Vaak ...
Vaak ...
Vaak ...
Vast stretches of dried-up crops, stunted castor and millets, this once a naturally endowed
fertile village in Ranga Reddy District was presenting such a drastic picture which was a contrast
to its past glory.
With the situation turning worse, men women and children, have started migrating for work.
This situation was similar in almost all the Villages in Telangana, Rayalaseema areas. The
drought situation was grim and unparalleled. It was unusual in the Kharif season. It was the
third consecutive year that the state was facing a severe drought and in several areas the crops
had withered away. Most of the water sources including tanks and bore wells had dried up.
Women were forced to walk four to five kilometers for fetching drinking water. A large number of
people were migrating in search of work. Cattle were dying without fodder. Power supply was
poor. It would be difficult to enlist the sufferings of the people further.
In the Vedas from Taittiriya Samhita 2nd Kanda, it is mentioned about one long verse that
if recited with devotion in waist deep water, it could bring bountiful of rains.
Yes, this mantra was named as Varuna Mantram and the recitation was capable of attracting
rains. "Marutamasi Marutam......"
We decided to start the Japam on July 16th and complete 108 times standing in the waist
deep water of Osman Sagar Lake, which was adjacent to the Temple.
16th July will be the start of Varuna Japam at Chilkur said the press release in one of the
leading dailies, in Hyderabad. The grace of the lord was such that it started drizzling at on the
day of commencing the Japam itself.
Why cant they do this in every temple for the benefit of mankind? If I am not wrong, this
is the only Temple where such a Japam is being done in this trying times. said the Photo
Journalist who had come to cover the event.
In the sankalpam (Invocation) the ritwiks had prayed for filling of all the tanks, rivers and
all water bodies. They had prayed that if the rains fail the humanity will suffer and hence there
would be no yagams, festivals etc.
The devotion, the dedication and concern for the sufferings of the society were clearly visible
in the group of pundits who were reciting the Mantras. The environment was responding to the
devoted chanting. The sun was shining brightly. When the recitation started after the pundits
walked into the lake, people who had seen would believe; the clouds started forming on the
lake and it poured heavily and continuously. Even the illiterate villagers of the tiny hamlet were
touched by the dedication of the archakas.
Today if such a special puja has to be performed, the commercial angle always takes the preference.
The devotion and concern for the well-being of humanity which will result by performing such
Japams gets sidelined. With the result, the Veda Pundits also have become commercial. The
power of such recitations by them, which would be in return for some monetary benefit, gets
diluted and the benefits are not as has been evident at Chilkur. This dedication and concern
cannot be achieved by paying any amount of money in return. The grace of the Lord was immediately
felt as everytime the Pujaris stood in the Lake, it rained.
The archakas words have come true. Ever since the japam was started, the State has been
experiencing incessant rains.
Till the time this article was getting ready for print, we have information that all the Tanks are
slowly filling to their full capacity and the Power situation may be better with less blackouts
and the Government may be having a peaceful smile. It is the grace of lord Balaji at Chilkur
and Varuna Japam for the believers.
August '13
Sri V.S. Karunakaran, Chennai
During the days of their childhood, the three sons
of Kunthi and the twins of Madri had the fortune of
visit to the Ashram of their parents by eminent sages
like Bhrugu. When Bhrugu visited their Ashram,
Kunthi made her children prostate before the saintly
personality. When child Arjuna knelt at the feet
of Bhrugu, Bhrugu told Kunthi that her son will be
the star among the sixty.
Kunthi said with all respect, " May I know what
the great sagemeans by this?"
He said, Sage Veda Vyasa is coming here shortly;
he will explain to you what exactly I had meant."
After a few days, Veda Vyasa called on them. Kunthi
narrated to him about the visit of Bhrugu and asked
him what the blessing of the sage meant. Vyasa
heard her and exclaimed "Star among of the sixty?"
He thought for a while and then he smiled at Kunthi.
He said, Can you tell me the name of the sixty
Kunthi said Why not? She went ahead Prabhava,
Vibhavha, Sukla, Pramodoota ..
Veda Vysa interrupted Please narrate them by
counting with your fingers like One Prabhava Two
Vibhavha three Sukla and list the names in their
serial order.
Kunthi went on counting the names with her fingers.
She said, "...Twenty Six: Nandana Twenty Seven:
Stop says Veda Vyasa and added, Twenty seven
is the number that is connected with stars as there
are mainly twenty stars mentioned in Vedas. The
year Vijaya is the name of the twenty seventh among
the sixty. Bhrugus blessing that your youngest son
will shine with that name means this child will be
popular by the name Vijaya as he will be the Veritable
What does exactly the word Vijaya mean when it
refers to a Year? asked Pandu
Veda Vyasa said this name is given to the year
among the sixty that represent the Kala Swaroopa
of Lord Narayana "The Time". Narayana is Veritable
Victory. Hence a division of Kala Swaroopa of the
Lord is also called by that name. I have also included
this name Vijaya as one hundred and forty ninth
in my collection of thousand names of the Lord which
will be narrated to your sons by your uncle Bheeshma
and made public at the appropriate time to be decided
by the Lord.
August '13
u\z \Toy
Dear Readers of VAK, those of us who chant this
name meditating the form of Lord Balaji at Chilkur
will be Victories even on our own selves and avert
the danger that follows anger.
Recently my classmate in Engineering College Shri
M. Mohan had forwarded to me an E mail which
reads as follows:Anger is dangerous
Remember that the word Danger has anger!!
Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the President of India
from 1950 - 1962.
August '13
@@ H u\ : @@
N#=KO`O[ =O`=
August '13
FO `^ #= G o tz :
Chant this name to amend soured friendship
or any personal relationship
FO ^` #= G z :
For issueless couple. O`# H~
FO q^` #= G uz :
Chant 28 times
FO q #=
FO +~H #=
G sue :
G Nq :
^+ #O_ H_H#@.
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
bhaktaanaam varadaayakam
Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha
Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam
kadrooja visha naasanam
Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam
namaami runamuktaye
Simhanaadena Mahataa
Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam
August '13
Madhura Vijayam - 22
August '13
y z u o z z z z @ o z @@
August '13
H =~OQ i# "
August '13
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$Q =i "OK#C_ Ou, `# `# P =`x
^=O^ "Hie #=iOKOk. J~#_ `#=O^
"Hie#C_ Ou` $ Q=i - 'h `_ J~" #H `O
Ht_x `e K_.
ZO` Q~=OQ Of^q ''=~"i D
J~O q=iOKQ~! JO@ JiOzOk.
''`~< "=i WH_ "OK `<~ < L^ x
P# KHQ q_=~Q~!
J#@Q<, Hk ~A `~"` "^""~ "i
P=xH =z# O^~O Of^q $Q =i ~=@O,
J~xx nqOK@O QiOz q=iOz, P =i x
JO`~~O `# `eK=x J_yOk. 'U=<=? J~"
#H`O Ht_<? J_y# "_, XH H}HO@
PzOz Oux K - ''h= J~" O=`~ ~
KQ"? Jx tOK_.
''ZO^ K#? =, q=, H, "^`... Jx
KC O@ `# Oux P - ''J H^ - XHH O=`~O
~# h "# H - XH\ =, ~O_ - q=, , =_
H - J# =~H=O KC! J<_ "^"_.
Of^q, J^q^OQ K ''W~" P~ #O^#, W~" U_
q[... JO@#C_ "_ - ''PQ! W~" U_ J# OY
#H ` O|OkOz#k. "^ 27 =Y"# #H `# QiOz
K@O [iyOk. 'q[ J#~ J~" O=`~ 27=k.
$Q=i h =~_# J~#_ J~" KH Ht_x
nqOK_# ^xx JO`~~O - J~#_ 'q[_ J#
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k_ Q#H P ~ J`xH ~H==Q^.
''O=`~O J< J~O q[ J# ~ J~O Uq\
Jx O_~A `HQ~_.
"^" _ "i O^ x x=$u K , ''q[ J# <=O
60 O=`~ 27= ^xH W=\xH H~}O Jk <~}_
'H~x x~zOk. <~}_ ^~"#, x["#
q[O, JO^H Q = O`x XH JO J~# H~x _
P ~` ==iOK@O [~Q`Ok. D 'q[ J# <=x,
H~_# N=q+= H <==ox =~`
149= <=OQ <# K~@O [iyOk. Q=O`x x~#~O
q+` D <==ox g ^<#Q~# c+_, h
August '13
u\z \Toy
"# '"H ~ ~! H ` D 'q[ <=x [
z~ "# 'r ~x =#~ ^x LO>,
=#O _ =#g^ =#O q[x kOz, H^x, ^x
=# L`#= L``# _ `OKx, Jx\
q[O H=K.
(= ~K~` H~}H~< Qi` He WO[hiOQ
K^ = # N Z". "<Q~, P# XH D"~ OOK@O
rq`O |~= ^ `# P#O^O` =OK_O <~ H"e. W|O^ Z^~ # _ ^~ OQ ~_ q[O kOKe.
August '13
''FO q[#=
FO <~O =+ #= FO H`* #=
G u z :
G qz r :
In moments of distress and despair For aspirants of Plots and own residence.
P^ L#C_ iOKO_.
FO *uO` #=
G [z u o oz :
For good eye - sight.
August '13
=^~q[O ^~"H...22
=^~ q[O - 11
August '13
''Uq [iyOk?
''P x x# QiOz uiy =z#C_ P |
K` ~`` ==iOz "ix H ^i \O zOk. h= =~}O K=x
"ix #qOzOk. JH_ L# =~= Qk x# ^zLOz
h "^ O [iOzOk. J~QH ~uO|= h iK~ KO k.
''J! Wk _ XH ^ =?
''J=#, Q =! Jk =`" H^ Q J^$+O _!
''J^$+= ?
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''Jk J^$+OQ <# qOK# J<_ ^`_.
''=~}O #O_ `OKH=_O _ J^$+O H^?
''H^. qk x~~OzOk. H=# <# |uH# J<_
^`x ["| qx =_ P~__. Hk =O
x|OQ LO__. W Hi#OQ =\_#O^ ^`_
<Kx, O+} "~H" =~eOK#x
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''g~ =# ^Q~ LO> ~OQ<^x =#O "^HQ=?
J_Q_ ^`_.
''` O_ K_Q =x K #. Hh P" ==# He. ...?
''=#O K_Qe y` JC_ XCO\#. H `, U=Ok.
nx <# ^` _# OQ< q# OkOK_
''P =u `` P"# P" `e^O_ Jy#x
K<_. Jk iK, XH q`"# x K# "_#=`#.
J=< H^?
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Z^Q L<_!
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H Z\ K<~. ^`_ P# H "o ~<_.
Hk =O `~"` `` H `iK_. =# K
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HH#. | Wq < PYi _ H=K. JO^H
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August '13
tNy ...
uMo y o
August '13
um y Ts - 149
u\ :
-y.L. NmN
o Noy Nz oy E{ y Nz Nz N
GNz o-uo Nz E wT u| \{z nE N
ET, E{ GNz Y Nz z N {S o zo
s@ LN, wT u| N GNz E ET E s@
Noy z z N z u| N Eut N@ \ E\|
z tlgo m uN s, o wT u| z Ey|t ut uN
- <o e o Nz N zT@>
o Noy z gy uo z s|Ny uN <<u| Nz
F Ey|t N Eos| ^z Es| ! Nw Fz
^z N Nb N!>>
<<EuoyV u| zt zz @ zz F Ns
Nz z uuo o ^ tTz@>>
NZ ut Nz Yo u| zt N ET E@
Ez E z zt z Noy z wT u| N ET
E{ E\| Nz Ey|t tzz Ny o ooz L G Ey|t
uuo Es| Nz ^z Ny s| Ny@ zt z Z <M N? e o N YNzT?> u Nz uL
zYz Nz t Gz Z - <<M o e z Nz o
Noy z?>>
<<! ! M ? , u, M, zto, ...>>
LN Nz t LN ooy \ y Noy Nz yY y
zNoz L zt z N - <<LN-LN Nz uToz L
o - \{z uN LN , tz u, oy M, Y zto..>>
Noy, uToy Nz s Nz Ty! Gy N <<Zy
t, F| u\...>> oN Eoz-Eoz zt z Noy Nz
zN N N, <<ez! F| Ny P q z uo {@
zt Q z F| q Ny uToy F| {@ <u\>
e z z F| | {@ wT u| Nz Ey|t N
y Es| { uN o E\| <<u\>> Nz z Po
zT@ MuN ouN Esz Gz u\ Ny uo zTy, Eo:
GNz uL u\ s|N u zT@>>
\ lg z tz Nb uN uN - <<| Nz t|
<u\> N{z s|N zo {?>>
zt z GNz tz N um Noz L o <<YuN
n m Nz <<N>> Nz uuo Nz Nz Nm
60 z z 27 | N <<u\>> ut T {@
m y ss| ouN u\ {@ Eo: T Nz LN
E, N Nz y Gy z \ \o {@ FyuL
z y T um Nz Nz N 149
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u F y Nz oz oH y, oz zb
EtN : g} . o
Nz ^LTz@ GuYo z Nz z um
y Nb zTy@
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N <u\> M g? o u\ Nz zy ss|
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E{ N y uuo| z uuYo @ n um z y
wub E{ N N| Nz Nz uL E{
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Nz y utz| Yoz oz @ uNo Ny TuoNz s-s
E{ N Ez ENz z Tz@ y
n um Nz y E{ N Nz LN E{ T
z Tz@ yz-yz t y zz T uN uuo| u
uN LN y uO Nz oy @
LN J u-u z oy ty Nz ob
F|@ z Fy ENz z YY| Nz Tz@ Gz uN
uuo| z \z E tz uMo Nz zuo N, Gz
No| N u| Noz , G uMo Nz u Nz q Nb
N zT@ uuo| z N| N, G zuo Nz z T|t|N
Nz z u Nz \Ny tzy zTy@ G z y Esz
\z u\ {, Gz uT|o N zT, MuN G ss| u\y
Nz NzF| y u\o N No@ Lz y NzF|
N LTz@
Lzz Nz Nz z Ny uMo u| wT zz
Nz Nm z Ju-u z GNz N| @
|s F m| u Nz YN Nz u|
wT nzN Yz@ nzN Ez uo z uz Et
\ z wT Nz Nz bzN@ <<F E{ oy
LNo u N z , Eo: Gz uz-\ EuYo
zT@>> Nz F Y Nz Ey N z Et Yz@
wT Nz tzQoz y Nzuo zN z G oY
Y@ Fz tzQ wT z N - <<ooz ze s Y TL
z@ uNo Ez t Ny Tu Nz E o
{@ Eo: oy \-EY| Nz Nz uL wy ut uz
y Tz@>>
z uN N wT, N Nz , N{ Yz@
LNo ut uso N Nz ty z wT Nz \z
ut uN - <<o |oy Nz s uo N wn N z @
ETy <<E zn>> zzz wnzn Nz
uL z Eu Ny o{y N z @ ENz s-s z
Ju-uy F Gn uoTy N ELTz@ Eo: F
E N T Nz Q \ Noz@>>
=Oz H `~_ K^=H` =O^ =O^ "\x Kk" J=H" LO_H =K.
August '13
ty Nz zNz y, wT Et N Nz q Y
TL@ Nuo zN u\y z wT Ny Zoy Ez u z
EVo N Y@ o |oy z Ez uo Nz zNoz L
N - <<T Nz LN Ju y uN ENz zt
y Toz @ M E GN FuL N Yoz MuN
Gz z LNo Nq z N Y? M E
\oz uN GNz G Zzbz z E Nz uL uNo g
tlg zT? M : LN E n N, J uNz N
Nz y szy QN m N Yoz ? uZy
Nz Yz u N Qg N Gz Ey szy QN oy
zN m Nz Ny Vb Nz E TL?>>
wT u| z t Noz L N - <<o F \To
Nz N T { MuN Nz Yo
\T, u zN : u|m Nz uL zo {@
uNo zy ub z o Ey u L@ Eo: wy
ut Nz oz uTN Ny y \ zTy@>>
Fy Nm N \o { uN ut u\y Nz uTN
Ny y \ zoy { uN GNy uo| Ny@ onYo wT, N|
{Nle Yz@ N \o { uN t {Nle N uo
{@ Gtm Nz uL uo uso T Nbz Nz ut
E{ GNy uo| Nz uo tz-utz Nz NF| tz uu|o
zoz @ uo \z Es| Mo Nz z F ut t|
tzoz @ wT u| \{z n y FXZ F N| {Nle Nz
t| Nz Ny qo Qoz @
ym Nz {Nle \y Ez E{
l Nz z O zz Nz Yo y z N Noz @
zt Nuso T| ET zN {Nle Yy \ynE Nz
Ny y F wy T Nz Ny ENo goy@
wT u| N| {Nle Yz@ uNy z G zN @
T um zT u N z sz@ o y GNy
Ym z N y sy@ \oz y Gz um Nz q:s
Ez { z EVo uN@
um z ^b z GeN u z q Ny Y Ny uN ,
EN GuYo z To N N@ o y z
Ez uN uN z Gm\ z EL@ tz Ez
q:s E z NF| N Nz Yz Nz Nm Zoy
NgN E{ Hg-Qg z TF| {@ Lzz tz Tz Nz Nm,
t u Nz \{z Nz Ym Nz Yzb EF| zTy@ Eo:
um z Gm \ z u| Nz Ym Nz quo uN@
um Nz F Nz tzQ u| wT z um| uN
uN um y o <u\> @ MuN Gz Ez E
u\ {@ Eo: G Nz E@ uNy Nz y ut
g tzzz Nz Nz Gz Ez ut E{ gy
Tu z uN@ Ez t E{ EuN Nz EN
GN y s@ Eo: z y u\zo Nz qo uo|
GNz Fy Tm Nz Nm G <u\> N \o {@
u| wT z u uNL TL u\zo um Nz zT z o
y z u\y zT@ Ez Eo:Nm y Gz
August '13
<<Nz LN N Nz Nz {@ Gz gy y
LN ut, \zt \y Nz z\ Nz Noz
Tzut Nz s z EYN F Qy LN N, yYz z \\y z N Q YuL@ y No
uT TF|@ Gz GeN tzQ oz uN GNy zN bb TF| {@ o { E{ zT Nz Nbz N g y {@>> Fz
Gy \z t\y N E E E{ LN yQ uoy { uN uNoy z NzF|
Fz tzQ G o t:Q E@ MuN GNz uL N Lzy VbE N Noz ? E{ z Nz
{@ GNz u u z F b uN s E{ H z Nyoy y tzy eoz @ zz y y tzy oz @
LN tz T Gooz @ szgy tz o z zYz
oz { y@ Eo: G F N z o T s@
G Fo Nz E uN oo Tzut Nz Etz ut Nz t ^ Eo { uN NZ z z N y
tz {@ uNo Lzz u uusuo y o
uN o {Ny z uN z @ uN \Ez@
Tzut Fz V T E{ - y To z um| zNoz oz uNo EXZ zT@>>
uTguTgz T@ uNo \z t \y b z L@
Nz Nz LN Lz {, \z
Gz Ty Tzut z \z Nz uL N@
\g Ngzo { E{ z \gz o \o zoy {@ F
o zz z z zz Vby F Vb Nz t Noz \gyo Nz-Nz GQgz Nz uL, Gz y \o
y \z t\y gz uYuo zTL@ Gz o z Nz z N g N zT@ E{ z - z E{
zY <<F Tzut Ny M Toy {?>> Gz Ez Ez u| @ FNz Nz u\y z Noz @ Lzz
unN uusuo Nz z uN z, EXZz
G N Nz F Qoz z y Gz t z EXZz um| zNoz @
uN s@ FyuL yYz uToz y GNy zN bbTF|@ zYz F
ET z E{ uoN u| Nz \TN,
Tzut Ny M Toy {? oz g u E{ F|t {@ G \o N { oz T N m uo
NzF| y N gy F|ty z, E{ Enyo z No {@ Ez! Noz YuL@ MuN |o|u n z Fo, uNN
z GNz s Lzz Nbo z M o Ny? Fo Nez um| E{ u z N E{ N{ z No {?
M u? o z Zooz y z@ eyN z z L@
F <<u\>> N | , n N LN
zz Geoz y zz Gz Tzut Nz z\@ Eoz <u\> N E LN Qt o {@ t n
y Tzut Nz s NgN \z t\y z Ey Toy Ny FXZ y zTy uN FNz z Ez E
y - <<Tzut ^z Nz@ z oz s N o z , uz z Ez y zz z Nz z O
jT z o| uN s@ o E N uz Noz zN, u\y E{ G Nz z Gn zz y tV|bE
z@ o Zzg No@>> F N z y T z z O @ ET Ez Nz Q Noz oz
Ez \ Nz tzQ Tzut N y zT@ G t uusuo E u\y zNoz @ z
tzN u z Ez t \ Nz N| Nz Y@ t E{ z y ET Nz Nz yo z
o Q s@ \z t \y E z F Vb Nz \oz oz E Es| z\o {@ Eo: EoT E{ uT
z - ouo Noz sz@ z tzoz sz uN ET u\y zz Nz uL y Nz s \N
E Nz T E { E{ Gz E z
@@H u\ :>>
tu|o N z oz Nz uL zYz@
e z Nz E{ FNz o E T z u \ |
1927,1987 16. uYm 1942,2002
31. uu
1957,2017 46. yu 1972,2032
2. u
1928,1988 17. m
32. uu
1958,2018 47. ut
3. M
33. uNu
1929,1989 18. om
1959,2019 48. Et
4. zto
34. |u
1930,1990 19. uo|
1960,2020 49. q
5. \znu
1931,1991 20.
1961,2021 50.
6. ETy
1932,1992 21. u\o 1947,2007
36. No 1962,2022 51. uT
7. yQ
1933,1993 22. u 1948,2008
37. zNo 1963,2023 52. NuO 1978,2038
38. Nzu
1934,1994 23. uzu
1964,2024 53. uuo| 1979,2039
1935,1995 24. uNwuo
39. u 1965,2025 54. {u
10. o
1936,1996 25. Q
1966,2026 55. t|uo
1937,1997 26. t
1967,2027 56. ttu
11. F|
41. T
12. 1938,1998 27. u\ 1953,2013
42. NyN
1968,2028 57. uzu 1983,2043
13. ut
1939,1999 28. \
43. {
1969,2029 58. Ouq
14. uN
44. m 1970,2030 59. Nz
1940,2000 29. s
15. w
1941,2001 30. tuQ
45. uzuNo 1971,2031 60. Eq
HiH# f~O> aOKk `$. HiH# [~ aOKk P#O^O. `$ ``eHO, P#O^O `O.
August '13
u\ -
EtN : g} . L. T
E oN Ez j....
14 y oy \z VbL Vb GNz E Q zQN y
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{uN z YN m Noz L Gz NF| Nb Nz zT@ Fy usuo
Gz tuqm o N m uN@ FNz tz T E oN <N>
Nuo zoz z@ uN F G Nz tz E{ T @ eN
Ny uY Nz ub QN << u\>> Ez uo Nz Ez N|
Nz Nz Nz Gz z uoN Ez Nz Noy {@ yTs
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Nt uN goz @ .... <<Tz! o Ez [ {b EEz@
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u Nz z zY g T@ Lzz \ E{ t y
N N T Y N, | Nz qN z yqy
(Nuu) Ny Eso Nz z \N uso zoz @ z G
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G V Ny Ez uN goz @ oy \z Ny | zoy {@ Nt
NyYg Nz Nm uT go {@ V Nz yo z LN oy|y oy uN
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{ Nz LN uqo s Y tzoy @ y |
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Nz tzQo { ....E ETz ujL@)
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uYo g @ Ny-N Nz uL Zo \o
s, tzty Nwon Ny \ Gz boy sy@
Nz {uN Gz o z @ Eo: z@ Lz N
Nwon Gz y sy@
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T@ oyz ut | u F|@ z y z
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ty z EXZuto sy@ F o tz LN Nz- T
s@ tz N o{ EN o N z sz@ z tz
t E{ sz@
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<<F um| o y s {@ oz y y y sy@>>
z G N@
<< uNy E Nm z T@ u NYy
z z F gNy Nz , LN yTs Ny uo|
Ny q Nz N| uS Y uO z LN @ z
-uu z zY z N Tz@ Fy Nm Ez
s N GNy tt N @>> t z N@
<< z y Fy Nm yN uN {@ LN nm|
Nm y {@>> z N@
<<M \ No ?>> t z N@
<<Fz z T uNz gy o Ny {@ Fz
<<EXZ! FNy o Nz u M Zb N
ENoz sz? { Nz V {uN z o o Ny@
uNy o Zb N E T@ FNy E\ uZgz
\N Nz NL uZ T@ F o NL uZz
uNoy NueF| E{ Qo { o y-uo \oz z@ z
u YNz z uT T s@>>
NzF| gy o {@ u FN GzQ M No {?
<<u[ Nz Nm o zz Ny usuo g s@ o
Nz z , \oz z@>>
August '13
<<M E?>>
<<{uN z o Y@ G y z gy YoF| z
G ty utQ N o^z Y u@ G u ut
uN o Tz z@ Nz Nz o^z uZ N t-t
N uN@ Fz sNb Ny Ny E{ o-ut
Ny - Mo ozy z Ty- y@>>
<<Y Nz! y NzF| z {?>>
<<! YY gy z {@ ozy uNo {@>>
<<GN ozy z N uNo y {@ oz o^z
N{ Zo?>>
<< Lz o@>> t z N@
<<wn-Q z Y uN uNo oz E{ M {?>>
<<! uuo N um| y FuL \yuo @>> t z
N@ t N G YuNo T@ NZ
Y @ F N Nez z zz z t uYuoo E E{
Gz oYyo Nz Q Nz tz Nz Gz z N - <<yTs
\y Nz jj y z Q {@>>
<< z u uN N>> <<z y y {@>>
<< \o @>> z N@
<<Fy Nm G w os G oy Nz Ez s
z Yz Nz oo E@>> z N@
<<z z s Tz oz, M yTs\y Nz jj
NTz?>> t z Z@
<< No uN E jj NTz - GNz
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GN y T@>> z N@
<<F oy Nz tt\y Gz GNz - Nz tzz
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N| Ny uo| y o @ y { ?>>
oy \y EYN \z z YyQoy EF|@ <<EFL!
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tz N t{goz L yo TL@ j Ety N
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zg@ t Nz Y N Gz GNz s Nz Ez s
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uNb T@
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o {@ FNz \ z | o-uo z T \y z
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oy N Ny gF| F|@ o Nz {uN z
Ty EnY uN@ FNz o-uo y Gy
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-0-0-0\ Ny H uNm | {z T@ Ey um|
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Nz N z Nwuo Eno sy@ uom LN
Zzb E s@ zto tzuN sz@ Tz z GNz t|
uNL@ Gz G tlgo m uN@ u N - <<y\y!
EN t uo Ny N Yo {@ NwN ^z
Ey|t tyu\L@>> u|N N@
<<G NbYuo Nz Ey t oz s Tz@>>
tzuN z Ey|t ut@
<<zy LN Zzby FXZ {@>> Tz z N@
<<o tz n!>> tzuN z N@
<<yTs Nz jjz Ny zy FXZ {@ ENz
Ey zz gz N ETz@>>
zto tzuN\y Ny EQz YN Ge@ Nb z GN
Qlg tN T@
<<Tz! o^z F t Nz Ey|t Ny M \o?
Nw y |o @ GNy Nw N uo N{? t
GNz qs u\oy y \y y ? \N
G z uoy Nz@ ozy FXZ E y Ty@>> N@
Nm Ny uo| zto tzuN Ny EQz t TF|@ Qy
Nz E GNy EQ z z Tz@
August '13
|} q"K# #$O `O
1. ^=` H~ ^~O O =^=O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
2. H eOy` "=OQO H<O =~^HO
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
3. PO` =^~O OY KH^ ^i}O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
4. ~}` ~O H^[q+<#O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
5. O<^# =` kQOu <#"
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
All slokas Chant 28 times
FO $+H #=
G J yNz :
"~a=$kH, WO@~ O
H=_xH iOKO_.
FO N=` #= G yoz :
Please Chant for Handsome Appearance and wealth.
s~ O^~xH, O^.
FO JH~ #= G Eq :
For Education and better Financial strength.
q^a=$kH =i S~a=$kH.
Nz N N Nuz @
: Nu N Y@@
H"~ H= H= Hq< I
#= H=q~ H=~^~ K II
Kaameshwaraya Kaamaya Kaamapalaya Kamine
Namaha Kaamavihaaraya Kaamarupa dharaayacha
Marriages get finalised by Chanting this Sloka. Also
this sloka bestows intimacy, mutual affection and
trust between couples.
FO ~=`< #= G nz :
For self employed people, for promotions and
success in games.
FO ` =< #= G o :
For better health. =Oz P~QxH.
FO ``< #= G o nz :
To remove mental stress and for mental
=# H P~QxH =# H Xu _ #O_
FO ~} #= G | m z :
For Job Satisfaction
Chant 28 times
August '13
Aug '13
-C.S. Rangarajan
Weak and selfish minds have mastered the art of corrupting everything. With vengence,
they concentrate more concentratedly on the good traditions inherited from the past. The corrupting
influence is so rampant and powerful that probably it competes openly with the omnipresent and
omnipotent creator.
Circulation, rotation, turnover - call it by any name - is natural to the nature. Whether it is
air or water, they flow unobstructed. Nature's thirst for water is quenched by the raining clouds.
Water absorbed from the entire surface of the earth forms the basis for the supply of water in
the clouds. Thus the water that starts its journey from the water surfaces, receives back the flows
of water - used, unused, misused, abused.
As in nature, so is it in human life. Production, Distribution and Consumption reflects the
natural change and exchange in almost all aspects of life. Commerce covers a wide gamut of
activities, reflecting the circulatory nature. Commerce, per se, is not bad. Commercialisation, particularly
indiscriminate and rampant commercialisation is bad.
Particularly in monetary economy and more particularly in modern times nothing is FREE.
Either the user directly or some one else indirectly have to pay for it; otherwise, no activity can
be sustained; no activity can be made more efficient and more effective. Probably, the only exceptions
are visible mother's love for her children and invisible God's love for His creation.
Money has to be collected, properly accounted, appropriately spent, honestly audited and
so on - Whatever be the area of activity as money constitutes an inescapable reality.
Temples are no exception. God may be an exception, but temples cannot be an exception,
as the omnipresent Nirakara God is considered as present (as Sakara) in the temple.
Money is needed for running the temple activities also. The unfortunate rampant and indiscriminate
commercialisation has resulted in the more discriminating devotee public, resent the manner in
which different types of services are available, at various prices, catering more to the rich.
A charge for everything! Higher the charges, greater the distance between God and the
devotees.! Devotees in general resent the tickets culture. While they are generally willing to
give some money as offerings, they resent the rate structure. Instead of love for God, the prevelant
practices create a fear for God. Social morality is the casuality.
Reports appear in News papers stating that all is not clean and clear and fair and honest
with administration in temples, particularly in money matters. A time has come when some serious
thinking, if necessary radical and unconventional thinking must look into the entire aspect of money
collections in temples.
Probably, the Chilkur experiment is worth considering in this regard. Upto 8th Dec. 2001 on an average around 200 devotees (local and outside) used to visit Chilkur temple for Balaji's
darshan. As elsewhere, in Chilkur Balaji Temple also, there was a Hundi and there were Harathi
collections also.
oz z z Mn XZuo@
ot Mn ou on:@@
Whoever offers Me with devotion a leaf, a fruit, a flower, or water, that I accept of the pure
minded man offered with devotion.
It suddenly dawned that can money and God be delinked? Devotees present, were divinely
inspired; decided to experiment; it is devotion and devotion alone that appeals to the Lord and
not the quantum of offerings - in whatever name and whatever form. They decided to discontinue
with immediate effect, the prevailing practice of Hundi and Harathi collections.
O Lord! your ways are wonderful! Unless it was your sankalpa how can such an idea knock
at the hearts of the devotees? The moment the decision was implemented you started showering
your blessings. The discontinuance of commercialisation dimension has obviously pleased you.
So are your blessed devotees. The number of visiting devotees increased at such rapid rate
that to-day, the position is: above 25,000 devotees visit on Saturdays, Sundays and Festival days
and atleast 5000 on the other days. Oh lord Balaji of Chilkur, you have obviously blessed this
experiment of Total de-commercialisation, shower your infinite blessings on your devotees. Shower
your blessings on administrators, politicians and all others who are connected, so that they can
study and come out with more creative, practical and more non-commercial solutions for the
complex problems of temples.
Aug '13
"sH~}xH `==
-.. ~OQ~[<
August '13
Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 109
z~ r J#Q O 109
P# g ^=_ HH...
z~ ~}O
z~ r q qQO XH x ^~ 500 O=`~ H`O XH p= @ #O_ "eHf|_Ok.
u U_k u~uH "o =K P _ =e`#O =# JO` ^~O #_z "H _. J@=O\ x~_# `#
x HO P q z~ "e_x fu.
z~ q ^~<xH =z# #=HO U=O>, Z=~< HiH` 11 =~ ^H} Ke. P HiH
fi# `~"` 108 =~ ^H} K P qH `= ^#"^ `e. P q"i ^~#=`O`< H~
f~@O i\ J~#k.
#O_ ^#~O H#H WH_ PtOK~, HiOK~.
_II O.q. O^~~[< Q~ =i .Z. QH+ Q~ D P =O~O~ J~ ^~H~.
uYN N s m
uYN uso \y Ny uo|, LN Mo Nz o F| sy, u\z 500 | | LN y z uN T s@ uo| uuo
z uouo Nz t| Nzz Mo, ws Nz Nm uouo \ z sz@ \o { uN Ez Gy u| Mo
Nz uL T \y uYN Nb L@
uYN u\ \y Nz t| Nz z Mo N Tj u { uN \z y Mo Ey o Nz s EN
11 ut Ny uN No { oz GNy o y z \oy {@ onYo 108 uN N \y Nz t tzo GNz
t| z Moz Ny FXZ uo| z \z N Ebb u Mo {@ Eo: MoTm 11 uN N z u Nz os Ey
FXZ T z uzt N E{ GNy uo| Nz Yo 108 uN N@
F ut Ny uzo { uN, Nz T N Yj yNoz @
g. L.y. {t\ \y L y y.L. TzNwm F ut Nz | b~by L EY|N (\y) @
Chant 28 times
No| y| \ | z \ @ o mz m To b Y oz @ @