Licom AlphaCam
Licom AlphaCam
Licom AlphaCam
Table of Contents
Conventions When Using The Tutorial ______________________________3
Introduction _____________________________________________________3
The Part Geometry _______________________________________________5
Creating The Geometry ___________________________________________7
Draw the Base Pentagon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Use Copy to duplicate the base polygon. ----------------------------------------------------------8
Rotate the Pentagon into Position. ---------------------------------------------------------------------9
Rotate and Duplicate the Pentagon. -----------------------------------------------------------------10
Copy the Set of Pentagons. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------11
Rotate the Pentagon Set into Position. -------------------------------------------------------------12
Create the Outer Boundary. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Page 2
The symbol
The HELP file is very comprehensive. When you have finished the tutorial,
please take time to have a look at it. Select HELP | Contents.
This AlphaCAM tutorial has been designed to give you a flavour of how
AlphaCAM works, how interactive it is, how easy it is to learn and how easy it
is to use. We assume that you are familiar with the concepts involved in CNC
programming and have a reasonable understanding of your computer and the
Windows operating system. AlphaCAM has been developed as a true 32-bit
Windows 95 or NT application, so if you use other Windows programs you will
be familiar with features such as floating button bars, tabbed dialog boxes, etc.
If not, you should look at HELP | Contents | Screen Layout.
AlphaCAM systems are available for all machining disciplines. Each one is
specifically designed for the machine type, but the look and feel of all the
systems is standard. This tutorial can be used with both Standard and
Advanced AlphaCAM, Laser / Flame or Water Jet, modules. The tutorial
describes the construction and machining of the geometry for the following
If you have not already done so, start the AlphaCAM module. This will take
you into the graphical portion of the system. Your screen will look similar to
the one following.
Page 3
Graphics Area
During this tutorial, we tell you where to find commands on the pull-down
menus. If there is a button for the command, this will also be shown.
Take the trouble to locate the buttons on your screen. You can speed up your
work by avoiding having to pull down menus and side menus to click on
commands, when one click on a button will suffice.
To see what command a button performs, place the screen pointer over the
button for a couple of seconds, and a prompt will appear beside the pointer.
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Page 8
Type 36 j.
Page 9
Select Centre of 8
, pick the edge of the construction circle in the
base pentagon as shown below.
The pentagon will be displayed on the cursor.
The command line prompts
Type 360/5 j.
Page 10
. Click on ]
Page 11
Type -36 j.
Page 12
Enter CUTTING PROFILE as the layer name and set the Tolerance to 0.1
then select K
The command line prompts
Select a position close to but outside one of the pentagons
The Auto-Close function will track around the outside of the pentagons and
produce a closed profile on the new user layer CUTTING PROFILE.
To see the new profile turn off the APS Geometry layer.
Page 13
The APS layer dialog is displayed. Turn off the APS Geometry layer then
select K (Click ] on the X to turn it on and off)
Page 14
Enter CUTTING PROFILE as the layer name, select a layer colour and
select the Active option, then select K
The User Layers dialog will be displayed showing the current user layers.
Select K
Page 15
or Selecting
6 End Point whilst holding down C makes
end point modal and it will remain active until the Right mouse
button is clicked.
If you select the wrong position use the
GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry |Delete Last.
DO NOT USE UNDO as this will remove the complete profile.
Page 16
The APS layer dialog is displayed. Turn off the APS Geometry layer, then
select K(Click ] on the X to turn it on and off)
Page 17
It is necessary to set the right conditions before the machining commands are
applied to the geometry profile.
Page 18
Select the CW option to set the direction and select the Outside option.
When the selection is correct, click ] on the Selected button. The
Selected button allows you to pick the geometries to which the tool
directions are to be applied, (any holes would be set to inside).
AlphaCAM prompts
Page 19
The following notes explain the tool path creation and modification for:1
Page 20
Set the options as shown, then select K and the next dialog box will
be displayed.
The Loop option causes the tool path to create a loop at the external corners,
thus moving the beam away from the part to prevent over burning the corners.
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Set the options as shown, then select K and the next dialog box will
be displayed.
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