (including necromancy) and may know a few
basic tricks they can do with it.

You are aware that vampires can teach their powers to other vampires, so some vampires may have
different powers than what their clan may suggest.


Vampire Lore 5

Can identify all of the clans listed in Laws of the Night: Revised and knows generally what they can do.

As a seasoned hunter, small tell-tale signs give away the vampiric nature of most. You may make a
contested mental challenge (retest Vampire Lore vs Subterfuge) to identify that an individual is a vampire. T
his is passive; you should let the presiding ST know you have this level of lore and that this challenge should
be made if in the room with a vampire.

Familiar with uncommon disciplines up to advanced, including Independent-clan powers.

May know some common discipline elder powers

Has a vague understanding of the nature of generation, and may have heard of vampires worshipping the
First Vampire, which they call Caine.

May have heard that some vampires seek to redeem themselves from their curse, and that these vampires
are shunned or outright killed by other vampires.


Wizard Lore 1

Knows of the existence of Namebreakers, Wizards, Mages, or other terms for the humans who have the
ability to change the world around them in unpredictable ways.

Is aware of the dangers of allowing a wizard too close to a Caern.

Knows that while some wizards may bear allegiance to the Wyrm, there is no natural predisposition of
Wizards towards the Wyrm.

Knows that fighting a mage inside their territory is much more difficult than fighting them outside of it, but not

Wizard Lore 2

Has recognized that mages tend to prefer coincidental magic outside of their territory, but arent sure why.


Understand why Wizards are called Namebreakers..

Know that different mages have very different rituals to work their magic, but the result is often the same.

Can make a mental challenge (retest Wizard Lore) to identify an obvious supernatural effect as wizardly in

Knows that many wizards have no love for wyrm-tainted wizards, and may be more likely to help in deposing
of one.

Wizard Lore 3

Knows that most wizards organize themselves into traditions much like Garou tribes, which heavily flavors
the kind of magic they do.

Can name a few of the traditions and vaguely the kind of magic they frequently do.

Has a vague concept of what can cause magic to backfire and why mages prefer to work away from human

Can make a mental challenge (retest Wizard Lore) to attempt to get in contact with a wizard.

May have vaguely heard of weaver-tainted wizards that are opposed to other wizards.

Wizard Lore 4

Has a passing familiarity with the spheres of magic.

Can name most of the traditions and what sphere they prefer.

Aware of the idea of sanctums and how they prevent paradox.

Wizard Lore 5

If a Wizard has active magical effects on them, may make a contested mental challenge (retest Wizard Lore
vs Subterfuge) to identify them as a willworker.

Is aware of the Technocracy and their conventions, and the threat they represent to other mages.



Noted that this is an Insider Lore normally only open to wraiths themselves. It can be learned by those who can
access the shadowlands as a way of representing true lore gained from actual wraiths and practical experience rather
than the stories told by ghost lore.

Wraith Lore 1

You know of the existence of a World beyond this one, inhabited by Ghosts.

You know that they are insubstantial in this World, and can never affect it.

You know they have a society, much like our own, and long to return to this world.

You know something of their lifecycle (pathos, angst).

Wraith Lore 2

You have learned a little more of the dead. You know that not all Spirits return to the afterlife. Only those with
great issues to deal with return, and then not always.

You know now that their Society is a strict order, called the Hierarchy, who govern all of their number with an iron

You know that they live in alternative versions of real world cities, in the land of the Dead.

You have an idea that Corpus is more than just a body.

You now know that Wraiths are bound to items or people within this World, that they call Fetters.

Wraith Lore 3

You know that All that has decayed and been destroyed here, that had great meaning in this world, reappears

You have a working knowledge of wraith physiology. (corpus, disruption, harrowing)

You also know that they have formed themselves into Guilds, groups of Ghosts, or Wraiths who follow the same

You also know of corrupted Wraiths called Spectres who make it their lives to attack and destroy other Wraiths.

Wraith Lore 4


You know that the Hierarchy holds control only over few of the Wraiths, with many shunning control as Heretics
or Renegades.

You know Religious belief is a strong power within the lands of the Dead, and those of the same beliefs often
flock together.

You are familiar with many of the lower level arcanoi and powers.

You know that there are many different types of Spectre and where they come from.

You have a good working knowledge of the shadowlands geography and natural hazards.

You know what can cause a harrowing and how to watch for thorns.

Wraith Lore 5

You know that Spectres are controlled by ancient evil's called Malfeans that exist only in the lands of the Dead.

You know that the Hierarchy await the resurrection of Charon.

You have discovered the names of different Guilds, and have probably spoken to members of at least a few of
these Guilds.

You know the Wraith central city is called Stygia and does not have a Real World counterpart.

We use Werewolf 20th: Anniversary Edition pages 245 through 253 for mechanics of how Renown works, with the
exception that uniformly for our chronicle Renown for deeds is awarded at the end of each session. Renown can
then be converted at any time after - during sessions or even downtime (though Renown gained during downtime
scenes is given at the end of the downtime. As described, if a characters deeds are heroic enough she can convert
her 10 temporary Renown into one permanent Renown without the Rite of Accomplishment.


Systems that reward a set amount of Renown each month or automatically bestow enough temporary Renown of the
players choice to convert to a permanent Renown are not used. Temporary Renown must be earned during play,
and can be earned during sessions or downtime. W20 pages 246 - 250 and W20:Changing Breeds 219 - 222 offer
Renown suggestions for Garou and Fera, but it must be stressed that these lists are not exhaustive and STs are
allowed to use their judgement and discretion in Renown awards.
Typically, Temporary Renown awards should not exceed 7 in a category short of truly epic events, but characters can
only convert ten temporary Renown to a permanent Renown once per month.



Before a challenge may begin your Regional (Rank 4 and 5) or National Storyteller (Rank 5) must approve it as an
appropriate challenge.
Athro: High Approval
Elder: Top Approval
PCs may challenge for Rank no less than 180 days after they have successfully completed a previous Challenge for
Rank. Cubs do not have a minimum amount of time to wait before they can go through their Rite of Passage.
W20 pages 251 through 253 offers suggestions for Rank Challenges. Some Tribes Rank Challenges would be more
or less challenging than seen here. Consult with your Tribe Lead for Athro, and Elder Rank Challenge advice.


The Silver Record can refer to either the collective of all Garou Stories (silver record), or a particularly legendary
record of some of the greatest tales of the Nation (Silver Record). Adding to the silver record requires only that the
tale be told over a Regional or National list, forum, or a wiki. Stories added to the silver record give those the stories
are about an additional 2 temporary Renown of their players choice (provided they were positive stories of the
characters deeds. The Galliard telling the tale also receives an additional two temporary Renown of their choice.
The Rite to enter tales into the Silver Record has been lost with the death of those who knew it in the Ratkin Wars
and the Battle of Anthelios.

Canon NPCs and Authorities
Canon NPCs require Top Approval to use. Use of NPCs with authority over an area require an approval equal to the
area they have authority over (A Justicar or Archon would require Top Approval, whereas an Archbishop requires
High Approval, etc.) It is Top Approval to have interaction in a character or Venue background with these NPCs.

Experience Points for NPCs

STs may create NPCs with up to 400XP. NPCs that require more than 400 XP require a High Approval with the
character sheet, XP log, and background and purpose of the NPC. In addition to a specific amount of XP being
requested, a list of what it the requested XP is being spent on, and a justification for the need of that XP. NPCs
controlled by the National Staff are not limited in their XP expenditure.



Garou, Changing Breed, and Kinfolk NPCs follow the standard Addendum Rules for PCs. Approvals for
these NPCs are one level lower than they are for PCs. Changing Breeds that are not approved for play at this time
are Top Approval to use as NPCs. Ratkin are High Approval as NPCs.

Changing Breeds and Garou can be made at Ranks 0 5.


Black Spiral Dancers can be made with any of the Gifts or Fetishes from Laws of the Wyld, Revised,
Tribebooks (All), MET: Book of the Wyrm, Book of Auspices, and Werewolf: 20th Anniversary Edition even if they
are Out of Breed, Out of Auspice, or Out of Tribe.

Black Spiral Dancers and Fallen Changing Breeds are supposed to be the elite forces of the Wyrm. If you
need creatures to use to attack in massive forces you should look to the Banes and Fomori.

Fallen Changing Breeds use their Changing Breeds W20 book, Laws of the Wild, Revised, and Laws of the
Wild: Changing Breeds, MET Book of the Wyrm, and Book of Auspices (Fallen Coyotes) for Gifts and Fetishes.
Wyrm Pits are at the following approval levels:

Pit Power 1-3: High approval

Pit Power 4-5: Top Approval
Pits come with the following amount of BSD's included within the application.
Level 1 Up to 20
Level 2 Up to 50
Level 3 Up to 75
Level 4 Up to 150
Level 5 No top limit, no less than 200.

Cleansing a Pit completely High Approval

Converting a Cleansed Pit into a Caern Top Approval

A hive of BSD's designates an unusual amount of organization amongst nomadic packs of BSD's who do not have a
home Pit in the area.
Nomadic Packs of BSDs
1 Pack (3 5 BSDs): Low Approval
2 Packs (6 10 BSDs): High Notification
3 Packs or more constitute a Hive.
Hive of 3-5 Nomadic Packs (11 - 25 BSD's) High Approval


Hive of 5+ Nomadic Packs (25+ BSD's) Top Approval

BSD packs may work in the same area, or work together, but when they begin to create a hierarchical leadership
structure, they begin to form a Hive, at which point VST's should seek the hive approval listed above.


Storyteller Creative License: Unfortunately, most of the MET baddies in the Book of the Wyrm are woefully underpowered, even compared to just base Laws of the Wild, Revised. At High Notification, a Storyteller can add or modify
Traits, Abilities, Health Levels, Powers, and other stats as they see fit to equal the challenge and power-level of their
venue. In addition to empowering VSTs to make challenges appropriate for their game, they can also create
monsters and threats that those players familiar with most of the source materials are not automatically familiar with
and thus experience the discomfort of baddies with unknown powers, motivations, and ends.
Banes: Banes can be made as Spirit Rank 1 - 4 at Low Approval. STs can also make their own Banes using the
Spirit Creation rules in the Spirit section.
Dream Makers: High Approval
Grammaw: Reserved for use by National Staff.
Nexus Crawlers: High Approval
Pentex: While using the vast and varied subsidiaries of Pentex is only High Notification, Pentex itself is controlled by
the National Storytelling staff. Use of Pentex itself, or its board of directors, or use of its name is Top Approval. PCs
should never really encounter Pentex, as it always operates through a subsidiary proxy. Garou with the appropriate
Lore may know the name of Pentex, but it is a very rare character who fully grasps the depth of this powerful
The First Ronin: Reserved for Use by National Staff
Thunderwyrms: The base 25ft. Thunderwyrm has:

35 Physical Traits, 15 Mental Traits, 15 Social Traits (For bigger Thunderwyrms, Storytellers can raise each
of these Traits by up to 10 at Low Approval)
40 Healthy Health Levels (For bigger Thunderwyrms, Storytellers can give up to an additional 15 Healthy
Health Levels at Low Approval)
Abilities: Thunderwyrms do not run out of Physical Abilities, Intimidation Ability, or Survival Ability
Combat Movement: 12, Non-Combat Movement: 24
Rage 10, Willpower 8, Gnosis 8: Thunderwyrms regain 2 Rage per round
3 attacks per round Bite: 4agg, Body Slam (all targets in a 10 pace area): 5 Bashing, and Tail Swipe (all
targets in a 3 pace area): 4 Bashing (For bigger Thunderwyrms, Storytellers can increase this damage for
each attack by up to 2 at Low Approval)
Stomach Pumper (all targets in a straight 25 pace cone of acid, 3 agg - once every other
round): This is run as a Physical Challenge where the ST throws one symbol for the
Thunderwyrm against all in range. Resolve the challenges normally.
Mouth of the Wyrm (three Simple Tests to swallow a Garou whole after successful bite,
Garou have a number of rounds equal to twice their Stamina-based Traits for the
Thunderwyrm to die, or to deal 5 aggravated levels of damage to cut themselves out, or be
digested. Each round swallowed is 2 aggravated damage as being digested.)
Armor: Reduce the first three levels of damage from every incoming attack.
Regeneration: Heals 3 levels of damage at the beginning of each round


Roar of the Wyrm: Once per scene can roar and engage in a Willpower Challenge against all
non-Wyrm creatures in earshot. Any who fail flee for 15 rounds - 1 round per permanent
Willpower the PC has.
Darksight: Unaffected by darkness or invisibility.
Poison Tumors: As page 121 of MET Book of the Wyrm, except the damage for a claw or
other sharp weapon is 2 agg to the attacker.
Tar Baby: As MET Book of the Wyrm, page 122. Any trapped by this power automatically
suffer the damage of the Body Slam attack when used until broken free.
Slobber Snot: As page 122 of MET Book of the Wyrm.
The Crusties: Those doing battle with a Thunderwyrm suffer the effects of The Crusties (page
124 MET Book of the Wyrm) for up to 10 days afterward.
Immunities: Delirium, Falling Touch, Calm, Dazzle, and any fear-based or Intimidation-based

Vampire NPCs are made using the following rules. The list of books below can be used for their creation:

Laws of the Night, Revised

Laws of the Night, Revised: Anarch Guide
Laws of the Night, Revised: Camarilla Guide
Laws of the Night, Revised: Sabbat Guide
Faith and Fire
MET Storytellers Guide
Dark Epics
All of the Revised Clanbooks.


Abominations are only available as NPCs and are Top Approval. PCs that would be Embraced either die
immediately or if the Embrace takes hold the Low Approval Storyteller can put up for Top Approval to have
the new Abomination as an NPC Antagonist for their venue.

Embracing Garou follow the same rules as Laws of the Night, Revised page 269. The Static Gnosis
Challenge is against four Traits. The Garou can continue to spend Willpower Traits to retest this challenge
until out of Willpower Traits.


Ghouls are made like Kinfolk, but have access to Basic Disciplines instead of Gifts.
Ghouled Kinfolk and Garou are considered Wyrm Tainted while ghouls, and cannot learn any new Gifts and
are rejected by all Spirits.


Creating a Vampire NPC uses the creation rules from Laws of the Night, Revised.



All Vampire Clans are Low Approval.


The base Generation for every Vampire is 12th Generation. Generation Background can be
purchased (up to 5) to lower the Vampires Generation to 7th Generation at Low Approval.

At High Approval, a 6th Generation Background can be purchased to create a 6th Generation
Vampire. Any Vampire lower than 6th Generation is Reserved for Use by the National Staff.



While activated, each level of the Celerity Discipline below Elder level (Basic, Basic, Intermediate,
Intermediate, Advanced) automatically gives the character 2 additional Traits in all Dexterity-based
Physical Challenges for comparison of Ties and Overbids. (e.g. a Brujah with Advanced Celerity
has 10 additional Traits in Dexterity-based Physical Challenges for comparison of Ties and

While activated, each Celerity Discipline of Elder level or higher automatically gives the Vampire 3
additional Traits in all Dexterity-based Physical challenges for comparison of Ties and Overbids.
(e.g. an Elder Assamite with Advanced Celerity and two Elder Powers has 16 additional Traits in
Dexterity-based Physical Challenges for comparison of Ties and Overbids).

Intermediate Celerity: Rapidity no longer gives the character The Bomb, but instead allows the
character to spend a Blood Trait to counter attack an incoming attack as Garou can do by spending
a Rage. The Blood Trait spent to do this does not count against the Generational limit of Blood
Traits spent per round.

Advanced Celerity: Fleetness no longer gives the character Win All Ties.


Each level of the Potence Discipline below Elder level (Basic, Basic, Intermediate, Intermediate,
Advanced) gives the Vampire 2 additional Traits in all Strength-based Physical Challenges for
comparison of Ties and Overbids. (e.g. a Brujah with Advanced Potence has 10 additional Traits in
Strength-based Physical Challenges for comparison of Ties and Overbids).

Each Potence Discipline of Elder level or higher gives the Vampire 3 additional Traits in all
Strength-based Physical challenges for comparison of Ties and Overbids. (e.g. an Elder Lasombra
with Advanced Potence and two Elder Powers has 16 additional Traits in Strength-based Physical
Challenges for comparison of Ties and Overbids).

Intermediate Potence: Vigor no longer gives the character The Bomb, but instead adds an
additional level of damage to Brawl and Melee Attacks.

Advanced Potence: Puissance no longer gives the character Win All Ties.

Elder Potence: Imprint does not automatically kill Garou.

Any use of the Discipline: Temporis is Reserved for Use by National Staff.


Dark Thaumaturgy and used to Summon Demons (as detailed in the Laws of the Night, Revised: Sabbat
Guide) requires Top Approval for demons that are Methuselah level or more powerful.


Skin Dancer NPC Creation

Skin Dancers can be made either as Kinfolk collecting the hides necessary for the Rite of Sacred Rebirth, or can be
made as Skin Dancers having done the Rite. Either way, Skin Dancers are Low Approval. Review pages 512-514 to
understand Skin Dancers and their best application.
Made after the Rite of Sacred Rebirth, Skin Dancers have the following creation rules:

Average the five Ranks of the hides of the Garou collected. The Skin Dancers Attributes and Temper Caps
equal the Rank of that average.
Starting Gnosis: 1, Starting Willpower: 4
Skin Dancers have a starting Rage equal to the Starting Rage of the Auspice of Garou pelts used in the Rite
of Sacred Rebirth.
All Pure Breed and Ancestors are lost, but can buy the Totem Background as Garou do to follow Minotaur if
they form a Pack of at least 3 Skin Dancers to follow the Totem.
Skin Dancers can purchase the Fetish Background.
Skin Dancers regenerate, frenzy, shapeshift, and Step Sideways the same as Garou.
Skin Dancers retain any Gifts they had as Kinfolk.
Skin Dancers can buy Basic Gifts for 5XP, and Intermediate Gifts for 10 XP. They can buy Homid Gifts and
the Gifts of the Auspice used in the Rite of Sacred Rebirth.
Skin Dancers can hide their Wyrm Taint for a day by performing the Rite of cleansing upon themselves.
The Rite of Sacred Rebirth is so potent that Spirits do not automatically know a Skin Dancer for what they
are, and may be fooled into believing they are Garou without cause to believe otherwise.
Background: Totem
(Flavor as per W20 page 514).
Background Cost: 6
Traits: Skin Dancer followers of Minotaur gain the Physical Trait Resilient and a Survival Ability. In addition, Minotaur
places his children in contact with Spirits that can teach them Gifts and thus his followers can learn any Garou Basic
and Intermediate Gifts.
Ban: As per W20 page 514.

Rite of Sacred Rebirth: As per W20, page 513. The challenge to win for this Rite is a Static Mental Challenge (9
Traits, retest Rites).



Mage NPC Creation

Mage NPCs use the Laws of Ascension, Revised and the Laws of Ascension, Companion for creation.

Mages with Aret 4 are High Approval.

Mages with Aret 5 are Top Approval.

The use of Nephandi is High Notification.

The use of Marauders is High Notification.

The use of Technocracy or their creations or equipment is Top Approval.


Wraiths use the same creation and mechanics as Spirits, however, they cannot be affected by powers that
do not specifically work on Wraiths. Gifts and powers that target Spirits do not function on Wraiths.

Below are the rules for using the Gift: Faerie Kin. STs can make Changeling NPCs using the templates below.


Faerie Kin (Intermediate Fianna): Replace With:

Prerequisites: Fianna Lore 3 and Fae Lore 3, or Spirit Quest to Arcadia Gateway
Activation Limit: Once per scene
Activation Cost: 1 Gnosis Trait
Additional Expenditures: 0 5 Gnosis Traits (no more than 5)
Challenge: Static Social vs. 10 Traits, retest Ability: Occult. +2 Trait Difficulty for each level of Spirit Enmity: Stag.
Additional Challenges: If the initial Social Challenge is failed, the Storyteller conducts two additional Simple
Challenges. If both of those Simple Challenges are lost, the summoned Faerie will still arrive but is hostile (see
description below). The character using this Gift is not aware of the temperament of the arriving Faerie or if the Gift


Activation Time:
o Base Faerie Template 1 Additional Expenditures: End of current round
o 2 3 Additional Expenditures: End of following round
o 4 5 Additional Expenditures: End of round after next
Duration: One scene or hour from Faerie arrival, whichever comes first
Action Cost: One Action
A character with this Gift may take an action to summon a Faerie to aid her. The character using this Gift states to
the Storyteller the type and Kith (see below) of Faerie she wishes to summon, spends one Gnosis Trait to activate the
Gift, and can then choose to spend up to five more additional Gnosis Traits. After all Gnosis Trait expenditures have
been made, the Fianna then engages in a Static Social Challenge against a difficulty of 10 Traits, retesting with
Ability: Occult. If the Static Social Challenge is lost, all of the expended Gnosis is lost, and the Storyteller then
conducts two Simple Challenges. If either of the Simple Challenges is won, the Faerie does not arrive as the Gift
fails. If both of the Simple Challenges are lost the Faerie still arrives but is hostile to the Fianna who summoned it.
This hostility may result in direct assaults on the user of this Gift, or it may result in the Faerie taking actions to
sabotage efforts the user of the Gift is trying. A hostile Faerie may also engage directly any of the users allies, or
may also work to sabotage any of the users allies efforts however, this is only the case of the user himself is
unable to be harmed or affected.
The more additional expenditures of Gnosis Traits the user of the Gift expended, the longer it takes for the Faerie to
arrive. While waiting for the Faerie to arrive, the Gift user is free to act.
The Faeries summoned with this Gift are not mindless servants of the user of the Gift. They do genuinely wish to aid
the user of this Gift, but will not engage in blatantly suicidal actions. Faeries summoned with this Gift do not intuitively
know the desires of the user of the Gift so users of the Gift will likely have to explain the ways they want the Faerie to
help them accomplish their goals. This interaction should be role-played. Obvious situations, such as the user of the
Gift being in combat or being harmed, will cause a non-hostile summoned Faerie to arrive and immediately engage
the Gift users assailant/s, to defend/help the Gift user escape harm, or aid the Gift user in whatever way the Faerie is
able to best do so.
Faeries summoned with this Gift are ran by the Storyteller, or any person the Storyteller allows to portray the Faerie.
At Storyteller discretion, abuse or attack of the summoned Faerie by the Gift user or his allies (including other Gaian
Garou) will result in the user of the Gift accruing Spirit Enmity: Stag.
Each Faerie Kith has a base statline that is used to determine the trait levels and abilities of a Faerie when
summoned with this Gift without any additional expenditure of Gnosis Traits. The only modifications that can come to
these statlines are those that are listed with the Additional Expenditure of Gnosis. Characters cannot change the
type of damage the Faeries deal or the weapons the wield or enhance their Abilities or Traits with any other powers
than what is given from this Gift.
Faeries have Glamour listed in their statline, and Glamour is used in place of Gnosis to fuel their powers. Faeries
can also use Glamour to heal one level of damage inflicted on them of any type once per round. Glamour cannot be
spent to heal damage inflicted from any cold iron source.
Each Faerie Kith also has a Ban. These Bans are parts of the original pact made between the Fae and the Fianna
long ago when this Gift came to be, and represent the Fiannas obligations to the Fae in return for help. Some Bans
require actions to be performed by the Gift-user, and others regulate how the Gift-user behaves around the Faerie.
Violating the Faeries Ban automatically turns the Faerie has hostile against the Gift-user, and automatically gives the


Gift-user one level (or additional level if the Gift-user already possesses) of Spirit Enmity: Stag. Some Faerie Bans
explain how the violation of the Faeries Ban causes the hostility to manifest, and others it remains up to the
Storyteller to decide what the Faerie will do. In any case, violating the Faeries Ban will always result in the Faerie
trying to hinder or harm the Gift-user. A Gift-user can advise his allies of the Ban of the Faerie being summoned, but
this knowledge is forgotten once the Gift has ended. It requires Lore: Fae x3 to know the Faerie Bans without being
told by the Gift-user.

Artisan Faerie
Artisan Faeries are summoned usually to aid the Fianna in some task of crafting or skill. Artisan Faeries are aids and
helpers more than anything, and abhor violence. With vivid imaginations and great crafting skill Fianna Craftsman
often consult Artisan Faeries for their ideas and appraisals.
Each Additional Expenditure Gnosis Trait spent increases the Artisan Faerie statistics as follows:
Attributes: +1 Social Trait, +2 Mental Traits
Abilities: +1 to all Abilities
Health Levels: +1 Healthy Health Level
Glamour: An Artisan Faerie can spend a Glamour to retest any Crafts or Repair Challenge at 2 Additional
Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Special: An additional once per scene use of each Special Ability for every 2 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits
Actions per Round: +1 at 4 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits were spent

Base Boggan
Attributes: 6 Physical Traits, 10 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 6, Glamour 8
Abilities: Brawl, Dodge, Craft (Fiannas Choice), Craft (Fiannas Choice), Empathy, Medicine, Occult, Repair,
Scrounge, Stealth, Survival
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 2 paces
Standard Movement: 4 paces
Damage: 1 Lethal (Crafting Tool), 1 Bashing (Unarmed)
Special Ability:

Cooking (as the Bone Gnawers Gift), used at will.

Craftwork: The Boggan can reduce the time of any project it is working on to 1/3 or the normal time to
complete the task. The Boggan must remain unwatched while using Craftwork or the ability fails.


Diagnostics (as the Glass Walkers Gift), can be used on any inanimate object, used at will.
Friend in Need (as the Bone Gnawers Gift), used once per scene.
Mothers Touch (as the Theurge Gift), used once per scene.
Reshape Object (as the Homid Gift), can be used once per scene. Cannot be used to create permanently
reshaped objects.
Ban: Boggans are creatures of hearth and home, and have an incredible sense of sympathy for the needy. While
summoned, the Gift-user give hospitality and a warm hearth to any who ask for no less than one day and no more
than three days. Only the guest being hostile or rude to the Gift-user relieves the Gift-user of this obligation. Failure
to do so violates the Faeries Ban.

Base Nocker
Attributes: 8 Physical Traits, 6 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 6, Glamour 8
Abilities: Brawl, Dodge, Craft (Fiannas Choice) 2, Craft (Fiannas Choice) 2, Craft (Fiannas Choice) 2, Occult,
Repair 2, Stealth
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 2 paces
Standard Movement: 4 paces
Damage: 1 Lethal (Crafting Tool), 1 Bashing (Unarmed)
Special Ability:

Control Simple Machine (as the Glass Walkers Gift), used once per scene.
Control Complex Machine (as the Glass Walkers Gift), used once per scene.
Diagnostics (as the Glass Walkers Gift), can be used on any inanimate object, used at will.
Fabric of the Mind (as the Galliard Gift), cannot be used to summon creatures, or beings of sentience only
items, structures, and the like. However, any items conjured with this power automatically have two
Negative Traits in addition to any normal Negative Traits for the item. These Negative Traits cause the user
of the item to automatically bid two additional Traits in any challenge where the item is used. Items conjured
from Fabric of the Mind last for one scene. This power can be used once per scene.
Reshape Object (as the Homid Gift), can be used once per scene. Any object shaped cannot be
permanently shaped. Any object shaped automatically has two Negative Traits in addition to any normal
Negative Traits for the item. These Negative Traits cause the user of the item to automatically bid two
additional Traits in any challenge where the item is used.
Summon Nocker: Once per scene the Nocker can summon another Nocker to aid him at the cost of one Glamour.
The summoned Nocker is a Base Template Nocker, and does not have access to Summon Nocker or Fabric of the
Mind. This does not take an action, and the other Nocker arrives immediately from the nearest nook or cranny.
Ban: Nockers are great inventors and creators but any object they craft is always flawed in some way (at least two
Negative Traits in any item). Any time the Gift-user or an ally points out the Negative Traits of an item the Nocker
makes, the Faeries Ban is violated and an item of the Gift-users shatters and is destroyed. This can even affect
Fetishes, if the Gift-user fails a Simple Test.


Martial Faerie
Martial Faeries are exactly as their name implies. When the Fianna need support and back up, the old pacts and
ways bring the might of dreams and the savagery of nightmare. Martial Faeries can hold their own well in combat
against nearly all foes. Their combat skills make even the Garou pause to offer respect.
Each Gnosis spent increases the Martial Faerie statistics as follows:
Attributes: +3 Physical Traits, +1 Social Trait, +1 Mental Trait.
Abilities: +1 to all Abilities.
Health Levels: +1 Healthy Health Level.
Actions per Round: +1 for every 3 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Damage: +1 for every 2 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Special Ability: Armor: Subtract an additional level of damage from any successful attack against the Troll at 3
Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Special Ability: Regeneration: Per Additional Expenditure Gnosis Trait spent, the Troll can spend an additional
Glamour Trait per round to remove a health level of damage from himself. Regeneration cannot work on any wounds
inflicted by cold iron.
Special Ability: Dark Appetite: At the cost of one Glamour per counter-attack, a Redcap can receive an immediate
bite counter-attack against any foe that attacked him whether they hit or missed the Redcap. This is available at 3
Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.

Base Troll
Attributes: 12 Physical Traits, 10 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 7, Glamour 8
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl 2, Dodge, Intimidation, Leadership, Melee 2, Occult, Survival
Health Levels: 7 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 3 paces
Standard Movement: 6 paces
Damage: 3 Lethal (Hammer), 1 Lethal (Unarmed)

Armor: Subtract one level of damage from any successful attack against the Troll.
Regeneration: The Troll heals one health level of damage at the end of each turn. This does not apply to
damage caused by cold iron.
Ban: Trolls prize honor above all else, and have a very specific code of honor they abide by as was agreed to in the
original pact between the Fianna and the Trolls. A Troll that is summoned will not attack an innocent person
(innocent as determined by the Storyteller), nor will they strike a surrendering foe, nor will they kill a foe that has


already been knocked to the Incapacitated health level or below. A Troll can always tell when the Gift-user has told
the Troll a lie. The Gift user engaging in any of these activities while the Troll is summoned violates the Faeries Ban.

Base Redcap
Attributes: 10 Physical Traits, 8 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 5, Glamour 8
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl 2, Dodge, Intimidation 2, Melee, Occult, Survival
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 4 paces
Standard Movement: 8 paces
Damage: 2 Aggravated (bite), 1 Lethal (Unarmed)
Special: Dark Appetite Redcaps do not need to grapple in order to bite, and take no damage or ill effects from
biting, eating, or consuming anything.
Ban: Redcaps possess a savage hunger and thirst for blood. Any time the redcap bites a foe, he demands rights to
consume the heart of the foe and to wash his cap in the blood of the foe within the scene of being summoned. If the
Ban is not fulfilled within the scene, the Redcap targets the Gift user to slake this gruesome hunger, and remains until
defeated or until he has consumed the Gift users heart.

Nature Faerie
The Garou are far from the only defenders of the wild places of Gaia. The dreams that live there are rarely seen in
the modern days, but the Nature Faeries still occasionally answer the call of the Fianna who find themselves in such
wild places and need aid.
Each Gnosis spent increases the Nature Faerie statistics as follows:
Attributes: +2 Physical Traits, +2 Social Traits, +2 Mental Traits
Abilities: +1 to all Abilities
Health Levels: +1 Healthy Health Level
Glamour: A Social Faerie can spend a Glamour to use Camouflage (as the Wendigo Gift) at 2 Additional Expenditure
Gnosis Traits spent.
Special: An additional once per scene use of each Special Ability at 3 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Actions per Round: +1 at 3 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.

Base Ghille Dhu


Attributes: 10 Physical Traits, 10 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 7, Glamour 8

Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl 2, Dodge, Intimidation, Occult, Survival 2
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 3 paces
Standard Movement: 6 paces
Damage: 2 Lethal (Unarmed)
Create Element (as the Metis Gift), once per scene.
Gaias Vengeance (as the Red Talons Gift), once per scene.
Hand of the Earth Lords (as the Uktena Gift), once per scene.
Quicksand (as the Red Talons Gift), once per scene.
Trackless Waste (as the Red Talons Gift), once per scene.
Ban: Summoning a Ghillie Dhu into an urban environment violates the Faeries Ban.

Base Selkie
Attributes: 8 Physical Traits, 12 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 5, Glamour 8
Abilities: Animal Ken 2, Athletics, Awareness, Brawl 2, Dodge, Empathy, Leadership 2, Occult, Survival
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 3 paces
Standard Movement: 6 paces
Damage: 1 Bashing (unarmed)
Drown (as the Rokea Gift), once per scene.
Fathom Sight (as the Rokea Gift), once per scene.
Head Games (as the Galliard Gift), once per scene.
Set the Mind Adrift (as the Rokea Gift), once per scene.
Spirit of the Fish (as the Uktena Gift), used at will.
Thousand Forms (as the Ragabash Gift), limited to the form of a seal, used at will.
Ban: Summoning a Selkie to any area that is further than a mile away from any large water source (lake, river, sea)
violates the Faeries Ban.

Secrets Faerie


As old as time, and perhaps older if some stories are to be believed the Faeries have seen ages come and pass
and with that time comes knowledge and wisdom. When a Fianna needs to know something she calls upon a
Secrets Faerie to reveal what knowledge the Tuatha de Danaan know.
Each Additional Expenditure Gnosis spent increases the Social Faerie statistics as follows:
Attributes: +1 Physical Trait, +1 Social Trait, +2 Mental Traits
Abilities: +1 to all Abilities
Health Levels: +1 Healthy Health Level
Glamour: A Secrets Faerie can spend a Glamour to gain the benefit of Blur of the Milky Eye for the scene at 2
Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Special: An additional once per scene use of each Special Ability at 3 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Actions per Round: +1 at 3 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.

Base Eshu
Attributes: 8 Physical Traits, 12 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 6, Glamour 8
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Brawl , Dodge 2, Expression 2, Leadership 1, Occult, Performance 2,
Subterfuge, Survival
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 5 paces
Standard Movement: 10 paces
Damage: 2 Lethal (Weapon of Choice), 1 Lethal (Unarmed)
Special Ability:
Attunement Urban/City (as the Bone Gnawers/Silent Striders Gift) once per scene.
Bridgewalker (as the Galliard Gift) once per scene.
Scent of Beyond (as the Philodox Gift) once per scene.
Shadows by the Firelight (as the Galliard Gift) once per scene.
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (as the Philodox Gift) once per scene.
Ban: Eshu love travel and adventure, and expect that after being summoned by the Gift-user to be told a story of the
Gift users adventures or travels. The Eshu remains after the Gift has ended to be told the story, and during this time
will not aid the Gift-user. Particularly boring or short stories will cause the Eshu to demand another story be told.
Failure to tell the Eshu a tale after the Gift has ended violates the Faeries Ban. This causes the Gift-user to suffer
long delays, obstacles, and hardships (as determined by the storyteller) during any travels for the next month to


Base Sluagh
Attributes: 8 Physical Traits, 8 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 6, Glamour 8
Abilities: Awareness 2, Brawl , Dodge 2, Expression 2, Leadership 1,Lore: Wraith, Occult, Performance 2,
Subterfuge, Survival
Health Levels: 6 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 3 paces
Standard Movement: 6 paces
Damage: 2 Lethal (Weapon of Choice), 1 Bashing (Unarmed)
Special Ability:
Background: Secrets (as the Bastet Background) per Trait of Gnosis spent.
Dark Truths (as the Corax Gift) once per scene.
Enemy Ways (as the Corax Gift) once per scene.
Eyes of the Cat (as the Metis Gift) once per scene.
Heightened Senses (as the Lupus Gift) once per scene.
Ban: Sluagh are traditionally known for their association with spirits of the dead. Each time this Gift is used to
summon a Sluagh, the Gift-user is given a task by the Sluagh to complete on behalf of a dead soul. This is usually a
task to help the dead soul complete whatever business keeps it tethered to this world. The Gift-user has one week
from use of this Gift to complete the task given. Failure violates the Faeries Ban, and also causes the Sluagh to
privately visit any and all of the Gift-users current enemies, allies, and associations in-between and tell them the
darkest secrets of the Gift-user. This can equate to mechanical effects such as Negative Traits, Flaws,
derangements, and even secret allies, love affairs, or violations of the litany. Storytellers are encouraged to make the
difficulty of the task and the time to complete it (a month or less on the high end) to scale upward with the power level
of the Sluagh, and the amount the Sluagh did for the Gift-user.

Social Faerie
Social Faeries are summoned for the purposes of festivities, negotiations, or if the need is to avoid bloodshed. Social
Faeries can be terrifying in their sway and power, and to summon them frivolously has led to many the Fiann falling
deeply in love with them, only to crash madly into Harano at their departure.
Each Additional Expenditure Gnosis spent increases the Social Faerie statistics as follows:
Attributes: +1 Physical Trait, +2 Social Traits, +1 Mental Trait
Abilities: +1 to all Abilities
Health Levels: +1 Healthy Health Level
Glamour: A Social Faerie can spend a Glamour to retest any Social Challenge at 2 Additional Expenditure Gnosis
Traits spent. This cannot be done more than once per Social Challenge.
Special: An additional once per scene use of each Special Ability at 3 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.


Actions per Round: +1 at 3 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.

Base Satyr
Attributes: 10 Physical Traits, 12 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 4, Glamour 8
Abilities: Awareness, Brawl 2, Dodge, Empathy 2, Expression 2, Intimidation, Leadership 2, Occult, Performance 2,
Subterfuge, Survival
Health Levels: 6 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 5 paces
Standard Movement: 10 paces
Damage: 2 Lethal (Horns), 1 Lethal (Unarmed)
Special Ability:
Dance of Abandon (as the Nuwisha Gift) once per scene.
Dance of Dionysis (as the Nuwisha Gift) once per scene.
Head Games (as the Galliard Gift) once per scene.
Reverie (as the Fianna Gift) once per scene.
Song of Kokopelli (as the Nuwisha Gift) once per scene.
Ban: Satyrs are constant revelers, and expect that when they arrive the parties they throw arent to be interrupted
with physical violence. If the Gift-user or his pack initiates physical violence while the Satyr is present and creating
festivities the Faeries Ban is violated. This does not count against playful sport and rough-housing, but actual intent
to cause physical harm.

Base Sidhe
Attributes: 9 Physical Traits, 12 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 7, Glamour 8
Abilities: Awareness, Dodge, Empathy, Etiquette 2, Expression 2, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Melee 2, Occult,
Subterfuge 2
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 3 paces
Standard Movement: 6 paces
Damage: 2 Lethal (Sword), 1 Bashing (Unarmed)

Aura of Confidence (as the Shadow Lord Gift), used at will.


Dazzle (as the Children of Gaia Gift) once per scene.

Glib Tongue (as the Fianna Gift), once per scene.
Mastery (as the Silver Fang Gift), once per scene.
Roll Over (as the Philodox Gift), once per scene.
Ban: The Sidhe are the noble Lords of the Fae, and expect deference and recognition of that fact in all ways. While
summoned the Gift-user and his pack must show this deference to the Sidhe, including bowing at first meeting,
referring to the Sidhe with titles and honorifics of respect (My Lord, Most Fair One, Good Lord, Your Grace,
etc.) and other forms of proper protocol. Failure to do so violates the Faeries Ban.

Trickster Faerie
Any Fianna will tell you that the true nature of the Fae is entirely mercurial and fickle. A spirit of the Wyld inhabits the
Fae and makes them flighty and unpredictable in the extreme. Sometimes though, if you can focus one of the
trickster Fae to your purposes the chaos these Fae can cause is priceless.
Each Additional Expenditure Gnosis spent increases the Trickster Faerie statistics as follows:
Attributes: +1 Physical Trait, +2 Social Traits, +1 Mental Trait
Abilities: +1 to all Abilities
Health Levels: +1 Healthy Health Level
Glamour: A Trickster Faerie can spend a Glamour to use Taking the Forgotten (as the Ragabash Gift), or to become
completely undetectable if out of line of sight of any foes at 2 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Special: An additional once per scene use of each Special Ability at 2 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.
Actions per Round: +1 at 3 Additional Expenditure Gnosis Traits spent.

Base Clurichaun
Attributes: 9 Physical Traits, 10 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 5, Glamour 8
Abilities: Brawl 2, Dodge, Empathy, Expression 2, Leadership 2, Occult, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 3 paces
Standard Movement: 6 paces
Damage: 2 Lethal (Shillelagh), 1 Bashing (Unarmed)

Blur of the Milky Eye (as the Ragabash Gift), used at will.
Glib Tongue (as the Fianna Gift), used at will.
Gremlins (as the Ragabash Gift), once per scene.


Intrusion (as the Glass Walkers Gift), once per scene.

Phantasm (as the Fianna Gift), once per scene.
Ban: Clurichauns have a predisposition for drinking and brawling. At the end of the scene the Gift was used the Giftuser must take the Clurichaun to drink his fill (an amount determined by the Storyteller, and at no small expense) at
any place of the Gift-users choosing. The Gift-user is expected to supply the drinks for the Clurichaun, and when
(because, its not really an if) the Clurichaun picks a fight while drinking the Gift-user is expected to have the
Clurichauns back through-out the scrap. Failure to do this violates the Faeries Ban, as does any time the Gift-user
or his allies refer to the Clurichaun as a Leprechaun. Violating the Faeries Ban means for a month any home or
residence of the Gift-user being inexplicably wrecked and destroyed, and all of the Gift-users booze disappearing.
Typically this happens while the Gift-user is not home, but can even occur while the Gift-user is asleep causing him
to wake to a truly terrible mess.

Base Pooka
Attributes: 8 Physical Traits, 10 Social Traits, 10 Mental Traits, Willpower 5, Glamour 8
Abilities: Animal Ken 2, Brawl 2, Dodge, Empathy, Expression 2, Occult, Performance, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2
Health Levels: 5 Healthy
Actions per Round: 1
Combat Movement: 3 paces
Standard Movement: 6 paces
Damage: 2 Lethal (Animal Form Attack), 1 Bashing (Unarmed)
Beast Life (as the Lupus Gift), once per scene.
Doppleganger (as the Glass Walkers Gift), once per scene.
Faerie Light (as the Fianna Gift), used at will.
Gremlins (as the Ragabash Gift), once per scene.
Thousand Forms (as the Ragabash Gift), once per scene.
Ban: Pookas are known for their uncontrollable tendency to tell lies. While summoned the Gift-user is unable to call
out the Faerie on anything the Faerie says, even if the Gift-user knows it is a lie. The Gift-user is expected to go
along with (or at least appear to go along with) any of the lies the Pooka tells, regardless of how grandiose they may
be. Failure to do so violates the Faeries Ban.



Action After everyone involved in the combat has an opportunity to act in a Round (on their Initiative) an Action is
completed. The 1 Action is called the Everyman Action. If players want to have their characters spend Rage Traits
to make additional actions (attacks and/or for additional movement) they can do so after Everyman Action is
completed. Additional Actions are referred to as 1 Rage Action, 2 Rage Action etc.

Turn/Round All references to a Turn or Round are interchangeable. After all Challenges and Actions are finished
(including any Rage Actions), a turn is completed. A turn lasts approximately 4 seconds.

On your Initiative you may do each and every one of the following:

Activate one power or item that does not require a Contested Challenge (only on normal Everyman Action).
Take up to the number of steps allowed by your current form (roughly one yard per step).
Attempt one Contested Challenge.
Perform a task that does not require a Challenge.
Spend Rage Traits (Rage may be spent during the Everyman Action and also may be spent to take Rage
actions after the Everyman Action, only if you do not spend Gnosis Traits or initiate a Gnosis Challenge.
Spend Gnosis Traits (May only be spent during the Everyman Action, and only if you do not spend Rage
Traits or initiate a Rage Challenge.
Spend Willpower Traits (May be spent at any time).

Traits granted by Tribal Advantages may exceed caps for Attributes, Abilities, Rage, Gnosis and Willpower. Traits
granted by Totems may exceed caps for Attributes, Abilities, and Backgrounds. These Traits may be bid and lost as
normal and count toward your totals for the comparison of ties and overbids. Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower Tempers
granted by Totems are for expenditure only, and do not count for comparison of ties and overbids in challenges
unless specifically stated.

Powers, abilities, or other effects that put a penalty or disadvantage on a target count as an attack for the purposes
of disrupting powers, abilities, and effects that change or end as a result of the target or user being attacked.


On your Initiative, you may attempt to actively participate in a Challenge, whether that Challenge is Contested,
Simple, or Static. If another character requires you to make a Challenge during their action, it doesnt count towards
your limit of one Contested Challenge as long as you are only passively defending. It is possible to passively defend
from several Challenges.

Contested Challenges

A character can be targeted by five Physical Challenges, one Social Challenge, and one Mental Challenge in the
Everyman Action. A character can be targeted by 5 Physical challenges during each Rage Action. Only Physical
Challenges may be initiated in Rage Actions. (i.e. No Willpower, Gnosis, Mental or Social Challenges. etc) If a power
does not specify, for purposes of targeting: (Gnosis = Social Challenge) and (Willpower = Mental Challenge). It is not
considered initiating a Willpower or Gnosis Challenge, if you are required to do so to overcome a power to do your
Physical Action. (i.e. You must beat an opponent in a Willpower Challenge to overcome their Wrath of Gaia, before
you can do the Physical Challenge. This attempt to overcome their Wrath of Gaia can be done in Rage actions,
because the kind of action you are performing is not determined by your opponents defensive power, but is
determined by what action you are attempting to accomplish.) An ST has final call on whether a challenge is
legitimate or an attempt to protect someone by abusing the rules. If this abuse occurs, the target is treated as if they
have not been targeted yet.

When you attempt a Contested Challenge, you are directly challenging another players character in a way that
allows them to resist.

For a Contested Challenge, you must declare your target, bid an initial Trait (in this case a Physical Trait), and then
define the Challenge you intend (Your Action and your Victory Condition). The action would be Punch Joey in the
face and your Victory Condition would be to deal damage. Your opponent, Joey, who decided he can take the
punch will then bid a Trait of his own (in this case, a Stamina-based Physical Trait) and he will also declare his Action
(taking the blow with out moving) and his Victory Condition (take no damage). Once youve both bid your Traits,
declared your Actions and Victory Conditions, you throw RPS to see who is successful. The winners Victory
Condition happens, and the losers Victory Condition does not happen. If you tie the RPS, you must compare Traits.
The character with the most Traits wins. If you both have equal Traits neither Victory Condition occurs (usually to the
advantage of the defender), and both are considered to have failed the Challenge. If the final result of the Challenge,
after all applicable retests are resolved, is a failed Challenge, the character or characters that lost then lose any Traits
that were bid in the Challenge.

Mass Challenges

Powers or Items that affect an entire area are not considered to be targeting an individual. In such a case where
there is a Challenge against more than one defender, only one initial Trait is required to be bid by the aggressor. The
defenders bid normally. Challenges to resolve the action may be thrown all at once or individually, ST discretion.

Contested Mental / Social Challenges

The person who is being affected by a Mental or Social Challenge may spend a Willpower Trait to get a
retest. The character that is employing the power can not spend a Willpower Trait to retest the use of their
own power.


If you target another character with a Mental or Social Challenge and fail you must wait at least five real-time
minutes (out of combat) or 5 rounds (in combat) before repeating the same Challenge. If your Challenge is
successful but the target resists in some other way this time limitation doesnt apply.

Bidding Traits

When bidding traits in a Challenge of any sort, the initial Trait you bid determines the type of Challenge you are
attempting, as well as what powers, merits, retests, etc. you may use during the Challenge. If you bid more than one
Trait in a Challenge, only the first Trait bid matters for these purposes.


The fact that your target isnt resisting does not allow you to take another Contested Challenge.

Multiple Tests

When a characters declared attack would require multiple Challenges, it doesnt necessarily take multiple Actions.
For example, a Wyrm minion may need to make a Willpower Challenge to defeat someones Wrath of Gaia before
they can punch them. Even though this attack will require two Challenges (one Willpower Challenge to defeat his
Wrath of Gaia, and one Physical Challenge to perform the punch) doing so will only require one Action and can be
done on Rage Actions. Powers that require you to touch your opponent before using them often involve two
Challenges; one to touch your opponent, and one to activate the power. These do not take multiple Actions to
perform, unless you are attempting to get more than one benefit. For example, if you try to touch someone in order to
use Falling Touch you could attempt both the touch and the Gift as a single attack that requires only one Challenge. If
instead you try to grapple someone and Falling Touch it would require two Actions, one to Grapple and one to use
the gift. To explain this another way. When an attack requires multiple Challenges its type is determined by the
Challenge that causes an effect. Example: it may require a Willpower Challenge to hit a character using Icy Chill of
Despair but the Challenges type isnt determined by your targets defensive power. Its determined by what youre
trying to accomplish. Attempting to punch someone who is using Icy Chill of Despair will require a Willpower
Challenge but the type of Challenge is still Physical, since the effect will be coming from the punch and not the
Willpower test.

Miscellaneous Challenges

On your Initiative, during the Everyman Action you may perform one task that doesnt require a Contested Challenge,
and one activation of a power or item, so long as you can spend everything that is necessary. Powers and items
sometimes require Rage, Gnosis or Willpower Challenges or to fuel them while mundane tasks often require a free

Full Turn Challenges

If a power says it takes a full turn (or more) to perform, it may not be sped up and occurs at the end of the turn. (i.e.
after all Everyman and Rage Actions have been completed) When using a power that requires your full turn, you
cannot take Rage Actions, you cannot move, talk, or complete any tasks that require the use of your hands, unless
those things are required by the power your character is activating. If you choose to do any of the previous list of
prohibited actions, the power you were attempting to activate fails to do so and any expenditures are wasted.
Resisting the actions of others does not cause automatic failure of your Full Turn Action.


Challenges happen in Initiative order. Your Initiative is based on the Trait category that corresponds to the type of
Challenge youre performing.

When determining who goes first, compare a characters base Traits + their current form. Attribute Traits (not Bonus
Traits) granted by Totems also count toward your initiative. With the exception of Spirit of the Fray, Traits gained
from powers, specialties, merits, maneuvers or weapons do not add to the Initiative total. If two characters have the
same number of Traits, their Challenges happen simultaneously, and the ST must choose which one resolves first. It
does not matter if your Challenge is a Contested or Static; only the number of Traits being bid in that Challenge
matter. For purposes of Initiative only: a Rage Challenge is based off of Physical Traits, a Gnosis Challenge is based
off Social Traits, and a Willpower Challenge is based off of Mental Traits. If you do not require a challenge during the
Action, your Initiative is based on your Physical Traits.

The player who has the highest Initiative goes first, followed by the next highest and so on. Remember on your turn
you may do all of the following: perform one contested Challenge, activate one power or item that does not require a
Contested Challenge (as long as you have the resources), move your steps based on form, and perform one task
that doesnt require a Challenge. Or move twice your steps based on form if you are not performing a Contested

Initiative Exceptions

Some powers, items, or maneuvers say they can be used (or activated) Immediately or At any time. These can be
used anytime you wish (even before your Initiative). Others have specific qualifiers telling you when they can be used
like When performing another Challenge. If it isnt immediate and doesnt specify when it happens, resolve it on your

A Counterattack is another exception to the Initiative rules. This doesnt allow you to take extra Challenges out of turn
but does give an option of opposing a Physical attack against you by attempting a Counterattack of your own (see
Counterattack below).

Holding your Initiative

There will be times when your character will not want to act right away. You may choose to lower yourself in the
Initiative order for the turn. Once the Initiative order reaches zero the round ends and anyone who hasnt used their
Action yet forfeits their Action.



Unless specifically detailed otherwise if required to round, always round down.

Retest Categories


In a given Challenge you may call on one retest from each applicable category.

Miscellaneous Retests

Unlike other categories of retests, you may use any number of miscellaneous retests as long as theyre applicable.
For example, a single Challenge may benefit from both an Overbid and a Willpower retest.

Darkness/Invisible Opponents: The Darkness retest isnt resolved like a normal retest. If you attempt a
Physical Challenge against a target that you cant see, you suffer a two Trait penalty to resolve the test. If
you win the Challenge you must make one more test (a Darkness retest). You may expend one level of the
Blindfighting Ability to negate this forced retest. If both you and your target are equally affected by the
darkness, you may use your opponents forced retest to cancel your own. You cannot target characters you
cannot see with Mental or Social Challenges unless specified otherwise.
Overbid: To use the Overbid retest you must bid an additional Trait and inform your opponent and the
presiding ST you are intending to attempt an Overbid. If you have twice as many Traits (for the Challenge)
as your opponent (or more) you may retest. If you do not your attempt to Overbid fails, and the bid Trait is
lost. You may also attempt to Overbid the Static Tests difficulty rating (as it is given in Traits). You may not
Overbid a Simple Test.
Willpower: You may spend a Willpower Trait to retest any time youre targeted with a Mental or Social
Challenge. Only the defender (the one subject to the powers use) may use Willpower to retest. You may not
use Willpower to retest a Static or Simple Test.

Surprise: If you physically attack your opponent and he doesnt respond in a reasonable amount of time he
is considered to be surprised. Some effects also allow someone to be surprised while already in combat
(Examples include Bridge Walker, attacking from invisibility, and attacking with a ranged weapon when the
target is unable to sense you before your first shot also called sniping). If youve surprised your opponent
you get a free retest to affect him (a miscellaneous retest). You can only utilize the Surprise retest one time
per target per combat without a specific power saying otherwise.


On your Initiative, you may take steps allowed by your form. If you arent attempting a Contested Challenge you may
take double the amount of steps allowed by your form. If you move (or intend to move) more than one step, you are
down one Trait in all Physical Challenges during that Action. Standing up from a prone position uses up 3 steps of
movement during your Action. If a character chooses not to stand up, they may only crawl one step, regardless of
form. It takes two steps of movement and a non-Contested Challenge to retrieve a dropped item that hasnt been
picked up by someone else.

Homid 3 steps

Glabro 3 steps

Crinos 4 steps

Hispo 5 steps

Lupus 6 steps

Fera use the same movement as the Garou in relation to their form-equivalent movement speed. Corax Corvidform flight speed is equivalent to Lupus speed. Ratkin Rodens-form speed is equivalent to Lupus speed.

Movement Powers

Instead of taking steps, you may instead use a power that allows you to move (Ex: Bridge Walker, Gate to the Moon).
Any movement effect (Gifts, Fetishes etc) that says it doubles movement instead grants two additional steps on each
action in combat and doubles movement out of combat (but not to exit combat), unless otherwise listed.

Rage is gained in multiple ways. Here are a few examples, but the ST may grant Rage at their discretion.

First damage taken while in a combat. (Not your packmate slapping you around to try to get your Rage
Losing in a particular stressful, humiliating, or spectacular fashion.
Looking at the Moon/Sun for the first time that night/day. Shifters and Garou whose Disadvantage includes
allergic to Silver (permanently, meaning not you, Nuwisha - go put some pants on) regain Rage on seeing
the Moon, as described in Laws of the Wild, Revised (page 109). Once per day, Shifters whose Fera
Disadvantage includes allergic to Gold can regain three Rage Traits by closing their eyes and facing the Sun
for one action.
While in Frenzy, 1 Rage is regained at the start of each Everyman Action.


Rage and Gnosis

You cannot spend Rage Traits and Gnosis Traits or make Rage and Gnosis Challenges in the same turn. Being
involuntarily put into a Static or Contested Rage or Gnosis Challenge does not prevent you from spending Rage or
Gnosis during that turn. (e.g.: Being forced by an opponents power to make a Rage Challenge to resist its effects
does not prevent you from spending Gnosis that turn.)

Shifting forms only requires a challenge under stressful conditions. The Garou selects the desired form and engages
in a Static Physical Challenge using his base Physical Traits only (no bonus Traits from Gifts or forms). Traits are not
lost if this challenge fails. If successful, he transitions to that form from his current form at a rate of one form per turn.
Treat the different Fera forms as their Garou equivalent in the Static Challenge difficulty. Fera with only three
forms can take one action and make two Static Tests (tests only required under duress) difficulty 7, retest PrimalUrge to bypass their Crinos-equivalent form and shift directly into their Lupus-equivalent form.
The Nuwishas' Coyote's Many Skins Fera Advantage works by allowing a Nuwisha to bypass one form in the
shifting order by taking an action and succeeding in a Static Challenge (test only required under duress) difficulty
4, retest Primal-Urge.
Additionally, a character can change into his breed form instantly without a challenge or the use of Rage or PrimalUrge Traits. Form-based Attribute Traits are replenished when the Garou's normal Attribute Traits of that category
are replenished.
The Customizing Forms Optional Rule is not used.

Crinos Form
Metis in their breed form (Crinos) regenerate and are allergic to silver.
Base Claw Damage: 2 Aggravated Base
Bite Damage: 1 Aggravated

Hispo Form
Base Claw Damage: 1 Aggravated
Base Bite Damage: 2 Aggravated

Lupus Form
Base Claw Damage: 1 Lethal Base
Bite Damage: 1 Lethal

Bubasti, Ceilican, Corax, Kitsune, Nuwisha, Ratkin, and Qualmi do 1 base aggravated damage with bite or claws
in their Crinos-equivalent and Hispo-equivalent (provided they have one) forms, but otherwise follow the chart


All other Bastet, Gurahl, Mokole, and Khara do two base aggravated damage with bite or claws in their Crinos
and Hispo-equivalent form, but otherwise follow the chart above.
Rokea do three base aggravated damage with a bite in their Crinos-equivalent and Hispo-equivalent forms, but
otherwise follow the chart under Shifting Forms.
All other Fera use the same form damage as the Garou.

Losing the Wolf

At the beginning of the turn (after any Rage is gained), if you have no remaining current Rage and no remaining
current Willpower, you have Lost the Wolf. If this happens you immediately shift to your breed form, and may not
shift forms until you regain at least 1 temporary Rage Trait or 1 temporary Willpower Trait. Form-shifting Gifts and
powers (ie: The Thousand Forms, Gift of the Spriggan, etc.), still continue to function, however, they do so in the
characters Breed form. Any additional Traits from Glabro, Crinos (not including Metis), Hispo, or Lupus (not
including Lupus) are lost.


All weapons and armor use the stats listed in Dark Epics.

Fully-Automatic: The close range of Fully Automatic is within five paces of the gun user (presiding Storyteller
measures the paces). It remains single target only.

Staking: Only available to use on Vampires. No effect on other creatures.

Silver: Any unprotected contact with silver for a turn will cause an aggravated damage. Likewise any damage from a
silver weapon is aggravated to a Garou. In addition, without the protection of certain gifts, silver damage cannot be
soaked (i.e. cannot be resisted with a Stamina-based Trait) unless in Homid form. Homid and Lupus Garou do not
suffer damage from silver while in their breed forms. Garou lose Gnosis from carrying silver as described in Laws of
the Wild, Revised, page 190. Ammunition (e.g. bullets, bolts, and arrows etc.) are treated as one silver item for every
five carried for the purposes of Gnosis loss.

Moon Silver (Top Approval): Moon Silver grants an additional Gnosis to the one carrying it, rather than draining
Gnosis. Only one Gnosis can be gained from carrying Moon Silver at a time. Moon Silver weapons do an additional
level of aggravated damage to those allergic to silver. As Moon Silver is an Umbral metal it has to be spiritually
awakened and the Spirit negotiated with like any other in order to function.

Shotgun: Shotguns can only benefit from Mass Trauma or Spray (depending on the type of ammunition, slug or
shot) not both.


No Mass Combat

Ignore the rules for Mass Combat in Laws of the Wild, Revised. Challenges are resolved individually.

At the end of the Everyman Action, after everyone has resolved all normal Challenges, you may choose to act in
Rage Actions, by spending Rage Traits to take additional Actions (if you have not spent Gnosis Traits or made a
Gnosis Challenge during the Everyman Action). A character cannot spend more Rage in a single round than half of
their base Physical Traits. Rage Actions follow the same rules of Initiative as above, with some exceptions.

When you take a Rage Action you may move up to the steps granted by your form and perform one Contested
Physical Challenge (or double steps if you dont make a Contested Challenge). You may not initiate Mental, Social,
Gnosis or Willpower Challenges during a Rage Action (you may only make Physical Challenges). Once all
Challenges are completed in the 1 Rage Action, you may choose to spend another Rage for an additional action (if
you have the Rage left). This would start the 2 Rage Action. Once you stop spending Rage to take further Actions
you may not start again in further Rage Actions, though you may spend Rage to counterattack as normal. Remember
you cannot spend more Rage then your base Physical Traits in a turn. Continue Rage Actions until no one has a
further Rage Action to take.


When a character is physically attacked, instead of passively defending themselves, they may choose to attack back
in a Contested Challenge. The Challenge is ran normally, and whoever wins the Challenge succeeds in their attack.
This may only be done if the defender has not used their Contested Challenge yet, or if they have a Rage Traits to
spend. If the defender had not taken their Initiative yet, it is considered that their Contested Challenge has now been
used. Any other non-Contested Challenges they wish to perform are completed on their Initiative. If a character is
attacked more than once, he may choose to Counterattack each time, provided he has the Rage Traits and chooses
to spend 1 Rage Trait for each additional Counterattack. This is an exception to the rule that extra Actions are used
during Rage Actions. Any Counterattacks taken with a Rage Action still follow the Rage Action rules of not activating
powers, Fetishes (including Talens) or initiating Mental or Social Challenges.

Note: When counterattacking, you may only attack the person who is attacking you and your Victory Condition can
only affect your attacker. You cannot for example Counterattack with a gun and choose the Spray option.

Instead of doing damage with a physical attack, you can choose to grapple your opponent. By making a Physical
Challenge, you grab hold of your victim. If successful, the victim becomes incapable of physically attacking anyone
but you, and may not move away from you until the grapple is broken. Your grapple is broken if you let go, move


away, take a Physical Challenge targeting anyone but the character youre grappling, or if your victim beats you in
any Physical Challenge.

Dragging Opponents

If you have more Physical Traits than the character you are grappling, you may move one step per Action (1 step
Everyman, 1 step on 1 Rage Action, etc.) and drag him with you. If you are in a war-form (Crinos or Hispo) you may
drag him two steps per Action. If you have both, you may drag your victim a total of three steps per Action.
(Movement powers, items etc do not increase the distance you can drag your opponent).


When using multiple powers that increase damage or add special effects to an attack things can get confusing. The
following will explain how this is done.

Additional Damage

Powers or effects that cause additional damage can be stacked without restriction. For example, you may combine
the effects of Razor Claws and Fatal Flaw to inflict two additional points of damage.

Note that some powers have their own restrictions. For example, Silver Claws inflicts an additional point of damage
but only with claws, and only against a target vulnerable to silver. It will stack with Razor Claws, but only against a
valid target.(i.e. a target that takes special damage from silver such as a Garou).

Attack Modification

Some powers modify an attack without increasing its damage (or in addition to increasing its damage). For example,
once youve activated Silver Claws your claw attacks are aggravated damage, regardless of what form you are in as
long as in that form you have claws. (i.e. lupus, which normally does lethal with its claws).

You may stack multiple effects that modify an attack but you cannot benefit from two different effects that modify an
attack in the same way. For example, you can stack a power that converts your hand to hand into aggravated
damage and a power that causes the next person you hit to continue to bleed, but combining two powers that convert
your hand to hand into aggravated damage has no additional effect.

Special Attacks

Some powers replace the normal attack rules with special mechanics. For example, Falling Touch causes a negative
effect when you touch an opponent. You may not combine a special attack with a normal attack unless the power in
questions specifically says it can. For example, you may not punch someone for damage and use Falling Touch at
the same time. Powers, abilities, or other effects that put a penalty or disadvantage on a target count as an attack for
the purposes of disrupting powers, abilities, and effects that change or end as a result of the target or user being


Since this is a Static Test, you must have more Willpower then your Rage to win on a tie. A Willpower Trait may be
spent for a retest. If you fail, you enter Frenzy (either a Berserk or Fox Frenzy, whichever fits the situation more
appropriately, presiding STs discretion). Any Fera with permanent Rage can Rage Heal and Frenzy. If a Fera has
no listed mechanics for their Frenzy, use the same Frenzy as the Garou.

Rules of Frenzy

You suffer no wound penalties, and do not have to bid a Social or Mental Trait in defense.
You may not relent to any Social or Mental Challenges, and must retest all such challenges with any
available Abilities and Willpower.
You regain a Rage Trait at the beginning of each turn, as long as the source of your Frenzy is still present.
You may not activate Gifts or Fetishes, and may not Step Sideways. (Though current Gifts and Fetishes still
function if appropriate, presiding STs discretion).
You may spend a Willpower Trait to control yourself for one turn.
If you are not in control, you may only claw or bite (Berserk Frenzy) or run (Fox Frenzy). You may not
counterattack. You must spend all available Rage for extra Actions.
At the beginning of the 2 turn (or later) of Frenzy you may spend a Willpower Trait and forsake all Actions
for the turn to remove yourself from Frenzy. If you take any Action before the next turn, the Willpower Trait is
At the beginning of the 2 turn (or later), if the reason for the Frenzy is no longer present, you may test to
come out of Frenzy at the end of the turn.

Berserk Frenzy

When your character enters a Berserk Frenzy you automatically shift to either Crinos or Hispo (players choice). If
your permanent Gnosis is greater or equal to your permanent Rage, you may choose not to attack a packmate, and if
the source of your Frenzy is within reach (i.e. you can reach them by moving the number of steps you are allowed for
your current form or less) you will attack it first. If your permanent Gnosis Rating is less than your permanent Rage
Rating, you will attack the nearest living thing to you. Packmates beware.

Thrall of the Wyrm

You enter a Berserk Frenzy with some differences. You may no longer spend Willpower Traits to control yourself or
come out of frenzy, and your packmates are not protected from you no matter how high your Willpower or Gnosis
Ratings are. No Gift, power, or otherwise unstated mechanic can prematurely end Thrall of the Wyrm. Those who
have Fallen to Thrall must be beaten to unconsciousness to end the Thrall. Witnesses who observe you and possess
Garou Lore of 2 (or greater) will recognize that you have entered this state. Unless otherwise listed in the appropriate
Changing Breeds book to the Fera, Fera do not enter Thrall of the Wyrm.


While outside of combat, non-Metis heal 1 Bashing or Lethal at the beginning of each turn when outside their breed
form. Metis heal this damage in every form. While in combat, shifters regenerate one Bashing Level of damage at the
beginning of each Everyman Action before any Actions are taken. At this time if a character has Lethal damage they
can attempt a Simple Test. If they Win (not Tie) the Simple Test, the character heals one level of Lethal damage
instead of one level of Bashing damage. This is not considered an Action or a Contested Challenge. It takes 1 day to
regenerate aggravated damage, regardless of form.

Once per scene a Garou who has been reduced to Incapacitated may immediately make an attempt to stay active as
listed on page 189 of Laws of the Wyld, Revised. Also, the character may make a Static Test of your Rage (current
or permanent, whichever is greater) vs. a varying amount based on the phase of the Moon. Subtract 1 from the
difficulty if the character is in Crinos or if the Moon matches the characters Auspice (not both). Primal-Urge may be
used as a retest.

New Moon 8 Traits

Crescent Moon 7 Traits
Half Moon 6 Traits
Gibbous Moon 5 Traits
Full Moon 4 Traits

If successful, the character may choose to Rage Heal or Death Rage.


Any and all references to soaking refer to being able to bid a Stamina-based Trait with a Victory Condition of not
being physically damaged. Soaking is retested with the Survival Ability.

Rage Heal

All Health Levels below the 1 Wounded are healed. The character immediately enters a Berserk Frenzy and gains a
Battle Scar that may not be able to be healed. (Storytellers discretion).

Death Rage

All current health levels on the character are healed (i.e. not Health Levels gained from armor Gifts, armor-granting
Fetishes/Talens, or real armor etc). The character immediately enters a Berserk Frenzy. No Gift, power, or otherwise
unstated mechanic can prematurely end Death Rage. (There is no test for Thrall of the Wyrm. They are after all
going to try to go out as a big damn hero.) If the character has not already died by the end of the frenzy (or the scene,
whichever comes first), all previous wounds reappear as the character dies. Any further healing (magical or
otherwise) or other attempt to save the characters life fail.

Gurahl use the Rage Healing rules for all shifters as noted above (not the Remaining Active rule in Changing Breeds
2, page 53).

Battle Scars


Any Aggravated damage if not healed within an hour of taking the damage can leave a Battle Scar. At the end of that
hour, check your characters Health Levels. If your last Bruised level is an Aggravated wound, then you will receive a
Superficial Scar. If your last Wounded level is an Aggravated wound, then you will receive a Deep Scar instead.
When you cheat death there is always a price. If you successfully Rage Healed, the Storyteller will select one of the
Battle Scars on the chart (page 191-192 LotwR) to inflict upon the character, as appropriate to the attack that caused
the scar, and it may not be able to be healed (even by Gifts and powers, STs discretion).


Special abilities such as Kailindo, Klaviscar, and Iskakku are rare and unique. Each has their own set of rules,
requirements and approvals. No character may ever have more than one Fighting Style.


This is a form of Garou martial arts practiced by the Stargazer Tribe. Because of the level of mastery this art requires
it is seldom taught outside of the tribe.


To use any Maneuvers requires the Kailindo Ability and Stargazer Lore x3. Learning times for this ability are at VST
discretion, though it is suggested at least one month between ability purchases. No teacher may teach more levels of
Kailindo then they possess. Each Maneuver costs 1xp to master. No more than two maneuvers may be purchased a
month. This represents the great deal of time and discipline it takes to master.

Approval Level: High Approval

Kailindo masters are masters not only of the physical aspects of martial arts but are adept at using the fluidity of
their shapeshifting to increase their abilities. Whenever a Maneuver is used that requires a change of form, the
difficulty of the test to change form is reduced by 1 for each rank in Kailindo to a minimum test vs. 3 Traits. This shift
is part of the maneuver, and does not take an additional Challenge. In addition, while performing a Kailindo Maneuver
that requires a shift thru multiple forms, the Kani may ignore the rules for only shifting one form per turn, though they
may only do this once per turn. As normal, you may choose not to make a shifting test by spending a Rage or PrimalUrge to shift automatically (or use other powers or items that allow fast shifting).

An appropriate trait must be bid for any Maneuver that requires a Challenge. All maneuvers are retested using the
ability Kailindo. Opponents may retest with an appropriate defensive ability. Some Maneuvers have restrictions on
how often they may be used. You may not attempt a Maneuver you do not possess. No Maneuver may be used more
than once in a turn.

The default damage of Kailindo maneuvers is Lethal, though the user may choose to deal bashing. On non-grapple
Maneuvers, the Kani may deal aggravated damage if the form permits. When inflicting damage with a maneuver, if in
Crinos, you may deal two base damage with your hands and feet (regardless if you are using claws or not).


Kailindo Brawl Maneuvers

Binding Wind: By catching his opponents wrist at just the right moment, the Kani immobilizes his foe by forcing the
opponent down and around. This initiates a grapple.

Damage: None

Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in Homid-Crinos. No shift is needed.

Effect: Target is grappled and knocked prone, and subject to the grapple rules, however the Kani gains a two Trait
bonus to maintain the grapple. If the opponent breaks the grapple, The Kani is not negatively affected when the
grapple breaks. Neither the Kani nor their opponent may use Rage for additional Actions while this grapple is in

Example: Fred may choose to punch Maria in the nose to break the grapple. If Fred succeeds, the grapple breaks,
but Maria takes no damage from the punch, and does not lose a Trait.

Deceptive Wind: By leaping towards her opponent the Kani first feints a kick to the front, but instead passes her
opponent and strikes from the side or the back while passing.
Damage: Normal
Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in Homid-Crinos. No shift is needed.

Effect: The opponent is considered surprised, allowing the Kani to get a surprise retest. You may use this on the
target once per scene, though it may be used on multiple targets in the same scene.

Falling Tempest: The Kani attempts to catch the opponents throat with her limbs while launching herself directly
towards the target, driving him to the ground and choking.

Damage: 1 Stamina-based Trait per turn.

Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in Homid-Crinos. No shift is needed.

Effect: Target is grappled, and subject to the grapple rules, however the Kani gains a two Trait bonus to maintain the
grapple, and if the opponent breaks the grapple, The Kani is not negatively affected when the grapple breaks. In
addition, both subjects are considered prone. Neither the Kani nor their opponent may use Rage for additional
Actions while this grapple is in effect. At the beginning of the turn, if the opponent is still grappled, they lose 1
Stamina-based Physical Trait. When the last Stamina-based Trait is lost, if the hold is maintained, the damage
becomes one Lethal per turn. Otherwise, they are rendered unconscious and revert to their breed form. The
character will remain unconscious for the next five turns, unless attacked or deliberately woken up.


Fading Breeze: The Kani changes from a smaller to a larger form as she slowly retreats while hurling a punch kick or
slash towards the opponent.
Damage: Normal
Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Yes, Final form must be Hispo or Crinos.

Effect: Gain a two Trait bonus on the attack. You may use this on the target once per scene, though it may be used
on multiple targets in the same scene.

Forceful Wind: The Kani makes a running leap towards the target, and attempts to knock him to the ground or
backwards with a kick to the head or torso.
Damage: Normal
Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in Homid-Crinos. No shift is needed, but must take at least 3 steps.

Effect: The Kani may choose to knock the opponent prone or backwards (Homid two-steps, Glabro four-steps, Crinos
six-steps). If an opponent is knocked back into a solid surface before completing the full amount of steps, they take
half the distance remaining in damage, round up (type based on surface hit).

Growing Tempest: By grabbing and grappling her opponent while changing into a strong form, the Kani can use her
increasing strength to crush him while changing.
Damage: Normal and see below
Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in a smaller form and end in Glabro, Crinos, or Hispo.
Effect: This initiates a grapple. As an exception to the grapple rules, you may deal damage on the initial grapple. If
the Kani chooses to take an Action to maintain this grapple for damage, they deal an additional level of damage.

Hurricane: The Kani changes into Crinos as she is about to throw an opponent, adding the foothold and force of the
battle-form to their attack.

Damage: None
Test: Contested Physical, target must already be grappled.

Shift: Must begin in a different form and end in Crinos.

Effect: Opponent is thrown 3 paces away and is knocked prone.

Little Cyclone: The Kani drops to a spinning crouch with her leg extended, attempting to sweep the legs from
underneath her opponent(s).
Damage: 1 level (regardless of form)
Test: Contested Physical


Shift: Must begin in Homid-Crinos. No shift is needed.

Effect: Your opponent(s) are knocked prone. May affect up to 4 opponents with this one attack (each Challenge
handled separately). The Kani must decide who they are targeting at the beginning of the attack, and is at a
cumulative -1 on each other attack beyond the first.

Mountaintop: The Kani roots himself to the spot by sinking his centre and sending his energy downward.
Damage: None
Test: None

Shift: May be in any form. No shift is needed.

Effect: For the rest of the turn the Kani cannot be moved or knocked down. Even the Gift: Falling Touch fails against
you. In addition, the Kani gains an additional two Traits in defensive Physical Challenges. If the Kani chooses to
initiate a Challenge, any effects of this maneuver are lost, and the Maneuver is ended.

Storm Dance: This maneuver is not an attack, but rather an intimidation technique used to dishearten opponents.
The Kani launches into a flurry of maneuvers, coupled with postures of threatening body language.

Damage: None
Test: Contested Social, Retest with Kailindo (Intimidation for opponents)

Shift: May be in any form. No shift is needed.

Effect: Success gives the Kani 1 Trait against that opponent for the scene on any Physical or Intimidation-based
Challenges (including staredowns). This Maneuver is not cumulative.

Tornado Kick: The Kani spins around once like a tornado with incredible speed, adding momentum to the force of
his kick.
Damage: Normal +1
Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in Homid-Crinos. No shift is needed.

Effect: The damage of the attack is increased by one.

Uncoiling Snake: The Kani throws a kick or punch, but shifts to a large form at the last moment, surprising an
opponent with more reach on the blow.

Damage: Normal
Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in a smaller form and end in Glabro or Crinos.

Effect: The opponent is considered surprised, allowing the Kani to get a surprise retest. You may use this on the
target once per scene, though it may be used on multiple targets in the same scene.


Striking the Wind: The Kani takes a hit, but changes into a larger form and strikes with a counterattack.
Damage: Normal
Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in a different form and end in Crinos.

Effect: After the Kani is struck in close combat, whether they take damage or not, they may reflexively spend a Rage
Trait in order to make a counter attack against their attacker. This attack is made immediately after, regardless of
Initiative, and does not take into account (or count against) how many times their opponent has been attacked this
Action. The Kanis opponent may not use the Counterattack option on this attack.

Subtle Draft: The Kani performs a charging tackle on her opponent while in lupus. As the opponent falls, the Kani
changes into a larger form and gains the upper hand in the fight.
Damage: None
Test: Contested Physical

Shift: Must begin in Lupus and end in Hispo or Crinos.

Effect: Knocks target prone and off balance. The opponent must use six steps of movement to stand up. If the
opponent does not have enough movement to stand, they may use their movement in the next Action to finish
standing, until they meet the six steps (and are considered prone until then).

Dodge Maneuvers:

Catch the Wind: The Kani can catch or deflect missiles fired at her, from rocks to darts to arrows. Bullets and other
high-speed projectiles may not be affected by this Maneuver.

Damage: None
Test: Static Physical Challenge with a one Trait penalty.

Shift: May not be in Hispo or Lupus. No shift is needed.

Effect: Prevent Damage from any small ranged missile (non-Firearms) attack. This does not prevent any secondary
effects (such as from an explosive). Must have a free hand and may only be used once per Action.

Melting Wind: By changing to a smaller form while being held or grappled, the Kani can ease her way out of her
opponents grip.
Damage: None
Test: None and see below

Shift: Must start in a larger form, and final form must be Homid or Lupus
Effect: Must currently be grappled. Automatically breaks a normal grapple. The Kani must still Challenge as normal if
grappled by a Kailindo Maneuver (Falling Tempest, Growing Tempest and Binding Wind) or by the gift Clenched Jaw,
but receives a two Trait bonus to do so.


Moving Breeze: During a dodge, the Kani assumes a smaller form.

Damage: None
Test: None

Shift: Must start in a larger form, and shift to Homid, Glabro, or Lupus.
Effect: Grants a retest on a dodge attempt. This is considered an ability retest but does not expend any ability.
Maneuver must be declared when the decision is made to dodge, and the shift occurs regardless of success or use of
the retest.

Rollaway: Whenever the Kani is toppled or brought to the ground, she can switch to a 4-legged form and instantly
regain their footing.
Damage: None
Test: None

Shift: Must start in a bipedal form and end in Hispo or Lupus

Effect: Instantly recover from being knocked Prone (and does not lose any movement).

Sudden Flurry: By changing to a larger form while being held, the Kani takes advantage of the situation by throwing
her opponent to the ground.
Damage: None
Test: Standard

Shift: Must start in a different form, and end in Crinos or Hispo.

Effect: Must currently be grappled. If the Kani successfully breaks the grapple, in addition to the normal attack,
the holder is thrown away by 3 steps. If the opponent is using the Maneuver Falling Tempest or Binding Wind, they
are not damaged, but are still thrown.

Whirlwind: This defensive technique involves weaving ones arms before oneself like swirling winds.
Damage: None

Test: Standard

Shift: Must begin in Homid-Crinos. No shift is needed.

Effect: Grants an extra retest on all attempts to physically defend themselves so long as all the Kani does is defense
this turn. This retest is in addition to any other retests that may be used.

This is a form of fighting with a quarterstaff that is practiced almost exclusively by the Child of Gaia tribe. Because of
the level of mastery this art requires it is seldom taught outside of the tribe. The quarter staff (or Bo, if you prefer) is
one of the simplest yet profound weapons known. It is nothing more than a pole with no sharp edges or points, yet its
use relies on all the fundamental techniques for all major weapons. Additionally, although the staff incorporates these
techniques, it does not inherit their deadly force. In this sense, it is the perfect weapon for the Children of Gaia as it
allows for a widely varied range of fighting options but focuses on the immobilization and disabling of opponents.



To use any Maneuvers requires the Iskakku Ability and Child of Gaia Lore x3. Learning times for this ability are at
VST discretion, though it is suggested at least one month between ability purchases. No teacher may teach more
levels of Iskakku then they possess. Each Maneuver costs 1xp to master. No more than two maneuvers may be
purchased a month. This represents the great deal of time and discipline it takes to master.

Approval Level: High Approval.

An appropriate Trait must be bid for any Maneuver that requires a Challenge. All maneuvers require the user to be
wielding a staff, and are retested using the ability Iskakku. Opponents may retest with an appropriate defensive
ability. Some Maneuvers have restrictions on how often they may be used. No Maneuver may be used more than
once in a turn. Each maneuver has a requirement in ranks of the Iskakku ability before it may be attempted.

One Trait:

Attack and Block- This Maneuver is considered always active once purchased. You may use Iskakku as well as
Melee to retest when using a staff in combat. Maneuvers must still be retested with Iskakku. In addition, you may
attempt to defensively parry any brawl or melee attack. (i.e. Your Victory Condition can always be to take no wounds
(thus the dodge or parry any melee attack) and you can retest the Challenge by spending a level of Iskakku or a level
of Melee.)

Two Traits:

Tammabukku Istu Kur (Dragon Emerges from Mountain) You strike from surprise dealing a painful blow to the

Damage: Normal +1

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: The damage on the attack is increased by one.

Tabalu Kur (Take Away the Land) By Sweeping your staff, you can knock your opponent to the ground.

Damage: Normal -1

Test: Opposed Physical

Effect: Opponent is knocked prone, and stunned. They lose their next Action.

Three Traits:

Mahasu Qatu (Hand Smite) You may dislocate your attackers wrist rendering it useless.


Damage: Normal

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: The hand may not be used until healed. Any object held by the hand is released. It takes two steps of
movement and a non-Contested Challenge to retrieve a dropped item that hasnt been picked up by someone else.

Isten Kima Ummanate (One as an Army) The staff can be wielded in such a way that both ends may be used to
attack in quick succession.

Damage: Normal -1

Test: Contested Physical must Challenge and bid a Trait against each target.

Effect: May attack two separate targets with your staff using 1 action. You may not combine this Maneuver with

Four Traits:

Sepu Istu An (Foot from Heaven) - In order to use this Maneuver, you must be at least three steps away from your
target before moving. You use your staff to vault yourself through the air, landing and delivering a powerful kick that
knocks your opponent prone.

Damage: Normal +1

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: The damage on the attack is increased by one, and the opponent is knocked prone. It takes three steps of
movement to stand up from the prone position.

Sepsu Sepu (Powerful Foot) A more advanced form of Isten Kima Ummanate, you may make three attacks. In
addition, you may now use your staff or your feet with the attacks.

Damage: Normal -1

Test: Contested Physical must Challenge and bid a Trait against each target.

Effect: May attack three separate targets with your staff or your feet, using 1 Action. This can only be done on the
Everyman round. Your feet do not benefit from any powers that increase damage to Claw attacks. You may not
combine this Maneuver with another.


Five Traits:

Adannu Lukur Daku (Appointed Time of the Enemys Demise) Your Mastery of Iskakku has taught you the true
art of peacefully neutralizing your enemy. Through a well-timed blow to the head, you can render your enemies

Damage: None

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: When an opponent fails an attack against you due to a successful dodge or parry on your part, you may strike
the opponent on the back of the head with your staff. You must choose to do this as your next Contested Challenge,
and it must be done in the same round. If successful, your opponent is knocked unconscious and reverts to breed
form. The character will remain unconscious for five turns, unless attacked or deliberately woken up.

The ancient art of dueling takes on an entirely new aspect in Garou society. Many Challenges are resolved through
gamesmanship, puzzles, quests or other methods. But the most serious contests and the bitterest feuds are almost
always settled with Klaives. Ownership of a Klaive is a sacred responsibility and it is considered a mark of the
seriousness with which you take the fight for Gaia. Failure to respect the Klaive or the spirits within it is often grounds
for honor duels or removal of the Klaive by the Elders.

Challenging someone to Klaviskar is tantamount to a death threat as almost all Klaive duels end in death. It is
therefore considered dishonorable (but not unheard of) to Challenge someone to Klaviskar when they do not own a

Special: To use any Maneuvers requires the Klaive Dueling Ability and Garou Lore x3. Learning times for this ability
are at VST discretion, though it is suggested at least one month between ability purchases. No teacher may teach
more levels of Klaive Dueling then they possess. Each Maneuver costs 1xp to master. No more than two maneuvers
may be purchased a month. This represents the great deal of time and discipline it takes to master.

Approval Level: High Approval

Klaviskar was taken to new heights in the courts of the Silver fang Kings and the ritual itself has gained not only many
followers but has developed into a specialized fighting style all its own.

An appropriate Trait must be bid for any Maneuver that requires a Challenge. All maneuvers require the user to be
wielding a Klaive, and are retested using the ability Klaive Dueling. Opponents may retest with an appropriate
defensive ability. Some Maneuvers have restrictions on how and when they may be used. You may not attempt a
Maneuver you do not possess. No single Maneuver may be used more than once in a turn.

One need not be in a Klaive Duel to use these maneuvers against enemies; they simply must be wielding a Klaive


Alternate rules for Klaive dueling When two people are involved specifically in a Klaive Duel, the ST is
encouraged to use these alternate rules for combat. For ease of use, it is recommended that each combatant have a
set of cards with the various Maneuvers he has access to. Every combatant, even those without Klaive Dueling, has
access to the basic Maneuvers. Each player chooses the Maneuver card that they wish to perform. Before cards are
revealed, the individual with the higher Initiative may choose whether he wants his Actions to resolve first or to hold
and react to his opponent. The chosen Maneuvers are then revealed. The Challenges are resolved in order, and all
other non-Contested Challenges that are normally allowed during an Action may still occur. Either combatant may
attempt to change their Contested Challenge once per turn by spending a Willpower Trait and succeeding in a Static
Mental Test at a difficulty of their opponents Mental Traits.

Basic Maneuvers:

Attack You make a normal attack against your opponent.

Dodge/Soak You choose to not take an Action against your opponent, and only defend yourself.

Gift/item You activate a Gift/item against your opponent.

Run Discretion is the better part of valor, and you move far away from your opponent. (up to twice the number of
steps allowed for your form since you are not taking a Contested Challenge this Action.)

Special Maneuvers:

Bind: The duelist attempts to entrap his opponents blade with his own.

Damage: None

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: If successful your opponent cannot make further attacks with the entrapped weapon until you either attack with
your Klaive or release the bind. You gain a two Trait bonus to maintain the bind and are not negatively affected if the
grapple breaks. You may attempt a Disarm or Prise DArgent Maneuver while the Bind is in effect.

Blind: Garou bleed profusely from any wound inflicted by a Klaive. Some sneaky duelists attempt to take advantage
of this to blind their opponents. A single swipe to the forehead can send blood pouring into the opponents eyes for
the rest of the fight.

Damage: minus one level

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: All Physical Challenges made by your opponent are at one Trait penalty until the damage is healed. This
Maneuver is not cumulative.


Disarm: The duelist attempts to twist his opponents weapon out of their hands.

Damage: None

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: Opponent loses their weapon and it lands 3 steps away. The Bind Maneuver must be successfully performed
before this maneuver. It takes two steps of movement to pick up a dropped weapon.

Feint: The duelist pretends to be attacking in one direction, and then dodges any attempt to block, aiming to hit
elsewhere on his opponents body.

Damage: None

Test: Contested Mental

Effect: Grants a surprise retest on your next physical attack against your opponent.

Fleche: The maneuver sees the duelist lose all subtlety in an all-out attack on his opponent, launching himself like
an arrow, blade first. After the strike, the duelist comes to a halt some distance behind his opponent, and is
vulnerable for a deadly few seconds while he is regaining his balance.

Damage: an additional two levels

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: Take your normal movement, and you must end within two steps behind your opponent. You must take an
Action to refocus before you can attack again. (i.e. you must give up an action regaining your balance before you can
attack again. This can be a Rage Action.)

Probe: A probe is a quick jab to test the opponents defenses and speed of reaction.

Damage: minus two levels

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: Opponent must bid his maximum Traits on any ties.

Parry: The parry is a simple move to block the opponents blade with the duelists own.

Damage: None


Test: Contested Physical

Effect: Allows the character to parry his opponents attack. If successful, they may make a free immediate Riposte
Maneuver (if possessed). In addition, the character is treated as two higher on their Initiative until the end of the next

Riposte: The duelist makes a swift attack at his exposed opponent.

Damage: Normal

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: This attack is resolved immediately regardless of what current Action it occurs. This maneuver may only be
used directly after a Parry Maneuver. This Maneuver may be resisted with the Parry Maneuver.

Prise d Argent: Literally pressing of the silver, this maneuver, much favored by Silver Fang duelists, uses the
opponents blade as a guide for an attack. The duelist slides his Klaive along his opponents blade and drives it into
her body. This Maneuver can only be done on the next Action, after a successful Riposte or Bind Maneuver has been

Damage: Normal

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: The duelist receives two Trait bonus on the attempt.

Silver Shield: The duelist uses his speed and the bulk of the Klaive to create a shield of silver in front of him as he
swings the blade in a defensive pattern.

Damage: None

Test: None

Effect: Until another Challenge is taken grants the user two Traits to defensive Physical Challenges. (i.e. when he
bids a Dexterity-based to dodge and evade or a Stamina-based Trait to resist damage)

Swinging Slash: The duelist commits his whole effort into a single, massive swipe at his opponent, exposing himself,
but hoping to do enough damage to make that irrelevant.

Damage: an additional two levels

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: All other Physical Challenges the user makes this turn are at two Trait penalty.


Stop Hit: A duelist who has the Initiative advantage can choose to defer their attack until after their opponent acts. If
the opponent attempts to attack, the duelist steps inside his guard and deliver a fast, accurate, and deadly blow that
stops him in his tracks, using their own forward momentum to make the blow more deadly. This risky gambit opens
the user to his opponents attack if they dont succeed in stopping them.

Damage: one additional level

Test: Contested Physical

Effect: In order to use this Maneuver, you must be higher in the Initiative then your opponent and chosen to hold your
Initiative. Should your opponent declare an attack against you this Action you may interrupt his attack by making one
of your own (this attack is resolved first). Your opponent cannot attempt to dodge, parry, or counterattack (if they
have no other way to resist the attack, they relent.) Whether the attack succeeds or fails, if your opponent is not
disabled (unable to fight back such as incapacitated or dead) afterwards, you must relent to his attack.


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