Article On Measuring Body Temperature

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Measuring body temperature

Body temperature is a vital sign and it is important to measure it accurately. This article
reviews and compares the various methods available to nurses.


The physiological processes that regulate body temperature

The clinical indications for measuring temperature
A review of various methods of temperature measurement

Louise McCallum is a lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland, Ayr; Dan Higgins is a freelance
educator, resuscitation and critical care, and senior charge nurse, critical care, at University Hospitals
Birmingham Foundation Trust.

McCallum L, Higgins D (2012) Measuring body temperature. Nursing Times; 108: 45, 20-22.
Body temperature is one of the four main vital signs that must be monitored to ensure safe and
effective care. Temperature measurement is recommended by the National Institute of Clinical
Excellence a part of the initial assessment in acute illness in adults (NICE, 2007) and by the
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network guidelines for post-operative management in adults
(SIGN, 2004). Despite applying in all healthcare environments, wide variations exist on the
methods and techniques used to measure body temperature.
It is essential to use the most appropriate technique to ensure that temperature is measured
accurately. Inaccurate results may influence diagnosis and treatment, lead to a failure to identify
patient deterioration and compromise patient safety.
This article explains the importance of temperature regulation and compares methods of its

Keywords: Temperature/Vital signs/Monitoring

This article has been double-blind peer reviewed

Figures and tables can be seen in the attached print-friendly PDF file of the
complete article in the Files section of this page


Body temperature is one of the four main vital signs that must be monitored in a


Wide variations in practice exist across the healthcare system for measuring body
Body temperature should be measured and recorded regularly with precision,
consistency and diligence
It is vital to measure temperature accurately as it has an impact on diagnosis and
Inaccurate temperature measurement may compromise patient safety
Body temperature represents the balance between heat production and heat loss (Marieb and Hoehn,
2010). If the rate of heat generated equates to the rate of heat lost, the core body temperature will be
stable (Tortora and Derrickson, 2011).
All metabolising body cells manufacture heat in varying amounts. Therefore, body temperature is not
evenly distributed across the body (Childs, 2011).
Core body temperature is found in the blood supplying organs such as the brain and those in the
abdominal and thoracic cavities. Core temperature may be affected by intrinsic factors and, to a lesser
degree, extrinsic (environmental) factors.
Peripheral temperature is recorded in tissues such as the skin, where environmental factors and a lack
of insulating connective tissue influence temperature.
Box 1 sets out some intrinsic factors that influence temperature (see attached PDF).
A healthy body maintains its temperature within a narrow range using homeostatic thermoregulation
mechanisms (Pocock and Richards, 2009). The normal range for core temperature in the literature
varies, although 36C-37.5C is acceptable in clinical practice (Childs, 2011).
Extremes of temperature are easier to interpret (Box 2 - see attached PDF). It is estimated that
accompanying every 1C rise in body temperature is a 10% rise in the rate of enzyme-controlled
chemical reactions (Marieb and Hoehn, 2010). At 43C and above, cells are irreparably damaged and
enzymes denatured, rendering death a certainty (Marieb and Hoehn, 2010). Conversely, as
temperature drops, cellular processes become sluggish and the metabolic rate falls. Pocock and
Richards (2009) suggest that consciousness is lost 33C. The body is generally more tolerant of lower
than higher temperatures (Marieb and Hoehn, 2010).

Maintenance of body temperature

The thermoregulatory centre is located in the hypothalamus in the brain. It consists of the heat-loss
centre, the heat-promoting centre and the pre-optic region, which analyse and coordinate responses
to maintain body temperature within the homeostatic range (Marieb and Hoehn, 2010).
Signals arrive at the thermoregulatory centre via afferent pathways from the sensory receptors in the
skin and organs. The centres response is propagated along efferent neural pathways to the target
organ or blood vessel to elicit a response to gain or lose heat (Childs, 2011).
Behavioural mechanisms, such as removing or adding layers of clothing, also play an important role.
Fig 1 outlines the autonomic physiological mechanisms that are activated through the
thermoregulatory centre to keep body temperature within the normal range.

Indications for measurement

There are many clinical indications for measuring body temperature (Dougherty and Lister, 2011;
Pocock and Richards, 2009). They include:

To obtain a the baseline temperature to enable comparisons to be made with future

To enable close observation in resolving hypothermia/hyperthermia;
To observe and monitor patients for changes indicating an infection;
To monitor the effect of treatment for antimicrobial therapy for infection;
Before and during a blood transfusion to monitor for signs of a reaction.

Measuring body temperature

The measurement of core body temperature may seem simple, but several issues affect the accuracy
of the reading. These include the measurement site, the reliability of the instrument and user
technique (Pusnik and Miklavec, 2009). Practitioners must understand the advantages and
disadvantages associated with the chosen method so they can explain the procedure to patients and
obtain valid consent (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2008).
True core temperature readings can only be measured by invasive means, such as placing a
temperature probe into the oesophagus, pulmonary artery or urinary bladder (Childs, 2011). It is not
practical, nor indeed necessary, to use such sites and methods in all cases; they tend to be reserved
for patients who are critically ill.
Non-invasive sites such as the rectum, oral cavity, axilla, temporal artery (forehead) and external
auditory canal are accessible and are believed to provide the best estimation of the core temperature
(Pusnik and Miklavec, 2009). The temperature measured between these sites can vary greatly, so the
same site ought to be used consistently and recorded on the chart with the reading (Davie and
Amoore, 2010).

Oral cavity
The oral cavity temperature is considered to be reliable when the thermometer is placed posteriorly
into the sublingual pocket (Hamilton and Price, 2007). This landmark is close to the sublingual artery,
so this site tracks changes in core body temperature (Dougherty and Lister, 2011).
Electronic or disposable chemical thermometers may be used. Chemical thermometers should be
avoided if the patient is hypothermic (<35C) because their range of operation is 35.5C-40.4C
(Fulbrook, 1997). Low-reading thermometers may be of some use. Mercury-in-glass thermometers
can no longer be bought because of European Council rules (Medicines and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency, 2011).
Care must be taken to avoid the anterior region immediately posterior to the lower incisors because
the temperature here is substantially lower (Dougherty and Lister, 2011).
Factors affecting accuracy include recent ingestion of food or fluid, having a respiratory rate >18 per
minute and smoking (Dougherty and Lister, 2011). Oxygen therapy, particularly with high-flow rates,
may influence temperature but this claim has been refuted by Stanhope (2006).

Tympanic temperature

The tympanic thermometer senses reflected infrared emissions from the tympanic membrane through
a probe placed in the external auditory canal (Davie and Amoore, 2010). This method is quick
(<1 minute), minimally invasive and easy to perform. It has been reported to estimate rapid
fluctuations in core temperature accurately because the tympanic membrane is close to the
hypothalamus (Stanhope, 2006).
Although its accuracy and reliability have been questioned in many studies in the past decade, with
differing outcomes. Tympanic thermometry continues to be used. Operator error and poor technique
are frequently cited problems (Farnell et al, 2005), so training is recommended. Ear wax is known to
reduce the accuracy of readings, so it is recommended that the ear is inspected before measurement
(Farnell et al, 2005).
Advantages of this site are that the measurement does not appear to be influenced by oral fluids or
diet, environmental temperature or other extraneous variables (Robb and Shahab, 2001). If patients
have been lying with their ear on a pillow, allow 20 minutes to elapse so the temperature can
normalize (Bridges and Thomas, 2009).

Axillary temperature
Temperature is measured at the axilla by placing the thermometer in the central position and
adducting the arm close to the chest wall.
The literature suggests that this is an unreliable site for estimating core body temperature because
there are no main blood vessels around this area (Sund-Levander and Grodzinsky, 2009). These
authors also argue that the axillary temperature can be affected by the environmental temperature
and perspiration.
Fulbrook (1997) produced convincing evidence indicating that chemical thermometers are clinically
unreliable for measuring axillary temperature. Giantin et al (2008) suggested that electronic digital
thermometers can be used at this site as a reliable alternative in older people.

Rectal temperature
Rectal temperature is said to be the most accurate method for measuring the core temperature
(Lefrant et al, 2003). However, obtaining this is more time consuming than other methods and might
be considered unfavourable for some patients (Dzarr et al, 2009). Practitioners should pay particular
attention to issues of privacy.
The presence of faeces prevents the thermometer from touching the wall of the bowel and may
generate inaccurate readings (Sund-Levander and Grodzinsky, 2009). Sund-Levander and Grodzinsky
(2009) suggested this method does not track immediate changes to core temperature because of the
low flow of blood to the area, so core temperature may be under- or overestimated at times of rapid

Temporal artery temperature

The temporal artery thermometer is quick to use. It is held over the forehead and senses infrared
emissions radiating from the skin (Davie and Amoore, 2010). However, its reliability and validity have
not been widely tested. A single-centre study comparing it with other methods found that, despite the

infection control advantages of this non-touch method, it underestimated body temperature compared
with the control (Duncan et al, 2008).

Body temperature should be measured and recorded regularly with precision, consistency and
diligence. Practitioners should be acutely aware of patients temperature because it serves as a useful
indicator of change in their clinical condition.
A review has illustrated that none of the methods for measuring temperature at the bedside are
perfect (Davie and Amoore, 2010). Once a site and a method have been selected, they must be used
consistently to ensure accuracy and patient safety.

Bridges E, Thomas K (2009) Noninvasive measurement of body temperature in critically ill
patients. Critical Care Nurse; 29, 94-97.
Childs C (2011) Maintaining body temperature. In: Brooker C, Nicol M (eds) Alexanders Nursing
Practice. Oxford: Elesvier.
Davie A, Amoore J (2010) Best practice in the measurement of body temperature. Nursing
Standard; 24: 42, 42-49.
Dougherty L, Lister S (2011) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Duncan A et al (2008) Can a non-contact infrared thermometer be used interchangeably with other
thermometers in an adult emergency department? Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal; 11: 130134.
Dzarr A et al (2009) A comparison between infrared tympanic thermometry, oral and axilla with
rectal thermometry in neutropenic adults. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 13, 250-254.
Farnell S et al (2005) Temperature measurement: comparison of non-invasive methods in critical
care. Journal of Clinical Nursing; 14: 632-639.
Fulbrook P (1997) Core body temperature measurement: a comparison of axilla, tympanic
membrane and pulmonary artery blood temperature. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing; 13: 266272.
Giantin V et al (2008) Reliability of body temperature measurements in hospitalised older
patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing; 17: 1518-1525.
Hamilton P, Price T (2007) The nursing process, holistic assessment and baseline observations. In:
Brooker C, Waugh A (eds) Foundations of Nursing Practice Fundamentals of Holistic Care. London:
Mosby Elsevier.
Lefrant J et al (2003) Temperature measurement in intensive care patients: comparison of urinary
bladder, oesophageal, rectal, axillary, inguinal methods versus pulmonary artery core
method. Intensive Care Medicine; 29: 3, 414-418.
Marieb E, Hoehn K (2010) Human Anatomy and Physiology with Interactive Physiology 10-System
Suite. New York, NY: Pearson Publishing.
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency(2011) Mercury in Medical Devices.
London: MHRA.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence(2007) Acutely Ill Patients in Hospital:
Recognition of and Response to Acute Illness in Adults in Hospital. London: NICE.
Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics
for Nurses and Midwives. London: NMC.
Pocock G, Richards C (2009) The Human Body: an Introduction for the Biomedical and Health
Sciences. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Pusnik I, Miklavec A (2009) Dilemmas in measurement of human body temperature. Instrument
Science Technology; 37: 516-530.
Robb P, Shahab R (2001) Infrared transtympanic temperature measurement and otitis media with
effusion.International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; 59: 3, 195-200.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (2004)Postoperative Management in Adults: a
Practical Guide to Postoperative Care for Clinical Staff. Edinburgh: SIGN.
Stanhope N (2006) Temperature measurement in the phase I PACU. Journal of PeriAnesthesia
Nursing; 21: 1, 27-36.
Sund-Levander M, Grodzinsky E (2009) Time for a change to assess and evaluate body
temperature in clinical practice.International Journal of Nursing Practice; 15: 4, 241-249.
Tortora G, Derrickson B (2011) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. New York, NY: John Wiley &

This article was taken from McCallum L, Higgins D (2012) Measuring body
temperature. Nursing Times; 108: 45, 20-22.

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