Descriptive Writing Techniques
Descriptive Writing Techniques
Descriptive Writing Techniques
About descriptions
A good description creates a vivid picture of a person,
place or thing and, sometimes, how the author feels about
it. Often the author will describe what happens or what
something or someone is like as well as expressing their
emotions. To do this they need to create an image, feeling
or emotion in words.
Descriptions are found in many different types of texts:
narratives, reports, persuasive texts, biographies, etc.
The key to a good description is capturing the mood through describing details not
just what you see but what you can hear, smell, taste and touch.
The woman carefully considered her options before jumping nervously into the
Hear: the crunching sound as the crisp apple is bitten in to, chewing, swallowing
Touch: smooth skin of the apple, the sticky drips of juice
Taste: sweet taste of apple
Smell: the soft and subtle smell of the fruit.
When you walk along a bush track you might:
tall, slender trees reaching high up into the sky, leaf-littered track, dappled
Hear: birds chirping, leaves rustling, the incessant scream of cicadas, feet falling
Touch: the rough/smooth bark of the trees, smooth leaves, prickly grass or bushes
Taste: hints of dust, perhaps salty taste of sweat
Smell: heavy smell of eucalyptus, clean country air, sweat, sweet odour of sun
His personality was as scarred and marked as his pock marked face.
Using metaphors
A metaphor is saying something is something else completely different not saying it is
like something completely different.
For example,
Using personification
Personification is giving human qualities to things.
For example,
Using alliteration
Alliteration is using the same initial sound for a string of words
For example,
Some colours are also associated with ideas and emotions. In western society black
is often associated with evil or death and white with purity and weddings. Different
cultures may associate different things with these colours.