MR Poppers Penguins

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Poppers Penguins Performance Assessment Rubric

Student Name: _______________________________________________

Title Page

Title page has a title,

illustration of Mr.
Popper, and 5 or
more adjectives
describing Mr.

Title page has a title,

illustration of Mr.
Popper, and 1-4
adjectives describing
Mr. Popper.

Title page has a title,

illustration of Mr.
Popper, and 1
adjective describing
Mr. Popper.

Title page does not

have a title,
illustration of Mr.
Popper, or adjectives
describing Mr.


The main characters

are named and
clearly described in
each chapter as well
as pictures. Most
readers could
describe the
characters accurately.

The main characters

are named and
described. Most
readers would have
some idea of what
the characters looked
like. Most chapters
include the

The main characters

are named. The
reader knows very
little about the
characters. Very few
summaries include
the characters.

It is hard to tell who

the main characters
are. The summaries
do not include the


Many vivid,
descriptive words are
used to tell when and
where the story took
place. Each summary
includes the setting.

Some vivid,
descriptive words are
used to tell the
audience when and
where the story took
place. Most
summaries include
the setting.

The reader can figure

out when and where
the story took place,
but the author didn\'t
supply much detail.
Few summaries
include the setting.

The reader has

trouble figuring out
when and where the
story took place.
Summaries do not
include the setting.


Summaries include
what is happening in
the chapter with
complex details.

Most summaries
include what is
happening in the
chapter with simple
to complex details.

Few summaries
include what is
happening in the
chapter with simple
to complex details.

Summaries do not
include what is
happening in the
chapter with simple
or complex details.

Accuracy of Facts

All facts presented in Almost all facts

Most facts presented There are several
the story are
presented in the story in the story are
factual errors in the
are accurate.
accurate (at least

Focus on Assigned

The summaries are

focused on the
assigned chapter

The summaries are

mostly focused on
the assigned chapter

The summaries are

not focused on the
assigned chapter

Spelling and

There are no
important spelling or
punctuation errors in
the final draft.
Character and place
names that the author
invented are spelled
throughout. Students
will have a copy of
the book for

There are 5 spelling

or punctuation errors
or less in the final

There are 10 spelling

and punctuation
errors or less in the
final draft.

The final draft has

more than 11 spelling
and punctuation


The final draft of the

story is readable,
clean, neat and
attractive. It is free of
erasures and crossedout words. It looks
like the author took
great pride in it.

The final draft of the

story is readable, neat
and attractive. It may
have one or two
erasures, but they are
not distracting. It
looks like the author
took some pride in it.

The final draft of the

story is readable and
some of the pages are
attractive. It looks
like parts of it might
have been done in a

The final draft is not

neat or attractive. It
looks like the student
just wanted to get it
done and didn\'t care
what it looked like.


All of the written

requirements (# of
summaries, 4
sentences, etc.) were

Almost all (about

75%) the written
requirements were

Most (about 50%) of Many requirements

the written
were not me
requirements were
met, but several were

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