KP-Horary As Opposed To Nata For PRINTl

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KP Horary as opposed to Natal :Prasana-Marga(include Ashta-Mangala), Prasna-Tantra(Greek-Tajaka), & Hora-sara

(with 108 numbers) are the 3 major traditional systems before KP(249 numbers, for 249
Subs) came in to vogue In KPAstro-method, what are the main differences between tools
used for analyzing NATAL(Radical)-Chart as opposed to HORARY Chart.?? :Horary astrology is the art of astrological divination..
1) In both Horary&Natal, Starting-Point of a house is called the cusp of that house. For
erecting the chart,& for fixing the most crucial 12Cuspal-Points, though in both cases
Placidus-house-division method and KP Ayanamsa are used, in Horary-chart for 1stCuspalpoint(Lagna-point) is based on the NUMBER(between 1 to 249)given by the querent as
opposed to Natal Chart where DoB/ToB/PoB(both Lat/Long) are used..The Lagna-Point is
NIRAYANA by itself in Horary, and therefore Ayanamsa shouldnt be adjusted for the
1stCupal-point, but in Radical(Natal)-Chart, ALL 12 cuspal-points including Lagna-Point,
are Sayana,& hence for Lagna-point too,Ayanamsa shd be adjusted
2) For erecting Natal Chart, Universal Table of Houses is used, but for Horary chart, Horary
table of houses is used(with Latitude) alone , preferably that of Subramaniam..
3) Planets in Retrogression: a) If Dasa-Bhukti Lords r in retro in Radical Chart their good
effects are slightly reduced and bad effects are slightly magnified..Nothing more!! But in
Horary, if SUCH Retro planet happens to be either the Relevant CSBL Planet or even DasaBhukti Lords their effects (good or bad,) are delayed till such time they regain forward
motion and also come back to the same point from where they went in Retro.. b) If Such
Retro-Planet in Horary is either STL/SBL of the relevant CSBL, then the matter, be it
good or bad, wd ultimately FAIL and FALL THROUGH c) If the 11thCSBL or STL/
SBL of 11thCSBL is RETRO, the relevant good effect wd NOT materialize atall.. d) If STL
or SBL of even a R.P. is retro, such R.P. too is to be ignored, for selecting appropriate
significators, & for eliminating temptors. ..
4) Natal-Chart is for analyzing all matters / events, and for entire life; but Horary-Chart is
only for & exclusively for that particular query, after which the Horary Chart is useless..
Therefore Natal Chart is a JUNGLE thru which it is tougher to wade thru to find the right
path, and though natal-chart is tougher to analyze, that chart stands good for entire life, & for
all life-events & for all times..
5) In KP method for analyzing Natal(Radical)-chart, ToB/PoB should be v precise, if possible
to the Second, and a small error of even half-a minute, in ToB, could be a very big error,
changing a couple of CSBLs, besides most CSSBLs.; hence in case of doubt in accuracy of
ToB/PoB, it is always advisable to go for KP-Horary.. Horary astrology (Prashna Jyotish
in Sanskrit) is a branch of astrology which is useful when birth details are not available with
the required accuracy. Some KP-astrologers/KP-Scholars, claim that horary-method gives
more accurate results than natal(birth-chart) astrology.!
6) There are few differences in purpose of usage of Ruling planets, between Horary & Natal.
--Compiled By SVT
KP Astro-Analysis based on Horary :Fundamentals: Should always have well structured, well articulated, specific (& NOT
vague), absolutely clear & unambiguous question from the querent in order to know exactly

which house(s) to judge, followed by a number between 1 to249. Next WHO is the person
making the query? There can be 3 sources, ie., a)Is the question pertaining to himself or
b)pertaining to his relative/ friend/ enemy/ neighbor etc. & if so which relative, or c) is it
general question of some fancy or interest.? This will enable the astrologer to find the
relevant Lagna & subsequent houses to be judged from Horary-Chart. In Horary, the first
house represents the person who is asking the question If the querent asks Will I win
the Litigation, then consider first house itself as his Lagna & 6th / 3rd & 11th there from to
answer the query. For every query find out the most important (main)House, its
CSBL&STL/SBL of that CSBL. This main house CSBL should be related to the other house
pertaining to the question. Suppose the query is Will I get the job then the main house is
6th& other houses are 11, 10 & 2, all from Lagna of Horary chart. If the query is related to his
son, then this 6th from 5th & then 11, 10 & 2, all counted from 5th from Horary Lagna.
1. CASTING A HORARY CHART : For casting a Horary Chart take the commencing position
of the Sub of the Horary number as the NIRAYANA ASCENDANT. This Cuspal position of the
Ascendant remains the same, irrespective of the year, date, time or the locality where the
CHART is cast. Hence Ayanamsa value should NOT be adjusted, for Lagna-Cupal-point.
2. For ascertaining the Cusps of other 10 houses, take only the LATITUDE where the Astrologer
judges the chart irrespective of the place from which the Query has been raised, either by
phone, letter, E-mail, telegram etc., and the Chart is to be prepared as per THE PLACIDUS
of houses by Subramaniam, AND MAHABALA EPHEMERIS and other Tables required for
erecting the Chart correctly as advised by him. This is for those who prepare the Chart
manually. Those who have computers can prepare the Chart with the help of Software
prepared by Sri A.R.Raichur of Bombay or Sri Rangarajan of Man Machine Systems,
Chennai..- Unfortunately JH software re Horary is NOT found to be accurate.. The
Ayanamsa value in JH software is higher by 2.0 to7.0 secs., & in Subramaniams books,
Ayanamsa is higher by a marginal 0.32sec, BUT in D.D software it is less by 5.91sec& so
JH is to be reduced by 2.0 to 7.0sec., Subramaniam values possibly by 0.32sec & D.D
value increased by about 6 secs, respectively.
3. If the HORARY CHART is likely to be judged immediately after casting, then the position
of Planets is to be worked out for the time when the Chart is taken for casting; In all other
cases the position of Planets should be worked out only for the time when the Astrologer
commences analyzing the chart.. One point is to be clear in respect of those Astrologers who
have KP Charts computer package. In their cases they should remember that unless they are
in a position to analyze the Chart immediately after getting a print-out of the Chart with all details
of the Significators, Aspects, Dasas etc., they should not cast the Chart and keep it and attend
to some other job thinking that the Chart has been prepared for the correct time as desired by
them and therefore they can take time to leisurely judge them. In their case also the same rule that
applies to others who cast Charts manually applies i.e., unless they are in a position to
analyze the chart immediately, don't feed the data in the computer and get the print out of
the Chart with other data mentioned above.. The skeleton-Chart containing only (merely) the
12 Cuspal-Points (with out Planetary Positions), however may be cast either manually or
through software, & kept aside even for 24 hrs. Even the skeleton Cusp-Points-chart becomes
invalid if kept for over a day or in a different location even within a day. A complete Chart
with Nirayana-planetary positions&/or list of significators/ grading the significators, can be,
rather should be, made ready only at the time of analysis.
4. The query may be for the Querist himself or for some relative or friend. If the query is for
himself make all calculations from Lagna. If it is for younger Brother or Sister, take the 3rd house
counted from the Lagna in the Horary Chart as Ascendant and work out; If it relates to Mother, take

the 4th, as Ascendant.; For the Sons &Daughters of the Querist take 5th, for Wife or Partner in
business take 7th, for Father take 9th, for elder-Brother or Sister, for Friend etc., take 11th, and
for any unknown persons take 9th, as Ascendant, and work out..
5. After the chart is cast, the first job is to check whether the chart reflects the mind of the
Querist / querentFor this check what MOON the Planet that controls the thought
process and mind, a) represents by virtue of houses owned and occupied by it, b) whether its
Star and Sub Lords are connected with the houses relevant to the query raised.. Also the
1stCSTL/ 1stCSBL shd be related to or connected to Moons STL/SBL.. Experience
confirms that a connection by Sub Lordship is very important too.
6. ASCENDANT also, besides Moon, reflects the Mind of the Querist, since it stands for both
the Querist himself and also the query put by him. What ever matters the Ascendant SubLord signifies, that is what the Querist would like to know. So ascertain which houses are
signified by the Lagna-Sub-lord& what relevance they have to the question raisedThe
Querent is represented by planets ruling the ASC-Cusp. The Moon co-rules the Querent..
Hence the 1st house(1stCusp)Star-Lord or Sub-Lord--meaning the 1stCSTL/1stCSBL-,shd be
either the same as Moons STL or SBL, or atleast connected to Moons STL/SBL by
Conjn / Aspct or otherwise related to the house of query.
7. WHETHER THE MATTER IS PROMISSED: The main purpose of HORARY is to get a direct answer
to the query raised and therefore unless the matter is promised there is no point in proceeding further.
Therefore only when the query is properly reflected by the disposition of MOON &/or
ASCENDANT- SUB-LORD, the case is to be examined whether the matter is promised or
not. In this connection readers should to keep in mind PUNARPOO DOSHA before coming to
any conclusion on this matter. While examining a Horary Chart this will be discussed in
detail, if necessary..
8. For finding out whether the matter queried will materialize or not, consider the 11thCusp
& find out whether the 11th Cusp-Sub-Lord is either RETROGRADE or deposited in either in the
Constellation or Sub whose Lord is RETROGRADE. If the SubLord himself is retrograde
then the event will materialize with delay. But if it is posited in Constellation or Sub of a
Planet that is retrograde then the event will not materialize at all. On the other hand if all
three, i.e., the Sub-Lord itself and Lord of the Constellation & Lord of the Sub in which this
Sub-Lord is posited are all in direct motion and if the same 11th CuspSubLord is also a
significator of either 11thBhava or atleast any one of the concerned houses relevant to the
query in question, then the event is promised.FULFILMENT OF ALL THESE THREE
CONDITIONS i.e., i) Sub Lord should not be retrograde, ii) Sub-Lord should not be in the
Constellation/ Sub of a Planet in retrograde and iii) the Sub-Lord should signify 11th or any
one of the houses relevant to the Query, IS A MUST to give an affirmative answer to the
query raised; If ANYONE of THEM IS NOT FULFILLED, THEN THE matter falls thru &
9. Finally if the Ascendant is in any of COMMON-SIGNS (MITHUNA, KANYA, DHANUS
AND MEENA), 7th house is the Bhadhakasthana..
10. HOW TO JUDGE A CHART?? The first step in this direction is to identify correctly the
houses which have a bearing on the fructification of a query, e.g., MARRIAGE -7,11,2-,
BUILDING /buying a HOUSE 4,11,12 -, EMPLOYMENT 6,10,2 and 11etc., and the
Significators of these houses.. The Significators are to be graded as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th,
strictly according to K.P. Method
How this grading is done will be explained when I take up a Chart for analysis

11. RAHU AND KETHU should be included as Significators if, only if, they are conjoined
with / aspected by the Significators or tenanted in the house (Rasi) of Significators..
12. For identifying the Lordship of a house, it should be remembered that OWNER Of A HOUSE
IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND IN K.P..-Do NOT count or calculate the ownership of a house
(Bhava), or occupation of a house (Bhava), by any planet, based either on Parasari method or by
Sripathi method.- Never assume Successive Rasi Lords are successive Bhava Lords, or Planets located
in successive Rasis wd always be taken as if they are in successive Bhavas
13. SELECTION OF FRUITFUL SIGNIFICATORS: The accuracy of prediction depends entirely
on the CORRECT selection of the Significators for the event. Therefore we should find out
which of the Significators of the relevant houses as selected under K.P. are really beneficial
and which of them are only tempters.. Many a time many Planets and even all the 9 Planets
become the Significators and in such cases the beneficial Significators amongst them are to
he found out after weeding out others (tempters). THIS is really a very difficult task even
for a very seasoned and experienced K.P. Astrologer and all failures in prediction result
only on account of wrong selection of FRUITFUL Significators. The various methods of
selecting fruitful or beneficial Significators are explained below, the best method is to tally
them with R.P.s. as mentioned below..
14. The MOST reliable and easy method is to select the fruitful Significators with the help of
FRUCTIFICATION OF THE EVENT EXPECTED" Therefore, Significators which are in
common with the Ruling-Planets and the FRUITFUL Significators for the event in question
are to be selected under this method, if one is to get the correct result Take R.P.s of such
Time Lagna when urge comes..
15. In order of MERIT AND STRENGTH, in the descending order, the following Planets are
regarded as the RULING PLANETS.
1. ASCENDANT OR LAGNA STAR-LORD.-(Ascendant, of such time, when urge comes)
2. ASCENDANT SIGN-LORD-(Time Ascendant)
The above are only treated as Ruling Planets by GURUJI.. Later on many researchers have
revealed that both ASCNDANT SUB-LORD & also MOON SUB-LORD too should be included
as Ruling Planets.. THIS is quite in consonance with the Sub-theory of our GURUJI, KSK and
several Astrologers and Great Scholars in K.P., by taking these two Sub-Lords also as Ruling
Planets have given/written innumerable accurate predictions.. Therefore when we include
these two Sub-Lords i.e., Ascendants Sub-Lord and Moons Sub-Lord, they take
precedence over Ascendant Star-Lord and Moon-Star-Lord in meriting.. Apart from the
above any Planet Aspected by the above selected Ruling Planets, are also in the Sign, Star or Sub of
any of the Ruling Planets can be included as Ruling Planets -BOTH THE CONDITIONS BEING
SATISFIED SIMULTANEOUSLY..-I (SVT) too found them to be correctHere I would like to
make the following comments with regard to RULING PLANETS, based on KSK.s observation

condition applies equally to all those Astrologers who use Computer package for preparing
the Chart.
16. One should not accept these RULING-PLANETS as they are. Check whether any of them is
posited either in the Constellation or Sub of a Retrograde Planet. If there is any, reject them
and accept the remaining.(So the Theory of rejecting retro-planets applies even to Ruling
Planets too).
17. SUN AND MOON never retrograde. Similarly for RAHU AND KETU retrogression should NOT be
considered. Thus only MARS, JUPITER, VENUS AND SATURN will retrograde.
18. The SECOND METHOD for selecting fruitful Significators is to is to take the CUSP SUB LORD
of the concerned houses and see, which of the Significators are posited in their Constellation.
Those Significators who are in the stars of such Cusp-Sub-Lords can be taken
straightaway as fruitful one. The rest can be dropped or eliminated by further process. If there is NO
planet either in the Star or in Sub of the CSBL, then take that CSBL itself, as a Significator
19. The THIRD METHOD of selecting fruitful Significators is to find out whether its Sub Lord is
one of the Significators.- If yes it can be included or else dropped..
20. As a GENERAL RULE all those Significators which signify 12th to the relevant houses
under scrutiny, meaning Negation house, should be rejected.. Similarly Planets which are in
6,8,12 to the concerned houses also mostly do not contribute to the matters signified by such
houses. Similarly any house which are in 6, 8and 12, to any house are considered to negate
the affairs influenced by the house concerned..
21. A Planet which appears a larger number of times amongst the Significators / RULING
PLANETS or who is connected with various Significators as their Constellation or Sign or as
a Sub-Lord should be taken as THE STRONGEST . Conversely a Planet which is not in the
Sub of Lords of the concerned houses should be treated as WEAKEST, in producing the
result though may qualify itself as a significator after passing through all the elimination
22. Significators, that are in the Sub of Planets occupying houses negating the Houses
concerned i.e. in the 12th to the houses concerned, should be rejected as unfruitful
Significators. (Means if the Sub Lord of a significator is in Negation house that significator
WONT be fruitful.)
23. RAHU AND KETU that are NODES give results as follows: i) First give results of houses
owned by Planets with which they are conjoined, ii) Second as Planets Aspecting them, iii)
Third as Planets in whose sign they are tenanted, iv) Fourth as Planets in whose star they are
NOTE: 1. Many prefer to take the Node as representing the Planet in whose Sign they are tenanted,
under the third step indicated above. 2. Nodes do not Aspect any Planet or any house since
they are only the sensitive and powerful intersecting points in the pathway of Sun and Moon
and they are not having any physical body which can be seen through a telescope as we can
see all the other Planets. THIS is the reason why they are called SHADOWY PLANETS & KP
insists Nodes have NO aspect, but are only receptive to Conjn / Aspct from the 7 Tara planets.
24. When the Nodes appear as RULING PLANTS/SIGNIFICATORS its Sign Lord is replaced by it

READERS TO UNDERSTAND THIS VERY CLEARLY. In case the Sign Lord is also a powerful
significator there is no need to replace it, but it can be taken along with the Node.
25. It should be remembered that the RULING PLANTS have a definite bearing over the EVENT . If
Lords become STRONGEST to offer result according to their disposition..
26. TIMING OF EVENT: THIS is the greatest hurdle- Therefore the technique for this can be
mastered only by experience over a long period of time. However a few useful tips are given
27. An event will materialize during the conjoined period of the selected Significators
especially when the Luminaries (SUN AND MOON, especially when MOON) transit through their
ZONES (Sign, Star & Sub of Significators) indicated by these Planets..
28. When the event is expected in:
a) Few hours from the time of judgment of the Horary Chart, move the Ascendant i.e.,
Lagna-point to the sensitive Zone of the Significators. (Sensitive Zone means Sign, Star &
Sub of R.Ps)
b) In a few days time move Moon to the sensitive zone of the Significators.
c) In a few months time, move Sun to the sensitive ZONES of the Significators..
d) If after a year or more then move JUPITER to the sensitive ZONE of the Significators.
In case the event is likely to happen within hours from the time of judgment of the HoraryChart, find the Lagna i.e., Ascendant that is rising at the time of judgment. Then which is
next to rise and so on. Then that wing of ZONE that is governed by one of the selected
Significators should have the Star governed by another strong significator. In that one has to
find out when the third significator becomes the Sub-Lord. When this position in that Sign
would rise in the East or transited by Moon or Sun, as the case may be, the event will
29. But in case the event is expected to materialize in Days, Months or after a Year, then that
date and time should be taken when the Moon, Sun or Jupiter, as the case may be, transits in
that Sign, Star and Sub..
30. IN HORARY CHARTS, Planets in retrograde motion can't give results as long as they are
retrograde.. However, if a retrograde Planet is deposited in the Constellation &also Sub of a
Planet that is in direct motion, then this indicates that the matter will materialize with some
delay and obstacles. The matter will materialize when the Planet assumes direct motion and
passes beyond the longitude wherefrom retrograde motion startedIf STL or SBL of relevant CSBL
is retro, then the matter will fail..
34. If Planets 'A' and 'B' in their periods give a result, then the Planet in 6or 8or 12 to 'A' and
'B' will give the diametrically opposite results. For example if one joins service during 'A'
Dasa, 'B' Bukthi, then he will lose the job or leave it during 'C Bukthi, if 'C' is in 6, 8 or 12 to
both 'A' and 'B' and forms evil aspect with 'A' and 'B', as per KP.. The Dasa, Bukthi and Anthra
mentioned here are the one running in the Horary Chart under examination..

35. Whenever one wants to find out the day of an event in any Bukthi and Anthra, one is to
note whether the Lord of the Bukthi and Anthra are strong or the Lord of the Constellation.
The Lord of the Constellation, if stronger, will give the result only on its day.
36. For finding out a particular date, the transit of the selected fruitful Significators should
also he scrutinized. They should be transiting in the Constellation and Sub of the
37. If the XI Cusp-Sub Lord happens to be one of the strong Significators, then an event wd often
materialize in its Sub-period
38. If 11th house is occupied by fast moving Planets such as Moon, Mercury, Sun, Mars,
Venus or, if Lord of 11, (if 11th is vacant)are the above Planets then the event queried will
materialize within a short period. If on the other hand either the occupant of 11th or Lord
of 11th, is a slow moving Planet such as Saturn, Rahu and Kethu, or even Jupiter, then the
event will not materialize in short time but will take a long time. (However in practice I
have seen that this rule is not always correct. Re Moon alone, this rule is correct, as per my
(SVT) experience)..
Only faster moving planets can apply in aspect.. This dictum however is found to be
39. GENERAL .In case the Sub-Lord of the Horary Number happens to rule the Constellation/
Sign/Sub in which Moon is posited at the time of query the answer will be mostly
affirmative to the question. In addition If Moon is making no aspects to any planets before it
goes into a new sign, then matter proceeds with great difficulty. If one or both of co-rulers
apply in benefic Aspect (Conjunction, Trine, Sextile etc) to the planet ruling the appropriate
house for the question, then there is positive outcome to the question If the planet ruling
the house of the question is in the first house (representing the querrent), then there is a
positive answer If the planet ruling the ASC is in the house of the question, then there is a
positive answer.
40. It is often useful to scrutinize what the RULING PLANETS signify, their aspects with the
Cusp/Cusp Lords and other Planets. How far they promise good result for some Bhava or
affect the result of other Bhavas.
example. Sun stands for Govt. / Court, Ketu / Mars for quick grasping, Ketu for aberration,
Jupiter for law, judgment & Bank;. Moon for Liquids, Mars / Mercury for Engineering and
Saturn for mining &metal Pay attention to Graha-tatvas of both CSBLs & their STLs
42. A Planet in whose star there is no other Planet is the strongest to give the result of the
house of whose significator it is. THIS APPLIES VERY STRONGLY TO CUSP SUB- LORDS..
(say for eg: for Malu 5th CSBL is Mercury located in 5th & No planet in Mercury Star /.. So it Very strongly
signifies 5th. besides Venus which alone is in Mercury Sub.. Again in SwamiVivekanda , Jupiter in 9th with
NO planet in Jupitrs Star/Sub. So Jupiter in his Chart strongest to signify 12,3,9 & Lagna)
43. The above are only general guidelines. In practice I have found, though rarely, that
Planets behave very peculiarly- they give result even when in retrograde, or at times even in
the Constellation or Sub of retrograde-Planets. This appears to be in contradiction to KP
Horary principle.! Only if we have some in-sight knowledge about the Astronomical aspect
of Astrology we can understand more fully such phenomena.

44. ASTROLOGY is a continuing/evolving science. THIS is perhaps the reason why

GURUJI himself has invited Scholars of Astrology to study HIS System well and after
more thorough research, further advance HIS System. Thus the K.P. System is NOT A STATIC ONE
where the FINAL CHAPTER has been written.. It is left to the K.P.Scholars & Astrologers to dive
further deep into this K.P. SYSTEM of course, WITHOUT LOSING GRIP ON THE
SUB-LORD, it refers to & means ALL four Sub-Lords, viz, CSBLs, SBL of CSBLs, SBLs of
Directional Lords (Dasa / Bhukti / Antra-Lords) & Subs in which Directional-Lords& Moon
transit at the moment of fructification..
45. Apart from what I have given above as guidelines there are a few more hurdles that are to be
crossed before one can come into grips of handling a Horary Chart. These can be understood
only by handling a Horary Chart, examine it thoroughly, give the prediction and find out whether the
prediction given has come true atleast upto the date, if not check where a mistake has been
committed or which principles have not been followed resulting in the wrong prediction, gain
experience and finally apply this GREAT THEORY.. Lot of learning of both theory & application is
required. I am still learning too...
Main House to be
Judged from
OTHER HOUSES to be considered.
Relevant Lagna
11,7&2.-Vens may replace7th. 6,12,10,4 separation
11,5&2.for getting.- 4,12,10,1 for denial of progeny
11,1,5, for cure. 6,8,12,Bhadk for further


Matter of the Query


Will I get progeny

Cure from disease

Receiving scholarship



Foreign travel
Success in Negotiation
Success in PhD
Love marriage



Promotion in service


Return from foreign trip

Recovery of money lost
Will surgery CURE

2, 4, & atleast one of 11 or 6.

12,9 &3. for going abroad.. 4,11, 8,& 2, for return

11,9,&3 ,.
3,9,8,12 for failure in negotiation
4,9 &11.for success..
3,8,12,5,10 for failure
7(Vens),11,5 & often 2 too.. 6,4,12,10,8 for failure
1,3,9 &7, with either Jupiter or Mercury
6,10,2,11.-11th is a must for promotion& big
11,8,4 &2
6,11,&12, wherein 6&11 should be stronger.
8 , Sun,Mars 11,1,&5.- If connected to 6,12,8 will result in failure

The main house Cuspal Sub-Lord should be related to the other 2 or 3 related houses or
CSBLs of other related houses, or often to 11th house.
First house is house of overall well being. 8th/3rd houses are the houses of longevity. If these
houses, especially 3rd, &/or Lagna, are connected mainly with badhaka (obstructing&
death)-house,&/or also the house of departure(Moksha)-houses, or atleast one of the two
Maraka (death giving) death is indicated. Sixth house is the house of wound, injury and
diseases.. Dur Marana or bad death if 8th (Randhra) is connected to Bhadk/Moksh etc..
Apart from these few Horary Principles almost all other KP principles applied in Natal-chart analyzis, include
relevant CSBLs, & STL/SBL of CSBLs, Rules of significations, STL/SBL of Dasa Bhukti Antra Lords, 3D/4-D effects, are all V.SAME in Horary-analyzis too.. Compiled by SVT .. - 1-5-2015.

Health issues
Love affairs
Expenditure; If Expenditure heavy
or, if loss in gambling;
Litigations/insurance matters
Home, property etc.(buying)
Communication, letters etc
Business/ interview
service/ working for others
fame/ profession/Status
family, wealth

- 1, 6, 8
- 2, 11, 6, 10
- 5, 11, Jupiter, 2
- 5, 7, 11, mainly. Venus may compliment 7th
- 9, 12, 5, 1
- 12, mainly & then 8
-12, 8, 5
- 8, 12
- 3, 11
- 4, 9, 12, 8 & 6 or 11
- 4, 9, 11, Mercury / Jupiter add strength
- 3, 11
- 7 with 11 as usual for success
- 10
- 7, Venus would compliment / supplement
- 6, Venus

These are some of the preliminary rules of KP system of astrology which can be used by a
beginner to make elementary predictions. These RULES re: Four-Bhava conjoined
significations, also called 4-D-Packages, are equally applicable for both Natal-ChartAnalysis as well as in Horary analysis.. In fact most KP Rules, except the differences listed
above, are equally applicable in both Natal & Horary.

1st House & 1st CSBL:

1. Longevity: If sub lord of the ascendant cusp (1st CSBL) signifies Bhadak, Moksh & marak
houses, (mainly Bhadkastan), short life.. Signification of more the number of these Bhavas,
shorter the life
If it signifies Bhavas 1, 5, 9, 10 along with 3 &/or 8, promised long life. If significatr of 3rd
Bhava also signifies Bhadk &/or Moksh, then short lifeA caution is necessary here. If the
sub lord of the ascendant signifies 11 and ascendant falls in a movable sign, life is short, if it
falls in a fixed sign and signifies 9th Bhava, life is short.
2. Sickly native: If the sublord of the lagna cusp is in the constellation or even in Sub of
planet in 6th, one will be sickly. The period of sickness whenever the significators of 1 and
6 operates.
2. A. Accident:

If ascendant Sub lord, signifies both Lagna & 8th, then indication of

3. If the ascendant Sub lord of a girl (mostly in the case of boys too) is full significator of
11th & / or Lagna, &/or 9th, and well connected to Jupiter- by being 1st CSBL &/or its STL,

especially if Jupiter occupies Bhava 11,1,5,9 etc, & more so if Jupiter gives good Trinal /
Sextile aspect to Lagna/7th & 11th Cusps, she(he too), is really chaste and chastity is
maintained by her.
4. If the sublord of the ascendant is connected fully to Saturn, Mars and/or Venus and 5 and
11 sub lords (CSBLs) connected to any of these planets only, one will be debauch, even to
the extent of committing incest.. Ketu connection to the relevant Cuspal-Sub-Lord, is for
5. Sub lord of the 1st cusp indicates the general health of the native and also of the general
condition of the head.
6. The sublord of the ascendant is in the constellation of planet who is posited in
Marakasthana & Bhadhakasthana, Mokshstana, the life is very short.
7. Sub lord of the ascendant tells ones physical features in terms of its connection with the
signs and combination with other planets.
8. Fame of a person is known through the 1st cusp Sublord connected to 10th Bhava through
9. Will I commit murder: the sub lord of the querists ascendant is deposited in the
constellation of planet which is significator of the victims bhadhakasthana & or
marakashthana & or 8th house and also the significator of querists 2nd house, then he
commits murder.
10. To lead a spiritual life, the sub lord of ascendant being Ketu, deposited in the
constellation of planet in 9th the and Ketu in some manner connected to Saturn and 12th, if
he has Venus well connected to Mars, he will lead a family life and spiritual life without
taking sanyasa margam, (kethu gnanakaraka, 9th house for philosophy and higher knowledge,
12th for service to others). Jupiter in 9th, well connected to 9, 1, 5 & Ketu connected to such
Jupiter also indicates spiritual life
11. In the question of the missing person, if the sublord of the 1st cusp signifies Bhavas
2,8,11, he is sure to return in the period of the significators of 2, 8 & 11 (often 4th too besides
11th), as is the case being consulted by the kith and kin of the missing one.
12. If the Sub lord of the ascendant (means 1st CSBL) is deposited in the constellation of the
planet occupying houses 1 & 11, health is generally very good.
13. A woman can be a witch only when the sub lord of ascendant is in a fiery sign having
strong connection with all the three evil houses, i.e. 6 and 8 and 12 & also along with Saturn
and Mars or Ketu, connected in some way or the other-(meaning by itself or thruits


14. Lagna, denotes mental disposition and changes in individual life; if the sublord of lagna
happpens to be kethu who is moksha karaka as well as gnanakaraka and situated in the star of
a planet in 12 and connected 9 through sub or some other manner, the natives mental
disposition will be poised towards mokshasthana

2nd House & 2nd CSBL:

1. Re: Speaking truth: If Sub lord of the 2nd cusp is

untruth and mischievous

hides some news, hides mainly important news.
detailed information, often with double meaning or with jokes.
peace maker
noble, never lies
truth only & to the point.

2. If the Sub lord of the 2 cusp is Mars or in the star of Mars spend thrift, Saturn =
economical and stead fastness.
3. To cheat another: sub lord of the 2 cusp should be deposited in the star of the significator
of 6 and 10, and both Saturn and Mercury connected to the CuspalSub lord in some manner.
4. If the sub lord of the 2 cusp is either Ketu or Rahu and found in a mute sign, there is defect
in speech, more so if it signifies 12,8,6 etc.,& cusp also to be formed in the star of planet
owning mute sign..
5. 2nd cusp indicates finance, family, marriage and kutumbham, childbirth and maraca
(death) to native & also danger to Partner as 2nd is 8th to 7th.
If the Sub lord of the 2 cusp (2nd CSBL) signifies 5 and 11, predict child birth, if 7 and 11
predict marriage, if 6 only borrowing money and incoming debt, if 7 only finance through
public contacts, 6 and 11 success in litigation or getting promotion in service, 6 and 1
borrowing money due to ill health, 7 and 10 lucrative income through business, 7 and
bhadaka house death.
6. If the Sub lord of the 2 cusp is well connected to 7, then second marriage, if connected
only to 11th house, one will have a keep as (7 house shows legal bondage where as 11
indicates attachment and friendship only).
7. The Sub lord of the 2 cusp is well connected to 12 defect in eye can be envisaged in
8. The Sub lord of the 2nd cusp is the constellation of a depositor of 6 and 11 shows very good
financial status; In houses 2 & 10, moderate affluence;. In houses 1 & 3 just satisfactory
financial condition Improving houses (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11) are favourable from the
financial point of view

9. If the sublord of the 2nd cusp be connected in any manner with the 11th house & to an
extent if 11th CSBL signfies 2nd bhava, then one may have connection with anothers wife
other than his legal partner, provided 5th Bhava is connected with 2 (otherwise it tells about
using another mans property) Houses 2, 5 and 11 should be considered for periods and
timing the event...
10. If the sub lord of the 2 cusp & 1st Cusp are Jupiter and signifies 11th, 2nd & 10th houses,
whatever he speaks is true and will come to pass, (vaksiddha).
11. If Mars happens to be the sub lord of the 2 cusp he is argumentative and authoritative, if it
signifies 8 it portends quarrelsome nature in speech.
12. If the Sub lord of the 2 cusp is Venus and signifies 11 or 5 one will connect sex in speech
invariably in all matters.
13. If the sub lord of the 2 cusp is Saturn, one will use hide and seek and juggler of words,
while speaking even though the matter is genuine and good one.
14. If the sub lord of the 2 cusp is connected 2 and 12 one will get money through behind the
screen matters (in secret manner)..

3rd house:
1. Getting a telephone houses 3, 9 and 11 Sub lords of the 3 cusp signifying 3 and 11.
2. Disposal of the produced goods: Sub lord of the 3rd cusp signifying 3, 2 and 11 will fetch
profit, 3 and 12 houses means loss; 3, 8 & 12 or 3, 5 & 12, means big loss.
3. Lottery: houses 3, 8, 11 & 2, to be signified by the Sub-lord of the 3rd cusp (timing
through the significators of 2, 6 and 11 connected to 3 house in any manner).
4. Rumour: If Sub lord of the 3 cusp is in the star of Saturn, it is false, if Mars mischievous
or offensive, If Jupiter true, I like to advise the students of Krishnamurti Paddhati to look
in to the scholarly article of Pt. K.R. Kar in September 1980 issue of Astrology and Athrishta
on page 18, under analysis, he had given a fine interpretation of planets, regarding rumour or
information when connected to 3 cusp, in terms of tamo-guna, rajo-guna and satwa-guna.
5. Boldness top undertake job: if the Sub lord of the 3rd cusp is the significator of 10 or 11
or 2 or Lagna, one will surely undertake and come out successful..
6. If the Sub lord of the 3 cusp (means 3rd CSBL) is Mars, one will never be contented, if
Jupiter legitimate and reasonable ambition, if Mercury dual ambition, if Saturn no content
at all.
7. If 3rd cusp sub lord is connected to 3 and 11, negotiation will be successful


8. If the Sub lord of the 3rd cusp is Jupiter, Sun, Mars, or Venus, one has courage &
confidence to compete any competitive examinationIf 3rd CSBL signifies Lagna & or 10th,
especially if connected to Mars / Jupiter, or even Sun, one wd always courageous Houses
4, 9 and 11 should be judged for timing event and success and for departmental examinations
and also interviews include 6 and 10.
9. If the sub lord of the 3rd cusp signifies 11 and also connected to mercury and Jupiter, one
has journalistic capacities.
10. If the Sub lord of the 3rd cusp (means 3rd CSBL), signifying 3 and 11 tells receipt of
letter,- both 3 and 11 houses to be judged and Moon progressed for timing the event.
11. If the Sub lord to the 3rd, cusp is deposited in the constellation/Sub of the significators of
6 and 11, there will be success in appeal on petition request in courts.
12. If the Sub lord of the 3rd cusp is the full significator of 1st Bhava, more so if such CSBL /
its STL is Mars, he is daring a person.
13. Negotiation: if the negotiation is for marriage the 7th cusp has to be judged apart from
3 and 9. If it is for business 10 and 6, have to be judged in addition to 3 and 9. For getting
living accommodation 4th house also needs consideration, apart from 3 and 9 if houses 3 and
9 signify 11th it is successful and if on the contrary connected 12th, indicates failure, so the
sub lord of the 3rd cusp is in the constellation of a planet in 3 or 9 and also signify 11, the
negotiation is successful. The significators of 3, 9 and 11 will mark the time of fructification.
14. If the 3rd cusp sub lord gets the signification of 10th house, one will possess a warriors
15. If the sublord of the 3rd cusp signifying 12 house duly well connected to Mars/ Ketu,
dumb--Mute- sign, one should predict defective hearing.

4th house:
1. Discharge from hospital: houses 4, 11, and 2 by Sub lord of the 4th cusp.
2. Construction of house: houses 4, 9, 12 and 11, by sub lord of the 4th cusp.
3. Will a particular child go in adoption if the 4th cusp sub lord of the child is deposited in a
dual sign or if the sub lord itself is Mercury and if the sub lord is a significator of 8th house
(house for legacy). The child is given in adoption. The conjoining period of the significators
of 4 and 8, houses of the child to be considered for timing the event.
4. Any treasure in my building, if the sub a lord of the 4th cusp is deposited in the
constellation of planets 2, 6 and 11 you will have treasure. The lord of the constellation must
have some connection with Saturn in direct motion.


5. The house under query is a haunted one, if the sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 3 or 9 and
in any manner connected with Saturn and mars, Uranus and Neptune.
6. If the Sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 8 or 12 or 4, you will marry a career girl.
7. When will he reach home?? If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is in the constellation of a
planet signifying 11. And in a movable sign, we will reach home soon. If fixed sign long
duration, if common sign undue delay.
8. Medical examination physical): if the sub lord of the 4th cusp is a significator of 10 house
and well connected to 11th you will appear for medical examination and come out successful
9. Release from jail: Sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 2, 4 and 11; release will be in
conjoining period of 4, 11, & 2 (means Dasa Bhukti Antra too signify Bhavas 4, 11 & 2)
10. Domestic environments are shown through the sub lord of the 4th cusp.Check GrahTatva
11. Sub lord of the 4th cusp is in the constellation of Mercury or Jupiter, promises education
and planets signifying 4, 9 and 11 give education in the periods and is to be judged from the
sub lords of the cusps of 9 and 11 also. The sub lord of the 9th cusp throws light on higher
studies and research.
12. 4th cusp represents the educational institution (college). So the sub lord of the 4th cusp if
posited in the Star of planets signifying 4 and 11, admission into the institution (college) is
13. Sub-lord of the 4thCusp signifying 8, 3 & 12 causes breaks in education or no education
in certain cases. If the current Bhukti Lord signfis 8,3,12 But next Bhukti signifs 4, 11, 9,
only / merely a break
14. To sell a house, the Sub lord of the 10th cusp signifies 3 and 10 (Mars should have some
relevance with 10th). Houses 3, 5 and 10 to be judged for selling and 3 and 12 for giving
Note: 4th represents immovable property (land, building etc) Mars is the karaka for such
properties. The purchaser is represented by the 7th cusp of the chart and his acquisition of
property is denoted by the 4th from 7th i.e. 10th. Whether any party would purchase the
Querents property (i.e. Whether the querent will be able to sell the property) is therefore to
be judged from 10th cusp of the natives chart. The Querents property is denoted by the 4th
cusp and his parting with it by the 3rd house (which is 12 from 4). Thus some party would
purchase only if the sub lord of the 10th cusp is a significator of 3rd and 10th. The 5th house
is also relevant to the matter as it is the 11th house from the 7th representing purchaser.
15. House: if the Sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 4, 11and 12 one will construct a house
and Mars also should come into the picture for immovable properties and buildings and
Saturn for construction. 11th fulfilment of desires and 12th for investment of money.

Note: as the purchased house is not a new building, 6 and 9 Bhavas are also to be judged
because, 6th is 12th for the 7th which stands for the person who sells and the 9th is 12th to
4th of the 7th.
16. Transfer in service: the Sub lord of the 4th / 10th cusps signify 3, 10 and 12 and the
conjoint period of these houses operate transfer is effected If 4th cusp sub lord signifies
4th house and if there is a transfer order issued, it will get cancelled if the 11th cusp sub lord
signifies 1, 2, 4, 10 and 11 and he will be retained if these significators operate.
17. If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is in the star of a planet signifying 3 and 12, change in
residence cannot be ruled out.
18. To ascertain the outcome of an examination one has to look the sub lord of the 4th cusp.
The same should be connected to the 11th house and at the same time should have no
connection with the 3rd which is negation to the 4th house matters. Then he will be
19. If the 4th cusp sublord is Venus itself and connected to any of the improving houses in
movable signs, one will have vehicles and vehicular comforts, if in fixed signs furniture and
if in common signs rocking chair like articles, giving bodily comforts.

5th house:
1. Child birth: houses 5, 11 & 2 5th CSBL & directional Lords signifying 5, 11 & 2.
2. Children denied: if the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies 1, 4 and 10 one can never have a
3. Playing cards or bet in a race course: if the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies 6 and 11, wins
most satisfactory 2 and 10, moderate gain 1 and 3 in significant gain 12 and 5 loss.
Note: there are broadly two types of speculative gains.
1. Lottery, prize bonds etc. (3rd House connection)
2. Horse racing, cards, share market etc (5th house connection)
In Krishnamurti Paddhati, it has been stated that the improving houses i.e. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 & 11,
to put them in sequence, 11, 6, 2, 10, 1 & 3, whenever receiving favourable aspects,
promises victory over enemies, win in competition, success in litigation, gain in lottery,
games etc. Etc.
It is also said that the 3rd house denotes gain in lottery, prize bond, where as the 5th house,
horse- racing, cards, share market etc. Provided the significators of all three Bhavas, ie. 2, 6
and 11 has connection with 3rd or 5th house, as the case may be It is imperative that
whenever judgment for horse racing, cards etc is to be made one is to take only the planets
that have connection with the 5th house, but never take the planets or significators (specially

the sub portion) which signify the 5th house matter as 5th is the 11th for 7th house i.e. Gain to
opponent, meaning loss to native.. Only when significator of 5th, signifies Bhavas 11, 6, 2
more strongly (especially thru Sub level) than signifying 5th, there will be PROFIT/Success..
Similarly for Lottery success, significators of 3&8, should signify 11, 2, 6 much more
strongly than signifying 3&8..- Much more stronger signification asper KP rules of
signification, means thru Star or Sub level than the occupant/Lord of planet. If it is a Node
it also relates to its Conjunction/SGLAlso only planets like Jupiter Moon Venus should be
in 2nd house.
4. Will invalid child pick up health, if the querent is the parent, take the cusp of the 5th house
as the ascendant of the child and if the Sub lord of the 5th house (ascendant of child) is the
significator of 3, 5 & 9 (meaning 11, Lagna & 5th counted from 5th), the child will pick up
health, if it signified 10th (meaning 6th from 5th), and connected to Saturn also in any manner,
the child will not recover.
5. If the lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the constellation of a planet situated in 1st house
which may be either Leo or Aquarius one has musical talent.
6. If the Sub lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the constellation of 5, 6 and 10 and in any
manner connected to Venus, one becomes a popular actor.
7. If the Sub lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the constellation/Sub of a planet signifying 7
and 11, materialisation of love affair into marriage is definite. If in the constellation
connected to 6 and 12 it will not materialize.
8. Ones prestige is lost as debauch, if the 5th cusp sub lord signifies 10 and 12.
9. Ones property is lost if the Sub lord of the 5th cusp is a significator of 4 and also 12,
through debauchery.
10. Cash is lost if the 5th cusp Sub lord signifies 2 and 12 through debauchery.
11. Initiation, of mantras and siddhi, if the 5th cusp sub lord is connected to 11th and Saturn
in some manner connected (Saturn is the planet for renunciation and tapas).
12. The Sub lord of the 5th cusp signifying 5 or 7 , more so if both 5 & 7 and being
connected with Venus / Jupiter, the karaka of music shows proficiency in music (5th house is
for music and 7th for fine arts).
13. Speculation: if the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies 2, 6, 5 and 11 one gains in
14. By examining the sub lord of the 5th cusp, and Venus, a love- affairs, sexual pleasure; the
degree of success or failure achieved in love-affairs, courtship and licentiousness etc. can be


15. If the 5th cusp sub lord stays in the constellation of a planet deposited in 11th and also
signifies 10th one becomes a statesman.
16. Attaining puberty: the 5th cusp sub lord should be the significator of 5th or 8th or both
and Mars also should be well connected to 5th or 8th in any manner since Mars represents
blood in the body. For fructification consider 2, 5 and 11th house and their conjoining period
for timing the event.

6th House:
1. Over draft facility: sub lord of the 6th cusp signifying 2, 6 and 11 and in the conjoining
period of these significators.
2. Illness: houses 6, 8, Bhadk, Lagna, and/or 12 .
Sub lord of the 6th cusp signifying any of the above houses & more so if all the above
In the conjoining period of Ascendant (Tanu) & 6th house signification, sickness is there, 12
is connected hospitalization is there, 8 tells seriousness of the disease and danger to life can
be envisaged & only if Bhadk & Moksh (12) are connected, especially thru STL/SBL, death
occurs per KP.
3. Promotion / increment: sub lord of the 6 and 10 cusps, in the conjoining period of 2, 6
and 11.
4. Getting a tenant: Sub lord of the 6th cusp, in the conjoining period of 4, 6, 2 and 11.
5. For reappointment in service, the sub lord of the 6th cusp should signify 6 or 10 or 2 and if
signifies 1, 5, 9 or 12 no reappointment.
6. In exchange business, if the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies 6 and 11 in the conjoind
period of 6, 11, 2 you gain and if 5th CSBL & directional Lords signify 5 and 12 you stand to
7. If the sub lord of the 6th cusp signifies 2, 6 and 11, there is receipt of money as one
8. To get donation, see the sub lord of the 6th cusp signifies 2 or 6 or 11.
9. To get back entangled money, the sub lord of the 6th cusp should signify 2, 6 and 11, and
should have nothing to do with Saturn.
10. If the sub lord of the 6th cusp signifies 1, 6, 3 and 11 success in litigation is promised.
11. The sub lord of the 6th cusp reveals the type of disease in terms of its placements in the
birth chart or horary chart and it is seen through the sign lord, star lord.

12. The Sub-lord of the 6thCusp is in the 12th from Lagna& becomes strong significator of
6th too the native will definitely suffer from incurable disease. If 8thCSBL signifies Bhadk, 6th
& 12th, Last disease
13. When will the tenant vacate? 6th house indicates tenant, 4th and 11th counted there from
(10, 4) denote occupation of your house. If he is to vacate the 3rd from 6th, ie, 8th should
operate. So the significator of 8th (3rd from 6th) should be connected with 6th, hence during
the conjoining period of the significator of 6 and 8 he vacates.
14. To get a loan: Sub lord of the 6th cusp should not be in retrograde motion or in the
constellation of a planet in retrograde status, and also have some connection with the houses
2 or 6 or 11.
15. In general if the sub lord of the 6th cusp gets a good signification in a horoscope i.e.
Connected to improving houses (1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11, specially 11, 10, 6, 2, 3, 1 in this prder)
he will be a man of success in all theatres of life while dealing with others.
16. Pet animals and about maternal uncle, one can read through the sub lord of the 6th cusp if
connected to (signifies) the improving houses, benefit through them can be enjoyed, if
connected to 8, 12, 5, loss and trouble from these sources.

7th house:
1. Marriage: If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 7, 11 & 2 and with unafflicted Venus,
marriage is promised and the same fructifies in the conjoined period of the significators of 7,
11 & 2. At times Venus can compliment or even supplement 7th house effect.
2. Marriage stopped: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp is the significator of 6, 10, 12, 8,
marriage will not take place with the party in question, position of Venus also to be looked
3. If the Sub lord of the 7th cusp is in the constellation of a planet signifying 6 and also 11,
you can have a partner in business. If signifies 6 & 12, partnership will break. If signifies 5
& 11, permanent tie with partner. If signifies 5, 8 and 12, partner will be benefited and you
stand to lose much.
4. If the Sub lord of the 7th cusp is the significator of 7, 8, 12 and 5, opponent is very
powerful in all walks of life.
5. If the Sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 7, 11 & 2 and the girl born with such ruling planets
(as are the significators of 2, 7 and 11) you can marry rich girl for harmonious married life. If
1, 6 and 10 she will not come under marriage fold.
6. Will marriage take place between two persons?: If the Lagna that rises as per the
number given by querent within 249, Moon is posited at the time of the query in any of the
houses 3, 5, 7, 10 or 11, and it received beneficial aspect from Jupiter with benefic

signification in the chart, marriage will surely take place between them and if Saturn comes,
there will be some delay and no denial.
7. If the Sub lord of the 7th cusp is either Venus or Jupiter and signifies both 2 and 11, very
happy marital life.
8. If the 7th cusp Sub lord is Sun no pleasure, if Moon very pleasant, Mars silly quarrels
and displeasure, Mercury enjoys more than once, Jupiter pleasant, Venus extreme
pleasure, & 64 leelas, if Saturn dissatisfaction in intercourse and intercourse duration short.
If Ketu infrequent, or even aberration if Ketu represents Mars/Saturn.
9. If the 7th cusp sub lord is Saturn, aged husband i.e. Difference is very much, Jupiter,
Venus and Sun proper difference in age, Moon, Mars or Mercury difference is very little
and at times husband will be younger. Rahu and Ketu, in terms of Rasi lords. But Ketu for
aberration too.
10. If the 7th cusp Sub lord in the constellation of a planet signifying 4 and 10, one living in
the same house or village. 3rd partner may be cousin or a neighbour; Ascendant in the
same town 11th from the friends family; 5th - love marriage, & 9th foreigner.
11. 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury or any planet occupying dual sign, more than one wife , if
the same sub lord signified 2 and 11 & if 2nd CSBL signifies 7th..
12. If you want to know your future from an astrologer, the 7th cusp denoted the astrologer. If
the sub lord of the 7th cusp is a fast moving planet, he will predict immediately, slow moving
planet, there will be delay in analysis of the problem.
13. Theft: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury, thief is very young, Venus youthful
and young female, Mars full of age, Jupiter middle age, Saturn elderly person, Sun
young and re. sex see the sub lord in terms of the planets sex.
14. Partner in business is shown by 7th cusp. If the sub lord is Mercury tells more than one
partner and if signifies 11th strong tie of partnership and if will connected to Venus through
sub, cordial relationship are promised.
15. To find out if one will die of murder: the sub lord of the 7th cusp is deposited in the
Star of a planet which is the significator of Badhaka & also either marakashthana or
Mokshastan in terms of the 1st cusp, and also 8th house. The person murdered represents the
1st cusp.

8th house:
1. If the Sub lord of the 8th cusp signifies 5, 6, 8 and 12, he will be borrowing from
2. If the Sub lord of the 8th cusp signifies 2, 10 or 11, he returns the borrowed money.

3. If the Sub lord of the 8th cusp mainly signifies 6 and 11, you receive cheque and he loses.
4. If the Sub lord of the 8th cusp deposited in the star of a planet signifying Badhaka, Maraka
or Moksha houses and also 8th house& Lagna, and more connected to Mars, suicidal death is
to be predicted.
5. Nature of death: Sub lord of the 8th cusp and its connection to other houses through star
and elements to be considered (4 elements fiery, earthy, airy and watery).
6. While 6th cusp Sub lord tells about the nature of the disease, that of 8th tells about danger,
last disease and fatality is finally told.
7. Death by suicide: the Sub lord of the 8th cusp must be deposited in the constellation of a
planet signifying either bhadhakasthana or mokshthana and moreover of the 8th house,
further the lord of the constellation must have some connection with Lagna& Mars, karaka of
unnatural death.
8. Accident can happen only when the Sub lord of the 8th cusp is deposited in the
constellation of a planet signifying 8th house and it happens in the conjoined period of the
significators of 1 and 8. It will be fatal only if the sub lord of the 8th cusp is in the
constellation of the significator mainly of Badhakastan, Mokshastan, or atleast
9. Surgery too is denoted by the 8th house. For one to undergo surgery (operation), the Sub
lord of the 8th cusp should be well connected with 6th (house of sickness), 8th (the house of
surgery) &/or 12th (house that indicates hospitalization, confinement to bed) too. The same
Sub lord &also Dasa / Bhukti Lord should also in some manner be connected to Mars, karaka
for knives (surgery). Operation takes place in conjoint period of 6th, 8th & 12th houses. Cure
wd only occur if Dasa Bhukt Antra Sookshm-Lords, especially last three & also 8th CSBL/
8thoccupant, are strong significatrs of Bhavas 11, 1,& 5.

9th house:
1. Longevity of father: houses 3 and 10th and Bhadhakasthana reckoned in terms of 9th
being movable, fixed and common signs. Sub lord of the 9th cusp signifying other than the
above housed i.e. 9, 11, 1, 6 for long life of the father.
2. 9th cusp Sub lord signifying 1 and 11, paternal properties are sure.
3. 9th cusp Sub lord connected to 3, 9 and 10 indicates pilgrimage and journey to holy places.
4. Who is an astrologer: if the Sub lord of the 9th cusp is deposited in the star of planets
signifying 2, 9 and 11, one can become successful astrologer, Jupiter and Moon should be
connected to 9 and 12.


10th house:
1. Employment: houses 10, 6, 2 and 11; Sub lord of the 10th cusp too to be examined.
2. Promotion: houses 2, 6, 10 and 11..: Sub lord of 10 and 6.
3. Pilgrimage: houses 3, 9 and 10 by Sub lord of 10th cusp.
4. Disposal of immovable property: houses 3, 5and 10. Sub of 10th Cusp signifying 3, 5
and 10.
5. Income tax trouble: houses 7, 8 and 12 by Sub lord of the 10th cusp.
6. If the 10th cusp Sub lord signifies 7 his profession (main) is business, and if signifies 6,
profession is service.
7. For reinstatement in service, the sub lord of the 10th cusp signifies 2, 6 and 10, and will
never be reinstated if signifies 1, 5, 9 and 12.
8. For one to earn by self exertion, the sub lord of the 10th cusp should be significator of 2
(the house of self acquisition) or 10 (the house of profession). If the sub lord of 10th
connected with a dual sign and with both 6 and 7, one will earn by service as well as business
and so on.
9. Politics: the sub lord of the 10th cusp should signify 1, 6, 9, 10 and 11 and planets Jupiter,
Mercury, Mars, Venus and Saturn also should have connection to 10th.
For Jupiter celestial chief minister;

for Mercury messenger of god; two portfolios;

For Mars commander in chief; Army job;.. for Saturn position of trust for some time;
For ascendant denotes success;

for 6th defeat of opponents

For 9th general fortune;

for 10th honour and popularity

For 11th ambition achieved.

10. If the 10th cusp Sub lord is Saturn and signifies 11th house, one will earn money through
illegal ways.
11. If the 10th cusp Sub lord is total significator of 7th house and in no way it has connection
with any other house he will be a man of public activities without any material happiness or


11th house:
1. Reunion with the husband: house 7, 11 & 2. SubLord of the 11th cusp signifying 2, 7
and 11, fructification in the conjoining period of significators of 7, 11 & 2.
2. Recovery of the lost property: Sub lord of the 11the cusp signifying houses 2, 6 and 11
and fructification in their conjoint period.
3. Return of the missing person: Sub lord of the 11th cusp signifying 2, 4, 6 and 11 & NOT
12 or 8. In the conjoining period of the significators of 2, 8 and 11.
4. Will I tap water: if Sub lord of the 11thCusp is deposited in constellation of a planet in a
watery sign you will tap water. If in a barren sign, can not tap water. The planet should NOT
be Saturn/Ketu.
5. If the Sub lord of the 11th cusp signifies 1 and 2, and also 11, one has success in any
enterprise he undertakes and there is fulfillment of his desires.
6. If the Sub lord of the 11th cusp is in the 12th bhava or connected in any manner to 12th
and also connected to 9 and 11 it shows his success in his attempts to do research and the sub
lords placement in 12, indicated doing so in a foreign country.
7. If SubLord of 11th Cusp in the constellation of significators of 4& 9 and in some way
connected to Jupiter, PhD is got, if the same sub lord is in a movable sign, he will become
PhD very early.
8. For winning election, the Sub lord of the 11th cusp should signify 10, 11, 6 & 1 and for
failure 5, 8 and 12.
For no: of seats in an election, fortuna is to be looked into.
9. For prosperity of an institution, the Sub lord of 11th cusp signifies 6 & 10, prosperity is
10. Sub lord of the 11th cusp signifying atleast two out of houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11, will
have friends who will be helpful and beneficial.
11. Interview: if the sub lord of the 11th cusp is direct and signifies 3 and 9, interview is
successful, in the conjoining period of 3 and 9.
12. Childs return from school: this is strictly worked out on number given by the mother of
the child. If the Sub lord of 11th Cusp signifies 5 and 11, child will return when the
transitting Lagna degree touches the 5 and 11 significators.
13. If the sub lord of the 11, cusp signifies 2, 6 and 11, in all cases of theft, lost property will
be recovered, if the significators of 2, 6 and 11 agrees with the rulling planets.


14. Marital life is indicated by the sub lord of the 7th cusp, but the nature of marital life is
assessed through the Sub lord of the 11th cusp only.
15. To get party ticket for assembly election: 11 cusp sub lord should be the significator of
3rd, being the house for agreement or permission to go ahead with the election.
16. The 11th cusp sub lord signifying 5, 10 and 11 shows siddhi following initiation. 5th
shows manthra, 10th tells regular practice and 11th points to achievement.
17. If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is a significator of houses 7, 11, 2, 5 in this order, perfect
harmony and happy matrimonial life is indicated. More the number of these four houses the
18. If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is a significator of 6 and 12, there is no cure or recovery
from illness. if the same sub lord signifies 5 and 11, recovery from illness is promised..
19. If the Sub Lord of 11th Cusp strongly signfies 2nd Bhava & to an extent 5th too, he (she)
will have a few sex pertners, & if connected to Mercury/ & Mithuna etc, very many sex

12th house & (12th CSBL):

1. Foreign trip: Conjoined signification of houses 9, 12 & 3. Sub lord of the 12th cusp
should signify 9, 3 or 12 (3 shows leaving home and home land, 9th shows long journey, 12th
tells new atmosphere and environment).
2. Loss of reputation: sub lord of the 12th cusp signifying 8th and 12th, and happens in the
conjoining period of the significators of 8 and 12.
3. If the sub lord of the 12th cusp is a significator of 3 or 9 or 12 and also a strong significator
of 6th, trip is for Job & there is foreign assignment if it signifies 6&10.
4. If the Sub lord of the 12th cusp signifies 8, 12, 3 & 2 and Rahu also well connected to the
Sub lord, imprisonment is indicated (preferably Rahu be the Sub lord it self or STL of or the
12th CSBL /STL of DasaLord shd be Rahu, and signify 3, 8 and 12).
2nd Bhava: if afflicted separation from family.
3rd Bhava: leaving home and residence
8th Bhava: restriction in movements.
12th Bhava: confinement within 4 walls and life in entirely different surroundings.
5. If the sub lord of the 12th cusp is a natural benefic, like Jupiter / Venus, and signifies 2, 6
and 11, one is lucky in all and there will be more return within expenses.
6. The defects are shown by the Sub lord of the 12th cusp. For a native to have a defect, the
Sub lord of the 12th cusp should be a significator of one of the evil houses 6, 8 and 12,

preferably 8th. The nature of the Sub lord of the 12th cusp and bhava(s), it signifies throw
light on the part of the body affected.
7. If the Sub lord of the 12th cusp signifies 6, 8 and 12 and some way connected to 2nd
house, major defect to left eye is shown.
Simply put Ruling planets are the planets which rule over the particular moment of judgment
(in the case of horary/Prasna), birth (in the case of natal chart), or whatever the issue maybe.
They are the strongest determinants of the moment. According to Krishnamurti they are:
Lagna star lord; Lagna lord; Moon star lord; Moon sign lord; and Weekday lord;
Later his students/researchers also added the Lagna Sublord and Moon Sublord. -In
practice the ascendant Sublord works very well. I use the Moon sublord as a contender only if
it is already among the first six ruling planets, only to eliminate the weaker ones, if too many
planets appear in the list of ruling planets. If Rahu or Ketu occupy a sign whose lord (ruler)
owns another sign, and only if that planet happens to be a ruling planet, the node should also
be taken as a ruling planet.
After drawing a list of the ruling planets we can eliminate some as follows.
Planets deposited in the nakshatra or Sub of a retrograde planet have to be rejected. But
planets which are retrograde pose no problem, ONLY those IN THE CONSTELLATION of
a retrograde planet will be rejected.
Two points are to be remembered.
1. The fructification of the event will occur only when the transiting planet (transits of DasaBhukti-Antra Lords & transit Moon too) transit such points in the zodiac ruled by these
planets. If the result is expected on the same day, the transit-Lagna will transit this point. If it
is in days, move the Moon to this point, if it is expected to happen in months, move Sun, and
finally if it is expected in years, Jupiter will transit a point in the zodiac whose sign lord,
nakshatra lord and sublord are ruled by the ruling planets.
2. Even if you have three strongest ruling planets, you have 3 points in the zodiac ruled by the
three planets. If the ascendant at judgment is a movable sign, the earliest one may be
preferred. If it is fixed, the last point.


1st house Always the person who asks the question

2nd house Income, mobile things you own, personal values, own assets
3rd house Communication means and products, transportation means, books, siblings,
4th house land, houses, home, mines
5th house Fun activities, amusement places, children, pregnancy, gamble, love-affair..
6th house Illness or health, small animals, colleagues, servants.
7th house Intimate relationships, spouse, business-partner, persons with whom we deal,
open enemies, opponents
8th house Death, surgeries, sex(with 7,11 per KP)& Sex-organ
9th house Abroad/foreign country, higher studies, publications, religion, spirituality.
10th house Career, boss, public status,
11th house Friends, group activities, success,
12th house Hospitals, prisons, large animals, hidden enemies..
Krishnamurthy gave a list of houses that are involved in determining and examining different
areas/issues in life. I am presenting a tiny sampling here:Health issues
Love affairs;
Love marriage..
Litigations/insurance matters
Home, property etc.- buying;
Selling property
Communication, letters etc
service/working for others
family, wealth

- 1, 6, 8
- 2, 11, 10, 6
- 5, 11..(Jupiter may
supplement/compliment/replace 5th
-5, 7
-7,5,11&2(Venus may
supplement/compliment/replace 7th
- 9, 12,1,Lagna, Jupiter or Mercu or Sun
- 12
- 8, 12
- 3, 11
-4, 8, 12
-10,3, with 2 or 6
- 4, 9, if 11th also joins greater success.. 3&8
for failure
- 3, 11
- 7.; for success in interview 11&10
- 10
- 6, & Venus
- 8, & Nodes of Moon



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