Isle of Wight Full Council Meeting Jan 2016 Agenda
Isle of Wight Full Council Meeting Jan 2016 Agenda
Isle of Wight Full Council Meeting Jan 2016 Agenda
Name of meeting
6.00 PM
Members of the
To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the
Council held on 25 November 2015 (Paper A)
Declarations of Interest
To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the
Details of this and other Council committee meetings can be viewed on the Isle
of Wight Councils website at This
information may be available in alternative formats on request. Please contact
Julie Martin, telephone 821000 for details. Please note the meeting will be
audio recorded and the recording will be placed on the website (except any part
of the meeting from which the press and public are excluded).
Executive Members to present a written report, and answer written and oral
questions on budget or policy:
The Leader and Executive Member for Childrens Services and Lead
Member for Resources (Cllr Jonathan Bacon)
Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Integration,
Human Resources and Corporate Governance (Cllr Steve Stubbings)
Executive Member for Sustainability and Organisational Change
(Cllr Luisa Hillard)
Executive Member for Tourism, Culture and Heritage (Cllr Ian Stephens)
Executive Member for Planning, Licensing, Public Realm and Local
Engagement (Cllr Paul Fuller)
Executive Member for Public Health, Public Protection and PFI
(Cllr Phil Jordan)
Executive Member for Regeneration, Economy and Public Transport
(Cllr Shirley Smart)
That whilst any measures to help first-time buyers are welcome, the
'starter homes' proposals in the Bill will be unaffordable to families and
young people on ordinary incomes in most parts of the country, and
particularly the Isle of Wight; will not preserve the taxpayer investment;
and will be built at the expense of genuinely-affordable homes to rent
and buy.
That the Bill undermines localism by taking 32 new wide and openended powers for the Secretary of State over councils and local
communities, including the ability to override local plans.
That the Bill, whilst introducing some welcome measures to get to grips
with rogue private sector landlords, does not help with the high rents,
poor conditions and insecurity affecting many of England's 11m private
renters including one in four families with children and does nothing
to help arrest the recent rise in homelessness.
Council resolves:
To analyse and report on the likely impact of the extension of right-tobuy, the undermining of Section 106 requirements, and the 'starter
homes' requirement on the local availability of affordable homes.
To analyse and report on any further likely impacts of the Bill on the
local area.
The Isle of Wight Council notes that on December 17th 2015 five
zones of the Isle of Wight considered for oil and gas extraction were
all granted as open for conventional exploration licences and do not
preclude unconventional drilling in the form of fracking.
Strategic Manager for Organisational Change
and Corporate Governance
12 January 2016