Object Oriented Approach

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Data Members
Member Functions

Object 1

Object 2

Object 3

A. Object Oriented Approach

B. An Example

Precedence of Operators

:: (Scope Resolution Operator)

. , ->, [], (), ++ (post- increment), -- (post- decrement), typeid, dynamic_cast, static_cast,
reinterpret_cast, const_cast
~, !, +, - (unary), ++ (pre-increment), -- (pre-decrement), new, delete, & (reference), *
(dereference), sizeof
.* , ->*
*(multiply) , / , %
+, - (binary)
<< , >>
< , > , <= , >=
==, !=
& (bitwise AND)
^ (bitwise XOR)
| (bitwise OR)
&& (Logical AND)
|| (Logical OR)
= , += , -= , *=, /=, %=, <<= , >>= , &=, |= , ^=

These precedence rules can be overridden by using parentheses.

Design phase program:

Design a class hierarchy for Academic Management System of GIMET.

Advance Stage Program:

WAP to copy the contents of one file and convert each character from uppercase to lowercase
and vice versa and copy those contents to the other file.

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