Radio Trails Analysis

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Radio Trails Analysis-Tash Manners

Trail for

Heart FM

Target audience

This radio trailer is aimed at the north west area, Heart's core audiences are
aged between 25-44, however it is listened to by many young people due to
the up to date music they broadcast.

Tone of voice?

The female who introduces this trailer sounds enthusiastic and passionate;
this enthusiasm rubs off on the audience as she sounds excited in what she
talking about, which makes the audience intrigued to find out more. The male
who concludes this clip has a serious and informative tone of voice, this
makes the audience aware that what hes saying is important and worth
listening to.

Sound effects?

No sound effects have been used, however this trailer still grabs the
audiences attention as the music track is so popular and fast paced that it
keeps the audiences attention retained, no sound effects are needed.


None. The track which plays all the way through is enough to grab and retain
the audiences attention.

Use of music?

Track-lady, artist-modjo, this song has been used as its a well-known old
song which is recognizable to a variety of ages; this is needed in a short
advert to retain the audiences attention all the way through.

How many tracks?

1 music track Is used throughout which keeps it simple and easy to follow.

Sound levels?

Music gradually gets louder as presenter says turn it up as an audience we

are seeing exactly what we are hearing. Towards the end of the clip the music
quietens down to allow the male voice over to be heard.


30 seconds

Other notes/common

One common thing I found in all radio trailer adverts is that they all have a
background music track; the majority of these adverts also have a presenter
to introduce and conclude the clip.

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