The Flowers of May

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By: Francisco Arcellana


*By the window


Victoria - Franciscos sister who died at a young age.

Pepeng - the father
Mother - Pepengs wife
Narciso - who has became the catholic priest
Juaning and Paking - Franciscos brother
Josefina - died at early infancy
Conception - died at birth



It is May again. It is generally sultry but it has began to rain in

the afternoon and the evenings are dear, the skies are of the
outmost blue, new grass is breaking from the earth everywhere
May time makes him think of churches and how it is inside
churches on May afternoon, father is thinking of my sister, Victoria.
It rained of the afternoon of burial. Victoria has been dead for two
months ago. Victoria died in March. She was almost a young lady
when she died; she was 16.


She was out in the country gathering

flowers for the flower festival when
she was caught by rain while her
father is watching in his office. May
last year was the last May she ever
saw. It was also the last time she ever
participate in the floral rites. She had
been one of the singing flower girls
since she was 6.

Victoria is his fathers first real loss.

Pepengs grief is terrible and deep.
So this is death. So this is what it
means to die. And for the first time
since Victoria died and they buried
her, they learn to accept the fact of
Victorias death finally, they know at
last that Victoria is dead--really and
truly dead.

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